HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-09-17, Page 1„ usiness wilt soon I 44114riittOP boomint wth the New Fa es, Goods. Everythng here isin Full swing for the ie we fl34%ke agbt tis wee1c 444;1, IJeaman kill' 0:dplO , ; .. .. . , ; . t .. ..,i rei:t' ' ' 4,,,Iyas,. .. , d Ili... ' - rlailit' ' ,, dwin ,.. • . , ...., tc,r;:', "., ' Tcrontn.p. r - ' 4':•- ri ''',a,riif.'''.y•ox,X4 est, •:,,,, . ,,,,, , - ' '1 , : . • , , ofq%), **•-.. per.' Th final 4400 of :WW1*, e amPlanaldP and the medals 'not meat by the Ite. Thee netelisfe,, _Abe presence e guests. Th beide lo-okQd 0bapning,- in'white "We havovatt.otry „paphousin.„ "sever41:' W414, navy1,1140.0 livttli sold ch I iiirerS''- net:, at t , „ Ti Strathrot 'Sa,turidtiy t het'. twill:, .e 0-Motiday tmett at , • 1.041,e.sday, 174411i:1p .mifuip •nalon. and on WednesdAY wIll\leaVO 0 Plintom'Arriving „there at 10.50 rnatetolitelltrirraii'°121,4V14400-; w.:144xilopyr.ont* t'000* 4114: : ' .ar gO.wuontir 4),tro bat • Tbo,..0.1140.: iwns 0.,50trPoeil tn. .• tono0w4t4d-w*S.--Anfl-igtorolting*4' '441447t4•4"''' • • 44krinqt • =SCitt7 4111t riti*0 01(10.i$I ratija „,ot doidoigsohfo$ ..,miotdrts 1?-044:S.n4, >Vet), „ „ . _ he) will go to 'Toronto anal on VridaY, will ti at North. an theWtar hir her uncle., Or, -Randall 110- 44daYt. 4 -Cit • k 1 viand oft at tho green on ,ThUri ,7n4orfib.ri•4;0'.. aig...okra ytn Ulcer yOuk nraprfnr vnur earlv Vali Oat. .7The new Fall - Owe for theItaely and arel %here 14 abundance. 4itverl Ladt tohOttid look .vre, teare -veer evit,arid , ' ber in „ artran ,4-jourthelkt iinersit-c aneo to -fix Swell. •• .• • Ate,S, tokin a very extensive range of the ew o oro4 PresS•Gookii"for-this,Seasoni. • — .• .Sripeearefitery-.4e-W,andLeonielia.areen;.,Brown,L.,,Bitte.,,att .ristiutatitort. .0e-ivitn-a,..;beantifutr.tiL int1ie -- ck eomprises the Pink of thetraseGOir Atad"-- namas,.Chifi.on etianBroadcloth, English Drstedand Serges are aU n •Blackress" Goods- Weiare famous 'for out; Mack Dress *rids, andi„do not purpose• rall!fig-tx inci-this-season,*-areletter_than-ev-er- • • . ..V11 — . — , UI. UJ 4).,:04.,-,4,v,....,,,e.4,,,,....,,,,,,,,,,,,...,..-,.. , ,. l'ickering4 autiuiiii iro-b.iit ltt ; 'i . , % 1 144 . at tite-,heOlnliti'M 'ai if ter. Toronto and Otl:cr . .00 Ir. Tiro4les rink iwonlaWave 4 'Mr. and.13frs,-;•Oro4er. left Torox- waikaway and•41;•ibe tenth 'el* 11::44: 't0 4)11 Uredne$407 Vito1140. fax , 1hi,10* . 0440-; ilitr,,,VilLtehforil.A004.0",4 rer4:.4.3104.,-----,,001,,,,-Atinntio., ,titt-r-n. ..nirkopie run when - To,ntan was .15€.., . they will spend, '' their , Au ,oneymooni log live Oct* and. talritut, _the IfittY'' 004: 'on: their 4etnrot ,' to . Moronte, nut-;i1,0oredr.',1:Wo i 1101ittiy,.