HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-23, Page 6, ttr't . Y. frcr yui tb&saIanes b 011 run pr -,it„giJ „ NE' 1464411POU:tt *13.1****40 ';'Sintgert, 1"0, plae0S..16eA1,10 'eS; .•tsblhbmeut of 2Orther -nurstrie vaidd bo Durbani, Simene an •Lambton counties, in in :all Of whic ,rge.- arca of land* ,veltie .agricultural ,•worlc 4inder ths department ba • beenprogressing •:k44 IA 't, eo ego boita 44L . ferestrY. : ,With regard to the., Iarge iithente, Of.---Ittorestration. which will datibtleini' be, undertaken hy the government a :some, Inture timo the idea wide, tit" re ores ‘. 40MA of tho largo'04044in. the' north. , rep .rted that the omo central., =. Rorest..nurserieo Are 1140 in' Durbanc4 Lambton counties. • < • espoiett /Om -Halifax. lefa471. o ahr on:Bedford Basin latO 004day.' afternoon -71344-- 'RoY :•seventeen; an Wilhanaluirt ed sittee, *ere dro*iied" and Titieti1/47Muir,• age . tvie er,,of 'the 140 'named vietua, Was escuedi after , being halt an hour. n.the,watcr,„ When the party .10ft e--weathe te403110040rStOratset_ ...-betereAle -4art,Y -444' shore •bettAT-sCitiall. Opt- flOwefrora the aorthe' afted •the boat •The three • veto ,htirloa into the. water Shouta quArto of a mile from the' shore. • Ars the craft began to .1111.: and Oettlif io the .wateri'Mnir; eizediki two earlylassing one to xeliratd-e****Eittt-4 Itoy. lattelr, hOWever; soon sank, and Muir, exhausted r his efforta :to keep the two gr afPic dowettliittl _ _ - ar, . an r ms I . dosp*tph, from, onireal says: A leading Official, of the O. I'.. '. made. the statement ion Thnrs40.7 that pi the laureittian Mountains* 'within 100 -mil tif-Monfrial-friare . 0 - aThriiiiii- Iran ore •eposits in • Canada; in fact, the ore area was milos -square .in extent. "'The ye - Aorta are now befere me, showing ty-per eent, • obron_to....Ctott,..0.1 illi.'''''Tlhiriffrliro-fiTtaareirlrridity _for .the purpose 01 endeavoring it0,, -tiring tito ,realizatten ,whati.,w0n-14- laaVoliben yesterday-deieribed as -a area/M 'eatil-IVe liait0"-V0101- '* tha preliminaries it would be moat inju'lli4ous to give -partieular% :but is.the genuineness lof the find is • be. yowl- question,' was the closing comment of .the official, ' •' i ... •• , "*,....• ' =KARON 6THE ItiONA. , . ,...... , .7 . , Two Oen Allied ot Ttisk_Wv_i_lget cspato.4 zay -s-timfritToldea vie, resu 'e 'tleath of -to mei and tic oiang.ottyiro othort ocoorrod_late 'Wednesday. on boardthei liorweg. Ian bark. •Ragits„ which Wits 13ing 'Ot Tuslcet Wedge.. Thelioiler connecb. d with:the donkey 'engine OXP.1.00ed; .4* :ling instautly the carpenter tind, seaman, and blowing one ' of the • tra a a ion o ran, . vb.o. ;was on the ore, and,..Troo#rylg a beat, lie. resoittil-tho little. girl.. :The viotims ore members a prominent lialifax families summering at Bedford. iss,4oy is a tdangliter of Mr.4•, E.. Don, and William Muir a ion of Andrew Muir, - • -• _ e t • '1 *sin . - , . • • given -by.. • t : ' out * . :2 .• Mro'cnizettide.itti.t 'at whic 1 .,..,.nitoba, ., i, , >lids" . port; , .11ialibetli Stuart'Stitar hell)s, i .`;„ tc- 4srol rejects, 406 to 41e, one iqf the, current. magazines. "Tho lora ports. . . . 