HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-08-27, Page 2- • 4h..f.. • 0,-170.44-1W. ti,f4r 4 16'fflg , • .4.7,4-Itopm*:rat*trtst.v , • •'"orst• ' • r&R,•;...V.00•"0•4400**torz.n, ••-„ "But how utn Yo wr itt t ',filial You do net oven know 'y "None -at tiut txue," „ ,, „. , Varney ,,she ;0 .un fiff" , OUU• . 44/' wan ,4 be rude erioag again i,k‘ljicin camel" •alt to ask Said- 'iSince the "ori. • • ‘•,, .• • . a 04 ent..' • 'fcir 'ev bow you "The will eat. Of cOiirsei cern alone ti'ut • 1,2. r ard Al°/temetteonotlah. ande unlesB it Ctfl bo e• -re „ r money gain ii a dayaa a cow, and tifv in. that bad 1 certainly wouJd ad thad been savd '"•4 4,44 hat t %- r rae ,rhHft , curad nnl sift p4*"tnak1):QCPairl%; tbeinf ict,h4ennia..44‘ a , bh hnatt-liti,el'a;•'*. w*IYeil as 'Ilt.1411aTU plungeaikd titli can,' be.done to sustain the ewluireing P0011. eleetrle baths and ht and uality--of the fleece by f she COntinUe, yen b , liere is a pen and .sitict. a • give me ' sonto ,iwuresa r - • can write- if necess*r rhiipS."' - Ap At Atood there with the pen In his hand, Smilii*g. at her,.., 101' coni014 iu,ord eke that °bleak that orly. skY' aw4e 4 night, thin . „ 0 .father had not even troubledto. ' e'•a. thin - was Then,: Iv t: ef* 411 *-14°P lll e Sheep indu,siry, must paslertgers y ,ide for me after . Ivo 11 alde- up My mind te, 'Cvt)e Alre Pal‘ts 1/V4V, 'Oita corttelitpltemaking to ..inost pos. Mitch deducted -from the- rice o .thatf -40*-00-Use• • go awaY`i.- tenderness--ttreti V1e ..1-Inat 400 One rait tankage.. antio out of, ate .difiore-nt, pro: hvs vasaage. if he deeiintt tato his n instrument oniy4 445,,,,e4diktf pro intlitsage 1,,n manicure rooms; arti. n. sin IbroVO aside. ,I, I ;Me back sagain. re GI'r t4Ittb Pat /*it a (lar' ducts • • , meals- -in regular dining-roonis; who T,,n14 e- ont,e \ were the the words Anne pp 6 ir the PaPer from her. As she start- rAa114. that; Xr' lake; earn .70.1t word you Sal/. And' I -IranlblY-•asItr' 44 °It' 8' areet 614 c°111 tbe4et ixt5t034 tho irtforior helPg Lucylaugh ,atr, toe,,, o it is fed, "the ige. •It. is not the Man 'rho cures, his teph elones a Photogra hio dark to twOINTO*,*, prem ToggiNekw -TAVO gOu flee, . :ens; ihean, ' • lieept; fhe..groat tp Coniniumea-, 'In, ini.xed 'ef, sheep the best trot, With. the world at ' TUB' FEWIN.0 PROBLEM. _ . . The .probletn. of feeding thee no • ersons•Who.tratel-on the drt letltrci:stitootep.beile saudd(14r:nsis3re:1-tri 0:Lbeei, itdniutiabs9t.pbridielagi7!.laaclap.;-:irv:e13.11,t rti-A,.•h at 111,4;1:7fo,;voista wberitteroitnIts)ti,..btttten` lith,eha-ii .0 vatx id th r , tated• for a 'moment, and sriate'hed 1,0 you,. under- elieVe you j: I "believe every t b er wog- . 0 in er. b tia •H'te excelletit th 't., / f h. b ' 4 to..4 it.. 1, a 4t ...,...- graie's may e - , . , eteed b t o pretence of the su- 403 • , *.e0.- a e - oun , o.- , - 07 „yottr Par On., N** ,-, •,-.** - --t— ' adVanfagef ,. 