HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-08-13, Page 5.Zisa $fnitb, ot London., t sober at Vairf4111, schoe4 flewLug aceSaintentea. .1),Yorsr, OS, »etr.t lm lior iter, tdr*.. freadytO we ,StOte ty 'pattern* fo poles Kilic O' 01 ul .Tweed,s m * ouzo e, bargann et 4ing1e anddOti, tad stsrica 4. $2,00 to PAOQ Oa** ZitiolOntO, 01101004 or a. rne extra .. ood. .quality. rugs* ..ojzes „ are c t montheat many remflnte regardlle5s, of ccst. tokeep atockin tlilaline couiplefe'w o zccure ,a nice Sailor 'Ask Obeatok TOW pattern,. 441°Zeils vie-s-Out,ffirke* ilreeveasonablev47 u will find our stotw is welt assOrted* oasonable goonet' 4 ur Gtocer.'tockalways 11 and Fresb . tolie ,-.1 me th1ti Alt iuj li liat Is .,..., 4- ' ,. e V' ta gli ; ;IR 10 ... st If i e , 04,01 0..,. _. _. . . , . ii A Iteti :Itt 1. vl 1 0: h*lefir? tt'ri'll, 0.t ' „ . , n tic ,. '...Ctittirt 41" ietnto. , ' ccs, • n , , vii..„4 and utting fire 4: met- at ber . borne .on Wednesday lest ram j tbeVoid.; Sottie .ef the .00 trieber: is . one ',.of 'the first set. to •bo tocerebrate . 'her 80th1,1,itliati*,. Iret h , .11$4:01,°t0 :At 4"4107,41, ' tu 0,-44 01,111,,00r0#4041,110 4,, 'vent on, lea lois Mith.. 0 X41014011* TO the PIO- 00,444t-Ava4t, I 011J7J.1:o. 44t s,au. guest ."ki.f' o 4,110, 10145 Ptitttilein:i*Nto,#!-4 0 -+ , 01.1? . • o er, , of. ontIo : • i } .1", Atta i r44 * „ nlit1j* nO Itn# le epee, 'e, on 80,0410Y._.' . low, ---,74144,, ',-her-inotb --_--, ,anft441,m'll:11-41„aotH44$' no* . a , '•11$ 9estrioher, .tho est a Igts .,,._ r, o nce , • -leted , ter -Itulur,o,L..Zieter,,,were:.:tLie • '.'.s--Vs'._ • -"tffrai4!Olvil .1$ making'exteni, s a of ,#ir, Poo, - Sasery. 6n7S t repair.-te hibarn, . beri h• Acted t 041' be . 4:04 , • Mo.. •Wiss. Lydia Iiandford,; who hear. been I' s.- .1 .., _ I.Vieltiog..1 mod* , la ,London- fori. the ,, Air. whos.: tawson. Aua t .G org 1 PoSt tWo ,utoltot luts returned 'borne. r.f %Ise ginnic, tionderi. or Otetert was -.the guest otiMISS1„11.anClia Smith on .,Sundax, . , , Dinner -ware,, Ohina, assIVaree. peice.Dlnner setiglorelY Olt se regular lea.$12.00i It wi „yputO,See thembe Ore s Wo will pay jor-tUitt weeks den -Vert for. Li-VeTOhloketi*-(Weighing no it721ilti,)It centa Per pOtind; a: per pound livo weight., ing,,satietted.eusto t 10'00 nowentiPort:tat iteverthe ghtu o best cloth, tbo bea4 veIla5-tbebeetof ,) atur41 'it,- we OW - -a sOUadvertlae; n sk price for a' oult, coat troutters.' oyrcoat o eek-liffintliA10110 a `e'Verytbfng #11#000 t e beat padding8. the,,beat thraad he n�e4iSt4tat u to our shop 'w o *owe to reap Yoll,,.aa one our customers.- can prove to you that we Jive u Oueere, Overcoat, "nor ;V:00 tbtjaileletirblevgassid. Weare. givng a discount 4-5:ppit-c ott-votilL-Atttust,--ifit-on - :White *fiVaistas of which we ,1147fe,, but A..lirnited-suP . , e,Orev,A10, 4004 $1.OQfor 75c, $2.25 for, I ,liZut4L; ino and Whibe,.43toodifto. go-nt 06-Alaine-xedOtiolm---Bee out, [aplayon t'lintiltkilljaitOtt'.'Velleatind'Illtitiline now 1.0c.200 and 20c White arid oYbred MouAl tosizeit .t0 ehOwin a .d line of Print at 100 h r d -Have but Short ends of th-e.se woes- '6f .theeked Mercerized Gingham -a hick hat evertApOetitse.; of silk, somethinz rievro. 