HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-09-10, Page 7Ilttpe'4 *rk place,, of. yaw WI „them.. worldthis le ordo t queition it w1uther d fromt te or, o ocetrardi$, inking thrOugh. world t 'the..fnU lit • of faith thelifein 1 co . • • mine erVellt on. ow LVC that to the bc Els are iuppo' rnedicine .$ ,pow 0004de 0denfnw Played in CL5Cs srn nieiiiu OL Wu ing is as 0 u P- vt are. iipli tot , lizionier ; 'ea, i Iakedinto small, sharp Lnally- each , fizike is trlrnined :napped into dooble,hise 4 s ii 140 s. witiiout it burl4n rso, IwilJ it to alt viug Stoivach Zvi; ittle h4r ghr0414-elalliscitilt3004-4the R d to • Derimark and. !onneetca t S cl over itchen n • the wmnan * n in $4peaking astoni easure of the cook at esented rMajest o how, ex- delightecl she was when ri spoke to her AO her 'own 41 talked 10 her aboxt by Mona. - ,E. ted rrerie ahould net 'wide] ranj."-',i1iii ie .woods and o e areing recently given A. artel, tho cele- • lorer of caverns, oticed. ;Contra`ry; evalent opinion, Martel sive that, springs man. merely the outflow of surfitee-*Irters which have distip. Peered' through Assures, carrying with them -pollution from the and not purified -in their *passage -even -ehalk- is • notiart-effectual-filter- for* sitrfa,ce-water passing through r - art, Tiitcl 011 Ili la• -tive membfrof a eluli,„ 44' y Thiver ea* ot oak; 1 &diuit, but be hag all math -sense. /1$.1 have. _ *4 "but. at admitted_ er, !hot: that dooan't prove'that thc animal is intelligent!” t n. str&nge that 0 iost loudlythe gorn hould, ,also inait • iabolleil*chara 11 1 IOny Witand. ng of itslolirovioe •4$ it. erha flut r • * the, popular*ea -tt. 0 0*, arffi foz Use of ti.ip who bav. rearms illy alt in A bona Ow -littler 0411000-W0T • read that 'beds, test the 'before toorniiiriiiiirflnclt-hejn- lves unprepared in the presence f an offendcd dicty, wbik. trong„ 'mart( rouaI1hetormnting Soznething within .--us has 'AN' .5 tqrned againit thege,,tioneeptiOns-of a god before whom we must„,09wer„ • Universe •co*ti'ived to damn uit, .,of. Man as test being, sliipk,.‘, eckcd- on the 1 tides of eternity,. e *might .be snatched from Ins uni if IL wonld but sikek_nowledge. rgtrtth1;-' tain philosopb c 1 viows of histor cal dtta; . • the high I being, here aman and divinhl., 4 ;Herder ems .contrihute the lai the mortalityf •,' 0 at i 0 $.11,6406i4; oto n. lit ; 0 ' o e• . in. t 'tdartii-tel drain - , :1rci 7...Thr1i victims z,.. '•00111 doe , r&athro and 19 -ft 0 $ come inereasing,-confIdene in tbe beneficent ordering,„ of all things; fear. has given place to rev- ercnce,- .reverence.for law and rev- INTERNATIOWAL JESSOISI SEPT: 1 Assort- -' David Made King veva-Y.7 Golden Text er„ t. i; ter the, t ofSaul and his sos. This-rernoved-the=dants pOrrittl and, also. left Vacant the throne, *There was -no- reason , for remaining onge , in eiti David inquired of earls of .the mysterious 4.gEphod" which 'Abith -14111-7pviest had Sant. 6).* Ephod may hav been similar to the Urim.and nlimj or aarod lot which. was uat for4r, expression of the diVinis-will.,` Da0d's.•dependence upon Jehovah ;leen in: his waitin • f his a • OrVa_ •,e re • wardtheking he hill Shalt u 'country, directlyh 044, ehildren call her. 