2 , 0 . gorolitione'of'happinoos," she -40Y4, o lja,rloy,$0, 2.,,- 000 to oft; No. 3 threa.t. a, Ole 0, 'qougoieugeo 550 ''''' - • • ' , ,,, . -• ', t.,K ' ' ' -,.. "pb1ospt t1at ma b 'e No. none efferingl„, • g. ever one'i-oPinion*May hel•egsrd. tols1-10°1•1v37'il,6w 4. ing the truth of the S0,08,1164 Ixsy. uckw:ne4 - nOni ,0.1:1,e. s th* ire. now 'attract,. qaqteCl.'64° .• noted 'at t 4, ott Lllanlostoont. 71to boa9344,,b, °ea 'Wor:Irciixit:tx0ry\ .inlitOtnn, „P000tildre UurraY, in the •Va 0 Or Several WOOk.f4, ehase -giving :the ,ua, 0 i ou „,,.-aarre 4:0 •• ' V -",-. °I: 4: '1 , . hi` '. 'lii 1040; ':,, *V"_. .••' cue he4c fatota-' Thu New Teilijuhr 21: -beat -. Spot, easy ve. 2 red,73C to 90c, - ,elevator* No..2 red; to. IP- oat • _northern - uNtly - laborors Aot to, go Nve;ik bu ettelt to Ontario ;Arnie. ° • UM' Ci11 41110 0 -tine , 004d, Itabout as 0 ear and Page 62 mere. comet. a definition of the qualities 171°ui"'"414.xlitotia Ilittente, ' • 4 Cemttine to;•produ:fe at'ato :brando; so; $00.1i4s,, $6.40ei :strong hatTinces as it woutabe.• bakeral,.105.230; Winter wlicat pat. g , ,••lt 4 4•< 4'.; • I 01; m-iU and the, in Use beat re Warned -10r the death f 19,01)4,, hies uottveal last Sir Wilfrid ".Laitiler azinontk00. in thc enutions„that •ThaAsitivin future. vial constabulary is. being eortoider. . 7 nuPoAtible. >To luau 'eau' Butter...11Vholcsale ": piece are ; xporters. shows a slight iMprove- woMan beluncl the counter was do- ' bAtt .3 V, nappy and at tattle time 4. ho creamery, frilats, 240 to 2cie; merit. Good butchers' were very ing,her best to serve her customers ;,•••' . 4.Y0Pi3g,SOT,0*, dd 'L&ni.0.17*nt,virl$7-**11111friiiasoeidentitled 0 c1414 *a. having Madehis head. . arteraat Schreiber,where ha .oecasioned the company °onside ,able trouble.' He was Immo-1144. TOITglif4"4444,firritir OrtlWtha)r .-record-cOuldlie looked up.-- • ,iCea. were rYh a4-4 a ea, u't or - grea r p r they- were* steady. The bimand for LOOtt't Treat LI htly Any Ilonest. el ' , Vt. -any oecupotion ther ,must earn • bis A man. steod one .4:1ay init little ahop where souveniro and 'trinkets were • „• •• VI ter------,------ rele'ar cOYisacciA ce w"olriuledatwe COUNTRY PROM:YOE a examine t 0 . A young 41%. ,reorganizatioti of tne rrOwn- iut 1 . * 4- 7 the erne.7' ener,.. * , . '? afraid Wlook-the orld in the fa creaukpAyt ---,,I. to j4-2V'fx,-.1, ; 4 sear"' nerld Irh4 th4r° were .bron.gbt -eatiatexAerlig -4134 tt0 i'lLtlicin th , ... Itren, well 0041,01 -its e'llicrort4) tom c 04' - 13e; airy ',"*felitrVilirer-tr`ti-*Tii dd. - • , yro e4.1404 nea u is it to k II th for opoiatirig-ttol- gator told --04014 AOC `-ft e 3.9Y tubs 100 to 200. Inferior lea te noticeable in the prices little stook of novelties had an in. out at_lif's_ for Homo time' to come. - . Them was good supply -of shoe „terest-- which warranted the conduct ;' .4 lithe bals,..a ust grievance against prints, ordinary, .200 to 210; dairy. although no materia phange Wite thousands of persons, doubtless, tho • gl--11ridgOla. 4-* ' Moi4y-will-46-4 greati-aeta-toward Siga---rricei rau-ge---frout-_1-We to and lambs, -end the' dVitiand VAS, of thelnisiness. ;,..riinercouple lie --o* b•- ----- --------- -7.