HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-08-06, Page 5t1i ruti 01 tri
: a,it 1 ,
.., 00, 3
owhi the thne tosecure ;Chargein on Carpets I :Wit°learn 011 Cloth Or a
ty TA restyling. We are showing Some extra good quality rugs. 131Z00
'8z4 4x4 404i call and see their.
.ushna, Dreii, 000110, Linens etc. ' Wevere Clearing wit teeny lines to wake
. fortaU shipments Of those goods. , . . ,,, •
; er:fiele'Iainontha 'reat rnany reunion 0
sIGS We aim to ‘keep our atock - in this line complete with
Now Is the time to secure a nice Sailor :Hat cheep. We
Ivintit4..ottlhirt•A:the-latest-NeW :York patterns, also
ie, ol ars, unlined Xicl Gloves etc Our' prices are re.7.-oe, inabitF•
You Will find our iitoi,k is well assorted with seasonable goods.
ii1 I " '04
0 flutter Wool, d,1iiu Pr
dle o deb andTlywoiit Piet 'Binder. Twine.:-
Dill/101,-"Waie China Crotfkory, and GlaWriVare .
1 , 1 .), .
is-‘sortat-Weeartrofferinfefli,07-Peleelltoner Sits lovely -patterns for 491i'd
r set regular-prite 611.2.00.,. • It Will pay yett to. see them before .buying.: "
0 will, pay for this weeks delivery or, Live :Chickens (weighing not less
in 410 1.6; cents per.pound. ,... .
ens 7 cents par_paand,ILVELMtAtg
A intend ahlping- fowl each week throughThe se-10On« '
_ . . .....
,• 'WO Oroticonstatitly se*itir on the best cloths money can buy. We are
posPngeatie ed customers. Murat isn't it? - When we sow :our advertise,
went in the .newcipaper, stating a price for a snit, coat, :trousers. overcoat or
inglude the best of eterything in that
e est. nines, thee tagirtiMineetWasimiteresrdPketc.
ur ability in cutting. fitting and 'waking. Shouldn't
Ills.tisid is sowed to reap you aa one of our customers.
Snit. Post, Trousers, Overcoat, randy. Vest; lortititr a-dd
lult,;thelietit cloth,
as well as the ;best o
W • ol nee
We7are-g1ving a disco-infier *cent -titifirikligtW"s on
r White Waists of which we have but a limited supply;
Here are the prices, 1L-00-fo • . $113-lor1111-;90
1 -for -SIM,
U. Muiline and White' iloods to go at the same reductions.. - See our
fay,on table. ' - • .. '
and Ifle CattoriVollesand Muslin* n.ow Wt(Yc atid-Zrie White' s-,tia•
Vetared-fillutifoty15ci----Alecvehowinwei.goodAinc _rintesstelkke_riard.,—
Have but Short ends of three &cot of Checked Mercerized Ginghitini
asevery atip-6041011-0114--something•-nowi---4tegOlovpricolacr-d•ur
wih iiSI 4 4.1144401nt't %Il' WI, 11 • ships' ,
.1 fr ma on "-to•---sii .1
1.-stIC. lc. .heeter O' oUltis, tft Exeter .4;0)37o -but it appears. are
spent a teNic,lia30..10, WWII IMO: We*: not SQ •Vom,clops of this -Waste : Of
?* '. • Cr! Eilbyr, of Zuricb,spent goods when you ere casty 'oeekrying Olt.
4lat.. !..9 ' t 111Vals 1310t- other war ,called cosnktitieri,
' lAists' 1444 Wenzel left for • -De- OWerite, linweVer, that trha 104404 13.
W. ' *i.'W, ' 'AP - 7 AMVA
,realster- eant,',
(11:41tIk ikl'IlettillttrtialtenT°_mact‘153v94,t..111Ve4ractifel17.16 _ebicgrip,' Iintst"enaffretebirevvYlilttr VeWa'cLe44444barliniaghtlttetlinv4Int'
The ,l, Sell Itulin and Miss- Myrtle 0 t .latt
ravors . . . ' - '
Mr, Utterly without;tatii4airiei.,.,c.
II. A Clark, of thArrail kilowiedingtwl0rmtoot70r
spent '14044tY IA 1011494 .1-4.3 bu'',11-less' I tho4e who feel that__.theY,AtittlrollY
1., A.Pgriti7, a --14-4F .
