HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-10-08, Page 2H$PK1 1 xhilsitten- * rade** Vet., 1401140.$0 0 the .4Akteo• ,.tbionsanda uZ funnes•Baby's radvaismrt interod , is' halagQWfl T410t* .1* only resdicine , in. the ideal ho xhih* $11414ren.,_•.*re ailin • s. . *tit means, fOr Wand. To be t isotms, ,greet •riv `-'.0446 s$ u r toustaritlyca &nd. bowel oiLin:t.0,7/ae077, ,Toirfatt.ti-leitr X00* i.,01** woulcUrither holf4411, 01491 Invited *** Ski Scottish mass golf - 4c1.— . , . • . p r, ae e 001 IA ---%.,, . .. , • t( tt rrg igi,C* 10.1 ix .. 4 + are„,,' ou A . , ,,.. 4, 'T 11 iek is * ropbub 7 XhoSO, 4!,,Onotf . : A 4r• g ila;t4eiLn't• You' ,PlAtni *° 4. ' seed l'' . . - ., • '' ''.. ' ratknL\•*; t r atibri ; _ 4 4, a AlitIngaX1,-114Pgi r , AtThatir--- • ein*ting now liletlx040 of 'Tvirerity‘,,Trains London in in at 00wrus,„0$41,01,0;4•0,,,, 04u "cltvrir,s, alx:00411Sroas.1 L011011:4 4;1. .ritsplayect. ritt b ie the iectlon, .9,votetil ,s . 0 , aristocrat* nil t 041441 --There bOweveri Seem* On A * trains left *7- 1$.0 o station e for Stotland Itit 6 north, , .earing. * regular army or *. men and „ -their ' 'valet*, autfoutp: and groom*, f444,4,...114 ' 104. --c„.:7.for:---anir4'.-to'-o. art -,-ti. , an1 ' t.•Pti.104,'; ..,ii.' cent ' '. *..,- . ” ,en you Call: f mixedfiowert..'$1,.:' ok-'," '-!' - !:4$ ' ' 2 'they are i ,:' sbO.N.f youInc A.,4,,,ktl:1Tia.. 0'' OE ' *----, You can't . ‘, .,, ..,_ '3•thlit'*artiii ' 70 ,It'',40,.,,,.*att, Elea-antl4e),:ex,---so , , „, .. ,.. et flower." , . TO-tMett *hate: fitee, singed as he, - ....,... -,---------,,----, t14.4, "Thank you, ,-. - s, 1_17,..,Thn.. ' . - - ;''' ;.....i,ot*iall'Ciiiiitp. , was 'tligginis 4 ' • '' . o '' ,_niak *t.',feryting'hole; -er.iid.,-1,----Pc---:- .'', ,...,..;.•,-or- ''..-., "It ,tioesult - take a:::,',big - bele "liut',tite.grouptt bali to ,. . ' .tig. up, . s„,.. . .'. an , se S.- -1-% ti, +I lird, $474X/240. ' it ,looso '-aritt, Solt, 'so' the'ting reotlets.,.eau:push 'tbrouff ' . ' 'it, ...I'lltlot:you talte, got: Spasie and,. rialto this afternoOn",:ankt *ell 'sec, , ,.,..:...whol.yitt,tst.4...„430,,E.,,,,,,,,..._..,. ' P12...m....ttzt4fter that r,kal!iter-,*04,-,„ 1nerins,--gos7fatirlifir ' * ,, ' ' •ise :Ray eaMe to, titie liov, 'ho, 4ias. ' $0101i AlOntro'. girpt,,,..be spaded' ttfa' ' 'cverybitr' , . , 1600(441', soft, as far . ot.ini as his , ' - ado , could„„2„,..:.reaci . 'YL , : Next • ' •..•. ' . for he - ' n ie -1,...raked • iiii .th,e, ' ,0-0 0,5: t.'. it ..' , ,, y.let.:.tiy, ..liror , i Air. . ,...: ,-,...: owerAviAintil-Ltvraseot 'Anili,an‘:: . no-.:., Ihen,',V* toil it,...4ves ready for; _ . „ ' • , The,: 'iteili.wereLof all 'shapes '..end , -tyz ft ,,,,,,,,,,,leteritr*.it, were,..,,•,;_ ' r-4 ' than:: en4 ;,, , -,,, .... .t. - - , . . Voter sorteil them' .!-, heir 'size,. ati. _ • ' . separated those- that , had vent of - a kiod.-.. There *ere: a great many - kinds - which *rteither,*iwii.m ' 14° i . ;for ' ,' oted , f the •-,,inei hbors 1$001,4,-; _ ... . - br the - once; .. r.-,.cl' ' - rs 'tbroiig ; „210 , trick street, ,4)ttalya, Qi .40 coo -sine' 0,: , *iptedical 'Anetliodo' Pity*c1eti4ng it. demonstrated.. . r..‘.charni home Witt' t1thihtle$4'• •flUou or 11. '6' were -let ors au -*ger ili-Trt1W-t-ritahltliell41-0-fiS,.;:-.;;-,,, - 01; ttr a havc ad changed tot:0 what Art Kole .0 e la; • irtvontiori ',. 