HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-30, Page 3n upgtgal
Elinor, with a btt10
0 WOO X won't hurt
Gel 8afa,as though
Oran* 1* tho, b��t ftjon
a t,h 1 . 541 t
• 400a410 red.
adcIresrs 0 0 ee
gnesia on m
It.ia forty . yeara 8iflC6 ths, a
Is blind ea'giocor of Zelfast, died
in Ireland. The Be1fat. ',Natural
History *ad Philosophic&I Bociety
has' now. published a memoriaI
, r on Ilifil lib and remarkable
ejs0J said Aunt Elinor;
xid eirthir. olly-wentacr.
ho fokI herello.
• wiencertalk.
Molly djd not *go very near, -She
Lt dOVflyfl 1ig4tfitio.her#H!i
but 114fro.•
Lrs 'ter-flutteretF-Off:-The:,
aud joined her family, and.
hey all euttled away in the. tall
cattercd the little bag of wheat she
izd ought all about ,,the rock.
LftcrlaIvhile, as the .birds did not.
omo ae/4.-She went _home.
• 0-nextddaribiltartect-down-the.
Lold again, for Aunt Elinor had
eltralte •
atient -with all small Wild 0;004
es.t_a_tid •that it would take many
iear the rock where she sat thetday
efore ,there was a..flutter of wings,
fther .Quail flew off to her
• perch oa_th3 ham andAt011Y beard
low; plaintive "Quoi.i-hee rfrom
little, birds; but they did not fol,
ow their Mother 'very far; Molly
sat 'down in the grass, and saw the
little birds pick up the sweet grains
.wheattrAind Mother: Qrail,. r.
few sodding notes, came back to
• ut she hopped., ab sut
• flights,-
Molly Val. sure'. that th-e7-1.1 3
were_he'ginnig to know .her. This.
,tiline she left 'some pieces of cake
near the tOalt and every day for two
o. ime, ey
e trostio-look-fer-lier,- and
wildest -of. wild birds had learned
what th ir p'arents had, not
eat' e e in ltuznau beings.'
mo ou on ,
teh olly go across the geld, and
he* little-rob•Arbites--cotura
t • within . read*, of - her -little
. . hand, - Sometimes they
onld Yea follow Molly a little way
war t 0 _ou50-111 0 MOS OV ng
and xeariess,inatiner* although their
doubtful,-roother called warningly•
after' her family, as though she had
no conquered, ail her fears) or ae
though she would teach them not to
' bo too -ready" to trust.
'"They have !earned something
tlieir inotlieinestaInow, haven't
they; Aunt Elinerl" Molly declar-
ed, happily, as she, Iopked,biek to.
ward the birt, and-reinembe
wiiat Aunt ,41i
tho tetearling of the word! iusx,n0L-
. denee.",44.Youth's Companion,
.boneit 01
runs* wMch 1 dtd anil la
e • my be, to in,
repullY, th. bronc]tI4
ti*Ur 4isapPsarea,•, and la
Jutiatti..wait, 14111.r
hb restoration to perfcot 0010"
"141n 00111g your roruns myseU
an 00400 of catardit 2.141-ifiad lt,to_bo
mere than you represent, Pertint caa
tion., At the time I. began; oiling It, it
• woo uliknOW$4."
Bio t
rineiple in proparin
tiohs for 'lighthouses
his irwovements•I
built inan
heisati On -,o owin that Ms
'ant benefits itt India a
steam propulsion
evert:41qt_, • •
-theiriliols.-of--such nisii--these-vt
n achieve the exceptional' though
he -Windt
piers 0410
ew ,Pro...
ousels -
, -
*Husband But why did, ' you dis,
the Iligges are e0Miao to 'dinner
le t T$te
hot. , eenibiatO
S top' t 06 cUf!-onunadIng * ' majnfli3
yIw,o.t tite.11 4.1,,,,AW-reas , t av , e
, et 1 tonts.en'thiri , -et Abrabtm end
old, uetee-,a.eltir. et tsnts lit 'holat '.0re
0,000M010410401t Or 1 001104400r 0004 '
, ., ,
' • Oa* '01104' ' 10-, 0100. '000 At 0.4044.,'
'. art0t
tent i -it , w .M! -4.t.:. ,
. , -
-1". ..tretette0t
..10rtt 10 ;ha ACitt, .rit4' 1404,04 . rill' foi
..Ladlu' in.':04, 0,0. 'the around*, •,
,_• si s, -
1410 thecrited
.14441, .1r0ft-e
a. tett. wall
., catereit rera.Boston".• •,;nriea15..1.rOnt,
the, world,showing the and battleshii
., .
twldlng 32 opod :,...Cofitit for t
1 ,.g flays b040r0 eri4
parete' 0040 $1*
Iding 1, or 4;0010,fOrtablA
per 484%.
corotort41y. .1$0.fof
rate*00 'Per 4411.
tent inot,sult* a targ,* party, and *
or taonly..
the 'Who
ftlesa, 8af.ty
t, ttgtiOn, and Attend
o Ey�nti4TAP
4 **gory your acoonuao4att
sal go 41root to tho'N'Tooto4 Mir
- ,
olice and fire protection. First- das
u no of the. finest views in
Champlain.of •_
set tho tahle.
