HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-09-24, Page 4it blurt, k4 ltad.er, M4 ner4t1 8 ' le; kir -1040 Mr. '.114 her; ,fter,; iti 1. '44 h I thy, Virptt , iel,),,ne . $4, 4 A WasIituq1I, JU , 0440 W et, t. Alcost r UrPlOp, • naa,• • ,Grtn4Pokg* laude, A. A.100t., P11, I ' urcs StIziatio *egubte$ 0 4t, tlrrt iSIneete 144 AS VOX 11,0glotit It, s. la . a • iCi (1.1011c01'4, Thos. Sma. a 11 I ware, Th, Vrie,r !.._ e aurae:a:4- . 9, ), :4, IcPhcron, ' 1 . in 4usti. a to .tbo constiti ., -rnc 7 As 'will: tto to mArtief, a is only, air to k 4 renewal of etour :coat- ' lat -least - a lull ftersr*. , .. .. ,, TJbii _fill' Alfk• at your 1.11.andsi an, On .4.011,44. ,tok.1011, Vi*Or 41:40) 144011)'4.41;t:-**1*.tettt..)xil , 0, ,04Y41000 ,,tho- ' ti Itt.(0.0Si'of uiy CoXStjtt1tkto and the. welfare •of our wing aid pro6parOuS 'COnIft, -- •-' '-' ''''''' ''. . : 6, ;Befo re the cloSe "Wr"tile:''CitmpoIgn to have the Priiita-40 •Or,14 th-.7.,Mort.,,of-1_0111.t.ersoa4113r-and ott , —Wig' Arittr7-• '. **/1-0---.4,,'Wo-ift-g pubilo 1410 aro -nowI $9 PA; /\''''1:'00g3itiii Teri- ' o•- Pcolgo or .1.1,1la coury - •Agater-mliciting •,,,year-ls and support, *I am. \ .Tour Obcdiezt Servaut, . ,..,0,..40AN, A iibeal . candidate or ..litoUtiv,Ilurein, / lPrriwfor41, NIr40 0.6. 04 gaRhe se A4V7fehaatV4Pttreost7; kl$C#1,4A WOW itJr.t.- re, he ; 4 00 000*, A.-McPhQrsou, Laney lin jar, A. a her.. clniertien; ' teitaction of honj xzLlcle wines,' Miss 0,:irergusen. of bottled pickiest vTr Ifogkerion jr.; vcR0, es; eraen* John Deicliort. .r. - VZOZTAICLES •'• • , ' 1'ar ot Savoy_patate, Brock -;1 pzre a a e,re 4, ogarth ; red Ularliani; pota 4'ne. Decker, • Jr.; Artt* r. cabbage Mrs. McPherson, A. B., Der;V'itt ; plood be4ts. Ilrethonr, Geo. --,4B.literk-s- Globv.tea-ts, worl°01#6** Angola", Chas, ',Sande • Samerel Intermediate:3,- 8a a; early horn carrots, stocking .WoeI mi Tr; en's.111 _WOflCU1n41 Ire p BrahatnaM s,, cLaren, 4:Pearce; ° inou-t -41,143 • Strinlake , SMnle; sugor beats, O.-Tar:-Iyr, Chs.*Sim** ;• Sang ,111a11*. 1.7.• 11* nu fted,Quilt, 1)tetteSt; G. 11oa " jfl $d „IX:450•At .VO4, _ttont -0.--;Stanb' od.; .4411t, patchwork -olothi thour, _Tote: to -- Whte. N. Tn•pi1Iowrnn s. ornate*, , Von h ,4 r fancy ba • Whlte4„ ,r• 1ffi -)Nr144: „r ito Miss ,Perguson. Plir';•,c11#5 on, Miss Livingstone, VotarwhiS holtlert, Misslas Brethouv. Mabel Brook; •ashaible tone,. '11,Irs. E. Afonvood ; 'twourrted fa plIlowt 4 OA; plano 1060 "Or. s og 11)010bOtt jr MIS341111,000010i--- 5/i w.; est noveitY 11 ; ;Colored 'Dor , er any other variety garneri,-XCLor- 'en & Pearce-; Brown Red options, T.Vrock, jr„ .414.; E, iltodgertt Puckwing Dantatns, W. Carter; ,any oth- hantoma*. W. .Carter, A. 4th; Pivot 8ponglod Irarnillurgs, , tarter, Mrs. t. Heywood ; Gar- den Spartaled Ilambkrgs. W. :Carter; Ilamburg,s, W. Carter; • Any other varl ty ducks, W. JAunuitito FINK ARTS. ainting itto1, 1,1tods03-1)0., Dyer wan,. Mrs. ISTonrop_; roils ting IP oil -114111V0 • Mies Livingston ; Painting in oil, • :41kt-ill_ An flowers, .1, Nick-. Miss Livingstone It •-water-ooler-.