HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-23, Page 91st 24A *A.
oo ug on enters
?ancy Corners and 1vorders they
1411111 • I If if If -4S "I t At •
wood colorings. They are just as pretty
s pietura. Come n and see them
OU an .
he few. hoad Of hOre
.te• 'Po'stAre for'4� aqatan
. .
on, W}I 44.:t..g.A1 o &
• tc Ifou040'''s;r-01.
in. GIa5seB. properly kitto(Vsnd , I
e ef. ;eye Oar and tiOse treate .
R.I...., • tr.ri4
goodsover. You sukely fin t in"
quire. We are sure our litiees will plea
r, ere TO a uro'4- good oWe
Tea which eve -
$100 and $1 25,,,Forl two ver'l speOal White
- • Lawn Waists.. 'These
lrne to us from a manufaietfirer direct. _The ma.-
teriaLis•ehoiee -sheere lawn trimmed' .witlrval. in;-
,sertion and lace. Ask to aee them.
joy a 'lovely real Austrian China Tea set
pure -white transparent body, with small
'nk0-04-ez4- tiOdrago'ntitt-dgedanit'iXit d*ithigold
ridaLwreatl-pattern,- -
egmugettin rk_stai
granulated sugar. by test.
sell no other, Some people do, • You know it
to pay for . Iterriember we sell _RedpathS
,:-an4 we sell it mighty cheap too. „
bout 50 WhIte Straw Sailor
AittAtitfttr6207 MN tf
Fane3r Vests.- About a dozen Unlined Summer
Suits., They must go ont. We will take vety low
'offers on these lines. *
1iuiIfrvWe are in the market for -Live Chicks
Vir4Lta.#e anrday b_utSaturday
Civic holiday will be -held
Monday 'August 3rd
D. Voiliek, of St., Marys is vis,
4. iti.ng-his-parents,
• Mr. Thos. Rowe is very ill at his
•tiome on Main street.'
!Mb • ".
Mr._ L. C. Fleming.
•r3Tr.-13rigtit, of tWiattou. visiting'
Miss raiTtre7Wilg. -.n. Iluffaloic •Thlehanan, -or-jsressiss,
13---rbarssIrgtes4'Cora1--j'bN'VoiNivs:1111' 'flat-
_Ilarrows.,Are v13_41410 .ri,t the 'lend:
Vags-alltoe alien tisitint! het' tt• amMt2e4'-11"t b
k,Tetin4tido11;-1-4r4414it 141eStilleff-th1•65 ilarna
v.4148 -"--
want; -Mrs. O. 11. Smith., of Ingersoll.
tion at his home here." 7
-Mts. V. Verity, of Brantford. •Annie Ciobbledick :returned
is the guest of he mother Mra. R. to Toronto Wednesday morning after
-Mr. Fewill lett -1 4ve. sPending' her vacation here. --.
"sPend the martinet. at her cottage at of ettr. IsieTaggart, has ;Weep "IC
. Miss Tillie White is visiting e-
latiVeS 111..SV • •
' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. UrickWoOd
spoilt •Sanday in Thedford.
. " ti it "-Cobble:,
dick spent -Sunday in Mitchell.
LeRoy- Couitis Is., -learning
tusiness ipath W', yowey.
--Atr.„N. -Lorne___VE "aggiart,_gis_tjtson
4:Ntie's Lillian . Amos is visiting her., -Mr. Frank Boss, of the Canadian
"4111', . '''''3°-t'41'2"..-av,. sne.x.rie=eo,..... .,. ,,,.._,w....„ffrither_i....,A,c,o,.t rarkd.ale.
girl friends in town before going to Bank of Commerce, Walkerton, is
...fstios Dpratity Laasbery, at De. .eloretleawl-eng. his .‘vacation with relatives
. trotti is the guest of her sister 01.rs. ,
ja J. white. , .--Mrs. Hicks, *of Itivergide. Catif.,
, . . wno has 'mon Visiting her father Mr.
