HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-08-06, Page 6•olov.titimsett& to .40.:f , atzw34 hbAO the,: thrash), Careful reading ports Showttliat while the harvet h ranch earlier than lad' ye ar,• ,* harvefor st OV.Eit00/kItt)... 00. lois. Of Mate a tne Afl'average prop, (mini Ilmans at least veti etably over * ItUndred ,though how. much over, i difficu1 to ay. no. AGUE Condition 'ef TowasOpelw Way tario 40 to 460 outsideilfatutoba 0 20 to -$21 in ut- t:.s0 ba::2:re*t•fant".Aapto o:t1tro:t,ltve, „ sftornn on board.. tho stesane Standard, work boa* of Sutton , .McArthr, a. Swediith Sorely:an in their ernploy threw overboard a youngScotchman named Robert isk,, eaiiervere-takets-to-re cue un, but without avail, 8,44 aur- - the ,excitement that followed the Swede dinappear4 A search for boSwcde:bas.heen.iflsttUted,. rsflW1t WI r-- Vest on Wednesday. .1 despatch...from Winnipeg sato. Considerable reduction n the prico of .was announced on Mr0 nenday. Shiplap and boards have been reduced $5,50 -per thousand, ,Makinz, the.pow,p,rice $17 per thou- r - e prico of dimension lumberof tIioundvbhI!Jrir ch br -A; usati&- , -applies :t� afl -1• i1thTh Colurnbia and wetern points, 0,4104 ALIENS NATURALIZED. u ths year is 0 r Mastviruent. Out of '12 CLtCl in fdaldtstr).there havo been- 11; According fairiVe.Stzigations: Deputy Von Miro who is itary, condition in the'Iolga t wni are horrible. The absence of 'Sewerage systenrand. Water if,orkri tathe-Inliabitants,.at-the-reereY 01 e c io C1a.wil Vac -BcCome--BritithOnbjeets 'Since-- . A despatch from Ottawa says t Ac- cording to returns received at .the State--Dspartment,„_.67,04-4 'ens • have talesn out naturalization pap. *0 caned ainmthe Act went into effect, Ari_19_02. During the period between July ist„ 1600, and Dec.. glat, 1007, the tann- er naturalized ifior,117;114;'01 who • rviele -from-Me-0g terd-States, • and We were Japanese. Government Suinuler. Report rnat Large Average. A despatch* from gala= says: The Scotia Gov erit's Summer Crop Jteport. hsu-betn issut,,- ComPared wit') thc averi tler xnent makes the -following estimate if six leading Croptitliis.:iseason on hundrc0 IT -4-* 4an cipta arc ill the. makket, 4 4 still large pi strong. to to 0,1e «, stitito 2 Paity, tubs , f 21c to 22c Tulerior 17c. to 18e, .,C1lee8c-,-,12XO.4144, 13.. :for :14"ligk n tae 4clor twin.. „ atmeasier at 20c to tr...7....7...., lw priino and 30't0 -42. -20* -for- -ban -• picked. pastollice'em0/017,00,-, Lindsay. cOnneil has a'uthei,iz *100000 issne of 4leboutiti'e13 to pur- chase an Oanc) Mtration plant.. - 44,40,14;, FAO place Thor n'aixtei on, bottlen, and be responsible for the'outent,. Itota0 ScgIiano, want. d'At Sault Ste Marie for the noir- e ..t.t ieNtioScotiais sending the An- 00sii,of*Wale's a mink' coat yvitit for trinitUingse-and, with iiuttlil* .of •1 - karat goId .'worih about $QOO., Broekville boys.d an 0 Man . - , . George 'Whaley in , the face, iiiIictizig an mittry that ,will disfigure biro for life. rtliTtofodtecsquilqgiyura t. trotahtinby . 