HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-09-17, Page 4. + •
,, .; , .tkti priitter mad yalblialttr ,
' . 4kYltrY ',alas,* of printot Ma.tolai , A
' issucd• In 0onnection , iwith --turt' 404', AAA, gr
'tient !Plat making Of .false Ntate.,
, 11`410,v4w4lt' re.spect to the,„ Verso -Ai,
',char* er et- a cArol,ills e readers the
,;?he pen m
rsoaking itl le to atsne,
int not los than.
, •', CoUtributions ,tar pOliticaieV ',0
' al -se Matto . on •',s.' '4:tt
' it 10" ,..itssest of '41,te pestfew
Wi'- to MiGte th* x«m,,,
tOre. dry, ',thew ztarttit, 4,41,-
, welt,' 4)4 tt ,t ". tir w.Ato have .°uot
got tAlt:it , *bat '110%14 Attii, it
ekes O4,0::'.4* ckliatolth 4;41o* apjy
:witbesL • Pc ',
.-- . , ,,,-,,, , t „
rer* a . ' " it atUdlsbor-
t I
, *
.,„, , • ••••
Exet-er. Oate.r10. • •-•
. • •
rma oflooviption 440'per
frAno.,:'.10.50 .taitY be
.ed if not ao paid. TO ,Xlnite„
ei ettitscribats;--44.00- .4.074r in
noo • No. AkaPer •di.scontfluel
LI 41 *.-10
to ,• -.1tegetr
'41enoteti4011 $44.141',01#
vertiinZlate* Oa'101/0114t1O.P.
- AitIDUS7 ,
'•ill.n14itara04 4)600* 111.011.0. 4114,J
e u,
ith the XerItY,Vom$fl7, of*ant4.
ord* IsPent•lettt. *elk ttt
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, .DLk4. ofsok,Itti
aar4tla`14, IWO.; returned' to their
oU1e laSttwhek„ after $3,141€4ssUt• vt-s-
ith -friends herei• -
*AN,- 41,144'i -L, v't
'Inst vegk .With bet sister, liksi
. d'otin . t, 0 OW, Was
.itete Jest wee ' visiting her parent%
Mr. 11114-... 'abi, $4_1: W.C140.1tn.stOrtc.
.041.4 M. iNtgie,, of London* is vig.,,,
ting ;;:relativett ;and ' ttlends-The.„-ret-, —
' ''' regrilaili tien* a post office, Mr. Eitwaril- Dignan has Mitred in.,.
Per -. . , .
. . , ,..„ f:tortown- ',mid -v.1(4., occupy -the rooms'
: :,2,,;„.„,,,,...:„,„.•,, :, . . ill' . _ . 0 has au• b. * the - retty block for the fall flnd,
•,- '', '-.:----ri' '''V`Fii6 - ' ' -it'iFetiPtiiiititilewittteK 'mont-har- ,-,---------,,,,,--, - -, —...
, , . , , 0 ,
t, ._ - - : • . 4, - . .„, , ,„___ „.. b.,,, ! -The PaterSon•-ptaaing mill has hem
, , 4 . ,'• a' person Orders, late papers sots' moved to, Dashwood, whore It is '--1:1-be.-
,,z-t----,----I-T, " tl-0- 1134--py
,0,•,'0,411.-- arrear**- - Ing -X-ebilitt--bt ..the--04shivocid- , Pia
i•i ,, : 4,putioisher, ..40.0.3n.:t.' oti.nt,;.e.,,,,a,,,13.0 14(44,--aiii Vorapauy.---who,--recentl-y- os
-,;-,.....-- .41.t ottparrneiat -is_ , .. . 4,their—builtlizirr-br 'Itrew,-------
''''II 'ct the .'whOut ' fa 0 ,, 111 i:tArniolli4WItit.0, Of-Vohalt* Is -ter
. - • • ' .. ... „„v,'isitiug.4.4s-paren'ts,,,---- -- -4.-.7- -
7 . le'-'14P4Ir--;14%.1'a d that ie-' Mrs. Cie° 0 .Brown -and - diUgh.
