HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-30, Page 2cd out3ide at .44
wbit0', at 4
3 quoted at 483o; No. 3 at 440
and rejected at 4 a tiack, OWex
ye-Noth1n doing,with Ptiae
...)rn lees purely. nomi
Bar1ey-No4 I_ quoted outside, No 3 e,atr
a- 'utsi
The viinca,s x"!.ply _to sir, witti,, : out ,of tho' 41:eate8t,- tribute** the q
.`Lantler's ' addreitS Of welcome to Political genius .of England's ,40,01,
Aueboo onhehait ofthe. Canadian 4131 the . knowledgo that . they,' and -
people ,,,., - '' 4 . , ttlelt-fellovr.Cai!adians of aintish,
. origin are Working 4nd-4n-hand
, 4 I 00 i the uplitiiicling of the,,,DoWi ' '
teatly-ton .,. . 1 •
loyal and ti . . .. •
• i
'-',..-7-•: ' drae .witll.whiobyou, in tite..44144..0.10 , .Tig, as. wdfl.a8 .60,...41,Lt . *0 it
f the peo l o Canada, welcom lie partin -Britis institutions, ,1
n this000a5ion of reysixth vi' cordially ;Aro .with you-in.the.,:pro-
'-flem 0 T -atn-fillr.,,iteii?- pike
ono • , ponsibilli 10- -.715.1 ,
re ,genefa-
f my osition sit the representyieve tions e. battle ground o the
.i ',Joe -', . .14„
of the inriefeivin loyalty of ids Ciati412,=1
ns,Of past years andlli"
anadian subjects, fo ows ,
., ',sodomite interest everything which
concerns the welfare and develop.
• ment of the Dominion. e
vitli-Yolil-botit as th0-representiLtivo
CeiMbrating th0 three hundredth
anniversary of the founding' of your
furious city by tUinuel - de -Plia*
plain. 1 look forward with keen in-
terest to the, impressive eereirionles
congra u .oQucern , m
noble undertaking upon the suctess
whiCh'itia attended theirpatriotie
visit coin° extendedond
of a es .was unable to accompany.
moon this oceaSion.We both retain
the happiest -recollection'S of -0,
stay In Canada seven yeara, ago, and
of the k..tid and affectionate welcome
Tb@ -that forte
qui *to II "eri
"Vero. 041 . sc-
tuB Morte pi's0 u
At last the sceptre i in the bands
of'him wbo will 15e.ihe..lagt o tho
royal race. ,Iarael attempts:an
serahle Crime tlinith,alono
In 1840 WtIlam L; King of Pru-
iia,eonsulted a Celebrated so logy -
r, who in answer to hii queries tol
atiiewou1cIuecnd_the_t n
OA t.a e ecrman • ..piro
ette 4evir
man Einplre rrti 401lle to an end
1013. The first, three prophecies
haveboenfulfihled to the very letter..
to $2.i0,;
o. 177;ti...t-lik.itt quoted at
Butter -Pound prints,- IA to .220;
tubs, .10 .to 30o; do,-, inferior, 17 to
Oreamo y rallat 24 to 250) And
al• 206
01" 0 g iee Aotgl 3041,at 20 to .22e
Cheese -Largo -. cheese, 1234 -to
and tWinst 1_3 to .10%0.
, ,
past and POlifint will appoir beteresting and enjoyable visit.,
U* upon 4 stage of unsurpassed .!ff• shall not fedi to convey to my
iiebee I -recall. with tench pleasure
e no uncertain proofs which I have
• eelved on my several visits to
amide .of the loyalty 01 the King's
rencli-Canadian subjects. Thelr
.„proired fidelity in times of difflculty
-raid danger„' happily long past, is
deepelt interest in this celebration',
tho gratifEirq expressions of your
loyalty an . attachment to hie throne
And'perso of -which his Majesty is
Well assured. •
"Once nOre,i.-think -you! front -my
heart for your Idnclly greeting.'"
A eirretSpotfdent; eteribin
uebec last week, has this to say :
. Quebec's ten Peg -emits are to. be
• found betwee he Promenade it
the or veto o cos-
Atutne, !or wealth of detail, for real
heart interest of the kind that grips
the interest and holds it fest, the
promenade is far ahead of the spec.,
taole upon the Plo„int'of Abraham.
