HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-09-24, Page 3fo 0.developing° ain in tbo valley of ' of. t1w lilade 8till Retie -cativo Pu8i� has been neighborhood eversinc. o ed, aye the writer, that tiou ft ie tbe Educaton biIl now n arm '.fie :outside; ke ports nal at $ forni#n at ¥ontea1,r ty to defrauding the cit; by stuffing pay yells. Bi is implicated in the case Mayor JYAry tt- -tio icn 0 Grand Jur illustratedwas tl 1 ben there was .„ only ons) cae guiia,' all 8ittingsthe lii li siitated-the,,. 0 days of a dozeni on Thiir . 531 o tile Rattwe, ;McLean at- lcd to'the boa vominal "Vail Bar1e 0901 an side. ran -- 1. ' n Otrnny.di'nry jtrymen frontill, part.sof, tli&united counti heay expensc. Juaticc MaMahor presided,who stion ,vr of doing away withth ran ryystem a ja ,NieW o ed by !the Grata Jury thcni selve$.he Ittal WAS .that of G icing Vright was - accornpaiilecl by E. Selfrklge of thc C�rp of t. geWas 'iathteellay13?iifiluretclleau nd 830 Wm-140day night. Mr. Thrce was 88rional,r injured, but tletiter, Mo., by �cted to 'retgever. While tbo car of Osumuit niachincet0.1a blacje 8napped fzom choler& in D ST Tnsp. re killed at Worm e. explosion- of A tfant-thiaill eteriburg in qt.a000.z, ate iteOubliean fall t*ventiontoga, tor-WI/4004 :Nominations WU be Afeld On Week Earlier, patlh from Ottawa eaxa OEi general elections for the Do- tlt Will be held Qo Oct. 26th. -Upon ha eturn on Wednesday iug from Niagara Valls, Sir .Forty More tnrolled At Montreal, - -including Seven Strike ' A despatch from Montreal. says: The 'Canadian Panifie /Railway QM- emhz 4.ontinu_010 announcethe tak- ing ou of new men t replace the „ 4 6 ere wero ()use .and obtainod Lir1 forty; enrolled- on IVoilneeda24 sev- .• •fa the dissolution' en of wlic(in were from the strikers' li Parliament of Canada. ranks. The companydeclares that nE COnneil 'convened at it is quite satisfied with. the pro - it was then decided gress Ailing the rizen's 'plates, topetil „tothe country and is exceedingly'. sorry that sa ;bou1d be made on. the -4-ate .ruen. many. of tlie ,old .men will be n tioned :tamely, Mnnday, Oct. tcth; Danger in its emplty., . Ai .slieatto -Abandonea -1$0476-si malinox broke out at Alder.' .toultn POUND lyg,' ngara OWQS . of Heart DISease.,- 21--ctecfrom t. Latitafin says : Charles E. Brpverki,...11 14.111#1 -townshipt thot. military tamp on wednesdAy., on on a4r evening went to his barn and4.104m4t_ciluvrantineito hitch'his hors to...gcLuu. been estal,Iished on the tath' When he did. not return. lAut_hAtrife 1,verit' o id - been ntra d. Tbre one cue starch, and found her husband F. of the 06th. Tbo dead in A, kneeling P0SitiOn heSidei 1.1.0A4i4-ei-midrirattd. -,nalthough great- A1140144'0,- the carriage standing thc lwater trough, 'Th, horse *at ger is • hutitnreetik.nesIshozsmaficietaasrsionteadtobb tattoo, beeseidn 111 boifnliat‘e-yr!ecyefererittr bwhO eetlitilid nAse e _event ,of cara.P.