- . •. '71:to lb:fit sta-11/414$8.°1 Ydrliasiltitil the attainment .of .aPpiiiesse• The" 21,0 per, doter, in ease lets • good, so the market was just.ahout served chine tip to the eounter and - private en orprise •;1ov 00t a it of •Irt worts . win 4P Cheese -Prices: of new ramge. he,; steady, •Loal prices of *choke live *cast liesty •glanee: over. the stoOk. was launelied at New Glasgoir, ;7;717" c.91:14Pte neither -of tween 12%c to 130 for large; and liege are $6.90 per. cwt., led arid The saleserl'a face lighted up vitla • .11. S. „ , theoe.thoge:,‘,1311 k4ite,the place '14 13,14e to 1334e for twins: • ° watered off tare TOront0. interest, as she litepped forward to , he statement mane ,,semite44 the peoe pt. -mind thtit only the :6-040.42 for .,rnioaeo and $2.10' serve 'them. The woman then. torn-. •.nager Ittoroe that. t e • Grand .• clear c,onscienco .040 bring., Thori,g1)" '''16161 ritvtgee'dtottr•'" IVeinefitringt witrpe Jenkins, a mulatto, must r, an henr, ie certain te colne when Nve rel. 4113 car Iota ell track here. Pa,rt • ' r , 4 .wbieh. Vta' are 0apahle the av 0r:' are quoted at1.1.to $440.Jper har.- rullettonlis to Destr 1 that ' • - A (I troyers tioll-b01-4014erk.7604-tiVaitiiiite-etiTA,Tilft7r-,-Tha".,1.„, oy �e.-.� trinket, wa1l4e4 on, remarking' s. aloud so botif- customers ,and 111.11 t/la at ew „e nun° r ° a brought f 0 to face With the , , • girl could. hear it, There uoth- - zit or •nWUTain"Strlis-10 11 -5--; n u•tatios• are Th'e•'rvh-arlixrlef1r5Ca`mmell'"and -face' fell', and she seemed sad- • . ..44 .<44; 4'• a .< .^1.•X A, ,:gt9rt aueouver Itetel. The latter's. head duck thewal4, and he died. Moniung. is -charged entivertit .County „Oouricil .ers.00)Jer .the arrest and. Mi. .vic 'on ofall.Y0ne vhef eaUti the receut' re .1o. 4• I ffal fariuers ar.0 losua butld. .. . ' . . .., • OW *Oot In Pront" of' owing 'Mae' - • . b �rfrerrby Mother. -- 7L despatph, /rem . VA r4r-4 /r -}„. ma e egs rom $ lo an severe y sea • Leg ayxot • er atIalaart« neeoptain,rof the Bogus, telephoned the ;news a, the accident to Yors Inonth and a ti,xg bOat Was despatch- ed to bring the iniured,rnen to Yet - mouth,. oxiee, at, elf tiMellifft 71, • We begin- to realke ,that ,neither wealth 'nor Dositi�u aro alone ;Ale to bringu appiness for Whieh-he spill To attain this 1)1e -oiling. -we must be' able torlook every *ratOr Straight in the eye, and to do this , hatrzo-rnan has the' power to bring the blush of ,shome efintitikrarieekorr---- ever, is net the only: thing we need toluake.. us happy. Before we can attaIlL thili;COIlditiOa must haVa Eginething to: do, for work is the Aveatest--rentedr-fer *siert Man has yet ben able to, find. As oatAT BBiW. Perhaps the mosihrnblecase of martyrdom tier- science is that of•, Mr. J. Itall-Edwardif _of Birrekag.' *boThasitad :nut remaining hand amputated for the "agortiziag Se known. -"'''itY.