14 ie ie. stowarti, of one of the big lilies. Scenic ssengers no matter 4 - 110W Mau , iiTdee-alti . o'fo of 0 -which the whoiiaae cast waa mere than 4OOO,JOO This is 600P at stksir ARE,A.8 01100 00. It is hated 04401110, total 0,c1BAN ex pity 14A -,Nos 000,, And . han-, any passenger, ow *good an appetite he and• other grams, rootar•--105;--apples., small fruitN 00. ; .potatees, an 00;--pluirts, -90; Potatoes ntaries, .9 15 or bushel; Antcrieans, .$ 6 • to 6,0.rter 'barrel in .car iota on trac1 here. Prtovisloil utkitiOrr. Pork -I -Short cut, $23.50 per)tar. ell-Jneas, 409 to $10,5% 'tartest 'or 0 too, tom aproi. Iiight, 143to ; igoopt large, g to ;' 0340 t6 16e} tt era), to 10reit rolls,10c Ile;to . breakfast bacon, itia' to 5%0 green mots, aut-lot pickle, lc Jets than smok WELUNGTON'S* ORO Trott:,Olike Wroto 011, 4t$0,ei Skir1S1 which NI"Ore Iteturned. stritietinTif-, the Due of 3Vellin ton wrote his orders owrn t oin risci Lady Burghesli, !Vies Wiled 'him istr rebeived the following expla,natio -431h-said •:104$•,,h14-oonstant-ptao ce-in-actiottrandinseuliarly-itger down the. orders 'be..sent by bisaido de camp.Ifavingloilnd that the-.ve bat orders were either orregt1 Were r-not-com or earning in hit pee et leose sheet of astsee skin of the tiz.e t,...)f a large -toba-spring wheat patents, $oact to 16.20; scoond 'patents, $5.50 to $5.. , winter ',wheat natents.,' $5 to 5.5O; straitht rollers, $4.25 to r*--.144011- porte4 o bon a very grave c of Pant is pipoomg t&observc som of those relating to beverages. Now, s to champagne, which is 'aid to be, n OiCeljent cure and for that.mat -Or-apreverntive Gf seu.8ickncs, PIP engtr-844,3 -Ph1L t t t . tr..of-onr ' or i Ottlots of champague. Wlint it comer.iro -ariret tho iguresjurnp respectably t-4.at .it is secn that a man may raise a thirst 'soiricwh,ere -west of the ' . - f that cheerful and ruddy beverage the first class passengers 'consumed. 19,20D bottles. Tliatsoito-- 'idle , A $illt.7 1)ut t lisotiart bv.,..th,4 itish board will inquire the methods preserving meat., - lloYd.George, blames thee:. ponditure on armament for 9er- many's -distrust of Britain. . --931Xe0ji. * tb,b, JIMIlab of,Parliarit d eil The e. 4401101g' vt,rsal Peace Congress in London -werc,--V,o15.014,044 • iiey- ateq th4e ideathat Britain's foreign, policy is aunc at the isolation of Oermany. - preyent further _fired° with Lord Obarles Deresford, Sir Percy *Stott has been appointed to a new conunaricl. 'UNITED STATES. *North Dakota is to iniect a • • ro OliskrZed "swiii.thr 48(15.L-1:ittilig :4 illfeg vionts,n was uu ne a V/4, -A) - 7 — I. li, th, .ritiblie square stake a moo 04 , OA „--iint, ,vex -74---t---- _,.. .; -in . agici-4.1304' to -1%W, ex. tray .1.50. 'to 01,70 - Cornmeat-$ 05 to $1,;05 per bag )4111feet:6-Ontario bran, in ba 3, 4.50 to $2 1 to triplets on Tues ay. All -three ; A hale 'Ana beartyi,* She has been. 'Married , six. years, and has seven *ldierrr-Theitotists vats-decorated- nlVedneiday in honor the event,. d -a were -mad FOCK AT 41.1134REC .Percy Daniels :Cornea InContact 'With . cAllatch Qittbee itays-1, Whilo mataiiii- idoraget Wirelioute/r04-*'Wedn'esdaY, Mr Percy Danis.receivedf a shock Jrcn -itj-live4.