HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-23, Page 3a
r••• IlIZAe
, sr Oonditiona.,-; Th a wea,
naitiono throughout a•
'Ifl�u for the paitt mInth
voism' u
thsr‘• •
Vos,or-twaigUir,- ,
r.str1nuy,og,tLbLnado *hoz so*tufgootton *less an who
ean Court gilitariee Jralre t
Run AneeS or 'Vnio,ymont..
Japanese 'papers , recount
1. 7, cording to Japanese inter-
uStrates. the delicate•
it of th.Z ,of •Corea. I
ppeara that t perer was about
" - the palace who •a
of en ini s'ome of the school
o within the palace
• ' ,Set for the
Atertamment and a general
*"'on : --,sent. out to-tlie two schools
t pass unofirrIP7tounir-Of•
iiistitutions in that ohl town,
KrOunde. •
o.ure °tithe .palaciL ehatnberlain
ed a, 0040* of `ntliletiti games for
heir Competition: the height o
- running., and leaping the Ein-
rm.!, accompanied th!S Empress,
her Court ladies and, the soothsayer*
• rolOgers and 'court eunuchs,' op -
area' on 4 perch and seemed to
enjoy the spectacle hugely.
"The'ZmIleroi became so interested,
in the races that he wont down
anionic the 'children And *Lk per-
sonal direction of the' events. ' After
1 the ,
with e notion his 'Corwin' sense Qf
orteditself, .
will have
I race or, the court chamberlains
another- for-tbe--tootlin ers."
, !Mote livu ,gainsaying orders
'his allejestri and all the chamber.-
hakt• to pair Off ';71 teams--.-and-
run the required distance, irrespec-
714,-.:. • Ayefithr:41...I..0*r_s_kt cW
• .0-grave-vourt ,:at /Wants
1 gs ,•eir ouR n
nue --.0.4d, then. rat.
"Ilis 'Majesty seeped to
sure. in.the- spectacle," says the
Soroeliwta compliment Is ploating •to
a.‘14-oinst tren,wberi\she knows it, isn't
'A girt *Ill forgive a youni-inalV
4intticev tor /(Lit.sirig hat sgerist
tbAn,„;lor.riet being--inicrest31-criOngli: kr
r ionakeavoysentery
isomer Complaint, Choi.
ra Morbus, Cholera la.
tom, and all Looseness
of the Bowels,
ere Is no 111,ed1cle Uk
. T.his
•:•,taiudilet...Ths ,fly:, totsI
us, II. ..1,14,1ilion..4,9• t'iti•,,,i. .. out:frAni..1he Jii
v rising•tto
.. .
,-. • es.• : . , ..,...: , 4... .. , '4,,, i ,, 4,, ' t , , V,. ..•. ', .,, X, ,%. '. .., , , .
, i L I
* , • s'.'" '. 04,1r$4114:^',. ' 1. ,. , li ' 'Cik 1:
, , . ..
bat oval? 3non toe reti..5bits on too 1 kt :tonditfoo biit jflinternal tuncticis and
up standards •of goodness. and right :,, P•ree.ss bY••-wl'gc in, eonstautlY making
and ',theseStandords constitute lows to 0,04 0411.0 • , . t. th, 'Ult. t that
. . .
:IL ....„',4low.,;`,C,40-tene, ,3043,4r6oe,44.114";46o1.-
- - ve'71,Wlia PAO ,Of 'the right and
_,twe,..teiitti,,17.ii;tte_iiit,...1.6...ire4....4.0..ti.ii.:. lit,,,it„...itor
la*** of all restrain:II , Is It tie witn
1 ,
*IPA" iteCre, . (1- *40, ti;r
X0).,and. *was the icene,Of-Sauris pro.'
*lona, crowning (1 Sam, 14-11),
,WMO -$15041..$ ‘0414 lattrn t0 IttiONV ILS ifit.Aolit=0-111,4-tejeetiop, •
,•11f;g1V4t- pcd-ond lotin the hohltS or
chopaing and willing' that. Out idt iny
.,g4ttonlit a consolcusneS4 iliseeverahle
u It the .eircLseofthi3free-
s +a - •
eth 'wIiatwwilI do Eid41Iy tTs 'treetioni le-TaWiTathfit
'.41) (flU um! 00#4.est ,ex,Crehze,ot, lite .rigixt.tO, do as wilt lead
Heltofising • . ;40'lhat'!whiOli4S-eterktat
,--Tbe,,PoWarla7-el*se the. 1114:thing tight v6114100411* ,c• mon
14 1.44114.1.ree,dom. •T•ttiS• belongs fr its. ,bounds abont 4ny do:ng, .• •..•..1.
