HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-09-10, Page 2uirJ, 'lilt/ C.
,"..--erglit or 470
&cumplcte rev
evil offi
ower •
xpT�vi ou
wilt Co. of Chica
to be .irttere
ittooloeard and nbattoir
In a row anion
at roue on a one, ,
ed_ acrosi the abdome;,
legtd .4
form of tr---Toirrirn b�
hemrt 0 any dist' oxt tile Militia
rly applicati
advisable 'that the a
sed --upon- bt- and forwa
ring dress-
, fowl, 10
10 to
t.._. o , ao
ri ai £t abandoned
pe ,o
detail are
it will
0 ,
uil 6 •
tew. of -the-,pittif40
during tho piretea- guess * to ,
of iuterest,
11ich bas
- i t r a !to :u , -c:7, : 1 Itt:110101weni:0,0.1, iat' iti: , . .ai A: tp, 'a: tons
. :::::r.,,.41.,,:miimiz,:: : a al Ir.:1. 0 :ttchti i-- thir: ii: tailt s ..t- :to," i- 't1 loi t ie new 00x : 5 a
s latest eni, 1,,ancii)01).a .,...- -- .1.y40•42_,in
likely • to be adopted li - * 4'11, AceorcImg - (4,igii so tons,
early , . , - 1 -. shell.4
4....,,::-.43.11,. ...Mitt--;
.'... ; ttle
a 041)01,1
Ilt •
' 0 - 'and will '
the• seed inoli
ldea of tli�extent,of
biota fro
oyed. Th
tbe area
square niet
,tot); of wh*
. •
ran ]eaner of
, the tho t.
machinery, ora
ti I
,t the ttat
Prinee Bolotoff,-a SOsOiatt, will
•AtteniVt to croselhe.tnglisli Chan-
nel. with an atrOplato.
• The. Britiah 'bat* Ait*ZPO Wita.
• ,eeked_04, the *Webb Coast, an
• The Xerl ,of Row; 9ne -of 'Ire.
lantri representativePeers 'in , the
•-House of. Lord, is dead. -
(heat 'damage has been done in
• --England-444-.430n' .the. oat
Urri11e. storom-ditring- he -last t
a b . rise"
V,13 _ i tbt bi-i4r
Obit E. Redmond,- tbe. Irish',
„tionalistri ,bas , 'declared ',tile
--Trial ' 'liver y act to '
' ' the ' t etriancipatirig measures
84 •says ;
with a lwa train, waB made on
Tues4y night byTurtles unknon.
train of freight,eare vete
hog out of the O. I. R, .Yard in
Uochelagis, it was noticed, by a
akematt that the , pneumatic
The train was stopped, mtit was
found that about 50 rubber air
•tubes had been maliCionsly eut un-
der the ears. 1I this had not been
noticed' in time the train crow b
:evecl.it woulThave-trecn thecaub
us wreck, with foss Of lire;
tcttii him been notified and
Of Canadiiifl lumber.
Four 'seamen on the British bar
Puritan 'wet* suffocated in the hold
ef the vesaeE near Baton.
Eight trolley tars Itioidia-int
utoto were . stalled.. by Po
bugs 4* the* ,neer Brit
Boy..R* Hie Ateldenta10
oay$ -
Jimca lot:sant-a scotien-hfilia 'OW
ibe Grand Trunk, was :aceidentally:
shot iii_the left arm .on WertriesdaY•
morning :by. a boy nettled Henry.
During the
eases of cattle
reported to thc
each intance t
a trills
pr 1:01
reports00battleship, icirculated, .
oWe. 14044voted. - The
siuiili*i' in all
o't1):: 't the St. 'Iiiirente.- :That
to t t e iir‘41114to' owi title .dplace 44° Ctn
•:iteelve 12-irith :funs) andwill be
"cumsta es.