- landscalm, INtiss /41vingstone, Dyer -...-1,111,11rdoist: water color fi • ure, ;Miss 141vingstolle, Mrs,- c; wa 0 is • - tone;7,8ejSa )an -Ung OS Living.. tare* Huron county seen- ty, J,. SosiorTjyyrogr e,._c•*,..A.Lrt.:"Mrs.' ray• o or ..postello, Miss; -LiVingstone,--pencil. -gdretck----MiewliMsgstc-iter-. ,do114_collect;91.1-0L.p1IntOgtoolts..41,03.. • 0.013161" ; ifdlolo-graralrS, 30s. **ionic:or ; Don and., ink sketch, Mists Mono. MISCH1,I,41413011S 1- '0ol1ection or coins, G, 1. Antler. tsOn 1 & • -ol-stomps,-,LGeo: ' • .Mein•tersons Urs„. fSt. Mialk , , it Icarriits, Go. iAnderson,. Jobt Cottle; white or. ye/low, ;field carrots, E. Rader, ,Ohot, flanaCra ii f;Vt0Ct rem Geo. 'Anderson; 'ffridtan. corn* Mitts. sander, tr," Brock, sr.:.;. water ' rnotans, Itoht4 flanderst -1). Hough ; °Carmen No. 1 potatoes, . Al. Dissett, G. negarth t4tu*. . ral We Yorkers, T. Drock.,--jr., G. Ilegarth ; any variety potatoes,. Al. Rissett, A. S. .i,Deavitt ;„-_,three new va,rieties vo,- -mt0e$, Al. Bissett.- A. 8.-• /Dewitt+., pumpkins, Itobt. gnaders, ttf, HoughNATURE •' ; 011Altij Alin/ SIETh. Pot'fiU wherst,' white, fall wheat, rod* spritig wheat, 6 sowed barley. .2 rowed barley, large oats, catneten oats. ityllaek.-ortts; Ilretliattr ,took !Most ; illerchasstla liarveY liroti* white bessts, At. r. itottlirti ,Olovelt sgctl, 1011 :whirr tit ,titr.' 114, , n *i,..,ERritt. Atter. .g.r. fliock, ,jv. ; el 04, , thoatr$ large veasan& email Vett* etbortr4 , NtIo1lt138* , ratitio„, 11. lake tall apples, 30.14. ' clet43 variety, Iv. Nyalker* thim,,,r 1°1.'10 ooPtits. any' variet.3t, repnings.;' Crieh,. 41. IstorehotaiLStdts. Virti. Rider: toltitittOS;',1r."-rie t Orielt ; _ . r 011, (ityatos; yr „soviet, • ,Vrrctenetetnli--Mar q.u41 0, - rittrfartril hand ade, M. Brook n :010,thintti. machine wade nre, Ilast- ing ; metro tangy orr4ra or 'ght shirt, Mis. Itestings,. alias .Drethout Idtait hand 608Vinitt N. Tom; Afghan', • -81reett;'-Miss.: 04; ta c•00*.X*.V0024 Satis;Lititria- 13t04et,IOnigt 01001 la white on• Miss Livingstone,' 419Irs. S. Inttola..• lunch cloth in C0101,3 on linen, an8s Livingstone,. Mrs 'Dr, Sweet; ease or :bar for •ItandltailliefS, Miss71.01iig. Steno, 1,1rethontii: tatting, MrS. Dr. Sweet.; Aroltn. threasl tine* Mrs. J. •Whme,- ttiss' Carlisle; Iwoir en screen or 3arvis's/431MS) tarsi br Sweet* and; underWaist, White, Mabe4'...13roo'k; bead ..work, Stonioke, iS1r. 3. Alrhite:t Miss Livingstone, T. Vriern1r'- 11. : Neab, L. Oar *;*.thoto - Ifnc-room Or fire ncreen,,Mrs. WLCkWjVQ4aprcine- 58-_--4i-,-,flortskm-rxitteing.in, itifer; Miss Idvitng3ttrtIM ;,-FrOolttr shawl or. co' 0,1frs.