HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-9-16, Page 6Vat Trl\.f+;S HUMOROUS. bread the outer morning, when she The empty gen never .ticks. (crushed him with the reply, 'Dot you want to make a perfect glutton of your - An upper fiat—Au ari'stoeratie hood- self 7 Why, you had two crackers and le, a cup of water only two days ago!' pa The boy stood iu the melon patch When all but him had fled, And visions of a royal feast \Vont daueing through his head. slut the farmer and the bulldog came and then, Oh I where was he ? Go ask the duotorman who patched Hie sore au-at-o•mee ! Where is the than who is going 4 days without a drink? A naught -that mints one --an iero. neat, It is bettor to be a righter of wrongs. than a writer about wrongs. A shooer thing—a woman ehash)g a hen. Hiuts on camping out—Let some- body else do it. A young man may be doing dirty on a tented field ant' du nothing but drive a ei:'eus waggon. The best church belles are those who make no noise during the service. A woman who Dian four sons, all sailors, compares herself with a year, because she has four seasoner "Frozen lsinduess" is the latest de- vice for iuyeigliug you iuto an ice cream baleen., The tree keepsi'ts trunk in good order during the winter, seethed it shall be ready to leave early in the spring. Church choirs are put at the back ends of the churches' to accommodate the,tineid worshipers• whot cannot faee the music The Boston Globe says that a pro. miring youug horse in south Boston bas been named Dr. Tanner, in hopes that it will nx ke him fast.. A Maseaehu'setts minister closed hie sermon and preached to the children; with "Boys, rove your country,. your God and your girls" A. Cincinnati dyer recently went in- sane from political excitement. We suppose the more he red the madder he got. A correspondent wants to know how long snakes live. het as short ores do, unless they are in your boots,. &nd these can't last more than a few weeks. Walk through eotne of the diety eoums of the great metropolis and you ea* realize the force of the words, '1:°he man who euters here Leaves soap be- hind,' Stories first heard at a m'other's knee are seldom forgotton.—Ruskin: But rules of conducts, enforced at the earns place leave a far mare vividimpression. 'I have a love -letter,.' said the servant girl to her mistress, 'Will ye rade it to me ? And here is earn° cotton wad ye stuff iu yer ears whorle ye rade it ?' 'That prisoner has a very smooth. conteuanee,'said the judge to the sheriff. 'Yes,' responded the sheriff, 'he was ironed just before he was brought in.' In the hour of gloom the thought that ail men have to die is very com- fortiug to the man who keeps fuueral. hacks for hire. A preacher at a Sunday -school ex carrion described heaven as an eternity of picnics —and several young men ruehubere of his congregation who had lugged baskets nearly a ton each, and climbed high trees to put up swings, have loft the church. Oue of our religious ooutemporaries remarks, 'The editor of this paper writes alt hie editorials on Lis back.' We write ours on paper. It comes handier for us and mush more conveni- ent fur the priuters. Tho last piece of rustic laziness en- countered by out-of-town correspond- ents is that of the man who, being ask- ed what ailed his eye, answered, Toth - in' ; I shut it eoz I can see well enough with one. Sometimes I shat one, somotimes)the other.' In one of the Roundout (N, Y.) churches, on a recent Sunday, the sup- ply, a minister from New York, after listening to the fine singing c f the anthem, said, 'Now that the choir have had their little fun, we will cotnuhenee the worship of God by eingiug the 011t1, -hyutu.' Believers in metemlryscliosis I.heve had their faith refreslhed by the recent birth of a child, who, upon cowling in- to the world, traded seitrahtng scrutiree ofa I lit su rro aidi ngrf, and stoking back i::whirs nurse's arms, ntelainiece: 'Thank heaven, at last I have got tnyself bora into a family that is oowfertably fixed!' 