HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-23, Page 5- ' -1? ,„ • ***,,•mc .• "*":fr t• • • • ' t 4 • 0 " 4•.‘ • • rr• • • A 1/4.0'1 ••t: • r'• v :ju erte :sdaint)•'. 100 Of *OrOft21 40 • •Whi • WPB E 'oriapc.100, SW1104 may, .04 1 IOU 44, ;AN • - • f„. ' «*:444.14:A4014:44,4P,A14 •,- tii•41 WeA' • • L„. r, ; r • • -^••••4 "" • „ • 4 V $I 1b:IV4t1 „.„ • .1 dCred cOneiatitta .of 'atitiresses. • Cutts, 14 the "Uta,le ChOtt.s., reeltatione,, lend nutOrous soteetiotta by -the tiln. OCkat1 PO Thurs.' ast the tvport reedy. . cd o the ,tieltit. of Aft;iL -9n44 „Ottrat)01:' It.00 • heret , • ,A4Argi.A.40'47$1*,•sr' - . 1 •'.. We 1ave‘ali3O linef ,i)ifents an, ' ' e 14 0 ec attio . 130 'e !e.Sail it•ilata leajirta 'Iltip,:, - , .at jntlhng .s,. .1 !Alt ' ' ,', . t nm. • a .i• * (• ....,,,' J'IllnAlAr4 IA 6 meet the balance ,0 0 stock itp ,t4zio.,°L Gollnet .(LITinws::nte'101113Teb'aSis Po,rill- 07:('''' . Y.-- 4't.taii•-•26as part .0 . •-,.',r:-.,-• `7' , , %"4 -441P -t-, • t it , • Z , , V'''''',r*," . 7-----;‘,.."-" - -,- - .*(1..r r4._A,4esxjtergott (blieksraitit f We intend to clean up fini .0 ''''''?''''' ,t-rtelti‘iittr4aryr siten,, 46%.,,, ,F,7' .4oWn, 4) .„- :gardiess-of east. • 'IN e do not 1,410 , ,. ,. la carrying 14inerY stock over WA A.:,,$.4.„, •••:, : v be, int.exto ..eliquEt. is allot/ter season* Vbit tills dellartment father, ..,ir. August .Swbitzer, who is working a big marsh f rm. - ---- f A reeeption,iwitalendered iv. Kr. and' Mrs. illicks at the Varsonage ort V 1 ay of 'last week,. by rthe move 1 ts i "40.M.the'ff,nlittita1a• t .4-0/11ttir • aye Me of Oinglaains. re u - Me to clear -at $c per yard. Oa line Of Printer. fasb rad l ' •.r.440:±41-4-1).“11,00T.IiiNG - We haVe Made *tome epetial 'Grieco n clothing for this sale. We offer 40 en's Tweed Suite, well made with. • 414fastr, Srl 1.0iisreite*„. lifr are.. IfisktOi , "1M „ -• and Ecenr0 a, bargain. . • . -01100,EliES • •This clepartrnent we PAY' sPeobt1 attention to end are offering them at Ack77-erP:i.a7415:4'7.?"":Arai4.TW.,;:421;47,,A4•1,,, ccr• a . ,•. ',. 4,i , , ' ','' 1 r , • s ,,,, ' ..., . . • , T, , ..F, ''.•!. '1,' 11. •'1 '.$,,, '.1'1,',V, , 'PPM'', ' I : 1 94 . t , • , nit°.in 14X" ° 25 "II. re lor Best Selected. isirte lbs. for 25c 6 P•#100 to $8•00. for $1.4 Per Wt. Erunes,1 Ths for 25e •, Mena Odd Panto, Veets, Coats, &v. Rice lbs for 25e, all at l',411.Fg+1.,Priees. LeInOns15e cloz • Se6 Our Line of Dirmerware, China, tc. e fiendle Plynabuth Binder Nitre have's, stoeVof iroVI, Medal and Etlymouth Special and will be ',leased to recelire your ordo or •I I " • It ,.! • ,overL1 71 • rt.., .„. • • r,,,,to,trrAX:44r4440:411 A',!7:4Arit*' 24:4 A • ••-• AM ,111010VIDENT se W0Y* of the Mitiv* 1,)104, 0 1.71.7.M.P4Attt , • • " " ) fr''rf1, 1 • . ; • , • r(to • Ott ,t"40 .• X(4.411,voo•, the ccomogity to, i r rettalting. . • . titne. for holdini the gvangel /teal tiAnd4'Veh061.-ita 'teen clutugoti, to 11 'o'clock, .tottnediately after ti•r elose of the morning service , 1,Vith (fine Weather this week most oft izbom,,to..,thisPidistriet The briek iwork -of tlfe new larth- erttn. church is now nearing comPie- tion and wilt „soon be ready, for the reef, +which is pec -ted to be on by tvitiAeferiwatvteitrtIt tit it..4171,70,1uslt.