HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-09-24, Page 69
mind ,o os o
. a eno,s
V017. 9
IOW'leas° abl
old wornan
4 A oberve-
r Ott, 1
b.1„ t
W di t 400,4 wall
6qUai e4tbk rats
t Ales
rysta1s of corundurn aro e 1
hould1 be
his gricat Lond
differenty with „?.
but i
1I. caes a trying Oee Sp 11
will. at
P tnay ow
ruzting 0
* ld At
n e Tzii st
the r ac
S. Main,
William.. '001t1 4
las to pay for 4 00W 0, ,open •
'Oiled eon night, and tho
r o,
t.of .thit. ciru sticej. bu
had first -t$- i 0 ,,-
r., -Phipps-had xicn,.1
an unexpected fashion, froin hi5
unknown. grave.. • o
!‘l think there Must be some strong,
, .
Ac," *Aid* Martin. "i .said thatt!T4 4.
i had been,longing-to see you* and as ‘*44: '
I Ilelieito a jgreat ,vstavy *thepeo-
, 11
share that longing.II ,
of that * tola her tlat rQUe
d we m bt a
Dead 'She was
hen 1 sawher 1a»t-nev
cour but still;
°pie don't die •ascasi
t -and the little one* ai
that Martin said ilothin
'44114,"' 401,
it said .p 0, w I 7P irll'17-11*—'gliouId: 7'in
o her people tare_ to, a
onsibilities 'on _their 411
his fashion they'd bette
game out .to a 'finis 11
veryinuelv,ehlig,e(1 to you,.
though-X..clon't know, your name;
yOU. O :tLkEfl -quito:-4-10
'Th real Mrs. Phipps whin. -
ii. v 0
. .
e•nver niuch of. a, woman at the bcst
. „ e $ to..have
"What 1 tell rny wife s a , Martxn• e
t „ •of
saibelieve it, that's *lot fault, • el aWmenqu" ite g toIxi hea il!th'in°1c4ts' tala Oltvg‘
0 to
fair; c
ot etaqe,
itil th new feather
efusely that the srt
m is cient
sinip10 , stuff
erely o*ifle of
substance b
he mott preciout
own things
In t.h
-folftirt°htlrro'ltoei'l.tthe clan has
conpleted at Inverness.
otel•-in Aberdeenshire all
bootsout. to be cleaned are
'ckene s'• even ' 'low or tun boots
r tu blacken their wearers .
TOT. In' 0. 4pruicipar
1117 me
suppose., fai . Phipps blusteringly. pi .,:dnit ead, yeti .egree.yith
that k did gat 'Out 0 a little di
f‘I'll have you undoistalld r that 1 • it b -' . , •• - on the • man, with anothe
.,- .
..,,..4,44, ,tioti .410,40,44140, ittana.,,any 4,4,0 _x, y_ persiia. ogi. the dear . 11,0,re ,' t940.11 Over
Een-00; 1 have 'been 'directed to you - :b14 latrYth4t-t*.ass teltig-IXVIY0 and 11. 'Means. 'continti
as- ono most likely to know, for:sonic; that ' She-ehe " wOuldn"t, seo Inc•tl nm Cern of tone....
umix laan4(' 4 where, mit. . again.... Nothing In tha hun ' tis
n ,
'not p,
Ueynau ' "
Phipps 1.$4..iirid. I _demand that you 331-30.. ,00-4.01t$ tb.
shall tell me. There appears to be so - Out I'm veal
• o a conspiracy
L-13V4--aUli-044--ta-' out 'joy .o1
mean. truth that spiracy„ a ting to hide her .from a
0 you "know---0E-aOii'r siouv ;out- who r1014-1049-1
"I de know, -and will .anawer give yours great, deal of trou.
rout question presently„' -'lite for nothing. Come novp-drop.
Martin. "As it happens,. tun/ever tits nonsense,. and, let we know
io t I b have ,told ypu. She is dead
"rot so to -not so itat$
t110 door. There are certain re.
sponsibilities that cannot be lifted
from your sheulders in quite so
Coritegctur where is Phippsi ino. So- ' later I shalonly
l find
that very deeply interested ero.she is-"
-.40.19.0x - IO 'CLIL XV"C ijain.i:fitall'ItYcit'UtOtitli
TO ' " i ' 'Martin' ' *Otiri;4
YO idA1i4 liti•I* yet ,I lira assured ' by this
s ut040iindori*. pen
islitt idTb1PPit
triumph* ' MY de fir -Part
*if see- that the two statements
don't go- together" ,
'AI -see that -but it is neverthe
less ',true that Mrs. • Phipps, . your
' ri,, -is dead -and buried-,---and-Yet
Bhe.goetahout London, ,and, she 110s
ow in, the' Man.
