HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-23, Page 4• X • obsoritstiort. 41, $1.50 ; Aro ittiittlitlit o‘ ; ttia#: tei*On holing ber ; 4W0111.0a oo atichtoondlit, contd. ni14. . . .4 t. d, thI drift and rai , tt• " * ; • • * 2 * 4i a 7 ••,'•••.‘ • • the,,,,,,7p0 •,, ,, ',.4.1: • - . i •• ::, ti L)ir te lit ' . Itirtkii,' ,,...,•. .,.:,., ' P ofe'',.:' 4t • - , ••:$ : ..e: ,. , .;"#.7.:.'fs••#044k-.. .o , . ': •,••••,••• •,...; ; $ , :ttt,let):011110,!o..9t :,:, ..ra: ',,' ,. , , , , ,,..._ : '' '., AP: : a .4000affe;41Pri*,por.104,,,,,. , ..'ivj,i0---' 1 :. , cost • •vislt 0-7,bWLth cmrte1 t uIn 1.1.2.,1rOM 00 Pest ':Oftiee•Or• Xereoli,,t,. • E9. Atingt,"3.0**c*ctltrOCii. 40, .thei.,.:.T'.,6 .".; '.,,,.lie Wafond O., ilreirl0' *Pron.` tin nif '.4.0d leoVing 'Aern . 4 110 4? 414 4 '' ' ! for , :.*.it Igitt, last .7"wecItt'.., -: -, • •'t• - - ,•,.., . spleittea.,.1,a,eae 0,,e0u , et tii:10 jiiierealR4Oription roO14100. O*41414,,fts ''.'''flor. 'flaX, rAtiO440:tOre,ra ‘1,o)e'VC ,'OP.r.tuontlipil .been roxIgiltui): -4t.1,114 7.0, 1 .,; bola evidence of intentional- ••tered, ' this. •aeosonts woe); of pilling,' • 01,•,,,,,,,\, 4 •, 4. 4., .„,-,41„,,,,,,,,,,ii,,,,,,,,,,„, ,•,, . • ,•,••, ••,.N,`,, 0.4010".0...4'1„:0Ct !" ' .4''...?le ' 4$,V49t, Ai*: 1W84,0i)tr;$01 ' , . I' :r ",oztetzl.if777r, rtierHX0Tir.' I. 0 Iii: ly „ • afl wr t : CO'1;7 ' Or , .. , WI' 2 ', ,e. .a. 1Vor P ; re., . , , . ... . ,.. . ,... XE'j,ixd.•,' 4., .._ . . , 4,40: _it ammo roxo , the yield iit. vory ing she tore it .off throw' it 1.1.ill$ Taco,. . • • good. - ', • ' * .,,..;.• •-, - • and walked on, Iicee Nagh on a sEt01:- ..:. We it,,,,,rii phased to 1040! that .101r*; tee oceastotia tool; the low into 10 c'ii•Vn '• ....,4. , 4. Note,-..- ll . thetillf Jame vexi'Vettb. 40, -,Improving - glee., ••ittt-odfih.leati, 'who/1051)w .attonipta :to en. • .., . • ' ,,,'• • :•. :'' • . 1Y "-Ir°433 '1".1-i•°' .1.°c641: o°°10°S..-1° Itho ter the baltrooni at Ilatti 'Wearing tin. . be leUrth Pe;i$1011\ ''Ot the It euth way et•slirelni.Pf; ':her 0441;19 vilii°•'0•14' ron he''proMptiY 't tripped It off `and .. • L ,..,.... ., _ , .4, i t,roged....in 1:404.04, Aferries. • - - - • • • ,,, ' • . • • ',-•,:i4a.t-•fri•:;4,-,pax•.•11o,retli,-t-roVV--t.-•,•„i4O,--;:,--4--, 4•111,,,,(../."„.°84:: of,t4.:.•• _ AteiVel-1*-PittYL ;reeently , .:07.0"Cilved 'a 0.3r it oolong '1110 loaloo,- --•°4- 41(100•-°1/--• •-: • :. - '''' • ' n n(1,113', .0n ' ille 4.041,11-(103'' ' t ne. gold -beaded' Cane . • '- ,--1itlx-e ifferthig',Ainit'-liolle%.•,'bitt,.-s-;-.4bIgi. *WM.,' • It 4 o' o,rOttrttrttell , Pd . , r tif°I; 41108 Tftopattick atten et - in amber ef bets or A e S t 0314 readltbe AlVeech Irx°°1 tern), at six mouths. . • „loco ithoreozoomet:11.C11.0'3VOS Un•,osnally siocil4gea. 401315000 otar, , • .13°D 13ra Ott ?Zecill%r't t:r 4'; .. „ , • .