---dernioF i•-•• per batrel t vets, ',$1,0 to -$10.50. Lad -Tierces 12e;' tubs, 12340; ailiVokt1/21:i1;1 '• pry 'Salted • Meats - Long dear totem*, lZC .to .11Kel tons and cases. barns, , medium and light„ 14,4 to 15e; haul% large* 123-c to 13e; backs„ 17e to 17/ 0, oulder • , U%,; green meats, out Of .plekle,, lc lose' than smoked• ' . • • MoTrnt ants ., Montreal, Itily 1.!..,-7t 'lour - -440,1711614-.4atent., JO ; shipy;r h711; lyeaxl for be1rdb ,hefastcit &aft in the wvrittbtabially described .a$ an oseanloutglorpedo.boat jitroyer, :tout:its -real funetion ii to destroy; cleStroYert. ,:To enable her tt aVerliatil these sPeetly vesSell the ,SWifts equ'iPped with the most. 1000.1:10 - fuel uses as ,oil,,, of whieh she carries 180 tons. The vessel' has al- ready had -It preliminary trial, re- garding which there is extreme se- recyr-but it-is-be1ieyed7she--mad 38 knots. It is predicted that iu tomako 39, •• e`r;AlliWingAk ,•. her ; th,r0e-Aud alf yeir -old ▪ a -er pliked b -* 'the -1'6W • ti by .sertaiii-ju „.' And befOre She. touid stop the ttaild • the) ra40141y-eutting knives jiicl sec,. • both her little daughter's ljTis.,-7-1/4-iriVil-Ying, and ,the mother, is'going Insane :a:grief. tFyi/q1110101141t8 , :061111:. *PO on Sur .npitpc "wed. • . _ , pooh. from Pcibacit • le' 'aistoverst *st,s Ala& On a-VecIdieSdaYr-00.--.10144314..--la • it' *OA - 1001iti, by men a 1 VA. ran •,yourt4 Ino_i some-- At Myatt); Oualy stabbedat the li tercolonial Itailway Station men; evening,.is dead,'", and m Willia er'rirt„- tussie•-at'the to..of the ,wounding, is at the police stalAon, rearatsted 011tig ratil, hod been.. slqrlarking ocar .whert Perrin.. pushed , Burke ottrvio' „ .erinLffl�, ;cut: a -whale.irtitwo , or •.proteetioniyatom sends treani *otter 11 storeys, ._Th.s47-tfutted--Stoterfinien • Will not opposeo ittst :auditor-in:on. „railroad freight • rites.; • youth New 'York Shot hia -it:red-heart and litiuSelf ltecouseitke • epposed:titeir. rnar,••• • coirezed or y.loci.,feet nplac. • es. It flak 'a' ictultkof- 14 fatheffi • but the aitrage Width. is 10, ineltei. It is.* mass of caleite-and and for port Of the distance, solid metal' appears on the surface. " . tunnels No. 10, whieh 15 * hayedbeverY iniPortant„ - _ enoroce-h-ureits.. , elite -will: bo` Ifeld at .11is. Tooth ,r-.....,... , -Allespatelt,froniLondott-saysi-On • the day of 'dedication at (;tiebeit .there, will'be * meinoriat service at :St*.• Alfege Ohureh, at 3reertwichi where 'Wolfe as buried., The.lord yorAnd shitrittivilLattend,..iand, it ill hoped detachments a Wolpes yeah:0(4as 01149.h_t!l?rosent,,, -T*0* men ,Its..efl been Itilled end a thirdlotally Wounded in irreligious war among the .4tottrian miners at Aaron T.. rietnorest;the New or • 4,, -4 00U-ind died of ptomaine, pou'ion-,. .- -- Aittriendrnent to the eiinititntion • of regon giveathe voters power remove any elpetive offieer from Governor ,down displease a - boifyour eggs,' says an ZIh riois experte but leave" theirt, in hot &t f�6 for 6- or It- minutes .with tho Iteat.turned,-off.. 7)emeetate *inn steeept no:con. rant& s- contribntiontr.ot-ovWV000.0 trott attiy; sourea, . * • zso hut. Inereasecl wilt ir'eiglik, „and .is noir. On web. vhitty he en *ere drowned heavy gale off. Santander. Spain. *6 1 evolutionary agent* have, likely to spend bs timo in thinking itotbOunir w-hbireatSesifiroaarl;m- theroo-vari-e4ferp. thought s that won e p . us iraSeitible, En ,other words; does not pay to dwelltoe diesel ti -our -own- trotibIes-,or-to delv 'too deeply into . the pot. Yesterday has gone, and no re rets that w. fpress are ,74 e to bring its ossibilities back , again . To -.day I.a slay,yith now itp ottuni. ,ties .