HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-30, Page 1$ was Anticipated the Prince
-WAWA AVOS• the *wirer ot.
King's •list of honors. ,ltlich
WeIC nmon»cd on rfrday
jgrnoii of last weck.
just w, bit, and each one a bargain; must.
inea-ol—Whitewear, a redueed.Oicest,
Corsetgi overs„ Drawers, Gowns, and
o only Mis
pure linen Dress Skirts, length .
lack we can supply you at prices that I please
rio4-41Ion4....L. Gouln,
ghee, , and *11:ajor °Geo.
of .Ktueheo. chairman a the
. ,
Inost-lurpor or
--raostrAdelar4441.1"Vorif m-41.1stermo
mines and &treat in the .Gonin ('4toth.
crtranents- itosejili Pope nntler scoria -
1 manager o the Bank -o Va
erre and tlir George Drummond, of
Mointreal,. are created Comanions
ot V:101thtlatte1i
Order. M A.moild'e
anion of the/ 'Order of It. NticA
nfl t tome, w orwiti
cbjat of thtDomiiiion police, and .Col.
C L 1 * 0. to beir naittesis
is Excellency Earl Oro is aw'a
dthe distinction of D. V. 17:4,09, arzd
MA- tra/thury ecretary
to . the 'governor-general, in cre
Q. TAO. . .
From Friday morning 8 o'clock of this week_ lin. -
Thursday evening 4,o'clor,k_ne'xt „week we wilt
pay the following prices for poultry:
Ducklings 8cts. per pound live weight.
Hens 6ets., per pound live weig
Irflnt-\V I1 VASSNI(Mift
• Piaui
biAvtit nattuti0,' *tato, •trolat
tor tobbovt. room:toil *ad Loran,
• Op W. F. 13EAVERs,
• ;6,ovareao. Farquhar.
Ausimi Soltsltori
'XJe directors of the St. Marys and
Vestera Ontario e.i•ved
t good news last ts;tek t1,..st the
Government -had orcesde
to * and t uld nb id
or rogues a vo a 3
1 e the road front Woddstoek to Thre.,
ter....'.a.:-411anoci 445%---nitles—The
su far is "arritlige on 'e a i ing
stale and, will be ran fro:n.03200 to
ad state hat. the subsidy - v‘,111:be
490 Per The -directors et the
etnire.4.1o_comPlete the- road, as _the
cost of construction exceeded oie or.
ginut estimate. .
A largeganst of -men are outiwatic...-
zfle 41000 the road. Tbey .eipect to
mplete--theitorire-betom- ther-end
of next year.
-Mr. fixod COultis visited
Mr. Nelsen Prier; •f Otrtnitoba,,' is
.hi father,' Thos. Prier,
, od. Mrs, .1tuSselt lilirtyzie,, of
Drazotford, are visiting the fertner's
, • started
were tr-i01.00-1114.4'
14;73, ':P!
iOst (base, it ,is suggested
tJiat ithe 4)08'. 44,001re him. for
t season. At 00 -bat, he '
t the
umpir "•C io game early
der to spoftt; to 1e .IuIl:
4;00; -10141firii'aielto-r'lx03'-it
Ciiarlie Ford was .,tittonly. stattetI°
floy14 ..00410 12,.NY„. 'Parson clera:14‘k
Teat 1104e4r4;
24.18.$ 1, 4004 Maud Elliott
,24/.4alericit ; Potato race, 'Ea. An.,
derson. .Gordon 'Taylor ; Akiptiing
race, aiialdreil liejwood, Annie 'POY
NO-04.1e-atud-itlireati, i. l'aYie.r4
Taylor ; Jthg -ookic', T.
'Taylor, Taylor and 1.
tnteresting ifroni stile fact Abet oue
mire 'been Tun over but it wits
Normao, bloyd was the. winner
0 P0 '
.StaAloke, 1.4t. A. If' 2/14.- Th, . day
was exceitelitand eierY,..Olie had 1
good time., • - •
On of the ,oidest plane°
.Itigre passed' iiittaY ot Yrblni ....,TV
t - i' his tAth.bfiter. Thomns 'Ito,
4,.4ftfroMliValto • rititt:'
18254014 hvao. Iniirried ' in. the vitOrc between,tiliDem. Ottat'l faith aiV°134.(11.
Of" England, to -1Stissk Atistis, ,Siell-- an to tett tYp'-.1te ' trfttli li • .kind ta,v
emigrated to Canada in the.. -same itike it st%iiiver I talo th' rintlen.
