HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-08-06, Page 3cuncelkrue ris zan t; aft the5e 0 !rozu place to 1 the ,k,14,n hun *rkto_o_ix_wo.a.-t1446P-ruinita 0 It 'Ott .11 nt the frtrtsse,i 114 4 It t t ivy witI:xttot-potiAllk. touiroattle*lotita : , iist est, in n si tio,is onderhig wJy. h ional"P e $: iree:0religion havc gage from 'him.. The reason i$ simple: Thet Oreu. us of religious onetime wide' eeeme leasantlo the memory fail ,re- pobition. • The emotional life is 'worthy o ror u alt it consti- tutenoiujpf_ the pereenial'sourcesof $ubjthc easurab1e experiences, of Seligion xaitati doing goocl., o heIping on are all eniotional exeer en ive autib-ren setae dl the irks have edgy, as you • "Tie Mose ar I horjzntal refer in to 'a diagrain 'prrapiices P roptiet liat EOPIX 0, T4 WO IT NO LONGER. beini 00ussibes of °this, I., can no longer endure it, but must free rn 6if Isom this int lerajg Cho1�zbue, ttati,\ Se 8.;a Oom1aint,•eknd alt Fluxea'44 ttio Bowele. . •`• It Us Wmi A the isuirlett: t or 431.Am As siteits-sts. -asosissa, 'it lose nee* tweet. ., *feu t is *thiiilt 1204404 • . innins-oUrthe- -co •trneblen in , been heard about the ahs, siy Peareon'e Weekly, 1401.1 !! " a .mo.lah is a title • glesiststhe, LeAs.I.911.0,111e1.1§114T. of any ion. , • Thw, the Sultan, of Turkey .4 a cause be is the supreme head' of he 'Moslem world. The, otiIe mali leader who eaUsed. nob_ iinxiisty. between 1901,' anu 19O, and whoic earn° occasion- ps up even now n. the daily - Per zarsilibtritu.-f* thore e hundrcds of ethers. st of the more conpiquous among, them wi) prefix the We ive This, however; must, not be, taken to mean that they are insane, aid being used- rather in its r nt 1 i nification of "in ired " emo- Iah who areinew stirring upagainst tf the border tribes of Afghanistan ,enornevs, Clad in their sacred robes, bearing aloft the green stand. ard.of-Isiam, they go up and down the.saleys ig the.-Mohatome. -clan war cry, and woe be to hint who • ortirireed7— The person, of the inollah is sae - red. Tr, the &air the other day as„-reported-tte have -ordered that any of them ',caught preaching the itch* holy vas)* should have their • torn out. But if he real)y - e h an edicts -Which is ex..' ill be, manifeated 40Pen individual, even undone strat,ive natures are ii;11a,eneed by it extetit valid) no 0ne can ineasPi You might ,a8 Well-kto triotism Without ext-ent ion -without emotion . .danger is thatatotiosatstiolti religion -shall evaporate jn emotion- al excitement. - --'- e-lonsenjoriessisinotio • . 1 4 without attempting to employ it a • dnzniirforonurdefbiiterviec u bo lessen .the ower -,of -the emotion te-appea tos,you Possibility Of your anawering to its stimulus. - Arouse deep feeling .and high sentiments and allow them to be- come cinch in themselves„, and their( •e -sure -to -he -on %Maga/Ask , not give expression results inner paralysis both of emotions and will., yhen---pityrreympathys _asp Indignation, or the passion for righteousness stir Within one need carefully to watch lest we lose sigh 0. the duties, the toil„ and eervice to ell indangerfrom- trophy of our emetions. One views a dramatic appeal in which social wrongs are shown, one reads a novel appealing to the -sense of justice or ity and_goes his way, having enjoy ed the sensations of angcror pity, and ' form Y ta------4C77ivita:'111-0-re-15--''--- TERNA-TitTNAL Lli$'80/44---- , e mighty Hebibullali. himself -7A.13 U.• - would- taisi , to, layIfi, _siorilOgious- geiptt one of thesb---saintly per.