HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-09-17, Page 5,
..1*d t) Wpe
o i ..
tt 4 havee. giinni.."*"aSptay1. on
..rollOwin ii tbe J;iie
We have ju5t opened ,Our,.NEW FALL, and WNTEI MAN
LES We ave them in the very latest niakes .both Semi - fitting
looseLd CS* ,01 $ y In.long, nicely Marne WI 4 .1'
''1 -.6 -48- t 4 'ili "elf t
ng and Braids In the leading colors, Zack, Navy, and MyrtI.e
0 00.hatligillerth0 Vett best Mike ,of Mantits, made in Canada to
les and Quantity our prices cannot eaten
': Pict T.„.4ri Children's ai,
C1ntqn On ''
eOiftI train will le
tveeii i gra,
it prO.
..iP ,
1 A 9 di na thc
Ues 0 ex, loot
4. pper ,: a' ncert
*ivebir ii,:s 1ii ObUrCl»wheu the
klna,vrtbettite4 .vlamitaave n,41 • tior40,10.-
44drea,sea. ' Thei!roceeda wure
and %Mee- Tire
visited Ur.0,fla Mr. W.
Saturday and. Sundayk"?
4 :Ws.. ,V4444* of Creditor)
have ir 00ive 0 0410141110 t' of 0
e pleas&1to show them.
-WOO* live to -i0, dellitery.anY day but Satueilar*-litIgetifer-thirland
. Spring °hicks. 241ba. lOc. 10., Ilericee lb. Sutter -10c. Itga- 190,
car of fktx tseed to. Dad
' Miss'
t daYs Wit
.one ki44Y. hst week
-1 the-Ilarvest-Soms
WEI:lumber from hrre
Misses Ida end Martha. Swetzei
ttendet t 'West r
*4Q1 On Tuesd and Wedne
bziii husin*s it1 »ame.
"-potvAtF lora% and t*-72Was
toted TownshiP Engineer under
4.:46, 4ln 11V-P1A90' of 3. L. Thomas
1.Lonsion, The ,fallowin ttecon4V
ttend-j werc ordered to $14 pa,"ti*,
Faustt-postin ••i s..--re;-Dissen*la-
for tone,75 teUta r;trtOti;e12.
04 -At ,A10-xier.44,441i,11
appr�ch OrtWein bridge* $16.10. la
O'Brjcn, rad. Drysdale*
4)9.00. W. O'Brien; enl*. lake r04,(1,
$21.00: cul. lakard.
Drysdale* 1$9.-06; W. McClinchey,
cul -
lake rd. VS; Herald printing
E. Douglas. cub N.B. $9 ; 3. v risson
t.work. .,43%1* lOryadale,* ,g1.50
a k or rY
letfre - z9n104,1StieVto...111.4$441,4
.3,15 rents& 'weifftfatf2-14.6tithittlirdt
oad, c. ouch.% steno and work
ouL epo, 12 $5,50; 11.homas* our.
eling-Ills;onet-te-av 4104547-• .
hioh represent :thelatest andmost distinetive ideas garner-
:14-expe*.frobilke fasKiou antre of Euiope n
,elaborated u '-ptru--by "IU?EOTIO:N'i1esigkmra,
made up in cloth Selections that embrace the attest pro-
of-thelatist 'matinfacturerain the w�r11. •: -
Styles.are iighwitting semi -fitting and
110rediii different &signs.' Prices 'reasonable'
Furs Dress apoods "awiifiwk
re, 4-
ou should not use the be t kite
: MissesV.ay and Desertia flittsant
Lonionk art guests at Mr. 'Wm.!
flcaie 297 aceompakd Ly
Sntbe, 1
,./iN at Mr. A.,*,
?xt'Eiti4 day \evening the 'W. IL
s.win take charge of ithe evening
- vice when Mrs-. A. 'Dinsmore*. of
.Day City, twill .aildress -the meeting*
together with singing. • r'ecitations
and t2iaIoguc on inissirmary work.
The W. M. S. held their taisnthly
meeting at Mr. John Mtdtsoltes 244
there was .a large atte,ndance. At
interesting meeting\ -was eriirled
Tbe--cltttIf-tir our -ellArcri and some
*tilers of the colagrogatton vrer'4‘..giv
en an ice cream cake. plum and
terrocloft social by the Misses Edna.
and Hildot Gunning cn Friday even.
lug oL last week, and all .enJoYe4
thentaelves ,ver_v xnuch.
spen a- tew eks with .
tiVeS in Toronto,- (darned'. tome 'on
, sday-iorening..