..opttit 1,44,..to ,-..-...,..„---,.e.,..: .i6,,,,,,i,d,-.... , ,11,-: .r4ret-a-a-rottt ..XliatoriliOo-
, : ,c, , ,_;..itudit jr,(10,:ti,ittilitl_posit°'1-71P4f1Tes'ell-e°; r'i--em- av.. siber4L;they ikitteti:v T Match
. . T.
',''.'7::7:-.-77 • : ,,'.t. oa leaving .thera' uneatled. for rer,d, ' brother or. &Mrs,. Dirolu.--.7,--
' 4 • , ,,, Be autfticription remains Unpaid, Is . Ile -Iteforni convention -tams' held
. - ,' Orlin* falcia, evidence of 'Inteittlaual here, Tuesday and Al. Y. XdoLviatt.,
-' • ' . aire'cotli. ' . ' • ._.,_ ...the' present 2,t. it), was menade tbe.un.
. Xilig. EXETER . To.craa ,Purtzi vo; animeus . choice. . From the tIntsi-•L
,LI bit. ra clis 'a' 4 nd 'h. M.any r mis
liei of.' -SiPPOrt; iM. Y. xiiiii no doubt•
, Itst. . - • ,.,„ 4..). ' .- ,,.0-WifaitiV.4":44.!
, • A large number from here' 0111 at..
lion. *Clifford iSittott . tend 'the X4au4er tlemoristratiory • at
e • unan mous-- , relnow,,,,sinitsdusr.tho„Atarit,,
els to -contest:the: con2ing Alec-- 4 large nuMbeir Trote Rensall have
• , ••— been attending the • Toronto.,exhiI4-
On„ttaiiito thenewsPaper reports tion even •mere thanlormer.
;ne date for „the election has not iieen years. •
'-ainett and Pir' :Diehard *rtwIgbi Reeve Petty is making:. exten.sive
•etill-a member :a .thti •10ahin imprOvetnents to :the War_rjug pro.
GIbtionIs now; Per,t1 which, he purehase4 some. few
ty. %he. next iteuteutnteito,eptsr -of years ago,. A eereeut feendation is,
'.PlaCed underneath. .
iOntario, -order-hreourreil le that being
• effect boxing. been paSsed • ou, Bessie- Llrttnlitirdt left laSt
week --for North Carolina*-- *here she•
• ritaday of last week. .
vr, A , has second a good 'position in ,eeri..
4,Iesex Libt,rals held. at Mt. •Bridge, . Mr: a. Ws* etigagesl
, on day, Mr. 'Alta. Stuitb, 1thrHn, as
-•„),L 401:thorn,. ititcsilnePrGrItoeTr!„-tih4:%1Souti4)e-a
Breeders' Assootatton wo5.14-04:1111a r.s* II.O.Tbt and ilertwo dattghtera,.2
• to contest the riding' at the cornint :wto eta ispeii,...s2v,ertst
• Dominion- elections, -weeks-with' relatives -in Attlait 10" and
A warrant has been issue(' tor the c1flLty eturned home this Altgaig:'
ArreSt 'a" D. 11.--Stawart..-formerItila Davis has • nturnedto
• 1 :eat manager of the Sovereign., bank, 'Toronto to resume her•studies..
„at the las-tante uf the. .dovo rntueu , .E.,,eggarth, of Itentsall:k- t.Gf4UaOhfl$tQ**
turns to the finance-A.0Pu' men peOut _in the ,togn ctich-aor depart -Men
-tie.found-and-iLls-belleY.!X JJUIg rertyle_to.„
ed 1a.1, 1-at'Sietrealv-titirtig. •_
• ''-:14tWC Art tr,3411 not
dais — • s3ou4Itrau1e4: nniso,
• nen. It. W. Scott,' secretaryof . Present borne from Klueardine.
