HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-09-10, Page 6self. atthet 0
And that Efl
whiikcra dependent updi
of fisee.,_ Victor
isa Wse SO alitOnielied that he 1i 1
ONO hjl kuif� snd fork and*tato
n r
ho 1.hu had the irnpudnee
the deuce cinder who haB
ared to
Victor Kolrnan Bat up s
-adli1ent oHr
Aunt Phip
ending taa"
t;wo ler
'-Victor Ko
•oney this country0
rovide foru /0
for it.3 fleets in 2*
"how de1ighttdI am to meet -ye
The -Arens& lowered- the, nu
aid, and looked at himin a rhab
'-not-the lesiuto,of-Yourr„
he *splattered -,- -:4
"Is4Phipps.'" said Victor- VA:
607. "Toll will observe it
ten all over that card; in fact nu.
have -already observed it. It is a
tribute to a great man ---ft wood
ful man- a men who at a crisis
knows what todo, and how to do
Permit An* tointroftw_co MVSalf
ftw'mv have
on. .ter..013f
table as poke, and'bo.
callY towards ,the other than, '
- Aire-
to - have nothing=to
7arid'4r4 -
you," said the othori .very red in
the' face. •
"Permit. MO to, Weleeine you, V?
Phipps, the grave, /
said ,VioOr ,Nelmati, in. a 'whisper..
"Don't talk'. because you might re-
vive an old ScanclaL- "ecle.
sire is .to b of assistance to you;
eat your luneh. quietly and we Can
between :the
41 have been .much. 'harassed
worried," said Atr.. rthippt,
with ts, glance -round about
leek, att theinihn
hce of -Victor Xelleati
X you it -new -all., you-vtiOla
pity me
Londori.,i-spe 2 Ori
*n s boy! 07'.,
• a
world.• So like a wo
,mo comfortably On
.4dett,,•,°-so as shi
n unhonored. grave -and. ,e,
London,, a e Its OU
nan ewas
ii positivelY. •si
Tin ' 'i 1iada inrrnicitta,..
. 0,.., that. poor :-'eld e
_ ,
woman, who had, diedin ore.: ‘
. ‘,
lodging inLondon, anda, en ,
hidden away,:in::.' c. gravo,lie f'.; Ptir.1':
, lie • 44 another; thought of - the, wo,' ,'7.00, 'PI,
maw whii;.lta. ' 'O.:ken ber name. and 'lltilt.'r,
' . batfr4nntl :00. 10 014
tn '10
the milk lat.:7a. '..-S.ti!!'t "11
Se lber.
utter fat.n. This
verylo 'tfl** lit$ ' '.• °41" It°' ' Itterest. tO,I tilt, w
their * ,t
41, ,
inakers rni
i ' ' '1' 7 . "'ii(i'..4#4:nr.i'14 tth''.iete' cost to h,,:,11,010:1
• rong
Le*,---„ : 0100)." eattO* ',1 , . . . -
re- - i
0t40 dtry
il, mice'
ntly to don Tit-]iits.
rt. i'hi .wilI allow
firni up by iatu*:rat-oa a
• lur01ulo_r11itvtct:lir,
bt,21,11: b ,
ct.,. 'h refuseiL to go.
ion, it may' ti
Thi5 is not ,th anly cae in poin1
r thre are., et"voluntary
onvicts in Appenzel Priso WIiheir 4
c '
7 -(thwas realle
fe'etion. between
'tea PlOt Tieheto to get 10
ornniision in tinle of peac
editorial/ear/1 Atlantic,!
