HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-30, Page 6lion len
4.16,4 itoran
Oung; sn4 b.
sistent feel'
�gua n admixaUofl,
ue4 In WonaorSh
di tbe 'ioneu b rh
rong *nd dominan1 A
pos 0* hay
it b,400 er A ljttle
• hut' (41Y to:the lasb
tb.e'twihot! little afraid
irthcr On he came
t alt ant,
ay -and very Ione.
044,ln-4 the world,krng and chiming indoos '
not matter;
iet Ilat 'sir,
V.,14 -0---00,12i7-
don'tdo . +1446 ,see Watt eisii the
',Ili.' : corapa4ncyn- ei:la°rP4013"tPlitehfit'ifrun/itntlrei
444cause the . .ins „inients •Itv ',
paid. -Not mueli• i that, air,
pit; we've et 404 ofpeople goes •
aame ' eu.-..,--*
4 of livin
• iM ut
'te'.1et a s.
to c&xry the'thing 0'
s1i,and opened hj mo:
0 .0700 thee
10114104+Ala 0
towards where LUCY- Wria 0
and Mat Theo ti
I ehind • '
The man was abash�d
o uit •
'was gailing to be ,prfle t like
vat 40 era
it4d. Mild be led *ether
timthen OMItoteileyPilesay.strls!tx- °ex:4 fud
aity u :oat: .0vaa gt 00 r
o th
With the r ivc ; *cr.
aa man
S. over aro,
g •oxl las
ro he ,dfitinguiti
43, canvas -men whO,
Ther,0 0 -ten or
• gain -a sad and solemn I,Victor el 40100-
ndering a al -..oe he.
3 6 curl,
solato 'Stranger among lig 113Ir. :the. front liage.af t ayer 13o4
• oti..4.441 .1$0. 7 10. T1461113'"ell itiniktourid, oat tt.Anne hope', ha
ab ut her a traeteci ttiln; her comParat4yellf
been written inAt, aflL also. Then
cl-,,Ceme that ti
•.'that another name
owe heode her .0.1rn grave. _cover _Welt was Written,
had tn. enzjrnros_meatoc)4t1
er accomplice in a. matter w
promised some •
rclociedraWe *11 thingi to b
marvellous *surprise of inaditv her *111(114e7" "ell° °ill':Iiide
fashioned, &Lush bend
44120, 01414'
. • • •-
'looking •:back at that 00410 •Vithi0tA•
, .
reani-diseovered the :lorig, 'curve of
But the man' was maddened- at
/ the thought that shelhad usedbunthe Capital "0" -standing 00" -at
,to a certain* paint, arid • then toe encl et .the eireure ant' olio
thirtons--41 the -4A '-'-' in4 the ' t'
t t,
• had4-oalu41 TflurnHc--in Aside, , and 4,6,- ckvig out above it. He bioglied
• told#•hint ishes -was done .trith him, as be *hat up the. 'Prayer Boo*k and
' To dielare that, islie wa0. Olive Arar-.
. put it with the reit of the paper's',
wulitat..atrxsi- ' Iierstltteae-vee..01+-ei411
an would not further. his elute
wou'd make mit, my dear Olive,"-
wi her;. he was.quite a 4044- .he bad said. "We'll keep these for
, :7 still and had. merelywasted Ida utre_refererieeror, r_usolf_rxec
tune,. 11-U-Tb-iTTIO IttOr y
nou h. .
Ile w r tho eSsak7.7.
had ever b en; and he had been e m u have an lie
made to appear ridiculous: before at 9are' might 11417e proved his
-other people for si mere isflaa calm. But two Vila held him
A creature of reoitlisit, all times,' °roe faint 110P0 that Olive -might.
he had -aadd-tiarir decided to ann. urn to him of ber own accord.; the
" don the matter; had changed his second, that he might usethe know.,
mind" once morr, said to the macledge he had gained conceroing her
shop in Westnumiter, in search of 'to force her -to conics to him, , in
deceived him. There, of
course, be diicp7ered that ihe was
Be discovered something 91150.