-The Main. street Sunday school S. tobbledich for some 'time left this
tr,ti-itirisEr '-tls--4.Slte--Jlend--- ._ •,
. ,. 3rtiantrwie4,4voa betuats„ubrbthervo'N,t14.cksV.rtgitTre:
-day (Thursday.)
Ur. Anil 41rs. tarot:Witold,- --ot
Guelph. are Nisiting . _the 'Messrs
.'Wee ices' families. _
-41re• Tiflis. Richardson, of Sea -
I a, ta visited her aunt Mrs. D. Mc-
r-AlICe--41triVitt 45.
Choreh. Dirties to commence a
once,. state_ I1r4AppLy 40
Hawkins, J. J. Xnight,. ardens,
--you,,ritenoi4afistTolit" .*the-
uality of your Paris' Green tri Ours
the immence sale we are, Laving -is A
arantee,01----the-rrtralii7r-fir Prier
.as Inferior grades 4.0_ cents puma
A Few Good Suggestions Ilow.ers. Drug Store. .
. joSe• h lannirook- --tett
°ter:were, , ug ay. from -Fort Wayne, -Ind,
vasition_to offer yon an extensive sel- w1rc tiwas:laking lecer'e, -I -treat
teflon in suits et useful and accept- melts. Miss Minnie Vuls, of Fort
Able Wedding Oita and the cleseeb, 'Wa,eine accompanied -him here and'
Will yolk ter a coutile, of +weeks.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. 'Dorward,
guire'g, Exeter Nortl, on -OrtdoY•
Mr. Dorward has been ver,y. ill with
a sore eye, but we are glad to hear
the OPtio',,ls rccavcring.
-.A Petition has been circulated
askirrg the (re -6,e to _proclaim to, hos been spending the as
a town and thig vicinity in
-turned' to her home here -..MotidaY'
evening. ,
,Prof. W. J. ouriem ot
WoodstOck Balltiet 'College,. an Acad.
raic4)epartment,for_hole_end young
men •of McMaster 'University,. oren-
e in -
Miss Stella Gregory left last
-Mr the lakes.- De.
lore returning elle will visit in Chi,.
The School Board have decided -to
excavate underneath- - the tsclioot,
Makinlunocus,pace: for the lernaecr
• • -
-Mrs. Wen Johns is visi ing her
• rother-zatiorouto_and-b
turning home will visit her sister
at Itaileybury.
t.ad Mrs. O. liteare-iter A
iprice ou every article from worka Of
bigbeit artistic- merit to the 'meat
Beautiful Silverware such as
Cake Plates,Tea Sete, Fern .
Dishes- Iditiettit-Jars,
lade.e, Salad - Bowls, Bake.
• Dishes and Many oilier. band- "
',Some pieces, \
and Oreains, Olive ,Dishes,
, Batter Tube, 011 Bottles_, Car- •
• affes, Tdinblers. Berry. Dewier •
• we( aing ItInse &snects4
Tins to new suhicribers
from, now titrtil Jan: 1st, 1909 for
40 cents, or 25c for three months
Show• -these-•• taffeta -ttele-_-.;•.,ut-
friends who are not eubseribers, or
sendustheir riante and -address anil
we,sv.ill mai' them a saraPle_capy.L.
----Thateksgivitirgr-tuTryartillt like.
o the cornmetelAtIraVellers ' 'Petit -
toning the government to make the
holiday On that day go that they maY
eh,loY it. Thanksgiving usually fails
on Thuoday. • -
The regular mouthy -- filleting lel
Court Harmony C. O. r.' will be held
•11-11444.ir eVening-next-"at $3- Weloelt
Mr. 1?. V. Gladtuan wbo attended tbe
lHigh. Court meeting ,at isiligaraFalls
`--teii,vrecirt-ago wilt-ghtaida rePort.
Alt the Ineipliers are.ixrged to be tire!
watt , . ' • „
The' Main steeet garden
eh *aiii,:to,',hav44:11e
evenng, &Ifs Nit -Potted otv ac-
-Of -the wet- weatherlt-te
hcid on the church lawn Monday. I
the iseather is unfavorable -the socinl
teld-iii-th .