*-b.0,01 twee; and-lihim-fiqiiii had e Nutt had stooped over to bathe hi celled. pired. ; "4 few op 7Hale13-crwezt(e)sword was4 :64:it wi ijvth4''''overloaded which* being hung up in a tighfi cor- ner lest it �houtd irar bedead until - Tr: Tho poor crop of �at8 in /007 acaued & failingoff in the arca of 158 000 00 c are are •tpie lk outside., S l3hhop. of St. h.' Perbaps t Eornewhtb eondensed . the "Bile,in any esse; ,ss The Guardian remarks* th ', grimness of ,political strife is r lieved by such pleasant Pictures as this,. which 'Combine in:\one cativo, all that is best in the study of still e„otthe_suktitty...:01 tat ' u. I world, and the beauty 0,44.104t134004109.10 • it is in POlitiCat (lobate e iallY in, the 0414$0 4C0o1r4,011 , n1 T4, , r zr mien n art e fermi 1 ould easily. insure' to the stalking arm in arm throughellt, t -world' if he wonld' • "undertake the land.': -"This bill' e - ffects such : oh.. •., . s. ' Change that the latt. ieap-in the dark --Xelt lre'rk Penteer4tk in molvtl *M. s.-merei-fletaite - -1 .eariTnOt tion 'at Rochester nominated Lieu” indorse tho-fant,,om.that the honer - (*mint -Governor •Chanle-," for' " able member has, evoked.' , 'That ernor of the State ' , is the marrow,okhe Education Act, red it will riot bo taken out by 'Dr. The-polieet-St, Petershulrg-bax arrested eighty-five terrorists. An earthquake shock caused great panic at Guayaquil, Ecuador. • A law giving greater freedom to Jews is to be submitted to the nuit- i, Seventy des c ole r 1. .per oundlin 10. - 0 per .rio3t tiroothy quoted at, *10.50 to .50a ton'on track here, and No, 2 at to $8, - Potato ow. Ontario quacii at 10 to 75e TRY rxtoDuar4 $240* and beingusizel , e o 7, anI equal to rel*Pr4Veloeunr.o tbe e'iita-1-,:iiilt-Illiird' v ° areas rye peas entia 1 _ .111"th'a ,. o ' bean r - Tbere s a A "tPi"oei I r . , , ,a • el ' ' ' .° i gt bi i et ton yield toI i: reduction a h quarter, aera thc _aset.- s,,,. win omparisoi with* bagin large.lots, and. Deiaws,reie at 80 to • c er ba •trao .ed? • (pun 10 lle; ducks, dresscd,U. to 12e; tke 'FM ght cattle or the. 'X'AiverPeet and IaneIiester arkets sold at *3.75 to 4.25 per cwt. fcw go�d butchers' cattle were Old at '4.80 er .cwt. Aninqui'ry is already being made THE 'D,AlitY•MARXETS. ButterPottud prints, 22 to 23e., tubs, 20 to: tga ;, to -100; Creamery• talla, 25 to 20e,rand' 4444 at.. 24 to, 2434c, • •Vgge-easti iota,: 20 to. 21e• per dozen. ' , Mee erge cheese, 13 to. 1.814q, ce* contrnue unchanged- in lLcp and aznb 0Solc4t ,h 4 continue o iat • cy, 406, ,611' ) 4 a : 70,(327,2G6 35.8 $7,908 11445,040 158....1.,0394021 ' -033,874- 1907 DO,;365O3O 21.0 4 193-1907 , 045,873 12;500,918 19.0 ens-- no8 829,004- 17,0 .001 47;502 • 790,269 10.6 907 . 1-41,762 715,332 17.1 , • 3,253,141 4,035,257 1,4 51,6151 3d34,803 1.1 „ 2A2,038---3-7111058 1.47 With the exception of hay and, clover, the final 'estimates of yields -willuntit44.0YealketQf otheriiu1irding root. • RUSINESS HEN CAIUTIOUS, Imports Still , Show a 'Very Large e, Decrease.' • A des ateh from Ottawa says: a * for Au ust a ain reflect th� witorr his year in considerably rcstrict- ing imports for the fa,11 trade. -tatals.xte • Pared with -04 052.0 for August of last year, a decreaso of $10,203, • .m470311,4tobr„tyttiabout ii ted0,. pe r :mint; 1:1::::_eir ports of doptestie. products for the de- crease of $3,209,097 tempered -with : the :same month last year. For the first five months a the present fis- cal ,year the: total trade of the Do- me mrommiwi ret rumen erra.r.rui TiV 11111q.aill ItPt 411111111T onfoundcda granite loundatinn, 134c. and speaks in a voice not to be . drowned in sectarian o BOG PRODUCTS all these charming conianations of Bacon-Apng 'clear,. it% to 12c ideas we have to thank members of per pound in case lots; mess pork, the Lower Rouse. Even politicians 19 to .