HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-08-13, Page 8OrA
twenty.five' LadiesRafn (oats, (N3
Orie$ We
Jnst the thing'for any woman*
,They are rafn proof,wind, proof an
es were 00 tc
our table you tak
e' Elia t V itb rtla
.tWisa ik
o 9 t 0 11
f: Gflcrti,
, .3,0, 4:14447tflit;roo
ot 1t3
I ...riji 10$0,)0'01",,itorctst, v.1811:11Qt 0e'rtakOniilii, i.,)i
tt-he lulttl
at, cacti holosaio pi
$hirts at a Snap Price
NII*V6Yr.' T1,47,11./r.
13, 0014 :Fait c9als,
ort Blazer cut; regular
•On the Remnant
- . . e
Or this week, about forty
ends of Dress y Goods
Ends from tX yards to 7
• yards. Every end a great
bg bargain. Ask to se'e
' Wei
r, ,Prank J.
t expects te
Avest.. :
0 A trip .to
vo next Vtdnezdny
Mr o4(1 INI:tai .Cha. 4. ivi\igatonot
iolvett,twIto, *4! are:, i `r. • John
k ,
uys3t e pretties
4--•• ittp-spt
floral ...decorations, 'all gold traced. We
4V0 6ity Toilet Sets: for you to select from,
lith the first showing of new
all jackets for early buyerb; also
fies FurLined .aekets in
mote* attf.74 i'Ar4Vakte e cerrairuy swei
•-,s,4 ra,. Geo., -,--as--r%turniet
from London whore visted
friends the last threo vce .
.,,-Tifr, and. Ur's,: /rthur ),iissmore•
of 3,,,,:bflinn• e -guests -of
tect10 -of whole
will ensure
t •
ality Greatestr
und Spices iscpmplete and
0 ors'North of Pos;a0e, 0 e
ult line of Groceries " new. Shoes toreverybody,
civrt rice
• i -
. and 1rs. 0. Sznith, , of -
Paton op Mr. and.Mr. John,Snelt. .
.4trt.' Vicalticei ' and , daughter, of
Detroit, who were, the guests of liar.
:and lira. D. firsundt)left IlliohdaY for
their ',bona*, ,- - , - • ,
Dr. A. It. Rittmanrctuncdtten.
.40y olteninz ottet Pendin ,,tcni
de3,3 with his loot e D. it. woo.-
,man at Sarnia, , .
day night aftpending
ay with her, ,grandmother,air.
orient% and ,Of
Yonsollk were the. -Ittletits of ints.R,
- with .bis wife
eats. Ur. and.
ovin untiI tho ttnnstoes ' and .corn,,
re ready, for. eanriliitx,
, ..,„ .,„.
Miss " Ruth Dawdeirri*
lims last tot:1404
• 0. Livingstone
was here over Sunda.'
wim is visiting her:
114 4110 Ilawke1ia*4
eanntufr -140tOr
„ hea---th pea tutelar*
_slightly -rusted- tins -4 -gallon*
appies for, sale at 15 cents' per earco
two:: for 25*. at factory; Alto the.
pa strait' at 1-5 cents for one iliorse
Ioad 2.5e for two horse load«
er re
e visitingtimir
nil fare. • a" seph Bi
thiswck, the l3th,. ttli and l5th
of August,- Terms Strictly eatim
. • ' .
the easit.that 'gets the tsig...hotg*Itm.1
Z. 'MN Broderitigv '
. . . ,
-,-;aiiiiii:14ottio NvIleere, 100 VeARt ilk.;
iting ,her, brotheft antirlends . bare
for three veiks, has returned her
Mite Maid Ilarnessi, who wiltremain
for A week rik ten days. a, r. Vds
u, rinsff-'ildtilaurfrelosi ,:uniirodamuPaidloredr n' and 111:
'llartiess•-andttriog_. Uri, .Z. X., N
1 tO Toriinto
Mrs. , liv,,, ,ttartows„ ao dituatter. A r4iairtes %street ltivart .1.4*gue
- - I -held s, successful ice cream, social -on
s. v nig •1:ce cream lind.re.
o ole
cock Orteeriee
the oiatikin
4 As o on on ovacia,
Atidparents air, toot,
Mso lanos
Slight* used
At C4reat iCedgption.
tobnor o complete
Ole oo 110 sone
1141.. 1111 11
ris •
e 4
aleb°rot.: h wa:to.reProltuae:tooleleda:41;..10. °wouer, •
elwrer0p..101' eip4elit‘ .440
rtootioai. •
Nobel left last Tuesday for several
Aelekst-visit-with -:friends-1
r and .1fIrs, ThOirias ,lurro
usynoit .4. a ,Irr$1,!--40lee .0"arro
sgreen• ',visittilt„the forinee
-totiSintArer---134syln. d'Oues-,last Ivrea
. .