Itureb.' .
, .0 -
...W. : Ed. rowel!, of Viiieage4,
rived her. Sonde, in his, sautomo.
ie., 1.te will spend bis vacatioin at
ratable' dreera realizehis vottogo at the Pend. Ile was; ile.
out the tiMet st•Ylish gar' . ' end ptrs..
Ile oue tease*. itostmtut.. of Cleveland, • ar.. ,ltos
ictlie.4trgeat ilruggiet 4.1031tvei-1,
and owning kn.tirtores '1)1' the tity.
' /.;,W. !Taman, tbrother of W.
ugh. W. Taman, towt‘y hoe diatiesed, of hii
Wekeep litiSiness at 0.1sitabrittn,„" Atai,liai
d 'aecePted -pOsitrott AS cutter Or ti•-•
• firm at ,Chealty,. lyettov•totvintriti.
rotten Wt.:Talton ,Mas. lresented
'With two beautiful oak chairs by the,
I'M eto
ho'r the
(ouch ropidity
daylight. The01311
thunder. Tht
the tl*tteting of t
the progress of the
Ittrii4d of such se
nirig end lighted
tt tedk-
;leg o• rsonv
Ati_O guests of tr. and Mts. Sol.
IforilY last Week.: • .
-*..qhe annual pienie of the Pres-
byterian Sunday School WaS held at
the- flend--TuesdaY: -A- liarnikr -event
titon&etsjo •••
, eVi r gg, o cupie e
pulpit of the I'resbyterian church
last Suitclay morning ;mil" delivered A
VttrY IMPreS3i.Ve
'Tera.--Itowe, or on
home for to weeks' hOlitraYs. Tues.
day (she and her sisters, Ida and Lily.
left, for the Bend for a few dais.
, Bert Luxton, ledger keeper
of the Bunk of 'Commerce, has
tword that he is to be -trans-
cothpanied '- -ber- daughter, --
H,..131,Littivt., ot Detroit, were', the
guests of airs. T. M. lily last week.
' O, apt. W. J. Ilearnaxit accompans,
led Color.Sergt.Pothole and Corp.
.101lott, left Vriday for guehee' to
assist in celebrating the. -tercenterg.
Tile School board at a trieetittg on
tonilay accepted the application of
W ejdt h amrncr, of- -Dauphin,
Mali., for the Prineipaiship u the.
school. ' ,
• The, lawn.sOcial to have hee21.,.11eld
"t-4:7 1St.
tuohst ckiuretilaWfl,'itOr:T.O-.-',!:
,Itestirs. Rd. Irehle, 1G40.
tttitexs• will , take .lit 1» the ,;4qual,
ournaMerit to lie held, in totutoti-
lent trionitit•
Xestle.'et tratiklina:
who Atitti., his, ielte
ivisitittg hi parenttt frt towfl'. prettelt.:
id the Joint*, street "
Will ttnight;.*ho'his.*
lookout..on one Of, tile .lke
ei1mere ewes tailed tette lt4t Week
singto the
manager of
tereits of
john-ternish a tern:Lir re.
sident of Osborne. died at- the home
of his daughter, -fare. ID. Oledden,
Wednesday of --laat•--w-ook
aged 92 years. The, rerarilias . Were
,brought to E,xcter, the luneral be4
ing;---iteltt-Virtofter none
!be home of his daughter, Mrs. Thos.
noldert, interMent being -10--ttre- rx"
-LO. 0. r. -The officers of Exeter
-Lodge-4,-0.0.V evere installed on'
et De-
puty Grand Master Bre. Stan bur..
ast tterin- lisse-hessir a-ver3t--sur,4,
eessful one- in Weal Odilfellows vitt
cles, anti the great -'t •heneficial so,
clety ,the world appears to -be
still grow* in popular favor.- The
2 DOO.Fs North of rostorgo,oppdsite W904's eat ft k
uttf-GroceriesTa .r — , WhwitOte
and Children* all sizes.. at the verrlowest cis *
Call and be cOnvinced.
carefully compounded by us personally
from, a time tried' preseripling.,_
is nal 0.-1'0011 ALL" buttssimply
and wholly.as lb is lahelll fe cure
Macro, Morbue, 'Dyeentery, ;Dior-
rhoea-stnd an in the Stenuteh aed
-Boweises, ,etc.
cents la- bottle..
pepred by
S: COLE, Phrn.1)
BULL V01' Sliat 10E-00 8 .