'Tha isn't iilfeetion. She inicci'eded in ng olf Yuhtera, in six rsll, he water' because th&y think .s e has' fairly earnia fib Hebron - "Lwentytwo ;leg south of Jerusalem and twen- ty miles north o • B sheha," the espial, of Judah. It was eom- mandingly Situated, on the highest level of_the Judean ridge,. andfrom t1i earliest es' had been a cen- ter of hi relieoulr-i ived arid some of tb before Israel entere beameopt' of ti e ge, and being on p 1'0*th 01 Paletino 11 thriing marlvet eity. Fromnow n .the fortunes- h 'erst 011 a district, in -at. they may ondence in the, right, good, orderly working of the world for the best by simple trust in the great. love of the- nibs Father, by living on the wor g alcioni that goodness and tto a hgthare We d f» b ea 1rot Godheiii..b :0pi it, God loving , in be tscIve ., , \I. thc lovo that. ,. i b 1 lai in ilie high.po bt t an the good. vuroosi urselv a ' 'HENRY r over whieh' David bed been ran Abigail 'The Story xqu'isi told in 1 ,.$1110« • 26,-; - 3. Every 'man with'' his household Davidavaitledany appearance of 1. warlike purpose. Ile end hisi Innen` Went -lir int -peaccable---oiloir. iota -With-their 4. They *notate 1)avid king • ti t• tole -Were .141/It ny-,4-itmat coTiliani do all oceu per 'bile heir ta rn.disease • is moi than double that standard Th tbe, mortalit froin ak'oholiszi gout,* liver disease, accident! ar suicide was considerably less in tho 1ast period than in 1880-$24 In e previous idellICAt4; a ravages) it 4-1 that altiO 18 still' in X 's Jishin v notto only 4-404-.-:400P-Ir7h141eu flake - 1. „ efne!nuro$4tw::'rwho etnlYshree in 0 u years1. as the whoh And 11V--"fi 1 b. a a nsfitinae! brough.--4, i*t 7"Ls 16t:isirieeltin th°rOu e n Thet's in e; the will, littic riating on the hill, little standing very • through-theIrATS ungliiite; ' bebind-the tears-. A 14¶Fliat's sunshine; 1e folding of the ban A little yielding of demand, A little grace to under;tand , is sunshine. r -k e , 1 ittihnOssilaamfios., is 4 rriritP jug theatt - :II* oat .plentifult rieinher of .auper; ebed.' -themselves -o it. Io•ot Iuk througb the, mita.: ' n .year, one ,.must. be 'gore to eat herrixig on New ear's Day.' kialitrnien believe that cach shoal his disease„' among several otherikeu ions; such as servants in tot brewers, furriers, generallaborers and seameo;'the mortality does not fall far short of that of chimneY, cepa.. It is'a, subject whi'h, as dwiervok further attention. , For the first tune in these returns the question of the morality among women'. workers is dealt with ex- himstively, though it is a matter fun of difficulty. For Wits/ice, 4 se 10-i. servantthc - ricklayer OM it ano n ns„x.g en 1 ed, 3 ghc vard rde in the-e-v-ent ot de tered-ai ' Yet daughter; e mention. b.eing_inack. OfItte prat view; oceuPation. In the ease of A Married woman David imscl own _family. Howse er Judal ate". ortribe. ing on the north. • The men of Jitlieaii-gilead For an count -of -this exploit • see -last week's (I S44, 31. 1.0.13). • 4.;...11,104415-siit-4nessengarsk...A.;•sin ccrc expression Of aPpreeiatiou in the art of David- and. aliw A most olitital net of Kindness-Beipect. salii; will quite you, A quiet .• include their city. ival king - capital earb nszm(�am, andsstroll 41 11, the invo 'and valor we t .frorn Who** id Impir* too 1. Then -After i bal UC0UftLI rule t Rebron David did not frce0 autliority on the other "tribes bui aited till they sought-Itim - . , \ .Alt. the.tribes of Is represenatIvet the lt'r* e en inore strong y,,the deceased woma being deseribell aimply 41411 wife-vi-witiowi-withnienjlozt---of her has oecoation, but, without It is rathercurious that; actors, authors and journalists have to lace in. these..tables even in the index. Even numpric;ity they muat be almost .as important au, say, termonlgers ginaktri • and , , ' -Said tbe i u money." "lIow intich,"1",' &ske 3 tha lawyer hsive the 4 "Phew! r r I ate that ever hesr. with that po6tiusto t ou never go '46 ,A.tirtir-h4"-:61.1:iidlitIth-enlrt',.11"12:4*•cenft ther. supplied to the tr�ops at tbefrou or Ooirio sey.inttipkcoleori;_ 6 S. ou 4 .woelt..