▪ weatinc to EiT-rraspe only way in which it ii possible for ps,,,to_take„ advailtage.... of. thein_*:14to ;*----up-- to ,the-,-Mintite,7 With--haWits. y....aritt. mind alert to "seise the waiting. The hest way 40, which .rePar,04,0-44--PosSibit4 is to keep ,nutorio•-• If we- have v.nough to 40-.Webltove-little time lor etther introspection or, retro- spection, and as., both are fatal to ourhappiness the "something to do" that that ;leaves no time for such Mentol diNNiJations _tertititil pieces:miry s p strintion.' ,; • But, then, n addition to all there must be omb one for tia, to levet. Marie, 0007 whi, eali drittiv us out. of *the shell of s lfi lines* and 'tia)t,e_Uganunn lnLerezt in. life,. forS th telnah, roan can know. fl true happiness. TO, 'be really happy we must . do,.. for Othera, we Mat 044 .others .and. Make their 14004 has learned- that in this condi on there is. a ..remedy :fortount- teasaviliolroaarr amnedy yththatiatote**marouritergist .Thus,'it '1$ ID do- for theta that .,one, isble to - It i *le to *rot li ., -ate' - rtlit-likontiorit-4;t21 ....., . , •, . ,li,, **tor by the nanie ot Ione* lite. • .nxeyon h..slrd the 8.$4 Nis gai .- - °'• " tb�� Zktor. pi2tor 'tot, siiit • 'flf, 0 *- tt, •rodoold ,, •• to4niit wbo ha1hflen. 1 01 e k into t1I water erk the bir ,h4U tinder' r wos eainc *terwards. eehtat bl -pub&atiori tiL• hs and,: eritati.news is den in France-. eau* be* , *4)"Ourned till er,: andiat the- c1os,Chee vett ,for Vete Cari ;InFr&ne who ring be1I iv °woe*. ••• It in, helping alit to Stta 4iritts,that ho, is *WO -to rliteOtar that bleaSing for Tli eyeless Matt • Mlay , a rit Ise n eirtra. 1,50 $ZO,• l/alliiCgitts-$1.701# _ aka OfDO - Wm -42; -40c-to-50011,4Vo,;---3,,' 46c.to 464c; No; .4i 4.50 to 45c;.re., i eted, "446; ' Manitoba, reIected, (ncornii;3,,,iale).ta. 14_,_,..40$_Ite,98.,„4!").0..„4,',. 145 per i , ll - , * - ;lir o ran, in gigs. 2 -.. • .50; shorts, "$23 to $4‘0.3%Loatihiot4.artabia.f:41arpotal.to, !_aii5,0..so *22 -.. heese-41%e to 120: for westerns and at 1,1340 to. '1:1,Xe for easterus,'.. - --tag. t'''..fer.-a.:-routtd: 'lots and at 424e in *lobbing way for, trekulety., 'egg4In*-gidei-1c)17,12.erfoo,4 all. were atde at :„....,, ' , '12-"-~Arltd-Vr-Atiotert:- Provisions - Dwelt 'sho • ., c , . *Mess .422.0; lialf.,barroli, *11.5 0; 'dear fat bac-k, $50; dry, salt long, -clear bolts, litt; barrels plate beef, 'Pe*Ilu;011;lrollit:il,t*ShAserrOt141,'9'344601 p•Si.i9re; Itta6tmd; 14144s--tc02014-1*.ettla..-r•eritteredsr-i13e- td 10%0; Itaina,' 124`e to 14e.„ se - cording lo size; breakfast bocon, 1.104.1071,6 et: ji.t5e1:4:;,,yri0A:tiotlr,:i,b, :ton, 15e toi lee. -fresh tea abattoir dressed No- th. Igs'-. '11-11.:!'7tat.• --41'.• _1:1' 3.,',.:1;.,-::--'..-!4---7.to 4'lls: Buffalo, July , . heat -,t.,, .