HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-23, Page 8k1rt
trimiiiing for a &s.
Mem* gowns s ono cason Ands
. Ite butia.1
A 01113 of th meat exteeme veons
erit arrabole. •
The empire and the Greet= Are apar
Warty heppy_combfintition fr a um
.1,,s a ,praotioa4, garment whtc
ejoioes to WeicomeellitS „year.'
111 joogi medium,- end-#11or
'lengUis, c1a1iorat, orep
'Collars,,,y,ess are.Of The ut.
Osi• tinPortart tho shirt wale
• Will:). tY 'demands tho
fllcety in a o aeoessior
Waists 'have bloused littlk, at the belt
line fur some Mine past, but the corsage
of oven_ the slight full-
TheYo s an -almost., frnperceptlblc
d of blue the dez4e.0 of u1ioo
which, wits Seized, on all an exetiso for
he vivid blue. iol.the -linen eiaat that ac-
ompaiio t.'
Have a pendant or two of unattached
phiffoif 116ating about yotreeit makes
tk where -and thesuccessof
your gown will to established.
Por the more dressy tailor made suit
a.riew combination of white skirls and
he Iittlo ;re If' jacket else has re.
Weared. ,
One of tbo best examples of 'the ty
2-pical „Small sleeve .is used In the tape
lour. It is full length, of course, close
• titting, and with no perceptible tidiness
at the ambole.
or wo 0 supe .us C Ca,
I; ie fad preseriting such inuring pot-
aniiot be ignored. 4•
Not yet has tha long Aid Qom, to
aocePtcd, tor other than dressy wear,
. yet the makers of recommend
itfor more oonstont use and women aro
lin it slow1
A new uso.has been found for batste.
it -nee
coals heavily embroidered and breid-
ed ,And W0111 with colored, gowns or
ereperde dale pongee. and cashmere.
Coast are inade of wide all over lace,
the filet being espeeially smart and et.
---fective-. -They- requivi -ltale--fittwg and
are ilnished w;th a lining ot chiffon, and
41.11re-etifilltedeas. may be fancied*
The smalt,slowie-A. vhane-no
an extreme, is always, becoming. it is
. which the .out woman xruiY gaze on
withequanirnity_and the slender woman
ithout- ineirdent disk*.
For -evening gowns and soft,---ses-
r to a grail
fill ven -Of the* rucked mousquetaire
• sleeve That will be Much used. It is
particularly attractive with 4 suggestion,
•-0t-111"024 .111-1110.. iltkitt-1118 ',00e4
seU Wilit brkele costume
It. wIll tako ii_v_tirte.,L-inaet to-.
• draw the inetliffV-TittlentWerrorn the
Obildren's frocks to her .0*.0., nut who
tan see the new voiles -and Totals. 411.4
troops in the exquisite shades of. OM
' Whittb1uo, do1.grej, and
feeuyes witherkt being selzed-byearnit4
desl.'re to plunge • re,eklesely into the
• luantrfactireing•if 1hige1-r6 dr4440, itit*
en suits, and -trailing evening go•Wrial•
1.4tid. sat (Own upon n sIon, and bad,
• tbo follow her example.".
/Ow, Gir1x," said She, NW'S is your.
-olzeretation lesson.. 'Observe, :first, this
horned- toad, belongs to the !fuer('
.femily. • .
• i•"Second, the_body ia shosk bnoad and
diftreiia,ending in 4t MY)11. le%
• INTh:rd, When, fully grown, 11 13 from
slx.10. eight „inches long. '
* Venirth, it tie covered with rough tu.
Wreaks: the head is short and alined
behind With long spikes., The Orly set.
. Ctrs oiled them horns; bow the Aunt.
grarribove- antd-atnarr
*low bolow.
*Shrth.„.,.each, foot .l1e5efite-,-4eng-firt
ger-like kite, ending in tong, sharp'
evende ence ogainst litd5is
its celery- Lliig that -of a stonee:ovir.