- '.1:044; • .,,the J-0411, i.ii.st 0-- ilt,128---,.cht iawsti4,-ott: . •r4Ml'rt-070 , .,,'''`4A.,.t.,_•-thertif/ctee(nt The orldF-4;417.ftiir o1 n -13Parir7surc4 o----74 - n m er-15r1aTifisOiror'werldineVr0.; ithr.?Taman. made . Ova ant1,',in the „,n „. kande two. .4naking ..the total SOort bi.,:tft-ftte.: 1V1•13.' 41. "11/.1161X°°41" I8tif-Aitritttifttl shot Slittehto-r II -to- -16-in-f avoz-of-Vaman-------1 gra'"---41-1 ' . • coirid at the t.ana 'biotic • guards avert then - •by ,the donor'. The rittelats 'ac,Cordintr: L'• o -Ate- iWitiners-entitics, -them- to r be Worn at any',40500nStrstiont T.Welf,th Of 34,07.1 '17th of 1.$11treb, or any oth.er obt *Ito*. -Voliowing ,thei score. \Taman Bletehford, W. T. -Acheson W. R. Alger „ Martin W. Broderick 44. Coats n " u will suprised this xearFt00 sreSe: our lai.ge'0901,tt We- have titikneie4ttCo°uatt!inlinftlariCsw°1ai,entsew. Ilawe unat yo:Fut!. rtes'o'. itte'n • all tlie very peotrii,ibieters, ' roud of tbnk Aatu, Ipiceb.votiln , . we .„ ion w 11" e 13, 62ii3e:bar.°0e 17. er loboi v let vs a d. ir be a, 4 e ,„74,717 a Oct, Y°11 tktto=4, per Ib' "--- Otik.ken u e„ per ib tillejr:atry znust bit a%):: -vic_ kr:11-60k:: a7.2;kt, ust.al nkdoeach,:1 ri ta- aaccnt4;e11:7"! ".74 --Pat potutrr. era, club grounds,. ort Labor., .;.4w, en Some good 'shooting Otts.niede;-Xessrs Kerr and John- Triebner-;iwtre 'tie for :first 'and sec4nd high .aierage, the latter :winning the Los and and took Floors,Silo -7"-C 1111111U, er,(1:•1'1‘ DilIng1.8111 115)-$11 Washing Machines, Wringprs, Apple Patti's, rood At3 ianf r Guns,---, es---and-Aininupitio t lo lizT Librai-uf- Yeation hekl-1141e. nealL-en-f,thes... als contest the riding the in. Wrest' ot (the Reform party at the • ominjx,cnerjd 1itjoijs Mr. Mc. * „ h :„5r 1444,titkOIV • wilte4sotipot -orka ,turkpoitk. 01'.. •-. • Tuesday afternoon. Sept.. 15th. was' thc eeene 'Of.. it, very ; OVbttSt .1vedtlintt. itt th*' home of Mr. and Mrat..404Ph. IfaiVitins When ." their .yonngeSt' daughter. ....ErelYtt May, wns , united in. marriage' to :WVitter1. - =ter., ;The knot. was '1144'14 an. Eflxnvillc 0014. Roy" tlic person. • .„„..„ . strains w ling -1).1aYed by the brides visitor, .. George 'tittnter,.. the Who 1Wirltr's „T. place--besi e"th- 'vergretw.ti tb the Liberals generttllys there would Jo bers and tieMers in s be no doubt that . 16011,th , lluron ,, - ' , would youth:x.11e iti :the Liberal cot, , • : - - . • Limn, ' ,• -_ „ '• ' - -'- int WhIPt. made a, otirring neeab,..: no ' . General Hardware, .Paints Shell and vros, pai,ert, is. vs, ,,,,oblot Liberal woo: oviolighly Into several, mot- . ' . • . . ' .... .ters aVhich Voter. tried Wan ,zoolfaskootsmwim.fttiogNottuso.towtowaiett.fommr.,mievAlg40,74402..smommtmoot:104,0,0,4, y. whieh • .• antl.s. of acres of an- , MrL WI- opened,' up, and is AMY. • we, Eva Eaite'troughing, Root wok) bui boat., • .