HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-08-13, Page 1;a:Air:40,41Z ...tra,,,,44,,,,4444442. 4r.taarz;el.=,?. ,A-tosa '1.:4.41441rt` 0I5t10%" dkitin4: oo death waBrccejyed. bejvns r4rt:t.\..4' )4(itrvili) deieit4'but weflt ter bee onnt$ !twn as th�ugh tI, t 4. Eig1t 4444"4414e$iworo,t, ed In the. or $ three eti iini ;I ,Qv 0. et ate, more ed oodjtglimr4Ve'vEtrIi°41lietzleet9otflt4ter! ._roto 0,1w:order. Bri4h operation paleVnatl, rcapso Loflowing wouhl ;tie o °Tea out re ardless hotted out to m for our new toidl 4,•vslio1e Ohio:$.001 at mein A, real good 'lot' your chOillet for Zeta, cach,• *4" • Straw \andCrash fngtt4i. n Ail our (3rash'.' 'Itt*'1 0,0f 'the 'Hate to be 'sold out '60 and 10c uringindelot esCb. . PP* ,Veomibest T. Dark;,ead, honors; Larsen.. honors; .B. avidsen,1,, L 17'. Dodson, - honortt; ig11.1otti .1/41000. IL-1, 4Icot. aA1013(00;:. g4(11tO.41 Vraln.,,,hanore, erguaoh; IL E. 'owIer bon 11 11. Green bon Goyn1ock, h. hsurir$';', 0 0 ng E. • • veil; tkin , B. W. IhoUors I Milliard, .honora orsiq , 55,1054 boner d'. lMcLi It o i t YV • Ifenderik olmes. lionOral oflbg 0.. .0rmotlier ;Mai.; ritatio. ..ler ..4en0;tert, and, a. attendant* at.' her JIeritsband-105 leen ''attendinO to hag CO. VAS. -0 baldness .•11 tbctho ib onstant bs been 1d devotion: that Ilia 401:001Vhat itataired. dooght *4t Mresto obo'' of $Otees rogrej aVirtg,,tieett, in bstnntiaj Its in „ town, ;the n die* h 11. ar ritoritonor • Iionors;,"0 o n °nova; z tog* t. MONevilto OhOrs1 otinell*.fientfr4; D.,,Ifteg;Wen tinge, Uotiorst-A' Porter 1,-4.-4%riee,40h^rirOtitirret- M. 0 coloro• Waft At. earSon,-lionorst3. Robb, bonors; O. 114therrOrd; 'honors .:‘," a., A, boom; 3 B rt0aoh, onOrSt .0. • Sherif v bonors 3. A. Scott, boors; A. O. arville ,A taOleton* OPOrs: G ofsturcis4 �. t •••• Stewart. honors SPoir. onos 13...Stra0bati• bOupra !rho raonorat • From Friday of this n ext wee pay e ollowing p ces for pouii k Young Chicks, Wper /1 /O. , ye Weight. . Ducklings Set& perpound live weight. Rens Oets. perpound live 'weight. ' -03 ; d. tober asow, sorrowing nlIebbiell %.**' Oua being the result 5 r, 011 twenty of filo unionrrAnk and Will, who aro at Oita. anight took en active interest in the work,. of the 0414 of the 'Ttivitt, Memo lel 'Church. and t lit•itim, o o owerl tbc 'iVc Oro of he :carr1eis trouaers et Exe ter 'up shots0 Thero was Trius rejoicing Itt., the ooaI camp over the; clefeat of the -vislOr it .is ' • epresellte iterror to al..; lowingare the £te'wart Dr, Bright R. C.s4103 kip. 22 111 ,Tavirettr' ',E4r40.4 GrieveJ. ;-"*.