HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-08-06, Page 1ets. -e re
P V-441cp,
e a lar e asior ▪ nt 0 ern
louse 'Sae has been alreat suc
just a few404,'andoaoll °Ie. a bargain; -must,.
.Y43;c1.--cm '
Co):aset4 , Covers, Drawers, t.4owiis, f'
nders •
S.< II
o clear at
you arein needofa Parasol, either 'tailor- or--
la0r.we oan'snrjply, yon.. at pipes that *111.please,
ens Straw and Lfrten flats, suitable' for the •
nn weathr. $613ing,atrednoed price.
;e4 4 44 ' row
t114 11°3t7ilioo'cv:tn4itsued drought oL the
isa'Crottaton; of Lucent and
and Mrg,L D. anslrom Vort.
uiec641_ *Ir....,
don ars ysjting at tbirTole Or -O
fcw day.
the celestial eqiator on the
Earth's" Autumnal, •elui 140
0 a"- factorinaorta •nri
urbances t thift 1er104-. Lo bar
Onz0tor art thr00:ten1ng. focefti1
AttarAX-0,1" a b • -.sato!
sary .,
Jnziic M‘ o dOn,
otlier es r
SOO, 4polt ,f0
-of this w n I3ny Cit4 CV,
f lils• Sister, Ws, Insincere.
gloyogirt oL Brenton,
'thiSest a ar
out oxP000d aoottern •ertaatall:tolulifte
IS II e0,
oterest therasokee inall atorni in
dicatione at this and .1a-subseveritust-fpezlods. As -above .
arked litrevta
• over 'the fltb, :but the period atilt
tauttlyjnot.iiiiinday- the' 14th 15th
• ga. Unusual -baionietrlo
Ition4 _about- this tiMo, esperiallY, in
• lie., extreme eonth, .thogid betosite
Ise admonitiofl,. of possible danger..
etWeen the 1.6tli and. 1inh,,,,progro5ii4
•.1,017 fror* west *-to eaatiatil'itheaato
linAlea00,141310 0001' Walre- Altilnad
tMCte4s exe
4 so
From Friday morning S o'clock of this week un-
til Thursday evening 4 o'clock next week, we will
Young Chicks, 12etS.: per poun.4,, live weight.
r pound live w1h
That is about 410 number of poOPla au Oita Th ton
of them ‘need our goods -they havetotut They should turn- -„talre
hatiflin thetgreat contett.2_' It will be keener And more interesting front now
to dose ortAugustZthi.,.Youi-can't_niititelkroistske buying ,beforl-you Make
-isfAikeFtvfien youTdotet, „ ,
Violet 44,!"guin Poirder., Crobed. tele
Marton Powder; 'Skin Foods,. Grower and Dandruff. cure. Foot
Easo..T00t1fOrealth ' rtdfur,0 rolitarairt largetit variety in town..
Camera -Free Y Camera
d 1rs. G. Stirling, of tile :v 1.
a, „tournament in London .gare
but hoeto get .4riside the money.
the 0; *re 13014* ':_the' sIa-
tiofl it.1ntd, tOnalifEtahl.T. Iiii
pro ring tbe building.—
a hit
hate Danthron. of
In hs airsute ipcndag, altbougb
tberc et but ft few .hairs remainin
p ofJiis craninco, •A few.'
41.04- ge#,not-to .tuate, .t e ex e en
parting,,xithich hehad otter .xits
morning'sablutions, he cut a • hole
In the crown Of -hie went -
foithto do a little -tbibing.. As Ale.
bus ,done, considerable 'fishing and
.*re bad, he. Paid little attention' to,
the biting sensation ilitherit.the.Nr,*
tier' of the .hat was missing. just
.00c4Sionally seratchliig,,his head,. AO
keep *thathe thatight were Some of
the . pesky- slumber disturbers,. ewer,-
rosquitocz ur,cre. gettitig' ,eworse and
*tfl(1 also ad rft5terodlti
.cboir,rendere4 very appropriate
the.. ocM0-Trim
to belnthijelied. -.
, ,
basehati team Went euar..
yllle to fulfil ` the chaHeng to that
gam,, but Cedarville failedto play,
aIng •thc ebamponiiip in the
hands of our boys. Fbe „ro.44.1t ufn
o Londonoftho of 114r.
Joseph Eennett, who died luthe hos.
ital' there trout an • attack_ et I-
: .11ett we or 4
broiler around
relativea oan
number of eara
andhere lijs znanj
fain' a 1,-
tral took- place . 41
riales goMeterY,%, nea
Zev.."04 n, litift and .faintly
eked . Pt (Arend nod on' Thursday'
didate for Ccntre lluron at the ro4
cent . rovinolal 'elections Will .eut.
barig:- in tbe 'equ'OfanclOit and
lecting husiness in Goderiek, „
t, has b en cier
ton. for 4''114.01, or • oars,
resgned On account ;it ill health a
T. ItftflCC, -ha
been appolutedTh
1111.00 haii•'104011'004414Ott4r$ ,thO' bn
tbe bours 0! twe1Vta .04.;•Otir,.4 .0-01ka
ean.le personAnterett the bar of the iOr
gue00.'itritel nt fileaforth :andtap,4
ped the till.for twe or. :three,dollars...Str
"‘',0 7 - reprietorigul'iitoPPeOt int*
t ' 11 for a few -Minutee,-, whin
Am- ROss teLloole.Ladysittrf
• ,
. .
