HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-08-06, Page 6•olov.titimsett&
to .40.:f
atzw34 hbAO
the,: thrash),
Careful reading
ports Showttliat while the harvet
h ranch earlier than lad' ye
ar,• ,* harvefor st
00. lois. Of Mate a tne
Afl'average prop,
(mini Ilmans at least veti
etably over * ItUndred
,though how. much over, i
difficu1 to ay.
no. AGUE
Condition 'ef TowasOpelw Way
40 to 460 outsideilfatutoba
20 to -$21 in
sftornn on board.. tho stesane
Standard, work boa* of Sutton ,
.McArthr, a. Swediith Sorely:an in
their ernploy threw overboard a
youngScotchman named Robert isk,,
cue un, but without avail, 8,44 aur-
- the ,excitement that followed the
Swede dinappear4 A search for
rsflW1t WI r--
Vest on Wednesday.
.1 despatch...from Winnipeg sato.
Considerable reduction n the prico
of .was announced on Mr0
nenday. Shiplap and boards have
been reduced $5,50 -per thousand,
,Makinz, the.pow,p,rice $17 per thou-
r -
prico of dimension lumberof
ch br
-A; usati&-
-applies :t� afl -1• i1thTh
Colurnbia and wetern points,
u ths year is
0 r
Mastviruent. Out of '12 CLtCl in
fdaldtstr).there havo been- 11;
According fairiVe.Stzigations:
Deputy Von Miro who is
itary, condition in the'Iolga
t wni are horrible. The absence of
'Sewerage systenrand. Water if,orkri
tathe-Inliabitants,.at-the-reereY 01
e c io C1a.wil
Vac -BcCome--BritithOnbjeets 'Since--
A despatch from Ottawa says t Ac-
cording to returns received at .the
State--Dspartment,„_.67,04-4 'ens
• have talesn out naturalization pap.
*0 caned
ainmthe Act went into effect, Ari_19_02.
During the period between July ist„
1600, and Dec.. glat, 1007, the tann-
er naturalized ifior,117;114;'01 who
• rviele -from-Me-0g terd-States,
• and We were Japanese.
Government Suinuler. Report
rnat Large Average.
A despatch* from gala= says:
The Scotia Gov erit's
Summer Crop Jteport. hsu-betn issut,,-
ComPared wit') thc averi
xnent makes the -following estimate
if six leading Croptitliis.:iseason on
hundrc0 IT -4-* 4an
cipta arc
ill the. makket,
4 4
still large
pi strong.
to 0,1e
«, stitito 2
Paity, tubs , f 21c to 22c
Tulerior 17c. to 18e,
.,C1lee8c-,-,12XO.4144, 13.. :for :14"ligk
n tae
4clor twin..
atmeasier at 20c to
priino and 30't0 -42. -20* -for- -ban -•
Lindsay. cOnneil has a'uthei,iz
*100000 issne of 4leboutiti'e13 to pur-
chase an Oanc) Mtration plant.. -
44,40,14;, FAO
place Thor n'aixtei
on, bottlen, and be responsible for
Itota0 ScgIiano, want.
d'At Sault Ste Marie for the noir-
ieNtioScotiais sending the An-
00sii,of*Wale's a mink' coat yvitit for
trinitUingse-and, with iiuttlil* .of •1 -
karat goId .'worih about $QOO.,
Broekville boys.d an 0 Man
. - , .
George 'Whaley in ,
the face, iiiIictizig an mittry that
,will disfigure biro for life.
rtliTtofodtecsquilqgiyura t. trotahtinby . 14 ie ie.
stowarti, of one of the big lilies.
Scenic ssengers no matter
4 - 110W Mau ,
iiTdee-alti .
o'fo of
-which the whoiiaae cast waa mere
than 4OOO,JOO This is 600P at stksir ARE,A.8
01100 00. It is hated 04401110, total 0,c1BAN ex pity 14A -,Nos
000,, And .
han-, any passenger,
ow *good an appetite he
other grams,
small fruitN 00.
; .potatees, an
00;--pluirts, -90;
Potatoes ntaries, .9 15
or bushel; Antcrieans, .$ 6 • to
6,0.rter 'barrel in .car iota on trac1
Prtovisloil utkitiOrr.
Pork -I -Short cut, $23.50 per)tar.
ell-Jneas, 409 to $10,5%
0 too,
tom aproi.