•• 4 614614#41/13 ' -tirt---s'lleU14.1"tird-.."1191,1711-Y"ttlfaiiir•-'14"Vlirrii • -7- " i1 1ftt 11. vbicb 10'.411/714-'474' :Nil and be convinced that it is the cheapest.-,sp,ot,',. to*ral " and .- ne AVOIV : , , aprr Pa 0 A 0: ' • '• Of latt- jAcSett0 over .reall'de y A dros after -Kr. ,Calvert,. and gave• ' , triramed with satin and, lace and aoverat pointers as ilio organization, . • . - . •Carried a shower bouquet of Cream „etc. *.ttet, ..040.-tota. Ineeting closed' ---- . ' , -roses. ,She was o'ilended „.by . itlip with' cheers for the- Xing. tate 110M- -• - them all • 800 the cuff auks. .caft Kerr got. . the: ,grooto.'s aister, Vial Linda Bunter. ter!. th,e, candidtand- , .Mr- 4411'!,f-* wat411614.1 lit* EC:11151.°1414.:;14 611 fifir rilittotboltedn alond fe"artrY7h*;1141%.kil.nriseschesti:ww-hiltihe ' TharneS Road. ottbil_lhittir.bairferiTtleritts:IyainliL41-mtlkaride xi. gluon clarko 6060r:tea • . - . I 11.71Y11'''' -11y114'4Y1X14rtrtr$0- • fi* itignid Illitrilattle, ainiiii-iiang the -4111:w' il;',14;it-. 44713-ethmlr-clIttt4t-irt'' - -2.,.-u-ia, - -in z '':At:''''''-t'llgL'-,rrn.t4*tr--,AV ' ' Pleased with who daY4s, apart., ,,, , beautiful, solo. 4.0 tn. ii, 0-...1.‘ ... . A g tend making' several improvementslo No targets 10 10 10 10 20 2/3 - i - ° l''"4 4 g"'"' the ohurch, by making a more snit • . ter eorkgratti ations, all, numbering i Eli Webb 8 7 7 .015 14 Oil one hundred gild tirtyi. reilaired to ab.e.entrance to the church 40.0 re - ib * r.pirlit- . 5 g 19 9 1,8 14 8°,42 the xlininreoui . Whet.' ..a' s le did pairing t'll° ie"6" ' " ' • 0 ....00 .r,, - • , L„, dilute was ear ad 33: evenhiPanvit... . Mr. Thos. Cameron, hist owecli sold - W. johns • 7 -0 '' . is- ..pehtrortioyabi;ini ,,„:„isit,..., 4,,,,,o -ii. etz to- Mr veto Noir. of th%, loon . S. Fitton: . 7 .-0.,",.# .7: 10_ 4i. vila_trifts_swere,„ both _xyarcroorm nut r li- rAtiltgtil'37 '' • — . jils J. Triebner . - ',8 I I, .8 17 15 uu, costly. ,tihawing the. high asitte.,*, tit , kIllirX4b09'efaillie:10 acre', - •' W.....S..a. . , .nders - ---5.. - 7. 7 3 ' g2, which the popular young ...00.400 tit; PAZelaiet-1°°- valihil$,,m. -'125s radkii11476.,;14414arin. best szo. c ._ .. 4.71„.Dichner..„„_,A____.„ . , , ,t.7„„s..,....hod„..;,...,___r4tF,,,k,ra,an.oiu,,,_,_tqf-r,,- to. .. ..,, neighbor,, tit "-Iiirlt%,..:i. ' .ifol, li-e t 4i,j'it---rattr,...-- ii,...i 4,' : 7, -lir-- . G. Dalyipple 3 , , 3 bride , w s tr handsome ;oak rocker* ,latait,,..,4. - • tor himielt such P ij , - ', Viri-Stitauttit ,' 1.: ...., ,..„ k..44,,,,the'..',hrldifsinalit---- 4-Xitilr-,;:iii-Sr3Ott.- ,,-.,,e4n*ntent,---4,vino,--„,.z--Mr-'strcibell-, ,-.--.-..,,'i':!=,....,2. entler- • ,,,,• j ?4,0 Itibies and „rearti• to., the -leg 7reati ,to,.,ends, Tr- oinit, west:, in tho ,speng.