HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-23, Page 14 ettattr,A,V8. - , et ••I VA zr Art* 100*-1.10400•"A444a.0; „.... , • ^ , • ' . ...44444,4444,11... • • .....•••••,••••• 81.'08.8181181808888, • „:”. ; ..,4„soss_Sissems. • , •• lt", L* L ''..`'.114,1,44440444400.1014404, • 4" ' 4/1-`4#0114,44/4".,44, • - , ' tW - • 41 " , kr 4. 11/4 c,1 ,AsSrssw-Assx, .• 411 5 me .44 .... .•, ." .• ... .......-4,..... : pOodis, :St fags. [111'Summer Goods. We are going to let tier • Irargaiti:Ptiees*. no -not fail tor- tOe--.advantagel_ ale. • • e area few of,the_Ma wr,.......rwartarrwrtrumme-vtrorrtnerrevert.4.............."""A r * ti 'UV/ '10. • • of SUrritrier ress Goods in iightl wee. Effects at rechlaerl prices, were soc •artki 60c, ir a (1 'These are this seasons ' goods anditiatte.41wfl for se siratehskirts. Conte rn and see thelil.-ari * = , •Colored riuslips ‘White Ninslins Likaaid.12401.11,alinfsbrage_ „ jn Plaine FoneY. SwissiVots , ,O16clItialins " orMITaireVerargrtif-Ird-116 All 25c 6Itielins for 15e We want none left over. Soule of-theliestlitt, atria will dolt. 44 • . Fancy Parasols Only a few left, but each one a bargain. . • $1.25 Parasols for 00c 4s $1.50Parasols for ....-$1 " Of eiWy description. This le now. your chance to buy them at geatly reduced • pice. -CraSlia Straw ,flats .., , 4" ' Ail 0:8.011 riFitlArit:isir gists t ,•. aatelartgrs71ZtehYonitiut.ns: -for them. A good choicer. • „ , . 11* White Wiirsts The 25Z, Discount Sale is still running. Do not Miss it. The cheapest waists you halm. bought this season. Whitewear • All AS4 75, $1; Wh te Skirts 75, $1, $1.251_ White Corset Oovers 20, 30 and 40c. All to go. White Vests and 43 Fancy Sok Just a few of each left now. Iwo But they are some of the best 11 andyOu will get a real -bar Poultry Ohickens, wei biig at least 2 lb, 1e per lblive t • • f 1. Fowl, &per poundliveweight No cab gala for poultry. :-----Willalso--payslistrade-5-centispet-qt.._for__gooseberCks, per lb. for red or white currants, 10 cents per qt. for Mar cur- _ rants.11 cents er_ lb. for_raspberries.: . _ • Poultry rid Pruit talon Monday,-Wedrieday, /- thehntarOather.- No poling 0F. fryit taken after 4 o'clock Tor Thursday or .`riday. up to 4 ordoek 0. W. • of eat week dUrin- 4a3ro al4119tte Slitur4ays. r.* „. . 11.14y , °•i'. , O'..'., s. , .,. ° e° ,. , . „„----• ,. 'iiii„ ., 414144. . kearit-giVing_t :rtiar ' fi each it's ect liai been SenVteersch-tiiipil. Who' certificates iSille OiSit to the teacb- litc-iliefere the i: t)olipiqpg of the fall term.. L'....''..-.''''';,,','.. -; '„-:,:.:.- '- • - IC candlilitt0Artgi4.`,a, )lumber . of "els had Sant °.•...„ !stored, tbs. Work 4414 ."'", ', t , t. rstld-ril -Ci1s e 4 '''::•:.6 .Y. .Sf _aper CO', diftlenIt."-ithetrit1,metiO‘ lis4ng-,.snore."-Vra-Otteal and oomple* Chan nsuall-resitiired' 'a 'larger know. a :r . hint ledge of the- work 044 In‘ny kiossea sea. These difficultitOa . „to ,te.aeb.ers_.,And • ,01 il,,,c that only i _."'''''','Instrrit' s --ssos-ssots•.