HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-9-9, Page 8TT -1111 VIES 81 PT D 1iBER 9 To S. S. Officers. I am ;now offering a fine soleution of 8. SCHOOL LIBRARIES As the Ilisete. offered are the beat given at Toronto, parties buying have the advantage of BEST RATES ! Saving of carriage and personal selection in purchasing at home. J. GRIGG. r �,/� G eJ . Exeter, Tray 15, 1880. aciseseeiressimereereessowse pI u ~.i iftva� f� inteci. THUIh1)AY, SEPTEMBER 9. 1880 LOCAL NEWS. The Vo.taic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., Will send their celebrated Electro -Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon. 30 days trial. Speedy cures guaranteed,. They mean what they say. Write to them without delay. Auction sale of furniture every Wednesday at J. Drew's until his present stock of furniture is disposed of. Undertaking carried ou as usual. Why look shabby when yon can -get a suit of clothes for $14 at G. d W. Southcott's. Two hundred kegs of good batter wanted at Bissett Bros.', for which the highest price will paid. TEE largest, best and cheapest assortment of shoulder braces in Exeter, at Central Drug Store. C. LUTZ. A fine assortment of fall tweeds at G. d W. Southcott's. Give them a call, HTDROLEuNE, a new remedy for Consump- tion, at Central Drug Store. 0. LUTZ. Fresh arrival of a splendid stock of Boots and Shoes at Chas. Eacrett's. Two hundred kegs of good Butter w rated at Bissett Bros.', for which the highestnrice wil be paid. For a good fitting suit of clothes, go to G. cl, W. Southcott's, C. Southcott's old stand, Main Street, Exeter. Mr. S,E.Josns,has a large stock of watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, etc., on hand,which he is selling very cheap. Those dishing to purchase anything in the jewelry line would look to their advantage by calling ou him and examining his stock. Great Bankrupt Sale of Dry -goods, Groceries Hardware, Boots k Shoes,Hats & Caps, Ready- made clothing, &c., &e., at Mr. Sontbcott's brick block, Exeter. This comprises two bankrupt stoeas, all brand new goods, a good portion having been bought last month. The subscriber has purchased these Bankrupt stocks at about half the wholesale cost price, and as he has other business engagementb{ the whole must be sold out at once. This big sale will commence next Saturdaymorning. The geode will be offered very :cheap. The secret is we buy for cash, sell for cash, and sell cheap all the time. J. W, BRODERICE. The Rev, J. Holmes occupied the pulpit in the B. C. Church on Sunday evening last. A WAGON -LOAD of sleighs passed through here on Monday last en route for Manitoba. A number of cattle has been shipped from this station during the past few days. LI1snuut SEIPPED.—A large quantity of sgaare lumber was shipped from this atatic.n, during last week. Oon thanks are doe Mr. John Reddy, of Victoria, British Columbia, for fyles of the .British Colonist published at that place. THE Rev.J.Redmond,brother-io-lawto Mr.J. Dignan, of this place, will occupy the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church, Sunday afternoon next. CAUTION.—Look out for wire fence agents, Two more township farmers have lately dis- covered that they have signed a note each for $200. They thought they were signing dupli- cates for the order. BBOEEN.-A buggy belonging to Mr. Riley, had one of its wheels mysteriously broken while standing in front of the Commercial Hotel on Monday evening. No doubt some- thing came in oontaet with it, for every spoke in the wheel was broken.. lfN'taurAINMENT.--A social entertainment under the auspices of the Exeter Division S. of T. was hold in their hall ou Tuesday evening last. After ice cream and ;poatshes had bean served, speeches were delivered by the Revs, J. It, Gundy and G. Webber, A most enjoy • able time was spent. The proceeds amount - el to $21. FOB MANITOBA, -0u Tuesday last Messrs. I. Carling, W. Carling, and R. Manning left for Manitoba. 'We believe it is the intention .of Mr. 1. Ce;rling to take up land in the North- west. Iter. Manning took a team of horses, a wagon and a quantity of farming implements, together with e supply %%of provisions for his three sons who are already settled in that coun- try, BeAUTIxnLCoMtrvNnoN SERVICE.—The beau- tiful Communion Service purchased by Bishop Alford, and presented to St. Paul's Church, Hensall, is now on exhibition in Mr. S. Jones' window, in this place. The Service was pur- chased from Mr. Jones, and is very handsome. Excunsiot ,—The excursion which took place from all the stations along the L, H. & B. R.R. ou Tuesday last, was a decided success. A special train of eight coaches left this station at 7:30 it. in. arriving at the Suspension Bridge at 1:30, and returning left the bridge at 7 p.m., thus giving excursionists five and a half hours to visit the Falls and other places of interest. B.C.,'<NNIVERSARY.