7P-114.4 ration,- -g.voll. Ja ' ' ' Tiole4°-trflh,:ur'14dor'e:tk6Ptr.i'lan-84'1Y41:13:11(11:tPort;I:p!"ttl$7).back '101.t4P174-1-11,41 4147AleioiVa$ eraaTLI"ti *44;Ythirtill ATJAt.S1141' *be 1-milttorripour41:41(r:15id by "artylreellriuer girt looked at hitn steadily,. without.say,- ,that man laY fa°61' ntrieklY. "When' caztle badk 4°°. --the •coro belt. Tho tnain' thing is * S persons alone to prepare and rorve fog a word.,,„ "flow did you .00eaPe 1' .'11,0tr.ulost Luey;. found --to const,ernatioA to have something to supply flesh- d ' CARGO 1)F. 5111,LIDNAIRE 44/ know1"0-n- UOw, .xoxL,a'nanaget,kkSt tl'the world lilt() ' cthe' .real Aunt had been IntlItiti material, A creep ehottld • • • :the tack f91. the. 04.4.see ma 4411 _ . Atte trt t e Af; 0 0 stinuner' • The l3nrpIus. :the "t"- .4)bittia. ''`Itlr'en,!:,,•,'L,tettAe. of .PitY i)ageatt ' tZrfilli--0-5;4171`7. . , . • .dredger Sliz. has .;coxiiitieneed• , dredging Ili -tale ,and one dav, 7 0, ° .t01111:1Silt. butte • , .. e of the 071.1, The value of crabs Ian cd this season:between Cove and unibar •••• ' • Th Senegalcie thetiis an. U1Cr6W- linhurgh:-... 'Exhibition APO fait learning the Euglish language, and Can sing ".ScOttish,•songs. „ Gifford ikheconling„.inPre.Topular very already this Y0A0 many.parties.visk,. fte a serious one; It takes 200 h t Some Portobello or Leith dogs . • have one in for sheep worrying on aistrainny lgolf cours and ,• ,4re-4kuton . 471telief;.4hzt;,;-.1A.icae.7_, -;;th•gv---41.xgothoemitu4trw--, - • , • You ,roni warp ,buried. 'Ito?: that7h7pen,r. or liVftratTallitig ame oftrolidid t-your....namo-WAA,:,41444-AW444K '111111r t0-;,11:$0°P:up-thC.4par4.0,0r.,-0, u406i.„04101,to tho habit of using' it. III° 1,40,41 1541kts' two, and had twice the strekth 'Thorp is no aonht that„„eo_inie_o?1, t it if (iller to prevail uPoil tl-ree.er four weeks 'They ;in - - puz uplore_eoming you wrote- a letr 4- - - — out- one-xnei reA14:• I feend. ...She kilo* What 10V0 aattrantagi, in sad* a pen. the • of' fresh fish 000 pounds of.smok f st that has been experienced for-, ter to a young and innocent girl; friend in the -world. A poor 1,ittle -was 73iake ;robe, Patobed up. the, amount or tankage f)il.meal or - fth 8,000 pounds of fruit; . threaftennig what you would eve nest whose name vever h tory But 'hor shorts may' be sligbilY violet". It jutereetin idea of 000 pounds of 4read many ears 80 far SS crops are con., g v ng an ozen eggs. eerne have, that lettr3r-and tile writing g r nv • re. en . eve.s n. " -xite f- totted Chris. realty brought, that they make slower growth lab- the EllermitI of Flee/. five tea° ass°11ed 'Yeg-Itablcs; For 'the first time in its history *- 14, 000 uarts of beer and 2,000 . knew, was ha.toporte.tai,st fs,eo, Rushed' with a sudden p•rido--• possible t,e g-• et little pigs so fat , I Id' be avoided. They, int-nonster. 