-=.___ .,, • . ----- - - , •*noes.... .ifkhe_were. to ventur43 . such '.:iseseens VI. • David .41IT-1,-le '• unheaedi of thing vengeance , alga, .4 , . Tet ,44_ .4 ..... outld iturt+4-overtalre-him.r- Foritc-------,;"-A-41.4"1.*' 1"."---siss- he c4r inal principle et- :the - Verse .38. 'Iteasti!eises 1-38 for -iti 14 Pl inist.--ses I' e". ellells eroJselles.s•accoisiit, of_140liash -and,...his ,chal. ivel teitiso .;:-Iliet an Injury pur. ‘, lenge, Ravid'is visit, to the, Ihraelite yseettecd4c*. '' -Jants)filiesrs4turabessIvatirislulsro-, postellstresgeet sin only he atoned for by the death ithe Philistine ehanipion, and 'Said's . of the intlevilliat inflicting it. final eonsent. - . . , -.• .-s er. . 'Ilis‘s'apparel...Risther . in • or.'i t . Although Saul 'n 44verse •2 commen&i:Tiiiiid to-',IthovaWs ii I fox istieteits, he plans" to mike.it y in tta reori ee , - ' b equippingt s ..eastLwitIsIiii7-arnro --Vhit, 1,,,hire: „ -great,ease -of's ids not ' to be compared -massive our house last night!! weight and ,sise with that of Alio But r don't see anythin .14t7PAPP04117-44VIN/41:7-"JaatAt. t-FORAITE . *rk"You igeot babe iri a high -ilkonla Oh, -yes, You e, 11* the Arst tiz has napped since he walk months *go.", Hetmet 0fltrifor-Alf 'it -softie. _ helm ent was.leommanly mado of hide or leather, one of niettil being &v. tii special mention. , . oat vfmail-Striettr, the main _ .• rnient which covered the .upper a.•Stowstarve.- , ow do_yel ft Of t e body. The term bi used utS. ruin rtiopt-itt-torter4 ner - -ill ' S r probably *- e Assayed -Tried. . The infer - ed that Omit ' he - was inisi4evessfu ould be thc best way. ° . _ he reason being that he 'had not it. If,. an one narrative in e he is. still 'ili shepherd lad tif $4..• It the 4in t Of ICI 'no *oiler that he Andt• _pQU ,_ one 0 *Up `; 'neestar you pay jrst eight i, , 0 'Iv rooro 0r. vow. woo h mi , • . lest 'selfishness sear the .soul, _lest the year -before. vo,- yo. A/16.) dul the fear 0 , imposition Make us 'dog tilreot. in', that?. ).. Ineein , ,os the 9 000 0 ' " •'-' " ' N , ,. ri40lic in general no intoreovin thc ., orestry question 14 seems ta' m It _would b h t , loran icirvittsw:,....41O theY;_rit'bete,tmes. Everybody'mItai have- ,- 011 - malt . loge an s -ilea?t o e w r to r es 'biij k spo d n -the Psrietice of Constant`to n4 It „r]'namely, etelayn,t.tea,rPet,viWiz lii10 ' cacu ii and scept dam. , be orc aeekz'ziot„f,SyLRAs`„ , ision :we shallnever ttnd them u til ycar to 3 -ear, Is ' • _...,..oileek00 ...le front,tho. year - the ow to iyieiti to "cry Ittinti.: rait!:iotiowoottUnial_l, gbrendte:nofthweeed°b_e; course-----What,---is-the”, wcttIt'indliartrlYrict '''ur." esison 1 .;- . The explanation ia • ' '4" *kel *cir w1”/"ei Mal: roimple,. :in 180e -the data cellepted Ipziti:If only the dream of a hotter' 0, . word. , and 0f, bappier , buucias:t!yi .ghti-r4tihnogl supply United . olltdat.remaeleidnsout for. *Well . once *refreshed '1,k4 nuly.. be est products- became known, which. , retliztedhe.endeavor to. mai, real those §Lbovir.ga we that lannue atin predvtiug . this tim- per' .were not 40'Yary far t w i h,. as they broke upon- , that 0 . .'theIrsuesssissosssessismosswoossms,xes, o 118. * • 'islr-ot supply and demand,/ but h one reepeef.the eatvatien, or.. knowledge of supply anddemand ro---ofTlettingi----entillair1:101tekneinPrtili'cita8 pastand ' the tartilebni6cei.jaos 8 eniotion ; exPrenum ,140i",s?'I possible new imprestions.knOWleage'ai