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Exeter Times., 1908-08-13, Page 4
A •st k. , a . • " " r • 'AA'. '..40.04444,14441.444.11,, • *.",4, ,OrM0.0;10,10#4,4H, MOO. at*,.,V ' tvg4 co, 4.7paholii ,Who or 0., /our aro; * ' ***1.ue wont ioomt* of Mr. *Pd. Ors John, 011, 0401167 r.' Malfour allot children'. „Or ' 'London ra estr gr.,. and ' of larda'of fro Ajtaittli ilattier*-70 , *P tioos inm o4o , regairlOAAV4 = Zkti.P",P4titi404,4407iMaP.MNITAit"Zi,,' I • 60t.' -• • „ ::, • ,. • • • • .11; - • 'a • 'a,!." . • e e 3 "to, reSidenCe:',4O et ,.. , *" BorbbbItfl r • the ' b* .000tinto •Tived bY,0•04ifl Uinta*, at borne, ,41.ntoo-**Acte4.. ,,.10.01:7O'•4•Etts:.:141.1,4144,17, „". „ **,,,Ontio, , *.;',ifer• " _wooer, eu 4 lest tho /arilluut 40.rrott, ••.0ear...Voitstil,14 %Jos. roitht:of kuvAto.' 1.$‘"nistnigltinff er stater* tAra. Stewart., •- • - Arts tok*iro decided tkat. nte,'•A goeiellando of tikitorn, Oan. Ihe re. .400, Stewart, intoolla •160,Ying ohOktlY .leginct to vistt " • 0 ., ,4 a , is-Anlici—or44- nos-lecokirlMonitoha.+4,1rat,--110. :, 'th the Tra1 ¶3 aper is take 6r not« ths snd Charles *.t. ha, g Ortilinriii. 4 to take newspaPero r lioriorl., Inaini wore, followed to their "fast' rota the' 'post office OrreroCovfo,, resting :piace 14' a, large toncoUrsa, rig relation* and, friends. , ...• - ' Arrst„ .. . t ; 'and 'dough,. e. Xt.., Thomrt, P. arrett and bride, 'O't 1., . ,,,i•P,'4,19 . .4 .. 4, 5, .4.4. ,,,,,,:, t, i•. UT v ' ' ' 41,'' ''' '"-,ii.l...4 ''.,,''''.' " ,•if .) , ' ' ' ' :''' ' ,"v"**4':- 0 i ' - • ',•;Qii, ii4c, ‘.'.4.":',.„ ;4.,„ ,,,,,i 4,:„?.' -"' : . ' - 6 ---11._ er_e."- - - ,.,„„ , .., • ,, .., „.• ; • , •,..t..,••:.:,-.....-,,,-1,,, , -' fL ;;,...•,,,... ' slit I ...f.f!,..' .-7 --. - • .',, ' , . - tihne4., facia 0,i,ide Of' intentiona .,,...__,„_— 2:07Axisrs&L._ omfet,_10, le* etVtora.Or.ttat0:fitit/64S71.ifkliitiotz:Oltmeatlikr,r0,,..,*,,,,, * , ,axlatily:10,,* iS,,, aik, ,:4,',4,ozotre• h. J,;_,,rin.1,13,„„e,ivist„.4,44,4tinsi. tt..e*, at oir ' '-ch''Gadbrdt- ia'-yliltln;.11 'e*'' el .Ors144"-- -- -- ,,,,,; . ; ,A*4),otiltrot,401)4„,,,4444, 04,040,4 454t*.,- , v,e -- -' ..47-andi'.';', , ' 111/1100,1:-':' --4.,1,41- 1.4"“Attai,---,---, ,,,. T• . .31,--::- • ,'7,4,_, ',..,.,),,,;,,,,.....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,gam....,4.,.00,77.4.4,—.:74;;=.7:1;;ZIY .; ,4,..g$0. 4 ' / , ller let TA- - fast,- 'renal' r eie laf. f. .iii.a. i•• ,,,,,,- ::, IpaicallS, of the financo 'depar,treeni ict""s liVienikiXit, '''littir 'Ivitirr'ini„vtlick httlii,", ''-er&'t,ific". fiertniv. -4--,--kolf-tokk ' . ttr,-,- -,--..... , ;., ,2, . 