—The Anniversary in con- uectiou with the B. C. S. S. was held' in the B. C. Church on Thursday last. In the after- noon thoSchool children were addressed by the Rev. F. Whitlock, after which a Scriptural examination was conducted by the Rev J Holmes. Tea was served at 4 o'clock till 9. In the evening address were delivered by the Rev. Messrs. Gundy, Webber, Hooper and Newcombe. The sum of $70 was realized. JOURNALISTIC.—The Goderich Signal appears this week as an eight paged paper, considerably enlarged and very mueh improved iu appear- ance.—Tho Brussels Post is also published iu the same form and looks much better. We have received a copy of the Canadian North- West, a monthly journal devoted to the settle- ment and developement of Manitoba and the North-west; published at Selkirk, Manitoba. It is a thirty-two paged journal, and presents a very neat appearance. CATIIOTIC PICNIC.—Our readers are referred to posters announcing a !grand re -union picnic which is to be held in _ Mr. James llfcCiarty's beautiful grove, two miles east of Limerick, on the townliuebetween McGillivray and Stephen, Thursday, the 16th inst. A liberal programme of athletic games, for which valuable pr'zes will be offered, will form part of the day's at- tractions. Bus SALE.—The sale of farm, farm stock and implements, the property of the late Daniel Hobbins, which took place on lot sixteen, 2nd concession of Biddnlph, a few days since, was one of the most successful affairs that ever was known in that neighborhood. The stook and implements realized the sum of $1,025, and the farm, one of the finest iu the section, was purchased by Mr. Win. Rovington for 46,- 625. Mr. James Oke, of this place conducted the sale. We understand Mrs. Hobbius, who is a sister of Messrs, J. & 11. Farmer, purposes coming to Exeter to reside. SooIAL.--A social was held in the basement of the 13. C. Church on Friday evening last. An interesting lecture on "Ireland and the Irish,” was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Holmes. Rev. Mr. Webber spoke on the "Evils of Aris- tocracy." The sutra realized was over $30. WEIGHTS AND MEASUuEP.—Mr. Alex Mar- eutette, of Windsor, Iuepector of weights and measures, accompanied by his assistaut,are at present attending to the repairing of the weights and measures of the busineesInen in town. They have taken up their abode in Mr. I'llston's building, on Main Street. A HANDSOME HEADSTONE, —A grand pies° of workmanship in the shape of a healstone, has recently been executed by Mr. W. D. Weeks, of this town. It is beautifully, carved, having clusters of roses ou either side, and adorned with a handso.ne basket of roses on on the top. Two hands, holding three buds, made to represent ono giving and the other' receiving, with the inscription, "Given Back," just above, are neatly carved. Three names are cut on the stone, being the beloved ones of Mr. Samuel P. Halls, of Goderich. The manner iu which the work is executed, reflects great credit on the skill of Mr. Weeks, and we think it cannot be surpassed in some of our large cities. P4:nsoNAns,—Mr. C. Simpson of the Molsons Bank, who has been spending his holidays in the States, has returned home.—Mra. Johne, of Dakota, sister-in-law of Mr. D. Johns, of this plana, is at present visiting her friends in town.—Mr.I. Bissett, of Wyoming, has been visiting in town during the past two or three weeps.—Mr. Will. Hyndman, who has been stopping in Detroit for some time, has returned bottle, TEE COUNTY CRICKET MATCH.—The. County cricket match took place at Clinton ou Satur- day Iast,betweon players from the North and South Ridings, resulting in a victory for the South by 1 run, and 8 wickets to spare. The following is the score: NOIr.TE( HURON. IST INNINGS, 2ND INNINGS, F. C E.Davies,b G.Baird, 2 b D.Baird, Eawllie, b G.Bairct 20 c Jost n Dennies, c McCosh, 0 b Camaro', T. Johr Ston ,c D.11aird, 2 c Baird, J. Lamborn, a Meoosh, 11 a Cameron, J. Harlend, c G. Baird, 6 b D.Baird, W.H.Ransrord,beameron 16 run out, Cooper, b Cameron, 1 C. Cameron, E. Leavens, a IfeCeeh. 14 b D.Baird, J.Eyelop, b Cameron, 3 h D. Baird, Bray, not out, 0 b Baird, 75 Extras, 28 Extras, Total, 105 SOUTH 1317BON- 1e r INNINGS. 2ND I NXINGS, It, J. uirdleetone D. N air4, 11. W, McCosh, H. Cameron, G. B aird, J,A. Rutledge, W, Caldwell, 3, Eye einem, T. E. Joelin, E. Briggs, Broe,dfoot, Extras, Total, 12 12 21 not out 5 7. 