HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-9-9, Page 75.4.1TTENI1E'l 9, 1.880 A BIBIY6 GRIEF, DEMARKATiLE OCNDOCT GP A. DOVE WIT Gm MATE, WAS six.i.eut liY A 1.0(iaiNfOTIVE. --- S3M0 HMO iv 3 a little girl living near ehe line a the eerie reiiwny, two miles erew elethhonteville, fe, y„ wan preeett ed with a pair oi dovee. They were in toe habit of ;lying about iti thii flue etas% throe weelca ago,' they were flyinq acre' e8 the reit way treelt, when the node bird Attune ineollieion with the Li rnolcP-stitek of the Paeifie Pipre-s, whklipAseesth.pet abent 7 -o'cleek in the morning. Thebi 1 was killed by the 1-iubelc., and instantly tbrown out et' sight of its Mete. The fettle:le eirclea shout the AMA for a few mintireejfl erideet amazement a the end len dis- sppetti mice of her mete.. She then flew to a mile ao4r. neer bv, peel for & titno enve atteetteee tette) meurn• tIILnntee ehAritoterietio to thA StlaiiPtily 8h0seemed to reeliee whet hail oarlike"( the Mail filen eter eleht. and she reee in the sit end flew swiftly in tire tilreetion the train had gene. 'S.e d hel not. return Until geoont nceon, She alighted at her oete, where she re- mained the rest, 14 the 1sv, ritteento her plailitre clips. Next morning., jest heinre 7 o'eloek, she wee seen to -fly limey, and tales It posilieli on the mile poet neer the sent who're she last w her male the ;ley before, When the exoce,ls f ralio came along 411e flew at the loan:motive, envered libont, the smekestatek and around the wit), n r looking for her iate, 4-lhe nexempani- Pti the loce<notive for a, mile or tto and teen rat:treed :0 her cote. Evpry day eioce then she hag re»eated tide strange eondnee. She zoo e for her lookout for the train at precisely the satil9titn Spell morning end eniits until the train ennes alone, no matter hew • late It nifty he. She never glOS fllYthor elfin ebout e mile with the train, returning then to her cote an mt uteenig piteously "n11 day. JERIIY GREs 'FISH STORY. 'I've never seta th' river so low here 'afete 'oent (meet; lemme see, 't were 'bon% 'frirty-seven year 'go,' said old 4rry Greet inef, tf :Letekawaxen, the 'Ater evening When 'sdrne one remark. 'ed that the wit ter in the Doleware was ''eetY los*. 'Yes, I rem'ber now. 'twee in the rear eightren 'thirty three. for spot were the year I killed sixty .wil' date an' seven handerd an' sixteen rettleenelles. NOW I s'pose yeu'll bat dly b'liere what I'm a goin' t' tell ye, but I swow it's the solem' gospel truth. Wall, sir, they bedn't been a drop of -rein since th' sixteenth o' August, an' •all th' water gest were left in th' Del'. warewere lyin' it'll pools 'F course •all the fish what was in the river to thet time was crowded into these hole, an' they were chuck full o' perch aft' pickrel an' catfishes an' sich, en' bine. bye, as the water kept a gittin loner an' lower, some o' th' fish got crowded clean out o' th' weter by th' fish uuder 'em ; an'. sir, I hope I may di op 11 m' track,: if 'on several occasions 1 didn't are the fish crawl up on th' big rocks in the river eaily in th' evenine jest so as tu get th' moisture from th' dew wheu 't fell. Yes, sir, thet's th' geepel truthetet' fer over a dozen nights eet ou shore au' acteily counted as high as a million fish, as thin's shed dere, an' crawlie' up on th' rocks to git cooline evonin' breeze, an' catch eh' dew as 't fell. Now,I know moat on yell think l'in stratchia' thet story a nn' ye, some o' ye,. feel sorter decent() 'bout expeessin' yer opinion 't, but I swow thet's th' truth,fer lenever 1iei, bein' like George Wash- 4gteit, an' I'm too ol'• to commence lyin4 now, bein' nigh auto seventy.two ti 'Nfv.sens, TTJCILETT & BILLINGS are often attired to sell their "Myrtle Navy" tobaceo to rotnil defame They never n auy 0380 del so, and for the best el reasons. Tho wholosale trade of the 0010 try have a distributing tuachiner3 which handles th) "iktyrtlo Navy" Without addition to its permanent expqnsee. If the mentifeettirers were undertal:e that work, as they ollia by selling to the local trade, it would