The pageant .over, the quaintly as-
ttthlbd tio-fornvilormultitad
tre.arsftee.,14 go where
tho' wilI. Mingling with theseare
eel lets, sailors, and civilians, the.
former given to Marching here and
there in 'inlet, singing and refusing
to be taken seriously in any
BEYOND'ntSontnieat •
sifhati-of .the
the big spettacle on the Plains with
ve thousand taking partinItt
well endeavor to describe in * few
lines as'the. two centUriet ismfro
of early history *hie resent
From--Saki4eli Carti 153 to
er rn
tca.lm &n 'went ISA blaze0 .0
Won* Whirl,' of 'color ,in.ttio.
d utsexpreisible blending 01
L an', it' 1*
ering in. ita touvlIel
des not instruct,,
, . . ,
Oren tableanx by 'tableaux it
Itopies.Cartier,, Champlain0
at Quebeet,DiAlat4.
r einten e'' o tcaleilk
elMurray.„„ her
he.eye of bistory
- scan in an sfternoou with any
roc le
the distanco. conveys in 'some .rays-
teriCitis way, the of the
ght of tithe betw±een one tal.iegiux
d the next
Detoplet into decade gorge..
ously. Pieturesque troops an
treacherous .savages mingle in this
great knatural stage where Canada's
est heroes fought and The
costuming is perfect; the bl�n
01 ort-aw-tuperb*Intilms.pag
is Iniost too subkinie to grasp, 'fa
ee it IS: to hurry* through an art
gallery with A train to. cateb,.. The,,
scenes are of marvellous beautri
historicslly correct, *wonderfully
totweliennive, .but theY dazzt
rather than illumineand that lathe
Whole truth of
per -pound. in case .lotti;.iness pork,
09. to $10450; • ' short ent*-: -023 to
Rains..,'-'1.1gtt to mediumi 14 to
1434e; do., heavy,- 1234 to 130
1.0Ye; shoulders, backs, 17 t
brealdast bacon, 14 to 150.
;* 47-*Ti..,eaa* 1,301'.0 414.93
13no, •
•Montreal July 28.—The market
• Or
No. 00. 40o; 1.1.0, 4, .45c; • rejected,
43. to- Manitoba- -14410::2-jvhit44
47e; No. N. 00; rejected at 450 per
bushel in car • lots 'ex -Store.carieorii;_84Vse Per:h.14liistezT • 4..
ytonFH044:nee ,J3InIng
,ter wboat patents, *5; at
16174:S4 4.60;.
FifLy Thousand Funillies In
the-OM:MIS and Statistics ,Thireau;
ing number of farms in the. three'
rov •ces 0 ani as a
wan and Alberto; during the
fifteen •years. . They -increased
population of the Canadian West,
.persons. From the Unit
States 'there, cainet .10,044, anal ina,
with/9,4„/03 g, „a* from the Brit.
fir Minas ,"
eons ;,froiri Auetrla.flungay
with -52,839-personsl--fro
018,, with 24,504 persons;
been dieo1ved, and
,:wilt take pIae-on Aigu 14:
a P°:31. °Tit 1;1Sault
,district o
a Aylesworth will leave
for Viennaat the end of -the month
to 0cnsu1t an aurist, '
A '',4
'Wein. 'MA04( lie
le_Rivev.wfll_ completed.
,Mr, . ICA° • and. two Childien •wore .
..• 01.0410001-14t 7.,Arit**-.
., ..
rn . ut ,erm
tifl'- ' ' I . 44-•,--- e T%,s.
wards, r;Maj
bul$jelt, wb�, 01
:.Itistorte oecaalQu
Ihos. '41xProosion of,
votIon to youi'
baton to. renew,
Majestea throno
1.4$ e 0 ft araflceB et
oyalt$ -on the Part of..my•Canadiai
Objectiti,': in. 'Whose, . we.
'deeply . zntec!tc4, and to whom
'witili'att,exer.,4itcreasing ine sure
ogressand prosperity.'"!
Iumber amine
er of ears us.ocl for,. tbe cro
It has been loct.no(14ha40
Vners* "
onto Jailpiokel a lock with
The °Ix*. it
several weeks and the
The contract for the ,construc
real to 'Midland, has been eigned
by the„ Dominion. 4ngineering
pany of Toronto, , •
Itr• F. W. More, vice- resident
,t,(111411114304 fornrallthaegewest on a. final
,of 075 Miles of the road.