:Mr. •Viannerlit L. rDetruit. was the
guest of Mr. a, ..uotifonti on. irneony.
'Mr,. Fred Sealth. of liantilton, IS
IkriallatliWin owean.ds and,. JeLlativei -14-_-And-
--stet'. E. .Glextvillei 4na Attiughter,-,61
British Cofunitda. are visiting • the
former's, mother, Urs. Beaver,
-- A--itinger -longer ' ft...Won_was
luattitHil' '' -1,./ststio„tfl",,rist manttl-:very enjaYabie
-'itroe Mkt& -aperirtrii117"Taidrireeettr
ed the booby prize. -"Catsup• galore"
-111itte-a-ifulnlifTronl-Town- tookrity
-"WA 10 et' a, j'ent
a few days in the village. •
• Quite a lumber of the boys 'spout
Wednesday- loot at- the
• e ,
munity- in civilization t
it had interests oPiloaed
their. eeonomical condi
any rate. -dallier; •po.• tit
ot'one- voinnfunity7-
and live, without (118ttt
•rloitnt4ilYs"eolhat alt ei
would form one *eat,
agreeing together att jo
earesuttLi- sf_F:produpti
tion noedcd. wor
ottett predttptien
all means. Please. to X77
itstrount-of vhic1 ti
the Old Boys' re -union at. Y4,4ontion on. avoid; how'Inuch ouch 4 'ett nt
Monday and, TuesdaY. , add to the wealth of the vozi, ! Wil.
Vire;--Etiber olenio was heldon'Frt. I liant Morris„British Mann:factures-and
day last and was largely attended. Soemlist.
Mr. S. Brown very pleasantly en.
tertained the choir_ on'Thursday_jast
In honor of the birthday of 4lisa 71r.
Vinkheiner. •.,.
Ing zwith a largo file on, Monday tri -
)ured his left ha ti severely, the
'istarDened" end of the. file---runni
ur .'
.. on A rs. co. hof
4ted at Varna 'last Sunda ,
,Xiss 011ve QUonce.,,,, of Exeter. is
visiting .at )1\1;1,. and Mrs. 1.. et* at
OreSent., '. . • . .
, Miss i.ilossie Itilkiiir"; el' Eistevrel.- 14 Hurtielb 'Block.
VI, ,inte;.„.stith-,'*liste",Ettiol'fl.telleVrcaintllts,,.
ii44holk;:oliFAt,-"f:A*,v4s.A7:4ii,:i7i-;.,,,,,...1.,, , , .,:,_,
. 1r. j, 'Kellerartit Is tuttting 'ill4J
bis bath outfit . is 'week, ' 1
Mr. It; T. Dunlop 'la away spending
and znild leffecta -bf Cartr'i3 v'teittlei
Liver rills. If , you try them, they.
wUl'oettaittio mleatte. you _.
'Xbe•fall svbeat and barley hervest
-haa --been vonapiete-d -.and --threaltinX,
The mill is being repaired; a new
engini is being put in aud it is koped
better satisfaction all round will re-
Air. and, ;ars. T. wistman - 'and
Targh-ters. Of -New Y-orlii-ar-e---visiti,
The MiSsee Leigh' Are visiting '0115
veek7incLendon.- --• - • -
'Di. Baces .18 visiting at the home
if his (parents. - •
Miss Mitchell. of Sherbrooke, Atia.
is visiting-Ivith-borsister. Mr
ElliottMibs It. is visiting friends
ut-Georgetowtri- - -
Mrs. • 'George Marten and. lawny
`SaIntt3b '1;tr • .
A ,betiutitui luta saintly* we
drawn, to a close at rthar,--thif..1611
the morning of July evbenlIrs.
Viank.-Ntrailthburn; aft�r :4u _illness of
four months ,was cal ed to her last
long *rest. Deceased Avas a daughter
of Mr.' Frank Davis, of Saintsbury,
'and was be.ru in Iliddulph township
in .111ezear... 1860,
spent her early Years up to the time
of her marriage to Frank "Washburn.
of -118,borrte,in the year 1891. A Icor
Aland -and wife---nroved-to-
Chesley and Usenet? six year* later
to Arthur, where they hare reidded
o c preen me IW en, the
heavy hand of affliction has an sore -
on theTr•Veitreful ondliaITY
home. The deceased was a woman et
of high ideals endued with an carte,
est...fThriatiarreplrit,_a_imirit cultivat.
od from ber youth ult. She "watt or-
SaintshttrY from the time of her girl.
ood-days,-taking-tho--orican 411t--14'. ---tittortiy-after Rds-sattl-tniti
and -playing ttptil, the time of her
orrowin Mr. Aleredith, 'who *as tiv!ng
• hoUte so iwell that he. built 'the
torne-life'avith a roof of -prayer -and
walla of devotion. Being an carnet
and energetic member of the' church
of England, the tallies Guild unttin
neighbors mho mourn her ass.
