HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-09-10, Page 8- ikot 14Port.4040,.. 10111110 to• , •tho) 'aisport,it Exa-tar• ,41avloviVa or • *: rectod ap t &itewbCI. 3,0th.:,, W•ticAt 11 to86, ."•. ; Bari 45 tzO cetL • •••• new - (16 *A ate. showing 4.ta certainly' tints or of art the $110.4irlig are true rich Autumn , ;will like our Ile he shades are to- one- color. and'. Suiting, there is so mucli choice 0 'har*IS We .would be delfghted t.s1 I about' therni thc ran toce'St lines go out first. i... •••"' . ' , ' ", Oe1fOlt, ' O' •,.. 1 . 1SteSt:11.• It. Akt ,k, Pt . , '1"..'; - ,•-t,ti',:!,9141401,1!fi,44%,14111,t111,171frO*4041tr,4,- -The yard for t fettles he!fon,S,tripe suiting you'll see theason.. 61alifilible Browns 'rear Shaded and Mende •tb--- Ass- - 1 es wide.arapure4901_, ,• tioed, Grocery' kuvinesr .:Sc11.44 Appy tlrerc;'1!Ioo'frIPC"r4.0 of. Londo,i.; j)eflt the holidcx, 1,)t 'We -returrie4 ron• ;•--4, Toontt 8atur(3ay atter -vialting they* f r Moritit.• ' or gi ylk Ate At /ott ta,„ * „ ve41•9. ( Luitter. and Dr1015 clot °r1cOtr°'-' -•• \'';•.4,,,I4.O.will•t„;4",±14*),t4:00•14.0•700)?:01#4.1 1, asf,at tbe..1i0U -cr -•*t.:.ttne north elnu. •• • • • • • -Vote Coleman left lost rrlda*., '• Vo*:.krth!txt_,witti. A._*Attc.44.:0„t Or Whaln. • ' • botsco., f 14.r. 'o., • • • • ., • , „„ • . sW$11rIng tite resses,- iShoes,- olsie -rotei rtibti;'4'tneeds nd that, v,fearszwell and always looks well . • , *11.0. wogt, • oflto Ltur1aywrE UawkshtW, .----7--,-,-... P.M1g**10111;17144ZWIt.r4,,,14'es.:0,),,,,:r.....141.004.V.Pot.M17:='..i...44,10,744.1,,.1141,74,041.*trd,40,W34.74.4,-- , _,...50:44.tft`..r , Ve .:-.: , ' '.-. ' 4 ' ' ' -. ----,' ' ' TheC'Stlit'Bilitfoii-lovelillOttorilleo.' 03 -stripe $ . 0,,sultingor;Auinsors4ints;' ,fisfonsi-Slues....044. Oreens-•lieryStylishi.'arid great we, ring qualities. , ; . : . . , 11 J seo our evir a 4 liteagtogi: -00 OWIIS* and Ontitiehtal 004011140 Co, 40" Tt'it, rcnmerThtt 'init.:rho products ol. .tb" twrY7c-t-tife *Landon peVii1nFiriv;-4irOt etdC27f tAxo,orisue ,TOROINITO MrEEKLY zLOBE! AND 'VANADA, NOW -11101,ti...Xitas,;„19.10 FOR 01.60 •O'iI 1W0 rArsus OtolLtiquv5r44,7-- - , V011.1in-e-o eries, ; '_attd ChddnlLs4ze,s4 at theeyPAwest ca! .." -7 • ' - llrand corcv-In 01 — ii, • , , ,SOO**'•11041‘ eti_Alio_444,-'41i014' :•-• , :: 7,1* -04-44-.44“44., "..********* - ,....,.. . •.14*,0117,',:••;A14ik,'in.l"ate44111t,g'\ .grtrAfiAtn'ledlie".t 04* -4° ttiOntilltillettrzh- 41.- 44' tr.!: iF• "cIt'.41;1H J:,',..;_.,._....„•.„.„.,,- . Woo :',O,•••,'ottest :O. ttubc , loV#3,ot '04.41$4,1 :0141v 3,,,,exi, order . to . occur* . OdUc011li ' ,44 Antlitiowlitot i - .111-t Johns Auriniiri„,,t,c pc,,, t ,,. for .; 4,,,F,.. J3.,•),tiftlyyThI,4,, Andrew -yr.,. .......1„...