• Aria'Sainuel saittl&:•Thie reply
h in_poetio./orm is worth
.greatly resembles them.'
'... ' II Iry
..:"' a' et• ' .' ' '.'siion*. "'la. t..'rit' '04' ,v9rtjal0-.'44,'-'2"0*,,''''P'°iiAti.44'47.Y.;"*Ilt,Z.litett,:..*ei.'",' .i,„
. .-,- - hate . gifted- Ofinel"drOti.i: ,kfiiir ,estircate,ef the,
10). ' .• proVi . ' .',Pirblic 'fiell'fof.:**0410On:OitioPk:woUld bo an '.g.kv,
: whiicsi seciterg IltikolobritioOtiiiii . .4 itOft 'or, .00:04 it,44 fall „ilk -0001 Ille.ith 7
:tha.4. , .,StiiCti .` '' " • ' : !' . ,, . l'I '' tek40.., QI,Atie#V7'iljiii1.43t.iiii:I.STATiiike::
Aitt. ':oit .therlifaitA::•1,..gdzell, „war' •!.:YOntei.-„,41101ea.4otattvlia.4.t.Aelaist‘f,,,e'
lieitit'tlit out, • over .40.0. rate', x4e4junl'orOP, lho.fiietriet4. PrOdOp,-,
woreldlled-,•'• - ---- ,,- L: -1 ; kitilic.• :.‘tilos.',Iarter!..iliiant4ty.of :unit_ ,
- .Wot permitin 4 terrier ,t0, ba at . , riot ouch' ti,ii-;:.".the:cOuntiesi:Of
' ge'„:0440r 04 40./h," " All offence,', , Ongs Du'rham .-ind- o kn.*.
.WintorappIcl.. -.
jr-444,„ ,
we'll 'i:' ei,.' i•sp i: zit their .14 ' UFO. i -1 011,, _ _•,:dluI,g1;:.0' *:.
t t, • ,•,•• . . a • obit ' .44 . t . , ,,I, 4 ,
g. ..
•fsrs :it Jock's Ledge. - . • T.__118 ''!44 .“" 4444,t . ' crop; . . . .4.,
)3.1,' very1it'IV.
' ;There is ' .a7Olaipte,,,,-,0:Lado:Itoit in -,•netirI), a full .0.0, .. , .0,_
Western = Ardnanorehanir , Scoflandy:41tun erep-i the,:, amouse • , aye ,. et:,
and .a,three-year-old colt "hen,. died averitge•• almost everywhotp), pld :at
l':A.A.:764:.'04".totheorrwaolso.°1117"ttintloCebitil:ir;;07,mith-ceTii4170...:.ri,?",1;",f?":31::p4*0i_titTn7c' ylcsh.o*1-0,aittra15:Ny'reaTO
' .13t.1 11 ila • ' 'n.
an ,enione. .„,. • , 1 , . • .' . 00.Larl .. du), otnis...,,nojtAc at,,,peary,Lg:
oFnifeaTeTbh;a-dan. bin;alohliad,c•o-tejan-tchtitorlr::Ifi,l;°. a' p'kr--p'7voacTr.7,47-...t,,016,::.14,1;,ve'cle,Ekr!ertpt41.,-.4ti:
77,17,htersTA---1.4-4.1$7 loyidlottriit--:*11.W: - ,,,o ,,,, a . • 41,AzGraironetel01-.4-'.-'ilbere-
, ,rook.hav ' s' .. nght,..4own4 :are - 119.L.41t.faY.Ora121,(LeOXIlitiona in;
Airdie. nark, a blast of 1.1Liflbs. British- tumble ,,••• the ••ros cot
ss words•in.Matt. tt*
„• PS .4
obey" in, the previouslirte, 'Set
y, of rami Corresponds t� "sac-.