-- r Skit*.15 Melnnis•'• Yates • 41.14.40. "ithwaltir DroWn .ct numi)cr •Skip Kidd 0.7.ALMin; .0 Wonjen nsti tu te, af wjc1ioization also took 4 vory aCtjve lnterest Tbox. funeral tookAtlaes• Vueacle3r er* rntionvAthe.4418, -contanfng remains teing`taken to the .Trivit Memorial ehoreh • *hers setvices ere coodnoted,W the Iteotort Hey. , After, the s.erviee the e ins -ewers :talc t. r.Chat Is *bout the number f peopleaupplied at Exeter. The la porti6n bern-need,onrgoods..kth v elY,--ehoubt.turet, itrs, 4,--;teko:,-- be.greatz.conteat, *11-411fereinterestbirfrOntinOw - to close on August Ztb, YOU, caul! bloke rotstak0 buying here you inAcke taistsicoifbeftloild9n1. 4tatWE•ARS, SELLING+Cruiabed Viblet Valcuni PO"vird. Crushed Roe Togeuni Powder, Skin roods, Hair 6,trower. and Dandruff 'cure, Foot -TOW re- '-',11-4tiirOTOSte. , NNrei otkroott * Waiker, hollers: 13. A. Witter; I.' 13.„Lvelehi, honor: 3. C. AV11004 iw rash* 'honors; f L. Yeo., honors. The. Junior Matriculation reaulta were iiiinountrecrb, thc-iteriartircent. f -education 1V.10tiday.. AcOording'. to ec,ealetrieiritit.40,bOAAILYfreitY.,,,•=1.01 Toronto, the Pass *standard' is 133 per ' °ht. of the mark* assigned to a -Ont.* e: 6-41-6131- Trilosel byteTM!Writtert u �n atidliilfilre r the Vbtireraitr ot--Toront - In ry.sufw en , num su a for. full -written; upon ono or more'tiapera and have - the reAulrements *therein. It all bo m4f16443--Pet-rentr-.-upett-ittio-va0er non_.which ✓ e • be 4eertifieates colltaluirt hei.marki ,to the Prin. eipala'ot the ?high orhoolii-IffiZE--the: Inspoilora in about ,* qekit. ' Can. 4i1te I not ,to the departmen r *their e ports In detail. : Armstrobst;11. G. An- derson. It. Anderson, Whtler- eon, IIrdthers,_ „provin, -NA/"..:_ 3. If; .bat, T.- Con a. a vapp, E. ID., Ciritxtticeo 'Clegg,- M. ,Coofoti, ,J. Cu - " :.Outionno,ILL T.. Irrain 0*':rorguSo4iiat; Tfl Osborne and fiWbort FarinGr's Mutual fire jpsitr- p in nu fietruhar.. nt, ELL, VASS11:04t *and Urit.:Xistirling. tho The ;IXenaall .1101aftera who att 'the etouroatoorit tOodoli' goo very. ,good • at,coorit of Alletitelve00 :but 414_110. A. get. inside the ritoney,.. The *Fit L. It. are hoeing ,the, "ratiliderithit 'Ptteritut httildingo: What is riegdz. cdnitere is starien. -tf and dau ,e were beta lea 0 litts.: 'Shirrs:T.• ' ;heats,* NOttitl0, WAR, t, lap, Of Witodatock; 4-s •ihrother, latt A4f 1 aiitson, ot St.' !rhorn- I&tr randtather Ur. ti'• znenti'oned• mn Section i be tete; Lis the COpii rcilizir the said ' 'tttuttlImit.ted Or delivare irside •pbratutut to said Poriemsappearing b„" the list 13 !sett Aisesstuout Itoa of t1c• 'It Mii.nicipsHty skid tAtunicipolitt ,it EIeCtion for 'Ittettibett of the Legislative •serribity and at Unhiolpoil election Ind that said Mit was first 006ttit up at my it(fitteo Zieterr, •on lhe let d I uly. 100e; on.4 reMatilit there for nepeotion. Eltetirs' are -tailed • Ai to xamic the and if • I* other- .ao o sin to -take initutiliate ' ,4 aeoordiii to 141 U. aoionlock, It, J. ,.11a1laghet. W. A. Galbraith. A. Goble, 1,1.411i Goble. W. f. Green. V. Uch.der0Ont'Llkw11. Ilarailtottp H. 8. tionditon..:' I1*rt.',114 n If. Jordon, J. P.Aittcast,111. Lar- k. X, kt04.,oltettzt61 Siegiveno ' e Lo ,winpreid. CiokiNtf N ell, W. Uurdic., r00100". • w. ilfeWeefi); liraePhOltOtif Pectt,. 