-.4* ,,,...,..a,.,...... ....1.,.........„.....,t, .........., ,....-tv.....t, • ,...toot.-.4rotoi, 4160,4mooiriTliio. legt.4 ' Xe 0,4 r- - - :, r, , .„,,,,,,. Cli=itettlr:gprs:zt....Extir We4 •,t14O 'Ussoa' Sharto, 014' ,'Xik#4,01t. ' , •'' ' :.•''. -`42`''''*Its.,..- ,'. . ••••- . . '''‘i.”rg, .e.a.'Y's &fLftlit ..,e ',40,--,,-. aitJer)*' he ,mem” .U. ' v6s Tartu. .414 ,,..otait.i.,,40.:444,1w,ligto',„,uoTaiive:,...44,toir.,,Iltt,ploc; ':.,.,, ;,,444,„Tko.,:heold.ti.,,Lioro4,4i,,1424tbo bOrs;ett.,ba,.11:, i3O,1,,,‘1,'. .,....i.0,..,.,4110470: fo:40 Gums, ' ir;,;,Sli' , 170 iti.'1441itini '0,f. 'Ott MatItilktlr, 0-1013,'rie. 4i Or ,flje OX'4, 64,1iY,O, *NY'llt,ere, '.' Poo -. o, _ ,o' 0.„, • 0411tta, WO 'bratTIPr garnnell ' be** '''' 1011a** '004# '' .:Vrg440114. - , •F1't lin aro 4 • delicious sonsatto s , , _ , Wirt._ ...„., v• , _ . ....„.. . , .._,„... tr,-- . k;:qrs,,litto.;.latnic*Ont .ot Ut-' or gory Atootary. %los --:TtaWau*--fas clearsone, . .. , -rn • #• ,, .1 01 wo* ositing *Rh. ur , ulootv, 14*, .T,roo,034.6,4,. -.144, oxiiro-4,04 It, , .. oePerol_ are looking • for the best:',. .EN- ... _- ,,. .4-_,_ -,r., ..•.' .., 77,1'''' < , ...,--• -, , , ,- ....-4: 4. , : ;,, 4 ,-- II r,„ and, ,ifis;,,-;6•,,' %AdrianVian:*rVho,;(4,ttb. eihtelv 'le ac ',' .•• ' , • ,,, '400; spent. the holiday .tho questa:of' previ"?nai4-0-Tlio-Txeter ItitthmSchool •••, a.; Th -O, north .otrlo -Atuteki 0101P .is antioipating 0:104"-SOSSOnAtla .'001110* interest * lgee ry r;--ttra.' Axford', Uhotvillel. -oho 'itttlfsf,'"'"'. ,.rsePa . letted, Jtor atin t Wtrs* .0°1111'2 'II= veielt tett Koigic:reforeAce to I soon,retttrue4 to ber home on Wnee• , a corn Oat lett at tho office nvbi�b- . „ triettont,e4 121 t4 iliktebas, And 14. 1M 1' ItT S)iftfltflfl Etto rront omf. be'er bundling t;. 'few d-liadtoore hhearliao-,tieittecli° 41:041it 14 tbu'routithit--44ara: month of tile Times office niceVY re- ono that void' dike • a good /lag valuta,. - • ,. • , volo -Aro oiflu't *tams it up -lir. Sandy rtirdon returned re.' our eruct= eatietorutn eo tied- it in —TWENTY Tomiao rttrorrti3 . ,atnanuity:rwiet_iii"4.6r,ofzi orA7.41_51,0_, 44coro liectad, t4,4trostiL41,4110t ,otituieo,'0_,t,,w4Ltiee's,atelt,,,tomly_ettits4Ifee 1";* -°t:Vlrm-Iaed.*AP4C470.1;:f:7rgnfOeVr'u-r:eA-t:t,-t,L°"1:snt:sj--ttll-rbee4tbire-gt-4i;iz3j(:1,a,rgt::1:4T_°ia°rz:/atftt:Be*x,v',1::Yst,::::%, - ' h IC rtilse".#114" We"'""*" It is *hi* treitr to 01 110r ara,ught bliss COL . oJavattict and -1)roggl$ bin-. • kitelsopn°tIti ot Ilineee. relfi vithtn 'Ontario, test- /ear----241m5r,. " -.10-r.13,0 --Salorry-of-14o*forthr hi:0Mo • 16tb, stOot, tout tiOt .v41' vorY , at uto •fletieirth, a o Act- rent lor nature. Good - been. in elm- ff entrering front learteer In 00 moutlr well and, windmill for • taros apply • . :.