'Pelmet't9rHuecene nt fasting is eausieg a great cleat of suffering in Borne places, h '`,s'ewdYork rage t-year•otd boy, whose I'rents kine great admirers of Dr. Tan- tiet, salted his tii,tLor IQ/ ti piece of DESTROYING WEEDS. To carry on an intelligent war against noxious weeds, it is necessary to know somewhat of their method of propaga- tion. White daisies, iron weed and other pests which spread from both root and seed, ought to be dug out of the ground previous to the maturity of their blossoms, iu order to destroy the seed crop for that year as well as the germ which produces the stem and blossoms the next. This is accomplish- ed with greatest ease directly after a rain, when the ground is soft. When enemies of this character have multi- plied themselves to suoh an extent as to render (lisging out iml'ractible, the only remedy left is to plow up the in- fested ground before the seed matllreR. Brtrdooks whielh spring ap quickly after bring mown above groun,t will soon succumb provided the cutting is done it few inches below the surface. Elders and briars that thrice perRistent- ,ly in neglected pl'aoes are in ",tune des- troyed by m'owing .'own twice a year, during May and August, ]'lowing up the roots and llat'rowiirg crit the roots is an effective merle, especially when the ground is planted' evith' some swell orop•Fla corn. That moat troublesome of plants the Canadian thistle, can be oongnered by' choking and smothering it with some 3rop which overtone it and deprive; Tis leaves of suflioientl'ieht and air. R`ve has been sown on thistle -infested fields with good r'sn1ts, especially when it was followed with clover or timothy. The mowing the thistles receive when the grass ie elt't flautist In' feebling their growth. Mat, and August are the bent months in which to mow weeds that die from the leas of foliage. There is much to be said both for rend against summer following tor the destruction of weeds. A fallow certain - 1v' redness the paste, But sO long 1t stock feeds on weeds the land wilt egaii fee seeded with them when ma= nure is applied. Therefore the time never arrives when the f arm is• free fenm noxious growth's of one kind or another whittle Call for more or less fighting against them. The warfare, as has been Intimated, must vary in kind with the nature and growth of the weeds and be increasing: With con- staut cniture,gen'erou5 fertilization and the employment of Olean seed, it is hardly rossible fi)r any weed, however tenacious for life,; to gain possession of one's fields. A CURIOUS CUSTOMER. A HlA�i tVtr0 'WANTED TO ENGAGE BOARD POR TWENTY YEARS. The other day shortly after the ar- rival of a train, a man entered an hotel in this city and asked the clerk, who stood busying himself with a patent blotter, the terms on which he could engage board. 'Owing to the location of yonr room, sir. Big demand for our roums. Feud well.' '1 dant care so mach about the satin' part.' replied the elan. 'I am forty odd years old, and have beau eatiu' about all my life. Its getting to be an old thing to toe. Well, say, give me a respectable room—how much will you charge ?, 'Just yourself, sir ?' 'Well, iu a manner.' 'Two ity-flve dollars per month, in ossa you are al.►ue.' !You see, it's this way :—Aly wife will be with me, but as times are pretty tight, I concluded to arrange it this way ; I'll take breakfast, my wile take dinner, and we'll throw up—wet or dry —for eunper. By that way we eau both gat board Err one prile. 1 reckon I am a li• tie the best manager ever you seed." "Fifty dollars for the two." 