• IrILULIL welvIA.Vmovo, , as.' ,ieee. ..e„. 'sir upon the row, n wire rablyknown %era, . . ., •,, • • for tio-i-tirsi. 't•tete etr-recordett -las• tonty-tinum4,-.7.41,1o0feert ' •, the request of Sir Charles. 'The us- • Mr, and Ors, W. A. twliugb, ot asi4 - tpArtirlicr,i411_111.= =4= gd..elFet.443•Pjrti'14A4::e[itgreaToetloSt THE MARINER'S 1COMPASS. . '.103, , rahtte. Pihieh marks the - closing hilaer4tiCliiit1e4i=4- , oviritirAll embers trom both houses for the er,, The. avetlaing ,will take- place In n u noes -..1.E.Lecr.k!n..1Lnles-i• ,,,•,• =-52•11-Q----39branlon5: -the.fallm'*i•-fviiss'-•-,Xt.u.'.4h:---'ms: Olt 4 .. ' 0411_0_0_10 ti1.0 P 16. ' - .' , . .role, cellaneous ufg•IP 114411' 110°1'u' 4,•••Prettf.;_,Oirl.„ osid blade-n4n6nor -10-611r. oil:Of i1P 116211-O'on-O-71 'tc:°12.13';Iit-t°4.' -7:'''''''' et 0.11 O. IdriiiielitClipleu- .C.:_ 11171-5,7tai-iii ',Sird:OlIdtfil7011;ege.c * :"--"N Trifiri _Ilk_ .. / rill - •,•::--#;---,-," 0,0iiti 'Wilfrid Iitifiki Wrfellde friends at college .4n4 in 'teo e .4;', tiy!...1.0 . anxious res-e4rob or revolves:, ir "a - "--' 1477-4:4's 1*, ' the elm n a eit ere , obstinately to the dyes* of her youuger • daYs, I -ter -attire at ilOiletc WO So weird ;that -141477.00111.0ary-wrotei---ioiShehowl "X`' ' 7' 0 ' i oil safld . ..- . ^ . ' US ilkOltb•O• • O itli0Ai •.•ag • ''.,•••,..,-:• '..i• .. .1 Lt *A! • t ,A:p 4 Uc. It relleeiteS Toot/Ong TratiblOS, Owes Vone4lipatiOlk .001t011040.,titei,Vootli,-;e014tes-thie_ Ot.014 .00Air'1041XliietOldj'ifetIttallioettie- rn dreiiftitt :estalteCa31,10. MOtlIfieti ' • • .• NOIRE ALWAYS orn4;•.„,'„i it. .• , Jr AtirK, .1.,:10r°01./1110°t.S.111410147 ' 104 . . •eetire $74, ., . A GENERAL BANPK(BUFtESS,IIRANSAM. AT ALL ORANCila , ... . . , RAFTS AND MONEY:. 0 ERS sold, nrid money" transferred l'.1' ' • r, '.:„,',, - •••,,:-;--.4•TA. ,t1:-tw,•••,,,,' ,,,4•••••4. 4.,,:-,..4--r• -;410,,,v,,•=4=,,,,v;•,!,,,,,..•,--.,-.,--J,,,,,,,,,,,,,i,,,,,,•,,,,-,;,--,-..,-4.7.-„i'i4:177.,,,,,';',.4-.4:;5.: , •: ;,, 4. ',•40, • r... :'H „, ' 'FOREIGN IIIISINESS..->. Che4iti add, drafts6.-...!,b4. United' State, - • - - " • - , • _ ..• . Great Wit* awl other.'„or rtp"untried, 1:4000t ari, , 50 0 . Exeter tiiii611;:.-0:Vii., : , .*0..40:;:gi:i.iitititr':---'. , , . "'• 13ratie1ritlilr7atiOred int..: -. . •• ,. , ' Iv imx.. Bordtro---a---resolat in. AVa1ker-grwitaatcd-410 4)40 r au•tho-uurn • Ihe.Interna4iamentary. eorera,-Iroars 04. is .2Aolr je .0 - VAIttgig.4%*• . .