HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-09-03, Page 2Ion onon, o Isfltigavs. b etept.: • -to fight:ftnd &r for what 100.$.1 o'44,41$p •1 do the pzit, it•seenta.. tir thift thing out ire,. ftnd give My a to bea. hope. t Chris; I wa..hak in almost ska though ----Some 'hope to * - for me, Just AS 1, in niy loneliness,. -niany And-ManY''''a tiine-134,0 prayed, bard thatmight be happy, so to the .brighter, bettor f-ine=to...lie-Aasp,PY.r.„ p!...steal to hrmg that a'bout." "I believe you could," said 111v - tin quietly. "Only you want tRe money - 0114-.-0.17M- mise to the -boy that ortune a "I've learnt :two t 1).1; as coming to him; and every dis- Victor e an Self gloomil ,--aster he has. ever _suffered has "The first, that he did n•ot tommi t tahtatti,r illtawaPpeerohibll),*401;lni�rc th* this time the bobble had burst, e mind pictured a visit of yonng Christopher Dayne tb' the shop of the .eloelonaker a compari1g 4)f notes; ,,,a- possible . co fro4fiiiK of the :.'aecum leted 'facts, ret; tbat bo o no vero 4.41, erc the oseent: thlzinkine that lie • . . 00 -The tale o 0. sen- l(a!no too touges We, own uperi. Pea uP Otte of those With wax - 0144140r, 4 pleail ensa,.. 44Th-tbe lyclage, 0.. oy e , in I e i di5covcrcd after', the .departur e$seg64-litt hotel to. the eff rather, , ,, wbich .controi tho .rnusclea b work theso * "uts$ and. when on s - u equir* ttit,..t0.. habit admitsof P-.ke flC Time in Ibo Ya, The followin ireetions for nacitat,in eraon 'are. published in live for the part she had playcd; he vanity_ of .the Jnen..was wound- cd the curt disinissal he had had Altbough Iie felt sure in his n mind that he bid brought -"trOnsure =self no goo'n process, - spite of himself, he itched to bit a further Anger in that ,most curt. ous pie. , , -Among- the.lialiers---Nomen-ho--n4 T old womaq.-wa Ifr-Wh ought-there-wes possibility .that he might,' at some later date, touch the Story again, or come in contact with any of the ac,. tors in it -or whether he was--0- willing to let the. last scrap' of evi- dence he possessed slip out of his fingers -it is impossible.to say; icor Cain it is that he kept that, valedic. tory-4etter-whielwhadmboeworittelk Mr. Phipps to his wife o such Ietter had !Watitho ad lump coltrived to ind °nee /Ogre set out 1341 .diappa outbto eh- lie wiu Vas informed that ui Englishintini. bad c ere from time to ti otteq, bnc fry 10 C1tV. rriyed, Victor, of seeren t OLIS horso. C•rrellotiht6rr011e0Mits'er°1tGhe rlitv4Irethas greatt hore than ever he attained in 'riding, he aid the terrets on tho collar causc reins eyer ull in o •th mi lit be able to accomplish more 44 tion of tonomous virtue. on tho part SUMMED TO PIMP ot 0- sentry -,---:-Am ocenrrertect txad, With the-asslstant,he- got into t ohert Blakely:in "A Boy in the car, and made the great mistake ea-not,work out 0 - ,,c.,, lisin ti th d .., with assistant -17.11,0*-fr) none of the -wrists o 11 0 whole acttPuairdo4i out a caused th • gunent-was • eapp: g°4 '4 "(s °nil'4aii--°41'n-iliv a stone from catapult. 