Going back to the little shop after
-Olife-VAtrieY *heti: left the Wed, lie,
seated himself, in his usualcasual
ashien2,s0n. the counter and spoke
ieaant words to r. Jordan,
• ' f
• thei 'Pico ou....senl-remmuho
was a rie r •r
He jerkedhis head in the, irectio
of tho• loor above As her spoke. .
"1 reraem.ber you well," Tagg
had 544... "I did not quite recog-
nize st new, 'although your
fa'4;medTraiBAr-;Wb&t do you
r e man
• ,entered.• wetter o
Phippe-chsat bad by a few
cunning- questions diseoverett th
• await Of the death, and, even the
of burial. A • fear more 041014
ehinda few odd
or two -things
ess that Taft
_etitiOn them
be sorry to
carelessness' he, !id
ictor Itelmat had man -
t hold of these things,
airy taken them away
• e.waiir so entlemonly,
pezred to Lnow al1. the
ces conc,erning Aunt
that old Jordan
no anapielon.
point of view; boweve
San 0
and theie
of aeu1tor,
- obviously he
„time the
44- • ..re
pair of foe)* into a very
'don't like s 't
hope" have the'sens
-lip the ,absurd 'husinesa,a
300 W01440 A 0 1
00 abstracted
til t a. with a muttered
r and .spoke he
*4 live, -
coiner of Oti
waited;t, gain to be inade by the for '''' By
Gancing up thc younger da3z of his 1?, /3*
started fecding grain to th9 • 6
oung roduce• an iver.
aying '1 ' By all that' wonticr- age of 70c per hcad prefit.it
timo rain had
l'T ,een........- .0,44,....,,.* s ian. .1
r 1 Leaking et e
feeding' some -bran, lieseed
hateshe was- n a e *Mt estarbtforeWeitiiiiiglind A '
rd-lookingt.afrOd that 1 o ittuia11,-._quantiw.41,...liat..‘a,fitmiAve_ •-
trOnretMqilt go ItTvilf:Pay to ithO aiiii6i a aria
tees ited lain. In .0. ' at little way root her! ' fit if the Iambs are to be sold at
str uroing4eitrotanother4neati. .Pkit te4or..,t,00.3 a
- • flIfeke ' IthVIiiiiitiri'llre.
littl street he fotind a 'shah lit- e the love -birds ro the neut.': 0.
. ,
"Utility must viewealrom two
tapdpoints. The butcher requires
an animal- that will
largest proportion of Valuable meat,
that -will. reproduce its ro-
and the farmer reqpirea' an animal
economical. juin)). There would he
itilitette-iel-:euilrelame-an7a16,-1° 7failtir3m::_titebrcii;,
A 11
otieLittsiliwoer °IPUBlettabite hutcheeLbesielkeut
tie house witir a, •r 44Not ta dmul eeder-ea
, ,
4-orier-sideof-the-deerfrayt, cruintw. _•or, Alio there. produce An.;_irverage'o ng operation*, the p.re,'-hoth,thesk
A With some.uptidy children play- apparently, Really, niy-,clear, yor'i 360,Pe.r.head more Inolt. by feeding men Joust be kept m view, and the
ors the door -step. Carefully have mama' ed the thing verv vow," gram . nefore aed 'after weaning, hreedluS0 feedi4 erict killing
avoiding the children,ho vaie th&ealtitarttn,*t_40 tyguran 1,1 rst, 4,4 allrehenfe- doi:lbtes,f4b4anattadw.latItinorseweile'atielll ,toifesatniteuntittioena.chTrbeise!pivoeioat behealie.
echoes in the lioase by th inderin mav
wain crthwzahr dor., hydrated by - a -refereirc-th
, d whieh, is Imo p reedit* of swine for bacon put-
* I)
elega t aPPearanee .art u. t boy :Anti tins girl your ,one ambi-
. ' A -1I ' 4: ' . i . I
...4 .q.... AR 1,
OM f " Mir ' ViOrt0 th ir ' 'it 121$ t i ttaritHqain ' '
and was requested to go top ,uport:,th. ,Ana, by George, • 0 gain is generally on an average of bacon hog is the length( of aide, but
floor. Mightily Pleased his tweet Olive. you've s.itseceedeel !" Oee per 100 pounds -cheaper than in it is Only One thing out of A number
e-oftiurbraibirthattervir• rreurenter-80140-1110. -
oriventure, Victor- Reltictitustarteci - ---.-fih-er-e0
with the -kilocker, ; impresk *his "MY Oar,. *lien first you met this
fee, the top. floor,. gaily lin ming A 0 rain. . In a flock of 1.0obit ever, )(we allowed this one point to
as marice.•ed not long ago,. the run away with the Judgment . and
no a
moment later it was
Lucy. - Shedrew b
he room with an iniolent'liMile on
hie face. ' It was or .and
shabby rotan", • although t ere had
been so many brave attempts to
make it neat ancrpleasamt,lbst-ttie
•ed on his face as he.
looked At it and at the girl.