„. Inthe heyday , f the raft 'e earningavere much great - 'r ancl there are'. old Men in Bran - tion - who, will tell . You of the days hen the ilint.knappers used Vtoupa- n on a S There i one v • it s ;It rt jo ro lid1 r., 4 al ;41 g lei r 4 t ie flint.kna p trade. . a ns 0 pro i tion. 0 knapper. inhales articics of flint which eut rs.itho "kings" • ' h ovule 'ot$1; au t should be throw* otlierwi'se, the next 1 will b are ere 4 rith h power 0 120Wingt. twenty - our hours. in * advance,of the ' of ' a St Nirbetithey - ea the surface,, eedinkfuriough then a,gale may shortly, be exoo The,idea .444 that the fish- are _ova reserve Ot„food to sus. fain them (Turing the dine -that- the-. surface waters in which they, feed are 'lashed and '. DISTURBED BY TRE . P,ilehards near relatives .of the herring, but ar 0 'Shoats is far.'North as the'Start, ean, so • *1, There, ii- sm. laser. Otto.. year -,,1-840, one of bozWbia(Tirging Mr John 'Purse' had singers -0f :the lifOthOdUt-thoir- aboard, veiling,. when fish Were goatee the crew began to pratetkit_l_oonsipil. $ were seeii7e--4,rnicwoun the heat, and, of all the si4ty boats in the bay, this and its 'n rest neighbors were the: get haul of tilitt• ertyntfictotitt mg, there is none 'nulre dangerous than long lining for eod the ice and fog -ridden .Ilanks .Newfound land. IlearlY all the, old-finiers carry for luck A hone found in the bead of the eod. This magillione 'hick iffraUpposett--ter-preserveit - ran tlobirefo-los-ag;boorittoh* 4outitivo re itenotihnetro,leahroi. m which ti. iii4IX-itiihrifiCiairrie,-a: on among the fishermen of North flteot loud ;ma Norway tu dried cyo id to be peiso 4 nOt: 0 ton. Ther.. for i ottht•----•,-aut th- Of the flesh of 4ftere-t I igh .04cag I at Lh 1116 1sl&nd of New rnilar fish taken etly. wholeioiie. never get.** cMored the fleaht),r the f luso salt -water ii tiw OnIf of .Me i eve'* that ths result his hair and nails ff. Yet barraeoon ' the work is well . paid and o long there in- any • demand for go flints there *will always he nien. linct.to take up knapping. in spite 1, the., most .inevitable penalty:„. .• .801f -Mastery ality* Life withou death.. but it rea11b70desired-hahaveir not -r hy ailing before thd 22-24. a—re7,511211ingtoia iuundly lona go long as piety is al sound. prayers....untiLlno_getchusy....insw Jog' them. • • Ire who neverTgaid'eT-hearifi wor of any one failed in his duty .to Tilt X)r.obletnil of si,n7 day *re t indications of the keenneas of its Bao.times °dere come as a result JjyiLjglorg9o&ti 1. •o ('yMcismn is the ..,trophy that eoznes trent refUsing to realize our own ideals. • • •The needy cam * better afford t raisi yourgifts than You eau afford miss the gring. It is b*rd o . %Whit, way • imp); f -e-414' I nat; 1:406w.rative wed re'put*ion. h old' say Mighty • There's a lot, 'of 'difference _serving f_thesezlit rol• kgreat O't' owtowing one 0 rt a: not pray it ath and dis of hunger. oinetimes puzzlitig to the untutored mind, mind. 1 uittt be qually pP to him.”s'ici,4 his :Irdshi p. !That du you ,rnead beiug up t� "Mean!lilu;I:ohiia rdt7"11,1' 4 4 oivnpto hint and down 'upon I said liijt lordship., "What does this .1!1,1,0wwhy;eiariZur4 my it.ltd tiutt a$ deep as lie thought him: ;1f, -I 'sto ged 'When his Iiship ti1l iusiged _ W43 4 yOu: ni be I" aid the ge iater, "I should have • tin argurnent thc other marked 011aberty. "Indee said „Murphy, "and what' did they arrive at41"--4401r, ,Welt-slurre • an....arrived at „the_bospital iiiittea satravs' T FOR ,Littlo Wiiliiet, wort: are ' ipitiQns v the atrist neutra dLtofl1s crt