HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-09-24, Page 2- •
IS V(k '0* 44k, VOIt't1.714;
Ellikey '
batt: tor
hat there Isn't ono. JuiCe
hundred' an4 teen 0
,orgyt *Xi
, •
It Priv) Sialle4e
'irks kOut at About 3306 rr
flake -venom has prorvid .usse.
medital acienea that the
log 4 ▪ -
Y stallion prop,14"ets pdi
roma.", winter. ' . • • ,•
re olive*011 m be need
. . ,
. .
Jurnper .5till hold, their ,own,
. lolly for girls. ,
.. •
CO: x ;worn than a year ago•
,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,• _.., Sealskin. promise* to be the fav:.. ,
Ottai . . ,:rrilo,i4hoenra .,, t'holeirstetiatIto•Svtirs, s:
. Orem 'is the - artisti& • cOlor;for ' to • arid still it is not anwah,
- .2, • • i
c' tely impoisible thing,- win so
Wino decorations this. year» _
' . • °rite -fill- for Ole ebin-ing 1-0417' -'-•-- _ - ellAistir-staue-,good,..neZ0-1Y-1.,P-P.11,-.
5 always kind 0 , hoping that
e. nov_i.t•inta$,P1•44,' 6.Y.1--,, pt,othaisont _iltsfttostotImarel. siltserraltiepti.eca
, a•Lzi,..,-,z , ging',.alorig, tocre,iftiek . . . ..- . sealed -10,slayi, Tte..eipe.ratV170.,r. ... , _ _..
irons' -tho that of -tho - eo e - :.;,.,-;4.„.•;4,
* -4.A4P--Mq14-•-••---' • ....
finds, Relief' la ,,,i es heine, ,- • . '
„________::_r_liktii es, have aoserteil 'themselves
• i street At., brought in, and bo 14tTlia they'. 011.4 tot til',,, tkowl$,4rnarrie 0022•4•• ,, ' ''' "•7"-• ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' " " "-""'•**"1"
Scarlet anerbhie maga* win -heeri any -fortiine-s In ' .
. - coats are See AM' • t. —
f the i3juvie (w)an.,:, writes; ' • f I/ ' It 14 ,e' eta ''''
- Short.skirted ti?stunies halt could ;tau !I, ing- ' 'verde* iokinglY: • - Ili . era, --ftitI.'S , , i . ntarkut4rige, la 4-- ta-Xes so
' stra• ht and ' as Iiinp itti'tbe:' il i ke trirregalar- ho#0,---4441 --: 16-fAnYhodSt:„Ieavo,-,1?,0-2,:two "PI- gu .. :t War. 510_e8i.: aeTeS4'4$ footmen. •.'. ,e4t- -iti ,.. ... ,.. _. • : '---
million , ,
'pSOinelr •,•ter.'".
tine•tlat• , .
, w ' *IOW, •"Com,
at 'night. helm w
ime enoll,gh for, forty thin
lia *pen, fortl fortunes
4,136 004
ouoit ir 401”. 0 joy
the reptile,,eausing %It) -bite
it ber handst-an de!,
e()li:;;:t1\'mt44-6A tire;t4h, twu
• poison -fan • the -0,
c 0 costs-itsr
„ •
61111 tto ne$* tetone nger outgo',
fra,ce a good -man)* .0 „ ,##x so " of it if there baa 6eoslinlue: 'the-ertocirveavlek tobv:ro,arAritwittivt 4rtit, bki:oto- ,:teli.lmirettork"8:.44lotwiiona.:41111.Ltenc--;
at'- e mvo ear that _sometimes he says to Mrs. ;so, wbilc the
i. r
114- iu the to of a few la aryt_t_e-daitr instance ottlit
i• kj • t tire utAn lox -weeks I ha• c -an _0 sayiaitr:s„. .wreported-froni
0",xt season'•tt es ;le 1.13'0-4 ' " " , h t " • -11. .1111140 °PI°, 34.111. . ,Africa.
ly promise Icing and tight atini wreck.