. The soon n..you, complete
e4040 in tb a .ilebOol the sooner
y�u niay exec1 'to hold a posit,
ott ur courses are
a tidalitis alWaygr_iitieeed. yGre
To Quebec and Rettitit_
from. Exetor.
Account Of Tercentenary celebra-
tion. Tickets :good going jay
ath to zsth. return limit' August -
3rd I 1908.
Iturons hang, No. 80142,, Amerian
Jersey :Cattle Club, for service at
the undersigned stables. Service fee
$2.00 for registered cows ;131.50 for
so _ c •
rsey cows for sae. alust be sold
to make TOOth.for other,Afock,
Manager of Jersey irtie-k-ffiiiin
Lumley 11, O. Ont.
race,-4tiss Miners, Mise liana
tiss.Wood; teachers and - °Ibsen.
face, M. Sonthcott, Z. Shapton ;
Sweet & Armstrong; couplet race,
Mss .
le,' Mies Ilandford, Miss 'hliner10, Miss
Parsone. The volt* ended- with .!t•
watermelon .race. Eith-boy-vetts-g,
was won by F d lel/hereon and
G'ord- if ant;
lodge for -the present tett J. P..U.
Bro. A. IL Kinsman ; N. G. Uro. 10.
W. Matey.; V, G. tiro. 3.0s. Lam.,
L". STN. G-. Dro. 11.--Watters:INvy, 1 re,
S., Polder C. 'Bro. Chas. Northcott ;
1. G. Oro. W. Martln •40-; G. Dro. N.
Patterson like. See; tiro, It. N. TAY. -
Tor -Tr .4"reas-
Oro. R. M. pigna.n.
te-senn. -
.tered bY the President, tt. Di e..tur..
don, Was 'Attie(' Tuesday evening and
'resulted in the Vfce.Preeident Ta -
man's rink' winning hy 7 shots'. lie
will now .•play in' the finals against
W. M. -Djatchford's ;fink (who Wen
,the }other' genii -final)" 411reetly
Driiderick- T
Are• the players, and.-teore
Tuestitty!, match. ,
I„ It. Carling
W. W. Tesnan
night.; Jr.,
Ski 3
ara ayn ani, of on on,
viiiiting' at her home here.
Miss Ethel* Ilolt. of Sarnia,. paid a
flying visit here last Sunday;
rv and 310;t8-.7,---Mutol-i-neotr.ani
family, of London, :spent- -tt few th/Ye
here with W. David Ilutchinson.
Mr: and Mrs., Ezra Brenner spent
set.Zittit - •
Miss "Poiver, Detroit, is visiting
the Misses Iteogh.
The verY sudden death of Mr.
ry. -Wing took- ,pittee,last;,Thurs
Werity4Our hour -a -With rpneutionrci.
ThC. deceased IlVti8 40 years and' three
blantie4 old. The remains, -were in.
'terred the Line cemetery
Saturday 'afternoon, the terviees be.
`-'14 ronduoted by Bev. Bean, of
reditOn. Mr. ;Wing was 'toi. esent,
kite gentlestaais and will be .greatly
Mot as -Iv -friend -an& a- good- tiusi.
nest Man. •
Mr. and Mil. Dan, Sehltichter, of
V4IME: •
4 ote$816114y..trainp
kirieekS.Lit_„„your. tailor
he Street liettodist Sun ing -to represent Aetna of • the
Sehool held sits annual picnic At 01"4:12* 10141114 -musital hOtleelOtif our
1_,Ben4,404, , last to , tiltitto or
e bussee left the ehur
e. doy rOttort d her he' 36"f -fa- tat
having en ottellent'i %Ohl. , the It. in no ,condition than,
morning a,. geme ot asehati -woe ho to it. Not' long .ugo
<COMIlletelel Shorthand and
Telegraphy.' We employ exper-
ienced instraefOra. Oat,alogue
t ELLIOTT' & moLADataw, - ..