Fulham mother, to keep her
*fily in bed,_ tied. a.
round the littleope. The child jnit
hav fallen' as the band
htcntcL .round. it.. throat and
n edit issu Si=0
constitution in .0
ba * este. steamer Bnkou
ru s sunk off -Club* Pretecturs
s. of twestity,eiglit iives
widerpre&d 6ontipitert,
titling plum, to murder Lord
to mkt Obit high -41114414 has
iThVe*lbd an India. -•
he reat il Art
city to. 'have oars Mould.
carrying it with the barrel
Jutting. :Ferguson 'n
i. The bullet entered j'uit
he. elbow, TAY -sing- through
le and- entering! his side,
dui force of the bullet
when,' entered the',
iid or fatal resitlt . relight,
The .hoenix Assirance COMPOYi.
The Onetivie-iefitriu art.,4)141- u
re(-.1fai---not tbe
'Slightest -clue 'WO -identity ,0
, ,
At-' Iv4-7701
os. U.00
It to
41 121,4 Oa,
thOulders,,, 10 to
c -backs, 17 to br-14441
•ed by.turbifle-en
ate bysteam. Thus she will rnalcc
up th groip of four St: Vincent
and when aim IS eolnigett4 for ets,
the British. navy -will possess two
each four strong, of ati big
gun lealtips.- -The •-other vessel
will reierehle the A with
iIiWYoVCflJCtt5, andwill touiplit
the grfl1p o! our---0.ktiotr-eruior
so •that: 1 plant eoncerns; ngle
of. extrCiii.... , 1
tio: 0$ :elitii;I:r -broadside is a mutter. duccs each 'veal' (4000 to. 60,
000 cy
hope of getting rid of ',ben!. a
forinels reiutiiii.'. But there is 'ome
e-h-Atell,svUlsr:Company-,-Itt--said„ tr, -
CLEN1t. rigto ov rznp, A'0,000,
I tea- :-WIn
bo tioalining a boiler WhiOli notdo"About
AO 1011001 above valor to discharge city and the, mine vieinity..4
tbr 'Waste* ptOtiUtto of combustion • '
and thetor. is .the bare,'possibility ,DEVMS,D. r -CO GARPP4B+ .
that producer gas '.ongities might be This 1,,,a ,owned, by the Crown,
*in his prepared lesiltiiit for battle- lc lease --to'lltge-vilvteLarrii1140011:1-4c04aincOL:asIt:
adopted -The-Stritrot Ariekers4tax-• thecity and -
*hips .drivert by producer gas, and at renytis depending on the 0.-
isii-itriFirdiertutait, ta-rea4y- liotr-aria-04 the proafieth
evth,yifiqf--uad-s-iaiy power
_Put tt• Dreadnought using the soil. tiwinweirgbroeth.erwriv-hviiers;Tttw PCI
vuwid gr ..
turois - 4sueiligh to try Air
experliste t; . The Adiniralty how- eptintry ciulte au atea of the
_.. .4
$ Sitil..,24,
been ,thoroughly 'tried in (-Cu licit rie ,vitlas u o
- - Ite 1
e 4 faculty so . long
as lemon 460,000 lillies of the valley,.
, .. . , , ,
pine sprouttpliit,pots),, .
sprouts, •10,000.pium, ..,
acli. and <lance sprouts,
rawlierry plants, 300,0004 ,
•ed and40,000.1ong '
Montreal, '
Manitoba:.No 2 white a
car lots, ex toie.
s rin wheat paten
r :0 ,b1(111et :ittn YIV:11 er.e. iived 1, od, Lon ?e -71111r3:: tt., tt s d
$0.14; elCt1:13,
,• -
11 °Oti. settigt
ti;iint:gwatilinsibetii"onal firth?'" dieeis sign?o°:'
40414,0-lor,,thisTy.ear- vhieh-er
meant, to, gaps in 0.0' existi, 1:1A
• nitation. next.,4010
!ire: mow,.
AitUrts. rom hints
rs others bavo
Vittoria; ot Spain* Mopes to Win
4.0 Others Old/Fail,' talc
, • ..
Qucen Victoria Stiein • is it is ot wext12A e..rus 0
oua to alloliah in her doutt4,. • frAO* ,,• Butter
not:rattles of. bullfighting; for' Ariest ereartiery, and round lo
itherto„ panto:46d- to -40. irti 'ted ---------t Me', Eisto-41‘14se t
men seem to
iding offer to the publiieto sit
ir on them.