„ stes,ssiss U tt,4'eik,..kt.3,t4,..,...z7g4'.4.r-r,,--'7,'..,:4.':'-''."-'''+""' ett 44 ,seen from the higbesit Marks obtains ed in each subject, ashiell oreas el-. lows ; • ° • • va omovote, 46. Gravelle • sellinsf-:•-s-14-111e--Rowe-00.----- - teratures-Plostie IncOlvire 89. tharitic • Walter Buchanan, NaXitileon Gravlle, ;Wn. (Weiinsiler. ranlinfir -s• Alto McDonald, Pearl - P•air 93. 4 T-01*,Viter Buthanan, 622 , uzi.yrrELD . ITS 1. Rab Y Weeds ' " Margaret Parker Wiinnitred °McNeil ...k....... CENR A, IA Essery sasizi4oress....ssj.s.s...sisasasiee. Adrian WirCiltlin Maxwell Ilaynham Frank llaudford - • CREBITON Lulu .Gaiser Pearl Treitz Almeada Finkbeiner Emmery Fahner Alfred liVuerth Russell. Andrews Ernest Appleton, ... • Asi-two:m t, 456 425 390 .•44 295 395 436 513 505 •e. 45 43a 395 39 ....1462 Leslie Goetz ... .. 428 Chester Gaiser .. - . 300 Wilbur Graybiel ... . .. ... ...... ...... - 298 Aldo Hartleili 3:96 •Porn -Schreder --., ..-. .-... 40 • -7- , ' • • 4P • • ea qua ers for- t e • Olothiupalso--high--grade-Eiboes-and-w01-papers.-- *****44.4444444******“.......4444•444.... ..44.44#40•••44444444.444440.414.44************ ; . if Latimer Grieve Wallace Fuke Irm-tewrt 401 Minnie Jewell --••--LlIlie Rowe Blanche Atkinson d * .11 • • • ,f ,i° • Le' • . • ;: -*Lfjt .1: it • 14.Tr-'4'.•4.4-;-**7•84t.tr'ilf.4.1,14018' • '4,, re el•••• • ik!,,,; 4 y ?)t . *la LAV4,47,...441t0,30..t4P.-,Y4:"t,'.4'.4.4'V't.t7.61.1Fg'"gt 444 Tr,TrarT. '•, •": , ' • ' , • • • , 0 • ss'it` t ait „. .. l ' grittat). A1421:474;j°-1,4..C4'itt ,, . ';'*7.: ,'"'f 7' -* A7t1 ..--A 1 '4410.04::hAl,,sVears. ase:Ske_ KVAddent .. ''...L-..„,,., 7-, upeizi,•.ani lie stOlrish Oen, ' 'to ra:n3r4"Q'''''4"-* '"' '"'"! ""'" '. wear th" brogans it th' peas .avern't 0Ttlhar'ialiftraitte,iu'lt"" -" -: '-' -1 44132 Made :1)7 a.-..frind. iv hex at 7.-Inoiskil- tita-7,1--tifis'ii0,--rsi -""' 4" --- "*"I - -- len. "Twas tb' day afore tbs. twilfth Tilah0. rOtessoa ....;., ... ......... .".... 4411 whin 1 met Frank wa'ildn't up'Main Marjorie Moore , . .. ,,.. . 666 Shtrate look's*" ter stime wan to *AltoAllaedinialci 4,4 4 44• . 444* T.* 444*. 4444 0,1, T•e! 4.‘,,f,' .....1.•t,.,,,,,,,,,AA.44,,,,,,,,,,, ;mem ttlffilistiks?".c.i*--°- isr,.:044,47illi,Yrs44,44,1,-. ,'.: - .q.,,,, Italie be't pi - g abley piece Polished .ga;111 i LIP,Y*Isc„..."11„,gg''''k'„-4,74*4-";"'"'"'". '''i Ise ieliiiitteri"'-ii-t GtoderiCh, ' 4'0- kiiiiiiiin" +,,,,-,71- ,1,""' ' "'s '"*.' "#(" !" ** "* Ar7" I"rania- since lei' whit to Boyfield .40 tasisoreo-Asy-miin. ......- %VI . 14141144.4.4 ":46; *i.# -/t V 4rfe- ' ' " ' ,g1Vaary$0,1):100mcVine 4/04.4. 444,,L, 4,4 V 4V,5A. gi,p-acitli:dttn.40,7n1:wk,z4g he? b!,1,17t.g'4vealan.. Ira_ \Vernet* ...4 ,.,,....,."-; . ... ... ..„.. 430 'Iry ela 114"4' crtin 111°' 'but .14 Ltrirtstris-Wssirksaises-1,44sAsi-w.--..