For either house or street we, l'aek. m/ strength" ..........................."No " •
.•%-'14tdif-6-44/1"14r,oggists,:ktzrelltee..itnit, rikTilti.hulte."Y'4-4-nor the-t-ra 8-403veB14:0'
d faia"; 'I'll. the ted with a V' • a'th • ttregief had deitaCiriiticolt,01.%,
tiur.41 • Presort - • -Tiart-dre• boex,;.hiola al a t
• a
(!1nnv in Wet ebi
r.. -Harding, 503 W. 146 'flit, aif million) mail) el" tQ'• TIA'Peltl:riu°i'd;uni:titelt11014$4,5;":"Ps4;•'4114iii°1*04:40iktr e
Aleeves. • • • • • 'Bight bottles. Of Perunaebrong 4' to n'e /1..4
' • - - - - ilindsome poops
-sots- - r sd --tli g il to-gIve ad- Ont.,
* ded aprx?otellictioitito treee t 14 t IWO year Medal °1•110°.°r -in., -"Perhap t w
Buttons are usedh on thse lates 014edufil sl IP ' life 'writes. as f0,1..• sarn'dellars. We . could do wit4,11, ,......1,...714„...1.t4,toti , ! es:rec./nen
. , anu Pw-NT; 4. -•
. . •
unheard of in former sso
eans. . !Ever iiin-Fe-thirve'bteu hationrits 44No, nor a hundred. thousand,. - 1" "IP 1,, .
.8°wns and (mstuules to. ari vrtent lora. 4„. ._._ ,i. .,.. th t.
• . ra. ' Pfine onta) I have had' a n 4101
e trade. •cfNcit a '40" 'says Mr. Win., daiilgular revival ia taking Place ....:,lost reliaum re;Crenees and proofs
-some of the Onee a family buys . . for 'Nearing t/ni tooth Of a which Will encourage the
Among furs,squirrel, dyed a ba bottle, 1 am Y
most dis.
, - *., „handsomest *inter l'arinenta. surecroffotiestlggbrtihnegmatuin_motrieg,n:Indeuist. , ., ##0, 124 eon a dollar)", gays lit4) -, or t -ire 'gold as U., iteattened, yoix can thus , tinjelEly
liant brown, will make
It is int -4044114 /lean i._
aticot. ta old superstition con., '8,atitos iourself,*-witliOut cost that
. * ' .-the-wearing•--o -Oa* orna4. this- treatment is__;_ ou Ion
.. i 0 ' v tt•-• li-wi 0100
-ern-40.111 Asi Olio *woo ,
treatment are MVIted to .write for
ee trial of my home treatment,
ith: interest: 3 booklet, ;all riad in plain- urrapperoi, with the
10114)11,4 ,1 1•1
, • , q, P S' 0
3,4 tiVallbriterettpfartrAMPT
• • V4X0Mfr
be popular again this fall. "1., have nothing 'e teir g , 0
vas, e
Aniong /4' Tot_ 0,4 does this -right cheerful" .04,
alwsts 1ZOn1D '1
the materials for sinart larrh in all of its various forme, ,As. ie
are both enjoying a • wonderful compare, splondi. Or
vogue. , excellent for children." „,- •
. A
. •
."," • y '
one of mercerized material, such s
cotton voile printed wash net
ball silk gauze. *
ll'oreige letters tali of extreme
simplicity in the costumes of the
• most fashionable women at the 'big
0, spas and seaside reiorts. •
Ore= White madras is often used
- tor is desired. -It comet out. of the
wash with -flying colors. '
_ ___F.avorite...neck...rnehea_for_stregt
wear are cornp,eited--of vvide,soft
• black ribbon, with wide White frills
at top and_lottoni.
Ituttons with mirror centres
tflar in
11$ t 0 s'ilritAliAn. st 110
e ntbb $ 'with brushilipped
▪ -in 'warn,' *OAP* Waterlialitthen,
—ered-.sith-whif ogg,..heaten to
froth. • • •
The. --stYle..
_gown: is a thing of the past.:4.
trading color to harmonize the
- /Viol -Earls.,
• A new buttoned oxford'has toine
3r# rather late/. to be v''To-1—tn,
, in s arelashionable with it.
favorite color just now 'is a de,
• . - coma aprietik., •
blenda" admirably with the fashio
able Mack hat of imniense dncn
- /*It -110u the -tramp .-had. -weer' a
reat deal or life, he was Jae ,pidge
character,. otherwise be- would
never have said did to min
.coluoutc gawkins, "'When shefstild
„that be *tbuld give Min a geed din -
if . be • would saw and aPlifi- wood
enoug1-1-17:-Payr riitteitip
aPpearito -her Sympathr.