' 4.4,t 1:011.0 (.46A tr44,71,Air$7, ftte iSstrs , of - 4111,je$ , 'others •ot,
;WO 'hla,43 the Dower thronglA VightS of ethers. I ant, truly, frac 'becauS
It -004)Initmys.74:WWIThni.-Wir • trinrOSPZ
41t,' but • re. tok,dot the.,good .of • 411«
' leYttrY -111.44 OW' Nine 7PoSt pity , of. • 04v:a lioenaa freadeu.v.•zevgr gyms
uyg ho noglefoitcripITI.oti,ront.,..41:11v.tiort4trisiftxtits
will er he. will • t 40. .414„,ry,._ ,1* thwrty
e' 1'11190.4/ The Terretition'of theught
e parallel 0.70retteiM3,4 'WAS, •art. a
e '
• cia 'Witchcraft Or, divination,
was held in, disrepute among the
• tfehrews especially in:later times.
as was -a Canannittsirpructiee
condemned by hbovati indeed.A.
oiintefid -ticrapostasy-ir4m-hiniv.-
_Jdolatty' The worship of brazes
of which teraphira-seema to- h ve
. ..." - - - ' .:±:::: - 1 . (Al0.41,:1044144Pre
ding ..,.. A
tt t il. Re 4. Witl
l'fi ,.;;„'ifik, -.F. '-'.''' ‘-'1';,, 'the Inil.Teratiire of the bighestgoed„ as
u‘..374,-;,..er,...,00...y.w9,4•tar4..4..• :inv,,oziv-,e1,-. ,t1•10:, tieLtalwlyi'llit, id: wiconfixr,,e/;.:f,11::404:uU,Pc/0- ef4reh
' t-2(141.4e4Lierat 1X?tiwech°142 rcosbi,04-0414, „, lid _we: spitnktolltziglteotsr. of the Jeri/0 for the.,q0:04
always elect art MI gr0Oud '04 'sej, ••0,c''' The light of truth give's: tht,sliberty 'to
goods choosing' that .whieh *coma to us -Au As men -cow to see ,themS,elves ni,
te• offer the -greate§t good. Our ideas et the Tight tit the &dons, life as rtler,0
g_owel..%1 PIO be 0000ht!._b•Ofirt ,Pe. 111,erte,f1; t• a, artIstn, ft.i, ss truly ditanei 'comelo'sce
:cause It Willa,: ... ....•
;Ve104),; the -chokes 'eft freedom tiwolvo
widening consikrenor.:ilitc..,e
afirlraW11704 tit :4ar OXPeri,1401,
0/10$0 the good., not of alone tut
o ,socie y, arst of .home, 1191 ofIrien0 the t we If.
neigilbal% the ' li$Nny
• , 6-f David and Saul (I Sam. 2:1.,
inthc human form land ;verb :sternly
denounced 'by, the later -prepbets,
25 -Tarn again with me,- that I
may :worship trehovelk - Samuel'
h placation was. necessary before any
IVo :some, approaell•couldl be inade_t0 leboVah.
,rnirthieirtY,Ifvf"):14' y trideat, on44t.; B 11:2t_L 3:;1 1114
cf resent.ative,
- . :711' .1.1c! .1,34 -L77 .4 91,4 . •
gcodt ey into 'the „freedom •ot: *Kai on 'Samuel to. det4111,,onn
the Artitli, the. frilulom le', Will 444,1 ,c10 turned to leave him 'solitary
" - •
• -Skirt of his •roh,e,,,,oropizre ease.
'o . 'gunpowder . fired , by an electricH,_owIDS. a '• 0 • Ulm' Pr011. • .
. battery.' , • ....______, . . • . •reArS and r1iiii'iS,,4-The prospects.
,soAr•sDourv,cilcie:etwftr0000pfe‘briosttei.loethSi.ckaitola i : for :.. pearstr 1 'I jo tasd • '.illpit.r Ite. aifft:i' °t3h1 Ytt:v166 le tc14141"
out by. 4 horse_47,71:!le:n,..the„,.,00711;-best showing,•' ' • - :-- '' • ' "'\,..
:to Blair' Athoie camping . ground' ' iii,ClieS. - . varieties '-wilf• he
.14, . - ha* * •
the inland island of tran is now s Op. • In the early' varieties, ,
a„ e, WO one asgow via or 0 a s cxan or,. ' i i-wrirl-17,1tivers• an 114.
