HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-30, Page 3n upgtgal Elinor, with a btt10 0 WOO X won't hurt Gel 8afa,as though trEBBB. 1*.P1P01(410,. Oran* 1* tho, b��t ftjon .0* a t,h 1 . 541 t • 400a410 red. adcIresrs 0 0 ee gnesia on m It.ia forty . yeara 8iflC6 ths, a Is blind ea'giocor of Zelfast, died in Ireland. The Be1fat. ',Natural History *ad Philosophic&I Bociety has' now. published a memoriaI , r on Ilifil lib and remarkable e ejs0J said Aunt Elinor; xid eirthir. olly-wentacr. ho fokI herello. • wiencertalk. Molly djd not *go very near, -She Lt dOVflyfl 1ig4tfitio.her#H!i but 114fro.• Lrs 'ter-flutteretF-Off:-The:, aud joined her family, and. hey all euttled away in the. tall 113,44it-vo.r.y•-quie cattercd the little bag of wheat she izd ought all about ,,the rock. LftcrlaIvhile, as the .birds did not. omo ae/4.-She went _home. • 0-nextddaribiltartect-down-the. Lold again, for Aunt Elinor had eltralte • atient -with all small Wild 0;004 es.t_a_tid •that it would take many no* S iear the rock where she sat thetday efore ,there was a..flutter of wings, fther .Quail flew off to her • perch oa_th3 ham andAt011Y beard low; plaintive "Quoi.i-hee rfrom little, birds; but they did not fol, ow their Mother 'very far; Molly sat 'down in the grass, and saw the little birds pick up the sweet grains .wheattrAind Mother: Qrail,. r. few sodding notes, came back to • ut she hopped., ab sut ----novOusly*--er-ntalle4Ittle-upw-at • flights,- Molly Val. sure'. that th-e7-1.1 3 were_he'ginnig to know .her. This. ,tiline she left 'some pieces of cake near the tOalt and every day for two tr-she-calue-faitlitultY-to---Visit o. ime, ey e trostio-look-fer-lier,- and wildest -of. wild birds had learned what th ir p'arents had, not eat' e e in ltuznau beings.' mo ou on , teh olly go across the geld, and he* little-rob•Arbites--cotura t • within . read*, of - her -little . . hand, - Sometimes they onld Yea follow Molly a little way war t 0 _ou50-111 0 MOS OV ng and xeariess,inatiner* although their doubtful,-roother called warningly• after' her family, as though she had no conquered, ail her fears) or ae though she would teach them not to ' bo too -ready" to trust. '"They have !earned something tlieir inotlieinestaInow, haven't they; Aunt Elinerl" Molly declar- ed, happily, as she, Iopked,biek to. ward the birt, and-reinembe wiiat Aunt ,41i tho tetearling of the word! iusx,n0L- . denee.",44.Youth's Companion, .boneit 01 runs* wMch 1 dtd anil la e • my be, to in, repullY, th. bronc]tI4 ti*Ur 4isapPsarea,•, and la Jutiatti..wait, 14111.r meta.thiutb hb restoration to perfcot 0010" la:fatten -WM,* 'st-4-33M14-07414-"ITIol, "141n 00111g your roruns myseU c�nmciding an 00400 of catardit 2.141-ifiad lt,to_bo mere than you represent, Pertint caa tion., At the time I. began; oiling It, it • woo uliknOW$4." Bio t tdovcjypplic rineiple in proparin tiohs for 'lighthouses his irwovements•I built inan lea*bef, heisati On -,o owin that Ms inigm 'ant benefits itt India a .uro steam propulsion evert:41qt_, • • -theiriliols.-of--such nisii--these-vt n achieve the exceptional' though he -Windt piers 0410 ew ,Pro... ousels - , - *Husband But why did, ' you dis, the Iligges are e0Miao to 'dinner nightl auc-at--1 le t T$te a hot. , eenibiatO ca.nvu. S top' t 06 cUf!-onunadIng * ' majnfli3 yIw,o.t tite.11 4.1,,,,AW-reas , t av , e , et 1 tonts.en'thiri , -et Abrabtm end old, uetee-,a.eltir. et tsnts lit 'holat '.0re 0,000M010410401t Or 1 001104400r 0004 ' , ., , ' • Oa* '01104' ' 10-, 0100. '000 At 0.4044.,' VatatOrEi '. art0t tent i -it , w .M! -4.t.:. , . , - -1". ..tretette0t ..10rtt 10 ;ha ACitt, .rit4' 1404,04 . rill' foi ..Ladlu' in.':04, 0,0. 'the around*, •, ,_• si s, - ..,•..-.5-,... 1410 thecrited .14441, .1r0ft-e a. tett. wall ., catereit rera.Boston".