0' 35 0 t 2 85 13 Extras, 98 Total, 0 0 tants, which were to appear on posters, to- gether with the announcement of a Free Fair, for the sale of horses and cattle, to take place on Friday, Bol inst. The bills appeared—so did the edvertiseinents—but when the day of the fair arrived neither stock nor buyers wore to be seen anywhere in town; Mr. Bockus himself found it convenient to leave town the 'Horning previous, Now the only conclusion that we can arrve at is that the whole affair was intended to deceive the public„as this man Boolcus has been in several places along the G, T.R. playing the same game, and in one place was exposed by the press. Bills similar to those for Exeter were issued by the same per- son announcing fairs for Crediton, Dashwood Hensall and Zurich, but all met a like result. It is said that Bockus secured a: out forty dol lars in each of the different places. Kirkton. FINED,--Uttr T,ondlord was fined $4 and cost, for horse -whipping one of our small boys the other day, The rest of the boys should take a leeson from this and leave J. G. S. alolte. ALI, the Churches on the Kirkten circuit have hired a camp for the coming Camp meetings. COMPLETED. —0 . H. Seabnrne's now house is complett d, lend adds greatly to tele looks of our village. Hibbert. The Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 828, intend holding a picuio 00 1MTonday Sept. 20, ou lot 6, con. 5, I-libbert. All are cordially invited to attend. To the Editor of the 1s',ref'r 2 ivies. DEAR SIR.—In your issue of the 2nd instant, I notice you re -produce an ar- ticle which appeared in the Loudon Advertiser on the 28th nit., said to be clipped from the New York Herald, It is certainly very much to be regretted that a paper having a large circulation and laying claim to the position of a reepeotable Canadian Journal, should so far forget the position it occupies in in the oouutry, as to publish the ar- ticle referred to without even note or oommeut. but to those acquained with the course for some time pursued by the above named sheet, it will not be a matter of much surprise. Loyal Cauadiau Joulnale should take this matter up, as you have clone Mr, Editor, that treaters in the camp may be pointed out. If there are news- papersamong us who really desire toes- sist thoAmerioans in traducing ourcoiin- try, and enticing our people ,to their own lands, let us know it by all means. Just fancy how eagerly such choice bites as have appeared in the Advertiser of late, anent our own Northwest, will be jumped at by papers across the lines to further their own interests. Is it not a matter of regret that so many of our own people have been en- ticed away by the plausible stories of American agents, to settle upon lands not one whit better than our own, but what shall we say when our papers de- liberately set to work to help them. I presume the New York Herald man when he visited Winnipeg did just what he was hired to du. Whether the Advertiser lean wad working in the Same interest, when he sent a cor- respondent to the same City recently, to do the same kind of work, is best known to himself. Certain it is that that worthy, did his work with a zeal and eatnestuess worthy of the most ardent American citizen. With such facts before ns. does it not become a question, whether or not, too much latitude is allowed the Press of this country. It does appear almost too bad that such treasonable sentiments should continue to be published with impunity, especially when it is known that they are but one series of mis• representations; should we not rather as good and true Canadians rejoice in the fact that we have snch a vast and fertile region, in whioh our sons and daughters can find homes, and enjoy to the fullest extent the advanta>;es of our own iminitable institutious,a place, second to none beld by our cousins over the border, where young. men of the everorowed cities, towns, and vil- lages of the other provinces may go and engage successfully in the moat healthful and independent pursuit that of agriculture, and in a very short time make for themselves happy and comfortable tingles. If ever the editor of the Advertise' would travel a thou- eand miles over those boautifnl and productive prairies, and see the magnl- fioient crops raised, and hear the gen• eral utterances of satisfaction every- where, as the writer has done, if he Marla sparer of loyalty or patriotism left, he would cnme back aird own up, either that he hid been misled, or had been wilfully unreprosenting the eoun• try;but the Advertiser will not stand the test of being judged by its present light. Those familiar with its pages 4 0 2 6 2 a 1 2 0 28 4 27 12 12 0 0 24 0 33 A Boors ArzrAtn.