lust do yeti, malt
j•Iu1Le3 no itnid411
'The. man who deserted ber,.Jand
left her to shift 'for Lberiseif
-704n: *1-4 never You'd Iwo* come
back that +,.he •probably,:
*'thought . 'Suicide was .nOt- worth•
whilc, or tha.t there Might be •
king '
ou him noneY.'L' -' nor you: bug e
know who are,Alrf thatt"
J?1ii1p, aomwhat rod isv the,
'but 1 will n�t allow you to
. bully me.:`Lt metelt hat-
• the 'only. thing. that ha* Irouht
back to rny:, wife it my affectiou for
*tett Immo * love lor,thAt
-that paitet belief,More than
at, let me tall somethin
and i
piy RI ,
reeently b.n expendt1g
,probahly my money ---a' the rate
., r pounds, -worth'
'n€phcw.of t1ine1,
iitteltiM--astounding -444er
on there oanie knock at .the'
tudici door ;.- Martin ,crossed the,
vin and �pen4d it. Th6 milin
Of Mr Victor Kelinan peere
bon thn body of Mr.
He took
.something . of . the,
nd bowed to OIftc;
and looked at Phipps.
dear -people-is it.kisst
e-triendif I" he asked, • "How
ou getting onr
, UIUE'(l,
all 't time untilII
cen praetiesliy, coni e
only then- A re4t 1
Hens ree or lour",
4 on• .tlis other handl
n when 'ey • rop 'theft'first f
htrs, will not resume f�r
0 t41 - is,' the taat'n
t * to ifs, full 10 " '
Ames 'zoo
r is ispeXt
the older
greatestin demand
Ing high pricee.
it a • •.'
orop e e
" • a flock
when eggt.aE
and are t
.1V t4814.04. This 1447-ba0 d6.11(3. 'whonids°,41.111,t6at. tgotting runido °eVertl°everyyear4,
r share, up to 4 point ; .40* Yeand replacing' them with.pulfrt,s
st deend u -commend-its -11-*h
Oetion ot Pree10116' Stonos
tory W,ill.-ft,econto
sn Iuiportaut Indosty.
n unced by tlie, Pews_ _
01144:4_hare, -tt On_ 10#
,,o nary cortindikin cau
ern...stuff one
of a short
• men -m
frautlzuindieta I
Martin, "There be,
sentation n rau
sum of money'tliat yoia to he
to ..young ChriStopher Dayno on
s corning of age has never been
jceived' by:o•hinii your. his trustee,
ore xesponiuble. • 7.'here hat ,been
isr0r91104atieir„-Mr.....Phip be-
aus() youled the world to. eller)
that you were About. to tornu4kaui.
• eyand that the.mon0,404 gon9.0
toldlusiust now ;that yoti•Wer0
• •
not getting on at all,"
PhiP01 frowning fi
YY011 t0ld
Coll&givo Me " -the
requircd.could in
•a rich ineu.*': .
"That Wa$,A mistake -4 wa
iyoastiaglit.eaa quicli
I'M afraid you'll-li*ve to
the. boast, Mk. thippoln said
-"At - 4vents,_*ow,that".1./o
know you'are itlittf6i-vo:011 atleatit
he 1awfr..aisked-*PhIpPic iu
I w voice,. "Do you dare to thte
ei me" ' •
irertainlyrit Is the,ordy way
deal with: 4 Man your itai
Your nephew has frionpls, wlkih:only
wantett-to-ltnow thatlottlworo alive
itcorder that, they ntightlet to work
Phipp!, and I'm afro).
found• i • h
kini and bntte
ohs • milk used
scorer s$,90,„
. 'barna mi
gem cry.tal8. os rystalDnit corundum
a ptoperiy 46.000104h1e -as
'40 is oor and upmarket.
e quality. It is the real thing,
It ondarkets, because,while
sparent, it IR not clear ertoUgh.
ateriat of this kind, being chea
haus .trying
ns ereby the
t° bo converted
extent epex
inifaetnie mb
updtito, .i,ptoferithly' colorless, rnay
I.t ernployad'.ti greater i advantogo
with .adroixture of the statue
- as atti;'%14.6d by na-
turo In
°It Joh.
record,- crowd, 4
govoirpresent, ineluding
-zpouy, notable. persOnage
A -ea* belonging 'to Mr Parke,
eiktelaught Farm,. Saltcoats,
o tiIlborn*alfr which
ight ear,_ two tails and
oilnol;viyi: .1 neither 1A0lith nor
gl,nti:t4fiatf:s,dt aln:d ti* i n in
telY • v P11.6111.0.1$'1: mie weat:),
It proposed - the- ,gericiat
litie" of the roadway"-ut-•,Ayr
;Brig „ as far 44 possible,, to foVu. -
low the *le of the old r0404y, th6
iii6U0ral line` to he slightly vark •
to suit the "Oe. stonework of th=
r * go
*It'X :11
;e;eioa1s oLthepik
Oztgo$ of foolscap, and
utittii 'condition. t•.