:143R. 4reidfier7°-e-t.11t;e•woets. .11v-thh
atist es
report iagiven
• CriltAtoporte •11..-.111iidtecte-gountit.,-
despatch from Whit:dies says
, •
growing 'grain of the Wei tOo
the General Manager of the
on Wednesday morning.'um-
$1.15. Feed -Manitoba bran, $21
1133; shorts, $25; Ontario titan;
eluding grain
ere4r 128 to
$1.01',4**** afXa 16, t01
short cut...mess., $22.50; hait-bartelst
0E01 clear fat backio $23;
It long clear backa, Ile; bar.
re si platebeat-
tell doe„. $9; compound -lard, a%
to 9ii4e.; Pure lard, 1234 to .18c; ket.
tie .,renclered,. 13 to 133o; hams,
*-;1214-14 Totel breakfast bacon, 14;
1.5e; Windsor boort, 15 to 10c;
fresh killed abattoir dressel1* firxn, lireest.
0,, ,,,
a 1 ttc134.
and -easterna at 114 to EttAd.' But-
toy-liferkot continues strong in
tone' at the advagee finest 'cream -
err being quoteclkiet 24 to. 24ge in
tout* 'Iota, and geto to. *groove..
gggs•There., was no change in the
•tomlititot of the market, which -re.:
mitinit firmunder a continued good
•deittanti: Salta or. .ae
were .inade at 22e No.
and No. 2 at 16e31er-tioaem
tb goneral raini„p.f. last week, tx.
Wndifig �v�r the Ont415 gr&in dis-
trict, bevo been of great beneflt to
the. ow 5, - Therasire afew points
nit (Allem-Al
ittg for more ram, butt: generally'
speaking,all have _reOetfted s pitr
zuPPIt of moisture. report-
at a few panto, but the damage is
slight, - and ctinated to Small' areas;
'change on Wednesday mortaileftitia,
'thit•thoiexpected the'eutting Of the
crop to begin about the ascend Wok-.
han last,year• •
The Journsl statesa tho Beljium
authorities are greatly "iterated:0*er
rumor of 4 plot to assassinate Xing
Leopold, Several, Antrehists 1000
boon arrested. The police have ar-
rested a:number of persons' who are
*wooded �f .tcympuoity in 'the
*chomp,. 'Awholesale, , „crusade
ted of having relat'ons wi
eoreratiS Tactigt
total area bolo
ut w 11 a d avers. e ie d
u hats Per: a re 'anticipate
•g 'wheat. is backward,
ereentage of standard 400.0
or „wheat. is. 81. -
A ream. estimated- .
fiereato 01-176;0
poars to be
ri we I, all
1d from 3S to 40 ushols por
....:Cliairinart Mabco of the Railway
Oonunission.i In dionuoorugOr-tliao
Trunk Paolo application to lay
tir lime on a street in *Winnipeg,'
Amid the rights of municipalities to
control their own highways w4uld
be protected:- •'
TheBritish Rouse will not rem
Sir john Oritehton Browne.. a
London-worabstemion's faddists ar
just as harmful to tbeinselveS •ati.
those-whii. overfeed. .
ent.otOoltritistli Association mee
ing,,on Arm.occasion of . gee o
his fetheee:.9,finouneereent, of bis
famous -theories,' will roitcrate in
.inau ral'addte**:-
that plants are onaOwed-with
Quell City*
despatett from Quebec says; On
Thursday the visit of the Prince of
.Wales was signalized by the confer-
-ring 01 a batch of, hono'ro, .004
among the . recipients was Hon.
James -butney,--prTas he
now, Sir. james -WhitneY. Eqwtl
htnin struclottree'in Dayton,
,O., said le. 120 lir ors.
- rite in 4 sehoel in Pittsburg cant -
panic. among the 1507children,
.present,, and manywere tvainple4
0 -•
Milan Turner, - .wife oft.Lonis Tur-
ner,. of Katusai Wyo. hateeivert birth
lo.sinitdruplets, three boye and a
.• --
Thomas Roach and Charlet Roth
Are 'heti at Buffalo - -charged .with
tiiuggling•Chinarnen from. Osinacla
to-thir Voited-fitc
. :Night ri(lera burned three Illinois
;Central -stations in Kentucky bet
cause the' company allowed. the
State militia to Osnip on- it*
The 'United States Courb of
pesi at Chicago-roorset1 ,thejudg-
aiutii/o Landis, fining the
Standard Oil -Company $2-04740;000,
andgranteda 041* ,
'both of whom receive Knighthoods.