"Atadam," he replied 'sadly, "1'4
be-glad-trroitv-and 4 0lit-the-woad,
IV lie 'glad. tock, atything, but I'm
not physically strong. I have a.
'weak -heart, madam, and44ave. to,
look out -fox it, Ton: sets,. 1 carry
gave an incredu,lous-aniff_as she
Ilaticed4t-the-palins outstretched
for aid., mt-suppoiit.-that'athe tea -
son youidon't-wash 'em--4or fear a,
e eu"rrl'hei
21" ng resuicral?
erwei t
7 be_
4,1resent „u7,
g•''' - - .g sc ress ,•Ili
::.'it'ts.,'-ge6t1$1. demonstrati
Mothers who keep 9,--'.13ox. o'r t ,
hkel:IttigthiiththesPpeltslyri,da' rInd liatto;st,egiv"nouct,41:/44. (4 . glass, t,.4
. •
ay -reel thitt tbo-liss.ot tlisir lite. -pails is • paironiAng.: ' - . -, • ninal,4111thlkt 7thin"tton°1di*-4:roSbcity* . _ 1. r r . 1440_0101 . .. , a4ach
. .
abes Own' 7Tablets*-in. the- hostse liart.ly in recOgnition of the.fashien rr
le ones aie reasenahlY safe -during ' Nolters. on ,iirboOttlturci - Ilal:fe break and put -my liesid alI to fiiec,7,-,' ,...., . _. ,
he hot weather month& Stomach from titne• to tiMe Called attintion -es.1" .i.. , , ItheAstiivaism* pain, -Etc:, _,
troubles, cholera, infantuM and dist- f.0' the- gratIlial ' cdisupPearance of ' -- - ., eattl, Ait
, , •
, ,ii --017e _ ' ^ . ase - ems.:_iliat....__theri!! is a:. dearth of to- ,Appetite.--`..ro , have the - stomach . so '$.t.. DRUOLOWiS, OR
because the mother does _not.. liaye dar wood genera yir:71`birtraTht* 1 w-olrlirtiorh,,NtOils-sYstam PA1400 .60IVIPANY,' , ga 'TORONTO,
.. 4144., Tontlite *id Illitittlad r Lyman, Knox 4 Closituft, , , ,,
rhota carry oft thousa,nt.o.f little eedir trees -in this country, and 3 G.00d Diestion Should, Wait .Ott: .
4. ..
.4 safe medicine at hand. to give. the elicinist to work, and 5., Berlin val. • Very delicate are the di:geS.,
a a ......, 4.
,Pre*ptl Baby's 9*. TOI:cts cure firm is noiv, making an excellent tive organs. In siiffie so, sensitive
‘Ito...,;,!- When,,did:pheilegill„tiQie . ,
th(.'i -0001e eerning"en-4: And-, the .1t- is said that the pets,to catie sub- „rranged no. better. regidater ---1 eyr# she_,,,,,wea, x• believe: her ;ton, spilm...qu.i.oporp;uottor,*(00,c_tosinit, , • .: -
..,_ ..n.,
ally tx# the well child 7411 PreVe_nt biaeklead pencils frOm Potatoes...4iffeet th:ein...11,11.1ien.they,beisaitici- 11.1.:7 at lie had married her fiir ro0 -71, _ 4....0.11.. , ...,._, Mt otillrgbia .