'T ere tturInedei;et0;;-00-0,ator s adjutant f.0 balloon to Sheot up into the air li itugo oVered with 'T4 4- 44tY. tlY r t- ' 'tko;tpl-17-gtegleeted:' gen , Me 'tile was exploste* n -and h Iuef arokAnd countersign until *lato the V°k-t-ttePG of cloth, .9ur • inoutn, and throat ma e "'. The res wade balloon, when riv- sate° direction, subleet onl• y t* covered „ivith handkerchief mucus ,,by, pastist Ai, sits.ting ehallenge for th NxIcp. lereummt.,04-1 • 4e011 g 1%Mashoci to pul word, a *bioh I was in vsed, osition of the .horee's cloth back „ t .tho nOtanee. 110 rode- tt'P throigh the air at a high Nero- arnesa horses. Uhl- dos a' • ,*:•-g. fie 'se mantle4-utet- dematiding. ,the-courk :4ity autti taus a groat „risk ot ening e.p f - - . e erice,2and therthen unwisely' t 'snatch the horse.. When:ar',!harness siiicide -6)30, apparently; the'Itorse .annoylitly And ezeeesivelY erstand -me yet; if ;you did; you second', that he must have got Ov would know that with this better, his first cowardice, :and done. t - - - --feeling- uport,-rae----1-4oust--go-- on -A.,- ,thing after all; else why should . must fulfil that -promise. I Ain_ so *Waite Iiiiiett-Orl-here I- 'Ma yet allel- is D „ere no ling co. (terns that he was aetually :oho Ant and silt halplesslyr. ...,,,A6.001, log"'.47- -a, r-trsta er ,tosses his hea upi the lit °title to he lar should be outvoted, and an he other collar may be ,sebstituted. But it if. In tidinft,. the horse tosses, his ut head siteilarly, it is, of course, use. low 04,4414rbotialt44*,10S1‘144::,,okallge the '0011ar.. 'it iii Iv • that shall .get niOney, if orily,to tide 1,, ed.... tO,, d y With 'himself, -rin‘ ,rerearliabro-frarthitIllitareViitftr ---- - - : them over Aheir-:diffieUlti '..:.- - -. A'itd .whiell_liad _been the_tairse. _Pt fr elessl. X shall : never tosses. his head itl, .usuany -nri un- 111liftiftVirrille irrarc 'the--pu .1eliase.4:1;A-cirt1444,1)100. , . ...vv., Et - ,;,., - - ',2* lir.); 7 atiiir:k0-;7:aliT-if-li-01) 0 -, utes, -oncirertwicelle load° a, half bordered . Itandkerenzef. vr,iletner Ile liVeitt Again tit no ay7to. iii• an ur ., . . 'win•InTew nd-,-,T-tirn-the-body face....nP. 4 W ..:1120iilitere-leiti I coat or-1411044"-ktfOp 'tenon n , i forward; .raise the arm backward ° jt, ling-,03Ite.'6 be- andhiao1ao t;s upward..ithisb, air to at 41' ot h: : t oi 1 i i ri:) ebbt ;rot f u lat:hs4e. , . igit ti :tee •ei• st ippef pr' Ge ' aravocountersign,tnnhaving wnjuths re' t f) tae hpre , andi;Iwords forward,de.IgL' emweree Then slowlY Move them downward* - 0;to yei.101.zoz,..1410 ttlathiegsitditelltioatoidp?'th,,,e0h:tia413,:'6._:::::1' tn4e.g:xleterr9411:1::::::Iya:_aagc:cui:sed - ,- . - -. me lie 0 c IA' at 1 Press - them gentirliit7W- •-i:Aretitoti,t 0 jett,--ako,,p1t,74, a ainst the 'skies and thest. : This ' foreWtlwair war u e. . "- thlittiii. ''/.1,6Yfal_______a_. 0-dijAi go . . . . ars ' truot . )0anotho way-.unkostwitz , bending there . so that elhows written* $ movement towards her as if to Or net. Xr- 14" PfriiPP5 li4it c"'" ?alt.-eel...yea 'with obrut;$ mkt- rms. 4 time eIkroveti birl-311---4- 440- Ins 'GO-- produce artifichti *breathin$1.. verY to. 00, the counte'rsign, m`coo speak; then he checked tiireself. It WrEten, to his Wife before it is itc.4.'• e'vobrows,, and a:waving ' or hands tire aystelia to the long 0.- deliberately ah,rt. , on or twelve ainoiro.r.e-ct.,... , Ivo 50 ,diffieuit to 40.4 with anyone possible .14) say; certain -it is:that . and cries ...of -diSaPPointinent, ' fore biro,. -he .win gefittY vile° dr times 'in a :.mmuteY - And without "The e.erteraI-was aniaze.a. ..the impossibility' of carr in' ort the appeared to have preserve -.1t. 4slunarr PhiPPS-Imd been :but- five Xany good longlourney horses ceasing until the., patient b.reatir4a • "Vei-P-- 7 Well.' i ;Will see- about this like' this..