require an independent mechin. ery, the whole cost of which would have to be borne by the proceeds of the tobacco sales, and of curse it worth.' fall upon the consumer. Sol. ling to the wholesale trade alone is, theretore, for the commuter's benefit, and is a cou vet ienen to the retell trade, because every traveller whe cells—in the grocery hne—can take orders fol 4 lyrtle Navy." THE TIME5 REAT OF THE SUN. People who to around growling about the heat, don't know when they are well off, It is it very rare thing that we have the temperature above 100 degeees, A. Frenehtastronomer has rct cently discovered that the temperature in the sun in 20,000 degrees above zero. 'hint ponder on thoso figures for a me - meet, Of course being in the sun thb thermetueter's state in the kibade eall- not be given. Tho thermometer couldel be in the enn and in the shade et the tome. utile. What muat the prim) lof palm Iota fans be in the centre of our volar syetenn Ice cream there must be scalding hot, Think of the unfortenete inhabitants of the sun suf- feriug 20,000 •degtees while WO are grambling about ninety degrees in the shade ! ;tones, an inhabitant of the &un, as he come swelterieg down town, says to Smith : 'Is this hot en- ortith for you ?' 40h, well, its coaling off e little vow ; my bey Tara, who has been climbing ep the thermometer tube for the last ON hoer has jut dnwn sod saye it's only 18,640 now,' Probably when the thermomoter gees detve to about 3.7,00, people bogie looking up their furs and fl'aunels there,—The sun shines fer all, inclnd- . tug its ow!' inhabetants,—Derroit Free • _-- CANN'IBLES IN TREE TOPS. Lameg the papers presented to the English Parliament relating to the South Sea Islanders, is a report by Captain C. H. Sampson, of Her -dra- jesty's'eltip Menthe, giving an account Of his visa lest year to the Solomon and other gronpes of islands irt the Pacific Ocean. While at Isabel Island, from which three men and seven wo- men were kidnapped in 1871, Captain Sampson, with a party of officers went a short distance inland to visit one of the remarkable tree villages, peculiar, be believed, to this island. He found the village built ou the summit of a rocky mountain, rieing almost perpen. dicularty to a height of 800 feet. The party ascended by a native path from the interior, and found Gu the extreme summit a mass nf enormous rocks standing up like a castle, among which grow the Gigantic trees,in the branches of which the houses are built. The stems of these trees rise perfectly straight and enanoth, without a branch to a height varying from 50 to 100 feet. en the one Captain Simpson ascended the house was just 80 feet from th; ground ; one °lobe to it was 120 feet. The only means of ascent to these is by a ladder made of a creeper, sus- readed from a post within the house, mud which, of course can be hauled ue at will. The houses are most ingeni. onsty but, and are very ,firm and strone. Each house will coutein from 10 to 12 natives, and au ample store of stones is kept, which they_throw with slings and hand with grert precisiou. At the foot of each of these trees is au - other lint, in which the family usually reside, the tree house being only resort. ed to at night and duringtnne of ex- pected danger. In feat, however, they are never safe from surprise, notwith. 'standing all their precautions, :as the object of life among thee people is to get each other's heads. Captain Simp. eon on returning visited a chief's house on the beach, and found a row of 25 humen heads, captured in a reeent raid, fastenti up across the front like vermon ;at a barn door. It was ac knowleged that the object of the raid was to get heads,and to eat the bodies, which is always done. Tee heads of the men, wransu and cltilaren are all taken, and the i tinder is that the whole Wand bee not beceme &Porn. Winn ; the penple of this end other islands are tot, however, a conrageons people. Such 3 thin ii 11.9 ti, rite:Da-tip fight among the ttibes is alines) no- koowo, but they prowl shout for prey attacking whenever they have a