„ • .. .. ,,,_..... -.0.:-Weirtr- - .' -,--' • - .-''. ' ' '',4, gold cuff links. The -happy couple' 4' - - 7.4et. . - •• , , tom . " . . , .li, Smitti • ,,, 4 ,0 2 22 loft mild 'lettings of flowers • hnd , litAttitIED --... • .' . tiC-ila a o .Jas. ufetett 1- $ 13 21' rice for .the .grooes , fitte lionla just litnasit,nAwgivs_4t,,0" wile . ' „ Ilt+ ., • TEN LIVE- PIGEONS . * -. -600-th- of Elimville.' -The"bride's • 0.,.. . ,. - , ._. . . ' ii w --- 41/4.44 -_,....„. _ a en i. 4= . ven n -1,wo.F....ttOwn....NVM.,„,..0 ,.._,Trc,...., ran .1- ...____440.,4awerativitwkinitinwl,n, ...., ..„,„...-.., • ''''' •.8 Webb . g . 4 e oth Avail bat to .match,.. .; uests . -: "ur ii 1 Kerr" ri'llkSdaYi A Sept. 15 th . by the ev.' i 3 were preselinntsroaltte tyroxreotgort,o,r(Loirnkdoo)n1.1:. litiatthuytiiiiiisiotko,sslivA.t.timAibezczettir uti:tr:ry. , 'n. _iazl.si.s.....Hr__r..u„ 4.2.blisttt . avol $ • .0 i wo jou • . ... ,.. ItItt-rata----Ind-.otheT p MO. Olir Zr rtintrgION' . IIAYTER... In Ste . . . - - c : it, Tifreja,r ' . 1 . 1 detd1111146.: Intl* .41141-"c7trull • 7 . . to Ur. Iohn Middleton, of Goder.' Merchant '17allar. Derail, daughter. of -13/r.T.Ilayter - . .:. , r. Triehner ' . fah townshiti. - ' NV. Stathatn " 1 . Locals : . ....„.,_ '_, ,,_ .1:11,c:VerIATIVIV14114_cr!t, ,4,- . .., .. • ., Sale of . G. Dalrymple' 1 * t. , , This is loit. „week ill London ,,,,„a . ar, ot . Toronto, „formerly of 1,...te. . „, , • W.BROWNING, IfiL, ' 0 1, i,,,,:- 1 - ,,,. ' ' 1, A nOttber ZOO 1106 lii410 ittoide& ter* 't°: 31" 141/Y AlAtth"rst nt ' Stock St impienteuts:‘ -1--s----- hn , _,..., ......_ ta. ..03„-Groistaltictorh, tt. R...4Y- of Pu:e4n cro.61c ttilla_1111. 4.! It is"..expected many' will go down 'to -'to -Toronto?, • • - • .ssoc --suittiogironos. Aloialit •Watae-jOr attrrtItl'in-r af.- , '-''''''''' A . --- -.-- ' ' --' -2-' ' ,--7-1.-- :. - -----' - ' ,,,,,,,,ri- i.i. - 11 'flirentigkeit.Jit4Ptiontier - . *lritsetot .6 toner' of ti 4 roe" ' ' trui,7t1 twahintli. 1:tiftderill 3istai11:14:11:13,01144:nrsis:: .- w. b".014(t• atilT2. rt4disktliiitsis, ilotliisrd:oicits:tlett,ir;s1:. ,:7111411041.01;:nril.',2,81";sratptil:Nitg7i3' ritA,:14:9°.0.81:- 0:(1,veritit740.11. 44'_10,' 0811t0,1*:::: beAtiTt'101_11.110_, :ot:t;eted. ntorr543;.,---$4.- Zang .:, beat ;Graham • .eg ,I41,31-44 ^4. ireadquarters.,for the. Celebrated W. E. Sanforti. • Clothing also bigh rade shoes and wall papers. , 44401k4/44044404,411040.... xis." taxi lainifirdiO(*i,ira-WINI4itil mature, sod TillioprOsrt140-04101FrieW 14140.44. • OLDbtatt IMO/UAW ' • • lisetleters Soliatora. Mai* itterikretat RANI-0.41RNS.'i ete- titter:3i- Sur geon. Seem's:tort°. A. R Boo. Ornfaitic. ant- -‚ On Meet approved attention to. dentiat Yirold stkall on n .trset._ f .eter,gaiktir' 16. ental Surgeon Office over Gladrean & IjOtarthury' Main atroet-Itgavgg. uLt. xxigs -.ever 111 . • AegOasi , e01 0 kw* /mot Wow Weit4lareis WOOL OifiCe• MOIti StOOts gmt,ter LE Lutz% EXI en.