Attacksot cholera, and dysentery
-30Itte quickly, -there, seldom -being
'aur Varnliii of tho visit. Remo -
:44i action Oust be taken Suet as.
quickly if the patient is to be spared
great suffering and permanent in-
jury to the lininglmenibranes Of the
-• OW -0 a e re1iet preparation
for the purpose la Dr. J. D 4e1-
general dealer's, and it will of
ad relief 'heforo a doctor can be
heritect from mx
"Why, Blatiche,liZvt-can youTibin
that of MO I Your, uncle is, nothing.
to_mti1,woitl_d_martfyoulio matter:
.from whom • you •• inherited • the '
• Every er knowe
oaths' are
• rou.
Wes are' alarntingly frequent at this.
time and tar; often•,a precioui llttle
lifeis ]uat:after a few: hoti al ill.
• .
ness. .The Mother -who keeps abet
Own --Titlileta-itu -the7liouscie-01-.
safe; The occasional use of -Baby's.
Own Tablets, prevent stomach..s.a4
'bowel troubles, or if, the, trouble
comes, suddenly -as it -.1.'erierally
does -the Tablets,. will bring_ the
little one •-through•,,safely.Mrs
• George Howell, Sandy BOACII,
.1 a
f er giving himilla y Own
lets the tiouttle- disartpeared.
ox of Tablets always:, at hind."
14 by medicine ,dealers or by/mail
at 2 a box from The Dr 1ViI;
te. ry-
ibby. MCNesJI & 1.11)1134
o grab ispt' play,ted
4 ST.
e 14, Onc. year ago
eeker---P and right the
• then mleadershiended."
but vain and to -O
. come we look for friendly aid • from -
sympathetic bands. These .hands
an.serve us to -better than in
bing in- Dr. Thomas
for wlien• the 011 is in the pain 15
trittltnititifTbrougirt.teliet ttreit
*ands who without it Would be
. deed friendless.
r tooting. plants. bythe destruc-
tion of noxious Inagiet40 that .14.11.
W. Benshaw reaches the somewhat
astonishing conclusion that if all
birds .were_exterminated, not only
Itroutcl. successful, agriculture
...tome impossible, but the greater,
part Of the vegetation of the -earth
would eventually be destroyed. A
Permanent reduction :in the bird
bait° disastrous ) consequences;
dliPnott: (Ida* my love t ttie40.-
ocitints artalaSt /440 . that , he always':
latt,zfrosoofpOr 104. ''s_r *be',
Witp g -
WOW. 3114" Monre$1, oratio; KNOX
o$o; NATION* DRVG GO., 1.40hdan•
tO�1STO Phone 'Main in
Stocks 1)644anIitkolfi on alt echanga�
*.i7or cash or margin.
VA:4k ciflers executed' for cask
cgrattOONDE CE- IisTin TED
ams 10100 o., roc vi e*,
,Teacher (during histeryileition)
"Who was Totin bf_Arc
znznutea there, was sftence Then a
Everywhere, especially those dis-
couraged by .failure of previous
treatment art invited to 'write for
"it• free trial of.roy home treatment,I.
with interesting" booklet, all post-
paidin. plain wrappere, . with the
most reiialle references and profs
which will encourage the Most dig.,
_•aasfyourscIf wltbi.LcoNLthat
this treatment is *hat ,:you long
him *Ought. I will reply promptly
to all who write. , Address,
untloubtedlya very
or(IerI3r town--never.uiore than one
being enaetd
there -but is hu an u enviati
Pfation for vbcating,ast.cards
• A greenhorn,, seeing life, visited
the only, hotel the city boasts...the
her 'day init,004-0.004001/0itaik*
ntlemen. impressed him into play.,
ing* poker, with theta. ',Against his
be 'rayed. ',Against his will,
. .
444 all bit money had
'parted and 'that be *MUM have'to,
lk about threehundred mites.
o civilization, he went to the
beriff 4 oaid
Viggins, in his Study* was en
it u 'a bit oL -writing,
noiseua in Uze fiet above endur-
hing into
the eitting-room
'014outide 4
eery it it only thelad?
tg her baby to sleep,'
heaven'e sake, run mci tel
use ,smaller rocker
Th...,•Orrstost Tor4 IS
41.4,5aust In tote' iatt-ooktAffti -svt tb niii4sb.