• , ion to. meet in. Ottawa in 1900. In vracti ing'plaYsielan 'in tokrIdge. eompass. ,_$lisses• Gladys and Ortete Itanintan • • ,movirag this the • pretiler-.paid tri. ringin er Rogers bas been In • Tlie Pcgtilar notion of the c-otooass of Glontot., altio Mr. and Mrs, S. - R.• • Vito to Abe eiviellence 0.f-, the objects _ 541,1 for time tiMe,past drawing put needle always rOinting, pert') and Bacrett. of Mrantford, are- vitilting at , of this orgainiziation. 13.6tilir,' plans and epecifieationo for two*-ileif. ofintii 4.. -„re • Inaceurate than - 13; livi"lk-licaTora--aoil 'W. A, Torre.. b411 spok to the same PuT,Posc- eewers wiliclt :the council propose to eveit-lievoiar..notionStisnellY .•13' • Mfr. ,ot NITuigham, spent ,•Ittoy ,up eau Itichroont street,. an- -nder the moot. favorable. conditions . 14-r _Oa reirdoiviOL audit :fr. La NInloccr"r on.11.11 W1400 tile g"01)11133 • ..4 large inumber froM here att,end.'' i. f just nek With. infs. H tiron soMittlir-dTtitit1tWItt:ttet„ $"' itiazUrairiitittilif-PMetriritrtigf • 00Ateo• •, • Well/ Oubiect to the arroyo' ox gjf Coderichl 'was po, :01 • lo,st. Pad One co .- part two 132. •cina p Ulhere are 445 Jurors • at,VBSOltIRE YOR • •••.• 4 44,4tte-A42,244.,Aohi-t,n0.4.11-Add.,..vontht--11-11.11.: tgo,,..47.,. •TAs'' Te4r. --Tridar 14 quite sere tft say turi e . , s 021 voters., i PaYers • was called last Week, • who ver :band on board et any. Mr, AMC' Mrs. Doti as visited the rt th-fee 31,1 elitlin6oyilltniosn'w,tstettr:_ritettlaob1-1:41:,°,1.-t° .131401'n1".orNo°44 it.l.„:111.134. nre - ...formeesparentS at -lit: 'Paid on Pon..., The Dominion Government . has • - fltLd. 'Int a .and 'Western Ontario ttalltwaY from . - . Woodstock to Exeter -a distance I Of , 1 1• • - 01 -miles. The subsidy amounts -to I f3200 a 'mile. . • ,•• 41.111_350111,RE Walt. f'1114 TDIES. eleAric ran- r _Ivity,tye ild.tetniateretxt__ son. • _needs. bo. vottute_motod. sort.$_,Of . • *The survey of the "to IS now praztically Complete from day morning And the regular quart. deyieel Weil hedge round the instru- visited his mother ItIrs„ Jas. Racknei t-4 v alble wall -of -conflicting ' - • - • de erlY collection takon. . • ' * this. were not enough -there toon 'with ber son Iltetwey, who is at bablIe that the Plans will have to be Put we must go further and sav t • ,•• • - • t Vera Roodhouse, who was somewhat -changed an „Medi led be- no mere unfttvarableposition-tould- " -gue_et of Siisi • Adeline lr-__urnbiair re. fore they. will be accepted. 