• •,;nriea15..1.rOnt, the, world,showing the and battleshii ., . twldlng 32 opod :,...Cofitit for t 1 ,.g flays b040r0 eri4 parete' 0040 $1* Iding 1, or 4;0010,fOrtablA per 484%. corotort41y. .1$0.fof rate*00 'Per 4411. tent inot,sult* a targ,* party, and * or taonly.. the 'Who ftlesa, 8af.ty t, ttgtiOn, and Attend o Ey�nti4TAP 4 **gory your acoonuao4att sal go 41root to tho'N'Tooto4 Mir - , olice and fire protection. First- das u no of the. finest views in Champlain.of •_ Quebec set tho tahle. Attacksot cholera, and dysentery -30Itte quickly, -there, seldom -being 'aur Varnliii of tho visit. Remo - :44i action Oust be taken Suet as. quickly if the patient is to be spared great suffering and permanent in- jury to the lininglmenibranes Of the -• OW -0 a e re1iet preparation for the purpose la Dr. J. D 4e1- palitent-CO,r414-11440.10 general dealer's, and it will of - ad relief 'heforo a doctor can be yot. heritect from mx "Why, Blatiche,liZvt-can youTibin that of MO I Your, uncle is, nothing. to_mti1,woitl_d_martfyoulio matter: .from whom • you •• inherited • the ' MOO • Every er knowe oaths' are oler • rou. Wes are' alarntingly frequent at this. time and tar; often•,a precioui llttle lifeis ]uat:after a few: hoti al ill. • . ness. .The Mother -who keeps abet Own --Titlileta-itu -the7liouscie-01-. safe; The occasional use of -Baby's. Own Tablets, prevent stomach..s.a4 'bowel troubles, or if, the, trouble comes, suddenly -as it -.1.'erierally does -the Tablets,. will bring_ the little one •-through•,,safely.Mrs - • George Howell, Sandy BOACII, -s-tert.tfIlty-bab .1 a f er giving himilla y Own lets the tiouttle- disartpeared. .1would.advise_ail_ingithers-Aolccep...a, ox of Tablets always:, at hind." 14 by medicine ,dealers or by/mail at 2 a box from The Dr 1ViI; te. ry- ibby. MCNesJI & 1.11)1134 Chicago. ORTANOi OP' BIRDS, o grab ispt' play,ted ,. 4 ST. e 14, Onc. year ago eeker---P and right the • then mleadershiended." but vain and to -O . come we look for friendly aid • from - sympathetic bands. These .hands an.serve us to -better than in bing in- Dr. Thomas for wlien• the 011 is in the pain 15 trittltnititifTbrougirt.teliet ttreit *ands who without it Would be . deed friendless. r tooting. plants. bythe destruc- tion of noxious Inagiet40 that .14.11. - W. Benshaw reaches the somewhat astonishing conclusion that if all birds .were_exterminated, not only Itroutcl. successful, agriculture ...tome impossible, but the greater, part Of the vegetation of the -earth would eventually be destroyed. A Permanent reduction :in the bird roPtilatiOnr-ho-says,oonld-nottu bait° disastrous ) consequences; '.are.41onest dliPnott: (Ida* my love t ttie40.- ocitints artalaSt /440 . that , he always': latt,zfrosoofpOr 104. ''s_r *be', Witp g - WOW. 3114" Monre$1, oratio; KNOX o$o; NATION* DRVG GO., 1.40hdan• tO�1STO Phone 'Main in INVESTMENT BONDS Stocks 1)644anIitkolfi on alt echanga� *.i7or cash or margin. VA:4k ciflers executed' for cask cgrattOONDE CE- IisTin TED ams 10100 o., roc vi e*, ,Teacher (during histeryileition) "Who was Totin bf_Arc znznutea there, was sftence Then a Everywhere, especially those dis- couraged by .failure of previous treatment art invited to 'write for "it• free trial of.roy home treatment,I. with interesting" booklet, all post- paidin. plain wrappere, . with the most reiialle references and profs which will encourage the Most dig., _•aasfyourscIf wltbi.LcoNLthat this treatment is *hat ,:you long him *Ought. I will reply promptly to all who write. , Address, , untloubtedlya very or(IerI3r town--never.uiore than one being enaetd there -but is hu an u enviati Pfation for vbcating,ast.cards • A greenhorn,, seeing life, visited the only, hotel the city boasts...the her 'day init,004-0.004001/0itaik* ntlemen. impressed him into play., ing* poker, with theta. ',Against his be 'rayed. ',Against his will, . . 