, giow0, w;th litehen; against reptilines, 33
its horny body. • •
• gmEighth, whert I pat its beck, it fiat.;
tens ilsell; when'1 pat iton its head,
.11 eklses• ifs eyes',
IcNitille it has a .very.--willerritotithi
She 4,7pelietrit-,` "ci Pink 1. -an gee.
land me' that ttlti. 41141 watch toady
awatow it. 'reorn tof eh you'll k.,b5514voi
totth, it ,feol, upon ittsett,s: it buries
.11014, to- stveN
kwitthi %
' bt.
• if yor, 11
e *V toctr
114Jeat' squirt bloc)
• wiattes. I,o." •
S1/011 as eny lady tan, do and enjoy.
Any lady who velshes,.end sees th's
vem'tIsemnent nay, . she _vitt* seen,
secure..this opportunity to be indepeoel.
ent, earning a good livieg- in a very
essy minuet; Work any lady ca,n do.
_ze.e4setwere iittdro.„50. .
. ' !i
VTrilbokX!'co ilvettlio04 11; of the. trutt fields, 04.0'
4bards,ot tiydgadato indleates a 'ergo
cropof fruit, •
',A 1'
hrrty yeet5'. •
MotOr . Orics 431
ika.ealtIVW-oe„ n •
one day recently.
Ver t,g5, notes, purporting to be. LP.
suxi by tho• ClyeleSdale. '044 'are In
jnoznplo ed re
WIthout, Loss 0! Lirne, forZthey
Make noW, .•
and. Woinen well and litePPY.•hi
appetite and etea4111.1, bring '
charm and brightness
Jr fl*JUL,
Pink P11s 6aved
were 7,341 ppIicaton9.
• Holyrood Palace .Garderes Are now,
tnd untll Ihe end of September, open
t� the public on. Mondays,
Motherwell Town 2Pouneil have 'vote
,41 $115 to the Silver, Band to conduct
music ifl ihe pU1IC park.' •
s •er o ra ,
ly ett the Barns of Craig 'farm, near
Montrose. \ Over .100 were killed.
The .firm of 'Pines Wishart .114
chan, it, E4ith, '
-toro 1 lts Vtithilykar
Kitkintliteohls- new...gas vitorks were
formally- opened two -weeks agaTin-the
Presence of a large and representative
company. ,
Loch Leven trout fishing hes ,been
ethenornenaltr euceessful this iseitson. A
recent; catch, was 681 . tort, weighing
.11$3 eettmds 13 writes. . •
Andrew, 11.9ger, pes.t.runnet helm
Aluothly and llohallion was found ly
.-i .*-i• «i
ters n MS hand.
A Dundee minister assort' that the
Weal only requnx tb0-1v1100-
Ment of the evening &Cheat tobecOnio
et for a drawing -room. • ,
fpoPniar ilgere Inthe village iffe of
Glessford has paSsed .into private life
stable 'Donald Nicolson.
01 Mr.. William Gordon, -Auchallater,
InverrAtuld, one of the bet known sheep
fernier, in Aberdeenslifte. •
Edinburgh Town Connell recently ftp.
Wilted Dr, A. Maxwell Williameon,
saiitta 14, tor for t cit to
1-4- (evil
aIly Tb‘ reporlz 1t4 vari lff dopart
0, great' AMINO aY
'Made' Palate, often ettepr
tho ultra Of current news. ft 44
3U txl1eI e_ :that 1410 Pratt(' Trunk
, was al un'
aai as pale ns asheet.. 1. could
ly e t * and what l' did
And Ieet -wero,m nuit
, my - hea;t beating via
lenity. 1 seemed to have pains and
*oboe nil over., .1 'WAS *4 Wx*1i 1 0011td
ziol-43r411 SNIN0p a floor. Att-oifferent
jenerrwas under.4he tare of lbw.*
tors*, but did not .got any better. Ono'
doe or said 1 ad d,!,b"
blood had all, turned to wator M •
friends thought 1 vies in a &di '0 and
that 1 /tad but a ebert ilme.to live, 1
was coMpletely -distouraged-nise1f1
Pil had oared her daughter of ;mite.