-ao diffienit to show her that letter was the oily one 'She- Wa5 fl*e MilnitOS 'tee late! :The Zig- more without flagging. - - fraud: ' . was a curious. epistle, set forth .-in minutes. ' before, and- liad'received. are had starters, they ,being. taill. naturally, or UntiLLstisitod,that.lifo. 14 the mortlines , hi) stud, - "- the-erid-OE-41 0011 briArd noTtlWltOflt part of thi3.-bag-,-,--411,- -- ight be imagined, but • the rear part. The gas in -the front part of the', consern is pressed upon heavily by the atmosphere as the balloon rinthes along, ,and this forces the gas against :the hinder portion. Not -24..thereaailtoP-411,-.Prs,ur%°(• the as. at the backpart,. but were' • ressure of air -in fact, a IIDS BRING p The result is a,. dangerous tires. sure, which' is often_ sufficient to burst out the end of the envelope, and so cause -a terrible disaster, In order-to'cope with this, the best dlr.- rigible balloons have extra thick - %lessee of materio.1 in order to strengthen the rear end, and so to prevent the Aail point the balleon - being forced out. _____-__„ Another -source IA dingtretd the cigar -shaped haloort is the presence of tiouds passing in. front of the ann. The passage of a Cloud irc front of the sun will cast a shadow , Which chills the -gas to 'such an eritttsbat7the--balloon--may-wrinkle- and •defseifid- With-e-ortsideraltle7ve,,-- ocity.-007-the-other--bandi,sheula he-clouils-hreak and the Gan "sillte through, the gni meg. expand with . envelope. "rtu afraid you '41ort't 'under, sOniewhati flamboyant :.termsi .404, 'his' I.:A*4 and .tsad' ttopaxtod, in. cOld-ishoUIdered; and Some Merl illTeifitridriltilfh.iie' 'tlis is being done a .'" .-(tuaritbeitig:*-'neli duty itle''' I *"Granting, for iiistaitee.-that-t " ante,- ---Ittis -nlinocessarY -to-Jere„,,- corm ,mit Was ,. iii_giosiuble.,., te,,saY. Ituweier„ is to ,Start On an meline , the Coliar7'at, the. saddle -room ere produced iv, ilibbing . gently _1444 Wa5 pretty n""110- The gen6ral to 'Pass Without the eountersign. A' ilim MY orders were to allow no one , up the foneiP he said at last., staying at the -time of hisdisappearcorner oftheArms . which . ore- therput-it-om - The .L best Way, .8if.t. Annel„,,_:4344 tholo4y.,0* WI r. little friction on lee Cheat' may, he ,. ,._ turned,' round to ride oft:. I told stan&that if You got raorio:eriougli dated from Iola . hotel . fr, Paris in deed it lots Ulm tiljail' five Minutes experiene.e, take the trouble to -warm. which they had evidently been he could scarcely nave ' turned *the - .-now to: help their& you couldn't keep - 'rever : discovered the 'truth -an. duce it all here; a. folv -.Phrases wiu- They iwere . desolated...they : could .,_. down hill, of Co;erse---a:nd at% 11-41p.i ignites. atd..th-en. '111-.