'Vhe e3:" rolind tor a compass :than on beard of -fumed to her home at Kirkton kat ern-lActtioMilif;--whic-h-1*-41-4014., „ _ little ver *0.400; pliotted mass of. Steel. all tending to ' (Ur. and gra. *D. IlleDoogall, ot -.Elirnv1110 • „ draw tiro conipagi needle from Its alle- Cotober, are misiting at the former ,o glituee to 'the polo of- the parent/4101r. And,. Zips. 4din littoDou.. untgiwua The. sacrament of the Lord's Sup. earth, warring inoe fluences which tribst. Rdatiyison the 110.1113(1a** during ..the boll - the Dliml line throilgh Colborne, and • -6-cln'ra-aTlriC-ar ica-Ilr-a-'-"r-ee one curve/1(g ef-maguetisin. • ere now huge dynamos to be reckoned present ill avith fever., week from Monday. " Mrs.-1111.am. Do r bald' is n Sao a- - „ expecteCtlie construction work -Bb{1-1444---;014-44.onday....-ataY-20 witfi. Producing elettrie carrentS for • WI"•Waggle Tr at:iibiti".114eriMstaltio9da • BORN * • • „ • - - '+';'""1-`" Mr. and- Mrs.- '0. K. liluetty - • • on Monday afternoon of last week <laughter. Whist of thee Mystic currents the poor • tit L• unto rtfarla 1. -accident befell Mr. DIED.„ • •, • - needle.,..oPon 'which tLio veld. Mr. Munroe is erecting.* new 14th, Pavid .1apeneer aged 80 years. tini treetaos ;deem •haags saspendo • • *111„corattionce. the latter part of this 'eorge 'Munroe, butcher ot t1P416.e- -Znr1611.' 'froosdai 4.°1i -Mariner depeeds, tor bl.a gut:010_40'00 .;,,,...alaop.'„ItIttl-W11110,_engftged Irk_ On n a 11r.!_.7 • tali dison ---e- -or ,1; 0-eich salotsurroiTtle(Lbs-.„.. ..ioule 20 feet find sustained ve y •iser- 111cNiCali-in alibbert, • Wednesday 1 g1 O • _ *.sme,assudgeormartriostrommkirammax.01 refifetitig-111.ra -Artrcon * Tay 1.6th.,-J'aines 'Ernest MoNtei) • $01011S.. .11e'.1$ 0111.91 30 ?rear! or 'age ' age/ °years, 4 montItS: and trEtlap. - • Martiarrtift Dyintr. 04 filo-utalontunate, , 1• , • ti ••0 ab regretted.- . 19th. 08;-617ary -0",b-e-leve eilstinee--that CoinniesdrYisPenk. tatbit.q angor otts ACcnt nr- (laughter of tUr. end .51rs- •J„ohn tot, itoon to pito,* tour., vo tor, • rot in rEtieltersmitli of last week Itetiand. 'aged. -.0 years. 5 rainths •• Carnoollan was putting Paris :green 0 days. • • • tertrPteli4 of' potatoes. -when- two Vit1110.-At .Sh14)10... ThtitTsdal, July -iltIle graai chi1drin got bold, of the Iflth,Jtar_r,y.,_Wing. 'aged *40 viers. _ t pozoon, before they vere notie. , id, eacii ..o I them had swallowed e , • '000Siderabl . quantity. Wio far ;fa Mr. . Caruoch:nt Etld e ee only -oile took of the poison and he drove to, . seaforth..ivith all Seeds taking the • tiihild -Avith • him. The doetors, fear., •-Ing that -the other childMight 'ALIA* Ibave trotallo*ed sotne sent fo„r•thert , and their auspielons iprored. 'correoti They are tkvo and three sears of *go' • respectively. 1*Tlie • one is a Stiiith the other-- --10, :14.1elto ;thin:et:040 wLo lives with her rattilfatInr. -- • - • • - / sktul Chritii7ta. 11 Kind Yp BaYs. Awayi Op the tiws Iter Utter, 'A Ttutlewl, Arnprior, tatiofutit•P$ to Mts. linkbanf: , Menai tatetlicion t /mitered 'terribly trout uteera- - T tifirot-thefernininOrorgairrfor-otgli V? '1', yeat,e4„ ..r„ tried four- doctors but got '110.