„Lott,IF,neti, LT aqaa : Aime.11-004.1-, ------ eu.,.. , ',•110n$ batin Ut Pe 4* his tar legs .Ofl4itfl t.4 Mans T.11$aets, aVaticleuot Normal it 1iii goes g1,1 ,1041,P• • I • ; • • • tv• ” en nude: our and w $ ins on V iday evenini last and scene I that' he will get ne more or- 400 bur boring stub commenee pi - , # • Cc * • • • 1 $a a .. Q e very inte sting game are noW took- ti. p ',:th 4 hoe iv,11.1 .delite • ed ;for. The green is in . excellent Orate,' iettle down and: not 1.)0 eittlalied, -sharc. , ' . : • -till he' has linished the lot, 'I have Artr- (End Airs; Russel fliedden via, erne. ,e4tvillzred attd. clothed Week eerrice it f ilow who was traveling 'with me sit • c or on ' in ss. Miss Lottie Wilon. 'of Buffalo, Wait down-after-ilrlt and wash his 'clothes . tte,t, :Eggs and Wool and all flarm ProdnCe taken in I 'exchange the guest of Mr. and bits:Sohn Med. (a most unusual proeeeding) when he 0 cite - km". Grp lIptifrd, who .h-.. _ben ---14141.0 ..,-,z4sa•-41cetta,r-dtufghter.;.,--rt ty-lteuraL.rldlng-hcfora.ho4ould-get • hail enly three gallons of water and ,..1 ver -y- serionsly ill, is improving slow- . . • Ir. and 'Mrst 'Dan Sweitzer are 41171r11-61113-1-1T4"ee)11• ' ' . c0 _ , . visiting friendi inlliTtli-trier - for -or -twice, !Alt litwas• The black null a ew sveks. - Dqn expeots to de eon- -Wilt not took -five tuinnws afitmd, -nor siderahle at fishing' and hunting will experieneeteacif him. 4 gamble Mr. Wiabiar MoMurrv, wbo -h0; . • on a small scale Is dear to the heart while there. h'een attending the 'Mnitoba. Colreise, o. f every black fellow, rind it 18 a coin- .. ,..., ' :-t Wlineg .baS: successfully passed, inuo4n ofeurrenee for one of 'them to • • .. ... brand new stilt tof blue un- ViteTrei 0008tantlii.,iesitin on the best Cloths moncY Can bilr INA. ---- ' --rbe13'eilltalitun.1)Iwirmtical,„ itins.tiAl• :111,- 'the."'" gate() for an old frayed while ent. 41,110 rust ral-1 tW . ' : ,-dlettittely-•---rne-Tiev,':--rriffitwil-ro---(*.,a-,4'7,-File„... riunzurrttat A--:win•-nrvimuo-ur-iretr entin the newervapet, stating a”price or a, suit, chat, trotisers, Overcoat or ence sow his .,been visiting ateVer the add. might 80 ot, we include the best, of everything in that friends r deal tbe In 'ter away and matte a fa the village for the pt fw. aveeks rofit simply bettause ft Is while. an ..,„:„.4,=.„. ‘...,,,,,_ ....,...A.,.. t t•,,.., ... . ...:. the.„bast sal '---hefitt._,,e-Jhre__t_LC• PIP-. . tarned.-„,00-his.„-horae-in..„north-ea ut 1-tiete.6.7....WAliroztktft.Aiti ' atot-ir; in cu ilig. irig an SifilIguloTiict-'74-7-"Miartr- Sr. - •...... .:. . ..• , , 0 c rent In*, rayarlinit" This_ad sowed to .respIoneamleof-ollr • eli(etolnerli Brown -preaehed on-Sitnday -morning . . hen you need a' Solt, Coat, Trot:40r. • Overcoat, rano/ vpat,i hit 0110 au in the Evangelical church. 