11e tiler price .20c,Ati - • . is ot tho_fintst otadi..raada.,forAs-putrocise.- just-as-goda and rustics like silk and is taking the:plOc“)1* silk for Undershirts tgs46-11Wiexcwitte at,--r-5-:per. yard . One liammocklegular $3 for $2 bvmenie Cloodelwe are oleo giving snips and *bowing men, new: ft,tingo. rnw Hato, but a f- 14”goInlIkitt"4"41414 a Su mer Yus „received a ne ttifti It'nanYihadeet to choose from h 01 kepis In abundance, 011S; cesu.rlea for tlittpretent ofe iI'OtHST MARKET - P1 tk Intbc, mills hes. .4, mks, mt„1.4.0104i, e-fooeu fEigmtliisesyt."'110:!.:0* r .sel!-Sdritr7Preelt;lir ‘40,0,'.4t. the Itayato Garfield Lawson &ipent Exeter. and Mrs. .1. Preeter 4-tnd Pant Augvist,41!,, itrit' of Zurich. .0 ent w' Or. W.• ark' s returned' home teame s) leavingittO, r • .m: week' 41entl/orreit,'I'OTe; anit'4.14&-filtt - montou---an ,111estra. Garfield Zawson and Alm return proportionate rates Trietz, latenti-leavina-lortlw -west toother'Pointa Western, coneda. this week'. • good. for sixty 'days; inforination. .110st of the 'Indiana have loft for frein any. ticket agent of the 0. T. R. tiler -parte. IWAS systop„ t • Wished lost' week.. Crops are good: :A large ante bock of iv opple from Dist oit vilitet1-41t1r.- --Dan. IsSeisattc-ein-SnodaY. . good 101 acre farm:On . lot 11;0 ferget 4110 Orottuie )40-lt I Con, 0, .1:I./puha west, bnmlary. On ' ' :.nof*Essimorts iUtjusiovs To. mottot.18;-, fiaelratchaWant and: A.lbertn.....411.' via.Phiiiego.and- 1st,. tut tide Oat Alber.t.„..gakner n tor. 4.* brick hops° and goeil out bui d * 2 never fai1Ing. wells Irmo 01 tlic houao andtbe--other-at%-tht--ilarsti- rch arm s well fenced, 4O� rOldS, of twit in _00n: a few .days Jost Avec fencing. This farm must be. solid oa bir.; ;Pante, lettnning-hornii Murat the proprietress. will give up „fartri. eVertt "Monday in town.. • ' 'lag. , Terms ea*P4 Pouession ,at traMIA. nostard And less .04.4",_ror luttbor particulars apply. en-berry*of the Imperial 1001. At to Mrs. T. agate* Woodburn,' or to Grand l3crnl, pent A few dor* itt• Thais. Cam:axon, Farquhar, 'Artet,•-, Abe Royal last weelri . . . Or; and:Irks. S. Deland and tam- *, Nirtio Ixopeo '60,04 visittnPLart, and Mr!. Math. Welt, jett for -fWboa*to -111-teidal! to "resume his duties • ehietiof the, fire department of that reae&i, Sandy . is a great - -favorite around 'here, • ettrprhurimrtrimait en A Michael. ItiOMPP, on SaturdiY, 'Aug. Sth Iii honor of his birthday, About MO; of his-friondit-irsseinkled in to .00e.. him- .4e.....1.4.4*-reocktd....the,--00-a- yarS'end iS' *till hole an4 bear tirr,- We iwish+'him,-a good, iyi-roore,-77earrIOL-1_Talrh'ofid ri- _ .Aremikm, Zur. ick, and meg,lrintr-vri-s-:-)E7soiltb-,---o tietroltiworteignutbxe) govUorsrat cetisofttafr.t. and :. Mr. Zwielte_rhas installed a new his premises. 'The piaebitie will clean Tho seed or grain is poured Into a bin through -all opening in tho floor Anil, is carried ,,..b.r.,io,n2,,.t.lerator, to tho tateond floor and /rota there feeds: into ^..thet maehlike,„:„Mter pass. 7irfaebine• it la car... 410 in a similar 'manner by another elavatai man, can attend :,,tri_th,o,AY.holt inc. :where -al before it took at leas two and :Sotnetimee'lbroe betide t a the work, The Machine 15 oper- ated by a new gasoline engine.; • 11, James, Manager ut-tbe- Jaarteition-litt k-of-,Certito e cc"r has returnedJ.Tanount, outing R. Graham, who was r1ievjng, Nth 1 ht .wao ."