1 0 ° V ;SAO' eh ter Olt
6 t-.04
tS or
att„trereyonitiii,-..Ave,extatmint-vhoe_tteimill, 1,-.11•142/18. LI:Verne 3,33-k_ou• warr.ce re.tu_r,e_d:Ue het, ti.Onte. on ttfen,
• • tr al. how t '•1
• 3*, 1 40t-I0L4 raft '241400
cek on overy:Artielee-from-ivorks-of
hoet ,artitit4O '&1040-totbe -fflOve0
'Maittilt.grestir to your edloitt-
then' name and address and
vre An I malt theta a,Sarople COP3r,-
flntt�r_Tubst, Oil *Wee, oloe.
Turehlore, se lir
coo"' 1;te,„a7 6141,4
1 A
thsr.--Vatt-V, isited fxlindi•in-Lon.
don ilast week\ , • ' .
to 'visited friends In.
quehih last W
Ile-it:tit ay' wilt be Wends)
essrs AIf. auCc/aince Waite
left .,taondoi.,,:tnarrittig ,t0 Visit .relat
',They went, by soy
of Sarnia taking a hoot 'frit) x*11-4.b0
.11.ake ' • —
+.40* - Realm ,litthett, of- The&
ford, who was at the borne
of O. • IltiekWoods, Exeter
lq • jeff.,4nrufey....drening----tor, •
th,--laborli- Sy.
, target. tildleY,. of illyth, vbs.
Ited 1.040.3vn,,last Week.« '
'11Ormali. Creech* Of -
gra' is visiting his parents. •
, .
...4htt., Prank ilawdepi: of '1141.01161**
Xicaltitin .was taken
4,ulte ill 'Thursday itiebt ota was
confined to her bed 'several days in
'---tons4:tuenee. She IS', tiosii" soinewhat.
eadreii rorfutefest-and-1 "
ormatieit,oss delivered, by
Sweet, !Miss Olive Item ..poss iptodye
atiiettir lira Wilcox end r
former 'Exettritet o ette..
I 'betr-SecUtikrthe contrac
:2/7/50 Oro *
teat of I xii
Fare $10. Dwhere
Okete wilt, 1r
Saak,, ,,and nter
diatISPOIntO on 0 suP North*
weent-Peemale beyond those pp
to ThlmoOtontricluslveN, The Gput4
th only, don track through thei
Wee.- Through St, Olair-Tunnel b
' ei ;xi .di
mediate istetioni4 Firm Laboret's 4r.
:tiotote tlekot,'
how•toprocore, tbis fire 'from .•
the '0411441iiii Wartittorn.agento Ticket.
will alio be iaued via Toronto, And
1' Ry, under ertaJn conditions on - -
. t4g7datea,, OVA:fro
atationg north • Li e.TOrOnto
to Sarnia, Tunnel via 8tratford, includ
ted his4rdrents loot lweek;.
Mrs 411444 of Viriunipeg, IC/ vls4
itinft ;:his aunt. Mrs. W** Wow&
• 114 :Otte, litoPhersoni, of Teronteo
arent a few 44,is ittit'iweqk in toyou
lett. will:441'ml.. of "Detroit,.
visited, his brother Ales A LAW doe.
,lait week,
Miss Ileetiloe Woo es; ot Vhauloo.•
Is the. guest of %floes'
cTb ran etottoLliSLivieltlaeon
idderildo harm, to the Orel*itflI un.
*itestgd* '
and - iNtro,
iteil 113t nffay.. with Wrs,Avt...
!Edwin,: Sone,
110YA: Geo, Cobblit4ick oria ' wit%
1.91roodittook,ar visitingr •
Jolt's tither, •
C as Lindeofield ami
f*xzilly *r Isiting' Mrs. Liidcnfie1d'a
M and n
ss ,11. to Cochr
nrrott, bExiter•291or
Spaeltrusni, Of Torentrif.
/went u.rouple of. 'days in; town'. !set
week. During, Ws' tasty 11,0 took *
run, ont-tor-rther-L,,Beitit.-40-4isit---OtL-
—flev. 1 st16-0:*1-0-Atlitikilirng. tor
flook. A 11, Going, durIng„the litter's
abiteuee on '`,/ilic,Aoicitleit, mill • .
thing. pulpits .,next Suede,. Nwith
illtefr2u..dttertt,tp..eowf •:tunetti,i,tortidolatztliset'o'
.Oottipy the pUlpit af the Mein etreet
church next Bonder, 'both Mortiing
end evenings' Itevoll'osit taking tbiPege
of the services at Vullerton.
elle& ellon4d bring ,Atient in this'
•th in .order IA serum %radiated
• •11-ALZW.ILL..-Androw/ it.
nburi left
till to eToronto.