$04Auctionear.. • 1441par/tit-Tem ,olucted_ 404 fixousractien gusanteo if MOZT0 LO 1/ por,etitH''--as-ixiejr_r as the --04-61jAii , --ton. it. ti. .iito'-iⅈ the:14der of of ii,.. t ilia ht ,Igh. ohoal; hail,. rented Mr.. -I ,tliv.0".410-1411#:t.h.elvf.OrldifIrOat tti•- *0, _. „ - ,-. _ - - ..- ,, -- Mr4,1_1,14.i.detitammei;. lie'. ,...illi.,e1V.1..1 t.. it.i....4.1....ton,....4,...aii&,1411-44 -.1-1-11-bsr.-- 0,1;r0Ved Altitbc-Alfit-4- -10-tto* . -..;- 1 two - 11 dance '-',' * ' 4t" 444 - .- -.---- . twill: 9trra-tir-vtiQntakisi--tiorin*'°dcontc4#--.0,t4711,-1144k-t' 'tlitrlitt.PtilroPrilit!Fitt11141;:l.ft7t4I4:.... ,., tt'llt):t. tik". ! .!,t'rE,' ititi:14'.:tairkitit'eti:luit-b4"4::::irtlt$"4;:*I' 011.001Akilt". :tr-tie4,::, '"tili.r$ftill:11°1111"11B'IllittitgetlaCril;*41'61:.:44411111trilt$,:trfiedt"r43)11rilliell'irtrIt'':11% ionograpiis''-' ' ttiltte:co:n5kMe6pletealliiidg'1)8;Pttli4 0,2190(Insr ,31-PeroPilinlIcItlif -4e-Ift-t'''-iCti11411‘..icoliltinirare,314Ht urstutnnot t‘tet..42144.14,7:',,c"441.ttitt.ts.rittlist*tillw1tr-itsacild arrta.4114::* lo,14iguit; ibiltt; in°*•iititintittri6b°k/46:4'4rridatirtitrittt4"" fiar.4*tro: 6 SO - . . 4,1,0ts , a t - ,. , .4 , , . 0 I . ' , -- -------* _LI . ,i, 1,,, ,,,,, „1,. evening,' from'a len. dixie•-visit„ %ilk 1:.1,K tig; Ter It. V. 1t0wt Ana ' 11, 'nos. oellea, 2,0O itis ; it wiiiiint LoSe , ,9itt, ,• ets - The ,14-010,4.,,..41.0.., .,,,fetef. boo too,tttiots in.loroitto, ituictort ,on the restt of the priitcl- liet4oret.": :I nowt .',1 tasty:it .., ._. . ...,,_. .. ".„.....,„„,,,,,e,„,,,....„,,,..,,..„. turne eine ire* ay -mooning. . - , : ,„,, ,,..,it._00 . 4,-,---fe+i-loor-lettat....64,,,,"---,,.-- ---------------- . -----........4.: -:- -..------- .......--- :----o.rmr.-„.-.:se.:,..,: ip,iy41......,........,,......t..-----....--,---- .---4.--...,,---...,.....--a:e..-----: ...,;..,.....-, 0-: Foreman 41•14 fTtelth beat Alger. --10* Pearl A. 1.'itatin. who -spent • , .1 -.... , ,,,,............,----- ---- --- . - ,-,--- ,,------- ----..--: .•, - . • .. ......-4. 0 . ltd. Palmer, 44. ',S.:I.,- unfinished the past week with' .1. Willis route:11 EXETER, PUBLIC 0011001, 1104111).. ,,,, .:' ""*011-" . ...„.* , -IO tte dance 'mu te,of the Edi- - b814tito 18 tile gUest 0114* tinli.g0; held on eitturftet,y, 11onday.and Tues. attendance. The following,it-the or4, riortso 1 ii 4 wool A harsi. . oeec 14 401 ciat 1 th.., , 4 ' ,°•-)!, ..!14-_dirait. .71 hr--.- i -A- -,---- 7,--11'-'414:11:1011krg.e lia-s-vkln- so Lonienaioiii • 'The Itessrs7,-(Triiie-ry---WiUr.:.