10 'hive; done the neoosti ry -sixtyl.utopit' are . reported bearing - Atli
milos.in:eighkek hours. -I...„,0.04. 0, fi titisinitt4.3rarietie14- St.-
- A Kilmarnock Man' who injured John will be only 4 • medinin crop,
his _arm whileplaying' dominoes di,,r-1•010, '.411,14* Oxivwfor`d :light; Sinoolcs
ing his .meal hOur elaimed..0001pen.,..440 '41b01.144 mhoisr-A• for aeniething
'4,sttion-- -11vm---•-bis2-einpRorshe:,4wer•-•isAnedium-er4p:„..,..41e,..,21be
judgment w13esides• losing their copy of the..
iiiiidomino &garnet him : tiaprreabye0Par.inigorcauvrilly livehodefr;elbhoey4Itiv,neroct
first edition of the poet's Works, lift.' sprayed have in. Many cases 'a very.
-et-its--:Burns-- statue, --due, to the - - T4ivateetre:-'-che---ImesPeeta-- fort -to .
Marnocit is threatened with, the loss: :14' 0P0P. , 7 .,_,. • . • ° .. .
erosive effects of the .atmosiittore. , Ma6t:oesteaermesenxocthell:ngt.in Sthli:uvilclaythoetrae
Ittr, and 11113. Atjskel_ Clark bo_pk24r_qtrooisture dii 1 :." ^ .
.'°*:;etictsditld'it°nn,g'iii.reiticirilat,,iibeY(..-10m. sl•tsh_lth.4. '1194d:°41:1-. , full -11447101;_111-4438 year.
theoi' 416:41-- -I
made the recipients 4;f numerous :what scarce; sour cherries wore
• wicatijA. ,, - ,---, . ,,, . - plentiful; ----7"--- '.--.:,--------'-- - — ---- '
, . ' Grapes.-(Irepes look . well 'and
. _,.,.- c ' ' r .4 -,:4 -*11-"*".-: .,.., omit rettits...,.•,,,Aviiii,-a, ,m.mteire4
pronaiseJ4 full-eroP.
llActwith/0.3 :ARO -ritltairanIX. mount of ' rain small fruits will
rive ritiMec, (*mitt. 'Pear:111ot ''r#1.i' dlierisglavr:,'.:010Z1V0-1)07veTrhleetlint;
. , , , .. , „_. ,
. ., win be ittni. • : .. ,,,,, , s :
__ 1 -r.uitAtretincingite
, ,71104* - that --411
'*"- -A - ' --- • * ''''' '; - •
'''. grogate41-the-e. . . *11 likelz
, . • i •,' , •, ' :,,,.L. - .very ' arge.--
pm:::r a)___411:073,,r,se:00014,0040:1::ritii'liCtforrMs(41:1d.43e1.14mr '3t:_411.11.3:0:1,":ainiri,.::aultinevitratitautlistletat:,eiroi::itirtneenoloaptstr-sepeY.see:niri,.
.prehenston, through •tho ranks of Ocr-', A. fungous .i.
'Ptj-*!d. on an tho h. 'hei4:110 14 '"the' 146`• - Intsects.---Inseeti ara :not. more
They-artilue-AluLt-thetWiter,-wits,-nOW•timemost-iniurt-has,-: * •'00,--done4 :
. given' to joking in. li% specche4s mid, the cigar -ease bearer* th bud moth,,
, tiOttrarcoryirent-the-denger-or *iota gitilceiweritii_.. greep.iviii_viorin_od.
tong' 'coiled uNhg,O.1)Pee a 111-sotauga1 :oyiterAtell bark-lottie. : -%-
wioh..fielrovItiite. linp(4*:al,'-600111PHe4, t. -4.'".., ,,re's.. ' 'United 'Stites .ivill tuttit'4.- 001Y` an *V'.
i'ha,r4. or tho- .$1100q% 'Emw. taxo% ' o • reign ' eiron2Conditiont.-, The
,' • Aemodingdo, ow &rot* of t000.„4tto erage .crop, .lint very , enerally 'die.