• usue. toe met ,• no took in Buffalo and Nagar*, 'us tee, knaLtrool ,90t. I to renitio-fot----toonthot,---1 ver -o' 111 in the hospital Ot, •Sasica.' toon, 'Soe1ce,-Parkb11.1 -gavotte. • , „ --en4-44**_..tlearge„Etters on tho 4veek ViSIttflt triendi • • • - • •• lli4o 60, 14,161i,teic;tbo,t1 fet:*1-1:0, 0,00 6an.s,000t. 0,thon: 'ivitnon. the, pro. disease had 'Made sob-. inroads 1_0011°,01' eiralitliPii„14,,oart_onSirew4wis *446..f„,ivrallil)Dt'cti 'illitidtanclit4,444111144au 'YtthhaIntit.L.116 Mr.ePlloctabett°rlit legt or-laeatortster • ' ' daY--t r e. is ore popular only' In 'hospitals. lan*10; isitte:art,t1(Yeart°1:01141 't464-d:44!),r:-.:-ctit-tiltnef :444 44.Olie-a-raolleel‘44t-clii;blivotire:11 xg; r2°:1134'1401°Irt.nattinottli,d7,,,also,1:01ftrio..end Posirnitioutara apply, to. , r , • teria1 .itrenuous watitcri ' /4, 47,•,..• Witit, Windlor„ 'atimo spOrt., ; • ," t • ry,"!the. silla of -1t*,"Fled • Gr.,,A1)11VIAtt ANDGTANDUItY - b" d r c'16 little of lifonithis,,,.#.renit., jut nevi bowling 'troop. Lett Thurs- , was ornputote4 shot a tin - irve.01,1t, „. • .perty , wore mit down- Ana the land on crippled since birth and *DV. 11.. 1011 sot , Drick house and. lot in Central* '1111xton a7141:. 911 °le thantheyha hey letting; And the g Auctioneer cell , Aaiiiitto.,Adjuttni0It are have no -need at thet114 ft 1,00 ..te6t tog stra. 46iiit '01,46 W4114,034. .A.Vitork ropidly"..going ahoy, on Ilavkabitw.. When 1314 ,Orittl) eLt 11,111rtisterl Atetoter thou b klon t throw it awas * t c .701Ettr tom .1n ot1 . but 0000 to utiluna tiot It ti-xett. wo tiro guoikti Xra,, 4Ohn White leist, 4•1a, tha tr4es $iocit 'cot theriirot )ow, the;knee., 'The '4410/(0 ew bee .- b g lies,' •. tair4A. ' . ,r/titS Vort: coVrtl) ToNatigs, ,Ed rfol4,1rinenti lies* Eqettlf. trni; It -is the In. the -• and Toronto', lobo • „Ala •it. oroodritt ..-be,. lt, had -4daa_.4,i, vrove _ — ;el ' ea- 'cligatir -10-1114 - - nottl:'''tbein541---*E1V•titeilit.0'103 -0 „ . „--. • 4,- ,r,-..-. , x ,, o buy,a llox of: noweyt's Sfooig. Olt a'it'd, iit-ttettl..41114011--VA.4)Itiftttlie.Oit °•Itilii. ..* 114'0:2 teiterrIt.06 itii4)4,6tit tli trait* 'plot .•On *41.-• so that , an ar i ver .„,pnwitria_baky. *hot tcady4_, ' eutunier'Ititelten eTt o Odat,a/ "Dein*-vlaiit-froii.,- When ranDloSto4' t*04,, `ocillit'bc %flit n . vA. _ ' ' -6 ---InItit vittet,Ahnoret . - ,,,;..,,-,,,,,-,-4.:--r.,-,-,-.111.'7,,,ii,,,,,i,,,i-iii-47.-,,,-ii,4., Indio: sti him iiik t. • b i 04 t4o hoosto. - • ---.