• • *Ala .thought tivoula: hoito..14 . "Owday / .Esktirsto • ) d in the paper. 14(14 tor 8601.0., • before -had used Ave.:bottle* I • •. va ttt,ttirelstettied. X hope ,every stat'- tering woman will tako',, tos.,*(114,040t41 •tisrtlik tab1.6 voutpounr17 ‘' • ; eventual deseeridants life ma -lifers- will no longer he something to Isom and. Interpret. it wilt hava-lapsed beyond the hope ofettulf 'or reeld1,-----Thuti-t us it takes on an added glatnOur from thalatt.....thdLitAnts 114-104 to last. for the pyott,as that brought it to it proont -pass India go on to the bitter end until the itiat spark Of 'Martian life goes out. The ',exiles up of the - tenet is Certain to 'proceed until Its eittocer "itiii--slippert -n6 lifte at Ill; $10*13rt .htit aureirp time 1wIll ntlif • It . ent, 17Vben the lastembor Is thus ex,t; tirigulabed the 01404.10d roil a den& *oda.- through ogees, Ita evolutlinaary -.,earaer`-fororrar-eddetZ-Piotatior-pyre-- all In Cantu*, - • e 'Doctors' -W110.4.'hi*Ing obtained tat liOntat bili :for thatwilt wish to have . partially* Of thodotitoeilit"professioo. Imagine a 141 madif up *raft sucb nicety aa Wit "TO count. *an% . to soy' • • ..tdoe,P' _107_ ' • 4 :psto i 04:10:avoy4 teitblositOti, , la on Wedneider last ------ • - and Mrs, Frank Wickwire, of •Exetert-eilled-on iiNfr„ aniClitts. _Beam tort fon Monday last, - Mrs. Nraghorn, ,ot ,Caledonia, ited_friends pn41-abiluttia,tancoe in the village Iasi :week. • it-Itatiklenellobb is shafting rel. • 1 • atilre.S- here tluring. the _summer 'rata- tioot.! , rll1 -oI...tliQllllIllE1ft. .l ti sot an a trzAtro a at vont numbered seetion f Dominion • 8 and 26, not resell , may • mei i • Any poison who ig the aele heat* of a 'Welly, oi.oliat mate Oyer 18 ye aro, to the extent or one -quer! .. tor beetidn 0160tereeileore•Ort0140: . . . . . Application for entry moot be ri*dtiia .0000 le . u.....,n,..4„..t.z.i..,,,,,lioda.-fie**oy or so , !Toney 'tor thodistriet In whith•the. fond to tiltt*.te.*; Anti"' by 1Proe'Y sney. however, ' he Made at an agent. . • py pn pertatneemlittetis by tIva tather,MOtber, aen. : *dentliter brother or tatter -67-101utencliolt . •• • ' *teener. .•-•__•• The 'hotneotieder . 