and me 1loet;Am
'allowed to Mat itha to boband-
*fiery $21 -4011)1 -end- reel/41'0S
at let of stirring to Reti she mbistur
and5, Now
sa via uy' ks:44 ('L:01.ii to: t e* would
. toi ill 'infer gho:a huvr:icinti Isg:tirotiothivreuidni:4ho'00,•:t0t. ni ?.,ettt:05
4itt000114 - at all the free moistnre be -
and whet
'2r -P4
4eason for se you, Ton 4,1,to.•
being-deftauded, they are trading
your -4 am not really laughing,
1 *,aatture yon --;-your (oath. - What
will you dor - •
°'Do, ' sift"; Nit:5'1114ms roe from
tbe,table, mighty in his •virtuous
shalt -iv to London; I
shall demand my wile; I. shall 400
the---n_prtInt fit this motet
she is ilinginifbIclicd-
ep debt of gratitude, Ur,
he lanced at, the cod lying on tbc
a 1' ' "Mr. Victor Xelman.' -
"Don't inention it." .ail Victor,
With a '"
the infortnation--you_,..
the address to .whicb You badbete
rhiPP0 'wants
L.. soothing 'Let Ine put\ it i
..ppett ,
Whilt you are Sti en
an eetiparatifirrepoitkiogi u t -
you, have. the misfortune to. lose ber t at muth
LC roundt provided they are not negleeted in
curing. Alex. .litelts,y, Instructor
ae • SO lit 17 e
r 11304 exactly the
-nly case ; You will .,:see for you f. The ))014 time „to la old hens or.
how rapidly Mrs. 'Phipps‘*11Veomer'_t.° Bell therki dealers for killing
glan00,‘frOm for her . good, '.twp :or th weeks h
you willsioutiderstaniid--,.sert of ttaltt.7.: hai set jore.ei',1.6yb.eacantre.ttioliiimosx'.
Vi t-lk ±_4-4;ulitrk.a.s--AY
Victor Kelman
earner of tnerailWay carnage, and for ey144413‘!,
smiled vie*, to himself'. 'He ta.„ Itf,,16. not always Pe_ssible,te
'they wondered bow the, beastful,,,bY.the OPPearanee of fowls at they:
ittcritthwipopti:Ildegcweixt oat winotthwtoote,"the new . tiriux,nhatlibute:uline oyr ndoit'vetttptchroirtjganiti:
odern: battlesbip may be taken-
round ure havi g cost 4
kast£2,000000 she Is in•
ftt ;Idition'to hoist her flag, while
cruiser may ,be tot down as r
resenting., £1000,000 hard ca
These are jn,side flgurea,: the
tidal returns of the cost. of vole
vessels in the I **I
otaiit-1_, op&
four prinpipal ilee
enormous total of
linR. or you hl
rally eat cbal by
Ana this 'applies_.
teeter force to the
attlestups of the Invme
ose,turbinett are designed to 4
lop no'less than, 41,000 h.p./when
drison at toppcd.
'Id inun
me In _or
Itsit. a. modet pr;
e the imnates are .4
'A ,pecial privileges.
eater *his b
_ hiles away,'
for tediumofthc long oveiiings.--T
peace cnn a1*o, muster a .strong football
-rat tenin, a0,"-theyltaxe andaut, oPpot..
' 1 pg -411.
,.711 111 • :,..702.:'U 4-,,J
a lit t prisons' ekes
, .
ii0U04 are by no moans uncoutmon. Thc
.e.ve4 .are encoura,ge& by the autheri 1,
uper- as providing healthy mental rilaX
ela"f ten for well-tonclutted prisou6r0
Even in Great Britain) sofl
thought has been given to the
tortauiment of prisoflcrs.ItOCCfltl
igbt safely be lo�ke.d for witcn the
available streiigth of
Navy fook the ,seag tolgi
led with, oratorios,
hIe iesJury there are lecture
they begin t meta*, for
, inSta
VOnna*to0 'yogi' lnixt-K4uS* ."""x* they voin then bore ceased- Joni
Oat, woman, lir, has been kneyrt and vet will not have loot condition.