,late04.:figurts .pz.ajiam1 trtbutgl over the, apple -growing iilis•
4:ivelt.20.-.wercr:t "i treading, the. )oney 'trio*. The prospects :fol.:: - -
paths of singlet 146viednessi. while Mt re sulUible ler I marketing during, the*
• 3,vere, 5X1.134, • ,s4ngte Women or evo 'winter rnentlut•'ffOillii indicate shOut.:
4:tielibrk,v(itith4:0:14:koto;iiiho„tmsr:•-,2,04404.ettittior.07:04;77:0,00,11101.4,:ptvrtz7,goi.t:ttli.: i.iattli;in.:14,4visituiji;rir7,,,,itrierid:,fono.prit,'10,10.tuuiti:rin;tr:lw.t.gh_osiotaIoiss,ogiediini.d:
: tip soca, Germans .begri ,$)'-"44.4),, 0.. . Tho otptikeetti fti,p: ,procir„or44 ,
.tIon . , . •• . t ere are no serious adverse.. . ,
kolosertoc!thqnyn, t• 6, fsortZitreasIncotatitiaritg14.4-lhollt .0001 te11".t.,,iltd.,vift:.:t1),8- tibtoeis•c)101,1.00,,,,,nt,
Cserotan;f4kon--thd, "wilco :the itlowl. 14 ':f4IiiefV;riiit. DiyistK..Otta,
hiingry ho it',..a.t5 ileA" 811.410, prose...Ws- '' ' ' , ..
;stiPtive4 of thcidet _Se mitaltelesOileifa ' - — . • : 7If „....- ., r... .
ataiitiT•14rx011:40 ,,ifilitron41. ,a.ng.tr:lati. :ev...th,latitblett ;,,.. „46.1‘ ,4).:431.11bt;ire:.:60.,iik.gtrbirWir fi!,,,sZrkr;e0:41,7:
complcrilent WiiiiI4 1.86 the itatesiMen-of .,41,,te 4.04.tior: who logt ._..j*.- n tailed. 'rt
in tquall-theaVy fax on foriuntuiri ..*. ' 7 ,.. -tio ..t-th boo 4rittotkio$ ttath,
' ' • .4 ' .Was A Total . 1 e*Irlin:::Nkittporki4lior 41::glOsItzi. Imp" ' esh:alitt ;:cw‘rtio., go'dovn,1:,
--ro raphy- ant- . ,I-ga a- :mitri-,;---Ssitit,„---she
,re er know no‘elo graphy I I *0•11014*
,......„-...4. -
,....... , ? . ' • suchleer.Shliti* to
,smort. :•You knowArogrophy on yfiti sen1
tio "men. Wogrsphyj 'llion't• , no
- fleets and the shameful • Oath to
hich: Saul finally -came brcAT tend-
o dull the lustre of his own life,
but it must be retnimbered that ho
11 StlAx-41:*A3NA'x'ivierIntuk . J-,--4§-P-11347;4.P.4-* .11viits'Illanieifitta^:14rilYre:Ive'etircret*trieattge'tith'eatf'fir41;
', ' ' ' : • ' -.':"”. '.•'-'' .,28:- - - Victoriet laid the foundations for the
1;eisonii- ii1:41*eted--bi. , ree'-i&--Saniii.e1,-;Th .."-.• "
• , 'Lord. Golden Text, ' - . za* still regent in any time of crisis,
power. . .
- - , aosb_tt_t_j_ __, .i14..t..1.1.0-11.K.h he ' haS. Vton, tip Jorma
* . .
fi1,801sT *0110.:HekTflilltS, : , Illnised-4,graciOus,form-of greet -
sed-orr the•-teit-oflhe--- 'e lin * ' : - . tialtAr170 /Willi .
Version). . ' ' ' ' •°.re'l '* • ' . '' . . .
: AilliVA,,:einipakims,,-._Thel p1,043141 ., Thou'r.of leholtsh.z41. ..rePresit.5..
,had not,orverestimated the powers of the 4orliteienee. of • 4.traet and is the
• ir:461ider-Saulilito-at-oneitheio . •' ' ink-betivepti-thepi.70,f4.0itir
rii it , - 4 ___.2....._' -
•, • ALLII
Itent-t-...3Vaslgrn, , • • '
•And Samuel said -It iiits an
accident but $4a0)401 at otiOn saw in
it an. "omen" of God's purpose to-
ward* Saul ',1410 ilts6a it as such. . It
WAS cOminon .110 take • any 40,usual
event as an indication of divine cont.
