HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-30, Page 7:lee:0141
1. eve
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FU cossurArowt1
404 s a..
e. Perhap5 seineOf the old time
ionof great mbedonste kid of
,great heights of character are dee-.
'oar bedauie they seem. eo Mueh.
_above. the plane '.:of the -n , ormal aver-
e1iOfl5, not ugh, 'whether
be will •obe the tcn comraapelmentee.
nO t4much whether. be will bend to•
the 'dictate of church or preacher,
ut whether he will be obedicnt to,
one is dcfcatcd until he, eiVeo
s ort out .heo
ncyr lifted hi
a,*".00 'cif an is
whichauch visioris of
ltics and lofty
thebeing and dominatc
map -0 -sense talks littic and
tone nine
f adv
-1*elos u nation.
etimer-wiser- not t,o2see
than to avenge -it. '
the things we don't say
i�h cause the least 'regret.
£he man who doesn't want to
rk is orally the ono who has
s an actor ob but
'e are 1 apt to be prejudiced
4C, irio We, don't understand.
talon' islo-Yrfrostiete-teife-rielten
moored,. b , a .4.6eiler con-
ire makes or d ge round!'
ortitnate1y for heir_
:people seldom raali20
0..• .
a !Ian' 'strong
Ire- despise.
extentthe to-
re , oszbir-
tared. into
the deeds..
zkt. o make
prizes- that
food that has sustained the soul
through leDir.44-Yriviti-
through weariness toil, disappoint -
Mont?, fears-rforsa:kings, tosses, and
onehnese. ''They are able to des-
pise the .erois and to -endure the
shame who have omen the glory see
before every- woz—Wy-life and lead-
onsaiticot 0 num vroMAU ever
attained anything without thie;.
nothire io impeeible_k_thele_
eras this light and'heed this call.
Livingstone, Lincoln, Garibaldi,
'Florence. Nightingalv would have
tailed ur"
'-tri MAO t ere' wour
'n powertobeaf:thefe.uo, orethe
s enough ,turn them from the
8 tt v feet across .the nippqrs.
he gray and blaek Agrippina,
th of .13fazil is thirteen mehea
rn wing tip to wing tip.
ee to higlier living, to
-h "f 01
mules r
i e Men who ha
pent many yctrs in ' thatcountry.
nuh.,work Mexican not not
i_tcjoi,will _ - do jut ,4„ jou:: ,,, , ,
“Theg-mule,..-for, instance,
full aware- of ' the distaec
hil e
.with japatr.
Press, who. has . caused xnauy
mos for poor and de 01.0o0
. .
irougliout tho country' over -vciUt
ua and reigns, has. opecial
ey go ho th.elnell connect -
with the outside newspaper2
are. beginning to, . gather. 04f, -
or ir 'hene.fit, ,..1 -three ',o'clock
four, th law „rien d of
sarficia1 s_4) 4.,_ the of
erviee. ,
vision• That , _
in; that *Won, if you Iiut' heed
and 0 a f'yott' ' ItitruotrOie-
' seek tobey, toakee tremendous,
romanticbnto0 0. 0 is 11.
tilt ' .the *Peet, t ' al o
i' it- -as.ta.
The t1_24.Lit) that's eatin like's can,
'• f.our4lower, and stealing our pos.7
Sibiiititir.joiTour-leve --of-ease; ou.
hatred of the things -that aro' hard
we refuse to obey the heavenly vio-
ion because, to do . so would be to
endure, hardiness,' to, foroalte Mir
soft and pleasant rays, go_see_kin.
ease we lose- life. -
a II 0
4 liPto,ads or flynanu ,t,t
,t him to do a bit
kill -1416 'h.!' thc
•The . Molge!at
'iaying 2114 eorn109-
Gt no
* amp etiCICN or
11correct wd• eice:An:to ,
Mexican mule
ost,04. fOr- "POsta0;04, how far.
MUlotraek to such and such
711;t7rusted,, but three day
re-in7a-turq," the 12tex
"lfls mea 144-4104 `11. don't
OEs any more o 3 our mu &than you
hould ask. of him the mule will be
able to woke the trio in two, flays,
But, if you attempt to drive the
brute he'll soldier onyou; and iflj
_ettite4114.1164" ,
threulz32., '
content, not because *6 0 not
sess the thi40 of this lifo but be.
prize, the joy of following gro*ing
ideals. " There, is nothing we, peed to
cherish more; to. guai re closely
greatness,yeomen_ or per ee-
Oen the hope of high living and
it is for t we are ,not celled
upon -to- bear4he--tiurden,--of-t
wee. We are under obligation to
tell the exact truth , even to our
enem u e re ,no n er o
ligation to tell -the:n -everything-
we know. 'Samuel's fears were ig-
nored, _God12011. _hi • -go
d..,thatio_heL. gi
• e feetter."