-.11,..„Vitton or e croc se t e ma s -Rooks, *Urs. 13. Fitton; crocIt or,. Mrs. -Mi.:Sweet: voritet: von na N(Cb, Mabel 11rcolt; Mftbr1 tirook ,11. "Neel); heavy or Irish Voint cro- chet-lace0 Dics. -J. Whttei----(Mab Orook pt abet work and faticsibrabl• Mbitted; 'Miss Brook, Miss eardr7fir) c war 111 w0c, I ottkr Liaaie Johns; klaitting,„ 4 Fitton, mtss..oarmatt: knjtttil hiee or trimmihg - ,cotton; l'enrusen, N. Chair; --ilippers kultted* .Mrs. a. White :Norwegian, or Hardanger embroidery,. 'Mrs, V. /0 Nitiekwire ; etubroidery., Mfss Livingstone, Best., tmartin 4111r° broidery ribbon, Miss Itivingptene,' Mount Mein* _work, 'Miss Living- FAtme stratloir-embroirlery.- relstene, 143.- V. 3.'‘Vick.wire...-°°•*ye- - LYDIA NKII Nat, tuv and a ;woman's 'work cont., bined have vrodtte$44; the grandest reluOdY for wonuttes ilis that the wor1t1ia.s ever Itnbrit; . hedty%ef 1 our gran • mothers tkkly relied upon thij .roota aid herbs, of '.the ileki t� cure disease rand mitigate uffering. The „ Indians on our Western, ttinti10.4rty. 'ati Droduee.tOnts and orbs evert ailtnentr and cure AhalitoetaaltilleA, 'Ivitho have spent years in of drygSf thr fo* Exeter 1a1t Co; 41leetiqngiioral attite Stewart,. ..tton taior thi 'told'brittlb101010 collectio* Of ' it No leotion of -groceries ;;Oollectten boots and 'shoes Caetorjr.'tweetla„ factory flannel - factery tlantro :ladies boast 3. „ . 7 farau ny only but X 41readed ound au eywoustedWat$107 ttli 400t0T0 as littio better than - why X was off work 00110%011 014 eta commit Dr* Termed), from them Mosta and knew atom stacl-lietztittuv Prier : rp ique' embroidery, Mrs. 3. 1.VickWire, .Misit Iltithowe f-Ittiniall- .Cirt work, liffiss Livingtione, /Ur*. J. ' Wiekwire 1 ,Cotoitation braid •worie, 1‘11.3s titri fistone,,. Rev. 'Mar. •tsu ; embroidere shirt waist, Mrs, JF. , F. J. :Wickwire, ley. .Martin :. -vra- _hitojtlerett_Pat,a01„,Nitta.tatriblIk4. lies. Mrs.. Fittert,' Misi LivitigstoAe :' " _ide 04 .dtiWtsE17-11iten. 40.31,410 44a-with-ir monogram! , 1 IlrOok; e 1-centrepie bi ' n•.,..,, Mrs. Dr. ; •c°,.tttrepiec.",f 1 nst.-41Cat.riot ittilit ; 'LlitteitlItt ✓ tort. Miss Livingston, Ifonitmk lrs. r. Ji Wicknire : Prasillan iffe pa:At ,sitteo. ,Miss• I.ivint'V. . puelless lace., -4,Its4 Iilv1113. Itt1.1;v1.4,,,,ttnueelt..0.1i.ontnk. dtrirorkt,bngty*,.woXmli;lisi 0.4.0Trot: att.:4,,Mtiv. 4.- WM' - 4s-die#A-44.40 1 test and,' largeoft• , , .- •• lallilitt;* tor, Mi..ts. ilro Ii.,. ikdo..,,ht: ' . ' hirtryears.ap thei 'World .`dia . a d 0 art;, who „ plo4v, ;as, Murray 41° line fur . robes, Mr.