HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-09-24, Page 1#
vritole u e
, , ,i,,,.7„...,-.. ,
ress oos Everyting ere is
big ru
N w Dress Goods, Suiting
r•--;--12ine&--.0oata&Furs Mill
0, olt,tbe, v11"
*ere all first el
w. cass *t
ol eat eatrsfaction., e races VerC,
good .and were enjOYed =belie
tile.regular quota ofsidealloW,t,
. 41/91; were, well 'patronized, ttl; the
venh)gt eozicert:Via. vent- :11,y,-,'tthe
by to -0 uower Concert Company ot
London. _.T.las .0.914P4
-g -(ite
re -bore and tto
'was crowded Arith (Cul Lute
Udience. IS'ollOwing are the
t 'the Prize. ovinincrofii
',REDING po,vr,Fissrs
nor, 1 1 1; „llessiat 414 fa: G.
odgins. 222 ;.• cadoleSter, T. Mur-
dock 33 4 Gr'
reel; .11teirsen..4r$adie
eliell. J. ileattY, 1 I I :,Nancy 4, a s
Wm. Brock, 2 2 2; Sammy, N. Wat-
t:tn. 3 3 3; bans.. Appleby, Gus. Mar-
iseY. '4 dr.
Brooit mare accompomez
' •Iloweliffe 04,4 •
-Birch, Wm. Okel•itwo year
'old, W. Dover, Dearing ; one
'ear 'old. P. Itoweliffe, 'Geo. Moir ;
am, G. C. Itobbin ,s Ifagen aro& I,
Brood Iflarc accotriiianled by foal,
R. Ditch, Jiro. Campbell; tool, W.
epper,- It; -11-ick; three sear ',bid.
e 'o...
vliFfelfrittMTZIL cf4A
a. hell, C. Cocain ;` tenni, A.
.Creijbton, It Sadler
Brood mare accompanied by foal.,
J.no. Hicks, .451. Gould
t1iro Year clil, ,W,.moodie, 3. Deck:.
ers are Hcira
e yenr erfler for:tout emir Valt.ttle new
atsate *very New anAB or the tarlv
et t'
"ly,.and;gO the*.littn .chance to f*x
o ored Ditss.
We ,are_showini3,, a very extensive 'range of the ' New
Dress Goods for this season,
etAreArort.naistanit eerne•iwer4*tiF'Browd, 13uend-.
elOthe are -very, fine *Ito a beantiftd, finish. Plain
cloths ftTOver Op lar in the satne a1iaAetts.0 the, stripes and.'our
StO0 comprises lie PinkoiLthe:- Dress '
namas,:Chifion,-- Venetian; Broadcloth, .E.nglish.
orsted and Serges are allnew.
Voiles, Ta eta Cloth. Chi, o
glish and Worsted serges. ,, .,
ot be beat for quantit quality. Do not fail to
Lined Coats and
ou will he 514PriSeti thii year to sce ou lavge stock
Lined a , Fur Coats.
171, There
. nothingout in this'line We have theni all
and all the very best. We want ou to see them
as e are very-prou q our arg ,. .owing,- an
• think you will be the same to see the. large _select-
lon we give .you.tvhcose from. '
JILT r Chicks 2i lbri, each,. Sc. pet lb. alive, dressed per Ib
per, lb aliVo. Duck* 7e per lb alive,. gets per lb dross
, poultry Me-hadzilowtgv pick .0.0.01ticiarleag„
or -National atIges
Ly talloiy. aid piece.
1ighty used Trapp/ Thought
Just red:1,4d a 'other car of the Celebrated Cemeut, The -i3est
for Walks, Walls, FloorS, Silos, etc. Order at once.
Washing IVIaohineS, Wrirngers'Apple arers,,Food Choppers, Apple
Drying Wire Lanterns Shot Guns, Rifles and Arnmunition at low-
Decker, Jr.; one year old, So.Serurus
Jrio. Moir ; team, IL Neeb, Nes, Mai
Aire. --
"watt tAt
' 1
Drood•rnare Cerirripan*ed by . 1
ft RI Wit-. and for several tnsunt ' had JO l'ONti ' 4 - 1 '
Th fever leta aceerde- --,r - ? . - A. -Altott; teal, A. Alcott; three year
rid- Lattrier at ia.inton • ItiesterilaYi to. tho cheers of Ws' friends. On aris.1 w A n, ,,0 . 1 t , A to . t .
