HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-09-17, Page 7tbroub 1t b;4y wStbiut e y lf of'*.4114 h. an erfui day the hglOriti; 4) ba1thy ait 41,1 wrk eettlAl to: Uftug. a linudred , „ CIWa A0 1111)g the )umptahty of Tiar- ' tha; bc wa commendiig the larrg- r,-1npitiiIty o Mary To o all, there is but .4 t is absolutely necessary. That is not food and dainties; o triuturo: and nxurics-tit is th pen heart ofriendtthip..- er as greater freatting in .tliat we drvo1 anxious •istarve theirearts.people want tliis tht'y„ o all and *4rat of' a J.UST TO KNOW PEOJ at to have. the open ,way reatitoer No rnatterhow much ZUV.3J do bo will do nothin, e frio ure s v id tIt enibodit tthin its COthOh1ttOfl, orikti0 °krillititsani4n4cet!' if. ho47 t 0 • n 7 0 • aiz ,,h of t.).N,keeaintlip0,, tthreett .(toul laerult ei or 0' e, ni th importantiost U nt'nflettr741 into u I3ethlehe sso "41 T::)‘o bui 'Tries 'to ru» ow, ing bloo of the 1 of Wee' ' out 8event 1 is 'me ftfty ounces* fiiXth gallot rou h rhizitto. TitA ru t 044.'11.11'thei6e ,t °last uers.P.14.Eacit art holds two ounee On ',heart 0011trAt t0 1or abont 1 1bzt one 1 °40n4014 adaar4 11Plan°8 fetlt ire of thc :heart every ikatirip dor41$4, 4e1),441)14)141thr Pm.* ttio,,, Qneortifo blear a "t Ben st experinten oran Izour- ug, for so eftiw,Wg-oorl music!, use,' he says,. 1ot.thei .7and-a--half-Itours- - rease- • iirtei an utiditiOn,.. thcr Philosophers, lir, to an hour 0 every day. I ofa. pr-icekss vain eive to regectiont, -b44w -Th nw'heoent IrQe fabout-mnnytit ea urO*tf. 1 1tat 4about: tab1es ab�ut clothes, and paper andto let you severely a1on. Mr. Bennett thinklf.a, newspaper_should 'kept for odd minute, but this supply a crotchet.- that has Ito necessary connection. with his .44._ irable argument for care and thought in disposing of .one's daily furnishes not only useful and int- mulates the very -mental activity and the in- st in other questions and thiiigz Ilta-a-Mage man Bennett's ritW. - -budczme1fjwt , us ittnairs,7:-S onugatons, anlily' requirerrien-Tu But w- not' too often be r of the ossibilititir 01--. roi-, ill, the .. use /01 our time., ef,, the i 1 6 Web.** many mss or figlf,sheeriskle-w atter. • . IL • The omcwhat elderlybut still bad long becri an adminr of the young lady,. but nevetIiad dr- eti telt her isti. At last* 110:WeV usTered-Fiiiii*Terre--Tiry 'Miss lesiiie* / wish were 'Men- „ • •;-• year -s- younger.o* lf Wh Solu ceause-theo I * iough,-.Tierhaps; to ry Mo.” bcr bead "I should vel Mr. Ilaxter," she were_tweiitY YeutotIn: r C ) dEdgith tell ycu n f yon -!ournger • you: t deal too • ellowahip 7 *tten we wouldentertain our Kdrumiglitrw I 11es I flt Our -pan ollics, emt= betore n give The great Aced:.of every lifes that 'foi Which our'hearts are hungry, T(' .nol' food and drink,. it is not even ''hookti.,,or, thinking, itE, not siliter...o just: folks, .people, to no -a° one 'another. :to read 0i)0rk hearts, to taste the fritits'ef friend., thipz---1,FlterOrie Iltino7fteedfrc., .).4-kv.V.Mthd0.14).A.eltUri vi kPl '. erity, s just. this' .openness o art, this:thoughtfulness of Otlw th t wins Art4 makes friends. witere .1)14: bav, time to Itslow re tore ,is a1ways .4:place by th brarthrlide and fan 'ear to listen., 'where th& love *lows -front face to face. We soon forget, *hat e- have--Inid,--or--eaten4n ,the-liorn e lave visited: but we never I've. wbatour have givenus. of iernselves. ' • f'he'house. that has the great tr n lt our ut and kited thr otflcj cat . llinlEelf kr is a gstfierim;' other being.. Ilo who eitocia "h-atTelAn , our inodern living is busy hero and there -11,0-agarrs:utost-of-thentthingu Ln , th,..