;Via, Cad urged .me to_trY Abeirt..r.1 de;
dedi.ci_try them, and in the realm of
L few weeks folt somewhat better. 1
met the doctor one day and he remark -
'I how much better I was, looking. 1
told- him it was net his ---Medicine but
Dr, Williams' 'Pink Pills Vint were help.
ing 'me, and he told me. 1 .had better
eep--eet-taking-them. • 7-• eonthweitl, p -
•ozensboxee, w en MY Ott WO PO'
teeny restored, 1 em Moria than grete.
fel for what these pills have done for
roe. ond -ottiongly 'reconanokend them to
all 'weak 010.4 .•
Thousands of men and women, now
well and strong, Pratse Dr.. Willititne
bow mach Inamsautoteould *eye by el
r • 'zttrilixteitt
glue to *air iwoos1.-pump water. grind /sod, e.
we 'nixed not be *Marto -supply the demand. •
Cut tids id. out and seed to se te.esi, esti we
will send you our free catalogue.
Montreal. •Wicalpigt Viacom:or. -
With over fifty years' expertenee On
the road, Mr. James Wilson, Drum-
teclity Howse Hydropathic, Metliven, can
claim to be Sootianers. oldest commer.
cial. traveller.
Three-werking waft's- wives Appeared
The other deny in •the 3. ,P,• S1111111' Debt
Court Glasgow in res,prinse to *um-
genera wee ne$31• es on, I .
tis1Te_neuralVa4.nervou.o tlsotders, para.
'A-ts ar—id-the ailments of gLrThood and
•ontanhood. These P1lki7do' ,this by
making $lei,red blood„.whieh feeds the
starved 'nerves, drives outdiseaseand
strenett,Ws every organ in the body.
Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail
at 50 ()tots a bus or six boxes for $2.
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.
Guest (in rostaurant)-1 say, water,
ave-yent-any,oyetemtxt- •
Waiter -*No, oh. We all ain't got
no._ shelizileit,..,"emtire tglA, _mail! .
PIAUI' IN 1908.
cm . so Neal]y ExtLnct suLls.
a _L. waxed._ ____
The stoiture of the Zieuvra Tigre in
140•South Pacific, aa reported from Syd-
• p.,4zeoently, might have happened Ja
the 443% of Capfaln Kidd., The muster
- walk-vvthe-cpiianke-
name of the atoezi vess3ias Altered
to the. White ttose, and.her-ootirseset
fer The.eoral Islandie-On one of which
French ship llaleineen, which was' loot
ed by -Mootish'.piratto oft Capeluby last
February, and whose crew tit nineteen
ion *wet* only saved from Imminent
&a% by the opportune arrival of Lord.
Moun tinerrit ,who_got: literally 4-tuse
--nalo'beititaurdnveri.l,t1„1":_th.irty44, nilaelit-h& -•--
'Somewhat earlier 'in the year, a UM).
f ' ther to the southward, a, horde of
blMck pirates attacked ,raut ,looted the
GerMart. Stearntr, Asq, it ,Woermann,„
Near Shanghai, 'during he seine week,two lattnches were aita 'Red by several
tt.-, three, pmenna being kilted
ititidrett._pireVatlywhilei taming -down
itrivet-,end carp Vithled at $1 ,000,0orritd off;
W11114I: 0111Y tild: ather ANY' 11-deteriiiiiied
4illattiPt was rils40•:•br norned Arab
tribesmen to 'tei0tUre a British steamer
plying on the, gupbrattsti avietrat,bt her
paatortgoo,,,anil,.treri . being killed:or
stiatiridett'vy it& Arc. ': -'• ' -
WA. 4-4Io V* tiliOVe • 'Wane* by ay
Iifeitiis exlitittitthe lad outrages of ' the
land Met have Oeetirred during the pre-
nt---yar,--tott-between-iau .
