HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-10-08, Page 5NV. Clark a
'grill./ Ai* 04'.
4 • a
t el34-41tnItt:f Oar. t
11,1tAttliut 1g ler; ' Mr«itUL
Itiebay4 Ilui"
n and Rind at On.. per yard
754 SgC and ,$.140tP pet yard.k
if!! rillf° 4.",gte,trtZi,istAloftek otio. .
ited tode'scribeitirLdete uplithrg.
ela too ut .• . • „I
etient_ cailtn oversee TOr yoItr,"-usio .441
• -
, you st»ld Uot use tbe best kitchen Ranges
e e day and
ght, delight every, user. Made of
the very best Inatorial and
guaranteed in
every .rest •
f . peat.
ri en sr
t teNysveek 'Lhe. guest
jarv eduesilaY for afew da vist. ,
Atiniverts seivrees twirl be held
In the MetliOdlit clutteli) Creillten•
• Sunday and .Morulay, Oct. 111th
flfl(IE J
will •preach ontikkb1),40. at '11h$ a.
P1init>4. Auction has
'Imstructed johildrtr
by Public
be furnisbetl by thc cjioi'........-
4 A titatt4Orteriltg ktal,COit eac/A 010.100Elt 19O.
service« The annual Concert Will 2be At one O'clock sharp tilt). loIIowinr
how: on., 21,11004. fol. pro viz:
--lowing--oro-expeeteit,t4-.-Atildreo-Aho tiP, -2-00 ear$ Araf riOd
Isfeeting ; .11evs. A. II. Going and S. A. mare ,year's ; X heavy draft
Ilatt of Vent, 1iore 7 Years o old •
04„ niso chorn5e, sobs- and re-
citations by Ale choir, ItieitrUrellt
• and others. 'Doors oven at 1 .1). in.
ebeir taken at 8.p. m. by the Paster
A free_ will. -offering x.11,1 ,he taken at
'4 a.
ttingthe ngin
flasliwo.od.lentil 4
GIicago OI E'ritlriy t.
mL Wben . Ini.ima O ark; 1augI
*'Mr, and Ari. :Tho. 10I4VICr
214 WOO* Wit$ Married :to
E4wn L.iStryker.f. Mr.", and ' (.1IU
trYker are now vUitirtir.gt 'the bo
fatstvillbtohitvtall,*.44it:t11:0:4, .1:41tibx'eti.irrnitintilvli:;opt9.041'00'44
1;it-t:it-kei.'"in ,
jonr.ney: ft li
Rev. 114,j. w ... , .11
per Canada flblc &cet,deli
anb1c. addrtss bete . Veil
e'f-01 e• annuitt-:ilectrotr- ,e
tricers, ';1e0e,...1. U. GL-a.1teing
draft 'filly Old.
-CATT)413., horoUglibred-Ortrixam
bull, two ,years old, bred by Iletrry
Smith i aged thoroughbred ',Dur4.!,
ham oow in thoraug,11,40,,
IIj. 1...young therai1oltbr4g1
• .--Kingslol---sPeot- a- •eouPle. luta ccWhi -, to: :dr�ugb1,rtt_
this hbred (Durham
. Yrniont . , T
tt I 1-0 t r en '`e 0 ,
last ThUrsday. where he .w111 AWOliiit Ing, in icaif .to thorou I buil;
.tor ,Several wee 41* ' ' • 1 grade 'better 3 Oroara old with vett
Mr. and Mrs." J. 'Preeter, of Zur-i at 044er
ittii:r .4PeAt :841itlaY Ilia ittIOSt Olt Xis . 03.-Pl•BlifENTIK Maxwell Under
and Mrs. S. „Drools. • . :Walking plow, irrmt :444 Wood; No..
. . ,gr. Philip dIatioh, of Zurich silent 20; Time • duTrOw Plow.. 1Saple Zeta;
Saturday Wit1;. his ;brother John Gana tolOW (Verity make ; Set
..Maste,r Alfred AVuerth has tecur mood harrows; Noxell -.drill gOOd'It3
n....posttion with Velr, E. BroNvo ea itd•w ; set 'bob sieght ; Ifoavy dumber
prentiee to learn the sheamaking 'Aragon; About 420 tf,eilar pOstS Ott
• The.,„.tanual.,,,,k,no„ tuu
aionary society, 1)as1wood, branch of
tho_13v'angislioal_A'SSOtAatiOit, ,Itiregt held
,helo here Am *bundul last, A largd
oftm oft imowte - was subscribed for
41..410 teS-4.
ana ee...
nd to you. an •Inyitatiorkti; calland see
It thie TAIL ezie we are ,840Wing retPrelV,at the offered
old and new •-•
a Ipatterni AreIUght, .tbeyare Excirstbre end* we *re' PrO14*.°f TThesioll
- he hi h standard we aIwa * f•y
Or r • 9.0 --,,/nur Its!. •ra711' Assn
and 114 will be right.
