HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-09-10, Page 4000w wa a , 444t1.01.7A.
i ,,01110., Oral 01114. hal
trtt Isg in ,:,
tit emeter
41011 of fl
fient Aelitiee* ai441.0111'
, 'large Oirtele of -Inc
ot voj'aid.'• 0 Unite&
$1.00 ettliCtit I
,r discontin-
Alt srrear arepaid unless .0
lionof the puhilaheri TIie
atibeeriPtIOn th
denote I
-f. _
fAny person or n,-.3vhO take$'
'Per 101.1 £1?OP1 a,:-Post.,04140,
ithe'nt1dr53ed -9 ,
htt'at or litiketUr 40:4141-:
oe 1„fied or not, tz ;tee onsible
cnt1nuedb mutrs,
th,o IL her"'"-,niay Continue o
eencl ALlece aTzeut Is made. an
the (Wjo1C ,amount
-talArr,or not.
ts have „II. .e‘C. irc,a
doing to tem newspaperif-4e,
paitirstAth lest,ottiee...m.-xe
and leaving .them uncalled for
Ile sulp cription yen:tains unpaid, I
rima facia, evidence of intentioflat
• sit EXETER' Timus • rnra
. loulte4.
• Note and Comment
ut,l3ruCe -Liberals will bold
c trtiVitillIteii~kettote,-
ball on Idonday, Septernher 14 /1. 2
the,,purpose of selecting
ketion of a candidate ffor or
iettiddieses: hvill be held on Vridcl;
„ Sept. llth. The meetiug fahvill be ad.
ceased by WI. O. VaIvatt„.
And Pi ai ftess, )5T. Pi P,. .
At conventilon 01 the. ConServate
:fres of the- south riding of BruCe,
Alto ',Units 40, Donnelly, Of Pinker -3
WI* gas SeleOted as .the party:stand...,
• sird,hearer0.... Mr Pcdpult/!_s /lame
*se •the only„'ono rneht101414.11 'The
endance-sva8--.1arget4Sert sectiOn
of the riding eending jt3 full quota
An loirottant. announcement, AVie,
'MOO 10 - foe -minister of Militia at
the lunehoca &Nen • b3? Col. Sa;t
Oughts, 151." ,president of the Don.
-1:64xfonc lUtto- 1,404444t,torty - .at -the:
reeks/110c ranges VrIdaY. The pre..
,lio-nt,„in_propoittqf,,,the, health oi
the Vinittcr, referred to the pre.
-e lad, the ontoUratelnclit wh1C13 tbcr •
the -cadet Sr Vralleligic, .111mmule-
ott.tkit an-order-in,Cannell-had-'13a*
or An -4greemert
•entered into by the :DePartment or
Militia and the Government ci Nova
or a church CeMetc
ToeSaa$ afternoon'
Yek$ i1, 15
Steggett . cen
Vire*- Vnox.
Iom on
Pent ler:
astinere at ratford.
vere jn tratforiride3r.
IT...A ight and .lasSflessic
orta. rondorea a iluot at th6 pnay-
Ve,Xt-- -Sunday
Dan llctlgsoii, ttonded
the Niagara
W1g1it and .Ilarry $4uiros' (4,
ndea service. at Ventralis- on Bun;
ar jastors visited.oi
ity on Thllrsd3y.
•Aitord 1jzsbeen ,received, fronriiiir
ys --who,avent Ii.est...thit work and
wages are scarce .and men aro plin.
taut, . •
atm. Albert Guntung hap. returned
hemo from waiting on Jr- aunt,
Mrs.- Arksey, at Paisley, •
:Mr. EarVey eutherby. is callingon
trientli axon:id here.
ff there ever was a spoilt° for
uiy e•--eomplaint—thiur Carteell
4,44,040134‘41444 ,40$440410.
siok headache and ,.every woman
should know ,this. ally' one PM. a
NeU Currie, 'Of tt, Marys, ,ca11e on
=Oa er on 141.# :week.
Mi •K*te'Olivr, lwbo 110 been,tielbo
jng teat ves hsre hits returned hetlxa
McCormick, London,. Is
vLsUor at4tbo Ifoustu'.,
August.,ir D111114C41
fully awway itt bi heti* inAlibh
t knd, anaindulgent x/rtron
in the Pet*crt of I:Ienry Pinion Mr -
other oZ the late'laidge r
Pott, Edward Cottnty,
10 -reside.,
pd died at
WeVe.'nIo. ievera1ihe era an 0
aistera, all b�rn in tho. tow117.Of-,
0 ur uttigeet Sister now
sides. Their, tether, Batoucl *terrill
A .„41454/Iont-ort.Islatb...;
mo,n41%.-, 03(1
,j5DOsi.s -150 Nrs
John ecarne -tro I d:,.1
America,d was VI20- 'La 1
ett1ers in lIewtr4m,,Vass.ti;;"tbe
time a ,the United '•17,:npire LoYa
ists, the 'Morrill tardily, came.
to Van-
ada and settled, in Xingstort, Tres,
oett and Rietoti.; In .politics thcY
Were Conservativoi, .and were
rs of the Church of England, At
Mes:the late
hecenie very entertaining.1k 4004
113%-014:-,MItY-11.44111tr:.t4Datf of 13.,*in.!