14. by, thia 4.13to At* 3444 mmakIr.
. 'LIMO ElmeiA.,.."Alaitinia 'says you. ef,it
4hla lot A doctor." Pompoim D.
/potty /IOW &lab°
c:linlo to soy thatr Little Etmot-POIti
ise 4id8't say It just thaL way* but.,I
'heard., her tell pap. ieti. wero a. quack."
e oy put up , 18 ;
-teacher the wu :the.
DO net 1414 in getting relief for
the Attie folks.' , other Graves'.
WA)** I.:items
Aug. sure eusret,_ _y_olk love_ your
woOn. alenletlYila 80 pear at banal
' * WITH C.t001) 111,Aq:i41
Timinits•-•-"Wilt'you jo:ri ni In a lit.
, Vt anniversary colkbraWn 411r
ii(A1345.-;.%nv1i1iti4;- t44' fng-40110' Of.
'miry or hirtlidayr •
whit i# kit 4).8.Arvt been
is floating, out hard
,Dor&tiltv:Ohlik0-4,orr -
;fiat buckle in and, grit your teeth,
en,atand-* takelem.- •
- .downe
$ Sure74ii sheatiq-
She's 'vory alit to. turn 'around,
not '04080 •Z1,011 inconvpilien-co
will alleviate the suffering an
-the:formation. -of a bunion. -
c easier tO pra?r,
ness than to fight again,* ffen$11-
. Mani a Dian who imagines be it
it unkn istn_to„.the;
people in 'the next. bloc3.---
Uscful at all Times -tin winter or
in summer rarnieletrii Ve etable
triT3111* w tope wit an ()Imre°.
an irregularities of the digestive
organs , which ehatigeof diet,
change of residence, or variation of
temperature may bring, about.
They should: be always- ItIpt at
Land,. and onc6 their beneficial ac.
tion becomes knov'in, no one willhe
witiiiiitt" them,' --Titer° is 'nothing
nauseating in their structure* and
the most. delicate can • use them
confidently •
SaY •
COM6 to school' .o
mise "Why not." "Becausesour
sister, Iian !Ott Iti)inOt!'
STUDY •°,:itcoPoirrION„
beln .10U4 0114 ,10n;'
. What n01114 ritii: bite be like?
' . . ,' to,01.4...or * , •
' _ , : ' • , ' • .
0101tMNOt i .
' .
may.belP'You to.'Wm-tli(; Cash Prize
given' by the OP„ANGE.MEAT Coni;..
fourinris-ocr ptitalsges atetit:Tilbier. Clt bt
are a great number of other large
cash prizes givenin this contest.
Bitieusness Burden*" Life
able man because his aliment ren-
ders him 'morose and gloomy. The
eom laint is not lie dangerous its it
*Utterfroni it who Can,
rttOloa's Vegetable Pill*. By. regti...: -
'tiling the liver and •obvia.ting the,
effects of tile in the -stomach they
.restore men to 'etteerfulnesi
full • vigio Of action.
'• •
tinie5 of veto it 'doesn't :tak
much to quarrel.
*Theric e a. number -of varietfr
rometice, wing- .tho of corn.6:::litiOtt+1408.:*,'
y of. the
riam and . addresis to your
gl) in -that * TO-
ter and you you will be,sent full infor,
motion regarding' *011ie prizes and
"titer* 041,6ktlit
titan! f11010-04100
'SOO 3/****A$0.
tivil*.!,Okt. 3441r
lust a Wsrc1
tite,the Welk conditions.- 'MANGO it. 41-44: 14,4111klLaro
tis ser 14*-
"PP*. !'"'"I'e* flesh aid blood. prodlieer and 'be. 1100'111411*b°
- cause of its-. thertIng. -evoltt"ett
gna coun
avea by using.
vet h'y peddlers
ggga Xr invalids, --Cover frying
an with eretiM, 'When het beat as
%tail' lig
To bathe the eet of those too
weak ,� st in scLair draw .0
knoos, place foot bathor pan o
warm water in bed,-; put both feet
and see bow the siek one will
enjoy it. It is ,betzefieialAnd soo
ing draws, the blood from the.
and often induets estf I sloep.
zntfling mc"
s,Skin too tiger,
e 01411,41$4 of the law, 'rf
'reit them.,, Ate, net
V I --
u i I 1-- \ ...,_
•‘, \,., . ..-
"t 1 ii '''' ''''
IN ItL ,
r TO