0.. yOu to our. shop Where we can preire te YOn Oat: we',11V,e,uP to' otrr 'word.. • •,Mr. and ,Urs. ;Daniel Schluchter, of -any-inorei-ped-thls-with-the-thermoto eterregistdring 11, Ur the shade, 1 ., -, ' ' " .1"igeon, Mich.,, were the 'guests of E.rOXiTZMA ISf, Ci DI . Miss_,Scott.,,,,,of Phlta0elphit:i.Lis ,!_. •-Sfr. and Urs. S. 'Drown over Sunday. • ..„------ ivsci4t ofatt.trak far- a few tweeks. , • •.. . • • Llfr. Joh:Mner, of '111by. Dfich..is V t til;gZsl.)'°111,rb:dr• tttirer; g•LI114.-E-il" i Miss Tillie and Millie Bertrand, ot it I0 Ono of- tho Mot Grotesque - ' Detroit, are visiting *at their home - reale In Existenca. ----. - -IW - r- - --- . "- — Li) the tutturzliisi whi elo.c.elv stud: Aliss 'Clara Wentzel; of Betroit, is • V ' ' a, the Ilfe it'sOtnetinies a • ;ears is esent-v • .1 til roof. • if nature hall 'either deliberately ,sa•to . • . . . !Mrs. Fred Coley and two *laugh. • Work to form weird and curious CEUSI. . We are giving adiscount of 25. per cent until August 1st on tor, Luiiled_ Oria_c_gi_oLDetrat, are tures or. else bad been engaged I. elit a TitirsiMaiitr We- ave. U a imite supply. : • . ritnents, for there are birds nod ant , f • 4 - AT - $ • -''-----VI.siting Mrs. red Either'. . .... ---,Mesrs- -Wm.-- rown- and Wm. itals- *Welt -might- be--neensif-cf- being- ••• Here Ire the prices. $1.00 for -75c, $2.25 for $1.00 • Finkbeiner 'whOlirave been visiting- nt nade up of oddsand ends. ,, ---• . - - -----1 -- --- - ---- -- -,--$1.50for--$1.15 -- --$2..00-for-41,;50- -------1--.- -- - - their resPective 11,011-2_1-cS herelose re- . One -of ilie-aiostgfofesque„tudatals.la., 41,11MUttlintrand White.Gooda. to -go at- -the-same' -rednetiontuk Oitc"Ottr ' turned tcv ritt4burg, . - •-- mitteeety-i.s- tee, watt hog ---of- Afklet, ..., sple,y_ott_kble. . ., . , The .Crediton school board is tto tbe t . • . • 15c and 18e Oatfon Voilesiiitif7S11-itl fits now 10c,,,.20c an - ---d-tre-VITLWiiti -501, b b- -- - — --- - ---t4ald- .6T-Ielimac",7irste"11"4,6e.-"41-"iallt -li 111' ti -plains ' ---- - ' ave securd. • • ,_„...........„......... lored,Mutlins 15c. Also showing.a good line of Pratt. at 10c per yard. • . to ta.ke the vlices of those kho. re,, 1 It stand's "about thirty ' inches In - - ini-V-0-hurettiare-afiriror-three- pieees Vor'g ifcke-aliffrertzed--011-ntbeie --sigited-atAthe'70 lose-ofAite -termlias height, -10 a huge- dsproportionate hiettliueve .4 earat re`Otsli iontethin °sr.._ ',Ir- War ce 25c. dur-..liartleihr of Dathood1 bee been se-- ilend. wit4037,0 ePt-ver* high 11P, awl . . : . : , g sa e• 7c. ..... sks. Ti , .. C . I , . c,,,, ... Frazer, _ a Gederich, will have, iiic ., ' _gt.1,atheriti-coi)tii,' 1 .• . . . . . -classes and eritrance work4 eltfr. tO. lind arid 'aid ciasseslIn room t wo, .4anii. • Miss Dunlop,. of •Goderich, the Att. ' 1:tis---01Te-Ofd$7111alieLforiis-Pixtritst-'15--,g00d-----Ki--11140-tt0-tbe-floPnlarteabPr,---,wb has had charge of' the school. for Witt Aftisanslike :silk and Is.takng the place of silk_ for Pricl. ershirts . 