1 -''•,the Cheshire Rifle, Association has ' quarts Of Champagne,. .1,000 bottles, elected a lady president ux the per- . ' Cathcrino King daug , • .yourself are bold And strong The the time to be bolding raY Y e saw the • attached to my pro- iiiero together again." This slto writing in the diary of Aunt Flops is entirely different. You are Olive PertY; orie elainiod iter and theY "You were. imleed Putting thingo elfauld be fed so as to keep thelu 4 ilie0 When the Adriatic anchar • TerifibtAirtiltr-lifir" Na-rney, who came here in the_ho butlecther 146 .01iVe Varney. w ht ' a 'nOY " said Matins' healthy and Strong and in MAO. oskAtto*:- *attrtAillhtmlturApiiditiOnitt,dt.4:4== tfrai#VA4/1:114,121/autiariotr Varney," .344. akt °gIallwohnIssl'Ifee°,0zure::, rT11111144.4.a:re 6.a°°1- ' asahlual.tratk 100 gallons of fres tly; X saw that they would that I :grew' afraid, and weigh from 160 'to 200 pouas at1.411 au 0. olir 4,,,) nor AsSe aboard, too, that the Poor old Six MOnths, and if they de..there the officers of the White of 'Donald Cameron fell ill return. • t t e her no * ult * brio in breathed easier. ut vitten .she * "tie milk are used, efore tins is touched. . f rt f the ear., wit soug o ini a o hat 01 ve VarneY was dead, 'An g gr • $004‘0 minor supplws are broken iug severed, hill jugular 'cin Varney..'Ile ,s' she _-- • al ' • ,,, • 4- -Not r know something more- libout yout" said Idartin Blake 4r,4Anger.H. went 'her, full etermlned to time y 0.re in' 116 t-TO-a-ftt-tWn Alt I I' - flbetter_ — * • - • • • 111 - . 10114.t.4 , r.'!*ri LPRINff , 44 • • nrt,t4,t*,,,,* p. • , . , . • , , • t Roo 0. , , = ▪ sternly. "There is some,!trieltary: 14*a -00ittte agt -istrarigeri Asa in her han s what money 1.1110.0tha..• old. • When grain is very ety, all hand from the prosid_ ent•, case of emergenc:014 ' tortoise has * Mzss She- looked all round about et,- nee n The VI YON m- nt to Min ryk. arrive ote fin r ng,„ truing the hogs .after, py are a h ad deliveie in goo COO tO art- owner,'Aral how/it .caine• be if seeidng a way of esepts.; then 0'3' A certain Aunt..PhiPPs. Son10' and with: her last 'breath she thank- car old might be more, practiesible:. tion the most valuable carge. 'that Etr,RoPtii*" =WET,. to be there-hri-'4' -my at( • ' Are you Olive Varney -or uotr. ; to, f this that I don't tiiicterstand yet. Varn°Y, .084,4 Martin- ."Yott seem could spare, -and toe beg ler to. go high and pasture plentiful the P1411 Of th.e 'company 'down were- think--..tompany, may have to he fed :our. . PIappointedIeboo: ao, loatr t te - ental d d • 1 ea * to d a he 'T h * ' si* daY4' • argot that you were first intro- f,•4, 600. and to tell.them the *bele a -growing the tram' e first and fate:- fii1-4 • *. - . . les, in the neighborlicott, have failect, suddenly sank. dawn Again...in her extraordinarY fashion on bad Malt' ed Goa tttat they had never ltnewn Many -farther* tarn their fall shoats' Over a ship took across -the seas- The •SeeretarY for Stotignd • „ "Yes -T am," Ithe whisper. Ag`P.,(1;„.. 'Meet Aunt P tli'e ',truth, said - *that trim er,.0 0 rl in the spring 8200,000."000 .American This has been a big year for ihair td; and covered her face with her -`4."nat' "4"" t'6*-Ika cooldent. and inore fitted to tope :with es passive ellovins them, .to get tares, represeriting $2,000,000,000 in roPeen travol, denote the :rather te0:10..