-wir:i4 at it resultotwhieli. e died ati''hour, .Deceased was well known in Toronto, wh6r6 003 'years ago, worked, for the 'tleticrall4,lectric OorOpany.. He was a nephew of Mr. 11, B. Angui„ itretor of the ,Bank of Montreal,' ai isuglithingt-Ity hirtlikabontOlgskrt • of age, and uninarrted.li and when he had OM order to send he wrote it with his pencil op one side of those sheets his nand, the 4140- standing- at - his head.Alia while." rats, s, Tin -evidence -4-4h frugal Mind it may be addcd that after the s,ction was Over the a$80$ tithos• were rottiroca to to.ini to he cleaned:end used ever . , Let conclude with an interest- ing. note.. concerning ' the ' young uteri° Vietorus. "Yesterday, crim, ing-Lo-U town; win Itlet:the' ureit driving in an open carriage; and. I saw her' ixeltpri * cl hoo- t**, votY-kittl,' _1"1411 amiling and tibking pleas anAhappyir. She was quito • pr girl„ with peculiar sweet sitidlntelligent coun- tenance." ' 1ftYt' 1n* t lot4 411 4_411c1 then...very often tor e fefiltrOit; , Provisions Barrels short eut mess, $22,50, half barrels, 1111.50; clearaVbaeks, $24 ;---drt-storion clearhack/T-11c; barrel Plate heel, f barrels .11.04_1.0; com- pound lard, 3,40 to -9X0 *tire lard, to a%0; hams. ,12%e to i4c, 40 - 121,4c to 13c-; kettle reA (wed, 1$c 140 to 160;• 184048(ir Wept*, to 10e. reth killed abattoir ()reared hogs,49./5 to $10; live,: 0.85 to. or trig' to size.; breakfast baton, QENEBAL. • oslems are now, Aron I „pro.kitisn, a 8 'to Ina pear aosterinq ttil°1:16t'!"tral"04Yriisucilnyj for dr :rtdt Iess than 121,297 gallons Are Very Slowly 'Iron t About, _.... -.The-, recent , diScoy0y. t a group f islands sauterhittirliedS�f ZUL eV u1Wo Tff, 15---i—fre e once part af a. great continen_tal -144Ant$asreetteeauh:fill:oLingdin. Sillinia%Por1444- , oec e 't only theseremnants, calls atteutiou to the 'feet that tbc aro 'est wean now onireTial5y Of -4-w which were on ry-land---'i'he pr cesii of disappearance was very slow. It involve0 no, gataelyslp or sudden catastrophe :overwhelming-, all ani- mal and vegetable hie, but--thivitrk went on century after century till great surfaces were a part of the sea iloor. - • known as petitbleu, a ou*al there is a song which stn - dents sing when inePire it ThertileLsomething ratherappall- ing to read that of -.the variou grades ofbrandy.. the passengers consumed i0,041 bottles/ and, 13,384 gallon's. Mit these are , after , all 'trifling nips when we -come to look ,itt the figure)). rera.ting ta -becr,Tor o that bovera eliss.,_Ire- than hall million gallons were • run , an itr-not reported ---that the quarter- masterss had any unusual police utyto periorm at that. fltroY7DBLI , 0,,x0ont Instalation of the a la cart in the restaurants of 01 les, siicI as were e1don found on even the hist ships whe was exe usivel$, -0 . --lestatrran kz e PautOr "ta 0C 04t -- France, ` Chinese °vessel fo-ondered in a O1sntart--and--300-1)0 -10ns we e -drowned, _ Clen on der. Ooltz of the Glet- man army, reorgalli ish.arrn.y. • Clark Kennedy, the,tngbanntar.1 uz•Ag euch z01401tUdoso" Not long- after Chile's beautiful portof Valparaiso -dosiwoyed- by-caitliquake-oz gust 10 1000, tame qua 11 e r o five years, his iinhappy fate s t - n to Defoe the story of Robinnon ruaoe,- -had -stink itencath -tha 'WOOL The story' was incorrect, but it called again to mind tile /acts that art believed to prove that the Juan Fernandez group, to which this island helot:1p, _was _formerly, ai1Ww the more pd thc Ring of tie TWO Sicili tifed var ititpossOssioni. It ,canie intijeatically into viewon and about the *Addle of 411.1*, tetifiret,47,00aviDli4iprl,opmrliv,%.11;i0:4,,xyriSf . . .. to --f1414,11:rtieort:ell'AIn"O'ITI)01:1t914141.0,‘ n ecem ar-777-7-----=41. - - A 'coral island is soinetimcs tern to pieces by a great Storm), sheidsg• 1,414 islands disappear -in rtnore,ways ed,to„the griiiiiLitr- it- happened to he in tho - • ofpath _a` -WavcixboutfortY-feOt wep l- over the hapless speck . of land,. carrying everyparticle of verdure and every form' of life into the sea, - and not a human being WAS saved. The -upperpart. of the coral was broken off and swpt away” and a few dayalater nothing but, theplacid at atet,S44130,;0eeark*Ate0:MIAA the anateli bad Stood. But such events are a. part of our nee to tIIC niighty.moiements this-seir, f--Europe,stv low • :Barents -WhOsa 'hottem geologists now ;have no Once so E that *Nova--.t- Zombie .Spitthergen and • A pART OP EIIROPE.“-,: .Ieeland, southern. Greeiilind gnl. few other islands are alt tha Land ance:_.roSej.above the wide waste of watersi that now separates tho-ifilands- the -mainland, _men* the many proofs. of this May be mentioned _here only Ole two, varieties of humming. bit -ds .peculiar 1,-o4_chi1e that have becti4seen on the jilands _were_ ttriat* diners- -the 4ineriv-vhose figures ,many, many thousand paxtr nipe quails plwassints / tariVaSbitek daCkSt The w o was captured "Wifotyrit - n n, • as 10/4:15.41 4 ted, tock, '•23c ; No. and •$.0. g, lec per dolen. Vostiernit aro iluotoil-a 12e t�123e and:--Ototerns•-av 11W .UNITEL) STAVES lifAltUTS. uffalo, Aug-SPting *heft inner; - orthern, carloatle, ore, $141.,;(..,, • inter linnet.. Corn „ over ; Act. -4 Sena*, 01e1 o. Orb, IVO; No.,3 whik,. 84c Oat ;Pater ; !te e; No. whit Ian a ive 0. S Pri of fresh :littlenecks; ix -Points and SEN'TtNCM 14c' Aieltahell cOnstiEned 10 OW virtue vic er 0ADUOt 'work for Go 't love for melt. : desdneda in aimed snr to be. " - Sighing for alatt Then tick wakea WM:AA:rah „ Eaay 4#0et: 1. 4_001'90g/4E0 to etti The dottble fiteed -min always IS. convincing ---t� - " There is no love in the Charity that does not .court tierces; - any,- an 'with it; hia,0111*101.40,Aatto_of the cleviL No father ever 106t..ony of th'iri. time he 'spent with his children.- . The man with MaityArtis 'Wants, t� barefoot in the crowd. oopla Y.