40.„ novi„ ,Inakt40. out .lis;turarial.,, tor, 're, Jon!' White, "of..Mcw. o-nr,',-* -Miss' Allee Petty,;. of' Londenboro, in' '. '', - ; , culationn on aviticlis the gOvertiment -Offils Maggie Plark. watt the guest home visiting .her parents, ,.. -, .'„.„ Od tage annuli:leo will be bated, -- '• ofimmartssr4vori:, 0.1,43.bviinrs$nanal„,ra 44/1,,n.dtber ‘0'u'Ucovt.0*.ir.111.11:tr' tilositeclAi°x111gr:411ti$clitlatt 'tile' ,/,:;,,it..., 40,911 4,:btl!3- v.tiblev blaet, t,ocry-o-atiirtioterae.o. tody„„Ite4;27R,1711ne . tit, •t'.,,..,trie_nd 404 tebot.00dil. ter rtertto,to Gran .. _oototiti!,,t.talt., ..14.0i..0,0..:, limie . to 1.40.4r., • -,,,,ptior ,t4t, in, *, +1,0 kmbiltx so 6 On _.,a, nr 0.Y« . ,4,4 , forth- vosterilay to -attend the SO - '' 0 n°40114.7. tt'7-..'"'" 7-- .r:7-'-- ' 'nit -r,i, insider. oarnet Veil of ,trarroinar, , - •,-...' N rlart-i--g ' , • Ihrvotrra.-f . 4 ' -t4-iiimr--,i's--* ' in ‘,400.4 ',throul0Q0' tl'-° *,,',,,u11-trl... kt}!-",.. ..t. .,tew. da YS '1014 Wee„10.01 - • ' .: bin.- itacatiOn at Kincardine. - -' - • ttionievlor amang ''''''' -"•°' sir Miss .",,Atmeno fleiwtoll 13. visiting 1Y. A:, Centauri is emitiiting a- conxile ogees to whom it would bo of O tit..seto ..:,lloutters, •, ' Of Weeks, v4ositio4 OP, the lakes. ' „greatest. 44.17_,Antafke. „,,_..,,1 • : . - ;Mister _Voug.lae 'Stewart' itud Lon,- ' ihfris.'P,'Unuliart and daughter- 4 . , ;Mt • is .being, -ia4d witit:• be n c Olt oo .---Il;-#•-. ,r-'1.,-- tFetery-Avertlitto,-.- toro (4. ---firtbritto-1-5t4e0...„14 : ..•,..,..., nests of the talisses 'Nellie and Ella Marra,. , , .4 • . ttigge64,41tioksigimitttg,„,,,,_• -,i:z`;',-'4ir b'ivwirffa,r;-----;--t. ----,==.7-T -,•,ziarars-riiftirsr---7-017iallitrt-olnAwulu - ;.: tiredal, to,--Vdnday oft70-4, uro ' ltilat 1)0010 ,81(111 )aot -90 to tlpirc ,. ' ". ..:-.----4°-,".,' .... , , 'I I I II Is in--,thkin .1471,,circItyhir . , . . • • iimvi- n flnirt in iat edsaleith Ait,-7-011•147 Vittr,11C Little 00y40.,,,,,Dic waited, er oroth . .,.,, ;.,, . _ ,, , _:._. : , ..,, ,.. ,.. ,.,._,._ .•,,,_;:",,..-. "•--':flici-t-t7--ii.-11-077,ii of th-o'f'i,ult 'Liver Pills? Thoy tare a Positivo cure r, Charles Clutputon.---.-at-,St..,tfhomaa, : ProA e t k . ' tinder* regirlarly. -attend-church r for' sit* headache and an tbo • las wee ,,, : faittaksgiting Pay., Be , long ,I.- e 4120,061 bY.41sordcrod ilter., ' one oifrs. liV,,,, Iningblut.