- Moii- 2. .1.1orvers Spatial; ils.do Bretheilr. . , Sir' Wilfrid - at Clinton 1.);$ WhiOAVO 4413i4044/Vere, not proper and 01)04004 -ar-coutvtgisIort--4t9- -ittl- wstigato the charges. They report. ed- that in several departments some Varti 'Wore -withont, consciente,, have appelntol another Vouttols., and the guilty po.rtles oil' got heir, just reward, but the omms- on atat,:ed -that 'Otero is-noti; the charges which reflect. on 'Lb oNetrancallo. PV41. e reformed 'the LL wa Qu t rdirtg. _ r Olianged all this and make merit and relAft:c41W-TOrith- , • erowevit-iserttW."--- t ti rtie owing !to -appoint- - r. Borden. says we have •stolen '"..litirafillia''Orttlillr-itiike-atr.'-iritiell, $o gluttons to take the credit We aVill be !glad to hake. hittuat his evord. and ...askLhint-to.,...enaka-vonverts-eit attplos7 anli Mr. 11411114 31141 tiot them to use their • overy effortoto, have A a servantS rtri0 no Vashed'on -dtitt Tories put in, without sny....re, Corrinx- thin:- roe . litter excep that--they--ate.--Tories.--Theit-action 11w thla connection. be watched *ith remelt interest.* • -.: ..Tariff rotonv rivos totsChed qn tY ,the Preniter* thi. to tariff had been mode for, one -410S. It as then reforrneti and anode' to et ,otevseerond -1ot was one of relief .for the ptifilib- nuftotttrerr flr- ti-J; tittle ti soitistootto 14;1- .'luanatittin peopkvidthotrgh, Ur t)harles Tupper 'Wag, t4b00kW. - 'Yon rite told *that wa ,dtaVe obit*. tittinf;At our pplicy• in- re4ervintrloints- tor settlers. And I am hero for the Purpose' of meeting any 'Charge imode 14.41.1.graa....01g1O0,01,atr John A, ritaritir - artiazttt .:was ,arcortletlf with speitx wahtivg (600058603 in the we -Aviere.:to4X of. 14.146441 ), LiV4143 **40-41,611404 4113t• • prark ttd3 'rflt`o milest etiotta tor-. *6 -settler* nnik,t 0' not givor--3Wity. on for Settlement btl'Anybod • IMachines c best -made at prices tba w.111 suit You. Bicycles, arriages and Go Carts, Very attractive. Prices right 001*.1)040101*.e.ilic niotlir. e,vtot wears., hloes1 r.- , =VA OR M1DDLO Zell '1011rPL.; ,Iroa feet the symptcins 040=41041000.t1ient yo used t 1, - ... 0 divo 41,„dt .. ii. . . yoyo1�tbof 1.,ref" any vemkn IlitZirr.wjli euro you. Witat-ltlistodoitto•fotothera itwJU.d To . Iteatedlou, -wii$e fOl *5 honest. Mkt To,..citor:1941tiated 1(0 t4AME$ USED WITHOUT IffiltITIVIr axtroita. phi • tsViig nhitrtte3Iligitti , • ,priMPiteRciAL, isnotertiAN IELEORAPHIF . . Our gradostesssecore good po. Oltlatis and forge to the front. Write for our free 't*talogne, you find. it. Intereetingi , You 01*y-enter soy:tinle.:, ,..a' Ilia itJtstpossIbato sccns a ,totafottob1*.ibtlrO iVi4 a razor u3perJ, pr. &Aly graon4 accurattl7 bal. asced. 41y** iota It poptestise • .• 1:41:taraire sabre& lia;Clar a ititesorktiotbs. • ' • tits *than ly pittfect„ baler * pp*4 *440104 by atotoosi-'4 tits' soot er **tattoo. - atop*** ottikottot riot al c keat sititior t hfg �f it:wv • . 