Year. They -settled in little Brit. and that notion aiht long pormit* It
'ton Victoria County# gr. ..4o!We. 411d :DLL.* thought X. Might 'srtmbiougbt
*---liiiiirrisiii-ritiiiiiiii7 when : he tvot long, A cigar ter y0,4 Ed, but to toll
•Int7str.ax„. , ' ,,... . , ., ...4 i. .., *PI
that Iiii do only on spicial, ocOasion
When A' frind offers Me. wan, 471" then
about tire and:,4„ half wears, when hurtini m trind's" feelinis
they -Moved to ituron. 'County taking. 1Y. thryt-. o olilige him."
Township of Stephen., here' thy been tot ered: e lot mild th' ihel..
. ' Ili hel
* l/tltoncessioiof the ,
i, f:f• • "Say ''ee. continues .I-sarry, "I've
:built * leg .islianty for themseiVes..contici_it_tate)11.,„,they.„AttaSic_me,
--tailitelr:r.tivijoil-07S. -flietr-10610. *WU' In ,so many different Ivos.
4s -4. Plate to bold prayer meeting ../`That's too bid" frays Ed, t'itrit, you,
elilLta,,er_e„s at's44.fHtelitgo.741ouft , ...serilces. tAkint_tternateriinglor.'*t..,!!!....., I.:. _.' ,:,..-• .7,. _
1 ct $teffhen where he . pur. athickhi! theseVinef in wee' Irei_le ri4r.
std., 2011 .:t,cres of lat14.--44 .180 ry-r•Lat ithe-sareo, --tlizie-OrtziP100-41bou
he was conVerted in a revival el.- three.- feet Aitsthe air and. knoe140-0-
Into ratudtteted- tuys' nein .14r. 'Caution. over a table that/ was in bis way.
n ---whatitval-known-ne Aile-Ilrekeri. --7,WhiiriCthyetrtilfee*-W-61"a-Egi *Ark ,..
est, in .111/ rpljtiolia Avxig,,.o ' ,18fiit...hit44ettit-you. •:?....4V.S.Aerrihkr.."-shOo -'--, • -- -- ' — .
shires kg school house and from a look of great surprise on Ins, face,- -
that. Jiime-lio:„,..took_ait. Aetiyre4iiter., --11/.that-the-way---theiyheliatatiem-nr--' - 1.111
: ki- - 4,- . 7-1S-1- or Acst,
j?epehhaiti-;:nibiztii;,-,-1•,i.hnt yra..14_ .11i,onov,!tat:Litiplociv=t4e4;:ti;rritio:,..idii!.. filitgrit.440___091.4.„ : ,____
irtitir*I'oni-----of-iti/7--offitiatir and -----for 'Wit TtOibre'770-417-tle'--nieuniatics• • --114:01nnlie
cstle2:,sp,,,,..,,,!o,all fabrics an our workinanshi needS
MAnY-srars was a .oloss, leader o.rid 1.17,et.effected2me in„.„that.,,00nner, ;4., ,., Available
owettor.--01, ttii- siinititir-0°O'liatit---Tii!AbeY' continue to . net this • way, ,4vItY.I;
Mia the tar011asea a ' larm-Ott.,' rth - it'll to-11/4-.1/ik- , .
LentIOn ytoadtormerly• owned by Iiir... and l'it see if by stvallossiini ,
rarer/Ass Ir. and Mrs. I., t?•,r_asyne. . ' . 1-41rs. 4t.tv.we-telebrated-tirei 'stand thi.kre. -shaking as if ..$Ton were
.Z:Ir. ; eik,ii. *' Ilaiiitt Plek- •-his..youtirest. oorr -Henry.' litrr -11100 -..,he / pts-vr .elit. out, -. ',el- 'wather = 'win . r4
;moved with Iiiii-tkife tolreter -awitore .' most anitYthing We; . know, „Ed.
Itiehard ;Winning' and noW-rx4I'ouoilied by 1 little egtrY lake .Avather .if 1•1 . c40
fie lived op to the time of lira ..deittli. Out sit down, again, -Larry, -don't
i trivere.tntertvl -111-tife t'''.7twrer •yri. etS34."%0X1:6-4-treittlflOnr71;_t'ifilt.7,..::Spellii
klokleg Over the uremia for e intr.. eenioterY7On SItiiilar., SIX sonS.Iri;•law often;" • .
zpoetretk. of.; io.eating .70 prek.144 factory lriram Windsor, :Drown - oft.A. ,micii,„ .Tiorry i.lni4 *gat 'settled an • .