- of the l'slorthoo '''" - COO rcralem'ber far mortrAlcOle,ltrent. Vill . a floaSo - - ' - ' . west is Mire visiting ber Ortrents. „l'oleterchn).:1:0,trairso• tvein-hroolitorzilito, Osf ,,Ieetnof. --v• ,i'Moitrisn.a'S.,savrilanftmil,:ohttlin-,4o .3y4,4a. -0044..n Liitoe 141,9,114-4-14er plutseh4e'itowrnti woetiatrot.y82: ' ' a ' ' ' ' . 4 , would not baiellad tii_at 004, tod.ton.4 •,,,k.-----74.40.,..,,-, , shooting.- Plo7cei boll 4)•D • •otliorwisc . 'ittattseti themselves thaw., ettert eil, • • ' ,Firctubtxr ,, ,,,,. ; orvoifirenfm9olieitits3m44000. 4b-imasim.$1,04. , aun***44041,4,4,.,004--- iriar.ro.r..p. *to.olAifi.4104**W.tok tp.ompaltlft, ' . ' ' , ,, ..-,•„::44_,J,otit of tersons latitter than Thurs- ited ' Vali • friends at Philltown on ------4-0* '',---,. 7i VI; *1th i°0:' 3t0V . ''''''''''''''''''''''''.iri ''' - occastoniti laso. ,' . . , ‘, .: „, , ., __,•-' and itilonday am t juit the great - ihtr. Thos. ilusse i of . , xe cr. v fs.., ,„,ii,,,,,,,am-r, -Ira..., a, ' 7, 4 - .40 or iiiidoy-iiiirrioxestaior -.131tirds-rin . -- .---,-- , '.. ' • Ofilange..- - • ' . ' - • ',- ichtr. 4.0 1111r4- J:. Drown. 1 ' ZIP11/1141. 4' ., : . *, 40Ck IWOre ; gtkeitS , of : iSr. ' and . tars. . .. , , .•,' -v., ' - "vb.o fanner, if he. ottly knew Lt, 13 'Will Inouglas on -Sunday last. • : . . ,,;. 7„,• - a little delve): the kingdom. of. beivell Mrs -- /et. lioso 'antl son " 'In 6rhe' xi' .1i111;11' ta.it4tao0b tritb;0 Vb.'"-- ._ „than „any one :on ,actob4. , Me , is car! -were- --0* tists-- f---.. Mil.tfc--,ren.7.iii ' r#' :146-2-"' '. • tl- 6116% Yiligned6S- 'XI neTOter. i'S.t 44rt(14e:-Iik'Ititi- '' ' .1:7- 7 .. __.. . ,.. . . . 1....,Otrtecao, WATXER;:VI1144.101t Reserve 'Al 5,00°71 *11P f 11, nitetStaWAIISL *yhirrA'.4401t • „ 1.7 •TOIttaitliW our StOugtohMiarrlioeft, en foris•rofflfiShn- ss-Of, tom t - _ months,- old, )Dost," - ark. $5 and argik Over $5 44 gt -Ave-nit imt,-Orittra frkiror •• - . _ • • • • • • • Or. • nOt egeetitUng $10 **,* at 6.cents- _ ' . , Thine Orders are p ehon excepted), and-itt, ,tit.o re negotiable at $4.9n te. the' ,o'....Theiroferrn-anoestel at small cost,nnd may be o 400 20 00007 .• i 4$ ° .7)." 7;:elit= it.010rbaPkI1 *Valt 01°0 - agfotals th trilited Slatea* l' Great-tritain mitt Ireland. otniiinerwitis, Ont delay. " • 4 • —G. W1iarrisn, Manager ed ., „ , ,. ,.... - -14=-4,144. . .,..441., A' - ,,,,,I.: A •o .! , , . :,,,, . • stud vitt the only: men Oho. Can ence. ,, ,,,,...,.. „,, , tIlliss . 40toritt ; ; 7 bas returned•bome,,, . iro elf in and • live in aPito of - 1;11cl-ford it ,4 tue5t..,of Igra., 1), ilacIticolf,-.- '•. "...