-ra.i-ii; ..,-(1:.,r7• "-titkit*.Zill-----6 .y.116741rri tptinli,?..s.h4i4- -Ati--this weed.. You might begin- the. last timet" .0zie ,sentenee ran, .phipost ire mtatt)ike'llle.4 English- teuse of balking, as maY be nem: i' nia. ..dute4;eit:';tilifiettlIrra,:bvr:'111;:iflik:gi'l'41.11gi.e::!9: lilaks71,:Blicgiltalti,41TiPliiit-e-bohituinttrrsAailtliriull?, ' they -never will from me -how. are be sufficient to'show the chareeter ' never forgive them,e14ve*;', 4 141163 berSe . warns to DIS. WeriFy -be. 1120 • . . /On ' tO:prOVide a -fortune for anyi. isf :it, - aria PerhaPs- 'of - tne--'w `' OSt- Unfortunate. - ___ -ea." the general. - • • . one 1 - UeneY is bot so 'easily made "I am hitlail* Yon, :farewell r Couid they '-describe Ahe gre t fitn!PTIlidillettrithf,ilogri:rtahg:iiLal. t n" v'er/..gentrY7 "4-"'"uxi- ' -.7~-leet --what..--is the end to be1"-*-thelopi.---- Passing • ',frobt------:,----anc' --world ..'.',..they.f.40:1441,1m4nt---rnore-tdre.: double-harnesa4 ,.the-LhorsCithat 4.. , _After _ natural breathing' is, fully receiving the 'parole ,,in. reply, rode,. -"I can't look at the end; I can- which has treated mc with a harsh. the Parisian idea, of an Seglisinnanf difficult to start in *single ,luirnetfr restored•,give the &tient-a-tea- away, , .. ___ Th, i__:._,.:i_ ____ et --:-.404:- ' --xilLi*•*-43Etka.V...----2:--:, --shicissid. 41e1$-..4--...- -reme10-her-.. ivithin- ig44-4-•01 Air* St....willi A •02440.-' Ile eetOleil now in double .-doing ;far-.auove .::!!: •Aroonft0 of brandy, hot' ging or tea The, .0 .4 morning- twits fleAt-',fer.,, /1-1t-lf can see-at-thennienient, ice-,--0104.--thert407ter: 103 1L-nalsOwii*Ti -had a• h rtuaL4bere....6L'Alle ''''Notk.7-- .• '0i, 'thiiii. timia-4 ' ininlite---:nutil-- generaland the toinotabett,---4-m . • . ,-- -km . _ .. . 1 an . lat:.,„,t_Joeearried out ---against because *money is not require 1 Jit -of -jingling fa, ritatioy it his pot .:fraliVM0-. COM 74-14.1316-::-'43."-: - theWiatererMr-ihrtran' . e filicrOAheV4A1C6115t---0- •I, ItAta-iiOttrikittlf6dcd 0,,ite Or •at,„.the...,wriat-. ...ist-iticpronused:',.. .0,.. ifint-Obaltion-LiVhieli- rittitt-1004-4 oe,-4,---wor4,4 ' ' . ' ea 'I • it---Wweiiildl'appear It-,-tmam-or-taxidem_ca , soon e . tidjiands with *arra trwen ,, he ---aid, .,he_ baa been. my ther4-and-that-4-nitist.....thenge_it, De his--frice-andaTiut to hav pah•-ite-easily-aequi Ae-arins--aed gs-41p-wa. LiA tg ar in 8owtiy, an your own strange- poi .• of toy death is already decided up - view.. ciii,---andlor ye,iir satietadion-Tmay • inform ou that it shall be as far is possi e_pam e Sift - . elio •1 t n wantl" - again , Pate and the "Re canie to ta k to me; ie it moi .,ytternierfriirtgetlier-wi, witted how „great ' his 4ifficelti s a ionitions to any who might were; he suggested that 14.0' , to the eourse they should ad . . se, r iiactertainly,..tiet th •*the have. endure."lir that had been adoptedbyVIT. 4-0h--1 did not knew that," she : Julius . Phipps. • Atter that aid, in. ft. faint voice. "1 knew it larne a few words which touched the was bad ---but--" titaI qiiestioit whielt.- had afeitated- "I urged him to take her away- poor Aunt Phipps. . vet where the.,fields are green, 144 -!..liut . for the fact -that I have the flowers are, not -Vold in titian been -.---peStered, and lorried--- lo Lnhes----iwithiphirdt-..am..notkep4.nioney_whie.h. I_ w in my beat ,..., , .1 g I a oid, hitti...-(riii not, to reeover; t_,Iiii 4"--izeil 0 •- boasting,. Ilits - Varney,--ti_rut only appiet n, ,' As i r -"aitf-a7 es- • -7'7- ''''ilhifiliritriliii---wayI-.4.----aske d ---.A0 for tere is, let' tine :lend hint . some, money • iit.