„inguire Into -the methods of bands. to her thgone. eidty. than sb.e had ever .heeri-was their living' trem the -pasture dur. invested capital. hard times, In 19°5 "367 first- breeding and keeriing -xouttry in 4, . She came to hies, the news left her Place. ig4he left me that ing' the summer and as. soon as 'Each* and every rriillionaire 'was class assengers sailed for•Europe the Highlands and !elan $ of Scot - at his fortune 1,148, Feame to/Pll'e same. house, seeki4 •iegsgy...Aelf t Olive wile had. new cern is ready the fail grail!' delivered as,horo, without dania. fl -V111 Ow 'tor . No the num- laud, • "Olive Yarneg,",.. 04s:id Mart.cion. Rite 'was gla of someone time litto -with uite another le,. . 011APTkB, XXVI. - in a waY'ln IvithQn 'n101* come into tlieiri)Iivei but /A short feeding is beguil-ftnci continued um. save to his Docket. Of courso pas.. lier *AA ingP3043.0.d 809aT.hi093,. Laot on opening 0. parcerfrolitrOilas.. r til ther. ge to. market. The argu... sage on the big Adriatic costs real lour. wais 1,00,24., s Year's gow eontam' ing a hat the other day 'Blake, s- low voice, al3 166kia• htrImid.oaril-alnetwago--lor- -Now tart understand,?, moot ja sometimes advanced that moneY, and -mot orte 4,4 the- roillion. rigures cannot be raade up until t e 5fusselburgh man found inside ' at the shrinkirtg wornart. l'Olive and I outdo a eOnVact 'with her tha r„ 131-aliel-now -04.---grower40.100,30_4,t, - r,,kett_and Aires eseaped for less than *5o, seasoinine!reo.stimAuv,ZAtter:Lesntsipriot untiok.in 40jedi,,e_otHotv7blugitnbge-yt,,ogert,,i Irazw,--supposed to,liave,-tlied-and lie bidden...m.10r pier n g° to be safely buried; Olive Varney, the elockinaker's until I ealled Give Varney Warr 40lia-..-1111 yea; that ttoo-for-the---t-dr Acrosit-the--"pond. - was placed?Akistrong healthy frame produced w x Winglike paid -Emu -11- Airotte•-•-elrerrweek.--In4h , at y takes on f urcone a,y 6-01 -whose-letter4-hold here, threaten. fol _her. „_rt, yes a more 110Pultso Aunt Thi ps Walt$ dead -I watt" left, ,oe son- thus made is cheap in cern.. It *as an iiist•iring sight iust,fie„ the bi sin 000 persons travergutlieg the se6ve-rail, lorer---sailed.. from N00r d d of her na-mer-JI fertilfit-4-4alt-th-e Y (11' p 6 , tco;-tuany firtnerisliaveletrout-rt -kw -430331Prio, _ h e_ ea _.:co wto by r . • --'-..:tlitii,sroarnArir.sp:rinigif..444„.. watUttnimeg with bank_presidents, r _ P have not ; indeed, --indeed I -• 'You- "t about the business very „bate thaVii *by' $011 found met t'shoatst rzree it6s-Of "44V-71--at,AttirlAr 131-00- uy more, so the go o , ro ave na," she cried, .sPringing* to taref°41' 141$311 Varriey-And Fate t • tg f tho to* m The * chants lawyers and others who 10(9 `Persons take. first-class PagAago . , ou rata or .. er. re 18 • have the interests of capital at To L,4uropI e to say nothing of the ad- _ her feet and • faoing "You certainly (Played into your hands. ;Tr& serry--rin very sorry "'said' t th th t b t -1.40010 ru • In ate =garnet' s, . • anlit-TAnders for A mere clianee,, You might 1..hsa_trusted,in t th h Iv to t. th heart Atter the wealth passer'. ded hundreds of thousands who salt 10 110 0 es ay ge . -how I have fought and struggled have rinameAunt Phipps first estimate Yeti, 186 .arnii°Y; most MOney out cgs. -- 0 .. . until of 11 :r., „.,....._...., , __,,,,,...:, undo what 171161...i. began to to...46...; 3,64„. the. end.