$19•.50.; short .cut, -$23 t of Cabinet rank havesmade valuable $2150.. . ditiont to the collection. Thus ,./lains Light to medium, 144to Mother And Babt flurtted, to Death on Way- to 'Village. patch „from Spritcetiel Pary o nd District, ea Mx %ow.. to the village through three miles of burning Woods„ were itinek* y a large burning pine branch and linined to -death' IL Richardson• found the bodies, and brought them to town. !Both were charred .beyond recogi: 'twetve-- i ...._ c ;- e t: 5, 10 to - A `Young part, or 0 o •t e e etei mice asserre 0 P.xniz- that 'the qtiestimAtimeigun 't,j_kt9- 00; eke 1 t ; breakt/us nava, D eni • ii"a thorny -0,11blect-ahd-li aeon,1to "stns. Itenclgorit ish en Or) ' a ike o co -4, aih V! i 1 . , . , 4 .. rairali o .. FICHIIG AT TItEE TOP. er, has invented a •txpeir t , hi'eli-will--,-reeeiver-artd• ntr,viiro- * d* _e essorj, . A t ZU6Ld1 less messages, • gee), Ur.. Austen Chamberlain, re- t fral;liept, .Grain — • The German Chaneellorsays•Ger- marked at the Liberal Union Clubsteady- business continues to ' b • has up lutentionL-of-invadin dinner-last:yeart-that-the-harvest, itionft in oat, and prices ehON no or of attempting to sccure the present Government had change ; Manitoba • No. 2 white, 471 • ,: , n it.s.ady_s_einin -home to 1 to 48e; NO. 3, dog to 47'e; rejected, , Guatemalan revolutionaries tried o Sir William ifart-Dyke .int8 _. t 0 OW:-PFrVrer riFx 0 to kill President Cabrera, by means o. co SPICIon.5 thOwitcre to his ri ur—,,__Choice SPring wheat pat- .iltn infernal 'machine connected credit—the description otxtrihttnes-:cfri tii'l 4unsijOitai745:1nrWin er i th the*.President's telephone. -Lowther as having gone to the very '41 at 11)atellt$144 ttilii:COI17641611f 9 . top of the tree and landed a his rollers, $0.40 to $5.80; do.,' in bags, , via the coniforting.assursnm f2' ,toIla,,101; .pttrinS., 41.65 to 111-76. --bis-kkovernment,.-had-got-rid--4 LFeed-Manitoba-til-li-4-1 $22tota 423 tO BS- tt1_,t 3:6 4 6 barbed-wire entanglements and 'roitist. 7..0!;' 9ntirielGran, $91 to now in. smooth water.- Among c22; *In lhng,i $20 t°. *27; ehOrta, . Oudot_ exsopios,;:ofinixt ttt.24 ,per wre, inelluding _bags; pure othernietap"llits*•130 to. * e r 'tor ire theedietion n nioui re, .^ • — • ‘ 15 -AT" 3401iTREA: . ot Lake Superior 1Wirisiort..01, ,Oreps-Ont, espotelt 'from North Ray says: Noti'e• iven Lhat F. P. f/rody, rintendent (of the Lake ision_of thc ' „very_gtittd,,., and won.y of this div with, .its frequent bUtOC-41 test imperative.. Ilia sztec.r his pa oh froth P.or r iri,„ Ma rsays: lofc large -far of the Plai ilicate.- On fliner 1 bushels per auc aen% the balance of his -age - of tbirtSz b -nit t 1 .uf27,000bushi _ . St,te*'shi,rehave been bought , , rtived ulutlii on , People Along the hare _buried. bole:v.:and sent• wo en and chi -reiiii---riFtv-iy*W; ting_ ito-w11010# tilt , e names; whieh are ever,invrcas ing. 