11 required to lora*. ton ; homestead duties under one of the tellowing Plakolf . (I) At lead six months' :0.0040 Ar#ox, i and Patti.. itatinn 0.0141E41a each year for threesome. „ • . „., . (2) 4,Ionieeteeder Duty, If he oo deetreei perform' • e-required-rieldentedutio by...11ring .ort -.141*Int . lend owned eolely by him, not lea than eighty 00) L•sorem•In•exten Inthe vicinity ,. of Ida liomestaad., ; ,p-in,lond-will7not4neet. - - - Mont; - - , - • - • - - 1 (S) If the father (or tootheri, If the Whet ke det . cooed) Ot the benteateader has permanent residence . on formin lend owned soleIy by him,. not It* than . thibly (SO . *ores in extent In „the vklnity or ihe ' . eatetal itteretlior atia **-•-- : tr"tha 440 .. u . . , • m '17'7/ tr, ineT.Pas own **Oddity duties by ,livier with tho fatheror another, .1. .--C ,The term. 4gvithittr= 4n -44'..twozpottnetUng . .peregifiphs li Mined no mooning not .mors. then nine mils '1) *4K -tittle, oxtundve or rood 445*. onoeter000ett In.the IThestsiti# , - . , ,' 6 Aitotnestoder Intending to 'perform ' dent* dunes In wordenee *Rh-. the'. i 1r ehnir • ilving4.4th•lifs parentsoron-forml htmeell mutt. notify t,heAttentof, t•he d. i Intention:, - .. • - ' . . .---,,,--- ' .. • ' yttlirtionthie--notleo In -writln, Ovoid be Wen to • • ... 'er 4 '‘i?Isited USX bitiationtoappoi torpmetita- . -7 -week. • W . cony, - , -ezttsg-Itonititom, ot laotherwell, who PirOttlytthelfisga*orttwilatoria - has been visiting her father at It 114....ttneuthor1eedpublioetion of Oh odrtettoe Cromarty, erlltd au friends bire-on- 6110-01-1111-L41}61616ler _ Viondtts last. No Honing: - No Grinding titid td"fir. Children spout a couple of daYs laot„ week %%ithz...7Virs. IdeNte61'. . Mr. ifien an, of 7dowmativi1le, who has been visitinghis sister, a‘tro;- Thos. jitundle., rettirried- to KS 1101330 last. week. Who_ nfet with_ 4 panful aecide11t-a---ttiliple-;-44-- Week ago, 14 improving • slowly. . • If, was with :deep feeling,* of re- gret that the news of the •death of 34'012sE. ZteNtboi was learned, •the at °cowed** on 1,`Veekbe.--d-s ay -Or, z- tot sileek. TLe deceeoed vetia _the 'seri of the tete l'avid aeNicol an was 30 +years Of age. Ernie,. OS . Was familiarly had a host of friends and his jolly good natire Ws really contagions. Atter, the death of las ,fatilep ha. •the „ la.il", 1,, ., . ; ot o . . . ..„10.' 61.1,0 saloa owl other otapliyolut Gallidee, , • , fierialikinell illOttisOlift*O41, inkr Reiiiirodlti-S!peOteitili7 , • ---, - • 'Preclons" Life- end- • • Health' can be saved • reit4dethet Sic nese is S.1440 • ."" tO , . , - „.. ,, It applies to all toes, no mitter vbat the feriii of diteeve may I.o. vital ZOS tiJe human body with OXY0E.11 from the iitr, loxY0Bil la ft vital $eeestil,y-the greatest necessity life Itrio*s. - • . . . . Ile u car. tipr 15 OXYDON'011. at-home voile you rot or *1. ip.• I No looectf.-1,-*-ine trent yr.a.ur-svo.t.14,_rietwoo,ir os. it le eoPill..,atIPlIe'd.• . Pale 0114 *iii/14C6 lord% for noe. 