'AS. the greatest that has Nvelcomed lag be 'was, preSented ligoith in address o t 11 • reig x one .,, cram ork,
to, ,mr, j_ two year WA, 11. longs.. 43. Somali;
any, politician in the history e$ the) from the three Dumas,
I 1°4' nix.4,11t4-11b1411,,,,,eull'i 4°,_txwL4nf‘ nuta4k 0411.14* thfillt: 4:!rina.° :Ittfirse°14) s,I, I AVBeci"41ket,.,,,;•.11.")a;Itira‘ deaf*Tt
t- tThnton about- e e t. i ore .,- and -Inc; ,,tiie a-ddroris- vas otrt. fen_iirt: Pm_ caltriTilne..--Cril r
*ben he made bis appearance at the
rear end of the car was greeted by
literittgor,theusanils. An address. of
we/Come was -read by --310.yor Wiltze
to which the Premier made a brief
respon3e. His g.r was. immediately $anke time kissing; the pretty doniirs. A* It e"Ightwit lArl Met6a114- Al
Akt.AlttiCI,lif.-;--Alnkar-4-erAi.--. 4 1, I* -
tbe; 'teretilikr, -rtwsitLiV-tth°,autr" .7113e YY:ftAr ▪ °°1111(1:1:-33; *'IlliPilri:;411e75.V -11:15; I r°44and?"
jlitutrigit,,,,,abyas. te:stmum--in• -13,7.7,...._,,,z,„.....:,,,...----;Zioti
iir,-WfD-1:ratirri-$1 g iriailste,
taken from the station to await the i'•As 1 proceed
time for the after,noon meeting..
.4teuirtsr4;_vreliot., 7. :II. anniAootoraismortioart,ilys_dri ,..erl AVM-.
Three year, 414, S. Ittri ter ; A Year
old, F. ,S, Wickwire ; foal, ,W.m. Ilaw-
millen.„.4..;.............M.4...,..4,4z.---0..-f-.....4., , ..,,
lta ilk e t Commerce igpeelal, 1/).
Etirch'; Mahon Dank Special, John
Decker: - XcLean's ,. special, W. It.
-Elliot. J. Creighton:
. It. Will5c• ,n,..._ 411404141 h.
-Sbaw. •and 4deline Itodgens handed
„if P. ,11.0.sseirberry.
rood '• Mare ricconapauted by I oal,
mediatety after the pretentation • ItOADSTErts
the addrees . two -little girls, Doris
Sir 14010on-se- bouviets r'eckeri fl,,,,11;,,erl-tti;;; 14411 aqin
which he___44,rattettlny rceci..44 az 'Meeker, three ;„year
tr.frfe'ifiraffMaTrri --"----'117tiroiam.uarniii
. Ci-rifir". t It i. sillit
ir4:;iiIi ael:h
formedat the .dePot. and consisting . - -- .g_. • , - ,e-
tt-totatl%-leading-titit 1, r a UfIlt-'etratd--taiCe-ITIIM-01.-11-
I, 111$1i014/ .*,-Itb thkJ
e J " :di n 0 id 31* d ( v u r i)1 y rural district.; then Niagara
.tues—ifit,-prtfiTiVIW"WiditigitreetsloutSbone- Sorel. Trit7ifFirtonseatii;iii
• An ..enthuslaitic...._erowd -lined •the at Strathroy --was. greater than at
ord 'streets and Sir •Wilfrid •Wit8 kept, NiagaraValls; Tilbury rnhilo stra'th-
low. acknowledging all Aire ' saints-- riaY take a back seat a WI 110W Tii-
lelnr.---- • • ' llutrlitErtirttirreiV-Virrittilt1"--
A pleasing feature wa.s the press 4111 Quebec, my own native _pre
0 of R. McDonald, aged 97, of the vine°, the demonstration touched
Thames road,. irho 'bad driven ttren- iny heart. Whett• I cm
a?, into, anoiii.
-two ;milts to grasp the band of1 er prorinee, not of my own With and.
tle Liberal leader. • The .grand 1kth, and 1 am rolcinned ittst# Lc*rt-
5tand at tlie rearot the latforM il o Ina • .
wai I i e wt a. es, iiihl e on t coming into On aro. I.' am gkepi
platfoxrn wre • the speakers aria totiohed, nicireso than I crin express."
many Prominent politicians 'from the "Whatever thy -origin, my country
• three -ridings. -Doetor IShitir,',•• . .the extentivover: thy,- Anaerican-rontintint,
* Chairman *flaw claelo Program1 laid where -floats' the British, flag. .1 am
, he was - proud on . behalf . of B0rOtli -a Canadhnnd., ., un proud of . the
Bruce, and .rerthi toweloonte-- he Canadians alillor,kba picasod to see So
, ft forefoosriffetesman in; thelMmin on manY, (cot otnincii Yeemanrs• pre-.