Tillas---Avezr-tlepbtri me...to---
been visiting her sister for a short
time in Toronto, landed baek Sa
-ur ay. evening.
Centralia is turnerical Well rea
presented at. the •WeSterti Mari!
Centralia„--14-toon 14- beast of an,
evaporator. ,Messra. .Christorober
orig:natore cif the aoheri ,117tot
the :building 'etartod last Friday..
e perteciive iii1;kiepafire,day and
night, delight every user. de, of
the .t0P-Ltlost-Ma
guaranteed In
ver 6
nd" ave .th-erctEnAsev.)
Theln ttabtlon
s1ck 1w14*
should kilo
dosa, Try
LOfl. . Crt�r's
- opt pill
Council will meet riga n ,W esir
•day, Oct. 7th, at tITte o'clock, p.m.
Fred gess, Clerk
14tEr nES voukion.
The cotincil Of the Tor'llkbiP of
Stephen convened in *he Town' Bali
Crediton, on Monday, the 7th day oj
. PtoMber 1908, at one
members were present. TAO '
uteof 'the _Vrc.Tions Meeting ',war
tOs1 and *opted.
'clerk notify Sanntel Vritcator to have
the portion of the- Ittid 'Creek drain
,011 this _ tarn trePaitvi _ _ fartiMiths
Otber*iio 4the. Council would call up-
ott the Engineer to Put the same in
Sanders -,Yearley, That Gottlieb
Brown be appointed C011ector of TeX.
day -of -. December- DV
and further 'that the roll be handed
with.. -the ,the MuniciPalit•yt„
, -Motored as an ,atnendinertt 414t
ciIIDrWuerth that the appointment Abe remains „yere interred- In Das..
-otoollector-hciald- over and that thc feitI nteter - -
Council Ask for applicahti, for the . Mfrliarold Appel liai-totarta-n.
' • position 'with Mr. Daly Jeweller, of Ct.pi
'OO» a le .
The following orders wore 'paid,- Pr. Ocorfte 1Csco gt c AO
Aint119117fAt Virorld, 0.90: T. our r daughter, of ifletrolt avbo were here
rep. bridge tendon road, xi° visiting retagveS vicintLystef‘ '
Davis. iltirittl expenses . 14..atto for their horne-last-.. vet*. • •
Izad ariniple
4110140 engaged cutatrawv1430,0
it la• -supliog iLton 'the
;stack and in, a aliort time the' barn
g0Eigbt 4ov, tovi.bowlersfro4
gaYt uirt-local, playcrs a' 4-arne:,40
WI1S 1\ reenTi g;:t.:4.,..the en
of ;the 27:jul
titis week gyin ..oxteo
, he 11404 clibion
aleatIS' of t4k3n a nurnbgr of our
villagers out of Own thiS
Concordia Setkinary at St. Louis,' Mo.
'Air. rola Schrok_er stuient of e
had A bible raring 1-001
is and*.
h hreeder*,
This is uudoubtedly one of
oldest. bibles, inthe. count*, 'It
travelled through genera-
tions and is,at present at bis hoffie
on th Bronson-ixeflay- township.
• Tw_e:_bowling 1ZUrich:
Chas. Fritz J. fr.:. Goetz
Cha_is .Greb .1 Z. -Tien -la A
A. 'lidlghoffer Wm, Siebrt
Skip 19
F.Zippel -
P. Lamont
Dr. Varapbell
Jonas Itartlei
J. A.. Wambold
3. W. Graybeli
Th Geotz
Geo. Edighoffer
'w'eottentLs cc
cbaso your ne00 to
Don't forget t
ome 8440e ur0tock'berQr* ICO
ng Sboes away down in prig),
Ades and cl ths Venetians,
ncy Striped and Plain, etc.at
We are 4010 4
Mantles -and lido
toeurpaas them. .
--call-and ace theta
New Flannelettes, W
'A, full line of
[o the0e1ebratc1 PuritanBrand Ladies./0Obildren
Ft*$y� and quality and iireiallent titters there is uOntt
ben in looso flfting alto seini,litting. Be 040 to
bre aking r purchases. Our prices are right;
KOPeltie4.1%,117,011411ette.:Bianitetakand'all Wool-Slanko
hrf-Johimr_ar., 4.4' Aaiun
at Vral...
