HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-08-13, Page 24 the hardeet: t -asks o the man ware. nian ve .• • Uring bimioqa m ou the Sieket that had .se dor4Y been sinetehed destruction, • • ' laughed quietJy .and took it n his -ente?".104111(.0 siways enefolist ray:. 400 'OdleY'. et in the world. has eetne• over the ' 7o ". edded,,:tak-: *-leading • why are you making k •" Oh Mr. Blake -'-1 ore* now • whatAim dein t all to -night" Odley, begin tremble,. 641 * m always d0a -rush and being-ttorry or .it_ofter- " iet‘r _ my leitelett,-43-rs. I've1. urn , know ehall.". letters 1" asked Martin n the ta, pity to burn them, dley,„„ien"kitt daresay -in lest' Thra" etnit-e-stire--414-Wiftertr efettn bey-vroter" "Yes -.1 think they. Said Odle, with a whimsical look at • the cardboard box. "Don't look at ken, Mr. Blake," she said, in a • low voice. wrote 'em all. my- , self." Trent t•itreet, WcfitInJ difUuft place :t0 fiflCI,. was:keen -the Ise alt, things there clement in conung eet-whon ,the cd to he 4404; a g men n coming upon ;Make ' '0 with or let.-thelreat e Aunt • v old her :in helle. 00 4m: • $ fondalt e.e -- t back9 ninto ::T,ohri:81 Aunt Phipps," he sai at lust, '',According to what sai t ht ,before silise died, 0 ne bey`robbed what al*oldhave b would ah, 'donret:0 tot, T4d, and to. a bidd 6 ean street *To bo the. mostcsormeable horst. xest when they are, OA Of 'Or liar- ce • 'tot lear.t.•,,, hero the rivalry ' in r thel,fleot wasinorea,sed by the , ortgeknet$ of foreign - ships ^ to • compete; with. the English, an Unfortnato Freneh mid; , •*slo man went head .ftret from the .• • - tile- Willies aiWays pa0, althokig there roa • seem, mueh it t p ir ad live robee 'it ie still., Martin pushed open the vas there: the - le and Walke ti).• re before - ordin(l'artiy tea -,,,-;;,, 4 r rs eve nOter, kept an --.,...--,,,,,,,...,-, h had bean takes t o 1 c records of t eir herds, will natur- or ov rsial Auntp aad „ h h hftd taken the Mor0.eotnhs:nilytiloaftii,thote,.:peideord:v.meMalLny. 1.01 uheleckosift' w' Deos tg:shielintoitycl to slut°. -toor;aothhe• 11.w0104-4„-giveA. bini,..two sums _og. cow's Aunt" A person, who'is ae- hundred- poutda each.-- -She it onstbintgl*ta-tioing-tintiriniT.ohvo , xions,--that saw -s can,do,fteVeVY-41044tr„hitt-the-ni tanednie;nrthveeynertli3bZimes ittcorok... sea. 0 the met therei me right; `isha present wh no et he rained afraid you can' .do 'tjettt," he said Piaev:rntlYratirer°.Woinkg.coarklal. iar'baryt itth',;u10 wedd-ing;,Yet- she leave x him, as at the scales, tvikes samples aed, rt°00140r63 the present time, comparative „tee amount of Milk given by each high-spirited horse, driven only occasionally, shonlilnot browltnottior animal drivenlong,distances A horse thak is contInnally oyer, led„ is a horse whose-41gestionee to be Sooner or later soriously impair- ed if not ruined and whoee clogged , organs; floor do. their work easily anttnaturally. t 'unniber not ate, .011 ?lb- • _...03;41$PS 11,01'7. • or- eilkty feet 1013011 tons -4ere whisk- ed about with nothing but tia men is e and brte'ne. to guide them; hundreds o men' erammed: into. a, space Of a few ,hundred, square feet,-WherO,noth* hitt • the most 'marvelous. organ. tie* and disciplinc. ceold avert • ileath-ort deolc_oT, 46ft: To ,the landsman., Who 'isideie nothing of the difficulty inveleed.f. rapidly ,sbiltin.g these .grest matt* :Martin, icked these "ITOW4re y slipped them Into the cardboard • box and put the lid on. tie looked man, and his vote was very' quiet and very gentle.. . "Why, 04100" te' asked. "Because there was tio. one to "She s dead,". said splrao t nssds get ,seee