HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-23, Page 7d
• :MS. tin black.n
• ohm TATirtitt. Prin Qrgatilifes, SwieS
Rte. Do not fail to See them
Joet_Ore•makiog. your purelaise.
We ImVe 4 line of Gingliaine; • rem).
r PR,
0 (WS fc per yard.
ABT -43/0B.
We have made'SOnae special riceti
on clothing for tide sale.We offer 401
Len's Tweed Saitet well made with
We 80817 the .kalauee our fitOek -at
half the regular prig%
We inten to clean I doe
8,1.11 •
• rryfilk lifety"sAcie •o*.i
another seas Visit this department
arid -secure a bargain., .
To depart ent we pay' special
;Men 100 to and are offering thein at
close' ices. "
• Ma ins pc.
'Sult.S, sivils 22 to 2;5 only. regular Best Selected Maligns S its for 25e
to $3,1P0 for $1441 Per Suit, - Prunes -4 lbs for 25e
Men 0 Odd Pante,\ Vests, Coats, Etc, Rice (I lbs for 25e.
- All at reducaprices. • • 4 Lemons 15e per ,doz.
ee 0111' rietWaref China, •Etce
is handle Plymouth Binder Twine. We -have a stock Of Gold° illeda and
Plymouth SPecial and will be pleased to receive your ordee.
utter, Eggs aid Vt7001 and Fartri-Produce taken in ekchange*
ere, Otkerk
v ot ' Otoo.attraet100,
ullihg 'the order
Mr. ';f6e Laavso.o s 1-1 of
ment gang ',drawing in ha, $
Arm, Goshen Line. 1-leorgc is an 'ex- 1
pert at, it* t
Arr. Ale*. lIergott, ,iblacksmith of
entralia, ent Sutlay itolyini
4t1 -1.1.3141405.140-'
. .-e he intends helpit i
father, -dr. August Sweitzer, Viao
reception avas 'tenderer Bev, Pir,F:
and ' Mrs. Illelca..etithe P4rs,onage on
reiday of 41ast week, by 'the Mem-
bers and adherents of the church,,
kets tit re'ti "Cvan19 g owas
.01.14r4 t1Iig elub contmenced play-
ing on rridaiVening .last and
very, int erestin genies-4re riOW<look.,
ed. tor. Th c green is in excellent
'shape. .
Ur. ,a.mi...Mrs. Russel aledden 171Efr
Eiceter on Sunday.
MiSS Lottie of Buffalo, vas down after .dark and Weeti MS- clothe3.
the guest of Mr. and _Oars.. johnd34/1.; (a most . unusual proceeding) when he.
-,ford aver Sunda_
Way* o 01,z9
123 • long oui*„ In tlie,
ino. a • ac
.plepiptortabie htt geeif,
184111**14.2 title trltheUt
.70 404*/, more InmovIden
Ike) ativ
t ie pixel " " • :rivet,
Michigan .before returning., home.
t The. time kor..holding„ thc
&Imlay richOol has been -changed,
to 11. o'elock, immediately 'litter the
elose of the morning serviee '
rif)T J'AFe, Aakrti..05i1041W41
wilt he Iluarvested.
'The brick 'Avork of tlIe UONV LUt11-
11,-elluireh-447-110,1V nearing comae..
ton cThi,..1 wilt s•oort
roof, which expectedi to be OU by
the latter !part of\ August.
0. *W. Graybiel •Itas retttrned
W le 'Bin e Twine and ° 14cbine 01
t. 'glace o* tobacco and" tell
that he Will get no More .for MVO
sieers-Tiz, three daye-the
-etately Settle 49wu and not be satisfied
,tUl he bee finished the Id. I, have
lomwtr-a•-eivilized---and--elothed black
Aug. Kuhn: end Ira, Brown, of a thi be
Crediton tennis and bowling b
visited our Village on Wednesday and
enloyed a game .with our clubs.
The Misses Ada and Nora. Siebert
'tire the, guests At.Linger Longer cotfo
ow vele), m•as-trafeltifig WIWI)* sit itilletttire raa4n4it.m*breldrromahfteISStI'43eni".(.
ed the ehildrens day services on Sell -
day t the Evangelical church on the
_had only_thresp „pilots of:water-and_ ...
11,4r, Gettrge .41:ledford, who has hee) .anY more Mid this with the thermona. ness. nr, 'Tomey41 is looking After
very serionsly..ill, is improving "ilaie... • ' , . . . „. beAlleSli'forAito during his absence.
