HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-09-17, Page 8'Otthe-tbso4.
robust giri needs„
0.0,4tomitkor .itprimpotaw.vi.00.00*Amw.
lvacoines in tweea
mixWves n4 stripe 'trimmed
b inlaM. velvet ani, fancy
to ay Septe 0111,.
]ter lair next %fon' day .74sin1The Tues.
arnsay "lel visiting rel,
tre ir Dlyth,
Attend the Hewer ,Con$;ert.., air
Mr, 0` iknk • liZnight is ,expeoted
oa -west-thir -wee ----
trt g t
coat is Made from a very fine
Cloth vik,od lined throughout.
t"`'S torittle gteat-
Sas Back 50 inch. long. made
front pure wool Cheviot, trini-
ed with self' *trapping. Bare
Iii15.00 forth(' finest range Of .
ladies uretealate Tailor made
jacketa that we have. shown.
404 some tighk, others semi
- -And *Gretna.- 01 course the
real swell jacket' is; tight '
"tong. Ask for. one .of our
Jacket Catalogues, they are
Gee. • _
HIM we are ready with a dispiay of Miillnery that
should appeal to the Moot refinedlaste. The,..aaWLea this 00114. Ott
• m letts-altange1/4-some-of-the,1140-areareryta
Xiossit,gosaaraniak do* viri..-g-'1„.* 10.4
Leather BrMvn8 and Blum will be very pronounced in fancy
combinations A, very tokin • effect will be Block Hats trimmed
-witb-Empire Gree'etattitoln
.ritolar show-roomsshe h
w pg. o tit kir44410I-0-12tit
are -sure to be popular « °Me and study the New •StYfea, .
bring your frtencla with you, you always •welcome.
- • . .
Remember your farm produce itkea by oa7ust the same -as
sh.--Liva•Poulry-cf*Itkinds ie ttery-Eggar, etc.
• Positive in
We again tag attetttiell to
.431:tr grado of WATCHES_
. • *Good Material, Fine Finish,
1 •and Accnrate Adjustment are
• Grade Waches.„
Out not t,
questiiin otpriee, but
like anything else it is al-
ways olies.,pott in.';‘the
a e
ness men *rid atrenuous worker*
have uo need ot .them. :If You gat
but comito us,Ind get. It Cud* We
havt4 - •
TILLS Toil coANE.i., 4t)
it,-orenzare't be a •bad idea/to
buy, box of Bowers Stomach and
Liver Pills and lave theta reit
Indigettion„ Itialioustiest or ,bad
cold may coat the tongue Our pills
Itircure Ortli 1.5o -a box. •
ti wtelt. to rpumo 1110 studies.
i)r. ?;fa:loy, spent a few days
Toronto duraur the ast week.
Rey Varther-----1),4,estiory,.. for -Tor
otito to resume his \Studies.
Uer'tia- '40r ttepranes at the
Hewer 'Concert, They are wonders.
.sPtuding-hol:days-at -her home here.
E. L Fish has been appointed
m,xtott of tbe • TriVitt • Itilemerial
Church. •
toliford, a -re visiting it i Mr, John
Mwx!s, .gt
w jc 13. Drickwood was.'in Tor.
nto 'last week attending -the 'exhi.,.
bitiOn,. i
0t Sitacoe are the guests of Mrs.
eNfor. :sm. cALleexod.*.ker.sythe and danghter
-.MEXICAN. KISSES are t'u<ilefu-1.
Ehe...1,:re e.cdreialatanitliaakb4V
The •",
Mr. G. W. garrison, manager. of
he lankof *Commerce left last week
London " by Ural. Harrison and from
York. •
Cur 'office etaff are unanimous in
the ophilonthat "Chief"- Gill raifes
exeellesitlfitit-ge_presented us with
.several- samples of apples the other
*day. and in a few mknutes nary a
eo.:%?. was left.
W. D. Teo returned home
:4,00day everti.ng after spending two
eks with friends at Toronto* Port
ope and -Trtow,--Tunt-taking-
boat tr;p to the Esjands rcornbkning
business with pleasure.