to it that Aunt PhiPpols b ••J .or 130MOW1Iat slow and _itesne..!..en,vele„hia,-,-we -a the - h Marta Wake ifartia7a al oman ; Ig '- 1113P1 death Of the old 10431`; 3rOt s svori doing to's-fort-of. weilii-be 41. ,1,1!itv:tirts_e_0,111;ymbil,,,Ctte.setrE8w.a:thaa' 'y of 701-, t-640 TooldN' %-a, er around_ them, If verrYearntrie:t g and so much -done ••••w iecloses -who-ithe :•11ar litualuotho-knowledge gamed liaginoixoneed8044;nhe ihopmai nabierel Is. but„ilt aant 7 btoe :our tovhnerei h!,$:10,,,,,htad:lai,sn,a2eppenalie.th,10 :ea: ttlee:v7hasat, asked t ivt , hi :Win_ (.11t43 .0, Ediscover0,. 0nt:uwhatc ifi. , ,.tb_ at 1110- ai)tvull cat'h ”' Qt1/15 6":4 will many was $reater 1han he eould have im- can sena the things back again and does it. • A powerful motive .hero--'-',, strong. -31e thought of the strong, Tame ,loeking at Martin 61143r' ,bandsome ficeItihoorti ..vgoritveo., ,-.Tiboa,r: - x‘A.,1 grea deal'. lie. matter,0,` r., P lr- • 0 'elf/Viral to o Abiti apparently. casual fashion, Was ag.,137114) ,....-.,1 ° 1 horrible; it took him. a Moment bi* .m411 04r0 -140W as -1 ecover---hitt_oeuit_vo . who, as 'been" hurl mitre -7- - ' . • ' Y040;7 was-- appl"r6n ut i wee . Phipps,.4at 110w it is, Vie‘yed trent- Over The under'. that, • hbar's renets!, • Oniitie76107;1(;:iiit4-t: aOri* most vitaily *i14 1Videtirja “if you could give me a urmute 41. t al or at. alt events ex - or two of your time,"- said,"I '‘"el.' 4°' hev len ave -6414e " hoei . a -0; For the, a estut e o now soviet mg a _mg . any and Ineny a nig_h, ancemuur,' the manner of , ?her when was alone, and when Nu death. Will you Thiteirto me?" had dreams of what someone might 9 am, 7---hatelling," said Tagg, have said to me, 1 tried to Put lt glancing. up at him for a moment. all down. It came to be a IlabLt, "But _1 can work while 1 Haim." in _tiatancl_isome,o1 'cm *ram t tAVUL-501,1-401L-laa,-.A,that--yo bad reading afterwards, When' know bout, Mrs. phippsi" asked Ort a 1 w aiXt, Marti „ eve me, , no Thero was a long pause, and tnen a mere matter of idle curiosity; Martin spoke; he still held the kner and respected ups. Phipps, 4 packet. 'Iend what am to do with and I am shocked to hear of her 4eath. She *evened So .,strertg ,and She told him how -1104 conic in- licsithy4 agt was Qppft to die, teller poesession, and what Ste w" "Young V' The old man raised ruing to de with it. 110 !listened "Watt known to me by. that nem° her- self,-1---kre_yoiLl-quite „sure that the old lady did not say she was A re-- latiVek • "So far as i-reniember, she • spoke of her only as. friertd. But they eernertztertir--very---fend,-------oU--eiteh 0, • , • "Wei Mrs. Phippeo--the old y, meare-was ehe a, rich , woman V' aelted Martin, as a sudden thought occurred to. him. . ilmtdn't fOOra to he," tea -orilie,--tent-she.paidiwats very - and She onl et th u. *---toar nip .ottt. T know siring 'that „the..„.packet, w,hivtLhe. first; eame_he . , my deht;,- and -the *younger *While-ithAe-leept.iter mem .'am:r7orn.4: "14-Itik----"ItAi"411111'.h"r'di'i7" tete*-- tied:eat down .to, do Eo, eropt out aometimeo at night MoneY. , • n r° 6 like that Why w"A frail tlasilne-wanan CLth'es had-ilb--nr-i°17et3-644-iiiiiiiii41°I than once then de I b k th curiously. t e tune that 0 ere l'to en4 ''4-1'241 Martin Blake carried the cen- tents of the packet back to hil% etudie that night, and sat, long an 1ate7going • h it, a , rid d a -se of .41,670156 he knew nothing fr-the-peer-isld-w. . ha died in the clock -maker's house.. fe-fingeted4leei • Book, and read the detain 'bewil- ,* dement, Of course, the only Aunt • .1„,„ _.Ph*pps.het_krielef._Wekti_a,e0m_ ParatiTe.f, • „ ly yourtg woman, who could not, at ----- e.