HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-08-13, Page 6etriever k 'owu. 40
tThe ,. co, 0 h
e AlJ
initer 0
radIey attibutecl her good
t4 101 to. her, lifelnng inth1ge
"There's only ;Timmy and mo, arld
.ct can't. There's -there's more
un in places where there's a 10t of
,070) don't You, think Uncio 3001
t t
but Uncle.un d. Be .4
the hQ1/1.. .frou-ruiBh '704.
he_.sug e .
You need," said 'Uncle 'Joe,
not too hard, tent barrel -
vet, a ohingle, and the backof
wood-Bhed." -
et opened wide: •"Sounds
"Yon got the barretttav.ea, 'and
till conto:". out and .show you,!" re-
plied his unole. • 7-
, 'When the ;staves, -the shingle, an
stoyet,, and _..stuck thom in
10-truridgeTiiiite:Tif Ti.'ito do
apart abent. five 'feet out from the.
..wood.tlied/Thett he laid the.shing.le
,acrast, their tops; --The •fourth
'stave he dived adorn neatly for a
third of itz length, and then wag
red the 'cut part tit cloth. -
"Tim* the bati". be explained,
"and .the Cloth is pet on so ,that, it
.won't hurt your hands." • •
said Ted.- But Uncle ••Jo
i the'bye, was th bigge
'kri, (energeney,
tlOUi. ,e t) ever got together by: any n
tipn, although the United Stat
DS once bi fair to igoia it
ter the eivil war
, J1eTtur
obod k'
porfi rens
nncr at one
a.nigKt he returns to
where be h'orkt \until the watchman
'pens the gate for him.
44111Sr* 1.
P -1111,01/t!
thir bet c.o. vallt.
no Ist-t
ante efliorgc
iro, howyor,
of thc treasury, the reaultant ava-
lancho of dollars killing, and tezn-
porarily bt•lryin."--, sever . anhiP
,00,1143.), • r,
Have iitted up Libraries .
WI," -he said. . Then -he stationed
ed, with the -bat, a:yard-in iron
• of the three staves and the shingle.,
" • he explained, "jimmy
shall pitch to • you; . but he mat
stand back of this line." He mark-
ed a line about forty feet from thc
shed. r "If you miss the ball, an
knocks off the shingle you are
out, and i Jimmy bats. If you hi
it, in any direction, you must run
liabl,--and Yon
got as many rlins as you can
akirsTritifilierornaY 044 0
• throw the ball so at to knock
home base with the hall. But if be
the home base, with it, or knoeks,
if the -shingle whil�you- are
about fouls 1" sulked,. T
- eit'SJoirbali
!In thisgameonly wood-ehecl
i5 on timpitelteris.side,--tenember4
.crichist than
who had read books on games and
was Neeirrtittiti-4.4b0rrttiiiikra
like to try it." ,
"You...may..callit, wood...shed...mu
, et if you fike,i° answered 'Uncle
Joe bus eyes twinkling.
ri .„.:.;.40,::,.340re_':Ltha
- liteitin , O-hot-Ond-red-fee
ea nephews • met him at luncheon.
. into* ": id itgrOf i: he **keit..
- .'"fint aheadI" 'Cried- niiMir;-"FiVii
runt. I" , y . • . . ' , . ,.-
only liftioteven,» said Ted, sober.
1 tbo olifte ft:on so4:4JL - t
en is the game over1 -
ttii •the ood-5hcd is
redot": rode .ZOtty- again with
the twinkle' in ,his eyes., Youth'
• it net absolutely necessary
, who recently :spent
African forests
re not so noisy find "talket
* e re those of domestic life;
are.More taciturn that the'
This its mainly due,, ItOtil. e40011s, to the 1.40k Of ,00141
se 4 etitodie.lobito The
xiivero the *illy
uze * the otter c
Y :1011;10b.
se 0 it* The/ *100 1'010
t, seizing their, p '
The *nZu 1
sins in of other - an
irnais. The erill
essien, *itt
sp'eh; while -0)6 rikeys ati
, ;-persisto atterers, ittalino
'any hour, Atttight"the Ott
40k4.011;1.04, cini..41tiakWe en!'efleufhtYtieiti011et;
$1,1ggl0t, •
"Why, 1 1111,y0' At natural
hereditary,might say.„
er *sea; a with
Moreittle1ives arc
eholera, infantum and stoTnaeh
giver romp lior-slort1,3a to�
froquently nienus that tlie cliild
weather 'months Baby's* '
letk should- be kept in every borne
wliere thOTA are innallthildren.
teasional dose of he TitbIeta-will
.revent At bowui.:trou-
the u e" of this.