8°4rie ti Me will be tottrid egaM , in charge avhen the school opens for the fall term. Ilis work-a-pf a teacher is '. examirations :wit ' show, all of his . • . , pHs who wietie passing trith high iniferes-Goods we are also givini snaptand ehOwing maw/. new .titings. pu . marks. ------1.1ittlretliftitte but a fe*Ipit, going at a rduttion. . , • , rho body ts amost•hairtes„ except. .. , .,, '.. I WilrOhr6 iikatitirritne.r-Sttirsit, 25 p----e,r--..ceTiif.-. Off i *A -I"' ;- - 7.11i. at th .N:iiiits'fiejeugdoi-litthl'e211iladIaticY-thoi lit'ult along' the spine tmir,the beck' long - . , losereeeiviraleipserthingTra-Ti* --They- are -the Knit.-Tre-a. nd- , Commerea f those interested in ten- lenarseliair harnts. surd the. whole eireet '. ,-,.. .. ' • • r'," ribi :to reJo ganize. for the suronaer•, of file animal Is weird. and grotesque. . . Star, Man"' Shades to choose from. Shiite, Cellars, Fancy Sox, etc wit he ---* - -- - 'there was a good attendance at d.tbe These wild liogi often lake posseicitolt . . ...en bete in abOudanee, • - following offie-ers %vele ted to or empty berrowo' made hy ether itni- Irtettleritr-LieemValitehine-antlSeparator-Oila,-Thine and all the othe,r Either "51, 1'. 1 net i 'Pr ' ,•,... sariesfor therireeent seasn: ii • • - .. & - , Either, preiden1; ...1.6,S..147at176--Ift.flort:. - ala194- and' "" "in° thel- dHEST: MARKET P ICg.PA CV FOR PRODUE vice •pres.; W., • IL- Jame& . 1st. .t....*.ce , Prnunti 114-1.411)13' 113 th"ltr" 414king . , . . tlieir way in hind iirst .-.;,,,.41..ott.dett Tele• - pr.es. : E. f). Vahan, 2zid 'vice pres. ; , A. 1?",wiekert ' phaplain ; . ,,,E. lfulm. lrr*,1)11. . . 0 1,l311eited. . , 0 • 1.1r6wa, truniagtr. ',. • KOREAN ETIQUETTE, treaserer, E'. filuett, Secretary 1 I. S.' ! . . 4., • gerillAo 11)11gelilrillioltage, Gerapiterffeantd tiArtiiii ' ,, ..,,„v.. tow Ni404?-01 004 ,..willoo tor, •.. • =,...._ . vitt- rtpor V havng-a- coed tinte.:•,,Atitt ,fi•-•'-'"': and Nora Siebert,0 Dalltwood ; blot- . Anwrisan li.stly, once Wagenist, Aylmer ; Miss Wig. The native Kereans', who have be- itie*-Goderih 1 .,1Florence -Finkheilter.trothe---fttrallia **11,11'..--ttotrigolurg -*Ind ,Jktno.341e11-_,,,.*°.:Ltiella., ,„-Vinkbeiner,..,•.„0,01 i$,,,,.inko ve „ •titionrtgh : Bahl lireaver*...r:fiktie .. tairk,. vivintik neavot 844q. J.Icitibin, exttetisteoln%dotitt cal_ fi;aoatitted:Iatioa0450iting-onf oer,l, ,, ..„ dirge 'uu), Della Broviin, CfrediteU, hAaiLterillotunitz.apitrieuatwitti.„0, „:„.-.7. ,tof.'rit.'‘.... -: glo'rh"....-4, v:' ThrIni----41entrttlil'''Clr11-; natire'ofiltial in 0060 on. Nelir„Vettiet, • .1r,, -„--.:,...: Jar me. lir. 11, '44; rittst is sendixg. a tv , ilay. ''. Slie viti keeiing ,00n hoot* 'weks at Grand llertd. • rind had Mad. PreParatienlat ifor re I-:„ it uhn spentSunday ta,p. toying ber 1,,rdstli in thkpmeimr,tt. .. .a,:volitLixt. Iibito,r, Longer,2 ,T ? ner. ,, - - - - - . - ."---`- --z - • Itroull. is 11. trio enevka't '•.' A„ntilig otboi thinis she hid •'gide ' ' ' - nalvertising ond gPto* JUS ' Nvillt,, "goy #it trot rtittir,114%* Okci ' tdeitties. Il'e is tnakitig A SIA'. ,, laiodistrattiCef '25 per 'cent4 on a lot",, 14110 tibe . . of mitroncr - ' . ,._ . ..,,- .*.,*-•=54.--... cr. a US OL. „,..... . -- ' -' pager.'tfill'il 44 'artilV : • silin read it and see llat gresti ' ' in * epp, tik; ten, iii . . tgaintt-Its-is-o'ffekling. : -, .