to our .timber reSour. ' , - . . It you would keep your faith alive:t:e0si.'ktn.ndgtahlinnsti,noenkr9fwkornr.olfedrgeelornsrtlil. . ., 4 'iI 4 IgRAIS 0V5yOU ledge ssesst*iv the so eehas increased n the rose i A lie-ciilharp&es hnx--AIM; lives. No inan feels his heart by :. At. becameknown that the 801114:9; thinking about it; it is when he was less than had been euppoeed.' ' actuelly feeds the hungry that, hia-1-Dr, B. R. Pernow, Dean. of the own heart is retreehed, it is when he„ ratu:sy .0f Forestry, UnivarAity of arriesi-the-cup-of cool -seater -t0- oronto; at stimusel-raeetterof a, her that tl 0 well of 'eternal water, tig *.anttiort 190% dials up Iv' th ttrifiin. ( , IIENRYT: COPE, equipMent. It ,prohal?ly-eonsisted t_a--lon,g---thong--doxibiqd-- and hel ; Q40 hand by both, ends. The centre was widened and Tup.,shaped • MACROPITAGOVEJVOSIS. Germ of hisesie of Ohl Age Ifas r. Metehziikoff of the Pasteur Th. hokithe-htenewhjeh: watitite, rasAlesss,tho--:noted spoczali r oil. by swinging the sling and and student of toe human organiault rztlsen tidenly rcfDng one- endri''rnif dIricelitered7tiwi hrf5yr atioitAti'whielr David is.well used to all these„ zind lichee named "Macrophagoeytoblis.4' 'in thy -hat e. went before -To proteethint against oseort*, is curable. • lie Si -4a Oat a . • porisibIeAreacliery.---14 was onte,hurislre4-Icar0.1.1.nee; "if"' !!111454$13.will the ditties of the.'aror.:bearest be treated like bionehitis-and-dipli. guard the person. of his master; 1 therialere treated and cured a the 42. 40eket1-7-about----A,-graphierpresentlinw toueh.As if the Philistine had to 'Old age, ae ording to Dr„.1tetAt, a cr sp-Ria pants. e o-fe'7 e eou • 1.4 0 is an ancient, iaVir„ wale . evert see David,. SO insignificant hes on mankind. Ili* reeent re. s he in eonipartson, . • searcheri and istudie$ Proye.that it is' Be disdained contempt the :diseases of the inthatines and is -David wa eissuie-4 40 0 . hestestiimili which STeisten le ill.eittehed eize of _body, but by Ilk- We eat Lao mu6'm” 4141a 4,4 he fact that he was a, -14-11,-1,01.r--e(ntntOnance4 beauty leain st.an.sult10..this outh, -and .1:10,11itIt 0100 • WhO eat v'gt ,44,t14,produ ofie vho.,_piette.ke Of A. and have grown old' in years; . ..owever* in „spite of the tosii* de A general tempt- ut air ateif 11d earHd had unc1bt4I.e ly bee &ten used to .chastise hia sliesiberd dogs when disobedient. 43. Cursed David by his gods-- ,Ife used the names of his pato') gods in istiprocatiOg but 'thd not, gain thereby in the,eombat, *tkofftfl toasting on Part. All iorta tiveries And.. -noisx were toed • h armies to terrify their' enemiee, and in fanjet erteOunteely- *am ettittO- nutty th fteite 'me'ss own, hrav rjt'ed,ancIto hurl japuntcalthek, eel; tenor e f0110.1.1 ftussia. In the ojoktioo..1.thero. only 0;491'Nbt1 shopseti)n:k.iwint. 1, Moscow, whoio nffair were. in, a baCi having offexec his orviees to .yourtl-ers urrtirtr6d,.h37..- Go- ernrneutand reeciving a fittOcir 0 T313:bi""..r:ZerO-01,rrti ed-hition lioness, 'anil iEsnow estry.* iis rnie May be stuppedr that my eonne t,ienYJitittbeln nay bA-1;4aPked- 'tutt-in prison, where I may. b clearly conScions that these horrors re net 'conimitted on my helm' or; stilt better (so good that I dare not eon dream of such happiness), Treiscy put on mei as on thijs ofty peasants,-7-- ireild-and-astapy-studjessii-mis al qfi* ,bench.,..maccthat. by l'Ay own ,0 - pod noose around eld throat. 