Iiight, 143to ; igoopt large,
g to ;' 0340 t6 16e}
tt era), to 10reit rolls,10c
Ile;to . breakfast bacon, itia' to
5%0 green mots, aut-lot pickle,
lc Jets than smok
Trott:,Olike Wroto 011, 4t$0,ei
Skir1S1 which NI"Ore Iteturned.
stritietinTif-, the Due
of 3Vellin ton wrote his orders owrn t oin risci
Lady Burghesli, !Vies Wiled 'him istr
rebeived the following expla,natio
-431h-said •:104$•,,h14-oonstant-ptao
down the. orders 'be..sent
by bisaido de camp.Ifavingloilnd
that the-.ve bat orders were either
orregt1 Were r-not-com
earning in hit pee et leose sheet
of astsee skin of the tiz.e t,...)f a large
-toba-spring wheat patents, $oact to
16.20; scoond 'patents, $5.50 to $5..
, winter ',wheat natents.,' $5 to
5.5O; straitht rollers, $4.25 to
porte4 o bon a very grave c
of Pant is pipoomg t&observc som
of those relating to beverages. Now,
s to champagne, which is 'aid to be,
n OiCeljent cure and for that.mat
-Or-apreverntive Gf seu.8ickncs, PIP
engtr-844,3 -Ph1L
t t t
. tr..of-onr ' or i
Ottlots of champague. Wlint it
comer.iro -ariret tho iguresjurnp
respectably t-4.at .it is secn that a
man may raise a thirst 'soiricwh,ere
-west of the ' . - f
that cheerful and ruddy beverage
the first class passengers 'consumed.
19,20D bottles. Tliatsoito-- 'idle
, A $illt.7 1)ut t lisotiart bv.,..th,4
itish board will inquire
the methods preserving meat., -
lloYd.George, blames thee:.
ponditure on armament for 9er-
many's -distrust of Britain. .
--931Xe0ji. * tb,b, JIMIlab
of,Parliarit d eil
The e. 4401101g'
vt,rsal Peace Congress in London
• iiey-
ateq th4e ideathat Britain's foreign,
policy is aunc at the isolation of
Oermany. -
preyent further _fired° with
Lord Obarles Deresford, Sir Percy
*Stott has been appointed to a new
*North Dakota is to iniect a
ro OliskrZed "swiii.thr 48(15.L-1:ittilig
:4 illfeg vionts,n was uu ne
a V/4, -A) - 7 — I. li, th, .ritiblie square
stake a moo 04 ,
OA „--iint, ,vex -74---t----
.; -in . agici-4.1304' to -1%W, ex.
tray .1.50. 'to 01,70 -
Cornmeat-$ 05 to $1,;05 per bag
)4111feet:6-Ontario bran, in ba
4.50 to $2 1
to triplets on Tues ay. All -three
; A hale 'Ana beartyi,* She has been.
'Married , six. years, and has seven
*ldierrr-Theitotists vats-decorated-
nlVedneiday in honor the event,.
d -a were -mad
FOCK AT 41.1134REC
.Percy Daniels :Cornea InContact
'With .
cAllatch Qittbee itays-1,
Whilo mataiiii-
idoraget Wirelioute/r04-*'Wedn'esdaY,
Mr Percy Danis.receivedf a shock
Jrcn -itj-live4.-wir:i4 at it resultotwhieli.
e died ati''hour, .Deceased
was well known in Toronto, wh6r6
003 'years ago, worked, for the
'tleticrall4,lectric OorOpany.. He was
a nephew of Mr. 11, B. Angui„
itretor of the ,Bank of Montreal,' ai
isuglithingt-Ity hirtlikabontOlgskrt
• of age, and uninarrted.li
and when he had OM order to send
he wrote it with his pencil op one
side of those sheets his nand, the
4140- standing- at - his
head.Alia while."
rats, s,
Tin -evidence -4-4h
frugal Mind it may be addcd that
after the s,ction was Over the a$80$
tithos• were rottiroca to to.ini to he
cleaned:end used ever .
Let conclude with an interest-
ing. note.. concerning ' the ' young
uteri° Vietorus. "Yesterday, crim,
ing-Lo-U town; win Itlet:the' ureit
driving in an open carriage; and. I
saw her' ixeltpri * cl hoo-
t**, votY-kittl,' _1"1411 amiling
and tibking pleas anAhappyir. She
was quito • pr girl„ with
peculiar sweet sitidlntelligent coun-
tenance." '
1ftYt' 1n* t lot4 411
4_411c1 then...very often
tor e fefiltrOit; ,
Provisions Barrels short eut
mess, $22,50, half barrels, 1111.50;
clearaVbaeks, $24 ;---drt-storion
clearhack/T-11c; barrel Plate heel,
f barrels .11.04_1.0; com-
pound lard, 3,40 to -9X0 *tire lard,
to a%0; hams. ,12%e to i4c, 40 -
121,4c to 13c-; kettle reA (wed, 1$c
140 to 160;• 184048(ir Wept*, to
10e. reth killed abattoir ()reared
hogs,49./5 to $10; live,: 0.85 to.