Edward COuntY, the most tagiegO'
Mountain, the . depth: of, 'iwa
vex. canly days
eading.htliirte0 11.0000:
Otts graduates.
00 Ledger.
whielt.ensure :rapid'adtan '
Auction sale lot valuable farm in
Eite,Phen, -north ia1f of lot .5, 9th
concession, consisting of fin: acreS.
Sale TacsdnIrOilept. 10tha.Oladman
Stanbary„Oolicitors ;Jan Auct.
. .
Auction Salo Of of luause and lots
in leentraba, ibelongsng to the estate
of the late- Wm. Baker, kille WU*
dro,• Sept. glad:non * Stan.
bury, Solicitors t Zolot
smr- iir:01,411 4Ais
iiii,irA7tryt, en,
.vzhich. positracn„ho retainecl
for Some three year, _after ,f ,which
Uma'. he settled on the TAinidert:Ittioa,
where the village. of 'Ilensall new.
stand. . Shortly before the Zondon„.
VitYon and 14i/et-railroad. was 1411t1t,
he Sold -out, it deal avhich:.iie 400.k'
,werdsf ',regretted. ire ,Temoved to
'1Uctet, where be resided for .aorne
thne, and finally" settled in teirtis-
clesOntril *where he 11a3 since. resided.
MOTaggart. daughter of lames Vic.
Taggart, of "the London read. near
'.EZetett Mrlia,preaeaeasied 111M twentP.
,one_ years .go. :Urea to the ripe
old, age of eighty-one OCara,' anti
teeles two 'dOlUghters to mourn' his
losSV %art. Edvierda' nate-an& Ounice-
Ann Verrill. -
at province. This
ovidad that the Department of
from the perinanent fatee, for ,er-
natant in diilJ, iysctl tra:
aria rifle shootinb. Wt.& ttt,
bd any -contracted or stark -
*'-you.rarernevor-saprun -
or .poisott Ima-sheen. removed. from the! ,eystem••
1ton, limy\ lialro tad some disease years:.ago. but
now and then scnic**Ptcni alaunt You.. Scon•
poison lurlat in your system, , Can you afford .
tora* the Tisls: Of mato setiousisymptoma appear*.
ing **the polson Beware. of tuctctttl
or mineral drugs used indiserintinately-they.tney
,O.Mteln*.--4Tvontzt4earlrtricire in the •
InIONteMuimpf....titiab es ust*prescrlbe
;- sea Of tlie. worst obaractor,- leaving no bad
. a the system. Our 1,41rew Method 1r
•4,1, a-4.
Ernest L -Abbot a a., ido.
air ---re
a w11 ,a0n04411t ..0, Aro._ 4thusitiesso,:
'having ,pareinised Ire Oilifiriit-W
rild15;77-------------7::, S..'
G. L. 'idclItougall, of . litront0) is
able or. , months only, In the
thweitt,ernion,0041r; itrwinteitithps,,1 ot tit,Lian
rc%rittr*, a 0. .4eio!, sivho.haS gone to-
Uronto on s-esfondar; to 'resume. her
turn' -Match,- witlk letitkhill :eini---Fr
o 0 ag falinilif0A17""m'ATfits
Vass Violet Orator, returned it*
oven Itdig ittele; 4' -
WIWI, .0t Landan *a one .01 the
W. X -SteWerti -.Of Tsondont I*
U6 Tennis Vittb will pily. a r
a board will endeitver
Ms IsTellicliedginsi of Woodstock,
*13444 in the *Maga *tut town.
in building
. •
tiektonal, authorities of 'Noy,* _tIi� Lyctm J Mass.ruizuuifl
' required to •ndept. caterntlary_ vont ft_ $147414:4f4n
teguittim ut.3t. a teacher„ ' fbeforeDoee
litts..iteitifiiite to teach an j neau #144, pq-c-4
the fools01 tbe province: shall lie tbe,Tisiborator! and mewl ofdobig
' oconPelled to .pleean exam:nation
Aslost- trairdo : and .
ogre -t* Widnes; is licittestly desired.. Ittneurn
;14t Scotia Voirertorient has
that there is liothing about the yalt.
ztoin,a- -
'to this nnti fII not 011(54 stud above.
4ir Vrederickiregards
es O. great step in advancet The DOara-
need Temthat :tioit !netts that, a pertineet,L,,
t water , arrar .