0.41- :Beast- S;13, 0.1L Itolunson, 0;:s0i,-- • asIt.„Ifose." ottani 47".--•11il-13 son. A. U.. Sod A. tioott., It. I. -Pietan;, P A. Tom, R. D. Tye. ler, • 13. Te. Go VroY...ii. 0. Nitirorain, E. L. t. L Welsh" M. E'4,- Whitoo h1.*M.'roe. • he etouucit of the village of Exc. e • in lb* Town .Ball_on Friday �f the titg hehI Jul 17 eve Stitch Ttgto asked the touriell' to ,oPell a ditch around /the .earner oflPOSito his property.-- Referred to utmittait. , . • Ur. W. Walker asked the eaquell to--open---tte- diteb On-Mairt-st. north, to Allow the surfsee water, which -pro-• eeira4-to -get away. itereried` to on steeci gomntittoe. Gladman. represen Ip NV,i, 1 e ;,an Skip 10 - lebeeon "Dick 0. 11. Snefl fl L. h. 0 goo. Speii • o N . I. Ileliturto 0...11: ----Ski0428,-----, ,:irtt_ 3. Orioiro • It. carlitq ilm, . Tailor . Wm, illateltio . 4-10.4mgor,scaorpoiluw us, M. ,WO-MAIrce-EC-1980 --Savetr #3g and Plumbini in all its lyanches. 11 and be couvince.cithst: is the ohe4pest t in toiviii ^,-1. .. ,-------------------..,, • t eyt•1 ..3- . 0. don% . J. rilkillard .., Sweet ^ . Elliot F.• W. Madman '. Vlore 10 VI- ki0.13,7 . , . . . S. A. Stewart T. Ifieflerrold Dri-Bright----, -...1.--A.,-,,Ittunbull l„. Xt, Carling „ A. Nairn ' a. y r . , Skip 12 kip .0.9 - ' 'Several Lawn Tenniti players front rarldilli-caine ovelr:Vridat and were defeated' by the local .players: 1.2., 4 ' t _. wo,.-4.. :041,..007-AtcrioWinialte t of doirku-eaii;---:---7----• IS for new styles in clothing.. f.xotoy„oicted s.oyset . , . lateskin4,11,fahrics an ouvworkm _ .... _ 0901.Yell in. regard to t„ 401,04 reter* e ca e • a ilaiefeia in.:frau*. of 'the 'Peoleteri 1 'pilikbill,'W,T,;744V • "••-• ,statailiff‘had tortirto: he -.-Uarrisoni-xeter;--detioted o conclusion that it, would be themo8 more, or _ t. toirv-Varichill:-441egeote&-- Exeter,, 6.4; , Senior Bxetet* liefeated Patrick, 1k40--erreet n Iron fence with•Vsts set in cern. t. 'ankt-estimetea-were-Iaid- •before,therrouteil, for their .consider,, k)&114 -(1-3; unfinished. if the ecroctcrY td. APPrOved et 'footed. Lot*sereiore, end, 74 atia they are hcret#r autbOrized t� ail, 41.6, „Pet, tt-roreed-erith-theorde -outrete -SteWitt-and-Pattick,i-Parkhill.• tion of same. ' tests Gahare and *Senior,' T42teter, -MS hat rwheretta _the coat ot the -..1'Mitehell and Newton POrkii-li, lifonor. Niortild be In .tha neighhoritoo.Cof feited. nevi *Collins and' Alger, gxeter, ,.titisterety • tiorien seven and 'eight hundred dol.- 0,3; .unlinithed: ' , r '41' Dental .