-- , ,?. ..,, - • 1 ,i ,..' , 51r. P. 1Cibrer* Of. illifitoweii, tt-1 . , .• " '.4ii,trill'ityetifiilbtk#Ai '‘:Th "tIll ' 445:tdik 11.11014.11Ce • •u--StaightTe iteTT i ,.good point •these hingh men bare -They never complain 1 when they firtti they have 14Pate.1,1 ihtti 64..rn •4..1 Is possiblyi because they • tercet Arto.a whom they made -the deal --Anktra.lan liootion • THE WART 'HOG. " • le;w ker . %.1.4 n" an. rt. Crediton tennis and bowling club visited our, village, IliTedne,sday and enioyed a 'game viti, our clubs.. The• Misses A•tla and Nora. Siebert the attests at Linger Loner . J30111_,10,1_,ajew,„_ymelts. Quite a number ;from here ,attend- ed the childrens day servioe,on Sun. &Or at tht•• Evangelical church on the lith. Dr, ;rak 15 plat of town on bu,s,1- •rOlnItyll--1****tecilting-nfiter- buit16i Iii*Flifiniltring .his absnc. Ur, and P.trs. Ed. 1dghoftr, apent pasriVee bore visiting 'relatives end friends. 1)r. McLaughlin ;was in 1ndin -on business for a few da -Si -Tit 'eek. Mr. E. T. Dunlop vsited, ever SUI In Clinton. • L Zurich. VFrinste iac•TCOrrr 10 ere tile race track Tuesday evertin. Messrs. Latnont and Fritz Intend ing...114!,tallien Notch , Grant • • server al -new btiiitlings ore 41,telnit eredtd here this summer,- showing that we 0.1"C busiest plceor.ts size in the county. • • Sliss Edna Apple, Of Clew Tram- •$1.3.1thig_ •in_ town. ises JCSSIC lactiee „ Itlyrtle Dolton, of Piattsviiie, are - Mr. J. Preeter. Mrs. Addie Fleckinger. of- Ulnae-. atolis, VISiting relativea In the villa g. Ani - am.* And linings„ 36 inches wide at• 50c per ne a • • ,6 c• ttI coosite_thoseofAther npt)er ones being much • Innger than • those in the lower Jaw rad tot:Milne. attaining length of .over twenty Inches. gut the•most ttnusuai feature of this various looking ereatUre eta the one from 'which It, derives naine is the g -ea tr o v smaller -one appearing 'betwen each tusk and the jarge wart alme it • US •-‘ .11 - o e 'nnnner—Mon •e„, vciAqi.10,i.01010110vin" - • " 1 mouth Stteetti; Saltuoti'Tag,. siiver Sha. Gold Medalf at0,:rtobbs' terlini Niachitie 011 and 011o, ba' a. large supply of Bin Mitts antt ali 'I' supplies for thr , • mre , • • • 44 ...1144.144— ..„ #* g-re4 on • • V* Mve . • • • • Get our prite. off; • rtl C. flair- Whle. worktclig %Iva briekyard of ;Mr. 'et, • rsday hail the 10;itortne 14,117. ,f .,„ • . ,4-..itorfr"Anto ',...t...i 10.,,,01 Ow .T014• ,,, , . '..,.•4".("rtii t - - .1 i'.--•-0 ,iii„ i'V't :"otir.-lilltgril "k . ,i ' -,.q.lit'iWill , .4.44,-'-'•'4 ' gre. lilt, : .otp Amoco:, 9.1f,, ' war. -wk , ..., lit In,,..., . litrt114.:1,;;A; .itiA t. i , - . 1 - ., 0 • c . 'EVAnt(Oliel iehttif di will to -,09-ervc% 25c. • : neIrt 84oray taro. s 0$rtira ,0141411• : •' Will lie treaded lin th .thernittel sfelt ' ,' 0_104U". a ,..:Orirtf**11*.: i*, t*,.410*. X.0. - 6• 1. ;*ir 4101•rit;- * * t* nl t V§ A 1iks .feat and .0 Idttoti Akts, , • • . A 1 sl *** cr• 14*1. • , • 100 II 0 • - • • Wigs Etta 4nikby,----tater----44sitift Around here, has returned to her • ',Lg....1,0,1r. • '',,,,,ricc.mmiitr-Mr*,r, I,* 1. •t mr1 1 1,1 • 4 , .9`;:; • • • • r,";;;••••Fmr,mc • •it•**1"4„; *a + u4,40 in a: 4 rt $(01 = • We hanlie 3it14ef TirVine and Machine 031 r • .4. .V.