i p'e r /atty.'. „A, —
r. Ricliril .y.,
* t,
for Vict�rz, D. E k3t . and
41r,.1Hghtiea.1 hzvinir loft tjie moolc
Pr•437Pr474'oeb rit.lvms obervtI in •t,
.Presbyterr -ettat, 'lost 'thtit
e ore
able, to sal titat•
51141"t 16-14t1:41-4314nlellale
. to move
opn4sttdele.awg4*z,at,:4, t!ealurza Lon1on onWitb. itbr
vexto IortFran
n Labor D for a. pitnte* •
they *4 * too04 Vine at le*.st ioU
" 4ecetitly-,erected.•••'
3.1olist "*Yri rc
•Alp -„4t: 4„s44o1e4
„riaW °Use: ilottht.7-Vitt-rtin
it maim convenient than, 'the:US00a.- -
,bee 110. -
•—,4-ttY Person who la 0e -sirens or
atm - into It -1.4 lealle-Varathmirsa:, -
-Ater** Its -tie •-tore -boVe two 4.03.0
-can C.ean p;Cain the town
or- fun, •caOttz.* or Marbdes.
AA disorders costa -by; *
ittate-of the acystexis, co be cured by
using Vette/Ai Little 1*.lver Pills. No
pain» irking or discanrort attend,.
Ur. -and, Nroo !otoinir,
Exeter, spent „ifunday at .0, Oould.
' s Ettniee'Doupo via' the MISSel
Shute, 14Siteit friends 'here on Un
daY last, i"
•As 'Mr,. ilarr4 Davis yeast itt the
act of walintr a Colt." a tot days.
ago. the aninal beeam-44 frightened
'and. putie.41. Mr. Davis out of the bug-
on_his -bead. Be was ttg.
conscious to satre and,.
,isorc,zne_tiwiy,Izzi,..:,-zd fatal: iertiftrY.
, he „wall .rrar," .a, very sore neck. for
CharlesTt • llanter, InsPector -of
_ orks. tepartixtent,_x
'in EaetiforAli, --.4k5,0; looking "tar
stutab.,,,,4-ts;te for-th,". twcir publieloota
int to b t. tIttt Warp , twit
:loath -witt al-- 4 1/045tOfftiON
VIISitt2=3 44,t:e.Z warehouse. Ire ,
exaMinel .4sevei,..,eit„;sites-on.1VbCb, be,
willclotlons, ..atzd atilt report to
.110 rsritoeut. Thti building will:
• .eirg,ithortiotti t3425.000.,'
• ” •of t4ek st"--urat
A.16 month, out
3-C I•"S'
• ,
ee our splendid raiig7e- ?if newi'wraitperettes
• Our homery is complete and range in prce fro
- - - .
* Tryix-piece of our cotton cashmere r4.c cots.' • .
• Horse BrusheS, P4Int aruihes, Seri* Brushes, berwin
,X4.1#114114„YATL!,/,l'IghAL.krAtl. Piled .00; • •
e.' robia.;
. • 04--,....4ttra.,A,AvrrArsixirmAncr-t.,a4...4....,
• •
-Wews1jo exteri toyou anstryAtation toc11 and lee OM new Stiltittfili
•t -talt-4411Xits! 6417-7,01-60Waa-tihbVir' EtarepMeetrate iireVed"
by the ic,«14 and new World, • - , • . •
• * The sinttkertle are niihf:*. theY are tioluotio:ind we are 'proud .or
Ihe QuaHy Is Right tito—Atli to the hIgh,startflerd we . always carry. It you
*iota smart iutt -tr:Jetalt-,--eeteet yOirtr„ods.-horo w .soortro -70u---;ttaootyl
nutko.lo4i1t,..w111. too.rikht.: -. • •
price 'beyond a de uhb, we -quote the lowest. prieposiible..ThIs 1*
•sokifewloked b pitr ottatomerft, And reoozntsed brour toropetitore. AtgtOtt
-1,1**ifrrittrIstroiteratelAitnntlItenritend tletfist'allAintea
U you ver bad any 'contracted or hereditary
Ioo&aeare-ne .safe until thevirUs
p�on hu'been Tenoved tram the system.
ey have 'had Some,disease years ago, but
anditiers some Symptom alarms you. Soto*
in your system. you: afford
ex,isk,ot more serlous-syliaptoms-appostr,..,-
oeralugsusedd udiscriminately.they may
system. Tvrenty years experience in, the
'trofthesti diseases enables utto-prescril*:
-fa* worst character, leaving to 144
on tile system. Our New IvIethodTr.eati.,
snentwaU purifY and Curl* the' blood* hostiip
`,.ttearthelklu, retnov* bone pains, fallen
.oz4b1twi1igzoW io, 001.4 swolien glands willxeo
tostmontial izondition*-and•the patteflt
ausl look like Et• different person. All essei
acr.ept fertreatmentare guaranteed it•
m eritAtietors who have no repubtuod:,
bilitree bee, vitarkocestithellisith,ltriovcerturv,yealors' „
ervous iood. and
ii • .tRoptionsultatIonitt
n List fernenie Treetstsento
APIA 9.1A4A11.41Arkuat, malros.: 4-T4:U1r ,
. .