Z _ , s Principals. •
• indeed by our rasesiii•
mentlast- you-Exper-
toanreounts. °Musics-
ers. Mt1 Cottrses., Send postal for palette, • 2
• , _ 41
Train Servide and Eimipinettr
•theibeSt• '
Pot -tickets and,full biformattoia call
. J. J.- ItNIOUT, Depot Agent,
or write 3. D. CDONALD, Vale*
•- Depot,- -Toratitok.-Ont. '
- -7,-
gOiieff: sup1yOfour jipuLar
*r1O SPOTTON, Patxctru,,
ter met in the Town Ball on tfridol.
July 17th. tA/embers present were
Reeve Dobler; Councillors 36brig also consi
feed ' 0 -
Meeting. held on t e 3rd of, July were
Wfooris:. Ireatiitti-'Vould-' ' . kotit•i,V itUIV------
. Communications were 7440 from , ,,,,tic,.. .
Scilioiteirii,,tiort.41.144..V.I.,,,,A.e.', ihh.;.- Igeo
estate retfayment ,of • tooieYi'veta
by the • Mtuileinality. Mao a letter
from the'County 'Clerk of he County
of Ifuron with notice of be county
rate. chargeable against "t iis trendei.
palitY 'ter 1908, the same being'
4014470. .
- .1rolirts.:,..1Cuight...,That • th,q1 W. N.
,Gibb GetunanY"1-1Y--liaie-' at -nOsi*T-, being
diseussed •fortaially carried .hy ' the
votes..„.o.f_titis,11Uni.c4palt_ti' he t4011
es' read a Second atm, tnirt_riwe. iiiird
WAS if:Watt Dit$601;; the 'Reeve,. and.
Clerk signing the same* arid . the 'seal
of tbe corporation .fixed thereto. Al..
-so4fietthe,e-k0t-)441 ame_sethi
tlie...„artreentell.L.Prei I tateredi-
'be following :ttecointts 'were,
a' a. ailproved'4..• Thos.' attrtnoll.. r
played. About tucti gentiettlan arti
WOre 14014 the park and eorgripirt'en 'tem 'house ill artglihoring.,*illage
interesting part in the dere roo. representing oite tit this elass.. 1.1)-„a
ranattik., VolloWing is the list slott..PersUtitiiVe, "ton iti4,19.e'od the
ifif1tirs'Oriiiit,:--Piaw2."Ltisti4y‘ -$101Dleter=4,0's "- r
tiptent; uoyd: ,trA chout and .t e COO of ,
ye:tilitier..16-, lifted. Shipton, 414 .hrohe soon or Eight $ttillk* Altd,
U1(! 'Welch,' .Charliel\fultot; oiti4f btrwisb: 4,1*tn5gpd. the ,piatio.
thouti ,14liositen'; ,h014 14,14 of fskeistn t st t
ate tto $:0151/00104.00. xrpne,,. and how are the.pete tit) learn tit
leaving, Xor
ill spend
if, 1 tt;,1 103 (tr t4. •
it. d
hat tt O*M et age:.
or- °old nke
;Inn. VordA.labar,--$1X04; Sties_
io&d, dni; $1.00114. Davis, do,
Wm. Si,veet.% du.• 1104 ot10,.. Atkito0
J,Iliksett Ore*.
(11110,t1 ;City Oil ..ro% gasoline, $A'it.
; Senior; ret expre5s:0 00o; 'Thos.
2 Weeks' . Attiet, 'wafering;
t. Yost Ut oft tio t'".$4041:sxon
to fowo
• .0,0#`0,t0Ye°
V 4 ,1
ope•to be
our lin
ex4tra re' ,
' tinitt tstitt,94'afeixturt OVott''
owertid to 'borrow ,
iAt,V it* the treilit
ttt./Or\.„ t