or trig' to size.; breakfast baton,
• oslems are now, Aron
I „pro.kitisn,
a 8 'to Ina
pear aosterinq ttil°1:16t'!"tral"04Yriisucilnyj
for dr :rtdt Iess than 121,297 gallons
Are Very Slowly 'Iron t
_.... -.The-, recent , diScoy0y. t a group
f islands sauterhittirliedS�f
ZUL eV u1Wo Tff,
once part af a. great continen_tal
-144Ant$asreetteeauh:fill:oLingdin. Sillinia%Por1444- ,
e 't only theseremnants, calls
atteutiou to the 'feet that tbc aro
'est wean now onireTial5y Of -4-w
which were on ry-land---'i'he pr
cesii of disappearance was very slow.
It involve0 no, gataelyslp or sudden
catastrophe :overwhelming-, all ani-
mal and vegetable hie, but--thivitrk
went on century after century till
great surfaces were a part of the
sea iloor. - •
known as petitbleu, a ou*al
there is a song which stn -
dents sing when inePire it
ThertileLsomething ratherappall-
ing to read that of -.the variou
grades ofbrandy.. the passengers
consumed i0,041 bottles/ and, 13,384
gallon's. Mit these are , after , all
'trifling nips when we -come to look
,itt the figure)). rera.ting ta -becr,Tor
o that bovera eliss.,_Ire- than hall
million gallons were • run , an
itr-not reported ---that the quarter-
masterss had any unusual police
utyto periorm at that.
0,,x0ont Instalation of the a la
cart in the restaurants of
01 les, siicI as were e1don
found on even the hist ships whe
was exe usivel$, -0 . --lestatrran
kz e PautOr "ta 0C 04t --
` Chinese °vessel fo-ondered in a
-10ns we e -drowned, _
Clen on der. Ooltz of the Glet-
man army, reorgalli
• Clark Kennedy, the,tngbanntar.1
euch z01401tUdoso" Not long- after
Chile's beautiful portof Valparaiso
-dosiwoyed- by-caitliquake-oz
gust 10 1000, tame qua
e r o
five years, his iinhappy fate s t -
n to Defoe the story of Robinnon
ruaoe,- -had -stink itencath -tha
'WOOL The story' was incorrect,
but it called again to mind tile /acts
that art believed to prove that the
Juan Fernandez group, to which
this island helot:1p, _was _formerly,
ai1Ww the more
pd thc Ring of tie TWO Sicili
tifed var ititpossOssioni.
It ,canie intijeatically into viewon
and about the *Addle of 411.1*,
. . ..
--f1414,11:rtieort:ell'AIn"O'ITI)01:1t914141.0,‘ n
ecem ar-777-7-----=41.
- -
A 'coral island is soinetimcs tern to
pieces by a great Storm), sheidsg•
1,414 islands disappear -in rtnore,ways
it- happened to he in tho - •
ofpath _a`
-WavcixboutfortY-feOt wep l-
over the hapless speck . of land,.
carrying everyparticle of verdure
and every form' of life into the sea, -
and not a human being WAS saved.
The -upperpart. of the coral was
broken off and swpt away” and a
few dayalater nothing but, theplacid
the anateli bad Stood.
But such events are a. part of our
nee to tIIC niighty.moiements
this-seir, f--Europe,stv
low • :Barents -WhOsa 'hottem
geologists now ;have no
Once so E that *Nova--.t-
Zombie .Spitthergen and
.Ieeland, southern. Greeiilind gnl.
few other islands are alt tha
Land ance:_.roSej.above the wide
waste of watersi that now separates
tho-ifilands- the -mainland,
_men* the many proofs. of this May
be mentioned _here only Ole two,
varieties of humming. bit -ds .peculiar
1,-o4_chi1e that have becti4seen on the
jilands _were_ ttriat*
diners- -the 4ineriv-vhose figures
,many, many thousand paxtr
nipe quails plwassints
tariVaSbitek daCkSt The
w o was captured "Wifotyrit -
n n, • as 10/4:15.41
4 ted, tock, '•23c ; No.
and •$.0. g, lec per dolen.
Vostiernit aro iluotoil-a
12e t�123e and:--Ototerns•-av 11W
uffalo, Aug-SPting *heft
inner; - orthern, carloatle,
ore, $141.,;(..,, • inter linnet.. Corn
over ; Act. -4 Sena*,
01e1 o.
Orb, IVO; No.,3 whik,. 84c Oat
;Pater ; !te e; No.
Ian a ive 0. S Pri
of fresh :littlenecks; ix -Points and
SEN'TtNCM 14c' Aieltahell cOnstiEned
10 OW virtue vic
0ADUOt 'work for Go 't
love for melt. :
desdneda in aimed snr to be.