..,4c • Oft, •a U eien- •
by /seltle Imelias the•carriage rolled
• f t tatfort l. the carriage tat
• " ion cabinet owing- to adiancimg tLs Ethel lAtzrdoe on,
• - 'Years.' His -suteessOr IS Chark-lr-bfur-- was•-tiore-rece-htly -altpnagweeit
hy, it. C. Or Ottawa.' Mr. Murphy with her parents% •
exceerlitigiy popular with. All'
*gasses or coinImunity and euloYs too.-
fidettee, rrenela-Canalians. tie is
• • • a „bacheior about 40 year; of age:
Ire is bnesarrued, having. lest the
use of /114 Zeit arm.. Mi. 5turphy
It 1 -Probable will be a clandilate
ered a cure Liberal seat. ,
btr..41.,`G.roleY, clerk of the Crown
Chanters, -has-compiled the ne-Yr
! *ion. Elections At which Went
• - -into- effect ,o*..1-ttly -21ith.. it „contains
• taittal Hem,' pro:0.1110ns txffeetiiig
• dates, electors and newspapers rind
& It s made a,,,crint.
,„ look_ offtnee, punishable by a licaYSr
-"--riffe-me-ratir aowrirlutat-
°• face any„ proclamation "lotto:, st 'are
• •
OVer-ami the &thy avas ur. . was
bone 's of its tegS. was' broken,. The
parents teck hlr to Sestortb where
ate bone wai.•,set; She is stew -.tubing*
yeILinLtL a thought, Om little one,
ton be, alright.
. .41111.11111112t0i ilt.T.,41116, tip
• the Act. No person' can make nal
•Contrilratton on behalf ,o,f, any ,
aidate except through ,the agent of,
• -Such .candidate, The bribery 'pro-
• *tore tevere,. Canvassing- bit '
' .
'sde sdinlictable efferie, 4r
picnics and camp, fliete
ifizothing that wilt equal
.65 cents drom Exeter, Ctiod going
tePt. 113,- 14-16-andSPesaist
excursion. rate 00. cents good gallig
8Cla 1.5 and 17., Return lintit on all
ticItets. Sent Alst...
-StrEellif* leaving' e:Of
15.AA*16; snd returning 10.50 P.m
6414. 15. 4.6 and 1.7ileguleat train
• •.1 15,
Bog, 11%-1tli and 17;
Slightly used. • _ rirely":41"30,1=.641 ..
441. 644
Stilit 14.1644 .
' * Atlaveaateduction, --::'"- kilt. "AgLitt 101140 tslor Ina
' -wiattit • atteCIWOrntiotS
• ' _ fivetvis 4 WWII (alklat pettotiot time
" .....;.......:..o.:,.... • 4-
itOT440$ 'ArAPAP4 tuff
ohm* irr Ithe visestists *KC
estiiiic *fits fit kair.
• o a amily, or -Igt0Sr male over
• years *Xi may homestead a guartein •
seetoni or available Domon land In
Zelanitobai.Baske,telawan, or,
The, applican?, Inuit -Appear in pers00
- r-•"
Sub.4teuey tor the distrct. Lftiry hY; • ,
proxy mar be had at the agencX, oft
•certain cooditionstby father, mother% „
:' fld1ts:eit:ateurp:tar
of the ._,Iand io ea0h
stead tn.a' 'farm of 0 *ores
end °coupl by him or •
W .111111tw ol 4•
Amy ii!",111. it.] AIM A-0MM
• •
throt_wonuturittbitt Lydia
Stt '41
. me,i EMMA Glutei,Velltyllelds
flUtWer itineheei 4strites to Mr&
• •
bl1h it new issue of
• the Te1b�nc birectorY
arlot including • the Vfl1. e
:Exeter. • '
4,1 want to telI you that without• rutr-
-11ydla E. rtrikbitueor veget*mo corxt.4;tn
13101:11b1 I. Suffered_ with painful, an1. tZts
irt!'egular periods 404 .intisiattottion of I
the feminine organs. 'Doctors could"
• do nothing for nie. and,,tatidi *Mat *Ob..