.. eter registering 112 in the shade. . '' . ivi d 14, - kid- p -- i- -ff f
ly. • ‘ - r. an re. A . .dig io er, o
This is zot -a-thing that oceurs once 13adax,-. Mich.) we. n't the .past -week-
Mr. 'and .Mre. .Dan Sweitzer are
ltixtg friends in South River ' for tor trace. but alwaA. The black man here .%,,•••siting relatives end friends.
'IT a few weeks. Dan expecte to do con, will not tool: five, minutes ahead," nor Dr. McLaughlin eves -in London ori
. siderable at fishing' end , hunting will experience teeeh him. A gamble business for„a few days `kVA Week.
reaprng fog oetomers. ral isn't it: When we cilaw :our istIvertise.,
e newspaper, stating a price for a suit, coat, trousers,' overcoat or
whatover the add, might stiggest, we include the hest of eVerything in that
ins% the best cipth, the best linings, the best padding& the _best thread, etc.
fosteit es the `b.Ost of our ability in cutting. fitting and . Malting. Shouhlbg
Vr_ki reap our reward? This addls.soisred.te.reaP yen.ae. one of our customers.
lirnien you need a Suit, Coat, Trousers, Overcoat, fancy Vest, let this add
.ur o we ea • ro e to bat • ive u .to our. milli-
Mr. Wilbur 11fetfurray, wig" Mr• IL T. Dunloi) visite'd ever Ault-
while there. - . ' . on a smelt scale iti dear to the heart •
day in Flinton.
been attending the fManiteba Doilege
' hes. or every black feilow. and it is .a. eon?.
at Winnipeg *hes' successfully passed mon occurrence fin' one of them to
ble pert, one etriculaitinn in. the --
/ swan a brand new suit . of blue dim-
4eveeer . * --------., 7.---em-,---4-eeeellee. leareovsfeep.we-telires*Ssynitemeleliee4enees.wegies.---sisree.....ktri
The Bev. k I. Brown. of Erie confer.. thinking, that he will be able to sell
once who Oies ibeen visiting friends or"deal the latter sway and make a
fa the village for the pea few ;weeks profit simply beenuse it is whit'e. an
returned to his home in north east unusual 'color with dike. Bee oue
:Pennsylvania on Mori -4v. Mr.' .leortli point t bees meet; men ea ve
„Uroiun-epreaelied,..on, Sunday -Morning They neier romplein Winn) they tied
getib, tel., svere e guests of
Mr. and Mrs. S. '13rown over eenday,
, iss -Seott, of 'Philadelphia, Is the
guest of 1Virsc•tink• for ,a fa,* Weeks.
Mr. john.tEither, of Viby,--Mich., le
' - , the guest of his. brother, Mr.' It. Ell-
.. . 'ber, M. P. P., ,atel other friends.,, ,
Miss Tillie and Millie Bertrand, of It Is
.. 4
Detroit, are visiting at their home
i71' UIhere.
. me -Glare -Wentz' el. of. -1:t• 9 J
• CC: .1; P erre virit
whom they _mode the deal -Austra.ien
Cor, London Standard.
• We are giving a discount of 25 Per cent tintii August ist on
Our White Waists of which we have but a iimited-supply -)
• litre are the prices, $1.00 for 75e, $2,25 for 41.00
• All Moulins and White Goods to go. at the same reductions. ' See our
oc--and---18e cattonz;-Vjeilet-and-klus-lina-- now71.0c,...We White -and..
Ahaor,agutilinajrhowing-a-gofx14inevf- Print-ktiec-poriar* • ' •
Have but short ends of- three pieces 6! Checked Mercerized Gingharos
• hichbas every appearance of silk, something new. Begular price Zle, dur.
at present visiting under the paren.
tal roof.
!Sirs. "Fred coley and to, thrfigh-
tere, Lula and Grace, of :Detroit, are
visiting Mrs. 'Fred Either.
-.51-essx... Wm. Brown and
Vinkheiner Who bave been visitingttt
turned . to Pittsburg,
"The Grediton school board is to be
tts take-Vbe--praeoi-of llisaWhe e
signed at the chase of the term. Mies
1tartleib, o Dashwood,- hes" been
PO ' I I ft ,./ :
Wear+0;-'firkiireieiChT1Will-NWe'- the
2nd and 3rd 'classes in roorn two, and
Tfss poulop, of •,Goderich, the 4th
eliIlluettrofiiiTar teacherWho
asaes 'And entrance work. Mr. O.
r s had charg of the school for '.