rittit 1st, acOrditig to an .Arnerican
13Ort5ulter toot; no fewer than de vett
trait, .1variousSortie and sizes Rave ,
been 'Captured 'br Piet4.6tt4in *nd about
the Milt, ppine leirtnils,
family Bibles, oath eosting 143.50.
ilICSDAND .AND • SON 01.31ED. •
• • • 4
ftlether's Praise, of
o a,
Dear Sirs, -1 have grentlileesureIn
stating that•Zom-Buk cured my husband
o: 'harbor's rash with twice rubbing, 11
also curixt-iny, little boy of tr &Wittily
bed arm after vaccination. 1 Imotw
.4 Tilde tot, t.priteptvitreo. rnrar
but moreaghly on the atteettOnS of th�
body are a valuable tonic, stimulating.
the lagging organs to a healthful ie -
?ton and -mstoring them .1*_ittll vigor;
hat -
timed ot any lime without return of
IL44'aittnents which 'they were used to
cannot highly of it. 1. am
sure if ,people ono try it they will al.
wayts uSe 11. V44* truly, R..SAVILLE.
Wolfe, 11Anieyir_heatik,16.ou
Skin lrodhlm: Certain tufty for 'p
Seld, by all druggists and stotte, 50c.
v. box, 3 for $1.25.„ . •
She passionately) -"Wilt you eve.?
love -another-11e/wearilY
ft fits Many Ofilees. flefore the Ger.
tutu soldier Maria on a long metreh he
rube .1ILS left wi4h* tallow, for his .11rSt
aro is6to.ketor'his feet In .gOod condi-
ion, It he know that Dr."Thoinine
kcfrlc 011 would be at/finch better Ater-
iltrO_W-AWAY bts tallow
and Pack tt' IOW 1Zt110, 0/ the ,011 in Ws
knapsack, There Ls wilting like IL
Merry Widev;$ Weatie'ree4tan you tII
Vie if 1 tan get through- thee gate te.tLe
'Me Man we- It load of ha
HtbbWhyIWfr-'S• h.
spoke In'a brutal manlier 10 her onttie
.tKephone y,t,iaterdtiy.;!*
day?' tixtught 1 wa* **king: to your.
t streiteh of double track ..un er
"Mariagetrierit; in the world.
. 'addition, Id •1his__11es .hav
ohlbar fell V0211 15 ilitt4
,t4 Yr
trlbutmg $0 the upbulkling Of the eoen.
try, and at the same time affording ad -
(44d Seettrity'.4e 4tbeltir#3'404 ..)0
1'00 patrons width 4,14 installation .e
a single traced 'One
could never sect**, By the e d
r • kdlotrbulting. tha fteventte, or
a re of it, among the. peeplo.
tie) eit,rairs horns, Ertaget, are reit* ils
eyes: • '
firidgel..."Olery :bet Pima',
arraripmerif lultm* through 8.• ay -
• 'MIAs dog," eakt •mit fancier, °Ls a
ect Teeot a settee •
II; perhaps be U,Ir fej;61h-edit4
a bunting dog, not .t
of FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS a yorlas km
its You live, or SEVEN 11UNDItED DOL-
LARS* cASII, Is .the First Prize in the
•a great number of •other I :Cash
Prizes, Ond-o11-71harrs
,enter• this oo-ntest is ;to tend Your
name and address. to OttANCE MEAT,
Kingston, and commente saving Abe.
bottoms. of packages of 'ORANGE MEA.T.
Makea; start TO.DAY. •
- OW0E, AtEA.T and Milk supplies tbe
the human subject ectil sown.
1NTD1NQToq*411 IN TtpRONTO w1u4PINE,
Ideal Manufa tor Premises
Flats 2O00 to 10,000 quare Peet Each
'Fire - Sprinkler -System,. owest---insurance,;-
- • oit„Central .Location. Four put.*
*Freight. glevators.
S. Frank Vibe .4t: Sous, 7341- Adelaide,.St. West,
• -N011 THE BAT.