Amon& ttxtigrat44-jatotid4tadzwo; m,unineation.or_45.i_thirit.r,the:4
David. -
— •
'-11(kYliot SPINSItos- wrrs.....tver •
Iiacljelor Net. d, Mt' tater
*, „. •
Eisughtfra• of lloyal tongues Mil
main 84igle 'from 'choke or ILOouse-no
_proper suitor 1.4 forthdaintnit Imae 1y
.tneans a !laid time of it row4a-daY
""'ijOt. Intsterlis-al
agsanst4 air ertennes on all. tidos
One i)f the.strains of popular repor
oven has it that hia, selection as
king was -the result of a succeisful,
ling of the c arris-7---and e •fl,tt
them out-to-theresenef the inert- of
heal -411eszt-sit.-SH.h.e time -of -An
Ammonite inyeppri Satct,
•wilt of his reign .was taken, bp with
battles against Israel's foes) and
Chapters -13 and 14 are devoted to
the record of these conflicts. First,
there; iS the
which is ade of defense. The -appear -
ante of these powerful etienties with
their war chariots anktiverwhelm-
ins ,numbers fillithe heart of,Baur
men With fear* andAlel either
la; ep 7) but he gains number' of
imPortent victories. .0everal stories
. ,
I have erformed the Co mod-,
t xnent-ot eliovah7,13antuerp speaking
for i jebovall (164 ,,41 had renewed' the
ow corny. • :4 swfiana
handed down to Joshua Mod; It
14-111)-t0 fight 'against the Arnale.
tes till .therTare-t-otit-ro,y4 it
was, essentiallyr:011000* a4t and
,Sattl was accountiS,ble In its rierforintt
&rice to Jehovah. is,„„worditas.un,-,
true, alto had not ollowed the ex.,:
piieit toknnland anttiefl („1 San.,
Ainalekites-Tiraersol est and,
most hated /Oes. They were .4 'rob-
fierc-nomad people livinglilloWer
• alestine-who harassed and nieleit.;
• the4welve-tribeti-fromrtivelime
of. the battle at Itephidfin •when
Moses prayed while 'Joshua fought
• 44,1liztpaan,: all through the period
of the Judges, till their finat exter;
minatiowat the hand of David. If it
is true* as is thoughtlthat they'were.
Canaanite tribe; who possessed the
lankluld-TePrestuttd them in the
thaotraramit2, dt1Lxisobw,itt!ve s‘rsiv;tolrbyobeextpw=
concerning Jonathan SanlIts son
and 'a„,popular hero.are/told. 'In
a, wonderful tole% he and 14 ar-
mor -bearer start • this rout. ofIlie
Philistitietelligte-baiideitcr Sam. 14.
It18.:.:41-)e_ter,4whettAki„.tirealtif **off
* telt his father, "unknown . to, Min;
has made, he is saved b2y thedern and.
of the people. At this time i100, -$ani
-thtt** aigns of the.seltaependenet-
vauCh,-.:141444.4ikt UE-.telligiW-hiS WO-
tiOrt, (I 1364143..8-14)
Ilionbe, vette thiMoLbites,hc koi-
monitet* and the Edonsitea, thethree.
reit • ''ople w1Losite_LritajAr:,,Ailced
sro on ih'er ieutit
lt*-11,0400014t.itgainstr; the,,Atnale-
witlt whom Islait haa‘all•Via'
" int4..Xlanain; and she hu
o not--.fergettft <g*Ott. :14:1*
the part r-justite- antl reli '0u*
• ••• • .04, ' 4fir:
• p thei• rcfathere, and thia &ul*et* en
40 impelled by the command of
Ofintifah through *41*
ne flf Ute.
The pp,..0Pariedltelioad, •
Thebett4,-A stivicionit Seiectior4
To tatrifiteA f1inniyprctext, fo
tr ructIqn, wouia have
Amonntad.td,-* •
; Intern -destr .ut, to the ,
WitaneSs. of, disobedienft *Yen inIli fie.
_ fl„ ..; .,.4.44;e1Vittlfith..4 ',.- ,re-
su1tt eforree rids to •,
., ,
, of severity in.the enforcement of t '
.lisui, but. in ,the oasel„.4**1141,ido,
etatity , 13,15g4 antlih` `tieti of
.0 eq iiri g thing *Him ..
. it- 0 gh, thou w .itt' ..4 v,
... , . ,
Boyst spinster Princol
vietorta, to It .grest lavorite Ivillt both
ber father and mother, xild it is not
-likely that eho..will : ever kato theta
w.---- -.Theiiame-ineorne bas-beerrailet-
led: to her as, ,tier married stets u'-
-rilve, So. -10e IS indo*nient ., and ilod:
Ivor 1.1/4117-ria.c----34'.72.h6rAl -SOtitOrtent-itta,
130.k i(jr. her aintU Wet* obliged- to do.
net very Otlicatc', health, reriderS, a
444.1newliat. tItat litte.,zettiisary4,;$0, tbs.