0 3,4siviitto;441. pzior:fea'Ello 6trawbety summer ag�d wo years, -wee taken in with mor fml°t Or. towitiks:',"tatitita WitilHen child, 1 seemed to follow hee sx*ai. ploas 1 alw&yw have it *is% 1st Oneti gave it to my baby as airsetta And she was et 040.0iroliov itui_likker couPit -tlassipor tittibt"--- lies-aseant thelzzan Wlikzfled-the wools-A-is-was-4ot -entireAss,dinerent ;16..saiscrsaxamen pears -nee. • In Orel la. *oath an exeention4 at -once a ma was found .w.sa,agreed with the ga.nizers of governniental murders IT - au A LIFT; - to do. the business for 'fifty roubles srENtE IN VENITENTIAillYi I: ee head.- But the voiratteer'hang- atu,,f1t.",,t Ina)44,,,taili. 14 'rg,P,PSn' t triiii iliiiettg= WAS pat fer siittni„.„„A"Vtu:r,"::' rt:A Frce Mr tteNtaliotfitral Orleadill eittIOO, having ITOt the throud sack* Q • ' Texas b* tildenee trout towns, apd at the time of the exe- -s1A--"-- ."-,':',01::::4:'"": hiro to the -scaffold,- dapped, and, -:-1-- arproachiag ' tim superintendent, . Pardoned from a . penitentier said: ' tey0u. Iowa • add -another life sentopee b ' castes- of a dream . - drip* sves so im esse with Lis droani that he te t cal od upon to study the case. He neglected his own business and delved into t.he records. He interviewed the prose: outing attorney in thle case. He $ought the trial judge, long since /red; and bcgged him for asist- nce in freeing Jones, ' • -- isesmirstssitty'lltnentessmst / saw another man commit the murder, sat, him in my dream,' ldris;-declared-with-eareestness-.- , At first Waldrip's dream was looked upon as a joke. His friends ' feared for his sanity. But he kept , Of exe"eutions. hangings, minders and bombs- people now -write aed! epe k its they used to speak about tht weather. Children play at • ligitiffitt=4;444 hoole, who are almost' children go 013 exprepr a mg xpedittosii edy-to.-kill, :pa as ;they used to gn hunting. ARRAIGNMENT OF TIM MAX. --This.-exeeritioner-at ....fire- is, h*nd. knows that, he is an lexeentioner 4 that he doe ii wrong,. and: is therefore -bate -d. and rnen, and1 think this conseiou-snesS 'tiid=thisFfeatzletsfersEinenteVfo least a part of , his guilt. But rms.* frOtkAho- Sepretary litES the zero -yen indirect. participa- tors in the iniquitieserPetrate eititiry-ilay;;,44Th'7.not-teemil _ -feerycnir , guilt nor the shame your pertici-, pation in thee s borrorse. should .(41, • ' hat unfortunate exec tioner h nilen, ho stistide morally-immetisu ibly bleier than you,artieipaOrs 'in and -part authors- awful. .rounding t e release of •Geerg from -the -Texas -state t where ' he was incarcerated for eleven years on the charge of murdering a WOinall. In musty's" respects Jones was a attracted more or less of a follow- ing.: Little by -little the- tangled skein was unwound, and now, through the dream of Waktrip, iz total stranger, the Governor of , Texas and ithe Perdon Board have nurrkable vonvie ----Thsa-snsusd0r seetsfre-Ctonviet-4Jorters.-- was ir.o)rapri_soriclunways. • Bereft of the wife for whose loee mfiTc A women ,whoto name had been has sought ficeluston on a ranch \ehlan,dleads istioourneddoreltides! Certain by geiros..1 nea,r San Antonio., where he says po curastances seemingly pointed to ea--ak the Murderer. , 11.- was itried and convicted. Ills wife slurs - ed her devotionby removing fforn Startling Statistics by Ocrnian her home -to- Huntsville, the peal.- Anthority-t tentaty town NO that the might - , . istt hittt..vequettry.....i1(wa we- .....Ane.