go into tilolent itOteriett 4ri tui If they , are allowed to run 10
n hese ships, whateve
fortunes, may •be, taken as a e
ten per cent of their original cos
This again,'is a very conservatov
estimate, .tio that We must e
rared for a lots of at least ,
000 upon our. ship S etre, au
0, 50*
e are a 0 0n0
,Jier uses, direct and- indixe
that wou d have to be provided, for
1`'" when preparing for a great war nt
sea. New ships, for instances would
ave at, once to be laid down -in
every available dockyard in the
Iti%49m to rePlace those sunk or
iireotticl.--.scartely-farreffivelpin tallialeirst=114741140:4n
'over ,
ai Ahtif,Ight of the 1011
ro this coUntry for al:cage done to NVOUld ihnt 113* Waqa of 1-he. Cot-
ihiPs 41°" would b° luOte *than £I''1 44 and crews,. their - toed and
the entire revenue of ft. geed many. tneintenance hospital *cliargeti, and,
pensiens for de, crippled .and • for
far at pust be remembered, Detnianentlydisabledss so that
ttentioti '7:hen piia:10 bat* it 'fluor likalkly lie raid- tinif
Thhips-alt errybut-there-4, • irou -6)st-titis cotiutot.at-t
t_.,02vLs.impty •tibb•ung math& recognize.cli are 0300Psisitin000:, which this pi*„..utry:t
'Lamina& while 0 f' tkoso Va. in
466 .0011 'MS
had ortaue. oil are. trot/I/lea .aslalivrs4_1 Start'. for London to -!,night."
-lei, any Stightrorstm
'whieli bad been subjected
(To anainusedi)
.4ou never * ou .
si.ve. ,• , —
bled; your ;once adorable wife ' .C#Allkit XVIII.
plague you 0 V! .
London eertiart 11101:01: auPPoseci Let it not bo supposed for mO-
in e • i ., , r.s4 *0014' :, that Mr. Victor. Keli
eo Si ,otitifelf-ftra . .t--"----'-ff-- - lat;-ziew;.:_zrualienieo
"1 do -I. ,,,jus,,, Axamxixed,,vr. told the real truth to Mr. ,:t
Phippsl_liiiis very whiskers ttemollig ; hviimi-•Ilever,lor-Ao. um
with1,,,..wire--Atithoz....11.1, ;tout . he hint that ,A.,unt Phipps *
Phipps is reott, ittportant. et. is .pAitined, :all. that he..saia. with
i�n it
istriembrante that there was) ro
in the. world --and I know ,no
_L.,:• . Iv.se-titi *far as the World was concerned /MI
4 II .
Why 6 Onia't 1046-; inylittle-Inx. 1411 of Mr. l'it '
e my horses , carriages o 1 I d
claming aid the t'
•Trey.virtes-4for/s. ., of 'wboni
or 1
othin 1" . or niat it bo ti
tt.telt any remo . r.
upposed that 1
- «Wiv c s ,
•)0 'port he Watililiryire*.; ,lie'r,i
• "Anil wyou--: , , .. - e-beenlit ,firsCalittle atriii& at
ty little plan* , a t dup..' i„,,,,,f„ he' -ease With .whielt the, .tinow Ivo,
"1111'111k. I •wa 114" "-- ' , done . .0,iiii itt'the gullibility, 'linty,
41" •selked' Mrstas* *arinIrliti'whieft, :Phipps sly/Allowed the Watt'
4,1it'th his subject; "She believed it 'but bo, walt3 really 156.,dolighted with
. 1 deei:,sir / thought that I, of 'all_grotiotjilik be ' w.tntid not have.
----11;(4:01it ''°-:-N411*-4-i•yolitt.t,PoinUttlIti,Z gt do„irtetiril:$adk *(2,1-d_er-lo._:_---- trtetatte--.