- *aye; vight oeeur at an voIrrotto cdue'crWin * ot to war aceount o These oo rinare eonnocted w Ue vstves by *hien the no gases re.eXpelled from . had been the out ffor'British. -subnitrifl the T• ('enient litit*1*/$ I h. V*1161 loot*. Daily Telegraph '1', 1004 *4 •'erstecl foreve* tan $tiatiortality 1 which will one .44 the WorkIrs.affairt ighet missio* of t" Brit kin'. ninebeiug hinydoes not makelt -world brigher. who tweeds in od,ing dut surprise to- -find -now auece doclges hi , igns to nu righteousness. olktr who take ere* tioeleate:*t* is oft hill, Selietliild. any r recl t' ti • r lit e iiy str. cohowiariaLtonigarinairtz4autoyd-Loof-tofirvrau,' tichntitt.mtuIrtos;:ounbou; tphotultitle'of6frttitudrtre 1140°.fin'ilinP that of frenli. beef there were 'used io.12,044, pounds, and of *pork and eal -an& mutton, About --threc---ouar- Qt-tg" /4)1110 poryndir of erkelt; Potatoas to go with these weighed in excess of i10,000 tons', a very fair cargo .in L4 The pimengers stern- to /gen thri day With hearty appetites, AS well AS going Or lunch and dinner in the Time b1eaed conditiou. They eon twined of ANP. A IIALF and of oaliroe livor and 'boon sppropriat. quantity anppletneht the si and. With,their inorning toaat2 As if e fgurea wCrc enough thatLtoyd's ihould lo rate inainanceagainnt 8 not e inetiinfrionTor v0 lan4a after, they have been 'lir ri,ce to disa 1--The-tioland -,:Krakatea 11 blown into the Air _Is. Shaking exphisron in Au- • , and_t_l_toAreat wave that 1st!, s t theover -nort d.T°11-** tRrAKY41,11. above the ' nearly twenty years ago, in... ha' about -years and 'COMO- Into. view, A part of .the Alaskan. coast .disap ed after a few years and other land has recent- lv risen -in the --tame -neighborhood. 4bri_Agi thrt,t, once joined Europe and Anicitilca,,.though -ntaritio-ridge tti,t ext,enus all tho way from ieeland to Scotland -apart, of the fatiWtion of thativic '- It. has beort-for- name time cOficItt.- - -sively proved that a hula Minim:ice canne-eted. adagatear witi-r3fouth ;far asSage a t0-71M-4,151.1s.WW1'" — animals whose appearanc;te in • ' W • t.Avio olive regarded as. inexplie. rarotit in ,tbe Pticific in 1604, tear „ ,the Bonin lalands, a new bit of land 'rose shove the- sea- andilto- 'Japanese itiiiiid'iliarili‘g"-Z*Veft it aUd-g-FVe.-it 'the anie of, Nusitimato their 41.te, ' it hasiliPped 'from' their grasp,'-however,;for the, In owang year it melted ***y to 'Woo feet Abollt Oa- level and the Iat vestige of it.has,nevr,rlisopeared..,' 114erritnilea*:ti.0in1 h' .14eabove Mdite631. So the,irOrkeirt4rnitittsOfle relr,011101141-.11a4 its caliongtOs the. human Ntee that Hies On' It ,bitiniiiterf he. OghtieMaliaTO-O$ ebangea. bout; -AT'S- VACATIO e 'Insurance rale on. the face o * • An investutent in the :eau HOU LTher AO _into v te - our saVir*, The fenny supplement of ws. POLPer. The p sugar ,cosking to the Inttor pill of work. Attitadition in -health-healthto. a • traction in wealth. -healthby wherein yoit workltarfibe in *poodiog your•ponoy than,you, ever seOsicuo kter_st these took Zytist4. ittii"th o that besides whattrooking rnaterial e lath 0440* 0 - t 'ward. Itfrom...th:anmeo " intereatin . eoicluioi at whi tion 4 re , o s 'liquorn pgsteept o living, figuring ow- rf l; -thot paasrngers,oar for the stat each, pamtenger tonsil dc after only Ityesiixtiot IA *gallon. of h cheering homrftagos, "IMO th r*,,g0 eonMlmption* toMirlitte night by.- ' twa1. or tt 11,4 drpnd found «r&y lying Xflt0flt10Uw .An mbia- ;UfllflUsflCd,