- 1,,thfink_Hekte,n4Ataire, hiciikte'tlitivl, traievetl-in- Yew.' ---- - rst place-sheattrivill-M04e-no.-- a. f : 7=" ' diiititInieVi AA 4.:r4:4°)41":"4116r., ' . ' * "And now I" $116 leo)ted up at ioular_joill_on.„..grolotion . ' w ' , i ed aft •to east' off. Custom self, -and had no-thought:4er myself, oinofInOugh_.3.- ' 1 Itto to ?.t, that ...Y0u. l'Aut...,withLI dawning :540;10 :her is„4-111-:. 7.failm_broralt0„.a..naturat.gtoirth house .'agents were ` aroun to see • or for what my future might be, in dono more:"!! i . . , . face. . • Pasture land. tha-rir -Ptodii-C4vifi li*s '.lia_tnit'itiii" ilriiti-140111i-mio:-t-wero----0-68.7*.-44.. 4.: , order-that-thisiirl-Asight -hie---pr ' Sh.41,-,i_Wkidi 1085 to where ne. , • *ore in 'our More than high value end:s onl,d he used to Ifid.tiwiriilliottaires aboard taken. ' • . .. vided for. . I swear to ,you that I Stood, and looked': 'hint: squarely .in. obi.. r 46 lee that -yol-Triiielite ,-, the. best --ad, itantego, _: 'en:.: .0,. : a - .., sten ' here, penniless and friend- the fite,; nig/One though then "Wal, to do your hew: the failure. is -not i hogs .go. to verket in,- the fall when would not. have been allowed to tail , losti,t4 ,,. . , . . that i waa. a Pity itasuch a w an . your fault. . 'This seeond litindred.,..0e..bum bf the . 119g snpfity-is,nlar„ ',under the .-Iiiiited ' States registry. _ _,....21Ia.zot_41te-,peunilest,-,iit.-1,stst " haul ,,:ktimixett..1.1P,IC,tilteh gilltsi- *undcgiyArito Ohr_rkk.,*hout Whie;h1,ka . -Ara iiii.) ,trjee_ is usually-ithe .lawz ' • • , • -'' '. — • asked Martin. 'As for. the ' rest. .ness but he thougEV,of. ticy..au 0 tad 111****Waa that YOlir-nT6ifej;:1; loweitifihre71.40t17.-beeedie-thi -la ' ___,,,,Notai.lig__. TOO Wic)37.57,'•,' ' 7 I don't believe it. ' You have -mas- isteeled his heart against, tier *Irk' ... queraded sitccessfully all this time; .had Glue to- wrong the. girl wbo . crItts: Don't think -,4 ,th..i. „,.„ Itly•-it __Aremsr: _-..thim. .thic docto ' ' 0,10 4ict hurriefllY. "That's '.itgaintlieivy 110 11 are nOtIO- DI1101;* Xearly:, alt of the ittillionalies' ' only by, the merest :accident have. hp' cen his friend 150. long.- , . -:not'tl* point .01 *AL .1-tlibught ,,to in demand iit, i' , edy, 0,4a no io.„. , , .., , • i . I. digcovercd who. you really are. " -ill youlisten to me. patienti/, , run sitar; 40moithera vitt...ni the -ger beinictlio.top ,price; 1,12.633 is it-8106trt3461ttear thetti,>tietkhe,iotutatathellbeti, , 7.. . . . 'who knows bow ranch inisobiot you: tot *., moot*? i silo **ed. 1 .know mat world.theres.-Worli for Me tO 410 Way ill .WhiOli ali 11110at can he, ahip,a acconahodations, which' real.' inighttMte--WOtke# 'mt for that -W. you have found me, out; don't you eidental diseeverY. 