....._ „,
these' trortiblea,-Or if 'givOlt OteaslOnt-; atiiiiititUt6 /or- the •cedar--easingt.ot .arew4hey_ ,nt, :atmotpherie .chan es
la;tixlitcu-tt.s-e:'}"eil:•-jie,:True'tgv4::,6;;eo!r1:sd::1cettljs,r:l:r:1;7':ct:t::b::°:ltd_:ti6v1"tyirrtfra,IH:1:lttttr:ttel:,4:,:tttrr'it::ttir:"*::::it'r°"Ei' ' :411.401°:1:iere,.4_11t1:Qr , ,AstistaitE e . : se:ti'l 01 4 8::::::1112;61 :e .; :Pir4114.ettealt;Te iiIIV:e: I 3 6 ot'fl (1: I 1:::r lira: lore'fliewiipart'°I.4h1°f°fLtidet9:1*::111.:::01:g—ll'ilo:rini:743bel:I':iee's°v.4:111:1,1311.0rith::;:al.:18:11:: t":7'"111'141:.':1)g- :swn-ultlict'':;111:--61,-:,:r4'.141:M17:1:1‘47:-'' JIT11. :1:'letill; th'::trtt4:17r:ilettlaill'4:13:tica:d6,a,n'ti..v.,--;g's'itie'arl-r**; 45' 3Itti:11:4,:lltiltegbil:1:°::4:11:11:14:11tiglitell'iltii.:4011t1::111:itdat:l:1::tn(rioall614,4'tEillii.elfit14161:11:1__IiillIt:'*9'deEti4,1$C-":;'6:251e:;--e‘tla—_111143t:':17,::::1171*:tit:6,1;:)1;11:litiii+°- 1:flt;''14:111117g.'114'111:-8:16-rtill.g..i::::::11irjatax0_41161:tto'61.,01altti6:L,4114:4.117Lt?-°L:211.34 —41)::13i,c11.:(),,, i3O.l'engt.11:111\ttt:YallitilairMett:rinfitt:E::it*Iis-,411!,01P11:4'tsilia:'11..en...*".tt'ittose*t...
i'l * *Eltitt, 11°1.01
. '''' -•'''''', - ,r '4.4r -t --.2.,--.4•,---,..i-- ' ..--- • c: 0 • • ca'...- A - # ' .* • ' Ureftlet UV Iii&V' . MOttOrriss Ot t ' an.
. . : diwitiitorittPc;:rer:11:;i! 'Vegetable Pills; ., . ....I. . --t--.
1 11 Wied4e00 il 11446 dillf4itiO4-4,* te" 19.W"C„ G,:'
They win :itoist. please, "...dress em, at.t.„..e testes
F•TI 4 the t,hi:oe r4,0,1 to it:".0...p.olit t Triyi.4zeutiist,:ente.titt i'.:1,00,itoitstisactiuivult.. • iltai-lciailatattlicirail):34,,b:t;grwtorm:
. , ,,./.,• , ,..n
mother 104 fhtiltitiviaAtteratla -golt. tag -itself to-the•TeOkoife, as-esifily ,pioouiable.,41iart.,- Parmelos'e----
erinnent analyst ‘,-tbait the Tahleets . a.. iii.a .7. - - . oadvid,--"mit lt,“0.4..,,buti.eriimin - - .
' •• - :., , futi• ; •,... iititereimportantr-theL-Cost-is voy, " n sg •-that -the , 'hearty' eater ''F--•*•:**..- - - . i ... .i-,- svesiviitch iiiii*. Iliklii ow tarsi miinvIiii" ----; -'
. . ,.
••,,f,„,,,...-7,5----,' ,....,,-- ..----,-,-)-w„....„,..-
. will derive all the hellcats 0 0,,,,ciatsit,(1.1e,intienrid igtif,e-vo.tariiirii:110
...... .....-.- ..-,--,•‘-,----,,,,,,,-..,r,,,...,..--...,.44.,..---d,L__ L. L.....L..--
. ^7 ;‘ 4 T 'T.'. • .
140 itittiy; betathy after pi hef,rty:meal, are. tuoiee to -more than* fAeo. value.. . . ., .
......._ „,,,,
otevvulterecroows,-,-„71r47'-mt-eolic and A' Pal yorw.woenerouli. Eater. ,...- neaut•-•;15-''' on- 17- , 1404 . titep$, Ixt ,* .,aiii_ r, .e. or,,f004 . or water larty_aet,
, • . • .
' ' ' * PPO•titil Ala poor digestion wliol r. # - eeicjiLstiL ..b - and al , inflammatory' r en the, ft ( a e
k' Vlbleir
babes ism Tilio.felin . n
ill II
" tiviits iii, loittott H opt ' st.01:0 heat*, 000. .
, , ... .
ti- .
. . , ..
,,, .,_ . ,rgau..being, . urneu uown, .Ylasn't
. fl 4,4747.-- 7.,77,!