—A few days since a man named Bockus mabe his appearance in town and solicited our business men for advertisc- H,AGrGE T & C O C HRAN E , Bra' nipton and St. . ` hornets Agricultural IMPLEMENT WORKS, 0 MR, W H. VERIT Y Has been appointed agent for the solo of the following articles ntaftufttctnrod 'by thef St. Thomas and Brampton Agricultural Werke : Improved Royce Reaper, meadow Lark 11,1 o e r, TIGER HAY RAKE, THE CORNELL STEAM ENGINE FOR THRESHING MACHINES, 0 These are all Warranted, and leave gained a wide reputation , Satisfaction gnrtrenteoct no sale. Any repairs or fang of the above implements cttu be obtaiued from Mr. Verity For Latest Styles, For Newest 1 For Largest Variety, For Lowest Prices, WE L -0'F'Y ALL CO2213.LTITORS. 500 Pieces of Tweeds for New Suits Made to Irder, From S12-50 U'f Beautiful range of SCOTCH TWEED (finest stock ever shown in the City) from $15' We show an Imraer'3,Se Stook of E©YS' EUI4S Made from 'the Latest' New York Styles. Prices from $2, BURNS & BAPTY, 154, DUNDAS STREET, LONDON. will remember how steadily and per- sistently it has censured the govern- meut (and in many respect+, deservedly so) for the manner in which their Land Begulatiuns have been administered in the Northwest. We have been told that numbers on aocouut of this have been deterred from settliug there, and have gone to find hotnes with our neighbors over the way. Query : it it is true that our country is what the Advertiser, New York Herald, and others of that idea have represented it to be, should they net be so far pleased, that something no matter what, (the Tixe). at least, might even accept a blessing in disguise from a Tory Government) had prevented a oattaiu number of their fellow creatures from becoming settlers in such All out - Widish place, Now Mr. editor, let us hope that all reasonable Canadians will see the very great impropriety, to say the least of it, of our own papers fur- nishing the very beet material for ad• vertising that the Land Companies of Iowa, Nebraska. Kansas and the whole of the Western States can possibly have, and if those who pride them- selves on being the "firet to preach the Manitobaand Northwest bubble" will not pease their miarepreseutatiotrs, it only remains for the more patriotic people of Canada, of all classes and parties, to vieit them with that indig- nation which they will so richly mirit. CANADIAN. Exeter, Sept. 9th 1880. BOOTS,SHOES daasno 111,1.NES S. On Saturday a men named Parmet- ter, of 'Toronto, (well known as a par• °hussar of hides, butter, and such like stuff) was arrested at London, at the instance of constable Dickinson, charg. ed with obtaining goods to the value of about $426 from Mr. Hugh Moore, tanner, Clinton, ander faire pretences. It appears that several months since he;obtaiued the goods from hits, retire - smiting that he was is business at To- ronto, and rerfectiy responsible, but it turned out that he was 11Ot in business for himself, and was worthless ; subse- quent efforts being Blade for- a fettle• l went reenited frnitleesty, hence his ar• rest. The Chief of Nike at leon,don having purchased the Boot and Shoo trade of W. 31, Trott, we can now offer to the Public one of, Itho Best ani. Cheapest Stocksi of ready made work ever offered in Exeter. We, would also remind those in went of Rret-class,,. home-made Boots and Shoes, sewed and oeteled,. that we pan supply them with. what will give sat f ccfactiou. Repairing done at lowest rates and satisfaction guarantee,d. Call and Kee for yourselves. Don' forgot the place—Eacrett's Block. C. EACRETT. R. ABRAHAM. Exeter, i'ebruary 10, 1880. accepted hail for his appearance and. nn Wednesday of last week constable. Paisley took hit.n to Goderich, where• he was examined before the Mayor, anal committed for trial. The Seaforth Sun says:—It email that the parties who wore canvassing for members for the agricultural so.si• et,y called upon alnedical man in town, who as usual gave his mi ber'e feet He was then asiced,to giveli prize for. something. He consented, and gave two dollar,. When asked what he• w' uld give it for, lie told them to ar- range that themselves, thinking, as he says, that they would put him down for fruit, flowers and garden stuff. They did arrange the matter to their own satisfaction, if not to the doctor's, by putting him down for genre et03103-4s if the two professions or businesses were nobiliary, and that they were working to one another's bends. The doctor calls this a grave joke, and as lea is somewhat of a humorist himself he t acknowledges the corn once swallows. the pill, but says the jolting at his et:e lenge iiia been dieagreeable frequent, at;n'd th`at"perltaps lee may yet have the plei'i'e'r re Of holding an ingneat over the; body or making n, (post. ?i1.(»'tent of the re- make of the anther of the are joke,e,. and this will of course result beneficial= Iy both to the grave stone manufactur- er and himself,' We advise that obapl to give the ('ioet(bi' a wide birth for the present, ti •