* OCK. • • t 4,444,444.. 4.44'41M4 " k • • Our. Bargain 'Counter is loade4 -with SAiroirer. • They must be sold as WA do not Want to carry piece Over. " . a price will sell them, . ,,iplaie4cee: a 4 tiaratilticarinagharegulearnleg; Just to hand the lima line or .Toil*t est for 10c the yard. • hown Dashwood and ,at pic.es 114 20e, 2c and 300 a yard, your choice Setts. Dinner Setts Water Sett% eyet • A few pieces of Dress Gopds regular iyill suit you.- We Rusliased, fk.tttcIeamtdlittyartiv--. - ne-ef,tbeee-goodeTeelal.-prite---7-*.7e and we are lying you. the benefit . SO our prbats at 7c the yard, gnar- etedliesLetahirs„ • • . Shirthags 12,3c the. yard for 4.0c. 8110ES! • SHOES! SI1O4kg - Bargains -in Ladies- Bloues, Corset All-the-latestety•les- -in lootwear-in-,•:.- Covers, Night Gowits, Skirts, Vesta. ll?atent Leather, Tns, chocolates; Ladies Rose 10e a pair. • Blucher Cuts ard Oxfordre R.emern. • bet that these are not the -ehetp kind Miens Dress Shirts at half price. that will not wear, but these shoes are Boys White Shirts at 25c each. „Mens and Boys Reedy to • Wear Suits at, the good kind at cheap priceia and uaranteeel to wear, Our prices are owe," thanthe -fitvir.nbetirttroparitinoat‘W"1011 New and Fresh Goode. 5 lbs' geed. , Green Tea $1, lbs Boasted Coffee $1* Matches large box I0c, 3 Cana. Corn full-trirlirfre• -einrPetts----25c, 1 liaiSeede Wira.733arb'Wire,'Ideal -- ovenWri Fencing. ; Fancy Cakes 25c. •• , -SuryourBinder-Twineirmartas;--we 0 C • r,I) 1 bargain prmes. Job line of Mens and 13oys FineStraw lialset 10c each. -117SMIWAVIr''' A full aupply of Fork, ,Bakes, Sc- thes, Snaths, Ray Fork 'Rope, Pulleys nre..4.Eaf. ift-fix,PP $e • • • are sole-agenta for PlYmouth Binder , All Ilillinery to he cleared- Out • ret Twines, guaranteed the best. - gardlees Of cost. . • • 10,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted in the next !two -Weeks for wl)ich we will pay highest market- price, caShor trade. . • Bringialeng your Butter, Eggs and Wool and -get some -these bargains and dont forget that by helping us you, are refplig- y -our -Self. _ • 14 • • Mr. 744Mti.ati 'Maritt. of 1Wali N'rth Dekota, and a former resident of this plce, eit:c., relatives here., A Man, _Recker expects to leaveAr; few weeks for the west with. a car. load of horses. Tre. -animithrement .6r--thro decal or lIfirs.-Toteph--Oesch, of. tIxt Drum. tricntrtiritie o43turdo-eening• Xult--- cam as a sttrprise to many in the vicin- ity,' The fleceiseil was of „a. retiring dilposition. but had tummy 'war tor neighbors who sincerely regret her ctath. 'She was In tit* 48t11,7-tar-itt----ter-- !elves. besides her' husbahd, a family nt silvan children. to. mourn the loss of a 10"ving_.