Earl Grey's' reward for -the -seriiTes
,lieJLio_rondetellin.gonileaqan with
the celebrations and the promotion
arloy-Acreago of 14$,
es of 23,007. Where it was
.0. to got tbis erop -in rear
a barley 'la ,rePorted as poo
a a-- -ge044, b
'good gn,aVdoat Winter -killed.
‘..• Ali descriptions of live stock
.wietahart-ehol exception of et
show a. decrease.
"Everywhere, farmers „ere reported
as giving up the . hog industry,
irhicli,-.1t-ls-statott :is at ---pronnir--7----
coasing to
131 etr1;:q141;;F.and tho low prieo
jittz :.to the hi- It_
o e a e e eisa ran
Cross of the Victorian Order, while
Colonel ilanbiry Williains, his
al 0- 0.eainP, ,1B in 0 .
Twroo of -tho-ratot-Tift-vatioitotds- -
Commissioners, Sir George Drum-
Puitid; Mg. B. E. Walker and Hon,
Adelard Turgeon 'receive the hon-
or of 0.11.0., which is also given
Jpseph-Pope,--Under_ re.
y of State; al,ried,i13. encral
olonel re.rey Sherwood,. Chief of
Roy aro made meinbers of the Vie-
• s . OE-M.G. isco
ferred on City Clerk thoumard of
Quebec:- - . -
-deep&tch from Niagcra Falls,
Ont., At\ Niagara rallo;-N.
on ,Wednesday mottling about
o'clock ,Olaceit lifignot and lita77
- aria& of the-trolicertoWsverili
ttbot..st and • wounded by an un-
known Men; - ,Officer McCormick
has sin\ce, Alio& from his injuries;
end Magner it seriousl hurt. :' „The
two eters received information'
bit sin had been tit% flourish-
ing a revolver on Maw street, and
'eriferour oltettiervrtriorhint:'
Oppotilef--the International ,Ifotel
'they met ft man answering to the
,deteription-Aiven-theM, and one of
'the officers asked him what he had
in his,' pocket. T1l tell you in *
minute,'. he. replied, cutl initne41.,
volver and fired, fatally wounding
McCormick, the bullet ,severing
artery- it his right arni, and 00-,
vetelk injuring Magner in the right -
leg.' The: wounded officers were
convoyed to- th -• hospital, wlwre-
McCormick shortly atter expired.
The noise of -.theshots brougbt i.
riurnbor of men to the,spot,.. and th
rraai1aut eseapedinto the iteserv*-
6.1 • r
Another lainec_10,0111. a
'1WttUtillaril. iwobably
on Wednday--
,Morning in Niagara,' .
byan unknown It it aid
The Itelian,tendered a bad coin for-
refreishment. Sono' • refused it,
and the Italian,•shot him, the,bullet
lodging in his left lung.
Th doc-
doek here
othes *board
surance pob
dollars.' There
cmrnng to hint *
Port Arthur,
ollock, employed
opening of ban-
8, HeIeff.allhis :
g them &fl 7634c;
or Otte thonaand 'strotis.
Tho'101114SM011ey .
m hs left.; eh
seen or heard
o. 1 Northern cit.
154 Winter,
ber O. 3 el-
liatio Mist' Lead�r, of lgoinharo.
Se Traasportea..
itch from Bombay says:
ITilak, the Nationalist leader* vivo'
trial for sedition otimpied'' several
days; has boon found gulity, andIse,
ea unfenced to transportation for
.aix 3rest'iso,soia to pay -*Azle of 5,000
peas. The a114,1 14* bssed on
ipearng In71 ”
ek1y newapaper,
the r
, inciting the
arLieles si
for Fobnib W4
ex Tilak was
Mijjister to tietuela-to-
Dutch ,
leaf° the country. •
° Seven thousand Turkish soldiers
are r. •,. • • • * •
. ,
onivitir district. ,
Tho Persian ineurgents aro
in pci-
oas1on of Tabriz, and the
tauee.031u. the norther:tr
u;t14 tosuI:teohostt, r, of the
Mayor ot The Sult,an
elborgl Saxony,ley has refus4'd
headed for tbo