' travels, very little and Avo:ds all &Witt..
14R:litioit'at : sp• liejersr-' are incroa4ng- In
taunter% .itt-ati. counairW 'WAY _Ito*:
' have's& IHNOtiot) 'that waS iiiipossibte.
• only' a' few geuertitfons. 14p, and' they,
••ett find Otity to peettnY than In
the World'. • „ . , . • • - ,
• ' Ti* venerable Prin.% .1legFnt of flik,
varihr AV1i6Aitir\TOt- ir.r>4 ll,
has 14s liomehold looked after by his
cldeit daughter, w is by . no .meant
.yourilth. and, ..h.a; ne‘er ,thartied,
The Xing of Saxony 'has. a spinster
'611;s4r P'iitiWe011°.ist5Mbalt8tidda4:V, 414'606 r.51(411ullirttrief°115.a,
There has been no tfoxign't of ti*.lnar-,
Ifti•ge--vr-herl-014-rairitYl'e*--pirsiti-,, grid
.45 site is independent:142c . .
onto Lot int-it-pleastint. - , - ,-,- -
. Duke 'Hot:Att. of. Parma !eft a nix:ober
ill 'unmarried daughter,, and tho nueb.
os,. ho :not set iLuitoceded: in finding
nletelici for art-fi'-43f Win_ .... Some of
. to_ well_44Y.s.lict4. ItLibe_2:111,ittles
and, _ -Itt .oOtra.ttg,,..en,.,-AtpO .
Tbey all, lead- busy; 'happy lives* and
to . Tot, in VA teat disturbed ty 0410
• talluro in the tristriMunitl i1ar1¼t1.
1 Archduchess Maria Aturtincis la :et ' An.
;,ortria.,,,,-nOW*-iler,,,thirtyslic.14.vntt-y,ear and,
-still linroareed. . Stiff boldst Its , ..10117oir
. . ,
Wirsinift144r. T r-4:0 Prtiaels
lose•ph. a • widover,, his .nophsw.
ind beto.prtinttripttYe es, contrAtted
• 'it, -the' -of
utdfng *ha
Unnc 40 t'd!, Pot! 1,111'11, ral
Vie ea •Of :Schletwig4ifol.
inothir ins* *it'd it is iffl.
• ft -.not
7, r
fltri*Air01-*"; k
While yttnfl
t4400;LV *Mall
:s warm whg?
Lut -9.tolte."- • • •
purg*tive acoorrlinickto
• -,20,7 onto Tisl,
' at 1114 .,$.4!••
nett i.w.
cs!.viatiler- P,OV
4)0,1. ,
00 it NYtiO Ifie-
itern-and-Amder-- --• -
0040 of:COrbiliten statitd 4 1)01)14 * • •
He, bad capital, but preiondett,ki
c7ellPeatt6Isvilwerettrinitrutp1141"crons711,. and, in
MO at tiv, 4t the- ttuv,slan Joan,
• Inoneypmit,'d Into the Lank, as•Cogne •
clill*""')007.11"fr. thal141,1rieybtsmwett*"-re ‘Irortverh.ilF*In:
Mai.thtilli.A.Jol tho.bmik...qn.01111.-
011<kai-letal.OU,$uw,to:- -N-Vg •
P -
rita -niropy husr,
s- Kiva e an , orn geeping• up . •
a. line estabtsbniont, and, sevt.,raa. •
.plaints having, been lodged :agaInst.
iled to Lucerne and • devs`sted the •
olowy in a bank, under th,,, brilrant
men& • of,---C"..ount • Panlin 4.1e Frmise.,--- -
Having the polio On. his track, the
yian.,.-Ventee and 'C00% mtore be •
a 0 1 1•
irtaclatcd, into Greek'. At `Athens the
t‘count" was appointed Consul kir the
-rtetrublfe sof tibertia, and-dipb'na-
r4c1stibaS, With, iSionaott, Norway.. and ..