-"' rekt • of Ma nktIld. : . A few• oat a , r, r.tr tfill .1110 tag' !bed' • 'Or. Arthur, Xilleintion; Or Dash. *nu sheep and fowl to lprolide iiiin visiting,. it's sinter Mfrs. Arnold liar. wood will oven the puiPlt of Ole Ana 141 to0,. . ,Zyttutolical .--- -- : ‘ Airitb fooa end -'ciothing, !while hisi .ris. leaves this Tbursilai for the %vent, znricii churches next, Suritla'S. i ..„ tieldit Tield ltim flour and tt nource on tile harvesters ,e*cursiort, , . ••, , , .-, tyf-t.oevenue,-tSo-ze-neret.,„_the.ne•_lots yer,1_,Jcoutribe& visited her• 1. Wf.rio. t:/. Vrits and family spent bat : ,- ,, ,. , brovialtittc. andao con:anon that 'hard- broithgr,: Mfr. Arthur 'CaraPbell, for wee ,,,k-idth-triernuf_.-ht,„fitto , - : -IS one tardier lit ten make -3- oor art-- saVeral days during tile Ispeetc, . Mfr. „t.' J. •Iderner left at -Week • ., 777:7:',Iii,,Fr,h101,irefritiTtrirthitikr-hehas- • Or.* ,Sber Rooter', of -fitg -Marrs,- leo Alio. noothwteto • . 0 ....4,110t.,A1A„Alt.,,,-s„ ,_,Giiillior ' attirlorfilly •-toUnt ,of ,,thero,.41though -.the evil •,.., on are visiting at iiiirn rtt—I'd7ircitrftir • I, ..,,'---, . -,Olreal viten. be reaohes the end of -the Mr. and ,Mrs. D. W. bi. ,fleavera „•-", ,,-.. :roar and finds that he ban- alittle §oodey /sat, The Danhwood • tioiviers - 'friar:pea' „.-- . ' .:-.1 ati. -and Mrs. John AfoCitikigh nand' th° 1°41 villks 1**t week '21 t°' '11' . , . - . . , „ . e- Zurich :Ole:Yore -are -onlY ---lon„tll ,,,,r, iiiitigitters left on flaturtlaY for Sara ,,,-;--'4°' - 4,140.---fre-quentit-aVe-- rocel- ------** , iirtfr viairlor -a-few days. • Ate 4ttone.. Ahe_notire isn't .tOo j• •.,.•_.,._,,..::,:.",,:_„oeisitaudene the, ntail, 'WetineStlity . •rArt .it.,tvrrs., W. A., .,t1,04r.ribuil. had. ' -:''',' ".' atvenings ,and,na %rt. go to -press ------------..ju, , r r The -Zurich, lieraid last ;week Posit- ',._•:',•'„_e.-..::-.,::„- t.finetit,-,get_.:0_4:-Ita,Plt-a„xl-LItott io.b.41.1te-ti4.1.1° • . ed -the -eighth'. alentOnt of its -oxis,.. ' • ttr town subscriner* ttid , Ye I j5' • ' " --, '-' ;re-, ------ --''''' ----• tOtIrri'i'Vbr-Iterttrrk.Ittule-T-•-,thguiil , -:-:-.,:,-,,,,•,,,- '' 1),. eMents-..-1,e----tostaler--4.0,.. .. r.---4110.-_,,110:XJ, ... „:. 7-1='''';',..L •-; :--''''',---.: - :. _;,. ing -band of" -Bra- -ellarr, tins-_, -done .. . • onsiderabie towardrike- milainirofin -irree isoue.._V-k. hare an excelterif ., '77.1i,, filia.tgruiritrinalrhig-lilit--tifiter- --- o . •---L-- - ----- -,,. ---L--- .-- ando4S--deserviii,g4,tf f-tho,suPportotof _ * 11'6 n 'tillage. *It. ' is a newei.