krzown beeriripvlarelwerao;
Technical WorId Maga-
aper read but recentlY b
igLia7tinteirrth_zoirelniuslra. e
ing crYstals torfor
sugar Tbalideasettshxtin t and 41
ek well withthos� in the
but -tho fat doe$ not
This 1oa of fat it inverse propor-
tionalthe. amount of tnilk
and to thc efret.'tiken init hand'
ling, decreasing relatively with
0rcaa .d volume of *ilk handled and
'purely mochanic&1 on, due to the
of '01:64m,
X) 6 itio-riniblito0
.,40fatthoe ta,r4seio ,
proportioflal'ilestructiOn would
.stoi With large.** with airialliott of
nieebanieil lossei in. ft
survey of the operatiorv of.
m&ll.0-eatt1e spproxtifl&tOd 0.9
ocr t...;
rioda r&rying from thirtyto,•six
days 0 • The idea vu suggested to
bim by the
ltise4v:lerY that
glau in bluoi aftelivriusit,u,WthhuLrlutalttetautifuI
coranduin. °came -yellow
verted 14-offoct, into
Blue corundum wi.-
r corundumOriental
4 Ai
• The amount of corundutu uscd in
thesa experiment$, according the
statement of Professor Itorclasti,rei
a1ue o! forty-cintL In
he 1rcaentec;iti
irsoatil material, when
lriPttutmaris, who aftrwa 'se
enty. of the electric furnaee.
the hottest -parlrof-t e-elettific
the temporatitke is about 7,200
041,Fahrenheitsufficient to
make any knewn zu1stann run like
Hence,corundum is
phew fenie;p*rt of
I yon iuh have
ILg). It is .satistat
ULt you are so tit
this world,"
"Your ces
they toed to
frail- Look in frl
0 yOU stein
un r4ana 7OUI
not Phipps, glanoing *
PIA tha two Inrep. WhY a
oak plain
°Come elm
her- tor "1'!rrnt nie it
ake dallow.
tht-• t
re not as cg
Ilkusrlilnlbtnt :xot$bo tlef:otmportaezeitntin,thetstr.
telattod . uvu-
,n*ti'm -re is orne
with the ind a k
as their irtainstay o
''lr!st Avast be rtekone
:uard of the army if wn
imt 40, 'hardy, hnhnte
r&inee it is to penetrate into the-
wild, mountain
h Ott trees. ext corn6
IfteenitVsLfo th 4s i
itat1 of two or tbree Thi
u r• 1 -it OU
fiecl, and, on
ie,::InipSpec:Atvaisstituitlitidse.4110011' ii"..'oeraYtao
be 'rnp1oy
however-Arrorder, .04
stals•o_taine may- 6 dear ;; an_
h bd6
introduce, exactly the right anitount:
eotorin matter i air .iniportant
element Of the proffer*.
Though,s ste
-on the niar
uottrOf the retie ur
ttsia prceptible ***k-
g Me of She rulAts appear
to indicate that the'reeepteelo,eon.,
;tabling tho fluid torunthon was
kept revolving while the Proessof
'cry8ta1l1z5tion-1w; going -
1 perhaps, to .rendn there-
*,•crystal as pIonietric
sThle. floweer, it is undeniable
thsit in otestiltithratj:taLttaersif
set n• certain
rtLhIe. It was found
eat nor eletricity a1 -
.4` titat *roe
UTn gin,- xi�l
- It b entirel dfferent from
etttyst„. 'which is*
quart* %t -at The flrien-
,g has ben
rodneed ae
in y- ornatet.--
i 4rikirigly
lity of tsiining rm
-f 'orun4nm by *.t
and t
ries in t
p .ct thcrn, to
ignorant *Man owns' * deep:
of ds
atriinony ii a '
ch to learn 'Meekness.
ful men usuilli knew1tow ts
spite their'
'For * row, • -weak
**fie 44156-',000K(
*ithee* r
ppetiring as
IA ft; little ii101,"6
and your )Urc will notn 1U1P
thing 'Is not valuable,
rnen Unless they pay a; big I14'0 foi
is 'a, werning
-invitation ,to
P• seol -gf
pWsitvrr.rsit.. in.
e. down.
The min, who does his
,ys.. little • *bout it it 1he man
tilt:sired; ulthtit'Ilt Iutti'r When
reeomplairiing than Who%
Own *
IVNotteter mon
aid t4 the ottor.
Vs, the so* , P.0, ju\ti
• I.[ sk