've found 'Yeti understatd that It:mad-My-telt ont d_t_'. littiteato,t*ootelitit,'t °g°:111:41‘h°-41:44f*Ist--.--1111, Ileoladid'ot:,:0'ittatitfint'llriittli4 ta4Asirixritn° II fettii06611,''bilcatmrdecrans".firth-a-6611thtanedivetotte til -ii°' 14". '- ":"47::" ,.•11-'fV 'you- can tip ;kit ing -Mere;.* ,...-(ittite' alefillt-tieve'iintl tig014-7 ; ' - ' *'' ** lifitiW.31.---'-' i `--- '..-- --.2-..' :'.05tVg,riist. A'litt/0110iikea eorn, fed; ' , ' hiort.flt.-ivgitoPutafroa; -21' - . - .- r - She 'lle*t hitt 111000 ngOttier; lie'll**: lailY whilelbeisboat.kare on eIONoir: ak.lvora,, Oere.wiwileflungztoo good. . Said 'wearily. "That doesn't 'MA • said eol ly. • .. . ter * 'htCittAte rittf ' don'ts wbat • 1 ' ."/Yhe I first . • , . , lestil/, and paced about the studio. , rat ..ori weigtit, at so astonishing, .for them. . • .,, . • . \ cant .'h"e, Mr** .0ortung 'te the table- oti which' the 'rate and quickly puts. the animal , - 'rho ore*, the food,•the drink that • .. tooant to .do up to a point. it isn't Maki; *t 1100 with that mad thought ,:tamp .st00,4 she partied:441'm* lir- hi Marketable condition,- No bile. it necessary for *Oh' an important' . - 'MY fault that - I've failed to lt. in my ',mind to lion the, . giti. - 1 ...ittouttityl, . while gartirt; •Bli,e kind of leia is. OA good fed $1006 as 'cargo presents. a latter-day Deo ' * ,itinee.1 , started i I kept sternly liefore . me viiittitert 130,, Quito somit, x,rota lis *licit combined . with One er ,two tem. To ;ate iarlan iti ,*$.0140, , :ha , "" - 4 ' ' ' • f w . - "I-AtIPPoise not," he said. nlli, in' alt that IllY father had ifislitt°4. I *Ural &iutritien. sk IltvinklItd.i* 'others.. llotly ,grass. Ana ,tortv sto: stupendous. - • ,. „ ': ••• .. . whelk i felt ,sorae• to).- .uagod_fterr,;,thero _was. a 'graowing ttsantai via itwolleritihoglee0._ !but.... . . . .. . •• Ott 1 , ship ija, to le: derstkrid her meatting.(111‘, - e6, IlhOlild dd.. 4 n,--.....- your ciiiiii-Wer a i e, , leS •• ftratt , . • ' Mira ion in 11M0 . . either it as gijod' ,••Oo' , . . ' ' ' . ' ' ' PaY*--this4or • actly. Where we stand, and Whit '''''','"Ifiiii'-'-'-iiiit ---in .-. -3,Q1146, 14111„ 1PitrPO160:* :In:, 1:11.67,,..),S7 "0.. :a' 7: .7"...:1."-:y1:61h;gise4eXII:31,_10111141, ±f,ii!Lytiti,tvt ..tii,04,,,., '''411L-jiit:Itair°1:41 'iti.°11;i:614(11+401111"ttingiug::11:ig''' tha,haeriHdti::n641;11 tniinttik, 6,.;oftAhitni*ge.ris.c fast u 'Ill grass.t:haetitiltiittletottiumna ':tt*ef-t4:'hrleti:Athd.:*l:tttitt"'risr 11411:1°;41*1 *flo,','' , '7_ fi lioii. to ,0,11,t4, $ b*nk (TodIii.4.4 ,iitier.. ino cried, ali, 1,,,,:: 4344, _ .: , . 0 b.,6„,.:oititititted„-:y.,,,•,: :--,-,- .--:,_ -,. ,..:-:.,,t--..:-': "'---,-.--.,2•!--*.-1-'.--:: .,..._•:.....-s.---, ., ,01 ward 06 onee!,,71 . otito., .,.. . lortw testssiot..iting: .. , ,; tad. -,t.tee.i. itact to.,,,,,d6, tit!, light•trungt. - . ..ditioner; - •.' . %.. - - . , • , • . • but she-, .gets. there. regularly, . no I „...,, tefor6 it ltill. Carr., „...,,,, Iola Airrt....,, :,,,,,t 16.14:toitorinT,Trris glad too In*tter,410Wtinaelteate ' • - .., . ,,_. I. .....