lhose.ln the lower jaw and somethnee ;of enetii children. t;tics
-tittaining i -length et eVer-tAretit'r -ot-tr-loviwg „wife and- inother. The
ers Os. s_goo C
Ono of the Mot -Grotesque Ani-
_ Ili a IS In Exi.itence,,,
tile naturalist' who closely sI
es animal IifoItisotnetimes appeureni
if nature lin& either ,delliecretely .s,eLto
Oork to fortn weird and curious ma-
tures or else bad been grigaeeil in ex-
serbnents, for there, are birdand tint
onfts Widen iniglit 'be accused iUIiMbg
Untie up of odds and buds. -
no-ot-the-raost-gro esq e •./
f.,tistenee 11 the wart hog of Africa.
tea_Poere-11.10- Vlektevirk-P
piains. _ •
ihieittifietv -1061-1C-0`
height, lies a ' htigeoggproportiottitte
-eyee' set vitry high up. and
3 . e
tctly opposite those of other pigs, the
ripper ones being :much longer than
Matinee raves were held iiere at
the race track Tuesday evening.
•Messrs. 'Lanfont and Prits intend
hipping their stallion Nateby Grant
to the west in a few weeks.
Several new buildings are being
erected here this summer, • doming
r 4.1.4.
size in tho county.
•...1,11es Una, Apple, et Lew Xforet,
burg is visiting friends in town.
Misses Jessie Mete Myrtle
.Goftott, of Plattsville, are :visiting
Mrs,. 3. Preeter.
'51r,s; Addle Fieckinger, of Minne-
aPolis, is visiting relatives in the
Wise Etta lituby,
• home in *eel Hamburg. ,
Mr.• .N.Inund Moritz. of 1Wali
flafla,Nrorth Dekota, and a former
resident of this place, are ..visiting
relatives liere.
AVIri.-BeelreT -expects '01kuvu In
• few weeks for the west With a Oa:.
• The announceroeiii of 'the d'iaih of .
jesepli.0..0esch, Of the Brow- I
Or) iftliti-r-_-___I:Mr-mtft7t3trutteelt-Pl
as- surprise to mans* in the vicice-
ity. 'rho i1eceOs6d woo ,, or a rem
disposition, but .hod Atnany
eerielyert4t-----hef-4feetlre. -SW-WA
in, the 48th yea r of her -age era
leevee, besides her husband, a ,family
• rustles like silk arid is pejutas Inches. . • funeral took dace on Toe
a .
:raw ' U ar AN1 "Pencerv -will-be-seetvents
and linJngs, 36 Inches wide at soe per .yard, charge avhcn the school opens for turiens looking creature and the oue Melte. III'S (lentil took place very
In Men's Goods we are also givirtgallnaps and showirtg naanv new 'things.
Straw Bats, but a few left, geintlat it reduction. .
Will Give You a Summer Suit sit 25 per cent 00
;oat received/umthing m Ties.. They Are the 244 Tie -and -Swagger
Staff, many Shades to choose from. Shirts, Collars, FaqY Sox,,. etc. will be
:seen here in abundance. /•01,..4.•
"west/Aries fox thepresentseesonr •
Wants for the Summer 30:oaths
Binder' Twine; Of the followinr
th-Spealtit Salmon. v
Sterling Mac !Ile 00 and OW o
largeSUpplXof :Binder
supplies for thresh
the fall term. Ilis work. as ateaehet from which it •derives'ita name Is. the suddenly on Tuesday of lest week
front heart ,foiluic. Be, -wcis out -
g s ..inaeolas,w;:tT. paahseswlinig• 41, 0 c
;141 anu4
UL i.11111:1 smalle.r One aePcuriui, lietwouli •-walkinin hiyar/d when he coliatei.
each. ed• and was no mtira liftin Carried lit
marks. . ,
tusk and tile large wer't above it. to liis house when his Spirit had fled.
• • 7 ,.....,' .
A fneettfig 'WU 110141 0.0 :1Y.11(10 tbe,41- _ .
' lite -body. t .nittost -Itairiesk-- exeept The deceasettieas-lifilis 30 year ittid
1,7th at the office of ' the liwilk o -tittit-atong.the -oleo end -the neck, le. pg *was Ittlite hale and lioarty -tti) .46 a
clemnterez4 , of - those interested' in on. '.c11rs-e4 hair hangs. and the whole effect short time ago. Mr, 'qpenc‘r Aline'
Ids to r&orgardare for the tittmtner. of the italraal te_seveird Unit grotesque. to 'CntrItla. over -00 Ye.,t , ago and first'
settled at lIrarePten and after canae
There WaA. 4 eve& attendonee and the These wild hogs Often take possession
follow(Ing., officers were V1rCtVd ot. etur.ot.4pFroxe.4;l000-;-!).y--.4,414_T-1,.4#1:-: votontitbriuise;tult,:nrosb6p.,ebwvi_1,,totor.,:bouv.tos a.