'I don't understand that sort of ritinnetic. Both together we'd only eat the meals allowed fur one person. It don't hart a bed any more for two to steer, on it than for one. I've got a bed out in the couutry was presented to my wife when we were married, and I'll bo dinged if it 'ain't Piet about as good as new. It's one of these old- faalhioned beds, with high, yeller frosts, with knobs on the top as big as young pumpkins. I'1! furnish the room with this bed and one Winer, My wife can sit oil the floor. I've lived in the country all my life, and have' made a little money lank year, 1. ounoftuded to come to town and splurge a little. Thar's a woman down the country has ell the time been !stickier' agiu my wife, and toget away titith her we have concluded to board ab a hotel.' 'Fifty dollars per month is oar low- est tate.' 'flow much by the, year I am going into this huffiness right.' 'Six linndred dullars.' 'This is a wholesale busineee with mo. Hew much for ten years ?' 'Sir thousand dollars.' 'That's getting down to it. How much for twenty years , ,ease..,.------- _...—--re 'Twelve thousand dollars.' 'All richt. 111turk me down for a sneak right now and check it off for twenty years !' 'See that card?' said the olerk point- ing to the hotel maxim of persons with- out baggage are regnired to pay' in ad- vance,' 'Oh, I've got the baggage,' and the man lifted up the carpet bag. '\,Vonat won't ougo.' p, .A i REDUCED P IZ ] C E S, 'Won't you take titin as security . Sr.Rt'i'ElefilEit 13, f gS Y C , cG S, Gil)I1.);Y.1 LT11d.�.ertalL(r 4 coal 14.11 Ll'il itu'i' .,\ Lt'bn•1"lt.l: 'L(.tu1'('I 4 'WOULD SAY TO 7 1 W 0 It I, I1 tilos(! who Intend '. -:-•r--..- y y - w - '° enllape clulltbtout[tu antrchnsli:g to ,to so from lav, " ., " ,u our nutlet:WON; ((spurt, the manufacturer, 'filo nont,whlcli Isinert• a,rut- Realer who buys to soli -:&:!'",:-.:',,•:,,,,.. _}+lt+Lrt:ntttvtu,tu.hs toa},ttin must neeessariiv x't••, rdtledsvu't t „•�}�It1 tt.atlell;;.,11nvu a proilt. 1Ve ,eluent ",?,,, i+: ^h,,..,.�3 ,>i.,y� l�lot' into 'i'lau hcr�l, uo(Ilat.,,. to give the nurehasurs bite re_ !� ,eask,'t•s aht•outl".aud rusty beuefit,whicit eanuottail - t.littoral raguisitt at tho to meet the views Of tho L a ' 1 �,� loweAt pricer . Our new Grangers, Our moonset; c. , ]{clines Is pronounced l,,}• are loss than tbose of ci> tit c ruipnOwl, lnd!rer, to i'. e/liesecond to liar e to Cl e We uau seitoh untnu'at't#nrerreollat, n . \ `•�i q nit uunur, .. _ produces mb1er s of all 'tile, t ifo Wn,t Soolet es, THE CANADA 0011IPANY'S aidty f: in order to meet the present del•ressinu,the Canada (`t mistily offer for sole or lesao, ou er r t.tIt: = 1U certain gases 'No, get out of here 1' 'But I want to board here twenty yearn:.' "Go on away.' '1'11 leave your snide hotel, sir. but first let me show you ' Ile lifted up his carpet bale, opened it and and 'dhe• played $50,000,000 iu goveru went bonds. 'You can stay sir.' 'No, I believe not. It takes too much money to put up at this hotel. Gess I'll go round and put up at a wagon yard..' Ever since Cvmn gave Abel a clip with a club people have lost looney by not observing the laws' of politeuess. I'IOW PROOF READING SOUNDS. Some writer has produced a pbehi entitled 'Sounds from the. Sanctum.' It reads just too pretty, and give ripe to the. thought that the author' never visited the sanctum when bttr'iuesx was i I full blast? Lf he had called about the right time;for instance; he would have seeu two' saints, one pouring' over a proutslipe the other holding' the copy. and the sound's wealdt have beim sotnethiug litre• this e Proof Reader—'As flowers without the su•nahine fare •'•-comma' -so—cam' ma—without you—uommt ---do 1—full slop—breathe a dark and dismal mare Copy Holder—"1'hundef f not mare Proof Reader—'I breathe a dark` end dismal air--comma--ns. flowers--' oornm'a—' Copy Holder—'Shont the cnmma.' Proof Reeder—"Tis done. As flow- ers—without the sunshine' fore—semi- colon—confound slug seven, he never justifies his litre+=No joy in• fife—oom• ma --no wormy--' Copy Holder—' Warmth.' ]'roof Reader—'No warmth I share —ormma—and