2 2
•-Which escape through the .meshes of
net ' Then a kind of rresurre
* to, es p,.400, tee piece growing
erfed .starlisk.
oenlOplithatimis; or *aideg.
inhabits the South Pacific, Alt
tido it may be Seen promenadg.
the lonely ,white coral beaches ,
ergret-Terchmorean , cra 8.
"Chf Sable ..Ialand, • off the coast of
NOVA 'Se90a., troop of wilzt-torto
are to be found. The original stock
are b-diavittor-irtvc
Spanish wreck early ' theiiiiteenth-
ontn.ry, thoUgh. in -,.the opinion -of.
:pinetheir introduction took
at a laterperiod, yetts
ago it. was estimated that these tor-
. numbered 000, .but at present
there aro scarcely 100 of them left.
Sable island is an aeouriitilaion of
. lectise sand, forming a pair of -ridges
&two eudst-and-enclos-
'tug a Shallow like.. Thore,are tracts,
of grass in plates as well ite'pools
-01-frosh water-.
So,muelti life had been thrown In
with Wit Of -Saul b a 1011' line
elreUxustineta t..rotsgh many years.
Seul.'s downfall was .4 -persona
-grief te him. But :he vat still
God's, Prophet, and as his agent
nny indulgence in an ,,individual
,sorrow 'would he, wrong..
now take hts:Aiirk„ffit'
1 have rejected he sen-
tence: has been passed, though Saul ,
is 11 -recognized' as n °
kilt.thy..hoin with presn-
cd from the olive was one of tha
,etaple., produts,,,a1uPP/L.:00,7--
tifeirts. -Its 'uses *ere ao eonstant•
havir heen'Tordisoilly •cerried''istiout
.04. -the.... 'person, and an -ordinary-
hom-.wat-atinost- eonvenientrecep-
tacle. It is Probable, however,
that the use of specially' prepared'
(Exod. ao. 4.4:21), in Abe, anoint-
ing of the kings was already the
custom. In:, that ease the oil would
be holy oil and the born- 4 sacred
vessel ttled,bt Samuel only ort„
descendent 'of On*, the
Moabite*, aml-lloaz of :Judah (Rath,
4. 11):
ethlehetniteL-One who lived in
.116thlebeet. This, is one of the e
he shall 46.
responsible for its welfare. Some
to meet him. •
Trembling -The' unusual In ht of
e ,,0 I0. m 'tete an
errand ;eat -10114,0rt0.0.0 44
per niaiter-tothe city.
inctify yourselves -13y meet,
404_01,4 _ requretnento 01..eterenumiat
treteareiness' with oueh-• Washing?!
this would ,,be -11,061nPanleo or an
inward Preperation of heart for the
f-worib• " '
And he sanctified -Samuel
self 'auPerintended. the. preparation
cf io, (amity, thus' gaining the py-
6. Eliab-Probably the
er who is. mentiened,4* .1.111u in,
havalsts,--,6,noln is, the
on'e who :is to ,b6 Jehovah's anoin-.
• h
ut'lehoval-siside4'ot by lot,
nor in any other ' external way3 but
by n inward noOreseion.
Ws countenance/This was no-
zn • spina ', for , David
ws "goodlyi.inlook ;von", (verse
12) but it was not to be allowed'
to weigh against the fact' that Je-
hovah bad
Eeight. of hit stature- .1
oie of the detrniining
e_of„. iteit.
a ex a y was
superior mould for the highoffice of
kin. Now jehoveh ••ro..sest�
use o er and ing er start • st .
Then ' Iitooe called. --1162 was to.
ersting With 'Manuel., Prom, this
and from 'Verse 10 it appeeti that
flentuel- took Jesse into his eonfl-
denceThei brothers, 'however, did
not later accord l)avid the rover.