Of Clinatia,, Illtd."Wher; thtraPpeat ,,',is Attit It :140,ti %ell the • aim ,of my
lis mado on the tiOth of October .411 'life AO- unite the races aritielt God has
three . will be ini lino' 10, ,, stlisifinv pitteee. In raY hinds into one United
01111101t411, - 'their renewed. 61infidttlee itt SLr people, jiving in peace and 'content"
* r ** raerrt.:-1,.. .. •-, , ,,-.1----.-- _ -4 -
Mr ILeaft,.M. , isintitaid ,.....Wel„are tiptithil, lti t'lle ..inast,_,..
be eould uththily ' thc tits had other -campaign, Aild rAtothr w.
•ived jn Clintan 'to Wcicozne_tb:.., --.14. ./iitrife, 1*,...,,41-110,-*Ill! rOr• tither& or :neiti
rl -reader, who had done•inara there IS no fiSne to -day- hetet* the,
to .,makc Ottiatla known than any people as Jr* other. YearS.' pit.thoite
Ilfer-Citnadien and boiled on- occasions we were colltA 4,00. i it '
Wiluld show this oltrengtn' by affirtn great ;PrinelPiet, abat ' Art ire
rendivg, ,,,,Liberal__' ,,'_ repreaentatiteS triAingaggit As Gcorg Ilrown: .
tOill the-T'tliree iiiiinis.- Of Sir '"Wili, in a strugee tot rcprc.ntaton by
. f rid the tongue ,Of - ietindat had nver Population.. , u • `
ised in al e a i - #
.lolitiesi life. T e tnc coi d *150 brs°itt. Thvit
1 • , on., tn. Ins , arftei,t 0 a
af WAYS inil Cana1NI; wbo-lit''written - ,, that_
Mitdri,man and is highly: respeo joiping over-
t 4.1, - . ,
OAR. re. iciti Num r4 D. 13,0
.nonor gm*,
n versity.
*In str.t—ExTJt.
t,n 111)Provea princlualc;
tion to ilentia „, Office
*Old attnad, en' te
. a it500.vokomutt.-tofimaw.,,ocoowic.Aositakfavx-400maiklompasx
lass; eekst. etc.
Nitgam14-a-speciaity of Eavetroughing, Roof,
ing and Plumbin in all -its branches.
Aga, cm. 11. nail ' 1 &VI ; two
✓ old heifer, II. Smith 1 6141: one
sonteittrt7il.Sr:m,trs.E. 11rwood : NYIiitzViloh,holi tairt '.8tni::;0fteh;4t,reeom,,
4:Vit. Carter ;
herikilf, -Stn1:-.04
Ith---2'; Andiflusrane. 4.14 ilaftler;V. DriOck, jr uctio4 Sale :oft ar
. . -04A-DER -.- , - - Illiielt-13palizial-,--Vir.-rafteYi'-----ignvo' ofek----kinwitnient
-Aga 00,,,r. T. IL Shapton, T. Iles. La" Avyaudottes E, iteywootio, iX.
sell; tWo Year 41 'heifer* Til.;, 61101)': Battler.; AVItite„.fkit$sridott4s, ,Atti.art
ton o Treirt-T-; it. 'Mid
)t§.14-$1t1t. Geo, 001r,t__
• est-tvots, • n
10. tea r 41,1d /100.0.' k
q.,,Prier: one "ear 41'4 hel
Thos. • rodir, aril 'rho,. 1.1rctok4 k.«;'
heifer 4c air, Aximetrongt.•-'4',Ishoti.
's r
conv rsion of Out
hee twai e he 1ad, 'ie. .
• preent a gavernmexitthat p doeSA . '''• recerrc..41
• a. 'tido Of the l' shark ; the, Wag 4 fink
fertat :ettlait W1010h awl another pItinty,. -thal
o,rninh. li undertaking r. la thought. . Woilt 01 t1icm liiek agtvin.
ivfti Canada fltPfi,t,,,,tis:, tint In 1900 and 100,1 they t 01)Portt101.-
'0 *re ",the velillr",, 6 country Ptilia 'Wit 'IlltS.` idittkiti tk instetid Of
tb ta I'm 448:' t A .trtik6 it WaA , tt 'teat.tatico that "ere
RobrL . Itortiata, lie-Liberat Candi- ri4OPle 141-'104644.4• t,efe.' IdeasiA AVitU
dat. 11;:tifilleh Liberat'ad .0iitliNtt3tlOilt.'', - 7 4e #$
ii*id he 'WA* 41010 ,100k`iht0 "the itai_ WOS' .0,1,eh*Alfring - ..artotbar
af 04 Of the latatoilt4tid trallttoiltinortitil railway,
t-e,ott telt,oo ' p,, oatttitteht 1`4,0, :Atietit t
o , ii-etW.
adt1-0-=.--,';'----' - ,
1 it': "Wi WhOtt 1,10 tho politl .6t;110141 l.n
1L wba ,
, 0 r tito - ito4ile lici, ,.
o , 0 . TL only, it ;. to •
' lot tit that , r., An II
4 ia=0:04,*id tba, fieiThonitrt*ion (1aL tnd *rrnpton That 1Jk' hit
Cfl *..Xbearoo, • (A. Belt Golden
IfVya,padotteo oMeLaren
r;46- -Itartaidt0 ..*YandOrties,„ 1.