41.0 acconplifi iod . .. 1....'nEight hottlea'0.1,-Veruna,brought1/ulako tbe„botne beautiful and voixt. . utro, ltra nty e t .--; - ' . - fortave. 1,,eadtmng.:_..firrns will, . . h lng—Eoo-A-146 -':---Teatter-wanter York City, iormerlY 1r b oral' itreoxi • 4 elleatli*-'4Iruggi. o. 0 .ellowabip rites , . origina -ever Arran ,e 1 vi V4•144 ;4144; at, * peppercorn rent --i•ast-'104m$ ,a.$` grou forests”, ant the Oule• (I) Pathe,r, cOuveraing °--t1:.,PiravithPitilittrhe'41141$‘*°4-4vh‘olit*- butuhvl*t141uz,; ; Itr.'70,..,x1.1,t 0;0134,0,. iit.defx;twi:41e, ,ioti,r,',*:(41",Y..:44:.:013.zhot:slyvot,rob,:woitd01;;;:0,014:, :r ,-'61*.tt'etaor:*-ro,44'11 ib4;;;'N;li'41:11-etiltemtri'iT74°0thrL14-:• ft vet; taiwe...4 ..ttavt been band. n hoitochibition notable o s: t •in another direetion.•ruroittire ling rerunat X have had • a fine ,and equipment; such ;extent -tot; 04. tie, -.1 AM sure of Selling -them more, - . trade. Once a:family buy 1 4 bot- slicts, . di/ not 4'0Onstittte it liow.. and it never fails -to bring addition- Etbattic.b';Itith:galrn jtti7:14 to 4n1iltoolltrut, "X have nothing better for. 04.-- tious.,,,sho 1 baye Pace. in the ',f 0-47- • 1 t. '-''" irariiiiith illiffillair _ tarrh in all of its, var10:08.fotn.u3; A• round the otipolttv dis. 1 4, • a - ' . ex.cellent for children. Iteasehol&r r . ic.(qan uritt:*yo Llio , t ' 4 niparol,'.- Olen id for rno will1yfral$ 4661*1164tigie$# gISTIO TO WE .2111), cho inodel w in a chitilre Some tinle ago, there watt a flood hostlit14, children's furniture end eatern renTutylvtatia, 'All 01 em-fald tetY4 --of-evOtICAleteri rng o p siosied was sitting, 0 o roof of the :bouso 444 a - *!*fl:.r -4..bos(4-413.14r..P0 e o, o elle, Dave e4*Otir. fONVIS it watlied away, "Ye*, but the • dUcke eau swim, repli tkt .\240TH '1;6: TO4tietift. b:Cfit:46:ttitrie*i' wU t Wtc vartykanin 4,9,441-It, „P.M*: - • laundry appliances! wAshing un( ,,Itriifo, cleaning maolunes. `' • . .• • — in negLecte :ialiVT-r. 41c341;vatiOlat poisKiilanrvi.") , • • in r,.54-,4 tile ft, 40„.o, 13. 11, • littlid.,4 Utiol.ttitlea for e4ts mg *nil iktt tion,414044.00, laiitt -1,71,,, lot:asses vise:oust- once abox.Siree tot 4111tz * gletr. „ use. '11.0-46t•gt - Atte. z4itt, 44 1 *0414 etttainbr.Itticourttgf4PY..tc*3"z onteds ' rn 46' The isttsiola Its;30.4tt. ve Y. ".4 k,004 ,„ .11444 Zoni,130 y . trog Amuses, .ens „ utrintneauli eI . 0 liPPrea$14te tilel°141, tiacito die ' * .siturvt 4'uo?1,1:Zut't'PoleTtiffia-ffEing us tt*ty' 14zirl* be70:111-$644wg?j b34 pc44, iciivit,;". To Ovtirt petrienuidagthisIlew vela , gamP P47,Jetufn poAsge) owl -name aaa glop ota to utt..lbix Toes:0,-844 we v411 nutilloa akee 61,4#41ro, .,gs.114,4 4tulc,ISIStrilyberbaktx.pitiablefoolle .4 latt160041reN „yot avertukanontaltolar4 „ feta -goriVr1 - • "1 ell, the said the !put ea u ow../ ,floofa a_ittiy• stkeyo t. aVerag.e. mart. fail** -to -;inelo good lie, begin*. to 'look ertountl f*or .IA,onie- -ono, to 4ilenie it, oAA.• • • Medicine reqtt uire* .lile ' Niajau_l_,16,0_posiaild_tert a:at bed4 - • "•"-- -----Dr.---Thoness' • •ve-.1.44 'fettle*, -There is a eon**titutionalvause. et not through ela e — — — . _..., 1 4i. 0. ..:,. vo 1 .., ..., ?., ' * - fortlastr oble.... %Ira. M.