— - Arthur Ifoskin, . tiratitfordl Thomas. feeling quite himself again- yith_Ed
----Ittote. .-A.:4O-'llobler- 41 iiii.44,-,,off I *silt --114-cettiti ;.- ' - "Sain'. • -L'affiliart, . give him the effect A or button warn.
44 as Well Ati. 41, aPecitti itiltitutiott• ,f0lundehoye 1,4-,Tohn Pedlar and ,Nites. ber two. • . . .
to ,,hted the. procesidon • of the London iSnolls .of • Exeter, doted as .pall taear.1 "IV till th! imps oral little.tislies!
Olil ItOye in ,corepany ,:witil the afttlor, .., era,: Ile -leo -es, to motittet'tlie loss of ti roars Larryi, elites a b011 do liat's
of t,hat city.. lqr*, llobler. has ., act.. vtott Itusband and .father, his wite:thati.atfot MO 41,y *IV: trtiuers
_i,,....tittateit,,t;_),tel;i0, yGittli4;010, ri-;:,,v, 0-.7:at ,,..e.it?, ., .11r,I. •:,.t, l'og;rtioit.m_, 01,}ivitilldit,kelsamr;-,...wiot 1.111r411„...-tig--44111.4,-, , ,oe.r7:112,-3.,- .7., Larry,r-iwn-. ,
terettng and ,profitotle missionary . Arthur IftsiOn -of 111ruittfoi(lt,, Shallil ;!*4((t.‘1:4,111.gt':i0.:'14(17.(:) ..
-itAtAttic at the1110ex. ittreepwArtir Mr, ThosAestIti -of_ Itilertolh-Akriw,, eer000literi,t 0,14ettgietlite-'--4to4V
s 'Larry,
.teattua xiii, irtiomtly , ,oLvoolog*...:., At ,•tjle ...Wini araport.of.VIlundettoye,' Knit rho beenttrall-tie• bloorairtl•_doeltter
Altaitiii:i4UAliez„,:_41ervi-o-e,-„,littlilloweil-,,--- .-er 306- 4reti:104: artSa-f-A04*---til0,0140-,""Xt$:4140144-:Itie$0`S-4t11113';,'".Ttie'-iaafii;''..titne
dumber-. of -Vietures tulrett lit. liiiiiitl, V1f *Ai 640-0-1JI-0. 4-.-01411. 1.to-1-7,,,111I, .14amtte1 tie rfieuttlutirl litotliored irk,. they ef.,
:An4.„,.exptAined .what -they reptettented, ,tuta 114111, -id. nxeterr , . . . , i teetett ille in th° • sfuliiseli, an' .th*
Sti. qordion ' Taylor While .' ,aliditig ' -441,144. 'Andrew Oeterses, tta104. dijelltPr' tried 40 ,t11ke tlii out Iriii the
dawn -a,,e.ratoo. fromthe.,soeond floor : awaY.' Monday! ..Itily L'Ith at - lier t etnlizaeli pumP,..tut taint ii&use, rie
At the eittning . on :Monday. home in Toronto, at the 11:Ce Or Ca gOt tie' 100410O that tliefre chronic.,
!ivitmr.•callitht 1):Y Os hookit ott, tht rolpie years. 'About 'two ./116111/111 og6 • „lo,,,i IItit og. to$aid Ed tho5i.s..cithibitiots
.and iseverely wounded, . It took little teased unaktrwt:ttit -$t otatroji ,tillith t ure ,atetv, to. We; Shure one. the4eel*
_ttiteho: tgEtew_the wofindt_____,_ . , . :. , _ At i_the,time,..AVat-bit t,-14-: bo;t-N•itill 1.,,OLX.' tiret-H, av,- eomethltier jgraltbre
,wora, •its,,a8.,,rocate4,iti4 ivook ,trom...,•toOkott., but later , d;i1' 'Stet vimo.i Me .4.1 tit'. sate ;yr ' the' trousers Ant
a.iiitilinaiLlOorlouett_oalt;_i, r,ifi,,Izetie.d, titttlii:,,, of tairead.:titt:ortitidovoititt.ttai"y;;I:rt.r!r:gtIvi ,;11levit,.:011.eit.,e0:11:it:txt,e!ttiltatilti,oild:ii", 't,,,!:2:$-Itit:voili!,:::;.1,47.6tritn,eut214"1101!/*,411:Ficri.g. .....)titt:, rttrill:tittli341.6'
:134140 0 'i.117t 410,hla ItO!.01-414 intt'Onger :