"Am I -to say..... -Mrs. Motel" he
qttiredt-holding-out his band,
"That is my name, ,Mr. Kelman,"
replied Lucy quietly... "Have you
timcrtcritee -Chris ,
and he had his: weapons rea y.
The nomadic,. -* venturing spirit
01-ther-man uertd itself, -And-
cnt atiread.„ ,,Tlios it happened
that he knew nothikg of the marri-
age of -Claris -and L-ney, arid -nothing
of any ether thangetthit-hed
€fl place. in just the same fashion
as ho hat wanderect-L--,Off--41r-Otlie
ojon duringitil thesears Olive
Tart *own Ifit/1)-''orthi,,
,11011$11,11* bit and aigsa_ptared,
look at the events in this curious
little tilitory to, some extent through
the eyes of Mr. Victor Kelman; the
.only difficulty being thatthose eyes
were not turned in the 4ireetion, of
oaths had ela'4 sed. Then
en bcfore,;.. and little tired of
nderling antilesilly--he suddenly
ought Al that ittrange-,.-,frosernatin
roan With whom lie jointly bei
secrei„ as it were, and 'he deter.
in any distinetty_irotressiie spiri
hut rather*because he hadnothing
else to do, and, the affair had always
attriUgeci, 133/11.1
-Urff6a;--411**413ing; . out in his
'oven ititiousi faishion, and he wen -
;feted how best he could find
The . most natural and itraightfor.
Ward way would" have teen to, go
to Greenwaya' Gardensand en,
:tfurre ; but there Was nothing' na-
tural -ne*----etraightfaiward about
'Victor Kelman. Arguing within.
.that_the _reiCheart ,d_the
husinesit • lay with the -boy. Christo.
pher Daynei he determined to oeelc
tutte.ifOlive'lutd kept ally
tJiatourious little eomedy regarding
il A:- an Who cs s, .vhcertuil ateres4fg,was
Jbvctbe • tosrfiiitur.lt.3kuteot4toNotvine&otOuo, iiiufe:r
4110.4,whose head* Allow 1401,te smiler ' If one will make 4 trial, they will
is tiaire:f4lieni -13:0 ."11Y regrettfind . that * by feeding lambs' grain
14" sttstilalt:Writlyw?eac--.Hip°prarecrias.ittihour rtiefi led- 1 tra'enirilbgiertiwigettw, ielta.thni3i34-P7aollueullsra.fl
beautiful, with a love' for. all things
grace u an • g... ora
if sa:tisfy i ighTtiowrieriessiltoustattio fabliet;enreaingeuaeld.tlitaat
iletrot")soriltxxiiiegdistbs,it -1 you
t'Now if, -so to or', I haxt becril.si:uni.bliee: ateOestxa.:_aifily.,.thestlzistsso•fafertedfined
oruoktr4iit a.:simitzl:41 iets,tihxahritd;ilieunite it. grgdn from the tart. ,
my 1 to Iiii.7 ir6. Disc a ti --76
fortunately. for me pOterty wa
. TOf„Tia-f-sTr a
if • II 1
t II I, C. ,v r •
ti illent 01-;,nd last this d fed-
spirritions withou me de' .
-,- - -Whert-,fatten
e: -.:1::::::.-
1.1rart171artlYyo-Yettli ir.