„,00e,kostsincisi e ci igthefe.: o n,ofri/trhAl 0,titemer;-,. to-do aud furnished nioney for her man Public., td support; . of-the-arnix. have. heers-raVier taken-- - tin-istmed 1)y Ow ho shall remain. cosr- or rx.nopErt, WAR. Jones maintained his innate co ot liescrime, setting forth, thatslie- was at all timea -devoted to his wife and had never associated with other WO -men, Fr -about' a year 11)11.X. .L;- Staf on the authority of -Genet, Blume as to the pro .01e -0W-it ioderir-Ittiropeati-wais--- German , it is affirmed, would be ableAss4intA,t04.1100 Ireopsin the A war fought against am.ther only thingt1 do is not to grovi old before our atot, In order to stay young, therefore, less muet'obierv.i 41411 and reettiWieal hygiene, res gulato the 'life), ,work rnoder toly, both ph,aicsI1yand mental]void hive in the tOuntry,, eitt' sparitigl aiul let,Yesifrai-et be vtgetatiarfrat art Meat; sleep au eientlis in from ateohol,.. teai-toffee a acco,*void a muehlis jo .e enntaZlnua ow C4 hivathee days without the ex- eiteinent *n. oi'cional game at. I the*. AIldl ' thet0110trii'orveri in t threw taNv tho' pipe and eo 1 LAJ3OR tit Th� .turiTi agitated n law zutfit h not, is of little he to hi .Ilis staff -Ile The sheperd's invariable weapon zind instrument; .he used it to lean in elimbing'ind'as s Oaf for It flavid' ease the*ting was in so New ill i , i page 1* 1 ide of ' , r . Teat message or dncouragenzen M11111405, ised eXhoststionto 'wakfaith rettivh so 1 , . .. . * imes, )LSTOJ, 1' Everything 7.n, t Asia i done in the - general^ welfare; 1st' tins name of 'the 'roteetiori -and-ttrao, itilitf-of the tit la ntatte of. ,lIussTa. ' And , this re -to; -then:it fir- strii;i-°---denel for ,trie, -who :live in, #ussia. For therefore, exists the deatittia. tiowof the peoples, ,deprived of the first most natural, right Orin tiiss he-ri .t0 use the Isnci on vs .leborn; for me the half milhlon en torn taut 1if rms anrl- at false, r' ' way :from who nd dressed .in u u lit' to knit for ni lied.-- *1+,141 Jones prison th ee visits • . frequent. so n._. , loate were notcanze. ti pinedrhut-ns-4ifte-explained- that or four thoto Lettred to gain the ,digdeesure Rereptan powers were involved, as of-A.40,,pseetiott-OSWill,,__-8110,,eettteti *ould yiew ot.exhsting. . they -*tresaritioyed,• by her -tillit10.4*/10, (Trail) ' no day after. the visiso 'tad 'Of Eutope WoUld appalling. from his wife; 'LU J4Le-w itIastdd.' The , Aliit.ther cr. 'annun, as ridireet loss end y woutd be ittltietlieenvredutothtetrivhlrdtvctIm eietam.e aeiorvil ?'m:e! ineidentallY n... Blume ex t.t- e e- giOne-tor Jones, lifr& wouldbe heavierth*re isy tes --- /ZfoIfs glanced at if hurriOly--be cent ItussesetiPaneSsi armies in thercal- Ciktehiog up the. hatehet with oiling in the same proportion, A, whieli .he been 'working, he sev. . European power wouldlase approx. ed his right hand at etc wrist, moiety 00,000 kilted sna- wounded and withhis left he handed the during the status lengthof tithei and ifetninitatea,- numb° r,--'`-tu deputyC4en.;,_ Blume__ believes, the proportion . • would he mueli-higher. Iic declares ,•‘"Takethia hack- to .1117/ *fist and .t *OW be A veritable ,Orgy of tell lier.itje rny entwer to. her .1 • field were kiIIedorwouyzded. Iteck- , rot p tition-irty good right ha hand that has never romtnitte but 1144 worked all these on tied arn*.marr1ed I I)1tEAM. Jones' lok)unditi *to belled aler painful.' siege, but hOal* worried for hie wife, and ofte,n in lards on their bear hiin tohhin trait lantlfsWitiha'llel:tioriV:a 4;e4or