'E''t't,1;br./k:''4L'',t,.sLV'4.id(,Tt4;47'jIj'ij°sn.7j,''P.j,vti'n-':'1;---non7-?---A- Itria- '-wh. t., -,t1- -Pilili"tr-•lbe-Y '-8.11'-t ., , Ilea' toi-, ., fl_le:Wes pesti_naster ..of Iol.n.t.,.
v.iee iir'es. ; W. II. Jantes, 1st v:ce iteraind al/Ili-ill Of- they ent-e"r. making $0-11.8 6'siiiiso iiiiiv: --et jostph. .-0t,
pres.; E; , O.. 'Waken, end I about 25 P'ears.• and ails° carried the
reasurer, E. Ditiett, seeretarY; 1. S.1 .
vice 'Pres.:, their way in hind first....Lendon tel..
• %
A. Zwicker chaplain : A. E. Ituim. g1,141)h,
. /- • , - . ' inisail‘svihreet:nesn. jourriig: ti.:rnelletoheantseodifillOime;
Ru -own, manager._ ...- . .. • goReAki etiolumE.a. . some Years ago, , and' he. leaves two
The folioltig are cattiPirig at 1.61.- ""‘" , 'I" . 1 Sansand threil daughters, .and a host
a -r--- Unger -"ttagel.:GL11411-11°1111-a114 -A-.1stiiii+14S'Itiriffitilirlti-"teili-Tiroosi-oe- -4t14e412xliath. GTlial-he• Itteltdsd''-'.funeral Ati3tOlk Pulancrett. holit-ti'
II report llavilift 0 g g ei d time.: Ade . ,
id Nora' Siebert, Dasirwood: Fiore . American Lad. . Thursday afternoon, ti) the Ilrortso
gins, Goderich; ,141.0renee .,Itiekbeinsr,;1 ewe- '..--e- earn- i -tier iftait1thlf:rfettEakt01116 tositt'e Ovii*Ii7i: c°nle.illut',(111-1. ilt:r1117r:t.1141etti
extra Wagailst, Aylmer; 'Wise •Wiie.. The native Is. n .tIwf
'Elkton, Mich.i. Luella irinkbeinereirtheir wale, take very. resdilytto the 441'• - .
Ilintma b ; ,blia. Bet...iver, . '0.4yrtle. *,vtilitora.oe..emerug.. Ito, .44 ' ,,nazteie
(nark, itINA .Doriverf 'thigiv. 4-KUinto venr4,e....dity,iuta,,..,01.41t, • ...
- ,:treititeiTri- iiiif i very ' .1; -„ti- '
..----11.-:-.°1'11.-..- rais • ,-,,, Zie. .0=10 II 0 .siok headache and al he Ills Pro -
,t Itsitv-Itil erne,
try (arLer' Lift
.,.._,„,. , "t
e Ili ,
. 4,104,--i-S S--keepi eedLrby diserdered4lver.' ...Polk onev:cks
. '. 1.:7-4Zufetr- , and boa made Pal** ptSS r- i a, dose.
' 'at Grand- --11 it
t.,ty 4,X-i'-"t4lirilig "litirgatiirth-lirthe, proper . an.
the I at 0140
1 IS C6Ittit of 11.5 Ver. cent, ort a lot'• e,- .13 6 e. roc 0 , . iittr-ci
P. ; ItrtrilV.21 ' Irk
dja ertismg .and gives jut f-l'%11,.tl.1/I'Vairt;,4,-,At641,...1._:411er-tht°111411e-11- ttt-23144*-
hI--Ivertiges. ite' is- making a apte..4 ,,,,,,4---ifoivx. e.ii tnt stuaill.ber.tarttirge'llittiay,, -:----- ''ilitiiikii
ot trantiter itvear,, a list Of whitit ape ':k Iltnall alitee toffee etillitis, A .11411.t..
in his ad. .011 thiS Ptig0+ ' Altai. ltittive genUemen rr1ved, streit,"`havlo
fU o, read. lt.....snd,,see .,s,tnat -.great i-tirlioit:::41.. or them -a cup
itisloi ig oftebott, .' ttiotota t
14' Itiblet,. Of ' leistew.0, rat ' °
. ..