1tywood;. Bed caps, Dottier.
1, 71Aliv.den 41Ir011re alirkeys,
, s'•,11awden, , Ilattle3t; t Toulouse
k, -4r., luta calf, 1.*. Brock, 'dr* getew*. potitclas.: Bretton; geese,
Ill2-7011fatIliCATTLZ . ;544:At_ Aro, voi*
The, undersianetL, tinetioneer.-410111
been instructed to szil by. rublio
Cf, kiGht
I „
PrAalL rotnie:k
sAvotb Erin. 20; :knot
, e
!ri;'-it/itert • , vorarb,...10.0:1,n:aitekleo, lilfset-0493',;4% 0.
2: Ttt tv oi leittr. It. SolithI 6.1'00* ,ell 4trtirai Matierell .
1.4.4 1 ,
', 'Matra k ' - otilterttii•tr:::::11aL.rilre(10:ttli!Jolooth , , e ,,I. 11;;;
rr ,
zes in this -e.asit, en Bro..; lartridge .., . ,
ca vc.
ti 4 lit ' " , - ...- ,.;-__:.:',..,,,- Ins k preaste4 Rol Gatnes,.-A; letnit911 with calf:
# -
. ' $11114"111/1 ---ti -F--a4-ait-w-ltrilMN,ii.Sitte•A_.--.* - tr...X..:4,;414.14411,11,4V4*-4, t. .1.0:titt r.j.!4,-*tee
LitIkt4NT ". e
a1 power and
. .•'441:4-8*-- 241114"c*-- ' ‘"Ithirtr'lliVire.rU-Itattitalini#Ahit!!--ftaattOrt:6:14gt tis -it;. 'etitt10; box --grinder;
It t, :24 owe, .74totitut:lvirigiott Ilar0hotift,' Saver - iell.tititialtiiistr,ir.ii000::::iri e,:flt-ljtie Ay. ,
Wit )* Ge01 Peitb310. 414'Y''', Penpilled lientt-nro, Blank Glcut. nesi:
li 0, rata toilialp T. 11.0,- shaP4 To, ."iNt. artcrt -„any ot . ,,,yaroWagon ;9n
1' trbncifl-,. Wiiier4r,,tvikro,ii:,..illefell,ii, 4,ito taiint0L1.03il'rtt ,oartielillitc:ohroi
,, , ' .0044, r.o• ti,?b. aothal 11.,.0:7:,.: y tlack: .. rock.? Ltr4 4. 43attier.; it roksI 1,100,wtt.: X. toot 1,4kiv;
* ,- n-rilh r
-z(*-fte.', -vari0*•,"ralibit6 altiltY plOW 14,• „One *.oilkinor, 4tiow,
EST &wort b
iti , - i ' 1 n 44 .1.
ram. 1.,
W. t
'kV A hi. ,
14:441,QI th0
$03, but the (1t-rnontra
rid had beth trajdu
11 od statestaimo.
eknzir ilfhotte_tricator
Libernia and CorAerfa,"'
toiat G 61,1
iltrid -
nst- X311., er c
*It tiy 1,r11,416 • him, 1
ip10- of hi* telehin foto,
• -A
/Wets; ....,,!. ttillv,t rowef ,otte .411Sc. harrow i, A- acufflers(Jr;
ni - oi1, -B,-0.5- grinOr slitnif,TorTe '14'044:.:bcAtqw, 1' -
oo ;111111 :4 1 .1, gra VOL tox Iindderi
„, ii. barroiyi r*eL of IMrness,.,
le: 2 troiv hatit:'1, iug1r ket-.
eradle,: ,/ itItitc:i' rot"-, -„
rk'i, Oo'061e,', ,0208. * rOWS
IiIi, 42 rod, long;.`,,Ill rows t';rbips
V. Crttr; prp
liden WO, tt
ite Leleborria4 .40414P°
cwigliOr11-1.0 tkitrXiitrO4
liras: siow'
• A4i," littotAfl
A, iLdi
I. now
Xitraer ° , e
ter ;
prot; up
th; erat
'cIat, torn
ttnk; on* ho