---4sT .1 ". , s Iv . ..as*3141,*i':".;... '..-'40449.41,',110locolgAsils___•"4- *s°' - .niffirs7174". iter'4-111!1'1:rt".4.'1.E"Tfe' ssfe$00.44/41. Clarence Amitae ....,. ,.. , . on that hez silky g diddent get mu dy." an' Saw him shtrapped on bet -Walter. Buchanan .t.... s.... ... ... 622 horse ready to lead tie \ procsson. rforry ,Colhorne ...i. - , 44.9 Edward Coairs.n......0..- ....... ... - 420 A fewl minnits afterward.; '1 met ,tlis Eddie iDeitrich - ...-. .. ....,.. 472 evixi.deoannetoyunetvhatrydmentuilluvgmh e. 41,Spvancisuirmaan; 42 Itoetown Mitchell- , . A ra., itt gintteroasr--bis --t-lt- naure-----tv-Paddr "* .' "*1" 'Welsh, begorry, twhtrines . "IX -0 Fred Reberton.. 4 * .. * ... 437 Roy :Shrman sec.... ..... :4...,..... - 433 up wid polities- since he w ssent so .. ; , ...:His..„..,...............e.s,.../..,.....swee.szt5 Edaar.swarts ...... . . . :. _ . high, an'. can sbpake sivin different --1:01--Vagt4.-ate,n_4.he00,C,S, • keln4- . . :darts. t . o,ford. ;. _ ... .. ... ....... 43.T. --tr,itttoiliN.lboongs to ail lihl, °rat -a% GODERICH SEPARATEyes. iver lissenid fo,100fell-cisvii, . 7 - ,.„,......., Napoleon Gravelie ...se ....„ ...... ... 495 Mary Iturley -..- -...- ...... .... ... 461 Marjorie Kelly . - , . 427 :VeronicaBoo 1... • . ., 419 , . ruBLIC SC 001.1 GRADUATIO ofTthhae:extiinatimtakt:blAMjighoINATavjeioN444, 1 Years ago. The papers for the pub. tic 8011061,gradutin examination are the same as for the entrance to the model schoels examination; The. soh Jects are elementary serne°. ,alehra and geometry, gnglish composition and writing, geogra$Y1 arithMetic and mensuratien, spelln. English literatu e English gramnitr.' histor e mdp---c-Tholast , two ittubjectil were optional for 1908/. but must be taken in the future. This being the first year of this examination 'the pass mark is 50 Per cent, of the tota ihnd 25 per tent. on each paper. For those taking art bookkeeping the pass is 525 •marks, but those ZE1. l4I 25 ! rAtisseraen K. P. Elks 10.-03 OF L .osifortissitml-soslortlist- leat-tbat es wbat 1 euspeted train lie +lumber iv badges he vwus tweartti, In politicks he's a pastmasther an belongs to all soides, aie all soides belongs to himi After an..introduction to Paddy an' . , seein* if bet silk shky Piece -wad -fit me, afhter polishing it up a bit* he e _ BC.E. Nes *-Iire ' ye mair-issaiitrze ississlistrsoothinkas--dsHegoresssnwit; dee; I, -"Nary a wee Naprith# have I made since th' slimier sltorr." "Then 'tis you I'm adin' tle ad. vice A learned 4whin - studying apos- tolic bonors• in me : unger -aais, nave yez learned that ftle governs trait het appinted judges iv entails*. tllies.vhat et runnize through :tie countlary, makin' ould horses jump . . . t ..4 • s ' • 41. t.4 4-4 .4, • • .. • . .. .0 iR . '''',. ' :.'' '''''.. ''. . • ....,4.4,44t;,,,,,,... 1 ..e - • .4" -. ' --' 'i le'cay way to ngtire . it, .i.i., O"'.U.e , . . .. - Wyandotte Dairyman'scleaner and Cleanser, 5 Ib..bag for 25.' • . 