--,---- v -tor-outt_kottt...01., „ant 4.heth,f4A Abling.,,•_ofe....1.i.ttle-lellovr• to._,...10arti- . Los""L'ILIP 4.11ortaik ,--,,,,,r_:_r. coit InAtAXtatiliO,,,LCOltito‘.,:;',.,011,1,,,tillic- „ ---414,ii xitil ,IACs. OL,Pattl•-*04-411:41,41' " yyti-iat• • ' _ - 4----!..tj jiltialk* -11iit idi said ho rc souItex. 1741,.. abit ,k'siirit'u,a- it,' toe' uotta„britht'------ „ _ _ * ant . ousne o 4 ;It . .- Monday, and 0D neM1y , . tending ,the %wedding of Kra. Ford'* i, ityttatt irlr-t;t1t14111:tbitoi4r4Obi4h-rzto*, It a -will bii Eliot Illoan on!onced 14 Taritlittir ormittrat 'ratite ,, . . , , will euro .t.,...,. Oply 256 to:' xi, Xai *Ogiiirtr Traiitriiir IfilirsikaCt'V- • . . . • . :brother tut, chnms wegitiovoy to '''1014 'otbttt of 44x0tOr., itt6r1ir .0.V$4*. hie artificial' limb.' ' , • 'Melte Ileditine ,t0 *Mr ' for .eitle\: bi , „ , • .. . , I I .0 . bit_.,_._ ,._, .. , ._ __, ing a Aatitabor tit,a;.ba Iowa onjostig.,, ,,m, ult., the, flut (ipiitiond t ,,, th auction on tli,e reuntet,ow•s , --. a a , ',..-40$4044: Of *bell* tail* to idt On. 0----,6 st)--r-mei.a.an-4,----ife.xt-Itww,?-ett---ti ht. -stitrb6d,„_•We'.*- .-'16 , • , . 2411rt:4,00‘ t;')poitiock_EM0,..Billti„tilltsth, 1:8' EttOrtetnisst.,..*U,...d. 0p.I4Olosstio,' euxtaa, :tiro taettrati:ontid.46,vrrcittsehith:,,,, kleitisoa,ItotI1 p,rl'kebow*-'tetigrtstronl Abbate rilisthillu/stv„tivble‘ ,4...4tefbt.-, .1,04,,etinlVitalye• lostairta,t00; ‘.41(10 oboki,idecwiris' •NbninIftliofm. tooefsevitiotsbtfortb.lritivTo4, wiontibilhoeti, i .-.,._ _...r6iti, • 140001.0 . lot Catitaiitt Wilt bale enough.. !That it Iti'''thfig. It'0.4s,r; . ' . „, n1440 140 .!aelt . 40: the ilqu'iulitIti 'Stephen in the 'Counts' Of afttrou , .., ' - --- ' -''' - - -L „,t-h:hr(1,42.:*aootat:I.:,„,414:bit„Itelrit--61",i7.„th*lit*ifter,,,,14-ttiri: iltit11:::0,,,,,:"Tta;tiantoint;:eksittit;17,,Itiotn:::licloecit:totoi4 .'-fsoart'y'yff'11144141:ecenittiolor''illrit7t:to --4-17.1.th;4;01.-ta-t'p;1114; 'itcbute....ottuoreesit'lint1461.,*"2: )77 -14.jitariaihi * . .. . , .,•44.•zh.larihttleienhtt" atud,.t'tieltolittcrrot4tof ‘tato.r°t**, ''sTuritstrY. lit'wc*Ilittf'vtltitteleitetthitletbbiPtitt14' of' ' l'atot) tadioslitlat:11:t1-SANICsvitlIbititialittitittl4ersitoe 'Phalsrj; : -OA thla propertY iv a, log tlwellIrtg' -.144.44,1t*Aie ' -rit,'Tr°!°X;o11. Itorn l'ert 'EfotlirdaY' .for, ' trorOtitck.. • - ' • a4tr*, 3. .11, tioett 1* atttudiut„, Abe: 'uto •vfair. - • 110 ;:iVr-D,otti,tke-4/tenv. , itr..zoluteru 'T' 11: i of ' tto•litekt °1`;°144' . Mrs.' as*Stanlittlt Visited lot, su.?;otouto-,. and bitbY4.,,, '-'* ,1 days In .TOrmito*, • • — 1414 ot ;011Utiiii 1**** u itst *4014.- , .41tis.; t Tait •iat th$0.10,,, *kat, tois- 40e. ".:141tb 'friend* in town. Art %mix** got. was at :his 1161034 116r6:totr. theboli- b.. 1411140‘, litoritat , 1.,..catutor. ,svott pit,to into. , ±....0...4,m„rot_ ;*,-;:' pito!! autbis tbe wf!sid. • `, et. Ustittiok.' 