- :earl'f5pring, higher ;;., . orthc:ni, ,-- re.i.4" 4 •;-.-,.- 7.".. - , ,• *inter ...,,,w ., r..1 * , 8 ,:it.,110.0), 79c; ' torn, , " ' ' to 1%03 , ..3.whi , 1$X0; ..`. Varna; N. 2 *hitt, ... f.t.'. ahio$ lot, tyy - E41'-f;(-,,..),,dilkl:thi-we:to-10o; ; •By ....No. ,.....,. , ._,,.. ,Minneapolis, July 21.-Wbcat 'P.' 1. :;4111$1.11•11;ri '', "67 * ' '-,' ' orthe0 :f N. :Ill*ard, ' epternber. .14 1,.to ,,,',446roosu*lItoylkifil$051:0„,:tor , d•O'spa: h•from --lichee $ayel Tho steamer Empress of Ireland at rived ill port shortly after eleven day btThe -JOftflLLLObei die* re Wheonlfe *odic ore1. hosit where' tho woman- had ‘ponta ikt las hair WIt'eu.Sslred if he b4 twenty, tat* dist an Ise replied, thethe' Ilrunpf aut n1ws nUnity* ItrIP ea „ g .11 to $1.181 No .1 $1.14; e Ni 1, 4' *are ;', ." 0, tith 73 o'clock: Among the, -arri,V4,1s on the Zrn rtiss of Ireland.were Earl Ban - 8 ,ayllts. Wo f, who were driven to-the43.hateati Vrouterioc„. • , gtt. too ternben, ,110* Plitiritt .Abrit- rehearsal- of -the- _ ,..stia was aChlige atteetagt au. itinds,being unable to .seture aeata, charhgeend*.lho.' 4iti• serlien'tts. • Was coming into port ,this eViebibig, ,41ithhie;01111uidseolir,ithbotthhe gtsei h,bcing • slightly damaged; _ • : TWO.' :'enittoms anspecters ,and wattlimait were -killed at lloston by' 'the explosion of a box:of detonating ,taps, -which w4reopen. I : .1 . r, <4 «8: -4 •1C-44,1,7547,ZZ ;• <4,a 4,47 4'....-4e. • must remain anrn d eaher'..liv. -soljing .those trinWs to. such as wanted them; • • -• The observer could -not help think- ing how this spirit of disrespeet for the hUrebler work of another has wounded the feelings of unnumbered for the earn their living., . TWENTY T1101JSANII DOLLARS. Roney PaWage round in c.v. , TI___1041, Jtt_WJnt_, Jjps, . de'sjiateh‘inznWinnitegsips trwii-voirt. 1•11*- . fu = the -41-V eilliesday as„the result a -ran - - topping through the roof upon the - - - nts. sax ave ben ed to an express messenger by a . flews agent, who found he had too Iteh ynoney--on-handvand-iflutt- too -- 'inexperieneedl to know the correct had becn. handled -like ao., ordinary 'Lbunch of laundry, among a- lot of 'packages with vdiich it was traiii. ,P.0r • ' q4 '' ' ' WiN iStiVOCATED. --.....-...,.---r...,-,,...-......--...._ . ' • . • , • ,, Were Engaed 'la 'BiteaVrating' tor • .. • • '- . Bride at Lethbridge. , . ,•••.' ..--- - 1 774, licatlys i vi:: delltit-7:UfattalrittyWoc8r44-7'77. •- tuned, -on -VedneodaSo •afternoon, , when ' two men, rank Rush, an . . '. Englishmart and, eorge.13. ',Chomp. • -• i son; ,from. North . akoto, Met ,sud. ' • '•. den death by gat suffocation. • .,A • ' . ol*-30-feet-deoltad-beenlitink by -- •he 0, ,P„ It.`tAi test the foundation 1 .fiii A pier for the- big bridge', and . ,.. an abarldeftta' entri to . the Oalt .. Mine 'wett.found. ". Work Waft :di** • 'cOrttinned on oeeount of, the gr , r4: 'barque 'woo dumbfounded to nitiqu j¢ earn of the pred:rament into *bleb '• on Tu.sday, _ _the lifor- be had. J,undered He *sprain rgia bowie Atlantk sskd, up that the mistake was: of knowleclge on the psrt of h** o trot obn4 1114t. "itla "titicti, 1