victim in their power withont risk to them- selves. In some of the islands', Cep- tain Simpson observed the men have long hair, which they wear hi fashion like those adopted hy the other sex in Enrope, the favorite rivulet being thel ordinary chignon, or loose down the! back ; the wometiorhose hair is shorter than the men's, wear it loose and tun. &Trottel. In clothing there not at pri senb oppottunity for European or an other ftteh;on. IIE WAS IN lelf) ITUTIRY‘ He wits a men who looked as if lie took life eay---n,of niece nrt of men who seem to be hair to die to peen the trouble of hetet <hi rt e. fTe nadntstred into a a"er"r office thei other any, as it time htiug henvy on Lis ahokilders "Pootor in 0' he asked. 'Yes.' eeplied the servant. 'Awake ?' `Yes.' 'I'll just wait here till he gets through.' ITe waited for abnnt half An hour, kt the end of that time the doctor ap- peared,hurridly wiping his mouth with his hal) AkeT011:ef. The an was leisurely etanining an album nri the table. 'Good any, sir,1 smiled the dobtor. 'Ali, gond day. Nice day.' 413 antif n1 dity.' 41.1emarltable day for the season of the year.' 'Yes, it 'is? 4elood for the 'crops,' Tortoubtpaiy.' Sorter looks Ilke rain in tbe east thonghe 'The doetor eneented. The caller began nn another subject and said the grnss was better than it had been for meny previous years. What on earth Call the fellow br after ?' reflected the d"ctor, as he had determined to sound him. 'Ave yon ailing sir.' 'Oh, 'Ynnr wife 9' 'Bless me. ro.' 4Tnen,' cote"ied the doctor, in des- perstien, 'What do want with me ?' 'Oh, I just called to remark,' replied the Irian, as he got no, 'that mother- in-law was taken violet -fly ill with fits this morning, aiL if you could but drop arouna to the Immo some time during the day,withontinconveni- eneing yonreeIf it might sort of reas- sure the old lady.' The Greatest Popularity of Dr. Pow. lee's Extract of Wild St<awbetry is where it has been longest known. Time mount derraet from its merits. It is tate old reliable remedy for all bowel complaints iucideut to the mime] seeson. Important to Conlimptives A. gentleman having been so fortnnate as tc• cure his son ofeonsuniption in its worst stege.--„ after being given up to die by the !Lost cele- brated physicians, desires to make known the cure (which proves successfril in every ease) to those afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Consnmption, and the Affec- Liens othe Throat and Longs, and will send the Recipe, free of charge to all who desire it, if they will forward their address to DANIEL ADM:, 34 Liberty St., New York. Have Courage. — You may Buffet from scrofula or some foul humor, your liver may be congested, you/ lungs diseased, yonr kidneys deranged, your joints distorted with rheurnatistn, you may be almost a walking skeleton yet dispair not, Burdock Bitters has cared others—it may cure yon. elsinfilaimersittllentAilinienneneuseles. HALLOO, MIKE Where did you buy them brick ? Well, jimmy, I bought theta from Mitchell, of course. Has he mediy of them left? Why, yes, thousands of thew, and firet-eless too. How does ho melt them, IVIike? Well, .Iitatuy, he sells them so cheap that I was not to tell, lett if you want any just go right there, fur he su•ys he is tonuid to sell as eneap as any in the county. Remember, he lives south side creditun grit.vel read. • JOHN MITCHELL. ore titan, Feb. Eli, 18.8 Oni CAUTI 4-• N. EACH prx(-? 02 TEE Jr VId0 AV/ IS MARKED • BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHERENUINE, GRAY'S SITICI.F0 MEDICINE,. TRADE MARKThpra mrtm uglish TRADE t'10l '• R K. , •!..‘•71!..1.;:.rni iiiit.):171,iet.rte‘loli 1 hu,t)tt'i 1.1- %Nett .Itio,s,-, 4. .1r0 .,: isinteil..,,,tir lit.,eyrzde4tr, ke) ezee inseasee ;tett fel • low as a 4 .`(10..LW il Before TakupeDniversal 1.ttsrli- A 4,,.„ Taking, Of Sall Al.use, ta, *4 .p.iifk, ilaalc,Diinneer7ton11;:fsil,IPti•el itortt"Itro"'ol 111:, and 1 tchtliitilznoilt,Ittlit?tisnietti,-.1virt.,,tnillifitttnivevadvt:7‘.0:11,nusL1,1,ityienoirj 1 pilftll'111;:111 in our p.witplo,t, \rhipit wo desire to pc.17.1 rv, 1,v 1,,,,,,i t, ollOry 07.