Curtni..third daughter of
- CUnton, - • ' -
ot last' week. ,.1.10"ton, few: days P
itious.:':to. her -death; she. appeaxed
be iii.„gol•441tht,3Y. ett_.
anr4 I t re.
kerne in• 1diondon on
leb Leturned to their home
in L�n-
do on l'oriday evening' atter,a,
-ant -raeatiorrat'rttwimmo-ot—their
mole,' arr. James "tlandford* They
were aorouipariled home by. their coo*
'cooler -Vteither*''-00 -10**stigation
discovered that instead of tlitt
stingers bothering 4him, it Otis the
hot rays of the sun being focused
that1IttIe bidd „iivot„ Oat_was ut*,
beautifitt red 'blotch that .any- one
'Who has been vereli sunbUrnt4 '007
o o •
Ur. Thome. a' Edwards; of Hamilton,.
-W44 the trneSt of hie .sister, Ofra,,
Vbarlea PuiPlen last iweek,-• °
:Chiron,* and tiarott Ouptan 4re
yisiting Zonclon.
. -AU.; Brown. of 4:11fia Wei the
063.0 � rtiu Clari Pairball on Sun.-
! *717-7.--
t Iles, of Lodoli, _area the.
itllosf 4) • ang, ourr,$_,,,ointe .s_90day Jast.,-
M1s,Alla-Syko is :visiting, friends
-Miss Mae:Pollen, ot St* Iframs,itas
guest. ot.., 4Misa 41argaret
tienhad to - e rezorted to. This
alma-15c Mom' re.-
,fortu..,4:4,bottt , midnight her ,oveak.,
-4e4--to. an urgent tall from Sta.
nese 'suddenly 'Aevelope4 and before
herfather, could reach her side she,
eznirttd.,1.0'4al)rti.ss Gunn , her dx.
(lesion to do -the pilfering.. •
. llugh llunter, of West 'Wits
itamitfeati-Sigastattb, met Avith
Altijuj,LasiL.Iyhat -been
vorite oia.TUesday afternoon af las!
iireek*, lio,Aira$ working , At a lathe,
jnunped, lind--knockinr frorn
.his hand, 'drove ' the. Sharp .0014t of
into his body. Fortunately it di
ot.viorewtho abdOnient and lath ugla
he WOn0(11 WAS a ainfui .ne .t
after a few: days' reit :it it 'oxptted
he will be all . right again. The
wound might easily have beell, of
triouo nature, and Mr. Uunter is
Call and be .convinced that it :isthe cheapest spot in
fortunate in *escaping as well 1;ts he
ing and Plumbing in allits branc's es,
liarnasa. of Ventralis, is the-
guett of Or. and gra. W. (Douala'.
Mrs. Sohn Ziunean, Jr, spent part
ofAest 'Week at arena '13enti
r. and Wrap rta4, ts.• *.Arri anit,
spen un air- an
'hIondo, Mr. and *fa. ../.revis
'Aid worth -at
Of — tottlortml
on and Ed Chriatie--141 A
but lex.; is *IWO*. 't,r$211.%to
spring jke on te above fillf0a4
• r
To 4.11c Zfittur of the. Soter
munY. "of your readlrs will lik
t I will endeavo write you,' a -
short letter about my trip' out, also
-how---4,:have,lound It ast-
b4sitt' comet, that is to WitirtiOg. Iwo
'suited ""ftoiti-1,TOratite on Tueaall,V.;
•Zulet itli;--Thitillear 'We litid7-06 take'
'Ali O. P. t V,m TOftnito .the
tvrt hit X tate
r to the-
nant to
-htitled to
unieipality.,*t titet
the "Legfolative
er• Misit Laurai4tccoMpanied her.
ret7icrtiTia visiting reatoret
dox,,L,t Vries rleda ttakor. And
ll'etrkft: took- tot' 1,14dti,
,t,ye .chtirob seridres;.
'Dook.Uitehell, who resides in
7tiol,Y7 X.0:04-rei*
ng.bicyttoittiert.. ,
wbe Quarterly Meeting was .1111,401,1
ctterideti .Sunday Morning. ati4 the,
• fit.
returned on
440 ..fra0 a bYsines; trIP to
cat; -
is OCA-,1SO - (rIends at London.
etelia, Neilwent to 1,,.i4I'do
114;w...road by StiiibUry this route to., 'Saturday cloning in cowl*
visiling bls sister Mrs. W.. 11.10dgert,
gerLnreyiztttng...jn _Exeter,
is ..lvfarguerlte Stewart, of Sea.
forth, is visiting '''at -her uncles'.