444 all bit money had 'parted and 'that be *MUM have'to, lk about threehundred mites. o civilization, he went to the beriff 4 oaid • ROOKY. Viggins, in his Study* was en ntr it u 'a bit oL -writing, noiseua in Uze fiet above endur- hing into the eitting-room '014outide 4 rack- eery it it only thelad? tg her baby to sleep,' heaven'e sake, run mci tel use ,smaller rocker Th...,•Orrstost Tor4 IS 401 41.4,5aust In tote' iatt-ooktAffti -svt tb niii4sb. 14. by, thia 4.13to At* 3444 mmakIr. . 'LIMO ElmeiA.,.."Alaitinia 'says you. ef,it 4hla lot A doctor." Pompoim D. /potty /IOW &lab° c:linlo to soy thatr Little Etmot-POIti ise 4id8't say It just thaL way* but.,I 'heard., her tell pap. ieti. wero a. quack." e oy put up , 18 ; -teacher the wu :the. DO net 1414 in getting relief for the Attie folks.' , other Graves'. WA)** I.:items Aug. sure eusret,_ _y_olk love_ your woOn. alenletlYila 80 pear at banal • ' * WITH C.t001) 111,Aq:i41 Timinits•-•-"Wilt'you jo:ri ni In a lit. , Vt anniversary colkbraWn 411r ii(A1345.-;.%nv1i1iti4;- t44' fng-40110' Of. 'miry or hirtlidayr • Thhinfitt„../.4ffo. jt whit i# kit 4).8.Arvt been is floating, out hard knocks* ,Dor&tiltv:Ohlik0-4,orr - ;fiat buckle in and, grit your teeth, en,atand-* takelem.- • - .downe $ Sure74ii sheatiq- She's 'vory alit to. turn 'around, not '04080 •Z1,011 inconvpilien-co will alleviate the suffering an -the:formation. -of a bunion. - c easier tO pra?r, ness than to fight again,* ffen$11- . Mani a Dian who imagines be it it unkn istn_to„.the; people in 'the next. bloc3.--- Uscful at all Times -tin winter or in summer rarnieletrii Ve etable triT3111* w tope wit an ()Imre°. an irregularities of the digestive organs , which ehatigeof diet, change of residence, or variation of temperature may bring, about. They should: be always- ItIpt at Land,. and onc6 their beneficial ac. tion becomes knov'in, no one willhe witiiiiitt" them,' --Titer° is 'nothing nauseating in their structure* and the most. delicate can • use them confidently • SaY • COM6 to school' .o mise "Why not." "Becausesour sister, Iian !Ott Iti)inOt!' STUDY •°,:itcoPoirrION„ beln .10U4 0114 ,10n;' '-1118-4010,fa1-110t0--4oth . What n01114 ritii: bite be like? ' . . ,' to,01.4...or * , • ' _ , : ' • , ' • . 0101tMNOt i . ' . may.belP'You to.'Wm-tli(; Cash Prize of SEVEN IFIUNDRED. DOLVAlt$ given' by the OP„ANGE.MEAT Coni;.. fourinris-ocr ptitalsges atetit:Tilbier. Clt bt are a great number of other large cash prizes givenin this contest. Bitieusness Burden*" Life Inan4s-4kevera,toinpartion., able man because his aliment ren- ders him 'morose and gloomy. The eom laint is not lie dangerous its it *Utterfroni it who Can, rttOloa's Vegetable Pill*. By. regti...: - 'tiling the liver and •obvia.ting the, effects of tile in the -stomach they .restore men to 'etteerfulnesi full • vigio Of action. '• • In tinie5 of veto it 'doesn't :tak much to quarrel. *Theric e a. number -of varietfr rometice, wing- .tho of corn.6:::litiOtt+1408.:*,' y of. the riam and . addresis to your OltANiatitt,t, gl) in -that * TO- (• "I" ter and you you will be,sent full infor, motion regarding' *011ie prizes and "titer* 041,6ktlit ' titan! f11010-04100 'SOO 3/****A$0. tivil*.!,Okt. 3441r lust a Wsrc1 tite,the Welk conditions.- 'MANGO it. 41-44: 14,4111klLaro tis ser 14*- ; "PP*. !'"'"I'e* flesh aid blood. prodlieer and 'be. 1100'111411*b° - cause of its-. thertIng. -evoltt"ett Atingr4t-is:4 gna coun avea by using. vet h'y peddlers ggga Xr invalids, --Cover frying an with eretiM, 'When het beat as •'an %tail' lig To bathe the eet of those too weak ,� st in scLair draw .0 knoos, place foot bathor pan o warm water in bed,-; put both feet and see bow the siek one will enjoy it. It is ,betzefieialAnd soo ing draws, the blood from the. and often induets estf I sloep. of zntfling mc" s,Skin too tiger, e 01411,41$4 of the law, 'rf 'reit them.,, Ate, net LIS.., V I -- u i I 1-- \ ...,_ •‘, \,., . ..- .• "t 1 ii '''' '''' IN ItL , r TO