-:111,11.0*-41 other 1II. ItoMe 'fn liamittou. lotion 'sitpotrt .t 1homas Cameron bee re0obrod tD8t to toil by pliblio auottorf tt_ C1311TRAV,DtitEX,*-EXETElts • at 0 VXtXi-Do"Ai.'c,..,A;om;tttr,00 OthSroTifillso, twiln0g02.v.:4 , ..,.. ...„......., .... .4 4 44*42-,4444444 thr- 4-110 4 4 riji-lt All ..0f...10t.10t4o•I,,J3; tlo- bsrno, 007taares of land; 10 'acres are of good hardwood . bush . 'the„-httlitacels.-in„„ttrko&itallfol-Or: wing fait athaat, The property • is • • .40,44,404,4,trane4-00 good IrAttoo... Win .;be sold without , rere. - iiiire; - liiiifm ooir particular* . made 1 .i ".:rarepihart.,. , • • .,' .1 :k.nown, on day of _sale or 04 aPtilica* .1104., 40...g.110tAtilk,.00410rolli. Auctioneer- ' tit _ tlaese,'dap. ,:butcher tbt rlireik ite' •..140,'Broltivno ; reditenit N441t $1chert ,ever Orda7i 'Oita; Anniber our,Ve0". le spent lea Sunday at the *Dend.l. Tr: "Tiomaz Vdighoffer for...ilea: ThOY . are daIies. We deal ask you tp 1)00 but ou 4:1401 14014 it.alter I our , eft,.t.ottey, _L a a ew men In -11-fhitterif.- resy pon' tall them 'the.1 mottr.,' fimV*17.0;0 Saturday afte periding. ,,Week or to at- his, imam in Spring ntimhor ot 641,-Teral 'bowlera went to Zuriett. last 'week and PUY. ea 0001able a'AtitOir 4dOteating4:4arich. 21 to 11. Vb,*101•1014t10 playera went fromnbereatilessrat-Ooetztr.'4. • lOrmahop Eialdbottei. and It. Tiernan. tbitr: Gco. Wainbeltio.. of 13.1Ythr Ntio. Ited here a -few days with Mal par .-entaltist-.1week's . Mr. Arthur gellermann rertcbe.I n ores ng-sermona angeical ichurph lost Sunday. , t Itcrt.litig"waivOMr. n ,La_rinelruonvr0761engin#3.:1fo0#10 :in , .00r and Henry Ste:4ns and, 11). (Pfaff' feeders. • •'Mr. and iMr Geo. Sifimitto of riOrt- on ore visiting:4kt, Ifelitts and: Milers tientl.S.tawubmu.lj oapt.'"rieufe,paiit vte- oro Mr.• Arthur. Ielleratann.' will ' take chargo of • the ieryietiaat the'. Zurich it Sunday(Iliri the absen o pastor; ,11, i bier.. - You grea 4.Vintt by baying hither or thither mos acy o .00aurno cada ntu b adbi 0:131,noygaoitiojr a ep t t:pt. 4t1 re :Got otivtipeeki bargairtY0it See 60' hear tell of- , there ntjnetattruany and lust -as good tsour store. Our barigain-givon is not confinedto only kline or two but; its- spread over all and the bar eine you get in one of our ,presentatiVekbr the imany °there we aro LeotvinPi' fecee of Fawn and Ten'0010r. ed Otteltret)etti3O-411:110-841:4-°'ciliirearto+- j:losteelt itt..250..,tdi., • Fano Muslin 16:to2octs. far lOctit yd. FaacY Gingham ;2k to iso., for 1,0e. yd. .10c, for Oe. . - American Prints - Worth 4e. for 10 pieces of print ,regular 121c. for 10c: es Ito ndersk rt regular $ or 01.00 each. lea White Night Gowns matte 1-00 for $1.00. each. Tolfee,galbroldery ,corset Clovers. 1,04- --gular 50c. for 400. each. iea Blacklioselpairfor 25c. Ladies Ton Hose 2 pair for 25c, Ladies Vesta Mts. each. * - pargain's in Etnbrolderfantt Laces. __beautiful, _mtg.° of- Ladieit Belt0r--- Fancy Collars, Tieet_Olo.yee,..etc. 041041:te-reOebratell Corset. ,::,,,,,..:.--...,-,*,....ialtnWitIVE„,-,+_...1....72.,,...1.7a,.......t.,......., Out IS,talls all letigths.