--mostries-morathayiuyea • of„ 4,037.500-ilisint. pie-of,the larl-and_theiroot-BA0 w itrerttly'''neitelt-AWit-e-Ttleat- -age AbOirifiall Lhings, there was that curious suggestion . that someone : had taken someone else's place. "There is some mystery/here just as .there. **1 a mystery about • Mrs. Phipps," said Martin to him - man *as a friend Of 'Aunt Phipps • -resod Reiman took thee( paperis, to • Miley, wide that message that they .were to be -Oita' to ()Miss 1, And, again, how did they come into bis possession, and who is this *0.! .7.1narr_Whorierittet-h0trzitatetkAC.Velinit Phipps,'" and. was apparently „bora usn st4.) the diary • for atti UtItIng t0.0 couple- of hundred eumt seen many oe1'1tn •own, And13, ;it and. there- 'WaIS Ond Aif here - ti.Jr- at Iast she stopked altogethentri. 11.: obakt of the t ean sooTtlieire's a rais-tike, sai alre rne More not sscakin reo I you -tell me what 'the lira. 'I on knew wap like?" own -his Neer , and folded his arms, and looked at his visitor. ',‘A little, thin *titian .-drouod ia hitek4and._givenite said alowly. rfitight hay ivoitty yeart_of-tigewnight ve-beert---liMr04'-'21---p607 Iittle faintingt-trembliagy-abaler .41Ort of ody that -:needed setae -one teirong o -look after her. That was re' feee t his clocks were not so nd "nig 6. -dal; X' think 6, has lode." A little f • the, Vie, -liner, ,100113e o than Trent t It be left. here it mibt be th.n:-onco_th u Phipps! the always called:hint had run through everytlf e * • raid ----0 him -the night .Wite died ,'W() spoke about • 47°11 me what she said." "M -neatly -its -cacr-re the spoke shout his having • frsteon „ on,'"br hipps." ..• • "It's very strange,'" said Martini, v'there.'must•have been two women of tho saine,neitto-:41though this,tfis ' tenable' enough, But in that hoWejelid,peperclielonging' to tho Mrs; Phipps you knew, eome into -the hood*. of those connected with the other Mrs, thilips1" • c4Paperst 'What _papersi" asked Ts; " . ' said, Martin laying "Thcre'sa Prayer Itee ii:telar' *tine. r interest.. " Zorden ,Ta Opened tteket, and n, ded head o y. "The only * the poor left behind,", he, said. 11 .gave the* to s. friend of "A.friendl" interrupted •t was -ii lorlathr • entleman*i! Tagg. "Spoko in a coolest r$ jirth1n- was in fe is no e tee.oen that cites life -a slow and quiet ex- i)nsortetint awhollew regularly atbillys -4n!esyne°w- iistente for most part, despite vmetticaqt mod men matece the famous thriUin laoldsatblaig140. thIS work; but Somehow, It trf itsbe4c)sttotir of Irritsett ansigilifidrecannc4 Ildltngmait7r* can' bring 'themselves to rivalry and warfare and iirtat.*041:1 We know of one herd et cows --(with-somw-inarked7AhnitistionWia ,w! ose productionofbutter-in-awe Canada. I isn't race, and it isn't . hied from 226 ounds ell t� �li�ngetbe water bcforbed- Right. after'haYing ia good time W.' 't n or the• very tine times repay trouble it takes . • it to get get a record or each one. barnyard manure reaatere and scatter irlier,e is this to hotted-- about t1118 a„,heat on the„„P14,08 in the meadow wink; There aro certain seasons on that are getting thin. Breish itoeer farm s,vherk the work is ;eery with a li"ght spike -tooth harrow and 'great deal in protect - Bible t o atir moto. The t mo for 14 tatIragefiXtrifehlift work is lost. weighing and sampling comes *Olt. Year's crop better. IL-L-initil4he-mtereet-an-th_ sturt eitou d be. „adapted to Any °..0° who has 4°116 te;176 soil wantgrassgiTer:fiss ilaim-iiigf,aentedeklukzeuprt; farm.work, knows liow ea it to , ant., IlOrs0g4 and sheep 'delight in . . • .manegementmo-f;stoek-upon-Paeture 'is essential. Do not turn on too , early. Give Give the grass- WW1, to teak(' a good Start. Sheep are niost de- StruetiVe to turn on grassi too soon, as they eat the heart out of it. One of -the worst- of: all weeds is royalty visiting • Apnea •Irt an e 336 rounds of butter per caw) y • to the, wild carrot; it spreads rapidl:7- ficiat caPasitY- la Oak. &dile • a systematic .reeord. "fere cate it in meadow and pasture is to . The Down. ion VAS long a „story pull it up by hand. When the 1„, is all increase of pounds of hut- ...radralast PLO:Ilse 4,11-103,a_Sorateotpaim,,esvisoS:rmn„,Utigt 'Lerrtipt7Itt" cow per pricoars_, Ihricitte- zsb togrOEue? iits,durty,inittihainnewaialyy;imbuptiosafsltebl: eti,gee_ateri virtual it a thi f riner-o -lac"ar'ger- ore. thair-405;-, -,With-s,-.-her -of 20 * 41 tna aave.thi rettlee, of immense open *feet*. and, bp (01°414 rain, the Plante are easily the sands of square feet ofstiff ntras—perhaps wet or half -frozen :krapidfty--witl-which-it was done jeijiaps_the chief 'wonder., Ropes, running like -lightning , through blocks that were instantly tee hat from friction to be touched, had to be checked to within a few inches, requiring the u .-ti-nost cool- ness and p.resence of mind; while the officer in command had to sup- 'erinteitAleewheteAteeetheie-Asni 'looked like a tangled MOO of cord- age, but which was in reality no more iTeortfusion than, the threads - loom. ' In tan instant this deicer might end -enipir'nig. it. is a 'great. cows it mmonarcb's flag, ._eans auiteciease of overat ..idiripaWperinrou, et.aseltiwyjot4t_ne:hichell:17the,:,-e-tetie:9-: k done? .rot ever dollar spent ho:s1_44,Leavt after` Pdy,urtitit_taain.s. 14 wit ti.- *Two of three rifen,or a armor areities-twe sons, wi a. -ten --acro -lot-in lialfa day,. or. at -41,41Wit4- itorra 6 g +.6 "ilief"AVO4C1 4CindUlt .10Ln4 Moro and a:factor. in ,the progieis 1Yr°1.1,anndaeretitosoad.1 is' a1way belittled t° k-ww• t a° lau:° ,.erravtlierIttsivhanelagtu'regentted-.4.11. cvu.tili., "rnPli4,...4thoid. in4ndertaao shoking_roirstra tiMr0e43 so 411111% ve as tills, -we doube--ve us. ••piest. 0 fertile land which is not, orIoo hi h 4601TO ,bey would. starmntileis totnething. was doneler Mini' She said the 'hoz had been otAng for hcr ail, night, long, aridethat she -eouldn"t 'help .hirtee,touldn't 'Ore, him what was his. 01 course, yeteltetinderstand, didn't know what she wais ,talking :Itt tot 401 quito ,turned, toned; afterwards, "Went np her r - she *MG - hat' wity lay a single emit mean rri e catastrophe. Every one, time and ' aloft' was relying OU his judgment., "Baso away-" The order come ia floant. The boatswein's mates repeated it in a articular call which this life -and! death -necessity :soon fatight_overl one to ;understand; the shrill *Ida- ing-feet and runnko ropes, Or tlie thunderous crash of the at sails in the wind. Death had been avert; .04.--er not. .1f not, you looked Op and saw some unfortunete man Your heart stood still. -Would he temething,' -even if\ only to break' hiallitter Or,lotIcr- e-come-htttterinbe deck? I was a "ere 6iWU I. IL herwee •"11 for th? day. If- he , was only t recf-'fhb---drilheenron-re for this was part o t q sson a mus refiCifie in war, one must take hie c1iancca the farra that witty, y *greater pro. eia occurre rt t to- ratio °use e -------- v-tbut- r.' -e • *. But that -Which -wenever have of commons hiatsession.. Two of Yo'n cannot work for God without *imieetniesei..Ah*.ii theeepst-re ectalxio_momb no of t format. ho _never bre-tight hiti of) !louse-. were, seen, eir ceti s " dead -nra mos s f averfair s