- $lobert Womack, Who ,diseoVered ,llusbaratilioits- her *_;*.doeike devo- put it - et#P17-13roart,--441teetuse
.4"le 'Cl'eek' tile-' "44'5 064E' tion" The eastist 4.ioSsili -..* ". -es; :tone of the ilremen•could play on. ‘fe,042 itiewAii+4 Opit
rl Out..
The,Cobalt Silver Divirientl. liOing.illines at present pricea
pay from 7 per cent. to '35 per tent. per annuth and lire in.
opinjogo_LI.--,fipetuliitive.rinvestuient*t. OtoWn. Reset -vet -
Tr:°29thcilvtattay o°tUrArisittartng' T°111111c:tuniirissia4a,wItig'
... • ' " • •
.s. •
' , ' • reepiiiiii.7074tigicteit--sti.
itten-ine_on_the.iinkl_e„" Vog.
he could reach.. You wouldiet,..ex,
little pup like him to .bite
your neck,:iioult1 yet 1.).* . ,
• Nittiori Min brags'abOut himself,
it's a sign. that others merely toler.-
..,„...— ,,......7-....---„-..7.,,- %-hi. -h.- stfdre,,btlixto -ksivisid,
- long and slender Agures, ..•
silks and Velvetsis much worn, hut
it is booming' only to those wit its Power Grows *With Alm.
How Many Medicines, loudly blakion-; -• , . 44 am ' ',Ada -00141-444$41at .1irti 'they ,.say_ be ..iS always, sroilin ',at • ." . , , '
,„. . . ,
.... . -
1 7 '1.14111...4: .
d are
or titticattiy , tooted ,tibbon, . , ,,,otv tile,,,maiktt t ylst, iit,ronainsv Etelvatialietl....lhe esia.p has lid „liti.moi t,41 ow* Atitsino, mom. 'ea way ''' "I'!**'' * '-'43 $ !:- ./I' Pile' /le' 'la 30. this rsor-rnite, rs.:01talleY I' * : ''1111*141:1” a''13*ri'ditt-437ng ht:al:E:ti,1!';49:::177"-it
. .
--47..--..plitititir - - - viltit_lits, . . . • . •,,,..1. . ,..;,:.vm72..Poul,„,,r...1,7% ....11;.„.,...L.,,.....__,:,..„•, „L„......,,,.:„....„:,,,,,r,,
, the iirlfite-hatt 0.. 30ft, Plitt --dr , ,, - --,- ' „_. ' -. an
. ,. • _. .
-... ' . sitspli triinnied with .1/owe of *bite, ,011/44vs,' tenufilectrieditlitsVsiVr*st°put",up. • subseripti'on for his relief b. , • - - isiletitotes.s.iviitus tics Jim na- less -dive*
, ''.6.*flr I s f 1 t p r,,s an pit liv- glo ,....-
. " -1110 lad 'via -Stool) made' of limp' , doing More good tolininanitY, titan' ita *297,a0.000 in -gold sincel -, woini-o7:601irt7jlivignt.:*,%14101•bll'iusm14"4%`•4..6"P°1111417:71 -coPutoul'uoti Vie-kint l't the 11"e*
'r • leather atid.; elaborate, with braid) many" 4-- tireparation more bight:, The chicsft0 pullout oar, coin, dopetti tiportrit ihat..,, .,„,....:0.7.7 He..44L! ' "
1.-....,-,____ ' . t4t°14•18PY . Pt) balm a - great vegne .....uti...ted and ext,_aittlentlingitilt,savtairmtivet: t;ia-yri s.rsetZisoleasisitali;:,;vesultese..bThP.;:fl_ ..t. 4)4th_tirtiition,.tg'yiu.:ilticeiat.7:1111,i4W1316tee.10.11:ieunstyttitifit vrt,4I,OCO,Y,.*Inip.f4.gltalti70**111,,,,,titillitiliecStt04,14ritiii‘rtihols,t,6: tr,01,9iiinici.-! 14. iri7.7,,,,111, *11"-;• ‘.111,, ' re. 6ti
25. Os*oilloy-4.114,r d" iitEic .,
princlit)al!i.:1'.IgoTortt bii` ta. tit . I
u " 'Won of the t ' '
IS I t ;•
i AO, • ,• . -Itt-6,0 "Fortntart,--.` • as , 0, ' i - -. i ..,.. , .,.