(elighty ruatte4) get*. per Pound* r Favourite Ohara} 1 Peerless Washer At bargain pricee 1 Leader washer . - - 1 Oatamock regular $2 50 for $2,00 • id Long handle love ft A Troop reirlar $1,25 for $1.00 !Mt. :-Blue-and Cheat Skirting* re. ular-121c. . for 10O, Bleached Sheeting tydis. wider for 25c., ;4004 Ootiona 7voritiiic, for 1.0c. Yd. -0-4-13-104ehed40_1044nensak fa�t glvin way te theg&htle action andmild effeete_.6t Carter's tittle Liver Pills. It- you try tbom tboy certaibtr'pleaso you . • - Doitth rerooYea -00 Aug. 3rd, 'one e the landmarks of -this Iocnlity the person et Mr. John Sharpe at* -rtbe advanced age of 03 Yoariet The. 40.40444. Waa,.._bern in England and valto to this country. about the year -1852- ile irst a caroro,.1-rf 14 sacra. Atter his raarriage- be moved to Stephen, where he lived on 0 -aid` beinestead, -roi Jibe thit 42- 6,1tarpo, di, 1 a_18.411e leaves to mourn his 'decease* . two son* and 'five- daughters -4:0N • of -Sfejilien-77fid- on Illr7"-libtireStaitit, bax st Scott,: Mat G. McGiIIivray. The deteased had suf.. rod' :for-Sears---trom-r-houinati in the' Parkhilt cemo er place it was followed by large _tiumber of old Jielghbors_antintoet Kelso, of Detroit, Spent feW. days With her -brothera Jacob rmil Fred' Galier.Ofth1 place.- • , Itanntin *pont a few 'day% it ntion---during-theOldlityya reunion, 'George McGregor, of Parkhill "men eVritia rat t3.-lieveltzeria 'Autribin e"releartirTeneetedeed.ct:OStAritlro alVelre:44jA601Vee: 'Oltourites barn woe , step*. ' and. caught flier Some of the boys being „near wienthed the flames after a bard truggbe and tome.ndiatiage,„ 12'44-* et bt O4ibintia:bell'ettotbr 'e zer a • acree of #0 tbrealn. y tile sr_heet_otiletro1, 1 n if et Oere....._ 7 Ir elrenzielitutelaughter. ,�f 8t, 0113M, are visiting With Peter Mc. let • ° lilan Emmad„ ' of ' Detroit 18 • „vieltin t • .TO, 1.)otx.nreL .,enjoing-itho liow14, I 'ling gamG this year. The' green tt in ."cicellent shape ,and many good gameAre i The Misses. ulin. entertained the s pttcti. AI Linger triage*. girl* and their gentle.. ' en frieada et * &a% roast 90 Mon.: (lay '.'-. , 4.1n Monday A Thukilvtood,iin 'It • ditin-tind-*et*-deleate es. • , . Afternoon -4344e on . r. Haber r. riroWn_., r. Maboii-- r, aioett Skip 33 nvenin 111 the -!1OVJibII of.i,..1fify; in- fhe ' • • County of lb:iron • nrolutt,10- an. ordat,.of, :Wirt Aif-40atteo,4444041t4,4te-titatter of the estate of rooter treodetwo tato llu ron, Ypomn, deecazed in an actioii Of "40)14.10Ttito## o. llenderson. et TIL.71e0-- ititrlie-itiffortit ty .ruhife Auction. with the appro:, baftot;, of liernarC LeuialThyIe,•43s4 quire the' teeat tneoter Goderich, 'by 11,1•44, stictioileer at the • PSIITItAtifliOntt .TI1Z,4371t0X4A013, OF EXETER. D Handle Spat ee'slightly rutted 000 et‘ Window Screens clearing titt 20et$ each • no,of •41' Bags. If You are n need of any li'onc.* ne,bet sure and see that - ou • ir LMlreit Waite regular 50c, to $1,.00 now All kinds of Paints, Oils, Verniahes, • 25e.toclear. , - • Machine nil. and Oylinder ,oil, We Flatuiellette Night Dress for Ladies handle the celebrated. Sherwin , regular $1:00 for 050. each. Jams Paints, they go the farthest and Flannellette Wight Drese for Ladies -wear the lorigest, because they are regular $1.15 for 76c..each. •• the best. - ' GROCERY DEPARTMENT Iba. good Green Tea $1.00 Korn. KinisZets.per packet. 