2 2-Aretiarsarist"lY --,xti-vay --Of
, • goad- • 6; it Woitid .tounti well if
- -Aoki propre4...;-11.e4..4,1...icii.,,,,,,.holu 6,1111(1_
the pl.essurc or lutithini wItly :rou .„,,T471`t5r*"4.-
• ..,40-41 rlil suppeoci_to..bes.: 00 "CFP413i
unpleasanfOooking Corpse,- : ie ,,.,.. ,..
. brains blown otit. or some saw in
e, and deuandng his wif.
II bet* Ps --
...1 that kind. It7,s di:stinctly Aim de -310010a Cho pristrinent
' thc
on knosi.'';' ,, ,
'spoinfiture 0 everyone concerned.
414 *orisained :with:, was 'possible that v Olive Varney
it X tiiinlii of it." r
• tor, with
,. It . a, brazened on tlkskt litlf exposure'
. o o WIdet which "litter fita *trill 114, i *siis
e ' -( : p stite. , meet- 'ft poosiMe that Ole luktl,
r a odor'?" been imade at al h ' lil
tniih -tho ,Insitei I 's the
hurl `rn
*Leven o! Nigeria
*Ifullart nitob roc.
or s mplmity
he llermsti grasps, 811
ti i1 nther end
rooxtittnr— ,
eye& 44 , _
their e'rops Will on,.
et* Attached to the to t par to tram ,every ',nerve and
easels that:would 'very feast, SZ000,060 tterrieg
re instances it
. those. char
,t ali ineline • turaout in colc
eather A case in
nt occurre
fwpaviDuring a apell of bard frost
months was about to be discharge
Attaining of his release
obstinately refined -valiant;
.tered gar 8, .and liface-the eot
outside. e prison
Le stripped from .birn, and.he wa
bundled into his rags. then 111
But be got
farther than ffi-e g h
ite -prototly-iirciteede& to-,ott
teffee stalls in order to be,locke
4 very_keinarkible• - n-Tsif -o-Centre*
ejnetime, ,ago - -in an nglishcor -
the unmistakable stamp o
was, terving long ter
thete for a quite coflidlttCtliTi ti
beat of p ten.
whilit hens-7whic _ 4-* rer ab ut heseof
as.cost at the very least. ,000 osoom the gage or batt
and 'Immo' begun U"--741011', squite craft,ette • 0-110-0 /00„ey heforelt es prepare to
-* • It wi
hcaoirDettiuNlleer.xops roostingr.timo.
000,. Vie (tengerof dionage to llies wsorittltS TAVE ,SPAUROW.
vontivii ot ther coal -mg m411) crslt inlirotmly, More than. lt •
Whicberlit,,inali-ttbion!t,t‘trati4OPrttr'4,0Pia as it us o .41gatt. Ships- of -wart ittas
in isrork tne ;lave to per orm vs the ess
rattifitii3reporteil--42*-1100 . or,iiita4while-their
reulaikab. of experiments made for son* time chance or hems repaired, once the
eirt mariner this- vicinitY S'YdileT.0 reporte aro put, 04 of *ion* in corrcspofiC
• h
isuCcess. C_ ,
Ouit„ iituter. Allstta am"; Modern- hattleshl
.11 line onnenegt OK. herbs, ,thyme and Dreadnought or Lord. Ison Olas
,P0116:Yre 4,40.0 fehItened 110'utelt.is built ,4t0 ,trettertdout
-1-itocit-apple* , rot., ring ,llerere,Itc.