- -umtne.7...ioN x.vorto4n uut On its great-nxe ' ' ‘- _ .. , *VICC01,0$(1111. borne. trehttigittn,tii ' a Jr+X pyete414 4n4 ottark tota ot,41,L4 Ut-elat. nag. 814$144,0 Itte43411110tilltify0r, /*WO • 1441st otte peafits. 14Y811;14, Olopt, 2416 151;,21.1 wh 811 AVM« , ItANT Atilktal4ftr.. 'Ovine". to op•aargato oor .70 -tome,, oa wistrartfri asi4440. •tha ta-Ao":, gold 'a u "a -tutu' fllUV*U V( , 411124 Oittolto., ' '44*iv ;11. ktljeteP.'11-411 ape liorelDiritX tietkr o et ex' t00.1 on -eighth to $;.,ine quarter of • • tiii ifittes sprint4ed .on, the groun t - *red there With * newspaper lield , own. with-Stonerunlil.thelsprou - ' ‘017 th6 tit 'ateekts Peter Drcsd . the. ground voth :bit, toot, to matte • •, A..r.tn ,•io.the ; 9i1 ' I seeds he' t earth with '11 littao board .t 1 aline*. Over the_tiny-seeds .,pa , Itstridt.. r pne of the neighhers,, tieein :he* *44 AZO!..11011 " VA. thethemust s ruii2e tb pound. night and mOrning, egoligh %keep 1 .dempiruntit the, pilot* • ,were „up,' then vm,tosr it ',every:, dit wile** rained. • When 'the flower *protit, ed, ,.'weeds tame Up, too,. end thee ',reter ilia to pito 'up-viihout.-dis, turbing - the 116Wers. Xi** Were__weed..• thipkw,eetli (1;..00rtelt • lion,. p an HY gta*** MOH;/ a •01`tiortithat will show— e --•*; w /-e-ten't • sure at firt which are weetiti *cher •- mixed seeds •eri planted." • It vat held to have to -Pull n of the seedling*, too, but iiss .ddle tow , mutt.he‘ thinned -out-to-an nut6 " • three- ini,ea epart, to, ;give eat' visnt" rooln.te trroist. All ,tuntotoii., tong ...the aettlYiin, •- ityHt-,41e4touteikand when „ drew; nearitt** „ d Peter dig up ;toren titidden' .*-,tiertt*,. put thein,m, pot**, *rtd terry • -theta to the-„schootroom4.*here•-they • Idoomett nearly' *11 *inter tong. , "I suppose you eould, tiny whole flowrr-fz'tTlem f,r. te ant,t,„" said Pet,er. tert't," lit1iglied1X1**" " t ten- k!"ente wort114,0ee , Misitor So youi.ve sot , A cat forAiPtsac ,T4eY,,tankti be r it -1� • j. - Tomnv.;!.-011, not very 1 'They won't eat eatie or jam. --strisitorWell, -*hat t *- irthei ther s any vile- snit -Jew, missing .the don't, •get filaMer for it ; intents of the ir'itratory or -1,141,ttr "gia ei are . catet het Attri lois-aitutta.-antLAg. et' - • , A 0Wrii----Oure- Ileadaohe.i--Ilit. *lous.theadit'ilie, to which' women 'ere mere subject- then nten,..becoinets� * • are utterly, .proistretetl.•,). The, ato.. • mutt' refuses- l000,, and there 'its streiiint free, -14114---: JOT from teenle ufidiiry itetretedlkere., Parmelee's Vegetable Art a yialteratiVe, anclin noutralit* tile effects fthe intruding'hile leves.:the pretsure on the nerves WhiClX tuctite, -the .headobst. •.Try; them. ' . 4 PLAIN, COIrefttiedist, "Wit 4id Young.inothitr owte,404._ttioAtont,wiau "1 TI(*tell* • _*„ , thoi)elifi.s, of iittret Ern and heir."' , • ; , - * •*rdit tbd t tot *Conix)sits ort. .1 the le*fitt $ y siopl* ' , I I I ,4,00, Dobson--PThere go$$ ggers the expert, actoUntant,' l'hey say be., going. trety.1) ZolitiO*---‘"Whattts thetrotzble I" t)ob*en—Ife's been -tristot t-0.-it,g4tell 154,44_ ..ttikf - '‘• * KION tv- s :r4 IXTE.2 elieohled*hh arias, 4.iflicu1tiPTf .-orolght. . 'EXTItEtftS IN F4, nv-itoung NrOthe u ust ehoose t mn who love* you or tlie rn .e rc** yi,m1'' -"Deng • t r • Jo that 01;14.:tttoW4 pitatc datg. atettakts ormailkkhok MItslatfiii--'-‘,116:iit,_,Iittabtnit- a .