„...,,..14................0.... _: . ,i,_,, . . _,. Howl's ,stila .flotito!lta„ the Visildortlistoria hotel a - ,o.: •' .. ''. +',''''Hiteril,,C614.111:: t'4iilittve4nii'vXi' e'4,y" went 'that Itaii itte-Ttrai .' - : ,ztig. oLoyg is -up.-- , t , bou,t, toot ma Ititthatt ia mrstan 'and you, have the' Adriatic. . . • . „ ' • .. 00 moth" •raereuessiy.. !,•you sent tell Winn that, 'because 1,', felt that it .,,,,,,, ..,,- -.„„t is' ..„.„,' 2,t__.,,_,' *, to.t night with a hit tolif right where ' three blocks Iiissio"r.ricistettz$:, intereibtsZsr is 'Th ''' • '' t * letter to a • young girl who. had. 'would rItic tha levers: aplitt,That -Aso* N. 'mat .'"'.. ,ala i'''',-"L'aa "i' ' X MU4 he 40'04 I OM, tired 'And' . Inches* n and, , her moulded' rsev* harmed you. and. whose- life ;wits )vhat t had begn, 'taught, ,in my. Ille IGetueir-Tor*, ' , - cwt. ssloot...its tooth /ditooa, .., , , ,.. ,. , to ,0 feet, or *bout vs ', ' * ' • , has been pure and sweett'an4 good. 'bard . and narrow world; and 1hi Tile joint' custom, of !itliroctikiiiiiiii "\-..,Don,comtiel, tue. to eat ut-0.0 oils ;, .01. 1... city •house of feu, " ' You fling at ,hor * foul threat—" taught me .aotnething..eltai. I saw the. ult. - at lloolton tow just been . Ulan 1,-;WAInfk Or mixing it With . istore7S. She tat MOOG ,,,,,„her*et ,,, ' : n , 'Mr. Nikko, .' . . that I was failing in what I had Uri.. observed'. tr,ho teem" n,. ebtainea the' oats. .1 know better than :or 0 et: sua h .. ' ',... . f ,rtpeatite..,.*, foul threat .. Toll i ., &II:Matt tli0t0 th010144 I ;*Istlie. •triiiiit At a, tide Icon 4,120 10ta 0.f tha animal . ' ; m el :t 'is- , . i6eit iitt, ;lp: fth4e:ttrouttli:. , . , , .. . , : i L.::.,,. 4.-..44.0„,,,,,,...44.,. _,, ,, if: i.- ..,. , „ ,‘ .. , . 'tile . n her father 00iii*; ,ittilitt )1111C*AThr1140.011/ Dil4,110. foie still, r ' .. 0' .0,-,' . i . 77 . tt‘ti 4'.'oreuit wi,fh whitkisho .iwal 'Was, provitlinglor Me -.-paying for 1,11.-ostoo Oar - - ' '''' 601 of bygone,14*Oul4 110* to>6".. - . .' ' r eoneerned. situ, are to:diat my. :lodging, ,0.44 ;Or 'what I ate, i; dews.. , ' • . . ' Porn -dank losoause :X • : ors. •'.'.•••••• ter -.40**.,•*04. Obit her •life" - was their ,ertemyr and,1 they.•,*etes Oat0Wii triara„. in pieta; Ahkt...**01i*. Oa 4601 +.0°04'. litill ,, . . - - . , !-I was. brought up, ,Mr. Illitie, ', solos; inc from ' - . ' lia- ,etquit wafer* and outing a' polo" rn't,'.-, :alit --. -, ' iL , 0/ billeitejbat ill** ,VOtt Mi (IOW : tboit forit.9 ,. - ,,- - . ..dgeorated4vitiattity oitersutd*it. s. , moil t*.luP 'the* - ' ''I ' .. - - . i ition . - ,. ,, 6 . ,i a -4 ' moltOtea ,14.4 lett gilt model of io., •.450.64,idont Iii .e. vow, tii4. ' . . .. i' .. untiks : '4 ' . *."1' tit' -stole anti maybe „ .r.'.„. ,, .„,,,.., , , ' 6 A Don* trot- rii you 414 . !Olt ' POO .e ,n• g „ Put on ¶fkurnb T e little customs th-at hocoute, t- * time oo ,out 11Th4T' • t as won't tell you wbo aomeedultto be v'ea* ICAtt-'",00040000. 