„010.selvestit rtbnthwxhi-0they -standbefor :iltati *.x.,.....:0,....4.,)4 li Calcium 14. ctspihooltrixttsd, u 1” hur, lead,..ail to 4,, -9 toppr And it, lithium, mere $er sad., The. n?rned, tlg. ,gases. are. sou nay to •P 011 01) 'thutisaml cuhic.foet of a size twenty fee Len feet high, and twenty feet he -solids- in the bod nc arb0 .. .1.1;.1,7.0$4.01.&., I - all •in 44074iink. on -1 .0 .1 e*S thaf,v rook aro iogot' doing many L perhat*400,1ut bad when bettei' :and 1, .--vid 'chooMs friends1ipooa- 8 - that which 'he On ni)ver lose; o Man can take from yolk the m- niory caJ -you of t enriching or ,minuo. •onlarging oE heart and, syroyat hot • hrlt. a stars or honiC4 001 0artbsi r ends become inse sessions. ' ' al inean o Jonathan'sc/ tho qualities of ... friendship. - What t. • • .notable storie-,frtert... ahips....ca.n. you recant • What was tho nse of a covenant • the.. Golden . OF TriE 130Dr$, 'CO TENTS.' ' etains enough fat to one hundred cantLes, i to keep,its,own surface uonth,iuough sugar to.- 1 and cuuun talitY to any, let your first -thattis heart k fed. Be, who comes to your borne ' wants you more than he wat,its, ',riot bread and butter, your dainties and guest le- atres,There eastr-v4iereNe riondshiP .frpely flews; there is euf.. ptinesti aria winger, no matter bow the iioard may be laden, wifer. hearts are elosrvl to out another. HEWY r_ OPE. Ird Quarterly 11 *Golden Text, 2 <MOTIONS VOR. SENIOR - What forin of government pre- , ;rotate .was the last of the judge al 'What': reasons did the icopio give for -requ.eriting' IIow did ,Saninel tritiipret their. r ettl ' Row was the first kin -hoen ,What tut refiring. judge to ..the tosen kin 1 ' What-w'Aanuters ieatest legacy to Isra-elf• Wha ti1'v-eliaraeter4tt bni specia ly for his-near,ppiiitiopn. tat elements of 'Unfitness for rul- ership did he nianifest at king ? 'On Whti eritually 1 eiroumstarr. led to thointroduOtion of David' a the court of Bed/ What lio * Ilona °did David 'had at court, an in the army during Saul's reign eall th stead. #0.,-;Atml led to `the rei 1,. Comiiare and contrast ara,ter of Satil, with onathan.. Compareand charaAers. tna• thnn. . Destans briefly the fle.of David. 'while, An, ex- ni ourt. f4tatc. the traits ift eh*racter that made him or -o s' king. matttllaikiiie ettotr. Skturs administration; • t Awe" sn, and i tariteter.- ..hment' of the kin the _iintt 0 0or of ,8 tr(PgreI5o form of gosrnznent, that under drninistratton of the 3udges, or th adrninistrtiou of QUESTIOS ATE 80totAit.s.., ruled be. people of Isra at thls- time . What Was.. his char- acter as a rider fl What did his sent Wkose‘ fault was thitsl di did the elders. of - Vie nation re- quoatl eif request'''. , What did Jchovah bid the prophet; 'do 1, • In.spite of 'Oiling, what -dr& the -people say? *ben what WM.:done Lesson it, Saul Chosen Xing To whom did the people comefor kingt . Who Was selected by f3c,rau;. ell What iinpression would his personal' appearancens,tUrally. pro - u e 1 srael, -Wirdli -- bcad just then? Whitt Apia of pro. :ppearecI the new- king? When he gOtr'i new lwart and: *a Into another Mani:did Itei. reimiin a eb.1,ng-ed1/4,roirtn/'',,AVbakIvaahIILIILIr Lesson J1I---amueI warn 4au1d tJi Peo 1 1ior this warning\ Whitt' sort ,of a. judge hdAi& Ueda' WhatZlatid ..a -public -se hid he ohe-ieralef4, edl 'What sins, *onetime* eitarge, able against.publie officials, was ,ho guiltless of 'V SAI,hr Wati it in offense, to hin that the-peopleclantored for kin 1 !What wise counsel did be What did - Unapt- tiroMiweto ttO kr them AlOya Leson Saul 1tejectd