•;411'tiki:Ittcmittgrtt-i.1411-rirrti,-ii'-titrPk----1,3iffifia-, ,.1-11------btra, 0...sai- ' '15P'Tte'n'TersuP46414in ' Itt4s7741=' . unetui anq inlie lea tirrie. North,. is vets 1I1 at hill /10016 OUG Wook to liattleford their ' rather, Per s. Martin andt , -.ViltoututRi .L..0 be Ill 4.14„ii 'L "'11. ' i.4' V-- ,1 year ' 1114).* * 4— i • ''— .. . roip 41$ ...C. ear,. •.st . .0 ..-' ' -----------' -,---,----- *g ---neat,---:.-•__ - -,- -' Ms, Ellett. tferocan or .tirraffolu' that her Millinery openings %Oil be 0A Monday evening, :lot .v41,11 n $011 VrOPettrii. • . ' . , -. * -„,, . --, a : ,,,, . • SaluhfrtlisIsY,M0,* ;lock ,ithillett to ann'ciu'ne:e .tbrNa'irt'dittlwlsitst helleilintlitlYhe' T'°06.stIvls)nliftell - 'At one. 0004 v'finrs# tilt ollovrint... ,,,,.., • 4 .4" ' Akk.'"' yet:. . er ..... t4 -i.,.,„ , 244P4t'llit '"Walt.4"7111d 101'40 '451elsritl. glittniwrcslikitae, tirsiftealty-4)40-4. yhtaritstr°of 131',"- •''' -43"""liti)61/h, L'g , 'grtlitir -itin!' Ittftlie ent:Saili:t0t-40fift-thot*Iro 1:11.01;' °414\51:44111.17.411V14111rt•rf:Lt*I‘r;l41-i Lorqtrie"---itie'tv ' * _ t a t, • 12 x enstve:Auction Of Reg Eittateo Farm StOtk and t - On tot 2, Con,7, tisbotne , • tittinated _to_the....414eter.Agt ellitrtra.1' /4_-:-'1.ate.o_nie of Detroit. what al, that the . shelving •hoeks. Atrid tirt-tAtticti- 1- itioewer i 1, itey rake, - _To - , 'ttec,Je• of-lit-It:ono . . prize *f of 43.00 for i'.$:emit'voillitrig; tearkir • .- .•--- - - igrioiihural-vir general. InctrOese... ilie.4 . 1 tante, Onto 'around the .rourae„ . . M. 4. O. '13tetthUrY, oniceettied 'in ' • 4 making * ',sweep' of • the Pritqa At ' ,..!..- .7:: fe--."..YiliSkitrit,,:**fri,-.4fiat.p.,;,#.ith-,Voki' litadiolt1S4..-.11e-exiteral iiiiii•-'-iratil----ft.----ti- . . . ,... has *.enr visiting relatives in town chair's required 'De' 'flaccd-14-14-•fe. tultivatertiTsteilr-ATI1-1 , itestrirnew. rt,t1:tilltd home on Tuesday •..seetitn... Taira titillt« Per ti. *Mit and 11. $:, ono- krill -tour; -„olo rotpery '. one . L;,: by her toothet, 'litrs....a. Ta t. lio*t "That the itiidaitinE to the ;14,0 .014 -140,w.--;- wokinx.,...plaw;hor„, iii -.1, Jilt, • - • ViniY jt")!. /;/:t‘,11LY*Y' • Irows ; tot Air.** lititr,row; staffierst toklbot ktf or toita bake4 cr in 0 r tura hy the supplies OM. er ooc.,-1LT.,grind stone oto- worlt I trixo 1- t gartlit, And F!, W. ,01,,,,Litnion, that the toot imilper;- I *gravellita; .111adderaf r aingut; rootisliro th the. PrafessioriatIttit-itiftittettr r4.1).1*..t4 ittotitastott , 4-011.elay be properly dial„ 4:g01611,2 yui,#),,r,,g,0., ,,IC149,41-40#4.4„.4kzkriXt,;14444.4Ass itutiny •- 4 )41141-ttitnildtri "-.4,g;tall.:u7411711ritt, fotk:itt :10121,s,1010:1:14:1t14or ZCLAratZ Vfotrat:...,:saiatiat 7atAligcL. 111.4.11a-euto,.