While riding On hia. bicycle on Sat..
a ilaitifal caMinif
In Pontagt. Awith the shaft of a rig
th4-4.4o4,1kai fagoting* Orio..44. his
, ribs was .t.roken. auid ho Was otber
the impotence of his Store and 41v v
bt hvng it „rearibtt411:.-
Zaroes.ltoaoh. leavet-for uiand.
Dent17.-thiet-litetir-tir *pend-tr-weekt-
irteshing ia-the. order of th tiay.
.'W'e are ,leased- /eArtx...-thAt 0844
ter -4Toster, gray_•41- !rnJIro1rng.
bent-Illtott sibotter,- 4thiut ---0-11441
la still toery 'rougb and. we bed' *1 and Fred •
--her,grendfat hart_
N'ext litteaday7 even ce atri.
it0e1011 los tO be held on,Epworth Park'
En*rth 'Logue. hero. . •
gr. 'Geo. -Aunty Ito !bath -making
,s0tuclimigoYgpltuto shalt his* dive'.
-*Tit -flit
arturee-tif It, -
*sand Urs. Memoir' wore,
he *Mtge.* 'few 40* fast 'mfoicK.
Ong the. latter's mother. Mrs,
. .
Andrew X3utt itt Ltnd�ii
tking in the Old Pori? non .0
d rth 'The )1 W.:1'04ft i here.
for -new styles in clothing.
oomMent.. We always
,avax ble
r -Suits are
very booty train-of43-00aoheS* We tooth *.are MO, father.
had. a„, -.very good time ,and got alonti flot and. L'•
trithout_atiy. r.i:and Its,
-70.Xt — "fioill7.- 'term' tit!
evening. instead -ot • i Wrn lLirrui b her. father Ur. James
fore 0-4*w abOuld have had.Wo been,
On time. l'hOite Is n lot more of
good neve country on the new ;to
than by the old North no toot,
Wc landeft ifl Winnipeg, at eitten
(Nilotic o tbe Oth abont 14 houra
riirs.--'1 fa Wrr rtpetlh t- •a
plaee..Vvith the,03
up tor-li new
nearly finished and keit one 01 the
finest -streets of any
And 44 1 hove been in nearly all o
them t tart speak. .frotn. 04petienO '
n_ottn, take_the_iiroid*
Ont 'streets .abil they are t
in -Canada* The exhibitIon.startth
froth xtIl.clir owe of
$finct lorees and
'bring tdgether *11 One ring: thresli-
ingg marlines_ eYt70fli.
being .the best. They 11c.-etei the
from oia, nostand oft txpeits, sett
they bedthe best gaitOline end it
enginee.on the ground*. ' On 'citizens
1:there were .4/A0 .peoPleon ti
rounds, snd on thi„foilowin day
.g 1 met sevcat forunerr.' *".
Lt T Ed& Ilifttt is doing * good tr In
5.1 e bt.itehe Criess ,inga1cu 0
ft - iiti6 fo twb1undr1
a • .
ltle• ' it
t emigration
In kilt* to SOnle
A• B0.114SMAN,* Sor
13,, }boor gradnate otToron
T 000$0110* .
The . Couticii Of '..lbes , Township of
Stephen, oonvened In the ToWit hall, R.
. •
u . 1JO13 nt..-1 p 40•• *Alt mein 0 .
. 130.7.-minutei -ta - '
cdd azid ad d. , „ till pari
ncle N i ettli -r- ". illi.4ao
tiOirp:teiiiik, a liAlawt to
prov:dethe opening of VOW*.
ship It d I ring. the minion 0 . 4014*
so*te,, wilo has. beei
bed for several -weck
4 4USt,-ettrap.
to proud A Or balling of thc
0149.4;a -rates on th **toth10-
ty et Ihe''''T4' pri-
'the lief!**
al Of the Cer*
tif I
CO., expreaS
son'oork on
bas n- comet
Th *nisting
*he T
biril. 1 n(-, &,p li.
-.ind tliork. On ' ,th
rat;On-"nitiittied f1'
Ilitf.totlowilig.- .
.r8c 11 jar.' fliteen, gravel, ‘
biett, onstruoting-Orn
o . ' nOessiort, :4445 t:,:iPItes.
. ..,.„ ... .
0 Lti-TOX• rit.1); 8i jjIE
" Dttgartiso ottnerta of
° nbreelittY*
.0 -Or'
Notice Oren' that;
ransunittd o 40liter:of to ttie.
mentionel:in SeOtion „Si
.e" List 4,0t,,!** 'the oti
el 4 of tbe list
to 4 Act,0! all
n b the'. la
isisment Ro1 Of.' the
nlclp.flty to be cntitled 10
tbe fadd MuntclpeIkty at Eleationi
and ' at MtnfripuuI eleatiotr
tie :cott
1 the f
, I
„ ,Ileri
lot wek4
i lor,,,,. of Mt
1n brr au»tUr*. C. 'Fri
two o
. Can
" in. the. To*-
. y
Yet 001a/i,
• • .
10 'Iatet
0 sal& lis
et errata
1* aM4 itoretlkite
errt °