- ttjAy.,1111,4. Renard.New
0W) .4400.1, 13a)lt: "000 ,o my chil-
dren had a severe • attack of diar.
rhoca which BOWS Own Tablets
promptly. cured. I know of no me-
dicine. to good for stomach opti
bowel troubles.'- Sold by medicine
dealers or by mali - at 25cents a
t froro The Dr. Williams' tledi-
=, ,Nefttitroodywao4,,,,,
tia town;,In CLn*Id&o11k
en) '0.04 403434O4 114.011
.pubiloPt1.04431V. $014',04 aI
. ,
.It. at
, .
' tt
. 0 gl,be controUedbythe An
ixonrace has been tho most
, in gold, having produced
ths f the -total amount zninek
OF; . 001:: s AppOTtuflfttI 0 '
,ftlitir groVt; tn &ntl T1frft1
,Ntrioto.ni 0. , 0iO4., , ' Ott
' 04 ant ;$41 tot -0440frit its 01..0., maw tuottion
g *040 40,. jp44,,,.1.00.,t Cotiolot....*.m4,4i.
1 .17100‘; vysToorittouuooato, -..
a„,%, . .
:.t...•. ,.... ..
n4 .#1;*'1,1Oultif •
ife Atti
ARS is offerod
peopleQT MEAT •
nans that t, te•
e------ .YDEX1
VIPTY.T.WO DOLLARS cleery.yearl
as long as h0 or she 14\es, or they
eon exchange it for a OASIII"RIZIt
"Beddes the above there is a it
ond Cash Prize of �NE HUNDRED
DOLLARS, also other
Wet. tIAI tat4.41
' ,Atle*st4i418titt194,,
Ideal Location
U:lcesandstyJes &ozn 4;12.4d:to
vi f'W *thaw'
and tl*rnia,. 4 0 the
only Qoadton 00DilCompanythat i
can furnish full nfer- it,
mation 101 regard to Card
Catalogs,- Charging Sys-
tems, Furniture and Book
•- Information., sett free o
• darge applieobn.
• .
Llbrarylkireatre Candor -
LARS .oseb.
• • TriretitY. =es .of FIVE
..sy that is, I've allie DOLLARS each, and ONE
g atat ne Iva* ever aheau •DRED. caoh prizes of .0m4 DO
nankin g doe ,ohndr0P them."
etttngi. is 'a .consti, LAR each. • ,
u• tional 'cause, for this , trouble The only.- -Condition attaehed
r/4 ui the " you cut out the bottoms of the
or Ontr* sun& frw to ItuY world jtin,"! ,singt the_poet. feud- them -111-o Ot /4(
011t, with full instructions. Sen and luitbago, :which is so comuion package counts equal ,to °Al
--yet4111:°enhei7rar-96nuttivrorlitachlre.-4::iu t nova 4*.. poetry.in -that. the -smarm. you *liettld, be
way. 'Don't blame the child,touch, for lt renders, life able to win one of the above prizes"
f slelighto mmediatel
II. IL Orquiere) Box 1,00) Wind?' time 0 nature makes the whole ma G:s .4futa packages - and
• Bu poiher- her -successful hotne-tres wbat about the touch of rheumatism zingwa, The bottom of a J •
Near Thattsrs,
.Csntr4d Park
*ad Absolutity
Pro K0'4
itist, re, trus
ir Outlde'rtsOrttt, sogii toz 110017.1014 •
HOW 0,W arsjssoot *,,i,040(01010'
1144 OtitatiltDatal 'ArxwtiY ogotig vioo4s.ra
attnent also owes adults an
• 00 le troubled with b
e ief when an application of D.
friends to help, you.
omits' drives roanaur name And . v4address.