We re -pleased, .to_see
Itichard Delbridge. who WAS- injured:
at his son's farm at Winctelsea --a
few 'weeks- age is able to get around
town. The wound in Itia head is
completely healed, but be COmplaina
o!.- -an • ocoaalirl . pain in the back
_ .
.1Vev. E. A. .ear preached at Sun-
shine church hist eundaY afternoon
annua▪ l' harvest holm of that church.
Rev. Burgess, er ULC J3IiII1e clr.
cult, took charge of the ;servicesin
the itaitt Street <church in the even -
ttOtioi-to-EiSibitfire-4ii the prize
list of the Exeter Agricultural - so-
ciety tinder the heed of lorsesan
error-3ra* made. in _class four, car.
risme horses. The tword, ITIess 4
Carriage' should, be at the,. top ot
the . pram - ever tho words 'Brood
ma ii-azaltir to ..
Mrs. ShirraY, Sr., of llensall. was
be guest of Mrs COMAS on Tuesday.
Mr. Ed. Powell and Miss Cora rowel).
returned Sunday evening from their
auto trip to Th11cvi1Ie. Mr. rowell
left- Tuesday for -Chicago, being tt.c.•
comPartied as far as Wind-sochrltrs.
11. FoweU'and MiSa Vila johns who
will viait there -during the week;
One of our failings is to forget
fioij. -it wn tb eitmiiinatioirthat
plat us in wrong ;it few days ago.
A Young 1ad callcd to renew the
..lencilaciErmityr IGLOIlE
NOW UNI3L-4ANT,',.-'1010 FOR .01,60
OR TilE.Two.ritirSit$ VIIM. NOW,
TO jANY.,,,1500. VOA • 35 CENTS.
• Tbosa, Wishing furs repaired or re-
modelled should bring 'them in this
rflpnth:. fa...Agitate_ reducde
t1rlC.' 1M-BALICWITILFAndreW-at
+.40440 .444;401414.44444
Touring Friday and 'Saturday Exe-
ter and the surrounding country was
enveloped in a cloud of smoke, wttiob
supPose4 to have blo:„Witfrom the
forest tires raging Minnesota and.
Wisconsin. $o dense was the., amok°
PridaY Ahat..the. SIM was it0 dim
* wben-vie-
Costs 3iatinothing unless i
Dyspepsia, and
es Health. •
2 Doors North of Postoffite,oppositeyood's Meatiklarket
lirrintr:(4-• -alLnevx.:-.Shoeszybitrig,Ate,n,..ittontert___
and Children, all sizes', at t4e very low* cash price
Call and be convinced,
(A, pooitive cure for Dyspepsia.)
! Wi.o.na Tablets are guar-
anteed to cure all disorders
of the stomach anti buikt.
and not witshing to *miter forgetful
and • to obtain a clue, we asked her;
Whether the spelled 'heirl name with
01 an e or i . • When ishe.spallinglj re-
plied.- "Why thy Mane IS Mt
bite north of x'ter
on't„elt there is * frame dwelling
1arc bnk baiir shet
arid straw house. This fart* is well
t r cotahalt *ere oreliard
28 aerc ^"'tt'teliitystartuti°11tet'' 14.1nodt the
noId. If not Seidl; priratelY Ori or Ie -
• the - Ith« thity •of Ooteberisext,
wilL *014 t
22n1 • O-'cx
&oock, ' .Fer
" pply toThoc.
twists at01
and ' Paftitult
• * Auct rot
Wa teter.
Saturday was the.:438th birthday oC
James -Tem and 41-uring:::the-de
he aiid his wife were pleasantly ene.
uteu y ir iughtr.i,. is.
Swc-et4 484tb00-ith.Mr. Tom- has- 1ong
;nee tiiiteit :the igtian
_Inatai 441
his facultiet, and every_ :lay
leen the eweather is favorabte he
t'akes strolt no' town and Visits
iU hi many friend*,
,In an interview with lYir. Ilyde
the etigitieer • who-- eurveyed the 'Note
foi the ,proposed eXtention Of the
Et lifttriya_lro.Aireettirtt- Ontario- 11
ftom St* liarys,_1113 _Sarnia, through
Exetr, he inferroi tie the rootottn
bas undertaken ,• the, building or Alm
work bfContractor Wtbb on ibo ),f
d, the iteitallan
he eitetks
' rtto ittimbeeCtott
attetat the
at intO* on Virol.