QCfit7-s:t1:.s..e:fon,'):i't!.d7:ti:ttt_._.',)iiv.!til:rlarrt°rkli:'!'xtr°::t::°4:,•ri.ktt:t.'t-'.:unt,tia:;o::i',aioili:c:::tf:in:.n..;::tt:ny..::t,zitt,*tj:1*A'Iala"::sttl'1.. be4e..,ke'a_ , tri l'itil li ill' f:erll xl;rs rwrol%ilelll )11 clt4:71411.0,010,1:3::($ ,t)6rot Am 11(!ild, -.It',' ,' : ' '114, t.iej° ° :. :;lt,, ,,,:vtili :4:: . ,ti °gi.e.i4,4t71.14.,, ii ,: .'7:0,C.,,i°1:tb:, 01 -111/we' :te:;t1:1i.;le, , : 'vl:id io ill... !i:1;1?tis, (2.1:rIttei:11.4:it
'ttO4 ViehiltY.. ' • ' -' - - - ts----iir.: -tlisbarife.-:--tibiticiliini: i•-•:-.'1----1:00e---:----4-se-'-rtt:Italririr
Itidsonatrotuinutitatitiritutottihr ttetvitoev.1,t,4:s.:tch,6 *51,•'0‘7,74.;4;iztv:-.116:04:1X;e0b,013*.nrt.1:::.v.iti:41,:erta4111.1tOrtxgnog,i, :57::641totreel,toungt,erryr. atbridre•:rethhtt(1 lt,1".1001111,41140
0 , t 1. /i , -• they ntnevetilo. Toroitto. Zites, ,Deut 41.. ,ine4t 'erailiti
hhg, Vv. -V. i -.rill:- m- Tovitiariotri„ , 010..11,' -1 -?;i4 ti70.1ti:, ,-.18titbitla- v4 nillit'-fft:10117iVrtttirltti'llta°i"CtliStiaaviii-i;itttrat..144;'' L'-. ' t'r,r°7'teS*S.I'llittrt'e4s ...ert.e. It a
it, :0mIn suf..
1: t‘,0:iit, ,(I ,0:7111.:::,:, J,03;i::, ,..4_14ht:nree...tro;hted iiiy_,..inlOtiY triendrUitit!, int Yet ***to -to Iiiiighait**t ft'
• te-Martin; it ov. w, tIttsto,Hirttr* 14(1.1'4/tillit'5*::
, :motrittflter ,:oss a loving lit/shorn' afritititwi,aot 'Oil' theuttlaiea $e* bi(dt, it'd tc
-Site 1r4tres, ,to 'Orilf,l' untiber etteh an Ittflietiott. I"
;re 106Mire% Isfraii Oahu ,Sinale. . ofi., th'' seIMPothetio li.and. P4 he- gi,V1
• rroakg •etgaged Or 421 4008"s I Carl Orttila 1.. -,gra. IttitrP . , ,friirtiiiiO4: Ye* $04.11044.
from ria 1)4tts- of ' Wetteta *Ilail M. *41tiff, l'pfurdy.. „Luc:4o t'..flortrude- 13101I. Larrt ifrotcei
thOrn., Ont*rti4 IPAPtV :thil--, '4 ' 44#4,,isiott-44' volvittit., -vile- ' . • titkiiit -:itti-'-'ut
' -toodfitr itifilloitio . - t%th, :ye
. . ; z* li.0 'three.
sail -one.' --
' :
ening with
of,',. tfi. e' -.:-
d ,
'o Kirkloai1,
1 n d. Shier*. ls occ1V-
On t1e,4tahles t ' ryy
was A vicktwx or -
“ooti mor:', eltur, Me
Oats plasetl to 3 e Yez?, roar*:
tawil\WOlt e,
O'crochilli 'if
"40:tt I" gays Ed, "I cnn tell lil
at that you looreiet had 'dinner.
,„s -000e27,12/4he--bonso-ant},--/wc
la see moat we can do 'tor you:*
P-Xlckleit illil Pe ssYs Larry, "'for
1 e n
, ay d after arry „ 40 con),•,
Jo:data)! ,1$04t04 at the dinner *Ale.
mrithix-ret an* fits Inc that, enloyii
hat w4d W:ez,
In 4. roOM off ithe store ,,iised for a
sittiOtC"-roomi Ed--hee an electrio.
aratuk ,hidden in a. cuablan !:03011
with tliree buttons p a
e v e xtlY-for:-operating.
-been- waiting -severe lirtelis for the
bspportuulty to catch his friendliarr
s OTSiff-pe..
fte-1-.- • Wireir'll'ef,rfilfors-trir:
eiing ta, a emit") in the ;sittin
"Begfirils that's moighty foln's
cookbe, says.Larry taking the chair
Shnre----ar.-e,ez knew, avhat vet Virg'
doi.A‘ lyea sat oyes on that gal.