The cause ofplter death -was peritimi.
Hs and although they only hell ' a
•'dare notice, the host of *friends were
at the house on the evening. of the
"28th 'where se -Tv -ice was efinetteted
Rey; ilockley, of ii,rthur, as-
sisted by nevi C. F. *Washburn, of
Millhank§ nephew 'of 'deceased.. in
It is omega the finest goods made for its purpose. Just as good
id Sties -like _silic_anclitialting_tbe place Of silk for Undershirts
ltfen't Gods 'we are also giving snaps andshowing man" pew things.
tow Ilats;.but a few lefts, grain at it reduction. '
Will Give You a Slim* r Suit sit *5 per Cent .00
. 'Just receiViii7a new thing in Tit's. They are the Itnit Tie and „Swagger
many ehades to:el:moos from, Shirts, Where* rOneY SOxp. etc.. wili lie
.-1114344 nein abundonee•
Deader in Meted, Machine and Separator 011. Twine and id1. the other
amok* for the prmont season. -
Wants for for Months
:Pails. Gien, i3inder Twine, -0t4110 toliowin
britlyls .* •
re vtie a. Op ppply of 'Binder Mit
supplies for threshem,,
naiIe00 0
,..,.-, . . , .4,-+g- WM J .
en ant, On tlitt balft1100
he• Suitune
irs ul $2.00 now,
LaOsesea .
Sir Edwin Landscer, the famoutt
ordinal painter, had an cid servant
named 'William, who was portico -
ono couldj,ry Cesar.
1,orlYT.gaasalicitinfio.,11onswai%'a:_ardin!":ro --0-otpr
The answer -would invariably, be,
liedwin is not at 'fame." The prinett
.cenSoft .hirriself .onee rpceived 111!..3
answer when he called, ausplitli o9
'that occasion by the assttrance that
'the had gone to a vktethling„," e -t.
tire fiction on William's part,
prince found oUt, for on. walkitv
ly in and around the gavial', .11.0 MI ift
ed Sir Edwin looking out his t 'WO
tendant tithe, one day, witsn a Ito.
had died at 'the 7.00
canto UP, inAt.lonil. "
painted from, startled 1:1,1 nwtet•
the question. "I'leq.-e. Sir
Eggs Wore
in his early days it Z,:t.; elZtft,`
o Mr. Meredith, the nev.tist, t h
• old& resideno
Rossetti at Queen's 11-174
C011p 1 0341 'fr
ie or rollonerVelits; ,om
ti; law
Licht)." relates Mr, Mer• edith;
ti li Id.not t rigen,""ihong317i1
-an exquisite. day. On the
taidedna huge dish re -Aid fiVa tlit±!
1,4113 of ilit'coir Nihon which ilve ri
setttly Rossetti appeared in tt:e;"
go",wir, nith slipper.; down st atiO
(10Votired • the dainty rem !tt.
dIre." Tills decided Mr.
11'.4.-.-;not-ivOif troubleto leo% r
his rooms, but, sent in as iguristi:,,r1.
rent that niternoon and reritaincti
his address- Rev; Mr.. llockley ; ' Syron'i Proposal; -
that in hiS experience as a clergy- I Lord 13yron in 1830„oeAoug1y turnf.ii
--11,41ting-the fatk,, hc.:14Ner-1311-V Itis thoughts...10 matrimony. eom•
• .
ouch fortitude mitt- resignation -as
„he had known her, he always gave
him encouragement lit his work.
when .weary anti. worn from refusals
of others, to keep his tniesitmary en-
deavors, lie bad init to eitThon deeeas.
cd snd 11:s „.beart svoniti ever be
cheered anti. encour,aged.
W'ashburn,leaves ,bea:ties, her sOrrows
nglitishanii a tanilly--01-etglit.-tive"
garb, rind three boys, the eldest bs.