M. Lew' Andrew, (A ilatitiota, :„.t. an
visited hisbrother 'Bert. during the
Past week.
•Mr. We.- Kellett is laid up With
sprained ankle. _
--Special--offeringq.- ,be taken
th ElimvWe eircult tiext Sunday
or the Iernie Relief • fund.
ortplent ‘if Vurs,
Styles And -invite yoat to can atla
axe a Urge- stook of
ots and Shoes for the °ran
and. 'Winter, and prices as
low as the lowest. •
We iiiave a sp
Went to select front, and at
prices that sapnse you. •
Miss Ada Xoehler, loft lost ,w k
for Toronto., -
..Mr and Mrs. Abram. Bean* of
Bright, visited in .town • last w,eek).
avert in 1i to n-)aii Lar iuight.
r, ..Jamea Johnston, near onice,
soetion died on Saturday
actg., oth. ,Aged‘ eightydieuT,i Yeigcs.
e have a !deeline of
Worsted and fr*--. to oose
from. -We- -nave something
special in this line. co
and let us show our new Ann
xngs and quote you, prices.
Favourite Ohm .
At bargain price*
1 Leader . washer
Illamtnook regular $g 50 for .$2..po
Long bandie Shovels
Sad Irons, regular $1.26 for $h
do* forceps clearing at 20c
Baga.Il.intioe 01111,4c:40p tinhooettae_hlinatirel -verauz
• ing be sure and ,see that y�u get the
Ideal -Woven Wire the 0
All kinds of Varniaheei
Machine oilh and Cylinder oil. -We
'handle the celebrated Sherwin ill
isms Paintsthey go the fartheet 404
ear- theAengestf- heeau000-4bW400---
the bet.
+IL 4 *.4 (was oper.
�f AO; 0147115; Tailor, sled on .40 'Dr. Gunn. ot Clinton, is
relmir:lig bridge* 0.0fit-gilingeitgai, dorang nieols,
tuchurch*, stei01$3; 1. Patton 1114 IK"n* *1 And Mrs* JacobJacobrkton grave' contrangers;ct. 01.3; 4, ey Jon"' Sararas lilind tine, WAS the see%
retaker Oa; w.. .i $okingest clang tar Adeline, was
aver. repairiUg Credit -fan hr.:dge, united, in marriage to Mr. Talentline
C0.401u:sw,oncr; 41.2.501, P. --klilber' 01---4-baPrfr lento- 4laikrt the'
Prank Moore,-tattendi
r,Perry attended the.
en bold i'rt.,:r.rortnit0 lase'
A Atimher from here, are t
the Loil4on
tr_iv. °tau**
John •Xlar
air lest wet
'Odin repaieing Murl Nee!), of nillvsfead. Vbe tretemenY
41,131 lieitty-Ca,gratitor.4,
• Silo tifltug tlw �rkr of the
in this
14r. Joseph Kirk suttrAngIro
proottottg,or iitioa' -
ktott fair Ist and 2nit
Garfield Omni intends ievst.
ng tb taitorng With'7%=„ftr'...
in tbet %Town Ball, Creditork
041 Monday the 5th, of October 1008
Itt One p.
Carr)) bers gravel, 8 of the ,14,4theran Chute:), in the pm.
41161 -et
- Your money' .
or fire may take it
tut institutions that
wealth. •
drifts moner
rates. Our Tomei
0 • points 11 the IT
sots $tspoo
throu 'houb, nada.
ive,u o arra re, Penes*
Elsie Notes Dtscossatml„ teitat uwestpurrent Rate.so
Interest field -or Aaa
Or, brecue*. insane ',exam: onte GM/ ;:the itarricilitte reitz4 Ott*
.'iotr-rrrttnt: toittnir-w
en.% tart nywrt-of tilos. After congratulations the
i4ar,10. r, 'Noe, • ,part y• proceeded to.:Ilie-difking
airing bridge 0.flout, OrVed. Tbe bride k0 trrektf
* gown 01 ereifli s1k, cartym
Aire in the ,use *here hurRiati,
vest m risitv SPoulations or with do
t have robbed men of their earn
'01tDEItS 188-Intif •
soa 'or the world, rsinember on
d ii at the loweet, poilbk
bri stateid-
S, dress of *bite organdy, *late Mr.
W. ,Ihrsipor ably' isuppotted the groom
it;taw. ,at,t0:04,tr: $: mob wilt Make their
ow tin* greointa finefarm near,
berairixes iOm a
sts 225 et
o 0