04.004'. , Is*** Skultelawl a Lew* in • ••,...torwit • ,1**t_ lite ist *,0' flostlwitt at tki ;-:•IL'?..11:441;'!!"110-ft , ••••;" •••••:i. „lop:Lona bard, *fitter ,ocirqiiiit * former tactOr allytt64 twO eX. It Ette-flour (beim ii.w sayings 4.0„0„ t 4-74-4.t,40 .*:$003 111607." itTlidd:',00ilf,, tlitztluttititibsle,s. -,',-fir -,..thic!Ai:,. Init , of otith,shatikolder..- ,, • 1. , • mendouintso of thia took Wilt - n '11 od t T . , . *. . .. '-i-Ilkt-i-.-.:--:-------- -,...., -- -:...,. -..4 - --• - - -:....-.4..- - - , - . ' _ , - . „,- ,-- -... .--attid 111, % a- good,' --` ,..,4•10tat week Veleta illat A number in - 443,.., - : awe* %la iota by 'ag;a0Oottuto 40 subtoribtro who aro -4,131;iatia of six toinarott , oaraottai, . A tovr orotra irk orreara. It is iievs*,;- otr„ -A; 1*(1441cmoit, of Sotfortli ilantit ' esoir* that' the amount of those sub- a 'btitiont ow 4.uritti tit°. et4rt,ory, ' littletUti°11*: ei*001' $111111titc4t44° illtt.0.441!-Ir::tWilt.i''-eattIlluircAl*t ootianto?ItAst 44volttglitive•ri' licityt14.14rit ' ', tbo ..ctoritolab-..ocitAblitte'd-'4 (414 1.T.,ilttltl ' .' Alt:04irittout!'10.0.:. tultiol'illitiltniti:11..1:il "1:.,,,e-, -114, :.114:141i:06tititiynitip,f14,ix'ttj:-11:0011,44111.0sitforist.-;rii,40-141i;yittnio. ' OxiniOn -A,Iliatici---haii. OoroPlo . it, a to .%'`on rek.r-'4-et-ift; NOtice to tXliibitors...lit tboTrisO ..onniuntel To \alma livt of.tho'Sxotor Actritoltnrat •, A, . ‘Oletik Under thy' boatl- .o.t, hors,, i . '4d-.' afoul ocriti. tock lotonary aht°Viii oltrat!'izithts,, AtrIllf witItt Olatla lit CIRO four, 'mirk **Int.,- 41, .... ,•4;,;eiii,„„itlio„,,,,(:,10b*"': be- ragal.:-.°*-4-itiov:44/4:-L'Orttrai-t4, '44 : '-'1$ii. —*it.,:iltt-1:-#116-Fiina s`cattiotte" *14001 kb* st" 't . ' ' , It* postai** Over tho r,elootial r4tOtier :tntlz'oPOn,gesiotiopt"0106rni4't411647tortalctit'," ' oti.„7. tht nth. f.fhti.titlt-to. thet '11$th IS , ...It '4 ,,, prootictilla- settloil that, togonia • OcietwOon the 7.artli *04 l'hitilksatvino •Dor will Iv PlaOod on .;•800 and' the olittnees aro ..11940 that ItondaYt •OctObor 11). Viso itthit,iago to, thol.olintorholloot of the ' prectilitt• P...4,.., ,'-'.,,,- o tvagnitic $14* lits ta caw., AinoOn*, 11, Aslatie.d, 44 claytiotirt Ai: even, in turnOliii* !,i ....t, ,,- • ''7ou•'4'*::**!t-'1341)*:**Ttiir4;41:3!'11:1*withtl. • . io4; th a : , ' • • ' t 44. ,tniti*Ick* 24 I'litt i , -,1 ' t le t ' th ' -10:11$-.VIIIItoti '11;:CoU, totttAttit um Aar 44 thit,,,,wittko,, iiii, , .,,t4 I. , ,, ,, . a ,r ,S,;. k rt et Maestri. itril Otto.' itort, „broke op ,their .wootts„ _ . , • at , iota, t , t , ,,, 24,L,„„r4attirill..litw, • ti. ••„, 104,444,tro*. of tiot go inottAutturo,V that many itetti ' ' • , . , 14 Ilillowortlit. T1 m- t **Lo St coo * wrthi *tot** *nit ,solvinslok perturbOtions ,„t• ., ' t , luricettor,d* .2; tiooLorloh.' , oottla tobialtr„i ;141114$4. Wog ototooti leger*011% V ;*. ifirkee4s-, 114 wadi* , ,,, ' - tilif betiouluer lit, tivo, tor neortlottoot, eforill.:JMortnertime1714144,:Stiatoon.