•$tirgeo , . lataik Oat we get sft estimate of'.e)i.,. _1 -The *Xetetle. bOWlifitt len ovOr .Gloduttut &'Staub ponditore for. the /car 1}6fore Inking • The Ineticui tV115 tit ottet 1 or, the Oetitiori sgned by 0.Vv-actf#lert. t ,01 2tit0.3 utLitti gs_buikt114 '.70T._id*1'P;*anStreet'.pa6ying-itirf1„.01u! 0ti11.akinaaitlUlC1:ddi0i'!-1-4ett`te,'trrg dram be aungoa;111;tteir4ii!446thobt:vaui str0.4 from Gidley Street. south to :risco ili toro, sna: whon the irrotigdo othtellittloekbi;a ltaeor deg.VtIiitraa trotaillrplifottt, Uttrratertinitio'lalleLluvtisil 114 the ri st 'ot the next meeting of the rottnon* will accommodate . about twenty Itnight..ruireo-That theteott,,e rinks, ie. that the local •tluti,....J1411. nr0 ottd,,trosoftrer ,are '.hoteby eitP,Ov!_`0,1 rallgajOI; tearrianleilW-4400, OTT Iiffeiir-oni- thousand, : 11) t. interide4 to tOOYtbe 010, Ilatiie the credit of the Mhniciloklirt built 'this trimmer to the new urrhantioti*opevortodititulttigrtiitOitative6stt wetre wore; :4104 thi Canning .and Preserving Co,•,ofT'Wto. trortliefettliTirny town, .hip 4fl itiniteday, Attguat.,!'0114 from "4(4 Bell '11°x'116116. C°4 M'a* hes.. disease /rem watb; •to. bad it•,..titrp4pittexo.t Ross,1I6.59;;/tor 1C04. e *ch, Jtegistrar. (.ibbi -boty-f flconbir,----,4tntlanit • Wirt .4 .nt tlae boom 0t "1rt. Wm. C1ar3c, AlLce *trot 4uelplio,, . f 01 1:',it, ' Iriabrabo eldest ,daugit. ter ot, 'Olorke.::Waa tlifited' in- mhIrriag� to ev-Itibli tehderiv 10*. af Mr. and. sv toridObv The bride, entezed tIx*Parlor on tho.ornt :of:hit 'brother, tvlot;gate bet **sr.: eta, she 4001441, ehatetiogj ' gown of *ko- _r_iketrig.. L t .4 Co..1 ,t n. r , .00. 04: iii10; n tTif canto otrbotitilill,g4b.lin vbietireki ri 1 tort Il ,i ito Id OU ears v. A A 11,1 .witatitiar suii me h ha 2LYOd tio;r-dot::::e•!.1;c,:,0115:t.toit ' ' itn:P,R_YM,ttito ItiliC6 thftt . i drain eontraitt• os, 0.41Arzhatitt, Northcott. thureh '0 t %gland and in ifOlitilfs'i lictlit I it; itledioo, 1,11)04 04,251, 0:93i.0ritots. watt i onsetistites The fUriersil. rceetio il!..164 Ult. 1).410fit'• l'5111'''.".' Irak*. st 10. NOrtheottiltitertasitt Uhl itX' uallie... i ;,,q4nuerili rs.,,,z,:l.t.it„,..,,,•. IEV:S.t:61.040,mete.Satukrst,da,,,:t `0.'f,,rolti,,,tiit',tliveliatt.bo.,14,0,. di , 1 by io tt 01...., o tl 7.0.1.:-. .t,:s!tio, dittghtet,'• . ;.-•'llatftietti-- shi,,,,.,#11.?:ov.e#4 4.. .i. I k i, , ... - k Member . , Gradu&te of 'TorOntt". Untyerslt OflIcE:-Oye It Carl Law Office* In Dr. .:Antioritiniit forni 440101 - W.:0110W: • to.:134.0t . Domia irabory,1164 a 00 :6 Coroncr'of fluro. Is �n rnot - vettprinclpal - , Ittl attention todentistry. ti.tio le Old stand on, Stain strec :bt s.11 at Peter timiden'sresiden .A. - .flalkwoll, labor tq oWn 00" *IA 11. planking for some. otiata cenietery,*200; Fred r at c,tneterl, $1200'n Mfg /ear Os. Thor% A At rit.,t011*o gtiosts sat otooict wdi1ing so 1 1id *mplo .isttcc. ere numsrouts sod *Wks to the ie1