'The lionsity of the -pall ernoke ei i* the local situ ion relative to kw- _ r . frnni that little has been done *the Ar 4) iaway n spre 1 g, .but r 0 by "rein o ;III& smolt 1 ost tie% u ds rope enough .t anonIfirlighplitleteineub4,06f, teloteuiiquntir., I a.. certain Government, department is iron -bound in red tpe. and the confident assertion 1t' %Ito • the Torte* keep drngg h •re:T act It AD ANI) UtmriEa. initan 1 ntary deteriptive debato in .1he frouse 0 l: think, finaHy eleare te- ar. -W know at Iast 'whittle 1 * eingiste . ile 1 u 'pt. 'wth lth hand, rt 1. ' irp... 0 e i b arre rio`Tr haMbarreis do.; 01.150;, clear fat: bake, • ;$23; dry salt long clear backs, 110; Varrels plate beef*, $17.50; half -barrels do., $pl.,com. pound lard,"41,14 to oyo: pure lard, 1" to..1a^i_kettlererule '4'cL1, rea I�ron1 14 teilte: 'Windsor bagt ect. hogs,, 419.15-;:liiie; $0.4.5 to Ego -NO. 1$ 19 to 20c; teleete„ o:Zte per dOzen, Cf18eS8.-fAtitat# 01P-10,--LISt flutter ---1 , ,“ bah) Ove #16 rio-rtir • untry, and • tile forest fires ton ' a ue-U---fa- it'.-„, Aditninigle4.. . I lien for nee -0y a month, an&the„Nliole.,.country is dried up. Many.villages are threat; -mak- and Ihe.-settleVs4n--all-par re4o 44;414 are almost ,cxhauted. -• swa-thc question that awoke liixn toe n confront Li 1 ng up in bed, with iiklinterroga- tionpont in one eye and a- nate of. Xelamation in 'the oth•Ar, h "hit whst 1 want to know,, sir,. You've -been repeating that naine 11:thrbugh. 1 0 erfect beauty. Just theart 4 dog You, ought to ownP "Certainly $6t1 appear very fond You asked this collie -do 1. 'nt her arms ,rourtell your nee tou_ola you loved lier it *11 your"heart and, that came t If you COU your hed iiii4Toneifis emila breathe you p . ly -- f($04,220,:543 as compared with gm cerrespen c-oir-)t'iftt113't.4.rher---- imparts deereased by $50,179,202, *ports of -domestic- -:-Iiroductir-de-; creased by $9,051,433, and the ex-• potts of coirt and blifltondecreased hy $3,790,201-.. For the five mouths period imports-t.otalled-$115,544,a4S- Aamest,ie_6ieattSJQWlcd OK- • - 01:7,4,2= ,Turr. • SOLDIE;11•414,1A-V-11,411110L- l-Froni-Biank rtides-Vere- • despatch (rpm Ottawa says; Rockliffe camp on. Thursday after noon,* AS a result of which rut:earl dinal, of the 60th --Regiment,.--Pres- ott, liesin_ -rfilitall-noopitod- •'. nmb of his comrades were having what . nawrz-As-a-b,1 reality -ther -gamer-4 . nian high in the Air and catching. him.The treatment as being 04. Iied' to Cardinal, but his weight in lingt-brokelberlield-tet-these-on-,- (inC, 'side of the blanket? , and he truek the grozind heavily. No botteti re broken* but.it-is-fearedlhaV"---- Was internally Uijtirid t Ltfle Daughter of GeorgeCarson of Charlottetown A: despatch from Charlottetown* - ir.ing the tertayearloid daughter of s ion,,,foretristi:o iigbfle1d, wu aeeidcita1Iy , shot - by her r Albert* aged sixteen* whilehandl* *loaded gun-. he o !Monte* latttr. Miter' •• ki OW to tt. 4 • 71. , t t -4 ' Thi' iia&I benu *nk t &I Lt - '4:40ti`•''.Z.,t . n.illtite 1,18,41 i'v.,,e a ute ,,,', r,..:A. Titx Oily , r..,-;,.21 be t o M»3 It trc %Ailjti. z f 14, (' '.1.'i"*.a ..tti• i",,,11,141 v, a to,f 4.'4rte & *tonic I t . *rn RW tit):44tie,k ,d^ 4.1d4,6,