,ingt:a- girl of -16 and the youngesV
tbree' year& all' of Whom aceempan.
led the reinains from Artbur-to.44-
rare. where they Vete tnet by a great
'fiutaber of, friends, relatives 'and
quntaitccs,7 sorrow followed
he -remains to tb servlee nndinter
ent in St. James cemetery, .(3.1.1ide.
ye. .which seeviee was tondueteil for
rt.nreY, 1,:trittott andv. * r slittler I, Man
It you Vad taken two of Carteriii.
.of Ljttle Liver Pills helot* retiring you
would, not have had that tooted ton.
gut or bad tots in the mouth this
morning. iteen via1 with you for
occasional U$5.'
;04ard oral three lilt drett.
Ei-ie, Veta-and 'rorey anti Luli ,0641.
005 Lott. Are amI):n t tit?! 1te-41414,
Hod to a friend his intention ot
of Sir, Dolph- Milhanke. 'The Wee.1
thought, some other lady • more n t.
abh. und. Agredd With Byron to write
prop6sa1 for hitn.. Otio day, ag
'two were .sitting together .flysset
teived a refusal froni the lady. "You
eo," wild he, "that .011,eri all Mi- a
write to her.' Weeor
and, the friends, .WhO
to lib choice, on readiri
remarked.' "It 'teal
pretty lntter. It..3g1- it Pit
not. go." "Then it shil gel'said
',ten. went,tuffi_thettesteit wao
*natio*, of history. . .
A. Duffield has returned from Vit.
ting friends,in _
• bin 1. O'Brien. and daughter, „1Cath.
,gin and jack is ,"batcbing its' now.
Boring ,the severe electrical storm
-Which eased ever here Tuesdey,'
evening the barn of Adam Tloupe was
struck by lightning au& destroyed
together with„ his crop of bay, wheat
and •barleY.
1,AltitY, AND EnislEiS 81,ECTRIO
Not very_ long ago,
And called. to see one gttoto.,,,
who is not se very slow.-
Avid- .a preSsuf invitation,
-Shure' Larry --ht -sat- -down,
Wholle Eddie lay' asoitie biin
'widout fIbuiile or frown.
Now Lorry being invited attest,
IriotTficte:erfer -Amu
iitor it heIpeit-lAiiii-Sinitibr'ittlfe:''
Ate. rockor siftarted radian'
Mit Eddie lay continted,
They Inua be sold' as we do not want to 004 a pieco ove
'In price will sell them..
:30 pieces Iturdina itt U the nAVv.: Clik$A0 CRODUtRT.GLASSWA0g.
est shades and ratterns. regular 15c, Just to bend the finest line of Toile')
204 "240,-aint200 a yard. yOUV c1101c43 ate, -Dinner Setts. --"Water Erett,4-; ever -
or---19e-thelardr, own in as •vvo-15Trin n"11-7tTrIcTli-tIfe.
A few pieces of Drese goods regular will suit you. We purchased a Iargo
ii0c to, clear At 250 the yard., - line of those goods at. a special price
Sec' our riots at 70 the 11%-rdi guar. and we are giving you. the benefit of
1 0 OIC uisumjuriam.:
1::atAte-lveos tete-dit I ore,-
An' hex mild frind Larry.
!banded in tie middle iv •tle flure.
That not tt _thing evue there.
So tour/ sat (Iowa once again
lu that ancient rocking eliair,
And twice Eddie touched t1i4. button,
An* 'tpoor/Larry- thought beedstyrear
Now tarry to larva -ate, • •
Ile lifted, up , the.
Thrice' Eddie touched th' button
Thot drovc.tarry nearly mad*
-But- I--ettirt •
Ant I% tell it to yez ail '
That tlierellifsotriething very 'tiering'
K „on PPOT., Jesse
in that Ancient °rockers talk - • - -
-Fer jessie' told rtle so. '
That' Eddie touched tht 1. IttOn hard,
• T11'poet lease cried .ort "Ilo"
And lee triest it very often, .
So they tell in near ant'lar,
Shure bc tried it on
An be tried it on Doc. Carr.
Note. -The author asks us not to
result of his
Whit don't you try' Carters LLtJe
Liiterl Villa? They are it Waive 0 _
hte:dtche olden the ifiN pro -
doted. by disordered Only one
alesektoessi!ted to bia' '
1 Mby lightli
• eteottioai storm cn
knocking out it
poWitgittaon 01 tite cat end. At the Lime
of the storm therc. u+rre. severtil 'Mtn
and horse a itt the OOP. .(ortuno
tely tone ot then were inittred,
Ugh !they.,Wete badly fight#11.04.