7 .- • oiarammitiromookopoteavittmokitt,04,4106.7.74ainftWsanit3•4 , ' '''' i ' '''';0''' ' ' ' '''. •.-',4, -r irrittr11 4ge,dd. that . -.every Farmer ang Diry,,-'1. --. uiati shoulduse it. . . 7 . •• . _ - • ' . 1444 714ase: -.•Tr$4. ;seal; • qrfien indows.; e dold Medal Binder Twine, , 14 ct;nt:2sOla:\ ptoou4n0de Everythiog-in Hardware at BEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND APAINT STORH • "- . 0 ' e.S***.wa..44444"iiiiveriwk , • 4,-**Itai.".•=,",,,F...'",7:-,==='=7"e,,....(41'...T.I12.1aW4A',:g.„=1.15-... ',T..... • , , • Jobbers and Dealers in neral-Hardwrerfaint Glais,i Nails, Seeks, etc. • ". We make a specialty of EavetroUghing, mg. and Plumbing in all its braches.. soeand ou me head. whin pasain' One iv thim infernal machines "Begorry rt yet nixt, tell, th' govern - taint yer wid 'on an' I'll see that Par ppinted an' Inspector • at so much per, an' -pay fer your own meals ese take what th' shcsirers Xer, art if yez get. tie dob on ••. . .,•... 428 aso , 1,14 • • v.., • • 444 • • . 401 ... 402 ... 409 _ yrreene " . 433596 '-- 402 4 . Limp' Dole 2- .. L. ..... .44.. Annie Lloyd Rivers • - egins.ld __Knight • a* *** ...40 Harry- Sweet- ....... ...- -------e-lair Wood 415 ; g s. • t 1 • Olsester-Ila 'Raymond Dearing ...... Ccil --Pickard --- Elmo %Lowey ...... Earle Soutlicott. . ..... 433 ratidt . ...1 -...-. 382 Albert Cudnuire ." - 604- Plorin 'Welsh . . ••..•• •.. 417 Will AVeistniller Glenn Wen I:ogarill is. Vercey Geiger ...... 304 Blanh. !lek... ...... ...... 53 Usiforue and Mort • Farmtor Sate- armer's Mutual Fire justql 0116G 60111Dallll - • IlOsid Offige, • Vitrcitihars.Ont. , • PristitIeni-J.' SriceePresident-W. rIksanon,s DIRgOTOBS. • Virlit. Rest,. 11011.1411OLK P. 0 `7":"IgsiTtlatit'd= nrenatsitP. ' T. ItIr14, DrUI24 P. • • • notgra itourtui, Eitel ar AGE:Mai , • JOIN ESSERT,,, Exetr. -agent for liabotrao M4 01$11141di OLIVER *It"( ' -toyellibbert, Attellert00-$44-- •„. 11 W. F. IlEAVErtS. _ _ sactttottit. #aratta.r, iatArniftAN az, OrAistouSollaitoti un ro Toilet Goo s ore wirgrap A Post card z r Ye keep in touch ifith every 'no r• re, tit your trade. •We giv When, need of an hinft akfallfiat de ItWif 0111.1 hate noWegeets it you ties.1 here•. 1rd yo% guest deapho hone Itacket * in the win . •Contest . closes Zth 3 - 4 I ' 'See Our New Cards 1 • t ThE" 41 4... '• • "•' McoK*ti 141014 01446_ * • 14 'mle south of Cetralia, cons tainliv 143 acres. -Brick dwelling --a -barn; one ----of -which litis----basemen tab1es. One acre orchrd, three •never fallirns two windmills. Theoil a *slay 'loam, is clean cif weds, well uriderdraDied -and Br ikt class state of cultivation., For terms ete.,• oTiply. to 41. ick; Centrali Farm-- for -Sal Avgoini 104 aerofarm on lot /7. on. Blanshard, west boundary. Om+ tho farm there is a good" brick house. Two • good cellars, wood shed ant teturiinier kithen. ethero is a barn on it 40x60. also horse Stable mu/ cattle bou10-48'.;x2-4- Arising. sheds /IOW tf3/4-No.:- 2 WITT flalitlg 'AVIIS MIAS , lit the • bOuls, - en41. Abe-- other at t -barn *to& orchrds. 