" -
Sighing for alatt Then tick
wakea WM:AA:rah „
Eaay 4#0et: 1. 4_001'90g/4E0
to etti
The dottble fiteed -min always IS.
convincing ---t� -
" There is no love in the Charity that
does not .court tierces; -
any,- an 'with it;
hia,0111*101.40,Aatto_of the cleviL
No father ever 106t..ony of th'iri.
time he 'spent with his children.- .
The man with MaityArtis
'Wants, t� barefoot in the crowd.
oopla Y.-
*aye; vight oeeur at an
voIrrotto cdue'crWin * ot to war
aceount o
These oo rinare eonnocted w
Ue vstves by *hien the no
gases re.eXpelled from
. had been the out
ffor'British. -subnitrifl
T• ('enient litit*1*/$
I h. V*1161 loot*.
Daily Telegraph
'1', 1004 *4
•'erstecl foreve*
tan $tiatiortality 1
which will one .44
the WorkIrs.affairt
ighet missio* of
t" Brit
kin'. ninebeiug
hinydoes not makelt -world
who tweeds in od,ing dut
surprise to- -find -now auece
doclges hi
igns to nu
olktr who take
ere* tioeleate:*t*
is oft hill, Selietliild.
any r recl
ti • r lit
str. cohowiariaLtonigarinairtz4autoyd-Loof-tofirvrau,' tichntitt.mtuIrtos;:ounbou;
tphotultitle'of6frttitudrtre 1140°.fin'ilinP
that of frenli. beef there were 'used
io.12,044, pounds, and of *pork and
eal -an& mutton, About --threc---ouar-
Qt-tg" /4)1110 poryndir of erkelt;
Potatoas to go with these weighed in
excess of i10,000 tons', a very fair
cargo .in
L4 The pimengers stern- to /gen thri
day With hearty appetites, AS well
AS going Or lunch and dinner in the
Time b1eaed conditiou. They eon
twined of
and of oaliroe livor and 'boon
sppropriat. quantity anppletneht
the si and. With,their inorning
As if e fgurea wCrc
enough thatLtoyd's ihould
lo rate inainanceagainnt
8 not e inetiinfrionTor v0
lan4a after, they have been
'lir ri,ce to disa
1--The-tioland -,:Krakatea
11 blown into the Air _Is.
Shaking exphisron in Au-
• , and_t_l_toAreat wave that
1st!, s t
theover -nort
d.T°11-** tRrAKY41,11.
above the ' nearly twenty
years ago, in... ha' about
-years and 'COMO- Into.
view, A part of .the
Alaskan. coast .disap ed after a
few years and other land has recent-
lv risen -in the --tame -neighborhood.
4bri_Agi thrt,t, once joined Europe and
-ntaritio-ridge tti,t ext,enus all tho
way from ieeland to Scotland -apart,
of the fatiWtion of thativic '-
It. has beort-for- name time cOficItt.- -
-sively proved that a hula Minim:ice
canne-eted. adagatear witi-r3fouth
asSage a t0-71M-4,151.1s.WW1'" —
animals whose appearanc;te in • '
W • t.Avio olive regarded as. inexplie.
rarotit in ,tbe Pticific in 1604, tear
,the Bonin lalands, a new bit of land
'rose shove the- sea- andilto- 'Japanese
itiiiiid'iliarili‘g"-Z*Veft it aUd-g-FVe.-it
'the anie of, Nusitimato their 41.te,
' it hasiliPped 'from' their
grasp,'-however,;for the, In owang
year it melted ***y to 'Woo feet
Abollt Oa- level and the Iat vestige
of it.has,nevr,rlisopeared..,'
h' .14eabove
So the,irOrkeirt4rnitittsOfle relr,011101141-.11a4
its caliongtOs
the. human Ntee that Hies On' It
,bitiniiiterf he. OghtieMaliaTO-O$
e 'Insurance
rale on. the face o
An investutent in the :eau HOU
LTher AO _into v te - our saVir*,
The fenny supplement of ws.
The p sugar ,cosking to the Inttor
pill of work.
Attitadition in -health-healthto. a •
traction in wealth.
wherein yoit workltarfibe in
*poodiog your•ponoy than,you, ever
kter_st these took Zytist4. ittii"th o
that besides whattrooking rnaterial
lath 0440* 0 -
'ward. Itfrom...th:anmeo
" intereatin
at whi
tion 4 re
o s 'liquorn pgsteept
o living, figuring ow-
rf l; -thot paasrngers,oar
for the stat each, pamtenger tonsil
dc after only Ityesiixtiot IA *gallon.
of h cheering homrftagos, "IMO
th r*,,g0 eonMlmption*
night by.- ' twa1.
or tt 11,4 drpnd
found «r&y lying
.An mbia-