'Its force nevtl- chilmts... IL *ill. •. serve the tantilv ellilarrn 41* yell ao adults •' . -Write for Itti$,..E BOOK No. . . . •• , • • eta, a it. *Intl 0,0 Hut litt wit*u yors etibitf epoit.., Cert.ii* ligagnitic p • Able Itelve Ilteenntkitpt . Ilittotoo othotioiuutiiitiiiiiigirdto . to* woman to ono •tor 4.****. tie ircittestmothitar exotoolielyntseco. ' Kftit tad litetticel eitoiagktelie , a eittr ittoill' er of th dr work 1.ii• the blacksmith shop httre, .' -- ,,„,,4„,,,•!..,-,-itu,' .. but Tait tall oiling tor ill , health Ile • ' "Oh, ii*, -tt* pots:" or '‘.1fo,tooi was tore'ell- to give 111) the - *oil, ' '13'. ite furter -.pions-you- ticentilit.r..' ror some time Itle lira txott .4.1r4tlatp. All Vito/re faxen tor iii, Cods Atitis...' •':'ng Itit-WIIYtir larro4a--411ilitbert, Antr„„:,attio..ritor***so.sfx.rotot. 00-004,,,..,1 ' - " iti*----4iti4proye,..4u1gt-,-,. ." -' * - -40W- : r weak „heart,. being. ,tlie. tause of hitt" . that '10,11'lilljeciextiokerion tiittry lititi ,• . trouble- iTh.o. .funeral took 1113,00, oft ifittiottwolitoattagadtkiit•g4i*4. ' , 1?-rillay,:iilterratot 101 JO the Uxe.• ' tii, " - • '* - ' ' 1st ith,•,_,Ityiltpst„ tiiied lit tiiia itorti0ilp.r.,.i, it 0.."0,00.A# t_.•-tc#., to 0,4„ti, tloa; 344 , - t..a,, Jtaittt&rp Tb... cot ige WO -OWL ; -jAth_t+,t,t 4:14L)04.44,--prectotrot400.- lie sotae :1-i• to to -estoitoo alt) 4)3•Stigt- re$1N-qq*' too eneenditketeny twoantee thr! 4001s.orl. If(' tairtivol by a 1000404. Hu.ot ottitootts. tout ACTS FOR SICK iNt), Ft thVOit irty tli T h t. Iwirt •Eb ••040 fot Jell* whit con.)6siticeiyAretithciimiul *„. , w to it AC beiVII 1.1'0 JIR1U, e / eine • onto -Inmar • ,, ttono 14* *ItiOi PA WW1( 1110 thttt ,Why don't you try r • • ;1)001 lirAlta0 tolrisitt , kiillithant if yOrttiNtattd*leeltisolitat • tfsitkritax; 'Ortr'• i IM -ter in ton taari 04314 pact-allege:ea ftetiititt;„ =en 0, iitgliti*sittuorAn14.**** lt4 gioto Ottoyokees kit *Op, Ooe • TOrOatO,, Oat. •• Ptifft.4 loot lovito NAOS.: tr,* • T. ix, Sleets*, : • H,6tiliegg* ttiett ittvo CtiIWY 4ittitAtt niany ihstalfor • We cirri a toin • • ts isidere 140. 0( 'the •‘44Intle•Mtint‘i.4, ' :t0;t:41 "ter'S441114 ' -2- - , biOinittlikOtu t 'Ittette 1104 the** *eett'0,004100.1414,0" .0.000‘tit - OWit: • 00.0 Cul* : • • .„ • . _ x •oftn ald•rno- i4 d* ni 11 14 cult 141'1 . to* skint' .1 X •.. 1 worked bard OL%ha' wo ild up ,• IrtiaMir .110, .j111, tett Ent i tliat of" aty rxe t rg„„ tot 404* -Itte'lititelt-tttit t11-'40`,-.1ree*ainatit - ' * 'raiite.d `Irbith, is larliS - ••,',in't. : tor ''reki it islatert 4. I atitt seam Vo tia;*?, ", • •' , . , - . ' ft, ' ' Xti Aig,D. WLUIt•••,‘, iU - fa v - , ;',";„ 401101:'*-' ' ••• ....r*oek • .4.104/11F.. IWO '**•-• - • --~4 4- _ 00,0410,. " - • . - . • ',I.... "",!, 404,610, • *wt. -A,