by the Aaggestion ! What did 1 rteeive this treat an example, incident 1`• apsson a latn in it tie oceur1 arrayed against Batil-WOugh '13Y1 fore the battle/ Who died wiih .him on tie fieldi What herole Attalities-dtd-he showat--the -las Why did 3onathari bave t,o perisb i a comraae ' I - Ito* chd Sani ent? What 'tort es.i: ,a;vforce v•o id sett:ehriis.n. riad-JOilatha e 7 sa ' • h .7h 01P °CTifitestiol5niTt-erttXtij:Litt4thasgi Made Over Judah and Israt,l, o iftriltrItrort_ David sv ),...141at qualrt didIto de%elop thoseing what:realm did. he _,Iiecorne- king How old was David when, 'he enter - e' ujon his reign 1 Row .long_w "fie 'hat' -is , .the Golden Tex - GEZRAI Titaltits f ituowledge Mout .`,Everythirig. ero r weepers.iti'Londoit, In the British.. Army to -day the areAlkir tiettail-aordi -The coldest hourof the, twent four ii fio 0'010ek in the niornin red -knows. -----0 rely -is -the large4-eity in thc i3ritisli 0 torittli, It contains only a little on, just about ciioiigb to cnouga Y loou, that 'would actually 1* h -*nor into the clouds. 150dy. also contains enough ..CArbo 0make aborrtthree thousand, lead trrn.,A4,4iod-of c al gh to keep a blazing, fire hour two; :Tha4 • ,n matter of fact; is just ,what the body dcs its carbonr---usesit ot fucl. nd the erre* 'derived canon or eee r humanthe 'body just 'what it -does or the steam engine --it keeps the borly---warnr-aud-gives'it 'ener move. n I a year,, 1.P.0 rI the ventrit in the total year .on niiiijnd gallons. Think o tire wiloQruir* o w ti done by the heart in ton Years, -xi wenty,. or An a 04ftne I And the BIUNeiCirffighirTilrottrha-rir 1TOu The s-t8r inE0 blood111LL C E. leaving the Is-- six. Inind v t u thile& an" one:,hu.ndrcd arid da ,_sixt -one year than probably war travelled so far as liis own blood has. For, the blood to make the enttre double ,cir- cuit fro art:to lungs,then back ITiesithirually:reac'kkhetnothceteh °tetritigisgs%°: requires in the -adult about twen threo numb more rapidly, and the lieart heats corresporidiuglY faster. i _stance at birth thejieart- b Ot to the tnintit, and the blood treaill ma es its entire figure-eight ircuit itt about twelve seconds; At three- year theheart rate is 'one -hundred_ and eight,, and the -Flik"ia stream makes -its portrney itt about fifteen seconds; at five the plaise is eighty-eight. and the blood 'circuit requires eighteen seconds THE -RDTEIt Or -LIFE. 'The blood is the great river of life', a l_stupendous WaterWm, the niost ogulona that can be unagin-- At the monthly meeting...of the Btititili Watch and Clock Makers' Guild the question whether it i w vai!..zh at ni .morning was discussed. Some members were of the opinion it ivsol better to. wind. itat in t,be morning the main-_ r uld be after being carried about thrpcket--a11 brittle when cold than when it is warm. Ur. Wright, the vice- president, said that during the day the watch was carried about and subjected to all kinds of irregular' evnilitions,' and when it wals fully wound' it was ' able to withstand hese abirellual-epuditioona btt •" thought it va' a dcided advanta to wind it up in the morning. T view of thecae was agreed to Iziraigaritic trade who were present. hundred an followst 4'ic1-.'their 'appendage 1.