Lord's' ariointecl (1 Bani. 17. stiN
Oh* the
anointin, therefore, was px-obably
not r-ealized by either IIIm r his
11 The ungefit.--Not 4.11:0-oo-ill
)'5pca1Iy sinee ,the timo of (hrit
been centre of int&est.: The
.Yrusnders took great ‘e r
t r ion. It is- *tilt inhabited
iy h * iailo. ,,,
9. 0
ge the pe one o
lu t :servant(eonipsre EIijah
XKing 19.
death ii an in
.00seesin 00 children of her own,
the Queen of nelland lavishes a
great - dealofaffection en two---littte
Panline- and Ifeleria- Verbele,
the children of one of. her husband's
years' ego, .was 'fat ed,,,iehying
to save the life of certain lady of
of the Court oat', horse had belted.
ti14114 6 to ttiju
o °tog" veditic injuries*
Willi�linliiawaj hffccted
by the man's braver •„
t at s twve ildren, whose mother
had • ied some time -previously, were
lett ill -provided for, the took them
to -the RoiriMeltieliiild„ and las
pr ctically adopted, them as er
• though -of lase, they--;t1.0-
pot enjoy any of thOse-Iteyal PrivZ-
spokes, - I know *hat e herli
T wir; ---
to, callit.:The__ .latest lailIane0 I. The Ultimate late of ,these Royal
saw of. 4r0,-wa4--wpor!-- X -...was---r4ding proteges -is--not -14 jift-py--otro;
through 'the. State • of Sonora a Judging by that of .0ountestOr4o.risell,
month or so ago on, 44 Old gray who, tAlt early. ego, was adppted
mule that keeVe every turp and by the ill-fated Empress Elizabeth of
y e 6
reins ,hang,74nd permitted him to
stations o newspaper -laden carts found &
"PS, and „cab e„
,-AS SEA CLEANSES skiwor.--
. By this time the Merlotti are open-
ing, .txn night -work mergisi imper-
Pass hfough.theAstreetsto see
the e Billineseatei Smith-
field,. Leandenhall, „Spitafields(,
market at
ing of the streets a es one as a
ing on the romantic'. The Squat
mile of the City is entered daily by
1,000,000 human bele". and by more
than 100,00,0rveineles.. Defer° dawn,
water has washed. away the wheel'
_ 0 _40 ._,-,
cleanses toe sands. A
It is interesting, 0e, go down
unloaded through the night, in the
lurid light of ainging-lamosir-for
the morning's market at Povent-
An Ellillshman Annoyed Ifis
ITelehhors. Keeping Geese;
--rowe Anallr-thl,IMrt from us tbeydo
tarie'eirrO"tive mastered our
otter howls. It was received by
lan 114 48 -
an rig is man who resided the
native quarter 'rade. lie had
annoyed his neighbors by keeping
geese, which disturbed the calm
of the • lace and the ae ordin• I
reso ve seri protest to •
Slors :- •
`Voice?, Jan. Ord, 1008.
4,11f -r; Johne-Seawgton.
Dear Sir, -We have already
twi e written of your hateful gees
cry with ver$, unacceptable, unbe,ar-,
title uncommo • _Uneduth -11
tho Empress's nioco, beini, the
411-11—.014 kiAti,SONA,
.61 thZdgwith
7t()Itt:rarnr.aelt:::iii.Dpg: teeratt; t Acby stresprglennariteicttalliMarevnIcalger. Tho
ut never expzienced beforeWanet"e't'antiting-witt also accord -
was-leav -.with the fumes of stil-littrt4mr rit:Zgatertitthiee 074naast.i°40°E5sf
• her-eomethin had heard.. bout
ed to the thild which she bore to the
'and the crashes ere .deafening.:
• rd_was_rock3„.444444,40ind, Duket, and Lho was ,chiiened
they're was only an occasional _eArph arse,
pine alongside., This ehitil -was.-brolight upalmost
'The old gee,y mule when the entirely by the Empress at the Court
storm reached its height stopped -of ,Aust,ria, and ultimate' ma ried
e s -steamers at t • 6 W • ar at
Illin_Rsg„atei, To passthrough
garish fish -market on to that Wharf
as dawn is breaking, and river and
sir and sky are bathed -in the deep-
est violet btuevis to oeb the finest
sight which -London at -night hao-liq-
offer. And the weirdest and the
most horrible and greatest. sound
made liy -err iirthe tliousaniFs of
• ightmorkeri--of London is the yell
which opens the first auctionat
geese cyjn ugly and stormx_maset
• licrofore, wrenever your
hatefill geese cry, our childs are •
afraid and .trembled with wonder.
In that consequence the healthy of
our childsis very injured. '
if211--the-reairie- 'gine; wo are ell„, -
awakened' from very early morning .
quiet, unlikeful,_egly, loud yolee_of
your uninteresting geese., -
trine:lever your geese cry un,-
,• Wetly, we all can think no
middle, o the road, peaccfully
ellen ha,,ge‘ wasn't worried„,a ar--
,fintly, .• u a cozen fat, tluzt
• nrAng„..the-to
Mendel:it electricel storm, for it'esrat
'cut in the open;
der the ehelter �f a pine tree about
the mule couldn't and wouldn'A
see that. ljiim for the open,_ and
there he eto -
--tit-Prodded-12i ith-the-sputo,
ely 1aokdaruuzid at ft
s. ditelg1,114611 sort of way. Then
dismounted and tried to, lead him,
Nothing doing. Nis wouldn't Mid .6.