(7. i..A.The Specific 'A f edieine ifi Sal Ily11,11,01!;:.'vt5 at .1 1.0r pa (sititgt or 1 y pat,lItIges tor :•,: 1. Or 'A I f DV MIlit hy rail 4 011 receipt alt), inneee liy,iiblvas..111.4 Ttri..1(1":1:v:11':\,I;If;',111),I,()INNIE,„,(!T2i,t0,4. Ki." -Sold in Exeter'br It'll ,Irtarnins, alai (Ivory - Where 01 0Janatta .1 11.1 1 ILO 111.1i Ott Stattli 1,7'10.101(7 sale ant) rota i I trot:id. L. N, 13 --l'ho ao: mina of OM' bnoinmg Wry() neCeg- ittlatol our renew i Lig to `Dustan, to which pluou please address dll futaro cionunautoatons. / licxeter orth FLOT111, and GRIST MILL, Boit:gin goo(' working order giros every ace() m .Ltstion possible iu grtothig and flourhg. Flour tiinillfeadeelieueee to 1Foyirte their eiders before ono o'cloolt (IA istutery, or O',13 YEN or tetutill wine day TERMS CASH. ZIL Z•ITM" 0 IC, EXETER P 0. FI ivY PUMP 1NORIM O. BOLTON • PROPRIETOR. having aclulea to nay pump raechinPrv, I cured a large quantity of tirst-'1ase pump loge, 1 ain prepared. to offer an article Superior to anY Factor in the Count,y, and at prices that defy competition, Wells and Cistertie ttug on the glsortest notice. Hofer() pi:rein:slug call a, t the Bay Pump Works. fee,sbop-One-ipierte ]]ort of Exeter, Tieudon Road- Ilto 1 , r e•ov),V.,i.$) ,4. fe"‘ti-S,9 7 % • •I/. .,..t '‘7....e.-----,st---'' .=:Veeze ' efeseeee ClTtE..VA':'-'''—'-"-------"v't'l AS--'7.-"-.II.S:l7:;,..77/1rt7:.c.44)lis-po:ed of 7. y store, and 'having to viten te the seine, In -ill dia. pose of my whole stock at and antler cost. Sale to commence Wednesday, 31100 4th. Mi stock tannitises the fi • est goods in the trade, and this IS a rare dpportunitv to procure bargnins never before offered. Call 'early. Goods booked will be charged regular pricee. All ou tstanding eccounts must be settled in June, W. D. MeGLOGECLON, 1:30 1 nualos St.. London. HEN sALL., PORK PACKING HOUSE —4./tQk t0.)0$1,1 • Having commenced husinessfor the Fall andWinterTrade We are prepared to purchase any quantity of Pork, subject to the following regulations We will take off two pounds per hmulred if dry, and three pound ;f soft. Shoulder stuck. twenty-five cents. If any of the hong gut is left in, 211 cents extra will be deducted. No port( will be bought at an price 4 warn). We want all Hog Cutting sri Ilt li brufiSt to bead, and Hams openeelgotattotraillb .4 G ct J. PETTY. This great nonsehold Heatable relate nuton the !Waling 1.100n9a1'ieR of life. There femoo Pills purify the 'imam, and. :set Most pONVerinil yet stiothilatly on the LiCer, co, Kullieys. mut -Bowels, giving tone„ energy, end vigor t< these great mein Apring* of. lif e. They are con. rulently 000,1) o' na a a ovor failing )1,10(413 311(1 ee 1.,es wi tere the cone tit n :lei:Amu whatever , 1.1,Alw0:0 10 impaired or vealo ned. Tlit* ere wonaer0nly efficacious in all aitinenti: inch Omani to feautlas of all age; ;tad as a genuitt Pam ilv mtelivale IL0elnlatiwase0. . ...re. 4, •or, .. ,' E • . 1 .1/2 i ' 13 • , '. .411/21'.'1.' :;14,....".• iki ' 4', . i I. 7 11soarclii21g aud Ileal2ng properties ore 1;110V1, thrall glirat the world. For the (nue of bed lege,bad breasts, cud wourot Sores tt is en remedy, 1.; effectually rebbed on the reek end chest, as salt into Inca 2, it mire sore throat, Bret:Oat igicough$ Onlas, and even Asthma. h`or Olrunlvlste Slvel .1.1e yeses, Piles, foist:this. Gott t ennie 21913 anti every Iiina of Skin Disease, it has neVer In,e1A kiiineo to ye it, Thol'ills dna Otutmeh ( are Man. ufactureo only tit Sas 0X.P0111) STEM, T.ONnON, And aro sold by all Vendors of Modi (Moe th)ough- out the civilized world; wilt directions in nInosi every lengliano. Tho Treat. Mario; of these Medicines ere rords. tend. to Ottawa. nonce, any one 01 the Thi(if)2 Posgeseirmn,who may keep the American num- govieits for sale, will be prnsecuted. 