It i too
uter ••,•t,
wiaoni*rea ituth
the ,OppottuttIty, nc
the Allattngitialled th
,pPet:00, b
r for London rintl tv*
Crown ' County ',crown Attorney
Seeger and Mr.Mitchell, of Gode.
41.920)I0A4,AttitALl ie
Ain moiety; were in town Mon-
day in eatuteetion With little
1 4g the Methodist iCharch some
week's - ago and taking money from
the collection plate .The little
fellow acknowledge his guilt, and
as. liels of tender wears, the society
has decided to place him in tlie
Obildrens' Aid Shelter in London,
until a home can 4e- eeeured for
him. Mr. Mitchell•will take him to
London one day during the latter
of...the week.1,
• Make to Creditors
ttbraeincoRtdou:dotor 0erveitahnea. tgarrtehd-bound N•Q'tice is berets given parlguari. t. to -
Mr. ' J. Willis Powell nearly had
for -Powell- had Rouen -the•-rovised -Statutes or -Ontarie,that
on the train- and was talking with i all creditors and other*. having
a Wend, nee as the 'train usually olaitoe against :the-Estate:1,1,ot the
stops at the t nk, he thought he late john Cornish. of the ;village of
run down, or money re-
&deed Indigestion Ctire
on the Market. -
Ask us about it Forsale at
We wish to #1100llAce PlaA we_arelYT ready
ta a tes aid will
r s an
Red Astrakhans.
eta. per cwt, r fall fruit
that will 'make peelers.
would ride that far. The tram, was- 1 Exeter, in, the ,County of Ouzo
le, didn't stop; and Willis not who died on or about othe fiftee
igto talte the tripjo_ifertsalli Itiky-ig-ontraijkim,19.08„c
made a flying 'leap, for „ terr0711rata- a -on, or birorewrtitteentb-day
and landed in -ahcp. Thecon- Ootaber,- •Lo -send by
ter t-fprepaid-or--deltver-104ther'unolera•
as long as he could to 500 if r. P. signed SolicitorstorItsverluid
arose; but not be/nit-able- to see himi-itiehard .Evans, the .executOr og
telegraphed to, the operator here to the last Will and Testatnerst of the
commence a search. WIIIjS, howl said deceased, ;their . chriatinti and
vet,' managed to get away before surnames, addresses .and descript,
arould--;-be-rescurre--arrived,----••11e-Oonee,the.ituji-ortiettiart-ot-- _their
reeeived several bruises on tbe face I thrifts a. statement of their ae.,
and other parts of the body during toottrits, and the nature of the itecur.
his acrobatic stunr.
ittr. and Mrs. Westaway, the inns-
sionaries who left last 'October for
0bentu, China, are Imving rather
pectt ia e -Fdritz
labor,. A letter recently recetv d
from there getates ,that the heat be,
lug intense, they were ordered to
'tho-ruountains, as, they werel unable
to stand it. They secured a *quit,
ber of evOlics, -and loft them- in
13I"`tireir-1-itigge. , Shortly
after they were astounde1 to find
that the coolies hid 'left with all
tthtticeltr mwell joteLtehhottinfh.9.Viroltivhwotrbe.,emanitutieteuepots:liottrve'l
ter notifying the police, and a re -
days later, they received a kneSaage
‘* 'ad__Winrt#1104
among „theaselves, and the police
had captured them before they bad
divided the , They weie
miles trent *there the robbery tqok
tact. • what -the- aerate, were --03440-,
The ponoe rettonea the outfit. 'When
hey left Chetttu for the mountains
aw y was a former
-Evaporator on Station Street„Exetert
WOW. fr.
tesse them.
'Alar--11511THEit TAKE NOTICE'
that After the said last' mentioned
date,...tbe said executor will proceedtotribute-the(-74starettricf-tbe-al
ceased among the partica' etttitled
thereto, regard only to tbe
Oleins of ,which b shall' the have'
notice, and that' this .saill etectttor
will not ,he liathio for the said assets
or any port thereof. to ,4117 person
ox' Persentr-ot-whose thiltoo notice
net have been . otoeived•
him at the time of such distribution.