000 am ngt it cofl-
• these waist a Ittlt hand .airite ''.. eirele• 'everY , ,W111:71t iirme 00 r., .., -,- : -I1 II. S '
' 4466* C° 4Thit 18 i Oral , . i ,. ti, . ,t ii :,i)ili:tY I, ,.,
.,.. ' IIII'Linitehtliit'll'It_q,i.,,,,,1381:r.,_!:!:_b„.„4,11.,!:--71 •,--- . - .. ,
.,,-..,,,,,,,-....,1._--7-'•,,.._-#4,--it: cliii-itz,,rfat --i-r.: 3. ' ,
' .1 Illati OWO .!, **a.," '-•
• . * And what -Is Inc/kV,: . ,..:
, .., ,..,. . ... .
. ., ' - $AT140,11, .fituck- la that to which all sic)thers-
"Please, sir, . piped the tiny cue • • ., ' • ' '
. it) . owe their success •••
- >
`•,..1.4, -oh -,-,t-,-, holt-I:wad scarcely. reatli-•. , ,, .-8,0rot,... tier), 15,01: nbt... tau& faijurt-
r'''.' :Ai tlie eciante.r,:"fathek witrtitOrtt?.%110.,' thtL,„ eart. a-01404ft ler gr.,Cet.ittf,
. , 2 -gilt iitlivais . •
+--7ti1110-v. • I-nCIi°t' l.' * u'r -' ef'athe
o, _ •,',t .I_i,f 4 ,,•(l'
0 a •
,, • *Ant ray little manragkdn!
7iOria$11. . '
-4... ':L--._,,..,,,,,r:;.,„,,'.,',,VA.ttlgt,*t4*1.4:;S_'***!;)Y4k.*;--nll,.,',M,4AV:t
' t4id the littlo feltoi, handing. over
P • .
. , , * is half.gollein
.• ,lt *4).4 dray. ill101,• and handed'
• . . . . ••
•'yl)! said tbe re -.3 1
And tkn tbo kteo, of the .sho
1(1; *11 rostI6 ' e a12'.'llgsilreihtic'tkvet°-: Ti4S- '1419:;e:4t. /1141"'54' 'Ilf:
r, yet-irith. ' Vtitits. .W11 -.have ,vrotials-pmbabi3r tios- '-'-', it I
zoitt, ills -up, nearlY t • *bolo' Of. 1, i
'••.disliudenikol4 on .* r ' 9.
, ,.." ,-•--,-, . ,,,,,,i, 4 , -.A _
' ,only ili sealed leadilackets. . ' / ' ' - —* t''' tire*, and to-avcratc° * mile ..*1i *
' s the standard:0f quality need itt '.1,:tolioway,12, ct6trAli.‘tul?le171, f°111ku 1 . etilttn(lilikt,4inle:bbtli;vt.titht.60. 4
trtt during theast .year, , sum - • t*fes sir t,,on, lit
,e ifo-o-e-iit:- it , -:. wont ' 'ily:.-pay: has , . , ,!, ., - -
prepoing "'Siiiidg_t" Tot. lioldr:- : . vaiiiir roll. t,.4, •trt'',, ' , a hIocik 600;s0P Icqtlik'te .k1.1144,4 ill;
tevirkt_i _ 'on. 4.:•-s,76,Vir 0.,.cij;,0,01,iii,,,evo,,,4,,,,s,,,r., , wittivio:„....4144n,eittilt;:tirri4.envittr_dyllf,Algtitl'h*gmi:060.1,4flvtb.ugitiourgasttIirileottiu?, :''Iltitel,fsill-,*stat: ist:ik,4-4:::14,tt•Cololl•A7:0e:::::11::::Srettillt.• '
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•Vheilti - t tea grown in the world *arts, corns* t" 0.•
ter' that„, it' wat, ito.itte '-at a 'meet, -
r , ,..,sale.••of re ' 'nos is hut- .
* r :tl . reitul 1 • --.. ,about , ,iii:i1),Tin ::-. i .
flCWei: 1.9;(71!::- loten.
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until were informed Ott in, toms
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