6 nt length, giving in to lum
that he knew more *bout it thatt..1.
Iwrapped my ...#0eho 'about
. my Aead--- and,stood.at .hie head
-waiting for the storm to ,
alb iteerr bythetiara in that
y for inore than ,three 'minutes
ore 1 saw..a, .couple of ba115 of
he Pine tree, tht Id wanted
to get 'under the shelter of. Then
therecame a poiitively 'deafening
erieft; and when. I could gee *wan
there' was that pine tiNie .etriftphed
across the road, and good pert of
.in kindling wood.
1"1 supp•die maybe thab old
mule :didn't know. 1 iveit
anyhow that he did."
*tely,"41!e 'Countess's extravagance
led her. mto,conduct whicb resulted:
414 denrked.,:of l?er ran
r more fortunate has beo the
of the ; Austrian ' 'Emorees's
tiersperg, who, !min within a.
at and favorito dauglitor, the Ara-,
duChess Vlerae, was brought, up
with the latter at Court. Prinetoo
rried to
CTIM grrri
lot OhtonberiSin 4tO, the Zieper r
,..,viticiictivonest th6 jaundice of
memory. . •
A -.1#rge '116#:ft doeo not, 1.6 with
the big .htaq.
-,enntitlepp,rt pit,here-,-•• • -
ServIng two masters is -stealing
!tom one Or .both.
He is not brave ',mho doe io not fear
,to do the 'best
No Irianknows 'whether .het
bvave until e has,to stand, 01046.
:row is' the 'good svo tall see' to,day.,
Xi aim* is true., to ,the truth .of
to -day who does not press beyond :
lob of fah in eternal demne4
two :has 'come °tit of present be "
4 •
frossions depends o
Faith is the po,
the toil 0
iso Of the
ieei theethics
ti argument.
Vet will
Illeettig of li.uwwwsslan_ itlimkIn t.71
the year 1130 the Aussion and
Turks, wear of war commission -
eu two p en potentaarzee-on t • e
ltussiari tide Marshal - General
Grand Vizier of .the Sultan
eke peace. The two dzoloinatests
et and carried on protracted Ile-
ne thr h --inter reterte
When all, was ,satisfactorily set-
tled the plenipotentiaries rose to
ta.ke'. formal .14eve of eneb °Ow
thi Marshal making bis hebvil'witli
his hat in his bald, and the Grand
;Viver to sa1tam with his turban
on his bead;
These eeremonito leave taking
over„ the Grand Vizier soddenly
straightened himself ' and to the
Marshore utter enutzetnent,
'Marched up to'him, gripped-,- affectionately by the hind, and in
the very . bye:Went Scots
4"1)inna be surprised, in:4114
irtwe the SAMS country as yourself.
'Wed r Mind* seeing you and your
Wither,when bolls„ passing by to
"Why, who ---who are Yottl" ga
cd the Marshal, etaggering haek in
is bewildcrment.' •
"Izm-kliand-Itizier to the Sultan
Turkey, liu-termy father Was
thought made it" 'Partly' trampled
• own by your hateftikaed .unquset
eke- of -your- -ease. - •
_L. -01624w*
except in the night: -
and our child are extraori.
I I I t l'14 an -
abstract. Kill your hateful geese 1
Kill you.r---geeseor-earry•-away--them---
to the distant place, and do to make -
us not be injuredby their hateful
, • .
andunquiet vow:. If you do not.
11 -, •
-4-`-t0-7..-1011I11.14t fug
•appetlt yet, 1.,sed to :state, the geese
are *till there., though now and •
again one emneit an 1444460
and suspicious en4..
sthgrEtwo, txre.
.dripging had lostbirn
ey-and'idir reputation as -well:
"Noi; altogether."
"No: he 'still, has his reputation,'
for hard tlf,!isking.")
'Str vtierosaLecty0mi
Ift-" Yes, and the bill will be
cotning- to nur, terup I"
liscount king frozn & sebondstorey wi
prom-dow Shouting only mita 00'
, your
ri auditor tom'toutatkaletilhyit:iiiittritImeigitstoot
lot t
care of Outt., try,whieeketin
whisper - orleoenwell
over th
h oho. hRememhe
s t