---oheet„ ---- •-• . _2_,torros 01 orrespond6nt4, who 'tte, - notrity ondup,t,..do• ,sAit (tve tWoola . • , . o .. , . „ , • • the villagers. . ._, ,Izet their•:budgetti •• it' by Weditertidat „Loo.ci all Wednefulse night and some.- " times part of w Orsilsy- mornint o, ilab sirItrtatt-thinge-bitl , e - • • olatingeti, owe don't Mind: woritingt rttio;, 4'; Chanical.departtnent avauld rather • t -so our night work wilt cOntinue' ;7' 7 • • --=13- onto kindly aot accord nog., , --:14.1exander Was to• GOiltrIrh from 'Weeswater ott Pattur., . ye. and -on Monday, VrAs tefore' llotr Zforle-, Ort Akr-thorg.0,-,,Ot- •entered ttlea. or and avas--rcitiandtid . till the • ,.. . . , ust... for #totiten . .. iid Ittoltly come from the ;United - ---::::., tatest-and:1101,1/...roteter_htt.',3Xent . to .. -in-liitelltiia .titigearrormit-r-rilts' ;---- , gut , . • One, atilt sometime, after his- arriVal :417.767, • this New Meth . „, A I'Sicknens le aliku • ,,L• 4. 3-44 1.344 111101-0 ‘(‘ Connectioh costs 10 cents per day scribers.. .1 An. ExtensionoSet on Your ; -Desk S 44 gents per -clay • „entente ' ked • c.4 greatest-neresititYlife - • 1‘ *: . • . , 4""ii. Ir', — - - ' ' ' ' - • ' - , o etkigiopply-- orraoNon'att,home white on rest or el' sie Dio oss ot tOnitt tram your work or huoinenti, It in easily apPliOrl, ea/ o,and alwavt ready fbritne, Its force never othausto.,. it %tut . - serve tho family, ebii,dtert as well.** adults. ,i. ,,,, ,. . AV#to pis. Ii4,10m, topx No. 92 to '-:: •-., -,i ..0 , . , ,,,, i.-- .. -1ra - ) 11 4 451 . ' ' SanchCo. ..,,..:......,,.:. ' Sat $tor thtti-**TiiilTir.: 131071 WVOITRO'lliitir4CI'C-.77-'"'-C's''''' 0n iid!iieilitent-sTett -T-• passed away on Saturday .aftern ere an - on, _the- versirw-of--wintata n JT 17 lit itr-thol-- aga --or-ortte-ars. - 416 Ivo Kiln. binZIn4nd camet_iat Canada , 4i4:114 ,w-hiclowas..tbenAcnontz...4 When a boy .and -nettle-Tit-tear grate • , "L. Wattli '-obitini oonly ,arta articles .-. II' ow • • iiot, lewolty avert ,1111SsIllg frOl.4. t,In .ii,iiii tio rne:th,d'Altie-st l ii, oi d •; .--.--room of,41; boaider• orltil.„0$ gViciti°111,".,t iitito . tti'ettinalrothdr ' ire , ' '• ' '' Wilt the 0141Y. TIO0500 *PO: tt.4,4,... 1:''' 3,. to to able 'w...utter the -so tro , ..: • ,. ...,.A' totort tbro.4031010$, )1.p ‘it.t1S ,,ptO.,,, 6_ ns. .... ,. ,. •, , . ,, ,, ,_,. Ili._ , 010___,,,,. .. .' • Ort.heitig• Searclie0i AO ti"- 13•1!'t - - Pe th,f7b "le 4";: ' C' ' 1-411611.4ipt, -7 '• ':,''+' '1,tig -: 'illIfeltrt. -0101- Othert-10It)tieril--40.. merit- , *1), IA . this. , '•..: • lit** heen Stolen, ivere fOuod Itl .' tl ,, Evit:.4. vi,tonitii.. :,,,L.,,,boit_ t Owed htly 0.11t1.4..._ lihl"..mali'77 - itiAtialtn-0*--, • ' r ' . ' , WiteStV 11' 1'1:0 ' 1411$1 licifirill :::0•S3ing 4.1- .n. rit, limiltby ,,;.,: 44. 