"But have also come see
iman bent loiLoveir her hand
Beautifulthint-:rearriage.been made of Coarser
icy in CrIticinstance
lavelacrifieed constitution, feeding
qualities, muscular development'and
quality; It -it
else, that there are judges who will
hang the first prize ribobns on these
514i -sided, narrow chested, long-
legged, ecsarse-boned, quality -lack-
ing brutes, simply because they poilP
there are men
who run to the othet extreme, an
think that the kind of bog to -tweed
is the short -bodied fat -backed, heavy
shouldered,' thick -necked, tubby
little_piproltterly useless for aeon
• *1-
• w_hou4thele_rean aVisIest sig
of utilit . *The fir t has sacrificed
threenuck ns 861141-32i '14e1r7-"ticrillnear Y:ceal_r:"ea.:artithir:Af:thaf
' due
hers -1;1 aoa
fl-AthetwAii4,0” .tAtest -Tut,
Mr. Kelman, when two people -10V° food. 1 like good things to putting some oats, bran Or linseed
each other, said lioupy gravely. and geed cooking; and though meal in Ismail trough. where they
""Ah-soinia-gine,'" he "said am naturally .of& tranquil tem- Call pt it when they *ant it. By
looking again round the room. Perament and possessed always of a keep)ng the feed handy for them
"Oharrriing situation -and most se- good apPet.itel • et food ,P00-rtY they will begin to learn lo -like it
leet-neigtiliortioodcifrsk_DaynP.-,No cooked- 1Ve41 stover' quickcr ..and when read to can,
quite -iv.hat I should have ,selected disturbs grea up argerlv *11 thc
f a few mo •but .tliff. nc,t find nI6nt of people who rue , het
.rend Chris le forging -ahead, tit? served Ontent6(1-•.1ind pyt,-Ana. , ieu.gethen-
"Chris. 'working very hard I often wonder If it "(soul ot but with more a Is not a
and .iete-..we are ver py," sai'dreeri better for m I had oe!M vinarneodiable, p A very import..
nd oupppse our dear; yowl from ner however -cooked and
6. feeds,
Luce. with a trembling lip
mlbi You ..knO1,-12fts. pivot .
said Vietort .dropping into a 'chair
and .spreading ,out his .legs --"I'm
really very sorry for you. I don't
knowwhen I've llein so sorryfer
waybodri;bteauoil you were *
« nice little girl, and you deserv-
ed a better fate. Ifluive been trick -
' born with that dieposition, •
like, otsant nater in feeding wethrts is to
ottidgi age their appetitei this can be
ci dd"ratiedvtiry,:°enr'eve."4, ant:L.:iiieb76::: satisfied with what they can ;et treated fairly----"
00 . t
"Mr. Neiman! The steel urel
liettelh,.an‘dtits oiiivitritroi31,yenitincitetiadicaitot .hite; ve'ttet.: t%rtAno.ditlfrtz64:11di-litnot, htd
'paintings a
,tould, adorn.
but as, it
while those,w
MILL with *nth feeding only one-third* of
114110_ Latet ,haret feed." The smallest degree
0 fled 'delight in sire- g will react.ort the gain of
pie chromes a -v welt filled it
And would it not 6 n betterscithig, in others., tonsti.
for inc it ray tastaa run that • and in, some the result the
wayl . Alit' you take, -works. of art of. aonitt of the fleck.
aliens: I like vases, that would . The greateat essentials that ton-
st $2.4400' apiece, while'ani• tribut,ct4.cliessp and rag(' gesiteCire
quietness and &allotment. Keep
the:flock- wisere there will be he no tip
or anything to #frighten Ouse
.thetn. Theleast vaeitereent brought
ri in any way can .1)e. told, by the
sner *bon put on the swaloo.
hen fattening wethei, lamks the
*eta with anyone* And rra #•',qua tould o
happy. 1 only wish that Chris IncLtbt tt‘ti thpugh I ricio Per
d_then. hat H the.I7V9&s s atittomolii e. A
thc feedr requires, becaueo.a really
desirable bacon hog is also a good
feeder's hog. • nem aro breedcrs,
however, whose view is broad en-
ough t� take in both .sides of the
question_ and wlio .are producing
' IP I • I II I
P Eat r• ' Such men \ are truly
eessful.breedirs end their work^ i
hound to tutroft . beeeuse-it.is built
upon a sound foundation, that bed -
reek; tiTti,irlityA..r"1
vpriau‘ Et-, a
. ,
rtain 'wag Called at a house
and asked the servant who came
t70 the cloor."-i- • .