--a vewro,ntre grave. Take tare money which I , am - sure I , o.'' yourself, -iiiiit.do not attempt to :pay haek i'n tikne. cit tell' leterfere . ni eny matters etineern, you tiat he refused. "Mr. .ThakeP.411 *-sta:ikala an it to search for A Malt of that 419$ tion ixr Pari, Victr Kelman de ed that he. had better give u hunt. Seemed s uUr had never ritended. effective, way pparen y dr Ong out of existence, and ,gett rid ..of a wife who was no • Jon useful to him. - Ktlrnanidecide&-thet he -would k to that hotel at which he made- enqiiiries and w lun h there, it 'as a .coinforta shioned.plaCe, and he w d�ub torbo---well-served.So ent k d 'seated himset , ad *obi' ble uld lie fat ert 11131M*14-151* *MO ''nothing lo he pada lip this menu in a. At tiiihatrac 1.-ra be. over it with a pen- '- ' ing_ree or my nephew. Should •lie spoke eager- -writi, take' no notirco of his letters -step muld- he „e oine to ..,3ton.„_or seek -you , mean t at you----....". • u in ,Any way inform, hini that I "1 mean dirt, / want tolielp. kW* *dead, and that .there is nothing said-litartiti. ..steadily. : cir for him. Farewell for ever. --4. " Id her in ter arms :when she Wes • It.liarksened--ths,t. in AO idle mo. little eltad,,.. oil,. hot_ mothee, raent,.. after he .had left Olive Var- in it, Very -Ion Iy , - lb no- neyi --Ifelinaii read - ovisr:Afte-4 doen.dent upan tut. ° Aunt Philvs. again. lie read it more attOntiVe ly tart legitimately give there *Mooey; than he hill-loite before,- hecai it, is her right; but I can rave them is beginningto feel . . nothing; ten we help Noll otheil" est 'a n the In "Ilut Iel-1 06014 -„never pay yoU 4015 , his r P -baet." - - ‘ .., uoc. Vhis 4 10; , 6,4 w ii14 be an hare the Safrisitketion of' 'knowing. that writ 011 wx 4istat.4eb owingn are:parr:V*4 *11 old "Have I, eiked that shall wa not Who seriously left that Miner ditta._ivvr in the *hatter; eon Ofin fort: ,Varnty,,, let You 'h4tire dot* mpinted,deat -11!ste-st,-- °ow* ;the 1,k,ineonihrten Phitip,s,*. who ith *test ii ore behitf mit *Weide, •wh been threaten moor. V * OUIT eardo. gat% Sera oil. . ' 'When with o writes, that ide li`eltriat IS deepli engrossed• . 'idea, he unitinettvett. omethin rentieeted With, -80,. in this 'citse Victor began serawl ear4tai, 11 oVct -the card-ilourih, ptai.n staid•nrics. rt wiv he enlarged that one, pte, tetihtntlie- s't send thereafter that word rubbc1 hthilders With the dishes and wines.snd even the name of 60 Iota.,FinaUir when hiM luneti ta,trio in: threw the card and bean to est. (To bet -Continua) trilk MU °so :440 MO:re, 0 li*yt with her Itoriei.liid„ • lent -so times . meitatile ,or torvousiclet nm ccvers alter ours ef la or. , Do not he diseouraged it attima. a few min ime er ear o a elf ensign talking -his own general prisoner."' , „ - got on wita a very'. slight een- . -.. . , Doetor Declares . Brat Ori intiteela-Blood. usimitris--no 1)G not =allow train," 'says Dr, William Jianns bit& and close the'. mason) timze• rie 'artat . ' . . ... . ' net hill the lep workcd. - Some time ago an !4 ura.-: ; xpres -train, inyestigation, uncroseopie or other. .•viiseiHean show_theleast difference the arms are being II -Likal'broat vo 'not put 144 1.tiu Douai until natural breathing is ser4ingtx went .own at once to ad. ,Itealt y ully ...restored, . 