0: „o Wit ,44...0..H., ,-. '' . -7- . ' 4' , . . ' tortity It '. Oh00.06 40.• - k '• enittarics ' ' '' " ' "n-4"7t4':-.-w-nr---. . ..- . • •. -.. ',about tilisttrlioner. ..• • .,- , n 4Iletellill.,1-1-"E-Thit- Anlatilt aria was known for miles around • for his generous hospitality -,and *his willingness to r•esslat tile needy...011s *orriees- in 0, public capacity eXten.d. • art- Ater, ,a,periodbf .3L.4.cartantl, dart., hag' .111bilerm -- iir-"offiee absooft.' - -- charged' his iutY with unWavitinni:t. idc1.414-AitcAtait2-T1ectettler*et-'tit • 1114111I Atna London Townships, for .-inapy:,_.,years 404 Served _as -countl,„ Int111104•-toly!tittOZ-Vei For same years past he „has, lived fl With 'his, sell. Zobli* of ,Lutan. Irani af r .1) $iti a, TrOiL xr IAA gt. ;tithr ' ** • - cmariona,4 was 1,,,Liscat tikinet too. When 1ler4111 VA, 0131y. toriti 0 „ .,whose; residence the fttneral, was 1e1d- 4,141cinliay afternoon. to • St,' jamen - Cemetery for intsrtnont. lito "'dyed .thy tour soits-t.,Ille,y.• Prone's /. et ;AUraili (reOrgtof • 814dilI01 ; (1), . , Km. 'Phoenix $tr•tieont' of London and +Sirs. jainks-„Orawford, of- Dut, ton. \• • • 'iltittent quart). has been- siek, Ith-APPtitislitittst- •rr4; -John Itoto-ndit' fh-e- - lorn-off two of ititt-lingarclast *leak, b; mean tota.us Ot .1110 e John Collins and tister,:of 00,o, arid .:tiotiee the It will thrilie the ;hut to -delight X„sart,* mother. .1000 1301, ' iktit . 4. 4,'; • ob41p • tt e Cnixnnd' C1 tt�tc ettet tatbibutI . SICK alts, ydzstTB Nolo; . •, No, d Ychi AAA It haioisllilsta iteitto .:6-coaltortala1t atoms Str1t.6.-* ---tkaist-oot-arasit.f4 Er/m*4 kturattty oa444. it* p4,41*1 ritatirto ate_ /40.t* I Is *****0!**ouly, titratteirt Mttstia ;Oaf 14**Io It 'the Os; Ito* hi teatiotritg Irk _nit rktottkal -IWO** iiitmt.3-viair--- "4 -,...- barin;a ro4a4004.„,iollt,_., *NG I, TIkt s$rst. I4144110 70,1,Zirit41 ''•4.',, i .... ..: 4.L. . . ' . . 110:Mitte.r$40, lUt01:114210$0,14• I 8100'111S' .01 1110'.0iii[tillail 1011 NI. , - , it,......,..i.......0. attiovalriloslesitalfa,. itaaltobi,;****)04thearoauitt t0pertit'excolIthlt fs, :, , 8 *not, , tot,, Irftsri,oteiropotted,,,,Iititit*Ity.40Hkitirliti4syttIode4.00rty:• Mae 0.itet. - ' root aso,tethe-eateatOatts40.42 . teratetkfer aeon, taerroorlessi, - - . 