WO, sir; he is 'net hero. tfo does
not livelherrii". was the teply,
- in"
'Is -Mori loot •
, -"Yes, he is here," laughed, the
The next, day he practical foker
:0414 'e i Ill:: iiike:fili217.101111:11.113;:h1:606 os PA: his-•
kers, arid vile . tho .orcne house,
The some gervant'llinswered the'
bell... . i.
' "Is riciry ..14rieis in?'
"Ito sir,". said the- sorliatt,
a ly.,
' ha is,"
(inc long aiv caz
can 116d, holds'
hundred splendid Ilene bele ri
to the'cireus.-.--.4V-imallem4e4tdaol
De performing horses.
heir° a tent- to. themselves ;.
t 614'6 the dressing -rooms,
the (tilling' tent, tents for the tolaCk-
07.3MailirtirNAt ift7-trjahvit
be matron, the eirousbarherl and.
ss r the little trayellin elven*
'world,atO4i,'Iviiiehinuist 0 X --
a 1 oni-the Sun or rain.
irty-nine, initiates after, the coot_
wagon reaches the . grounds :the.
*tehen has been set up, the'dining-4 ,
oom,is not erg/ .made ready, -but. .
also tables ete'set.and thedoora are,
t mtnu"6)* „
to act up the „dining tent and serve
bre or nner„,..there
in ,store. for; omeone," said tlicv
chief commissary of a aren't; "but.
we ide ourielvet,li on. havirig every-
ancl.etart . the .coffee' caldron* to ,
oi mg. freiVineat and Urea' -
that have been contracted: for h's ad- •
Vance -are delivered on tb.e opt, the,.
hotehe-rfalls to work, and in less.
• anitisakes to_telLitkodor
of frying bacon and. the .aronis, of
ins air tObourage the tent, Ivor
f' the tablet) •in the dining depart.
r -Of -1 es-,*tretchilie.en
• ent and One. table.
at: end- is 'set -crosswise,
lattev-is- th4.1- ?Man togerAt:
0h0* -
freaks occupy tahlETVI:theinielies,
rot • as aro •
seated toether, and efforts
made to make it as pleasant as poi -
sib -16 f�r ell • conceiliett
It ,is seldom that the entire force
of employees sit down to the tablea
at the same time. The dining tent
en...2%-hours foreachmeal, sod
. eug
hey choose. Divide from the of11.--
and .perforiners' mess tent Is
that of Moil ruugt
ahlmta, ai they are generally called.
The food served to bpth tents is the,
IsaMe„ rind consists of_ good, whole.
some 14e ---roast beef' baked -pets,- -
toes, , vegetable*, salad:* and --de
setts, With it change of menu every
day, and the food cooked 14 the open,
siris liariy delicious and ai
Sinaltilot Poltivated tkround
Tibet That Itields $10t6140..
The possibilities Of prelitableiarr.
dcning are. exemplified.'
hy an *ere a. Tiria-.--eififitfatizd,.-tiri
the eneh'isystem of intensive cul -
which in the, lett .completed •
jeat is, to: have yiclded "Zeta....
iloop u
ridel- ina iteamb
all.: And niy clothes
' vic-ifiThatni5M jij-
theta's a wlioje lot, of 011
I'd like„.,
nnh enjoy* b
fth lack of money, u
k i itomeitnet wo
as 5 fliirMlcIhappened,
sr Olive, you ought by now
in a very tight p1ae When,
1st pleasure of' solo
you, o retebied whet
could uL °rot And rtt
al Ott
that 9
he ask
•big Ant
Or the
v*nt c&tled aftr him:
6 'bete again
then *rota to his
t he had changed his lodgiiij
nd that he in:vite4 them to
itse4firming" that otti
he new 1odgina, he made believ
ero et the house where he h
utercd the servant. Drell*
;mtohunk ho,
be pitied; be . d*res to
it eorry for me"
rdear boy-pr*y let me
you aro:here agairL
as -the, Joe v reply
rW or
.co ititutes • *
d, 'the nesrest
of I&nd the roperty-
inc btwen London and f
thich has yiclded hz one year
si to he it
ave ben tb**
and I don'
at 1*