1 rt: th damage. The horse he. accident. But the. saint Isb.sweucet, of i ' . Do . not 'roll . the - body or handle longed' a ii, farmer, and, the ;repro- brain 'changes, is neticeame in a ic:.:01).:000176b. oity ., 4 i 1 0 .._:. the . head t,4, ,..buit. 'setinnti.Liitoeu, 4drove lp MS place . to see .whole Oast, of important chronic ,- • .4t r. ,,.. 17, nervous diseases . such as *Ai/plane) . /here haly&-tpien-tvio-rscerit a o ' itt•- it 'have. iteureithenie, ,l4steria. an pole' for: the: sib'. , None of these Shows ' po t.mor. •peak to his iilieuly-zatellodjstislft companion, and he will be less ner- vous. They know each otherby the. men but there Isis decided objec. . -inquisi- tive strange horses, , A gardener, can almoSt quite an ordinary pair* Sce. the',horses not usually act in concert against him: If one horse shies or bolts, -the other Ito da' hint; in -factf the wildest colt is xed• in strong, double hatnots-4 Therc 'elltes. whet* oNpstir, d to bolt,- re--a-n-nntelfreeted' •e* 40,11114.0"ze the h_rtlionry meanti*, :tho driver ad Imitatt-tiwpulter- prineiple by throwing one leg. over the rein, the while he remembers the steerage;*sehlef,of this Ott is traceable & stable ituauage. pe pith r brain oar -of -Oro id 'in 'the r'presentative of the, couip' 0,nY 4,0. 'of a 'Perion raying instine-au&-'-th, go h brain of Oint ,killed in an. sTrikingilluetraticeis of the tact„ th rie of our tenvitar.clieracterlatie eh giro** the resinicitiostroti of tha,apparentlY trains that your '.46*.rnal-hrains.,-- J 4 • sTn*nC4d i, tent Matter ,,of patience and t. jumped over age, importer' e of ..'•----•.-, and that it SeVerartee.. .i . . doted up thelhi p, or, ,eeses. Insanity alone is serif...ma' h had :been ifilder :ana:provct tontributory negligence' 11,000a, thorola no,- getting med to we, tottid go into court ienough. Villien that dread spectreto . The,,Xew 'Orklite; saving :'fierrie = ti As:the-use of *man who wax - P 01. •work Of rottiftita zon taking: over a. to 6 jj.1 tli "Wo ,07 -ie -*) . 'on alki.008 treSP4'05$7 eil the. t,p,41.11„ jtoki4artiolin loo:oitielalvla itl. IItA eenoona,• - i' .0 *7'. At AtlIotie Cat/ IL Pan Iva* lit* ticLikettlei this matter .out of the s after '-hos- had het in the' tout* it 'risible ''''. ' * ' ' stead of- . LT•k.u.„Iiiciniek,",!.." ol coimee leltrtil,4 after and water- -twinty; ,.,01164 Cream roptillory.. 1°144ater1.minutes4worked sid the been ln "X* thin .ire Cart.: settle- rnental the end 1* working very ,°,v° h°11*':' - (14t- $. Other States' are now er... -wan hill Of ereani . butter industry * of our oreameties • grading It would have * WOu 'ereantegt:r46.4411 Wherever godingcroamlu _rittirredfor * len nality of cream received rri he one standat kil1e4 for What I'll do-, 0 Ana %hoe tli0 4 retumning home lat� 3roiafoe tiollars." , nnpuisory otto nigbt downrailway insm Was tom the road wa.s shadatilbolt' by the tem d 4nlmp, Who, not IS 1 r itts,lor killing Ira :ed nexing his victim's xelainted.' 1° chain, turtle • ' li, Iiiiivon*t iou to it * * " staid tlia ri t e than itt tI&ebr&fn theaii', the'refore, *ith the Catty..4�bl.t treattnent for this dreadful &fee., well as also Tor nervouS dilteases, °which brain changes. 1! ,the brats nian who has been addi menae dc,sea of opium for hows in it 13* Aft t ,aluipit4e. ';?'trot ytt r ;