An inginteehati ro
*cd hic Mon4ar evening beten
af diens twito, £r' bere
The game *Welt
thrott '
he5 did gO«
*1.1 opper4p,
ever tbe!!
• is it Very
t, should
Two Peinte of ,,Vtow.
olilt4iotc'hwornan ;wits, 'welkin
tireb, wittiTcertitiu-ririrtt
minister rou'vost..iit ii treineret
and the old ladyjaid to
iii tom" "'Wean 'a weyt„1,
404 this the ffamrhatir
6 rattri
n e „„ectioi0,- --theinune, --
ings-1219 the y. 1,, ii0E14! . $110F4S1._ Attopz
Cove, Night gowns, Skirts, ' Vests. Patent Leather, Tans,- . Chocolate*,
Shicher,Oubbarrt;Oxfords.,---- -Winona*
ber that these are -not the cheap kind ,
ZadiesIfose .
Ilene Dress Shirts at half , Price.
Boys .White Shirts. at 250 each: Pflens
• nd-Bteys Ready: to Wear-Soito.---4:
gaiwprices. lotifine
Boys Trine Straw Bats at 1,0c each.
full supply of Forks, Bakes, Ser-
theekSnatho, Hay /70rieitope, Pulley
Window Screens. Munn -Jocks, Coil
WI; Dub W
that will not wear, but these shoes a* -
the good_ kind at cheap, price tt and ••‘
guaranteed wear, Ofir prices ^
ower than the lovrest—
Otir Grocery Department is full of
-NewAnd-Fresir Gmbh,- le-lba--„gon
Green Tea, $1, lit Ms Roasted Coffee *lit
AetcheeAargo;bos.IQg...Z.etuaek '
25e, 3 Oens Peas 25c 1 lb. Seerleel .
•torgaLwirten,ie Raisins 10e, Korn Kinks 5c pkg, 13, lbe
arteeolestgente for Plymouth Binder -All -Millinery to -be cleared •Oitt, tee •
Twines, guaranteed the 'beat, gardless of cost.
.1 00 .ponnds of-Wooi *ranted in the next two weeks
for .which we will pay. highest. _Market „price, cash or .trade..
Bring along your. Butter, Eggs and Wool and get some of
'these bargains awl dont forget that by helping us you are
helping yourself. ‘.
MarketTritsers for -Fatty Produce.
ATI -43v. FF -
Cotter Store,
The armers an If. [toll
, TOtal'-440-9M*,-00P*90
4ffBrarieliii.thiatig OUVointier*
Sale Notes 14scounteilt or -Oollected.at Lowest !Current Rates, .
of 1 and u warderecelved. Interest p or added to • not "I
4:times-at- year.
Your money' is too vainablete leave; in the house Where bonitos. thtiftr
or fire rimy take it froin. you, or'to invest to risky speculations or with doubt'
ful Institut:lops that so elite, in the liastAtave robbed men of their hard carnet%
wealth. • 4r, •
•. • -1)11AITTEk.41111. -91IDitit$4,SSUittp- .
'When tendingevti-i TY) Ifirvier ramera r our,
drafts and money. orders are available here, and ,,sold at the lowest po.elble
rates. Our 'money orders are Payable atipar sat any point; In- Oantulal andlri4
ciPal points 111 the iittitiaStates and- great Britain.
'• Ottft lioTra.-0autteout Treatment." No Bed
It. T. blUNLOPi rittntigert
'Office one block north of Siebert & Co'.., store.'
We Sell Maple Leaf tterdql4w506, ome ard sd0 u -before- yot
• • hit)? 'aud:.iye will save you m�uey.
If you are in necd-ofa,new-Itope#1Slingii Or PuJlcy, cem, and se tis.
lutve them. . ,
Am,t�fing MI Sc
et mire'
estort'Sak oacthilyinize4 Shingles and Corrvated Iron In doe
• . lot .4 Ufc t"
A lame isottmistit of Page 'Gate iiii bind.. which we A sellchea
- Fencing.L,_,„ Barband oll Spring Witti, at -tight
. iii.
gor.te o . 1 Stoves,..he proper ''..1 - tit this ,tio'"t!.weather.: CO'
i.ot • Ai
coot *.ttliays on. liant4. - • - - l3utter,.*I' t.410.