2 lbs. beat Green Oeftect * 215ets. 21b. Pkg. Ammonia Powder, c. pk 2 lba. Ooaist Rio ,Coffee • 25cSalmon lOcte. per tint - Seeeded ,Redsin-aleret*.-pe-FpounaT —I -Porn and Peas cans for 25de. A full eupply of Pickling Spices. Carry Powder, Tumliric, Mustard Seedv - • inger-reotr-Ohilliesr 'ete:7‘-et0:- , • All sizes of CrOW13 Fruit jats in *Lock. Fruit jar rubbers 0 and lOcts. per 40z. Vire:handle those celebrated Teas, in packages Viz:.-4Red• Rose, Salads., and ue-Ribboarireen-or---Riatir and Mixed. In *and libe pago., -- IfighoSt prides -pad -for --Fann--P-roduea.---7----- . Call atna: examine our good*, and prices, :and be convinced that we do .a.tare„-advertim.- • " • PISAM900.0,0. 40 pranches throughout Canada. • laPesItal Attention ("Ikon to 'Tamers' ',13_9siness ssievo s ...unaounteskor,voi -at-Lowest current roatett. 'SAVINGS DepAirtmort . • - Deppsit....414,041).0.—rds-rece.R*,-,Int.er.etst-paba-priaded times • year, '." • Your locrvaluabliktoictio-lu • 4 elt from you, Or fainvalit ni risky speculations or with '4Oubto»,. tul Inatitutlong that se-of*eniir-the.ps#, have robbed men at their haid eAtn wealth. - " ' - • ti#24.M '401:0 Vionzir oit)nns hensending money to Any part of Canada or the warkt; rireeinher our ordersaro po�ible ratg, Our."Indnertoiluestare psyablo at par et any poirit in Canadaand:prin cipal point.iloithoiligteaStottas-.4143reataeitei ourteous Tmatinent. No 104p, • , Th71-)1" Storey -4-11ingitt4r-tir4t--ortnircov. e�l *r ot of 16114, and Vitt:WOO Oit*t : and beit• of f* Cal.fitY of Iltiron,anci dseribed as' t011ows-Voing romps. * jit.1110:,80111th,.4141L.01..Ight....muztlier Elght (8)-lit-t1to 'Oecond-Voilisesiteri of ,.tbti, .ettid "TOWAship of The said land cOataitia fifty sorts and is Well fenced ittn(1, drained. 'It la SRO. tet1-abeitt--4hroe-milt-*4rotit--*xt end -is within halt a. mite At chute 'and scheeI. On the ealdisnd are er. Oted frattio louse and, "a frame tn. • . SUMS OP 0,Att .,'Xb ort i11 be .Uot1 or t 6 A U41t bt4. Tho li 1'**renLt tort 'Quite 'a numi le are in, Ming t rsholl iie young i sto.tur trriagc of ;Miss rti Pe'rRnson. r'Zfotrtitti ,,14, 1l1oti r their i to tbe Oretli adto 11 only 0t1Uirett i titerest. to etiStrar tract of at 4_1)4040 thereof or evi'etioes of title In their oss,sIon. In alt *4 -the- ' ns'of?tbt ----146-7ffkirien':Xfinntog, of °extend, '11. 0,1* filolting relative*, and friends . Newton 'Mill/tont o' 5t4 Mato, loinitoei with Vit_fluadasti, Ma. Sunday teitb, vistas *Ale:. Couto and , byou m6-ir u---atele-net4:of a nevrithp. tie b4ite [ca epent udaft. 8. A. Dinstooto and daoghtett gte, of alai Citir are 'Visiting • the l-br" rniid st,' Ernest Parkin 11,10014 W.0100 4tItt s*ttOsitit 44 -Iter bet, Mts. IToseph %forrot* other4tof Viae tottirri' tro Lfl *ilea vtoit .181th ier-douttile 11 Lomn. /4:-• t 1 te (ot1ey Iiita ,,,r0t fr�nihe vtacgtion, wlth crlentlg' l3t *east° and London. Mrs. Abe Gzlbrt t atter "3111 n * 1 were gueli ot isTr. Itaz1cwo4 and 1 lClrkt�rt. *kir : Lotk vi ze es an tett Imo will 1a4t lin:lime. rtmnt of Iage Gates oxi band w1ict a and Colt Spiing Wite n�ur Pahit tOO Der cent pure) 'ingthbotweathc