The *price beyond a donbt, we quote the lowc4.,..:04.0.k. POPalige..,, • Thlir • Is
geknoWlogea oqr cristottiOrii, and recognized 'brOsirCausliiititini.-- Again
we invite you, we are proud to show the UAW good* and talkpriee At ailtimea
suee-eis va i e coup .LT11'
d t
o 6, weliVe ofir-"usifit—
, WEIL 7,--. — ,. ...4. ......
est Gtiods an s prices *Toll.
, .
- e e-ri i 0 dollars _ worth.,
e two'iruks, lett:las
reel to _resume her position in Tor -
to. •
of Godeilalt. arta
,.a grain Were abippetl,
-ere first-4three weeks
' r.
nd 1V1rSs 0). Wren, olf Mal&
0, visited relatives and friends
Itt I*St Weekr
ge *ft
mod to Toronto
V t ett
it elite
est at:41110n, 'George
.110 Wm. Melton.
itunt, o! Ilalitax, .is
14tooe n, and two it
CurtiS :tinernan, Iett_ltst,
n trip to Caw. at el
the rlOttritel on biclalts,
Iligitirnt...4)t Unarms litited,
.1;tre last week' .1 0 -
j.rorkins,; ot the /.01itotit
Ieqed_ up:a Milord varier in
!tQt ' -
!cleat alhis 'neig
ofed hit; death -
the home tinkles.
leaves *unlit* of nye
• .three41AttlitborsTobuclita_.
rembe In'thy Township sod. Thorns*
and doee h At home! and Mrs. N. Mat-
Neititio eb4
eking IS the order lot !the br o.f cedar anchor xioists.
At the tome Cote: and plluie
attit ..tasrWeibortrot-ii)ashisved 'Thotrios-401ttueron-4411:--otter--t43r-sa1e
•, eLlorols_01141_,. and 1,..p.aborne -1 14
:Mrs. S. 113r0W0.. " • IndeS Alert)* of exeter. -This -tarot
We'dnesdat s Wok .
blek tell dead with Ittert trosa.b
At th'4? hooke of Mt, 4140Uto
tiust ;north sof
or a
o t !attires
Item. 11'. Wagner,' -72..04 Who will positively be. sold if !the .bid
1111 1 • . . .
,c4ctrpy the putpit in vangel..• 'renew et -fatal kutottn
Oat Obureli both morning .and oven,- on application to s„lar. Thos. Zainer.
• . Auctioneer. 'Farquhar.. an _or 14, -
Wallet iftil to hear 3.-A. Jackson. tore, day of sale. • -
A., Lecturer oit the Ontario B. 8. ,Chattei. ll •eume.oit $3 and under
Association at the 2. S. .00nventioxi cash;' over. What amount 12 Knonths
f. Stephen' and ilay in'the evangel credit will d given' on tarnishing
. cial v • a • a croon t of'
I 1er
fati;e1. in 1r01141W1 On 'SIttltr4ttyr
Miss' Susie Warnhold 'spent n few
auls of last week 'Visiting. rat Blyth.
gr. Henry Irolierniann, of 4.ellt.
ten. Mich., isvisiting rotiati*es in
otarttent 1),t onager's • Telling Testi•-.
0.--tracy, --adv
Manager for the /trellmitisol n paano
.ftirta of Gourley. .W!uter & Leming,
the prominent omen an women* o
testify, to Zam-Bules ,great
1iVe power, Ile writes to he
pany aki 011ows,
-**Gent1emen,-.1 have pleaSure in
stating- that .oPon .the •-recommenda-
tion o :IC relative 1-purehased a box
of lour remedy (ZawThtX),....andAy
prepared 1OgrZtW at night; - 1-2.zents ,j-tjfe741011ar for ca -0 ..- v•-• - ;..
- Tars. Adam-Getger and. Miss -42/1047 orr credit ,amoutili. • , very--severe--sPrain-of4hoolc...--Valta
,Geiger * are -visiting trlentis in,., Vet- John Welsh., • prop; Thos., Cameron not given to indiscriminate use Of or
trolt, and Mrs'.* Geiger's daughter Auctioneer of. Mai Estate ; ,lt. . si believe in, patent meditgries, '1 can
Mrs. L ° Stabler in goledo. Phiilips, Auctioneer of Chattels.. 0041501-cntionslY reeetaniendZam41luk
Swortser. • . , • - , ' Clearing Sale That 15 -just wlere Zam-Ilule. *yea
its auperiOrity 1 %t is treat by
Vigned) 11), It. a lay"
• klincerely yours.