_ _
••Fish leeks ---ha1te not --intiterially
changed in 2,900 vats... For thrtt mate.
ter, nolher have the fish.
zilerretnartr..-DerSOlUtdie-anPetaltr .1
chnierri and WridtterWurifireir
plaints, who might have _beenceaved.11
roper_ reinedleit Alfa -
tacked do not delay in gett bet,
tte of Dr. L D. Kellogg*Dysen Oa1.
dial, the medicine) that. never friths to
Arthur Minis, Contractor. Pklenreer;
A.S. Wigmore, Mgr. Holmes Electrio and Prhtectton Co., VieepPrestaeM.
Fred., Armstrong, Contracior,,- SecieTrea,sureee _ ,
P. 'IL Herbeft, ArdilUtt. • Holthy, cautraatore
•-George, Duthie, Sr.-, Co.ntractor, - JHS Tighe. -Minces
. farnotts 11A4111S,PatAXWELL,. end upon the same amount of develop....
a-1 10 0 •
M4034140' (00U1, 10 00111111ft for triat
Sint404141i #110n11)....+AY-4.21,fact•
with ulto ex UofleI cunnin a° Pri
•ezecat g y yor
1,-110 ilattertil 'hopon y*tr:"
,000 al*so cinowaUcre4: to the lublto at 14 cente'or_ogrkix.•
'OPIVAttlisitTliroirinvoatiitin-,inte-iirtho*st prig*
invipeirt* the distelpt.. - For full lutrtiottlars opplY to
lio-411 aaid ihit at, hair
dread of water.° .1.1eiettOle,
knOWE Our eitneenuno,Arink that inlik
ToPeevent Is 14-r7 ';',11ta te Itepent.
Mt* intdidiro in Ibo iabatid of the
reitdistrul pellets which are known
Parineiee's Vegetable., Plea, ailirrithieter.
ed nt the proper 4inte..$014 with no di.
reetkinslidbored to often fretted 4 Set1-
whleh Would go tto the ,doctor. In ell
irregularities Of, the digesti* orgarvf
'hey are an kivitinabro orreelfila and
-ly cif:analog, tb. bWid they clear the
Atlin. of. Imperfections*
Hmwn tieSucli• dairnng hi*
literefertnii 64'1
_i'Yean but_
hadt UThej
td The **xne kind! .1faYe
T Ot 11
Plef:adcakevothet tilbaitting4V1 nhlt;ve oar
eon." ,er,hcideateotr, Asked the hUsliande
with, P,----*Aoleille---laugh. nilffseeetiu
• The-healthY 'OW ittfealVe ring 064
that '11' ,
the cheek and meaning and reistkssrieSa
at night ere *tire synipterris et went*
in children; De not fall to get a...bot.
41. of Mother :Gravoir Wont Fotterpifl.
r; 11 to in enectual ;medicine, ,
hiff,K LN 111B1CICS.
ni111( 7by itt6-t)tie14-tatt nthii
r<in both Eseninalir
trigulAthAltlYr rfilitrtht•
tl,!e te*„. . „
In Order 0.iri41ca room ito'r Is*gcr and raps
ininntr* adiei as It •Irillust beett-thoroughli-overbatit-
etiniee11 Maket girt, blush
axe ,Ids$64 bet b
ten • ni 0 i,
, and in thelr own
Theielia0 i
it IstiOthing
fltil: b16'atil'' ritalhlar
tare expiated.
le that, ihis le done to saire Varlet
'ep'ns. Tho *Exh6 de t hitt*" gtvea
the true, 114$ being the do**
oits-helktmetnit ttmat The,
&baby trim* Mit Ot4/1111
it *MI for *WA 00Minitted 11
stale of .,t,,,e`Steitele. iffy *
c'izsedfare* who* tafrin no'.
'ill foIIow.fr, .4,, hence, .
atiite' Vhre
Th 1,411 not a
4 1n' the hou-e,
tif3) TA
tbe eteleiiiIn
draua trig the .
She handed in 'tb
I t
.tbt laly. 9L bears the
04.the aLern reply, "and