•wife, and .mother, The funeral took placo on TtleatlaY. tr, David b'pencer, will be seen no mre. Ills death - took place itery • suddenly ou Tuesday of last- week m --I walking' in his yard' when he ed and waS no snore titan carried Ira to his wise when -his spirit had. tied. The. do. triStil aVak 80--lear-and- Was quite hale and hearty up Ito a short tittle ago, M. to Canada over ti0 ye... ago and first ettled. at •11rampton, and-atter_ Mae to this /township, where he was ntinuous resident for about 40 • • # • 11 .f *. ^ • • years. Ale-as'ostriaster of John. son's Mills, 'now joseph lot about 25,5fedii. Ohl alto tarried the mails betireen-Zerch andthat offioe. Us wife alnd one spoLtiredereased biin some years ao, tint.f be • leat,"ea two sons and three daughters, and a host f personat-frifilis. -*the -mourn his lace, .ors .Titursday afternoon,' to the .Bronson to Cetneteri the 'Services being condleattell*miterk IS. -of liere sail. " • ' 4jAth- The funeral 4eak- Why dont you try Certer't Little iver- Pine -Sher itrfe-f-it-fieeitititr."-re- tor side headache and all the ins Iwo. duted by diordeed •-ilver-,Onlo pill a dose. , 4, 40, • at. e *noes or arm ro uce. TIEMAN EDI-GB:OFF:Eli; _Comer Store, —• DASIIW0013 mi.. rm.. • „ • Capital $000,0.00 • tOtal41sapts 1,5P0, •• • • S • Oa Attention Given to Farmers* Mildness a e o es .coun e ,or 0o ec a urren • SAVINGSDEPARTMEDIT , . Deposits of. $1 and upwards received. interest paid or added to principal 4 times a year. • Your,rnoney-ls-too-valurible-to-leaveinllie-hotute-whtre--brolararihii* or fire- May take it trona you, or tonvest in risky speculations or with doubt- i ' full institutions that so otten thepast have robbed, ram of their bar:atoned 741wtb.ert so-111128---14ing, money to ayarX2V-134""t tor C0.110Allierthel}?AiHw..:r1841-1d; rsinernlier bur • • • drafts maidrnoney Orders are stailable bete, and -Sold at the possible rates. Our money orders axe payable pafat any point in thsnaili..and testi. \. . iplit.poit,wroborittia_states.:104*Gr4-11rItOris-- Mot;.ro-Cnortenniv Treatnient. Bed TOO, . T. DUNLOP, Milliner, , DAStIVVO9D0',: offloo ono Meek virth, et Siebert-, atm*, • `.; • • • We Sell Maple tearAinder T4nc1 Come abd see -u- before you .• buyand we will save you money. ' on are inneed or a new Rope, Slipie or Puley, quite and se ill% • • have them,• , • 6 k M niiii14 Roofing, kieral Surface .$,ai$o per Square s afetnek-talitinied Shingletand,,Co#Igati4:Ik0)1,..40-4400 will lig 410'4.64t; ------- . • a e-assottocnt,4r14gt-:,13atac4t1-land,Aivbtoh-vt*LsoUmlut*-::„.,.._ Fencing. Barb and oi1 Spring %Vire at Sight Otto, Pant ito- per ittCont otoutOILStoe‘ftvopert,hitg,..0.4JiA)t,s%eat.tttf..:_:Coiuo: And set us, everything new and -tiso-date. • Cetiient always on band..• ,41tittes and Eggs taken, *0tnit jhue• �. Sot, .torlipt a but illv• tl 6, to -tlz* e*tab1e *it t 1. • " • ;.. 1`..! th a' of Mert:itott,, 04440 c °tux yu" 1 km • *4 knew* *hit* lo ise feet fretn1A 140 04,tote • 4.44.......0.•0•".-'1. 1..0440-100 40 , * , • , ik # ' ...• r s, '''' ' *., -1., , • y k 1 ' , • rm.-h.-Pm • 9 ' ablic thoiti to otia;Divin;' 0*, IN sit 0 it 0' rroc, 1.4, • L ' ..••• rf. 6 . 4, */**VX141. 001**4rf,,1**.' *04•41**r '6,10tV***V...***••'.).• • 0 • - • fttxi n4 Wood • 11., StAwartioa••• 1 • •„ • vrer.—•*••••••••••wr---. • ,,