40 acres toded. The Aron 114141 fecd, 400' rods svire frnefog. .1bis farm mut 604 as • th",• rproptiett 4ive up farm •Iing on or before -tt'4 1.6t1, day of Ter - ' Oriee. tier further tiarticulara apply • to Ur& Cortitb. WOOdafts* ;Pr ion "..prenitsixs.. Jos. White.. Allot., 4 41. site s ar asstd. this year Thirtyseight candidates wrote. The following were suseesful; WITII-A-irt--=-1101RICEEPINGI- • P ASS 525. CltEDITON [Mildred Braun .....• 553 Raymond Ceurghlin , ..... . 58f1 -Ry am :* Edith Hill . , Reta-Kienzie .. ••• ei ElvirrtSteMtirray "712 -t slime a KT, Garnet %seltzer - to me an' himsilf an' Gertip Short DAII WOOD t4 nslatiorrft cense d •shosv. slam how, th' •thrick ex don, providire yet an' Spacksman don't • piit nif off at Vie wrong depe-s. Lookin' ter aisy money accipted tie :invitation to invite Padd-down t� rite ni/, tut twrku iv tie town Judge!? Oirish loike eddy -an"- -that' it 671 got' arriated ter tellin', wan iv be 72 shtories that kept th' county counell 62,7 after hours in passin' orImi- Sisairld let- -him- off -wid it-swarnin"-- to -tell ' Call and be convincd. that it is the cheapest spot tovii III • •• 390 431 come down, afhter bein' so used to 456 critrice israybiel . • 50 jhe quietnss- iv E. Augusttrie an' Violet Grayhiel ...,. 90 # ... •...... 124 tie -companionship iv 13illy bicQuil- /400.14 Kellerman • - - 610 ta, fulis. wouldn't ray the dochter earl- Willort - -..... ...-38-fer bet advoice i- teillie him to WITItOpT ART AND BOONEBHP- 1 sIstoP olnokin', ibut begorry he •1NG .."- PASS 45 •',blew in Sunslay mornini - just - as' • '4;0 rt.foha. Welsh •...•. .i•••• ••• 392 • Pearl Iliown -• .. • . -4 • Mary Itolakirk ...... 452 Norma Perlison- 493 _glen= • ...... - 421 mortwarriltstrimmillsim rim• 1111 AI& "L 111 1 • evst,,st julye latest in, atl fabrics and our woylonanshipjleed,s -comme • available Our Suits,hre the best, vajtle We have ever offqed:* Exeter.. YAIT _ iiiiii1WOOD ---TIkal ini". the had turned- ttimber • - Norman Kellerman • . 19 dom.n. , , • , . . srean arlimick ,,,,,:, ,,,„.• ,,,;„, '4-94 year an' 11 ,OMOUIMS tWietr Just Sara Petty! ,..... ... . .,, ....„. ...... 4S,it - eZ he takes a notion, an* ho lietvri E.,--------------1-' W. H. Wilson ... ..'„ ,..... ....• , .., ssse notlon ivery onct in a whoile, an' rt A I1 KINUAN, rs D S.• D. an •.d. Pwell's machine opsoid.e • irENtsAt,i,; I Non-. E•d, °comes to tosini woce a YLerchant •$• I. $ re; ,welitz,, $s ir 111311014NS . Exeter, Ontayict‘ • gifttliem remtidies tir6' fast giving way to the gentle Action and mild effects of Crter's Litt Alfred Derider • .. . 30 Norman Trueinner .....-419 HAY TOWNSHIP Ns. 3-So1hia Farquhar .. 390 Anne Cochrane - 390 Robin McAllister .4- FAT -.390 No. 12-Ne1a Schilble ... ear rt... 410 rAN-LE-Y, TOWNSIIIP No. 4-(iNortliyLeo lard Sparks .. 