• (angrily)—"How ,dare
k back to inc in that, wrest
ever ssw h. impudenee. You
ro a I�t of nerve to call Y6tir-
wirkispd 'it maid
irpoilista1 den lotted --
ms .engine in nettles until into city
Alert '1'1
Bit that it Wilt 'finally
.be taken as certain.
battleships. More tennting ten ere ton guns,.
butthit mutt 'nee- whish will a to arranged as to arc
d,-..0et-PrPgrrii titi-ielther side. - Shit will re.
o grt Ships make In the *amble the - thipe
:months. ' 'carrying twenty 4.1 intik #r 0 inch
any, it must • be letnember. guns for defenee, against torpedo
aa to -day building or sanetion. attack, _and thus • be exempt
seven battleships of. Dread. from the moist serious failing -of the,
'gain* the British original Dreadnought he entire
this. favorite natiOnattsport„ eetetock' were olaao at 1. v
the last 'dine she went shortly o. i at 00e and NO:' 2 it 1ft° per Oigiat,.
L.dortDon it ' birth, what iilte , , ,... .. . , .
rOltmoilat---Oerre t short " itie is
wl e ft her with. horror half Vat.* $tilt**
and grit, . ' - .E , e ' bac,. 'dry silt Clear ,A
So she has tensed to be *revived 'bsiCks ' 1201` D4
, , i * , 'beef) VI.- *I •nlOw
the 'memory of the fut. that the Pt, „halt lible.„ ,do., .compoutt , ' .
- a 1 lu #
tara, $ % to Ole, 4atd; itt‘e ser.next .year, tep lattleships,„ it
po it t 1,4 to.*ig,e.;, dor inkeo. .0.WItiot,• of_ live battleships and one cruiser
wt011„.„Orittpeitutitbiblyie.ft'ttoe% absence of, .4 Mediu*:
'three more 'tnotistes bat-
na one, more 'monster erur.
don to 13e; kettle rendered, 13 to 13316.* tth4Yetti. (11400114 21,00$ too* or
been in. 1 h tto. stoultr.,bring the British- total -of
readn I ttilatr•-noT.
groot Queen
turned from'aonqueto
' eelsred--that-it wee_
neh, aiterted, b
7atruced -b the -Paynim
If the flpin
Minded' that the Queen
miry, they adore
it by her death rr
the cruel !sport it i
ity •StiOW their pr
m shalt least uufzsl
ladies to et
rs. Chris trie
early days of
id liege y
tt- xeaf#, but
' Attend ,*
ums 12v to 14e; breakfast:baton; even roonsi/ A British Prograthlitio,
abandon tbisu
&a only- prevent.
om putting dow
i hoped a:alb they
iieeU to
" /stall
g bit inta
tted 'the
t. heat -
r e*4eF No
ra rd 07
3yellow,84eNo 4
o. 3 white, SU. 0
er • trfit
first ppeare_
ti froni-
'dreds of thouaand
mated annual, produe
plants. , To the Ai*
nearly AD* - the eultiretio
Coleeolaria, verbesla, Vetunt‘sl
sinni*, pansy, carnation, bal-
,',15h:lex, hellYhoek, perlargon.
fuchsia, 4011a. etc.* in almost
• endless Variety. • It is ettint*
thz -e -Omuta I; output. of
-seeds nut much under 1,000,000
wiriaow it)t
of these flowers
Otis.** zrt
tit 1111*CtOfl.
IC 1ntertattr40)101
in large 11 --
it ariety Among them are
ed 101 kinds of peas. 1MR of
(700 bushels sbipped this yea
iton to help make up tbe de
its staple food), SSC
h n herbs, 36 kinds of
es and 0of other roota, )t
et grass,
tncd impossible not
..ever to • be; *
ins of OW*
nd wiphi out insult
but Queen
consats of five
• improved
g le* will
the -Admiesitt
'up of four im.
four ;battle -
*i 'leach catillitig
But the ffth,
itrapialy an