-0111i0as of busy workers, crowd 'bowing and going, each iith-lus eci,a1 duty to littera to. irott cu- bit._ inch of blood them are_ twelve tottisantl'nu'llions of otto gtass--- bpse..tizty laborers. There are:tear. man body, and a, gallon contains two ' and thirty -fine Ciltic. inches. o, by mult-iplying twelve ourinAnullions by two 'hUndred, prifiarnately tbc number of, the ery- throcytes, the red o'xygen-bsirbon- dioxid -carriers, in the blood, If '0i-66 little cullers could-bolipread in a layer, they 'would cover A sur- face • of twenty-eight ' thousand Tertintrfeet— The red carriers are not the°cl WOrkers embarked in, r u l waterway, the ,h10 stream. There are•others less nu 01014, mere intelligent,mote oda , t -importantilrr hey are the real feeders,,tir fs,itli ul guardians, and the effleitnt re- cighteen pouniTs pounds; 4, organs, 'twelve pound;-blnod, seven -peunds:'Tite body coutains about soven.eightho water -z!--. heltan-srould. coii tam. about - -seventeen -gallons, more than barrel- of it.. 011ISIAL EOOD CONSUMPTION. As to• )11111:03e every day fire thotisand. grains of. kan meat,eight thousand grains Irotifia- ' Th0_1101104 Welts, ter, 4anY other rld-, nvriy species being reprcsented. Itoumania- is the most illiterate country in Europe: The, last ten.; sus' shows` that 311 A Population of about 6,000,000 nearly 400060,000 nei. thei - ``td nor, read.. On e new .Holland ree thousand grains Of p0 - 'ix hundred ',grains of but 0mm-thousand grairisof This Make* A GAM of food k _equal . nearly to eight . a Eau l c_or_n_mitle_tdWh owning slut -What great princi- [k- did tituntel announee )Nlitch t of dates Are ot thittimpor those which are moral or those ieh are seremonial 7 "What,sor take bint 41.1 nt 8111 was ulWitat was his ehief fault/ avid Anointed 1 th re Pothlehent. What pro- h--ot ure king Whorn did he, And vocation t Ito !ie *n• ointcdi What did oniony mean 2 What infftenee ie -on David Did h6 immedi t y become Se /tine 'What sh ,p 0lc ir . ens o „ordin * I er Preis fhere are blished itt the rnited Kinp ne Ito fewer than 2,334 newpa- Crs,of which London eontributc ncluding th'etrone dailiep bably the oldest mao Arlieis h 'it Iisid to be i a' ' r Ur o, mrmally balance by intity of waste' * * cse., a . wast r' . . _ l'eu _ unks,--Av 0 tT:row- off twenfyoutland grain -daily; the kin, witeb exeretes ten thotivind grainst, be kidtieYs and intestines, svhiell. .eliminate, tivotit.4-four thol4841.1d aud , t*entyr hundritd.caintigLspec,tivel the water tall giant/ together carry ol!f just about Is 11 the kid es 111 BIS SENTIMENT., "Ye, I acknowledge that, your father did me a --favor once which placed nte under a' lasting obilga- eon .to him. I epaulet, therefore„ rcfuse to lend you, the money.' But come around to -morrow . for it, iii't- 3S "Certainly, i! uhaven't got It "Olt,..1..b.ave. it AlOW all onl 1 hate on such t', -h notice xir ef . .... .„ ....,_- 00--innst-arran • ' TRI1j8 f;r011,T. zt d-uling-tiiiiirtift.; y,L4rtc-t: otgr1g044,!. -shalt we , Fiet 'ilitesirrowitr---------":- Captain. (Pron.l.P.' th)-nut.....--, a ick -him up, t-.-_.. tile' ruleitroll.an2 ballast&art, Anxious Mother Row is it that ou have so much -t,roublo with your ousekeepingi You told inc yo, iiifo could eook.' o cun. "Then - whatis matte. 1" tth body's tnetheds af'eoxionty.. instanee, in its work of, talioq itt oxygen and tbrowiiig 00' earbondi- heert-eetVlifed 'L* oxide, it needs space„ surfaec. And • VI there .inc- thod by which in the lungs the 1uled Cites a iurface of six. Nothing is more interesting norcy- hundred mi stftintititiPALII of j 1111one day no less thi four etthio feet f air ont,gozng brt-ath- ofltairs t4' ieinebes of carboudioXid, aTK arnotattlit'Th "ilit:Itt't:useta4'hv'ttll'11;t'lls'i°11rbon 11118:r1leid:* exha1 at 11 a.x1,i woulc'qual lump al'weigbing I pound Tb *ir eatlitid out 44. !iUVtng al ortptliree, inches 4$•- . is inhaled at cod ') eS,S, e011d.., ke of Are aS, - LS,.fllUli greate.• en TitY feL acon