,•;-!--Mr. Ifetwaid, _of ensalkhas baron
,pourition AS millp. :with 1r nen*
AMEDITON 130110014 REPORT. • . -*cc..., rnen and Women 'who have Inv]. it*
417,116rin:21°;°1:11171k41:41.611114°4-111:7:415striligh141451EY1:1(1 1:111:11713sr-boVIA:71":11:0% o'ST:711,41,'''biKri- ,fn:3"i' *. 1 til=115, 611•Inats-i. llo"o?:"----rtto` eaotlitnyla eiLl
AN,I! ,,,,,..1.11-• as altogether different to ordinary
'*41IttlVist ,•
"grs•"---i&Z'P)1,-*"' kr7"(311 v 'UR` trArNrEssilliomNnttitt,7"*IctiantruNle-}344"74-11N4afliallIC91"44birtit',`:!._tt. 11 -t----74-1126'
C2, . _ .
.... .
• 4 .11 I
goyaltilrovois---AL,niltitAr.d3atnhrook.fftt..-.-rfin-w-6,,-,,.--fite°6-Lat%;:: --,.: -4-x•--e---te-r North ----------9111 ZliVessi--- sittettiai-- rhetiinstistn,_
vets* .eldii eiSrt•I'""lrt:-Ilinit''rl, 3r. -E. Firtitisbch'inAueir. TV -ES -DAY- ---,-00-0:1.11F11 tOth, .3901:1 -`1..i414. -T1 49 it" fr-r4r °kin; trwth1ei8"
„uocaey playars.and athletes in sten*
C. nalsts Class IL dr. -L. Alarst. 0: At 12 o'cloOli' noon. the following oral Mid it invaluable. Poi'. truP..
Csiser,Ats a-Wsitzer* (4,-.XeanalPaPt*. ' . ProP.ertl!
ezems, u •r los as absoeises; biota
vols011, guts, :burns, -bruises. and '
the soreness' out
. Zhe time oryear for: heavier Clothing is hear. and .we art.
ready to supply y�ur every reOirement. . Simmer !nay come for
day or.two,..but' colder weather is"--Zy.hat. ive Must expect with few
tetuptions froninow on, ,and with it conies all sorts Of NI wants fp
be satiiiied,withoutltrilasi.',
001403vaiviAM CthLD1EN ilatilaggrt ft/1MA e
tion. au wx1 expect to fin4,us ready. atd wc4e -so come,.
____,N0 matter ,Nyhat-youpay Vr-hovir little-you,p,y for a ni
ticp_!e, you ean be sure it is tailored,' lifted and flinished in
ie Ril'T.TIG;laEab-Zitrlt0 • • or". rea, ;rood mares. a --.
. ,
age •attetulanee 04; •
rieullOriti, supposed to be with tool;
Itartleibt-toacihartr. u-6-rifatittng,
Division 11, Sr.. -.11., Clark, draitt+ttiii. ,Liatimn
• man-,-717;-nr, ------Oaver. '. WI ..- . cnitura ,. ttwo'years old:), gill,7, at
Sittabr(oek,,:li. Siveitscrs.'14; 010;3111er. rieultural 1We' years old ; 1 gelding,
S lHill. 4!--Paaptiss« °It": ICICintc°c, Vst,DeCratebleSer;,;;,,,V
T.: leetildeirn4g1, • it-grieuftural,,,one ./ear old.:
IturVate, two years old.; .3
Wolfe. r. AV4terthe 11.,....rirt,..,k*to*:41zir'. 1., ..1111Y4 .. 0;641.101ra', Tons xes.r..old;,
111•..,..risass''es-ihtlati'•'v,7..7.,:xotsi•'-'14141 *3---iiiiiiking '4164: drf1': .1, --airt.' rlige,
-3:17;74iiitbeinacr. 24nali-44-actillekv'•0* Mari; 0. leifia--61-4-.