Yea won't touind it f loight me Vipe
e' for
tatinOrt, 0 eetrkti day. Thu
remabar that part
(low 20e t
axamoo cun
Oil Stoves * • 4, 4 AP lb 4
Gas Stoves......
• O., oir • II 411 * Z50. toti• ,1;;‘0000
4.00 to '
. , .
• We make a specia111 of t avetroughing, Roof-
ing and Plumbing in all its branches.
arm,. for Sale.
1.4 161-tiolafit cerittAltd:„-..ort;r:
rbins, one at• semen
able*. One acre. .oreharill :three .
'nisier '011144. Nrells•;' two winditills.
The Soil is a clay, loirm, is Clean of
underdritirlid ancriti " s
Class state of .cultivation.- For teitie
ete.,apply, fp, It Utak* Centritlie.
104. ',erre tart). bit Jot 17.
Ito „One, nt the
houtiq nn the,other at *hitt haritItla
'goo() orchards, 40 area settled. 'The:
farm It *ell 'tented, 400 rods of *vire'
totettog, This :arra Must' he Old as
the proprietress wilt glio up farm -
in 00 or before the letlo efus •Of
Tame teats.; I'odaeasion at
°nee. For further partfoulars *Plitt
to Offi$4, T. Cornleh, Waecithumvor on
keep lntditch
6idetv, in the Aboirettt utlene4 lines, W
tiVint your trade. Wi glvo you th
4rolcsoiOrttitent. When in nod of an
thing, :call grit 404 see Uwe' b*Ite
4011%6M if you dettlher
11:13to *reek we atitt atom
ran'mitted or 4 tothe.per
h5 tnntioneI intrectiOn Eigh
Lit Atte the topic
qnjrjd (,y te_, said. &et/
ran'mittc'd or-4110Iittereit-Of tb" 1i
iade Int to sail Atto of.
arinig ,Its • . the, last .
t Ataessment It011 of the saf
rlUntcipahity to be entitled to rot
the *aid 5luttivipality at Zleetio
nt item -Nis: of the: Legislative
ind 0:40.041:11kt
tt 041,.offiret Witako, n theLOt
or ri"
tod tteto ctintit 01 -
ti t daY
Jain, it griiiiiiiitti• of .the Ttme nt. 'Y hUtE4 - lira 0 ', at
Slicit-abotit44.- years. ago. lrwo',-, waiting '.itt.
rs' survive, -.Tulin' ,antl.' Salome! br tLzr&( and'. LarrY` '
f ..'t. rite.--.--- The- .reinaliti
, , ._ . ., . „tbettSiit :"thast =
o -of lier r - len and
;it• oak
• lit Olt Iiketet.
her* horete tit 13
cm.pgic&L ti ber,Atei
,s'Ots _13,,,,.0.4
.IJD. 8.-,,- Hai:07gradiiat, of Toroutt-
' Dental Surgeon. - lig
Qfflce .0.14tdmAu felfilittl3iir
ii- -
R. O. lit, acrozsTaz
.:. DonU.t Membeiof
R. 0, D 8. ot O4t&roIXQQr1-.
Qr&cluntof 'Torito Unlyerilty.
Itifwatt. - °vet .plickiett 4, 00:1141
Le* Oftteee 141)4 4,114.0. 0'41140 tornter fl1J BOSSINBERRY, .. ztittrott •
tiesatot.loe, r ' - : ., -
. .. i :Auctioneer, Sides eou
. .,----..........,„......,,,...
duttealnAllpartei° toms reettonia , •
-. W'. (I
• , . S., radttate'litletor le 'It Ana tattler/teflon gitaratittrteih -
ortity, ,iotitae std toiltlegottoe, tbitilataa
• soratorr*• Af , 'efOrliiir
soOlits. CtOt'04,0::),f OutOS, geon, Stiteestor to ..t..
Treittat:' all .4;lotuee
i littOr fltioit to deptift .
oat .sppro*eil pri
tr4es old iltoixtti on If .
. clot Englneer & Architect 1 ,NIffikht cAll At reterlIerl
3t'enes .
,-, -- littlIttcoe
'o4WterwotJa ' .
ttetioneir. ---fielee.,004.-
_-,partak.iiiferats reasonable!,
-)�left tit7tIfeT-TtlikOilloe'
h rott
posiiion'=1i. Osfltintns.
Os Ito:01 er !way m
eel ii:ser *holt I'M on
ili ,t,soleoito joo *bout toi
r \
joit ake one �f
front, of 4. t