comtiatatively. small part of Britlish America, 'bid it is sufil- A cipuLtat 4-grea 'pep..tdatinn and the, IA creation Or great wealth, thin' slice of • Canada it bigger than man/ , "illionuktunlaious empire:44t,.. -*.tha_herle t 1155 to the highest prob. prO tio oat ,off, and with 4 Staid' old policeman *.blockheed. . .. - ' . . . oes not realize what he js, iebiAg etarldril$ bOtWeen them. The two Sighing for s' lost; Edqn will not by ;not knowin Ingra Ab°0 ' ea°11 'bad- bten' down-Otairifta Wash their' irttike a ilett earth- - ' one t of his 001484 lutuitir aii".(1 by Sarno mischance. had - ,tasy-strectit,not-a-tberoug . Cow testing, associatio'ns will even- changed .osits.! , They went into the to heaven. natty become the instruments lot- House together., ,Otto of them ute . Thp . 40able faced Man alWay . 0. .41,g-.7..S.F.7„-,.. ' - - - - .. *Cilit-t: oatete --t•,._;,eelfi..-,,, Por •enw Per- atifiiiiiiioitoiikvoe4r.a.ti,thrtoroto:his.stisc: iiI:itt vid,„.0.,044,41ionyt,.e.gt,oull,rtrti'46aCtireep3r,*_:,--,'volth,-;etty,' iip--- out antorl the newer fluids 0.f, the to a dollar and' a half earth . as narly endowed, not and, ax. -.4Ntt to .get * complete. milk and tat, . tremonaollt Imusibilit41.' . . . 1.°°°r(1 of °act' °°*4 °f.e°1'i" mu° of , his neighbor, and turnillg to his hieden by a deUnce.of the. &vit. I ' gvery etent *hick, eintres. stittn„, 'frtrinetit will do ,the work themselves friend; said': 2 . . 116- father ever lost, any of the tion upon Canid*.turnie44, starch- rather °lilt to 'PO till° ulueb 1°' .. tillX0086 010, but I think ybu have* me he 'Ou(. with his children. - iglittptur etude fercesovvit aka**, some person. to do it for.them; oth- pit on i:0 teat," . The 'man With many, coins always ' huge 'stores. of natural wealth -alt *tit wilt POitt kIitortetor416-c1 ..----L:f-- lotit.patui heilei,-the-;wsterrys----and'v the , pert* of tlitelleeeiniedi and ib atm& e ri' cows. pluea-out ,but brier pipte--.,e -very ---,There.ia lovo 'the F'!"7111 Y kpl:lbleaatt*h 'Other„inenti- '11on; Ib done to- barefoot in he crowd. thatiaiced:1k those bite 34:0 whonegtondo ewroorttLtothe. tutheitZtte6014ty. 00tif,t_tiltleonwOuroort. nottyto4gitiokf,,Tere think that -they have brittle - People wiLh putty htf -avian lees wjth the larger mevenients• arcaera 'that are ireeping 0010 'btrt "this is' yoi‘te pi and if y1)11 pay some one to Make ovs'tercati 11' tmit_onshine • oboutbeing records, for ther...--.1ioardis Patty- pOoketor the•coat yOu are *Tann uns dote not.niti:ke thus W,Orl that she ,wits tinder meant, te‘tt'WThe4elk.nreher Visited ber-,-nerrer tor dispui*I" eiiirgeeted „, Martin, -"Iron don't think the was forced t� do thing agO' 1; lei' "Not I ast,", one thing he Iooked for- ward of the 3roun rt't 'Aunt Phipps at all e, or ri I didn't in the eilvat W a 6 6 het *se what she aftict" .0r0r sty quarrel Wit friend who rogrese. For Canada is es twAlestanding 11 , . _ you will. find cigapesse." brighter., -:1 'ver c drains u ildernest, MakemOttake nation is growing,1 faster rots the northern itid St,* °tindery of be ou alt Or offs it is very ,.herstipo ire1uhotiling; not ‘!lite 11, goUSeli, wrirliTthe e of: the, ciiiiotio' 414,44 us so into the ditfonsAn fcecling borscs Herexis *here the palleoptivi °rises, wItieh'hievo steady and In. S�eing the i -,Wo facing each oth. Trioce,,tk, stand hot ,weath- er st theextrielinie taking. o th;nr coats,the policemanteared th rat, ed up, . and pItein o ..tak0 their tii tre iarl:d011 life vs.ays ule uitr ,to replete *Ietting or - it nothing Iltraofon bories ottylieitthettr, and nothing to the .1304.--s at tin. The mysteety eta dee deeper ti becanto o ,