-tioot---0-sit--44-tistrittati -1,—; --or ,TeAt4hefl• totie' his, 'heed. sfomeot "VhitrOjtr-thte;-.1 .-- To Tliote of'Sedentary ":().ectt ton:4-41.1en who follow' sedentaiy -•cupationso ttepriVelherit of, etkli air;end eitereist,. are sore proxie to disorders -of the liver and then -those wholetd-,:attive„ utdotir The fernier will lind in arinetee's Veteteble Pill* a or4tive with -Oft questiongiii64- proc.iiiithle, easily taken, ea ,xpeditiouslyt stn.4 ti!ey, ere surpriss, elteate'.6010/41.4trxiiit • 4101)(410triZO .C& $01A1Q1q4, Otteit iv' *alter, 00,64 plesute,,' •X can't istend, 'As tb4 . window.) „ 1:lecond Guest .(e' little later), . "Wait,e,r-, there's... dre4ght- $1.11011 'one, - hut the window.- • Waiter -"Ye$., • Viro At',41tesWititeri 'Ate .y heve on elozed windowl Otteil Agiin ats once.: Stiter-----.*"4very-,g4c,:td, sir,- (Goes biteof the *ge want* the wind)W, open. an Ite,etheriwents in, to shut it. Whet • hisia o Asatl***tie gaits; mt,outss Mul"ainP : HE 0CtermENTALt OR C1 let * ()Tito osals-tionas sr" AGOof T4**,40104* fac thin othei art ein absolute` ne. t:essity." •Is* tbe unfired in, tlie Singer Se.'Wing **lune Company s .ettvei-. tisedhost tliat, there -therere uiver i0•44.44•-' 11", Serverit, . Ln sends. her ',compliments, end uht children *rid see if•you ot Oritt- too mariy, tt itstan't ,come liome an& school*ba 0613nto, t .' * ur4 " rosy iViti 7 per eiictf-To our *pollen a good -veculitive kniestt.'nentl* Crow* laird V0-4: 4nierseit", t."*". - " '.T.citliast41-7: pottier, , Impotent, one-ittng-w41 -w iilices to: !u$- trY Oollpwity'a Com cure.- • stadrelst them at tile negres4 t gentle. 6,04$'s who liesril dined yet". • sget* .4v:fellow th *10 wually expitts it true "-• t u .*(trylt,12-btot.."1,3, erdoputiolv: 11'1* e14oni: i r• t 446. ii5Of eortlixtirrit .ten oent* on the dotter, , fed -very haalt* ;Bobby (who - 13°0 in tile rtoo .100 oit! ying! _ . • ese• two '*.desdrebli-"litelifiets; tietsia-pfireltamt--to -A - tli() **tit time effeetue .to bo • otfrid in Mother Cirri' elk 0 teeminstor. Chilttro4 like . /rithe VinaP 4044U 'a 'dint& so- • ty &ea not,1" inquired the rilitiri* '74 'iThenoitstt",". Ihdeenut ic111,4:):*`3* 2'04 itelsely the rig t wor ou d ow srather .Initt the village endurt's ralsetssety-wi wanly, resign*, • • egotist -As the most depentlen creatures." e 'lies only himself -to , 1 hisett'err. 1 , . , r ttk 4 . • bi Ilt or tli* ocean You sulit Me al" tips less** ' the.., 1144 Sra' 1134"11*..1.„.r,t1.1!),1,4,_ 1. rsjwiie - - r utichsakt my 1�g o 140 will be nost*�t to.4o sor r When. *614 *Way. from home any tbeitge` of habitat„ " * niers' f and water inotitto wbere there are AO rat. Y bring ort'AU Attack of 'i,ery lie then escs, St.ert s y at hetidi•with *MON to to ith the- disorder, and foreann he canenoresofully fLght t,h.' *4 1- rnent.aidsubdue" 014,14 owt.) fitATI11111., • "I. *An tiet adroit. triketi4ag that make*, roa; Wd 4-"I ; ro. k came in to'esk you, sir, It n „could rebus inyWary. isn't4.. ktiow it sir, hut 1 thought would* to yOu tollay. • , •-•44/iTell, go beet to your cleats au dot worry.. .N0 .railust ftt 'vitt et& •yon.",re. keen, with us • 1441 01Mti W 1 V 400 r 4414,1,000, ,' '1/4, 4 . , 4 . z