*140,-dtals4140-'1,:ta Azyolssiet-4*4430:44.411-itit4Orrit•j: -tenant. :eenftert in . the -Opera 1100*.e.', Iiii'F'"11".. '71'is .h";.'; '; ' '..- ''•. : '' . the'latin, to/ass-for .. tlie tetin *$1 04,', :bito ;.up .ibttekits Ant splits% :ha, tittIT)t1;0t.41:411117tr:It.'t4t*,0r; .1.L.14 -1,4„1,P4", ,t4,.41iti!rti!ltiwt-,,!till:°k!. 111th,* h' ' tee- .chategeit for . ;admission to ',,,i1 tot low:, 4, oni,nnW ..01 . - . 4,, :b t'• *4.4- t ' ''' . ,: '. • • .r.• 8., 1,finr,ti.t.and V. W. Glad 0)('-,reiolitttota,o004,14r,„,$ittiotittit /, - .,-- 'ii,lit'. • '7"" Le: tb';1411"thern' rittill:'01-trt ' town-'Onitftate tti•'. -th4S Puiblie .Litira 1' number •#f .teditt poetirt itilltel *tonal dt,giatio;„. ' ' 'at;1X74,..4114: ale'lliriT4)41W4#0 6', ar beet ,PloWtAniger'14$-00111**:b•oe:r • .' • gy . terse,. ',Iit • ,ie:ore ,portalrily , little: :1 *Donnell's- hall* Xi:tido' '01'0141.1$' ' tioard for :the ,liala.rice: of ',the term :boo *nu ittoito ..orittor tr000sib ono .to ,x441.0;atel: a 9:xixed, litteridaris 4nok",00.o.t -1tr. Anita.; removed. • rq V. N.8,oell tank, .. .., .' ,,,...e: r er. 1.0 ': :. - : er .: , . -t•-•*iit,ittlektillori---77---`'-.'4,. , 'ttd,issirntnent.', 1' . '''';'-'2„.--.::7--.'*'''1' ,.: -----'--- - nitif.-1,-bareitx4-: .. ,. .::' ' ,,t 4,, 'ililtilla who 1t4of '1?ttit t. .',... .. . 1.• ,oftiaoi 3.etsi,-•ig. - - - -- - -. .14) 't#414).,ititirs*ppt..,, it.s - - dtpmonfl EP - 14% 'fait i pairbob - cater. lc, attachment for lore bit* stoc nf counter *40 $40 bit* 3 top 2 neatly new road rt, c(tcu • I, • vat. xeter* rsdr 22nd. The, InpAnY *OrViiett of gen*rtettef ootn. t Jan and two, remarkable boy nrettr41,t-tra1--.11V*01,14t. A*".4' Ott, Ithe piano. Admloolon 24 cent; ,P,40ervett *eat* VW; plan xtst :at, • tegi Itruft. atort. "Jolting hi,* mother anti eilUrt, 'at - following *re lixthen ;4,4-44,:4,;444410447,;,:•,:_,4,,,i4;•;r: 'Po Tont rfrois tx, h** jive; *Id fritfixio,'tor the p**t two :wiekii frit* the +orletil report. of the. Prin. (1. t 4 to .tho lx:oet-At, ttetarneol. fito Chicago Wedgexolloy itipal roffolowd at tido oetti44. &omit I/wood plature txt the "rosicai attendant. eV ilairp:y tot Ito 'fatter 40' tiiiktlies Count Mr, W*i. take rear with * pain -1 rsent 3vicit* tittr.y well VcrtAtice., tiolutorie.n The pl*tli.te will la, kat Rawilfent loaf wok., 'lie 'was .fout 40441 entreat** intradvied ti4t twoxtbw witait# 6. ttipsi, on, t 44' tit.* itroPloy to ibe that tat Mu 1014 Ate gulag* 444 tL tit' on .4effort to age. 4E4 W **taw *s store. tog treat, nee Win :dinner anoi soaestosailation 41 Sitife...A11 atm* .ot $54* Gas ovor tioat fuakount e 10 *Sit* 1.04 tooltot. rraparation or artitshlos appret4 iit.n $4(.4.40: 4 tat .' , t t jonf.. t tar fire drill being venttifk. filtattlitrto-tleir tor Looviiit Ygor•k -. it1iit 11011* itillelityWiN