11! we sold 430,000 *ores nil lo the SaskatchewanLantItOton. IfianY* 'Oettlii•Ittitt ia flt known tO 414: Zlt.'for e°,.; 1Ths Uvcrmt aeptctV-ilte •t.1 w .9 • ere, othe toncbLt tt:ta,to bring in -settlers. I- of 1a'11AD-••' ernd ,-46•• 1I11CWh and •kncw '',Dbt CiIfl it - 1 et,41114, '!".ot If will, 404 4yottat 'as itt vogue ...in atteeeislo:* lt„t !1ertb, 1f.izon * brrelion 8j Will ir; k t 15 , o oik in _Po . Iit i - to , doll, ey p 6 RZS . , both. -W , ° .si Noth., . 1 001014: 4 0 ric, xv.,,,,,... .T. *N. Stevo rp.woollett *At* tba.t. WVCii.ney „; sewing macl M*rti»z * Son, I AA: Orgrni Sort: Muffed bird** - ibarrej-lini aalt-, After eIngtog e II, :Kerr, of Ilin*aela Introducecl Graham, r. Orabitin Was given t h-larteetereenefeg---1" Bo wte partletdatly gratified I many adlea preeen o angoir711-67.1414;14-11:1111M. ay ng n for Mr. McLean in Exeter lait aifid-didirreei surre any rini, tut Mr. McLean, *Oa elog44., mookia theta *Milt) ttite b64.1.1b the bnalt.tte ,•rmito ereliiwou t'ler-elthihttion but to Induee the elettorit of the try to vote for, the Liberaltandhl n Alleeneelng the 'stand** Nei 0 Inun referred - to the Consortial Mend* of Mestere. .Bordon roil( thep,tiln 61,3-414 Itt -what 1 *M.,,,alt- t re only preventedteen the tlaiber 00; country. by sir011. , 'Motitat ortylog, the Utiatelft� the 04.1 in IC b e th 0 *the 6 dur. oeter4e tigiven more tlrnbrr In 1 - ad 100117.,;*0 lettOtitplati t Is Irk* mint(tei Otor4ikii, ifitlt faaor -0 ilitt421.044,14** 000 *.*IrtretkittOrbitatt*rit*It *ILO .***.iwthIcitts for 00 or board. Tk. ustrbo*Lz1age it Via** not rsq vWchiwftl TWO t 110 [111111 10110 W IktErnall .1=0 tt LAI/ ON Ef. Ars,y person -Arlie is the sole head .ot, 4.1.11td147,-Jor -Amoy reale OlteX yeGrs old may homestead,* a .quarteira Ohl of available lbaninitin land tn. r t a T 4,ppettr in • son.. iniott Taints Ngericii• or! • --•11104 raf -1161544441r tilc;04;., -5- prcy ectiollt conditions.' by father, rootherr'' gen. *daughter,' brother, or Sister of inteniEng , homesteader. • Duties months -tesitlefipt upon' arit ou,ttiVation of tile land lb esteb: .of .•titn.eiyeors,A homesteader may !vewatitt iitlitin-iorottAcitst-t0. 8eregt7 y- ounod ur1.•ottvitost :0,1110$ to: 1x0r#::',41011t. In eel:Lain , 0iO4/tr , Iire-tomPt ,a Lecr:t,u o*.ongsaie his of sitams-. eed.-(t., inotiell t ead. r*1.3. y.trs trent date. of " ,estead entry - ti ' ratont) and- 'ottlti.vt irlutNit to CgLTTh St • atiO r /0; Etas ' cxt*t..ited ead. right Itttil titnUO ption ;nay take put ,. 1 ▪ ettl iliste.ett rteJe„: Dtstii!--,30.4.1411st :ntle;4-11.1i--e-acir ot-thr rfty°1'4,CreS alt4 tre# " $393.01; WP.tolt*ir, Ittskater eta* Jaad�i' blitineereruimaltuitiael • * v. *,7titletttte ,1,1 or 4160napt „I!y „th ^on. awl ihvitice Mr. se". fgy 511 Jar IU To*, wort in t itero ever as * eyotelt , Oleo * •