-.Everything he *Ants will come•to
the man -who waits -until he tloesnit.
• They Cleanse'the Systeni
oughiy, P_4i10010Orl. Yegetatife:
•lls-dea 002.,
Chilious ifiatter; cause tho
„ ragmeKivittine-that you
gave little Bobble ,a black "
reessum." "What excuse
he, provoke 0214' "IIo bit
:State that you are en-
tering the'C'ontett; Lt is surely
worth trying tor. •
• .
cre y o unpurt,..
and expel the deleterious „most
from the body. They do, this with4
out -pain-or --inconvenience to th.
patient,who spee4dY realizes their
good offices, AIS 0600; as they begin
ttg. . ore m servcd with
- :
the Aet .-don't, name the
:PukidliIgs, "Besides, you don't,et,
tOttago with 'a cottage pudding,
you know." .
Cupid"used to 'aim. his dart at a
cunt), ng look, at f;th-
They met am_thef_street,_ o yoti
remember mei" 410411$* say that I
do.." "Welt, Lust -0040u* ago,
asked you for a matchat
th• is +corner. You ve it to me /
- =Mt,
ally burnt the house down, and got
Aho *ntmxist
glad ,Of an oportunity to reward
you 4' t " ".With an-
other matelt.•
crkk aisit Pa1 W.stsoollEk17
'Om* Owl 000tiiirr fowler rsootorueerhatito.
.r.e.fteit did tho wedding c�me off
litritbOnt a iiiitchi1'-tiCila4
to hear it7-41,1-iraidTvitEeint-& lilteb.-
The bride backed out at thelait
Eewson-"Thatman Scalper has
-notursi1--bent-A0Wardt • *TOOLS--
tidn." nurne...-* "Yek , and the lid
time he bent too 'far and 'got
muse yesr.-
ly they. were ffeted to, the
p• iihlic, Parmdea's Vegctable Pills
beearae.poPular beeause of the'good
report they made- for _them
That -reputation - has ncI
the now rank among the ;first me.
You. cannot 1e happy.while you
baive corns. Then' 'do not delay in
gettipg a bottle of IfollowaCorn
removes -11
.without pain;
it is unknown..
while yon
.1)rolten ,
with sni(fle.
• r Sitt during MY hal
" o• 41a -meta tin
RL habi,tli. tit
'Little BO I
,ti..-fititter'tliikyonrie sit
li kj,11 tiont$-
' lirotirttes O�i*tS *11
Of, 11 '41
com lointo
than, OSV4r 11 goo and the in
numerable complications to whioh
theso ailments give risc.,
"Dot bey," laid, thenegro sadly,,
40 h0 ..progired to 'administer • to
gplitaini, Resits, his (Alia&
spanning Br the list tliiee ill':
• ghty boy.. EEeS:do whit�
sheep ;of 'de lanti
Regarded as one of the z
tOpt ooippounds over int
ith which- to- e
:how s, . I
tor: Cordial Ikea won for itself s
.tvputation that to (Akercordial for
e litifVoss-rW' s-r-spfirt-to.7—Vici
youngorotkintering from trnhotio
complaints it" is the bestro loito
that ,con be proeured.
_Tbc Bankof„Efiglind is empowcr-
cd by its
cliartor to setrany good's
et merchandise upon :Which it has
ausanced .money, and which hoe
• not heed redeemed.. ”' •
nelp 'lot* Children to grow,
is and robust by. counteract,
ing snythini
One great taus of ditew in ebil-:
,Aren us wormL Remove thim.with
)father tirivele Worm
tor, It nevet'1444.
this buil ins, ve,col
you • •sell your Ilute." .Seon
Fhror Tonant,
you ' 1 am ope of a.nothr
. tee, ' and was abut' to come up az
0,51r if we'd sell, out boll.
rento.; Tr
ntroctor„ Tor
ply Co,* Toronto;
'ink, Toronto*,
hy, Pat, there
drnills crthe."
it Lord
ere but one
they. twOOk 000