L to ibt'w
wCrc be ,spend,,
tenaorx. out 13404
den lietrweek 'end to
dayn:the gutal 01
t. Lawrence
milli` it.
04 at rio
Ow a t
3. Attbeton,
ni)kine of
tho1, toll
rIver Avon. through the ItoIrrie.lilp.,0
'The- "..itentriet-.-•
:success '.of. the inbi,
whicb is to be firtislied7by lfhottriber
4 -
ight belie proved -a .very
serious acci tut happened to ' ;Oise
utning the rOrner, t'tbe,Wein St.
hutch thotiogy slipped on the 1ilt4r
Ing• -the joj hiles,`"Dowio foot 'vas
held:Tait ID the stirrup. intl. she***
.4ritved gailonr- for about ten
rode- when. the Datil went. In on t
sidavvel!i slid Slippingfell. allow
bomc Ana It is *Inioira
Nhe OetteVeylthout tnrtbet inj
tes then * estatObeitlir Viet. •
• Ttio044 410e$ Ur. O. 'IX .Thiratinj,s,
4Ist birthdor and it *** truly' an In..
torooting, day for him. As president:
of the 'Exeter -Lenin Bowling .Club
ho Wes dp.'bright and tarty, to meet
the Goderieh piojer* Who -oatine ttoWn
00: the *(lornettinith 00121
sedllintri•riti Genera -,Virottetik tlix
ond eaW• that °.th'eftii were
;trod for, lie oho:. took par
triplet snit mode,a 000ft *10*i
la* rink. '.1:furitirttl*. evenit
.-v1tolf-A-tionibet-34;1r i
n t; kiEttVleg--COWS P0
Jere nrisat°1;, 8N2-';etv131,1.reettelitstl:
the •121_14_tri:,'edLstittfloikz,4*.r41_
-4x;er-, • forTrtlterd cows t,211.150, ior
JisrseY' cows for sa/e. .9i1nst„ he sold
to 0 room for other stook,
oimer ot.oe-riei stook Farm
r4:an. re pet
,epare,04: r4:7,ott
0.txrplt4ii- Ottiitcrrqe
,ave your 'orders zt:th� mW, they
will promptly to. attended
11_01 Jiltinilire,„vie Strittard,,.
Sept. Ali
Moist of Orrilli o
AO Te•
For triAketti and fait foirormetioa cafl
3. .XNIGHT4 to-,Agen
ar write
• DePot, Ont.
wl,th Idol it the, Win o
iiSist In relebriting the 00casion,
the root style in. which/he Wan
toasted to ire eel s u 13
would like to Iive until
elebtlitte Iflit 00010.4 ,eitory
Mr."dittraen sports motor gen-
,of the teivw.ond It: Is througb
bis untiring dforts thit
11$ kleitt At SODAS het* at all. He
• $ the tint one to **** wi*
nit 1ub, anil *11.11000( be at
It for s nurnber of ,teeto, '.h* finaily
• biltinig one form
Went of th.
n Club tbe VLt*l
soclat1oni. An
his 'tyit 'te tot it. snit
ot untetrnetet. and, th
13. will, A,'
tilning,143 acres.10 ..d,wellin
barn, one of whcb het bitseroont
stables; On, , sere orchard, tillreit
Ile Solt is )1; clay Ioasn, Is eietit 0
weed*, *01 underilloinet1 and in lit
tILAAA state of .otiltivition, -rot toms
O)T0.4...opplAr:, to dt. kat,
rdr- thiv-hour-- for -..
Sebool chose* it the UlkiA street
c 11 last Sunday, a young. .lacl
entered the church through. 000 0
the windows and going up In tlm
ods of tho church stole ft•sum
moloy,, from tho e011eotion 'putt*
*huh IAA been left.lromthe morto.s.
Ingoerolo* •.
bouse irlotat tbe torn*
Jame.setree sr, helot)
Sovereign %Are
nd Oartlbulars iippl to
an. ef Cotoroettiep,'
and to st
Ivoik1ng Qri
rifled oil
Ube ran
sin god
d by tho hzirnan hp to
by wb�lu dtaii* will
is tit, Duties to cominenoo
as bon rect that '
ratar woiild net! bo ziinn1
alt, In spenking twIth
ane .1 th concerti, re or I
ciititod that thi
III be in, full open(
thof son. montiferoen
In a very alter
rbcfl hey. *Ill begin oPerolloalt
• idently, started „itiwin
when.It be.