Minds itself, 112%--4,- $.--Laestis,--Canardian_Arade
ir 'stone -
•if *tamale proof .baridle to protto ect the heinch gun rbs diioeted shot from a .1,2 inth
hell; to, num; 'Over this, is placed 'close rain- 'to -tiles reek, hitt ..onis
- 'from rain. hig-lcsaid. bit's110,- iirviduulatett,to-
Itiocprptettio*"4,, The Meth ,ctesavrit .4!t„,10111*06,deilittover inimedis
•line made4,4 ui4 tris reeiehee".' " hotto-r-Cr Ortlii2112,8111
" • sat lierhs' end . then' r4urnt. S.11614410 per tent. again t
tht, fish, *Wel owl tho. ground i *.here ia,. deis:t.i0Yett cod qt thtsi, !towel's t
'Ow n
the linty twallowS also' the • te outit of damage that si61214
which. is von Ity. ten. t tiltsametlhooK,.‘hat trees protected Ilene to theta in .4 war' of twelve
11. is so ated rion of 0:As to ozvaitna 'itm in iii'l*Otwhaer78,' 111140*: trreerrleel fivEujtite' diltroatstiPond'twoe.o?Uarlrilt*tinef tbhlr.
ittle Ilitlyi.ted bee4
ad'striking e'vide
2 Its for
'', - . talent
, '8001
..,..._ . . r *
• Keep ths pigs. 0* rerne
0 , . firms. 1 , A nought
ing you ,.
ia the 'war,atunt r ,,t1
0,44 the fad gel . 'Si' ' I
illAt 'AO . ere
- fry ,whe A
'We ear/00 afford e
, ill ' , t le
it- 'ortMeas. The;4,4. ;Itittita
1*", used sYs .t t
rirt et.'bitrid
oats, -
lion." It bet bei
hat *4564141 -gin-
h .ovir g
Ills conduct from the first
or eon -exemplary inded, 110
(Joked on os model prison r.
he-titue=for_lus, •
drew near; ht deliberately*
to break ,2211 the prison tt
on. othetpurpo arc tl
than Ito 1.26itpline leksp.. -
Lecrot of his cond ly transpir.
ed afterwards. had a deadly.
fnerity,44, -desperate
'character, whoorn to ki
hire it
iretue • lie et at
lib -
Sim is tho
name sparrow
ithieli sibis pet .of the ',engine .dri
and :firemen 'one a the roil;
ay; centres, in: the nortli7oft'tkot;,
and. , ,* •
t retie rztt,ar. b,,atith*Led_ u_Vrttistthiutottl,:ntonotiivsys,:
We, but falling out of the nest
Ore being fully fledged' was was
laeed ini -041.4444, r*lvt.e,044X11,40.-teeleell..'°1Y-ti4n
- *
bort was°
ing 11 over the .reotn, end even,
o .hirnself, to tte 1101104.•
- In fad, hI quickly locate
(t that one day ot,L4144* 44,,:rtnetivratcw to„.4e „litit:
al ‘1Way. engineer)
uje.-IY fel s% eaagtio.), 'okholowrieorettrtmt'
ilfi°'11;41111: r01;01 V.annn'f,
Ljigine in„ the,- vard was nllowe'd *nn
ibon 278, shotildir, opplag con. titudel- low
TIu rindinai . , Ifonaeo itt
hfrh—itanii - - ,
fame „
ton rlo..18 a ! yet it
boasts i ..forlaidab is pritort..
'n'inartly,, s ,withottt ii) simile' p
oneri-the tkititoritias ilnding ~it con:.
venient to "eonduet' itity offender*
• trot* flit 'frontier and allow• the
• ,
O it will be
table" for -
In Ike
i re 'al
tbeir ten gra gunsca
t bear kin 'el herside 0
t; of Owner,
w 1 w of
and -stroll*,
tiered Lam Itis liberty-
IIINl t ateept it4 The
ot getting rid
At Wit.
• rtiOnle
At first he tt
would ithnpl
ffl to Ittlins
ft Vat 0
. n photie
MO' 61 NeT a&
, tit olif;, or l'
• ilitay at the,,40.r s
i* 4s ii4 , ' ' handoned "ali
,ii fait; 4.00aritl"th
, .. 14111111
to bers e
Itbe ntilkwiil
, Or it, ,o
he tol- mflk, too few eowo,
ill do t
0! 'Mut, shortly
a /tient of
Of away autrauni
I, lesat•