nut to an Operation as1 had.41
Otte ot- toy toitstrm atletted, inc .
jag sot., 191 ifta, (tam Exeier "V:cryi, oltratlye, !rites right torftitt/
17, • .
'.11•47rettOW(Ita itaphitilt70, •
ItroIt $4-Skinaw,115.10., . Chita '6,' • ,
!*ltlXh •:a et: •
St. Pauli CleVelandtf v1a7Detrolt
0.• - .11100149•'#),
take!. -14dia,---n-tintdraties' Itag'elabbi-
• Matt it, bad eared her.,
- • isoitaft-tiosoki. ilion *lit •
;.atia sin* -entirely Cared. "Stetir•refeedy • $
roineot lot**,
eard rto , now Wipe,
• T ir• 4;4444.4
to. ritiOtout ilwitett ati
e 44' iity ISh
halo's Vegfota ) ,
l' 0
!Mtn roots tmd.,hotts; abt tb
Itandard remetIr for Ten* ills,
‘vornertwhohtivehtstritropl?lt,d;w1 h
fthroliT -tumors„
ing.downk.ehngtAitto -1•1
es wik &ditto try
too O'er or slitiar.
• PA fret taln• botoostooitoir
tn gaol aton41-4g- may-- pre.empt a :
• ,,lar ter t„,eer:en iongside his borne**
•44.P14.-. rei
Urt.-"WitiStx tuoutita ittoach Of 01.3C '
• :ears-froo-ot,440040-tett,4--entrr-4 '
tflbdn tho'rtitue rtiAttir4(1 to earn
•bortte,stead ptt tont) .•,tand ouitilit*t
• 4ft3.-* „acres oxtra, - ,
• ihdiei..:itcasT4'..ti,, lynti' tad 4ixhiiiiiited
izatus4,ead 8. _ _
,0,..rttt, dittritita
, Vet" rs.,4:1 -par .4ona.. s....-Mtute
'myth thl IMO) Of thre* *44
•cars* Ctitttivate fifty: Acres t tot
W•orth 43M0.1q. •41 •• •
- •
••_•• .4irt:suftinottotiiieret**,
„ Patillet*es ottrelit
• W. 0361inie,i trio -of
it,* • '
with leadink butifless houses
4•4ralt,OUr raetitttkIl*Loo$„
- .
.-n1r. riLt�d
'Whl*fl*t tP1itileance.
• re oti
" 11:71Stf: th' Oil
fli� *tio the
feta; Teltiltraplit.
*WOO fo,f, tkalars
Vot. Pl. is
Soirtr.Trits. ti .r..
stern ri
iittons xtni forge tO t$.front.
you *Itt Anti ftInt1401,
Vint hi air 'tot it **St e. '
= Zi.ittotin UCLA, LAM *
.Fiftler..„,X.001 a ,
artrt' *tift Pat out Of :tit
trttvelt. pain. • •
•Tb home Mr. a Mr..4
' "wart„ ttirrnelift;Ar, _ fit ° Str4
Ot*,Yerv tirfitti txte,,,,r1:1.t4.A,tAtAtttql.Oril tOridOY
nrlithr, ▪ t tvo.tit, 14•1•4/10alti • "vitt**.
ph%r:rAwee,,tt, oittor44,,, Wit* 'borer ,14.11.kr Nor0110.
woo!, (Toot.biotti tatiia lot, •
,Littursito 1.0414: - It6t11,0!, C14 !kW •00)11„. *t the
kot, •
iti;:o oir.,:otito.,::;;i,ord,%,
• .10001* aria faitr tht,t0thttrA'
lottro-- toten0fifti,- att'-,1't -of -• Otte' -
spourit' ttio. Soo tor slieau'svs to.
railti *kris.