Treitat L. Weiner and G. ausitither., cArt"..-....0., ,i.,,,,,. toe ,to call in
and ta.... Itoltrinhari I, E. Sra.ith Nrilrotv, ti 4.: April; C0 JI due- _
*Tldrig• log ag*,,,itt.' --* - -4 l- 1
11. . . t -,ciilf trine "or . Adel . ' - cow -farrow;
ten1aceMIS* roll", tetiabar* 4 latecrtti.2.-leara 0 1: '2 heifers 2
ti Sr. 1 -.Senors,' 0.• Year* ,•Oltl; ,..4 Sitter 1 year old; 3
i - ,
-ner4---Z« ...11111.. Vass -01. boOors, -1 -.Year old; )1,,,esilvess -, .
ieitate,,,:: litr ilia- -0 S-ANIILIPO_ULT
t, 'a CI 3I. Shen
jr.-.71V--410trorii,- r • a :Ifni:nabs old:- 10 - hens out Ul eta,
' 1.--;-11.rostot---oikitut.' Vass; .! Hill, W. a- nOraher 'ot--torkolii.'• ''''''
Ilaitts tn. llroirett, 'II. Ifoltainait. 11; ' IMPLIMENTS. itttler1; ' r
' lOrst. 13e. INromiloners, 1. llodgina king mower; I ing' horat,.rake:
' 1,1111.04Xast. 1i.' Oettreleher, - I .33 hoe seed drill 1 sprang -tooth
01;i Vroisot,13,Vink"holoor, cultIvator « 1 disk %arrow; 1.• set AllitrIttir. to rlYnelre 1314ekliell°11 'i'titIle
P&1Y- Cure
tan • All I men
thus *oventirig ;fostering an
lialtunatjons.Alt druggist .;frol atores
sell At (t0Or rt tOVi 4-- eftrtt tree fr�in
the Z ttorriuk 'TV to for (pace.
for $2..5°. ; Send
1 -loo '
,0: Canada
tkOkflite.040. tre-A302.1 _
• Utiffositi of upwirds received; ota or added to pzinclpa'
4 ttillYesoulir inieoarneys Is too valuitble,to leave' the hatiss'Where bitrftlitra
or-lite,M*Y4.0**141-romf- wltb doubt.
Oaths -
Of Cattails or the world r e
e, an ro • At t ie ow
payable at par at titly point in and prin
es ..f.nd Great Britain*
*teen* Treatment, No Bed 'Tape.
Vithe sandhi mime -an
• ts an ney ors
rates. Our money order8 are
elpstpoints In tbstt tin 8
I) 3
Get fr01n gin I IOU 'Phil:tin*
eist :the tt011owinEtr,
Fluid 115Jttract iDendelioni one -halt
Potnpound ltargon one oUnQe
Una alv•it *VIA
hako well in a 'bottle tak
apeontut 4ost otter eacb- meal
and •t ibedtimi,
TlAe above ,.is considered Ant 0no of
the, moot oertain twestriptions ever
v. t " *sr * qend"cehill, r641tirf-:-.1.1211-114tar°*1:141.,::-;41:wrti *rurtaibiacirst/st'i4pWLirne,m'et'aliciit4711YtilliestillGtieti-thilft4itisist:''tendituiTilaill
torrout plow: g lutabet wagons•
telr "-litiggrr-ii • 449114$ 444-th* 1444"6 -114111
, k t tut to into .atisl strala tht
10.ezffer. wit); : t
afflictj-1'4 Iloilo -led*
1a 4onTei6c gn .tiI
. 0 tit -1111/P1
ightet Injury to It
: Mi. 'Th .
list .....eittisfr
Miss Isabella 't t,
II; 'Miss MillieCot*r, ii
intitiM,,, Yiltile
We1b, Oir
Hox, tiv.u. v Wills.
L.: rihts:10,11t. Tri i
a. Ir. 1!-C. L'areonm, L.. anderz
At Willi*, V. Ikitrintr,ii -M.
Inter, L. , 1Jill. .tscittO_fr, y.
flox. . Jr. Pt, C. Ilan*
*10, 3 • &.,...Et.
sztater. A. tiliapton; li
liltattlike. - .No. on loll.34
ar4,rags : adattee /.. .
qp,jtl.y roea1c4„to
• *
0 ket
tfliit 1*3der Itnew':
adder, a Is, for
teo4etes of itlinoth
aboutWat-autiora ange
Ioyal or lessrepinsuiaro /-•
. ti ell- ,
e e s ci I vettotighing, arid Itoorin f. .,..,. ando
r cif in r Gal*,anized'Shingles and Cor
_ .
t always Ito&
a ant.intiartiti
his farms:-
acrfain1y oomebigb17„,.
It•Ja-the-pr . -• ...,-..
authority, .wrhoie eutireFarquhar
it ; b I) t.,
. 1 • visiting
Itssant T*It
tfi.r. Sr
coil, soup'
Id' ,knovi t
Tr” them.,
frifrvo...01,16.. • ^•••.^,,, •
...•,••• • .