* g. P.. 'i. 1.,44,b,riq Alto ,I.Itht, iii40*•• ,foot tits -4 ossiii °wets.' 4111. roils lft .044ney. 4 I •5.14.• Bonin. 1***Affirct 4°,1! t ' ' e$4,,Etortititscam. urtilp. 000-iiitr. ' 4104 I , 44 ittriittoroy; ,$ a trloori4w* • 4 .... and ovo*t csolful l -...„,,,, bir,4; Trout,on, 14 Tri4.• outtit.'cliorrosi hit ' * s, t ' •,,, • t , or a* ' , ant* on4 asot4i**titt"ors;441**01nr10.14:741,1** tir *. 1.1,,, teierett*44 Wet; . be Osited ler ' A- farmor *tit . ta. ' ' 2010 'Athi. laroolif 7„ ' 1 fl t Wollieston, jogtoit tot IS ; Or * ' ' •,*, „ t(troiptioo. •, ,. 01 4. is * , of ovi,.,' • - , **thin* 'It is tairlit„Lsio _ _ - ro 1"-TIR--clineedii---;-4neree-----1 ,„ this •or -ii little...Qv * - t orchard , I o , et. . tilt -4. .AL. . It , 1 T 'owe iiet; all who 'wish .•t0 At • ,tha 'Awe time *1,44 osoe, , ,in r ..' fitne in 'tido. tlivIdora :must llorve hi* (104ntiti of, fitto itokmetitti dna ..,,,, wooinvii ts.,,ita!e.didfttelitortiftirtint pottAlk book 11‘ tba liquid4t°14* 14,9141 Ina howathOld furniture mill Mei be; 01. •ivii- -,1".". 4i,d;iise". tiell"01 414. ''''clf thirty t.,127*' -fermi for sale ' rnera LivifireiporitolOr the•iblii,;,:lOcal 'Opt introit& toenoy ',on the..4tay, _0, :- . _ .caraPaiftn•-aurihitt, Itte,vtiosoft ift' jtoL' end 'the' woo* la *my. dais' titer :,,,'-* , *, J.,t. lv„1.,tlito • waged otiocipalt , , 'Otter without .Intoreet.:- kportion iit' " , -.' „ ,t.lae Ponnteot:'o/..4710.ren* Ditc-r4f,' Pat*, ' the :pnrobriso .mottet, . can reateitt- :ort. '"it II ,ovo ' - '._ ,..:0(4 .foi.. 1 . ," " , bron,,,Nottlininlierland anil Itasfings ifirst 4tortelatte 'stt lri*efref!4tilt. 104 , '.i• ' ffikittitt.: 4 l'indidatt to .14„4044orttlit.'T-44'.,,.` .041.,'Jfkitz0' - -1 ' ' -4tt,rtlia•a'414110ato'stocit--.; ',,- --- :,--. ' -it tizztaKit****, "antic* witti,,;tbo. number .,,ot liCense 11. ,,eachic..,'„,wwbere', action bas .1111.$ tO:ttr'Oash, '!gitt:;7Ttillt 41411,10IVit i..11/11t4;:77.4.711; ' I , .,Athett,,, 2;,.4yinaer, 44 ,I)Srtoit., .8; port' ' 400404. ' ' ' i, field* .t4 knoibvio, At. 111,04, .._•,..turtittr .titrio 41(.1 ',Oottait ' -. ,wil ' 'AWL: '` a ',.; flow * _.. , ....,,„„ :- .„ . . o*tiou. oy • bad an ito •`GLADICA • " Exeter.- Ontori* -11 itora tor Ailminiatratrl*. Asititiontot. 114;:r %Goo Jeeak tit* ikon Hare* too* °huh blown Roosoo411 to $ **lot .