8 in.Counctrie,
not4- 040—the.athirtioemeritso
.thttritY.. to'Make sittilar tweemesits ritifthain"a Vegetable Col pound,
with sitt tno ottlot*„. province& ,of the TS it a Alrely Vegetablo eo pound
-Minion. . licsides 'conferring &Ile. ("tont toots and he.tbs with,t
ft 'Olt lha ,V011th, at the taunt:11*i'. an
-farangement Of *Ws kind wohla to
beneficial, to the men or,lbe 'xiointtn- verae anct
nt fore.. tk-bettv.r.---Witrik;-Iiir=a114
•amuchof.ib as we are tokt
oonnuerictat, Telegraphy
EnteennY day, Write for particulara‘
• .
r !saki m, sy- I
. out bur wilt 'grow in, a sivolleit glands will roe. ..-
turn toe, normal tonclition, andthe patient will
feel, an4,100Ic like it 'different person. ,A11 cows
we skcopt. for 'tteAttliCa are guaranteed*: P ;
•Pido-curcifinstiuctiettS /AM folloWed. •
, , . , ,
oubt as toyourponditloo, You can. commit 'as. FREE
.. . 1.
are .ofincom exit 40.ctoro who haven* reputation,
K. 4 K. ha ' 11 *Wished:over '20 years.. *
'41 ale, Stricture, Blood. Ikad
dney Uinta.. Vionsultaticon Free*
for Iforno,
'Mae. Telephone
nipany of Canada
israboutta-publish-a--ttew issu# of
the Official Delepholle Directory
for the A2V-ost'ern. -.Ont
ario -ute u
chApizti of firteit-ar-b-* rn o tinges%)
te_ or 001314_ be handed in itt
- -
boa vi:nsfl.h A wateijiout shoe.
vtrns!i iiresetniding. patent 'wither in.
luStar tompadmied of shellA0,0t*
LO 00ineaem7blf:chttol'ithreetlonr,4114toi4
tho unfavorable Action of *Wolin,. Oiri.
• leather. this 4.hott varnish Lls'..tiOt' to
0.,rgeom bratta4newi stioas
to ilitate Ohl ..elfees7to
iry rgetY_ be aver
, leaner, to it
coatsot saline well r
O(' 'which it very thin oat
• hot, -and, kb
inutediateiy 4wiped 44E1 'tile
tsld Aber% Are
t ann.Q1 until tha mtirtatie
S 4 free....r.trein *it Or tparat
.siree vArpish i. ilienithlti.
eivith a small- sponge ftf*
wire. 'Several thin toatit
vral tours topArt T.:10* hor
Ok.relts to get „fait luster, After
ItaAti itittabt 001 Ohl application ts,
oftrimIt. Parent -In !tstt
't rublittd"ovoe it Al
it,(4t kr
Tel f1."--14.44,f',1an41itam
Tbef (thief ,rither'inta
,*Ierived'troin its use (tomes
ib resistanea to Totter. It i, t
Athen, oloPlk:14*-41, •
th.a goof 1ooks of ..tte sfikit01
likiklestalhoth in he. Avorn in 'iJ
irren ;to oaterproa
s and 1.4 tero,stb
now to vhont s
d O'"Vi(rite2
Notiet is hereby gtVer: pursuant t
the revised Statutes of Onts,r100th
all creditors and others heti
egalit# the Estate• OE • the
'Iate-Johtt-Cornish,--Of the Village o
.E.teter, in the wravot Hum.,
who died on or about /the fifteenth
day of /aly. A. 1). 10011-, -are retfuestli:
ad- orr or before- the- lifteeittl*-410..o
October 100% to. send by
polo pr:paid or deliver. to the. under.
„signed :Solicitors for the ,Itaterend
ltic1,ard C. ZiAns, ;the ,exectifor ot
tle IMO WL1Iand of LJ3c
aid doCcse41, their ".ehriStialt• 'en
surnatnes, ndareSSea 004 410.ScriPtr.
lens, the- lull 04rtionfirs of their
claims it Statetnatit 01 .lheir •,
ettuntso and 'the *nature ,ol the seenro
!tits*. it any, lieid hY 'other*.
AND rtfItTliAll VAIM. .1,10TW1
thAt itterthe rt4 lastArtentielied
asta *tont the , parties etititied.
Lilereto regnrd anly to the
ims of which • be -shalt there liavs
Hee, antI that thri-siarttl,e•aeetiNr
Will not t.erlis.bie'' for the said -outs
or *tit pert ther0C-15! *Ill Peron
or Persons' of AVIto$e c;airos-, notice
shJ-*tot liav Nen', received 3)7
him it thirtinto of wool distribUtiottr.
I) at . Toronto the tiara day of
ptetriber A. r1:1, 1OO. '
Costairortlt, iIItteltirdion,
- !Continental' Lf*
. • •Toronto,
TgligaR&Pfil *
Our uateteecuro goqd p0-
iltinne and Write to the lion.
loWritelor our free ta •
\You.nuty-enter- any time.
I %Mal
nftr In't1.01
'111144.00 *Ott
A eXONNOT* 44 $ad' SOW.
5 from
Sept 15 an
6PPCTAL Iesvrng
1$0 1. sn4 17,
&pt. lc 4. an
No. 33 tw4L jelkivo
&pt. ft, .1.0*".trid