14014, 1110 MO thing 1"*.itat saKl * that *40 Ode* * Wit * ita0 taught 40 'curse my mother. to h' ds4. 1 wM reclu6ed 1)te41110 threets",AftAinet the strait," t it. *gain.Tt was *aa* Who hs4WrOnged 1 ft1.. that moot" thst *lint** ‘' ' 1 till thSglore Is OQ%tt4 r* tlien t1 tbe • to 4,giove will imii Tds groat ciniorria doktealiwirgo"wolitratillhielaeJi Tiblhate"bam " ber full oomploinent of passsugorl Vilna-- Sir -911*1.0-.-Lodge is -Doing to . Increase the rield; ger',f3,11111a401.ewlitrittnntlf".a*ii eiplathodnation- of the statements which have been mule. about Ms process lif-eleetri. ;thirty; yearearwo,inatteierne-everi tinent,s4 frying to eiciiiiiii`the Aurora Borealis '57 imitating its appear. twee, produced high tenSion diharges and ei_senebtidat thectmtd_thriemugall vouum tubes. Some of these exo. greenhout*Asia-40-,.-PrefestotAtot-, ed that. the plants seemed to -thrive exe-Ogidiiiillyun - der .-the treatment.. Lately two English fentleroen wished to cox,ta duct ,similar 'expoitnents with the idea of atte-aing 'the " growth plata% and they asked 'the' aShist‘. sfite.Of Sir Oliver Lod Atisk•s s. re With 'crops to be treitiWutr of wires on pOes, about fifteen feet origins. The. ring has -Tirri4ran - placed on the right fore -finger, but . left4hixd..1Mgest :or in'scime caiett-the grown, -first-- - Put it. on the thumb, saying, "In the name -of-the 4 c ntinuing, 4‘Iti.th6 name . of the ° oly Olfost" then on the third fin. With, there it- remained. • . The bridal vcil orienafe$l • ' yak, yerir: until all the • . .Lhe polcs by. elaborate.,kteilsion ins's-31401F 00-conitea • with'a generator width supplies PositiVe electricity it a potientiality of some- thiitg 1ikc tv‘ hundred thousand volti..1Leakage occurs immediate. and ;the Vhstgo,fist oft the wire% Sound• *Moll is sometimes audibte *ritl with * 'visible in the 'darks' Anyeno waik- ing ,undoneatlk the Wire* ',Can- feel, the effect on t I"webon the face. As oinp*red witti - iieid• Of red xv,he* •;is increas�d 40 per oat, 414 ''w 00 per; cent. • 00::tot b�ttcr flout' , • an ete rled piot la fro* _fttfhlieLeerenienies were r. Itt tb* Anglooliiaxon wedding ceremony ii(inare 14003' Of Veiling* Via held -- ver the beadof the ,bride to- • con. Oat her tottbarrasstnent. , In the latter Elible days, 'during' the period lietveort• the:betrothal andthe wedding, the bride„rentain.„ ,•• ed with her friends and could conn- ate with• • throng e- rl,eu groom." - - * • •• 614 Jewish eustoni o . .'handing, to • .the-pureliaber_ of 81108 . as a token-, ofitirrinder-ar-renunti.r • 4. *tion.The..hrida's father gave .or - , . shoe to the husband or Ore* it% ' . r ,ter him to signify they surrendere, i, ..; - -.him. ill ; authority , over: : ' -. daughter,' ' - 'Wowing rice symbolized f. .. ' . ,./..-. fulitest,and splenty, from it*gen r at,distribution, over,the world.. • . . . , : . , , ..,- .4 ▪ ' *4 " Tbe Britorltrtinotit la India . is cionslderiti * project . to. link t0. othatthe rivers IUdus, .3helanit 4 , 4