health and vigourous flies"— Copy ,Holder --‘Blazes! Health and vigour fly—' Proof leader --'Health and vigour fly—full stop.' That is about the sound of it when poetry is on deck. A SIR. Davidson, of Nova Bootie, is now iu St. Tnomas, endeavorin a to es- tablish a plate glass factory. Ile will not accept any tonus from the city, but offers to put in the largest amount of capital of any one of the cotnpany to be formed. This will be en im- portant industry for the conotry as well as the town of St. Thomas, as there is only one such establishment in Amerina, which is in Pittsburg, Pa. Mr. Davidson states that the sand iu the regiuu of St. Themes is the best he hes found in the country, and seems very anxiety to proceed with toe open- ing of the factory.—Toe above is clip- ped from the Lendou Advertiser of Sept. 4. The Tizar man never the less finds fault with the N. P., and says that it is ruining the country, but under the administration of his politi- es) friends, ho never was able to report the starring of any new, or the revival of any old industry, strange that he is so blinded to facts. .02111.1111 Important to Consumptives A gentleman having been so fortunate as to sure his son efOoilauttll)tion in its worst stage4, after being given up to die by the n.ost cele- brated physicians, desires to make known the cure r(. n•1ti uh proves successful in every case) ( Y H(. ) to those atlticted with Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and the Aiiica- tions of tho Throat red Loup, and will sand tl)e Beelpe, free of elntrge to all who desire it, if they will forward their address to DANIEL ADEli 94 Liberty St,, Now York. 6m. 1)r. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw. berry curds canker of the stomach and bowels, dyseutery, oholroa murbus,and all SIlulnhur oolhlpiaiutas \11 thea. T.. t1' rc•olt[lnod or bl,noiaietl by the" letko Burwell I)+•ahrwe Works," iu the Towu;.itil, of nosauquet, yteplien Irbil 11AWRY ray, futn r O.w-:ttus 0 l.aul.twnt, Ilutou luU Middlesex respee. ivuh '. Lists of Lands may be obtained, and glair of the Lots tu'ty be rut u, nu top1oatton to Hen Toh:, clttuau, Exeter, or. George W. llotwsll, or Ett, "11 idw.all liras •,"'tyi.1It t• Station, O. T. Railway. or to 11r. J alai L01181(10, of grand head. For Lists, l'eices, i'w•ut- nr otitur lurorultetiou, ult til y ie thu Uom.nissiou sera, •111,11 flan, Company, Toronto. U. 0' d.1.1,'Pi 1i.•tt, 11UL 'ATT, Coumit•alot•rs. (auntbt Uempuuy's Uifcos,1lay 20, 1880. San THE VT —e My Old the Y. NOTHING LIKE IT EVER STENT.. PEOPLE (YA 1NT1 Off' RE:ALTZE Until they call and' make an. examination' what', Real Bar, g=ains are offered'. Everything at the Lowest figure is the in- ducement we (,lfer in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS Foots and' 'hoes,: Hats- and' Caps,. Ladies' & Gents' Furnishing Goods,: elothin ,;,, Crockery C lassw ire,• g3,rdware, Groceries;' \Vines and Liquors. R' CA IN f Main. Street,. EX'ete JUST RECE1VL1) AT THE. EXE o Ci: . s< .A.ND L_[QUUR• STORE•,, LAAGE Szibcilc- OB' t t.:011EN, JAPAN, YOUNG HY1 'ON aud•BLA:dXi.' TE .s;• LAll3Ii�S, CURRAtttNPS: PRUNES I71i+f E D' APPLE'S� CANED FRUIT; SARDINES. LOB'STER'S, SALir0N,' J BITTER SAUCE AND PICKLES, BRANDIES: GINS, WINES ANT)' SYRUPS, It 1E DIAL'. SCOTCH, IftIs1I AND'OOJI.IION WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND OItrA1tS,' • Wholesale` and Retail, C . A., MACE: Main St'reet,Exet'ee:• SAW ELL PIOKARD Ate daily opening out large gnauti- ties of Fresh, Seasonable DRY GOODS, Dgob ani Shots, ,ts and Caps, e c., ()(,y., &e, Ct r. Jp ¢• ii a h G r,to . . a Wit: 0 5 0 e D •y ,<. t' y et ci C es ide a' re y v es 01:34 li; I , et rte' n ti 4 i.,yy s a -01 No y J oo w tO iii Pa Ell Ca 1 w r%'' i 6 c A splendid range of CASHMERES BlackLustks:. Pompadour PIC I.4^T.4, WIN CEYS, TWE F,D , orit Wtiit&t SHIRTS; DRAWERS,, &C.) —AT—. SAID/YELL. & PICKARD'S;