1t ritiplIratt; At *100*Airtio Itiutv Actor," or ' affen4,7 14frrthnllintnnt in WWI On . .: . ' X t ityleay. hoWoritt*to• , Attli. ' '' . ' AeoaclitiOAA. iolf MO iii - ie, , '•, -, ' '''br' Otter,. ,Or *UK. tr a it, la ' ' • • es boe, or r4 orltit Veltitioolosra. )0,-041 atibotki.Ate'sty.4"40;tettitc7ilizotioties""444:=7;01414. 111 0 0 t he _ve t fkL. VOCe 'he 04XIIt'' root" ktil toli" tblit ' 1 *44 Mr. John "Kt* " k -ite per „ thtesgar., ,„to, pr.& itaCkAik ottiltott 111 TOni....*94,6-..'it-4ught°.r. 7 at 014 • . ts-riod' ' * &be )1034120 , ,iiirooVnotr-otte 11 TI £ILIIII £1 :Den; EN.UVett 01 forte*. , • , , Us: atool bat *era 644011*****4*604 • • t stk.:16 'tket otattlIttak tiOttn, POLIO' •801tti•OL **700.PieritrAtortowtecititloo, • . iktomthoteuitop.0441,...ltow.tiostr,_.. "Thi‘-iliSeitt&S Tir.inlirliST regal:it.: tout lottit ‘•tiititotit--,v‘aa. see*tIe.broast .th'ietflig--Ot Obi rd 'helot -• • *ilk'. *Iwo* 't°10* tio • ' - 401.4.4whick soot 'wow., thc3111.t itfirenintg. tattt, 4Vere, 'Z; 'fit*/ kiarc rogiorrot ilt' ton *pia 'It 'ItolVer "The uts AiL 6 ,tilta to • the *re,Ict., front.' anti the neeestary'„Itzpreitentents..effected - to tits/ • ItiC Co. bill of ..$5.2$ adfOrtilltItlit Vossetti Al** 'that 'of 1%041 A. st it soliSbts itt ePenitItos hoMe Vrttivorti last all="HoZlierittft le,vikoi - " (I I Atle**4 situ** *tt“ *a laattineteltyear, • tt. oes." %lira)", " the,renal Ito* wool ors' ttoirrit.# • ;Foint, owner** shmtatt. il$161thit, (of I 1 tintial) tIti 0* flot*Intlatti 0* atfay •( Artro ,„ , or A it Iiie• or • IWO" duessrgratioiffitaxitfiretfuotior 6,60 rm., ' Oa. ..Toor, twarroyeats.,..: toilbselLeonaulen oil idowittootabliva." .:,clawi. i . tb._6174ter:4406evti,. disottUortar;tvotwattatIPtin:tht-oaly'heg4AtoZzoo wed, ottiti, ,,, .. ...* • .V.7.1Wrosi,;(-----57.---11,:tA;m041 •, ahlator441po * tillerra '. . ' 4400traOl 109100eatattithr,stliitgs * • Arms • a4I, Iliad Tea up, la aeopoir when. A IPIAAtentItitilAVO;Vbed rgi‘biltleOgrilUhilitAt YirriA.Illetillailm4ttiredOekteutibliteir-titslomiroommetditiette heal' 701).• , eit,adlbocamooacouratokl., .icontiattad the Mr* MrraOrf TU4Tar,40 tar tont moutbsatxt . attbetad ottbitt_itine evorylaymptom bad dittAPpeittliod ;WM cured 7 .v..“0 inn and so rigar,ji.„ eovotorefilsits-orani ciatass:40ark__ slatfe._.seatmeitti.,,..7,,boy,044*.; tareo:$0.,:y..47ustr_oldt_,In;nottoolatists14dorb -oluti.or: 1: certa130.1134 : A lir C. ' ... ' , . CiiikilUDNEY.40.00$1414.. * ! VIS tiesettatyttu3tosturtoi yA . 4,:,..:''' _ zr"nd tcuril;r7.1.