DATED at Toraitto -the third -day of -
Septairther A.' 14 1000.'
Executor's Leolia
Continental tit.-BIdg.. •
0 a.m.-Arrival of. air- Alttlifr4,
antler, Lady Laurier, [fon G. P..
Graham and others. • • -
-trom G.
_Station,. including carriages Ivith
the Premier. Lady Laurier._ the
Minister' of Italia% idates,
gutsta and others!.
ihe • Matterof the •ealate..,
ship it7:154iiriol •Diana;h'''Ia°4ril, -:'41-t1-' tr-itrautity
rsItirvattEnt t�
1,.1.1k ..I..-1 1 e tliatr.---10.,---tha
1xeter . • eitalitora__, .re having dal
negtular PerInd 'titititii' 'tbe 5J.n:t the el • Of tite..gtaidAliihe
1. lt ilitit; twitil Won:, sr 144 rti,, 0 , d , tot tir lovitt
44etrogritiatietrtter nittlill_ Atir4-1'ithan*.'114*t•It' 1.'-7.***1116 t'ilIs hVV,14,° r17,71101te-fe.
trials -Of--thit :POWd Wilt fait.on .4tha• Oete, 1008 N'tte. Mb dity 04,
rah, 1004 and nth* : 'Mt ,:britseter, or _do.liver •.to , I -r1.,..i;rstill--/urt!Ill'7
0t the storms *Ili he''01441.1. US, atanbur,y, *odic torsi for tho exeu...
t4ted MOO ho‘tra faeftrit.1114eititibar-l: ,i, tilt '', ;0:10,06''ititc3 tAf...„:.i,!brs trit
by the teoding -0-1% 7- r,
omete.r,, the 'direction 'Sotit 0110:..'41antt .sUrn*a, addrese and des
the.irind tiirtetttilli' the--te#40trittArtiOrifiti4iii, (he f
toonitt -Of --11020,10LAratiO!4,-0-14tittni tittetaters ,
‘. ,ot t1-
adi 1
liOrhraill4r * 7;':::::Iork 1
"bribe bYttoottero or tv.en•Iht.1- • couttfa and the naturet.
bodiIy *4"isitotiti4Vt144,1a1114r.A'.11ith,e44.,'441),;;; 1_0°14111 sLt.:411;r*. aHt' ' ) t
prol, of sot
ny ,
on' whti has 40.0e i th- ,wlJ proeed 10 distribua
ing to, of
for •ay
f th* assets of1 the
rtirLaVin% !'
that dlna...1404iUfl' cLIsOt gard oflJv tn the ' Ataa, of *hi
li:thio, to aPtjar .at tbLst, storm .110:;, w. .' nate.i,anilt
Stath indeed IS- the e • 1 not b-lbtble,
'rito tk...
p. m.., -Speaking will
with five minuteaddresses by
Y. McLean', M.0,-, • South Buren,:
•:itobert. cii4didate for Vititt
Ifurou ; £ lfyalop, for E,st 1Iurou"
address to Sir Wlh
-trid• Laurier.-4rom-444htteAtur,
- read by .1. G. EltanbtAry, }hoz,"
• A.ddres Fit .
, _ . • „Ae bo
,GIMESTAL BA..„,i, ND, tOrtitz.i - ---tt ced
- ymtbl
v . . r O. Vatnerert, Goderialt, „.',
ITCIIELL BAND a Befectiosts IV Male Quartette.
• ...... Address by it0N. 0.
?Atitt.00 IIAND
diaot BAND- 1 n. Herr, -1.triuss
AND-11,1ACDOl'stALD, NO.
The iircieetiitur-will-be-!--taktaintilettli
Lieut. Col: tettng. Majors _Wilton
and COVaWt Liit. Wiiiidatift# C*p-
:1101Thitti, and Sferhallt
$440 and.othos„ The ,
proees,on witt ,,be weloorned at
i'l**#rk b3r
cbp, 1fler di feet'
• .
nir*fltk akd '
emb1infir .44 IA tAr6 fru
iftfttr tha •
X*fl idlytimose*yi:Stooleirt