." ' teity.i'i'lt
t .111 1
itev4d acqusiiitszeia. in Ile., viliaget , ,,
* PriilaY and 'Saturday:lost. ,
' gon, ohto n
/I.-XI:y(1[6,0f flensall, visited.' hi
het: Mrs. P, Vittatit en 81 turda , / f
is -aboVe the trVernge, as the recent great waft jlJst beloW eneh eye„
Our Bargain Counter is loaded with Sum
They niust be sold as we do not want to carry a 'piece
if a price will, sell them
--80 pteeeiraflg usliftifliralt -the new
e29s0t,s25ha.eda,ensdafsi ((lye yearrnds: regular 1&,
for 10c the yard.
50c toolear at 25e the yard,
anteed fast colors. •
.';fust to hand the,tineet .Toilet
Setts, Dinner Setts, Water Setts.- ever'
hewn in Da,Shwood and at .prieee that:
line.of those goods at/ a. special price
,and Weare givIng, you 7-tho- ..benellt-of,-- •
the, Same. Call 'early. •
Shirtings 121c the yard for 10c. SHOES! 1 SHOES! . 'SHOES!
• , --. ___ -......„
Bargains in Ladies Blouses, Corset All the latest.styles in footwear in •
Covers, Night 0.6writt, Skirts, Vests. Patent Leather; Tans, -Chocolates,
Ladies Hose 10e a pair. alucher Cuts .arcl Oxfords. Iteinein..,
Mena. Dress Shirts it half, price. ber that theite are not the cheap kind
Boys White Shirts. at 25e each.. Mens .ttbegat willdnotkiiatpp
wear,acbhuetatir s t.: isce 3hic4,e sitni --
and Boys Ready to Wear Suits at b
rgeinprie_,ea ___Job_line.ef Mensand
full supplyofFork:, Bakes, Scy-
thes, TI 31 -Pork ilope, PuJleye
-Pore Paris Green --Screen Doors,
Window Screens, Hammocks, Coil
Wire, Barb Wire, Ideal Woven Wire
ranteed to wear.... Our prleec
'Om" -Groeerv Departnaent is fun 'a •
New and, Fret& Goods. 5 lbs geed
Green Tea $1, 8 lbs Roasted Coffee $is
Matches largobox iGe, 3 Cana Qom
25e, 3 OSUS Nee ° 25C 11h. Seedeti
Raisiest 10e,- Korn KinksZe pkg, 3 Us
Pane Oakes 25c. v
y, your er reritieffrom utir trvTr'''
are sole agents for Plymouth Binder , All Millinerito be cleated out re
Twince, guaranteed -the --bee -of
10,000 pounds of Wool Wanted in the next two 7weeks
for which wo will pay highest market price, cash or trade.
Thing along your Butter'Eggs and Wool and get some of,
these bargains and dmitlgrget,that_hy_helping--us- -
• Market/Prices for Euro Produce.
. -,---',TWftK7BSOtir".$1,500,7000""
40.11ranc1ieat1rOughouteanada. . __-
Deposita a $1and upwards received; Interest paid or added to. piliacipal
-times-a;.-year. - • - - •- • -- -
tYour money le toovalua,ble to,. leave it the house whe.re burglars,.athers
ful iffetitutiotte that sio", 'ten in the -past have robbed inen of their hard earn
wealth. - • -
DRAFTS AND 140$B14" OrititR8 iSsuOP
When sending nionev.to any Jiitrt eta -nada Or the world, • rstriertiber our
draftelind reOneybrdera,arsuarti.,10. 101erekzen4--sold sat- -the loweat-vessible.
rates. Our Money orders ate payable at par at any point In 0.0410,46 sind,prittp
the Iltilti*States- entt Great Britain.-
°-znt MOtte:--broutteeni. Treatment.. ISTO Red Tape.
R. T. DUNLOP, "rlartiager, DASHVVOOD*0
' Office one b1ak north of Siebert & CIA; 'Store. -
• We Sell .Itaple Leaf Ilincler Com Ad see us before you .
- buy and os win save you money.
ii.,:iftAu are in need *faiiew Ropc Sittigt,pfluileo
We have:then".
..114„. Batt wbfle-torkttfg • in °
kyard ot*11e., • , Itet74en
ts4 ad tbe.. " '
• . Ardetite g,'Mineral.Surtato, per sipiare.
Preston Sate tnek.Galvinfied.SIAngle% and Cortigated, iron in
yiNtattiti noUr Pain
ur 011 Stoves, the proper
and $ee us, everything
*tent ihkayson band.
100 r tent pure*
thing thTz tVirweatli
and non:Auto.
Sutter and E
, to Inttrui the i
oilier the
1-t1 bUtC1tttr:xetrAt.t 3
n 1t wbn
t met
me le to