14.,•Pttrebase2'salunful look to the Noun on the Pc,tiand Boxes, If the 5t111r0145 te not 533 Oxford Street Loudon they '20 5)1131100 - ' • T FRUIT JAR—GEMS. ---A't' 1-4 P3113 -- H rr G TIO( IF., 111r, The nowFrench Medicine cures S rahr.7 IMPOTENCE, and all nermaa emo,eaiuts ; • suiting inLoss of emery, serious itape.11,ney.t., marriage, groab depression, ete. 7A‘, per iit•t.. .1 for $9, Sold by druggists cverywle--... sale-LYMAN .9P.aitn. See% 1,•,, moil, seeurelysealed, 00 reeeipte: peiee. Alar)4; Lmveriai ttlathcinoAgene.F. 4..),,.Ttn'thel.i• L. 1'I'111,1!.En IN ./ 111. .1 1.0ViT,L1' Gazetteor of Briti.,1 Yorth Ainnica, riONTAINING tile latest en1 mst author ti' dIl 11i2t4 of 1311' 721' 2 '1'018'/1s and 1111014e.: 12t 1.0 ProvirooR r. Quebee. Nova Sentie. New lirnusr.riek. N co,• le!. land, Prioee P:dwara Lb41,i, 311it jitifj8I1 OcI11.11111)11, 12111 the North. 17.1,,;.t 'I'L.,•,•7t,..•ft.,10 1 other general ()from 0 tion,raw,a, (.1, ,:ew,.211 500120415, 2114 t(8 the atant.P.I.Jealit.:‘',Wtant, al.._ of over 1,5110 Lakee am) 13221 Tairr..!•.•• .1, allowing the proximity {,r 12 1(1241! tft1 and. Sett, Lake mei laver ports, to ;A , Citee-•, 'Powns,tee , fht:. 1 this Table 1r,e1e1 11.valualdet ; alto 1. Drq: Colored Map of the 1 ‘.1r-il,itet Cf 1',1u....!;1. by p, A. C.tiosiiya pakt o1 1. 21 l:01.711, 81 1i1i4 2. etfolly wanted. Price!••',3--payableindolirevu. JOHN iVELL SON. Po' isber.: Montreal, A.ugust 181, 7.11.A.1\TI-TOOT) HOW LOST HOW ii:STORED .we bees 121111112, c.titien oF 1311. eueveltde:tees 4210,1,t.l'1ATI• fre;;•,.1 en the realeal and ure it•?t,loot 2 242' theine) of E ervom* Debility, Mental ail( ((11711 24181 hiettpacity. inipelliinents2 3101' 1012°- rte., re - aniline froth 1770,S... 120. Price 1 a seelea envelope, only 0 e,:nfl tWu pOstage stomps. The celebrated 1111111,7' if tbis whiiirale essay, (dearly denemstrat..e, lolo lhilt1 eriece*e- htl pritetho, (11111 11111'1l1 121.2 Calarglif (14,1107,4 may rU1lOttiI7' ('111,1'..:ithobt the ileltaarona 151 i 111 ternal ..r the ti$o of the 10200: Foint• out (102242 :1 once sitopie earth in $91.1. of- teatattl, by means vaiich .1very sufferer. 112151.ter what his ye e• t jou may I)), may eure 1IIUCOO cheaply, private1gt1terui0,uv, This LOCUM, should be la tinillnitilA of every youth and eve y mon La the lona. _Address, THE OULTERWELL 'MEDICAL fn, 4.1 Ann Street. 1'7w Y ok Post Office Pox 4308 Harper's Bazar Patterns. They aro graded to FIT ANY FIGURE 7(2141 50 adjusteil that the most inexperienee.d, with the aid af rhe printed directions whieh aceom- puny each bait, van setrare a. oerfout tit. They are cheaper than any others, OSILY 26 CENTS FOR A. COM- PLETE Surr. Agent for Exeter and vicinity, W. A. CA.1•TIPIEED e would also cull special attention ta 1215 well assorted stock of Funey Goods, Berlin Wools, Fingering Yarns. Knitting Colton in all en'ors. Euitting done to order. A g rod supply of hos- iery always on haaa. Please call and examine stock and prices beft.re purahasing elsewhere. Opposite Jialteen's lack. "W.& 0,A.NZIZLD, Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. IT is a most agreeable dressing, which is at once harmless and effectual, for pre- serving the hair. It restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use ohta hair is thickened, and baldness Rica though not always cured. It checks falling of the hair inunediately, and ctuases a new growth in all cases where the glands are not decayed; while to brashy, weak, or otherwise diseased Italr, it imparts vitality and strength, and renders it pliable. The Vieon cleanses the scalp, Owes and prevents the .formakioit of dandruff; and, by its cooling, stimulating, and sonibinp-, properties, it Iteais most if not all of the humors and diseases peculiar 0) the scalp, keeping it cool, elcan, and soft, under -which conditions diseases of the scalp and lmit• are impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair• The intuit is incomparable, It is color- less, contains neither (el nor dye, and vAll riot Soli white eallibrie. It illipartS an agreeablit and 'lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it is .economical• and unsurpassed in its excelletice. Prepared by ON J. O. Ayer 84 00.) rraetical andAnaiytieal Chemists, LoW011, Mass. SOLD 1) Ala. DRIIGOISTS 14