- Yi:r.atisehitelrit,11,0-1,1"4:"_,--$41,61-41-14ritt0,45hontotit'tivi.t.t.41' -*-11) • -mitt uttt) without worrntrt. e_ otoror. seat iiesae,TreetaseitantliZ. • • eat* Bruielleldt svaar United 1,11,...rthitr 13, flitaitt E tooli:dty josephn,77-7'.' . , ' •-eittnpany.* xbo, '"Oart•fto 22nd. was -found Titural 011.1rell.-by 'llevo Mallet; IltitilOOldtfter • •daY Merl -411R Of hlat week sosProdod whitot thp',.h.oppy: „too', le drove 'to tiis rOtn rev m Tay :1`tilio At, I* • 1611114! bridelet moo fa, y„. f'ront. the ..town. ili litd nsed ' wedding 'Ilf,..ttelleoit heingoipartairen oE ,ronto • *ito. to hIng bilootelt. . .. -titore. the'afternoon , sot& itieitietityliappvNi at 'God. :and 'Sirs, SIAM left tor their tittOr • • 1.1niednnesdaY in‘ornitig.-01 hOtoo'in Chltim.t.4n. ' •„, " * Iiiirtelt't *101144'0 Y,6101g.' tn34..Coldoo.00t6bt tIi • - tie. on a vOst,tanother hnitorkniari.',f. s•A• them trtlsoqictOr tbc. • throUt .hift* ropeF falltd,10 'get riots tuld wliUet topping; groo 'ono- • • :it* end lost ..hiS Utiante.• ta 4 - - jaig ta'atiot)***143 ,foot-collt ' :•'41 tot ,throvvi'l,..tht.,tvet•r4 011 11I fneat • Tic: ottoketir;'''tit+ its a noitt• Ate* ' *t riis '40' : -.nog Alan. „ otherwnise• itOrint brim.: • -A- , 01!).0.$1t.itittiVintiikytt'itetisftto r.*Lvitla„111:1•,'„fixbil.'" ilditte4ril,2444,:,severatit..tet.tft.hth!:tietitnk,tinlortwhn,itita"...thcIxJi' credit it due Mr. Soirind f,or hiS snr. st* rtylor fo'y lumber '•of $15.40. , ten* • 1,0 664 or* Ittvittil lot the Janitir0400,. ,t)ut• ochool,„ ,applieittiOnt to be, •nosittittat thitoottairroan' tot t� tdaekboortas fit- roass4 2„t Air*. r'r ta; •ii Sr* •.„ ,, • Vat " 1 •th • ,, LIUI30rOrlittor, -tti'b'r_tbfirrot-- Mtv't-'-'444tt.1.,, -,„ -44341,10.4.-16. ..., Doll 0 roe , . * 4,0roarrod; ' .1t# AVA.8 A IIIIIrt And 506211411tr ' brift*do *la ;4t,' er * ' • , , . iighy ttlpottit youngman agAl• it j,, forit nite in.ittAtintt off io toy, olio ,-,-- m r',-*• - - -,--,, .•,,,,,:!_,,,- .....tittstht.:_titt,t10,.27Artri.:004ttIrr ,i ed ti end tritsft WAS allotted to rot , • • 4 . • .,,*t thtt lottrigoQS- iittipt 1.frIrd: ritlfit-f4.146-alitt't-h1010- ',,..,4/1), i---V‘Volintist-*141....,4tWA:1‘41*:-.: ik , ittlati fig, Itma .00 .(13f,torility mom.; an el„,rart*Was 41.116.4:!, -46'. nit%"r 4.0,o ottot,, , (04t jtfttt' WO' 104614404 . (6 1111,ye ,totte .thok, ottottfolet brokt tbuotillorlbstiko .. ,*to iiiii, *444 but soot itterwsrdt hi* tiff*:31imitil.,01! likbto* f01.40' tin* *AO* - 'WAY* was found in the bar,*••„1,410 it toil •toiiitt. In an .-(fort t* 1* , 1,,,,,, * boittit,, **.tirtnt, lie *as 111„ Ostia ef, o,.imrtfeeolvea4Wek , 111 . to 04-1 i.dow ftnioto, 4:1° it'd taft*tboti ' Osiktusly, kart.