}10wvtier. Freneh.deteetiVes diseove'red
01,4-iftkar:-Where„.60 Was t-arro-t .
e,p*ite of „las tale of 0.fusu1 of Iiihertia;
.4)1). a steamer teaving
fot ,,Niarse ilesi but whit() the shit) .'was
biJppintt11 the PLretz9 tho pris4on-v cF0,
wilem, h sills again arrtteds -
extradttli, and- Array llandtT41--. ovcr-14 -
The lirencli
- -14.81401i30--IN-11,14NOGyirrsi.
.1,...ttraorit1nary Stene„at A. Vitsddin0-,fa
I . Prance, , • - • ,:k
Ther•extragrdin_iiry seen. of ft, wedding
, . ..
wit' -ie. the.: briOgrooni Wtta inarri0 in '4. .
handegiffs w. -is wAnt-rsd at St. ..)fartin, . .
loilo-Llince-; re , )r-. -,,,
• Ifte0;gate .Prayi u-goa hirti,Lu'r,,,'lifid.,
reintly -he-,:n 'caught tin -n. 415eing• 'bur* - "4. '
-gittry,-and-sentoJac•Fdrio--- 7.1r-yraw-laiiir---,----- ' ' -
b4r.--4-11s..1 t i ,,
Mint, liglt -IWO, 14....,t cor 43,n
at the noivs,_and (lett-a:foil:that nilt.liillg- . • -
Nvouid irullic.,, herotor give up lier, sweet,- . . .
lieut., • • ... - . ,...-, • ,
thpritel to allow tha intirr.tiga to Olt . -; - !
piticv-Ift-Inrw-licii-•ratttst-iva-6-00-n- 41-.--.•-?'-' ----.--•: -- r..---' •
01,- and the trilkytier was eondttete.
,,J by •
nit .lotelifves to f1 inairie.Avit,,re the_ ' ir
- - - - .,'re -......--,-...t,--- ,
b.ride • and her fr"ioniis , Fere awaiting . 1, . .'
Ifni. - \ ' • . _ :- .....„„: __ . .
! After 41Wcoreinony bl.',4),.'.,(1e. lie,t, fare'--. , • • . .
wolltor tat yriarS. and -was 10E4: back
to hifki. relt„ while ,hre 1.4.1d.c., returaed4o,
ticr partni,$!-ILotne.-% - , -- ,- - • .
a. •
Sl,1011TIIAND ` WillIOUT lIANI*,
uto. two pr,..in'S, itgp, lo t_ y An hit halos.'
n -•,Cliifitaincryr_sc ,T'T-A,,i4- 3 lit
CKIIiii0*4 has•awmPlisbed 'the tttnIA.., , . • i
bto fest of pining a rL Izt'ato
for shorthand. Aiwa' • hi l ,Int,'Ilktit '1)),' '
01'dt ilia MINup
% NOff
I ,/at 'the
vi;r:sts,, be,W.as reeelVtdcinto a tr1ppt0 ?
ktinc. ' The Dulte of Sext,-Stelningett,
P1( of The Parking, 104X ad. 'heti*
h.:re-Atilt the-linyand•palt-feir ly-i, .ii'Aiiti— ' - .7; . - ..-
C141-)ifiPtpplo-to-on4gioutpi.—_ •.. . ,•.:.
lioitiot tii• itier u.kevialt ke Wifew An , • :-- .----
$.6011493.11t10104 and On' voila ifklit1.4
so cit. tho Oiled ilk words ',rermiti! .•
te,.' ' • • ' 1 '
, israelt e
urplett. It I* the d solmaiente
in the throes** of the *poll which
Cause* Senate' to leive. huiplaka of
retirement aroll WO* hurriyng do**
with the word of 'Jehovah p.hiat
whoie aelttahri 1:0010te
i brit as,
4 "
1* overlooked. 'm Aoeoz
hftw thought *1!
thing -
the direct attio
la. Thad
141 r
$ 1,4000, you arie Ivitti.ng14 go; debt.kir
kxl's will soil don't, PotA Ptie*". "44,
tt,t1Sotitistbot, boa theint is um° I°
-4'?"*‘re dUe to ' t el* of iktaVnit 'Oat 1/1,1*.
* Ofteilgittat grkid: in POMP°
expreieion lndiQaI.ingIlLak gut), the babt tiolitlittl4Priv'' 7'7
hvir.muchi'• 1#411 pito*
los M • riiAtt
, UM* t41V,I111 of my rio!hoc t
your pU1• AO; .4111eileAsketty,
geoid he More careful tit