393 yred Watson ... •.. . 392 .14---Vouth) Lillian 'tevens 498 •5.---1aggie Lamont 'fa 4104 1,01ilton Johnston 1 .. 3911 p-frhas-, J. Sherritt ... 411 trardOn %ono») '397 1FlorenCe Uar tln_hp ..1.41--Uthel • Collins ,-tin ..40 ... 405 • rlorenee clark ... 390 awe =t.. r•r ••• Vierbert Jones* ............8 4Teio W. 4b1' earn EN TOWNS-11LP Tir 3,( g 01448 Waring 101S" sheran Win% • .. 300 Worm -cf0i4!tVi:xlrr'. 44-411culab 4 Herbert Wein ... 425 nard threeder . ton - rte1liva "Adr01) Basil •- 41t1 AMA, Astroolit e,4 04 o.10A: r 8.4t.t 00 r tat Carriere,.... tr.$1:1010.1t tOWNIIIP IsstNellits lloweliffe 41 liartY IbSatall Jennie $trtitt Oarch 4vz rotitorit 4.44. 4 risorZte &Wry .... 4 Nell* nelirood 0 Liver Pills. If 'you try them they will ccrtninly plettio you . Centralia be antis brings sinnewan ,w -id him, -"eiterlfiS -bran hy th' narne iv )10440114i),11 'what owns all ib' sirotrisirtoris in Cleveland, -of 4f". Ed. had ariny more shtuff to sell Itoernan'd buy tie rist ay thin). -Huh an"-ints--knowsr-Eih but-Pddy: Uiversity., • .° •1--- - . Dent -at -Surgeon- - . Office over 0ladman Ss Statibury's •Mad itreetssigritrisii. • thought he mot' County Clerk 1/44 ve, ,G. . 'notILSTON, L. D. It% , wid het whiskers harvestiid. thrYin 4.1 Sunda/ with his daughter !Mrs. T. atotit .the same distance from • tie "Di, D. • S ,.. Dentist. Membtir of gr. I% Leis, .df .London, spent to play a thrick on bini. the: are li„ 0 p, S., *Of °asides atid•.,Efonor • Neil. Oraditate Of Tema* Dirrititiii r44, 1:•)"'It'Ir 11-.11v1111(ices 14 1)14;-13d117.„,-!:,..'°. W.13/tOWING: M. itoiex 6 ' . riduttr°Thtotalir tatotrtart sint.t0914011110ir r4013114014 round.. n' Paddy frocaded to exert orti s• -s0 Dicksort.• Were Visitors at J. ripbur's On (sun - day; = Ot-ircy •Situpson" a fernier bather o our toinir is esperiding _a tow flafl Aret11cl, renewing acquaintances. Miss ':Illaris ilepburn after spend - [gr.' and Mrs. Veper, of Mitchell. hes authority, et hasident ewd Cit ler me commission, ?nor a list iv Auto.. mobillies avhat.'et :,regletere.1,:. nay..! °, they hadVaddy. - - -- ' - ' ---7-•- -,'Ix 411--44---444 Of (Wideman from t. Augustin. tie place es on th" map' but th'. post Ing several sveeks wtth 11r parents i office directory' dossent eliow it, an' returned to her poiton, in, .Toron- / he procaded to exert he authoity. to, on Elaturdis, • • "Whre did yet ceine from" set i+ ' ',Air. Ilrsvar.our barber left. last; raild-- , -- r wek, .bita new man -has +arrivd -1'4" ne iv yer business" SPZ E‘I. •upon- tho scene, and the businega twill • " Ver lolghts-- are out!! SPE - Paddy. Mr. and Mrs. J. tolwill mien un- fowl iv th' haern' Yord xifitl" S, he continued. '• "I know', it" seX 'Es...14„ "1"Y's not a da in London ViPi in. 'AT . i tv s, ** . I . ar' 1 t8*. • ,• Padd -1"voa rianery in inc ,ovin par. John Calvin Jr. has cold his farm i tor and ..21 r. in tinggy lo"ke yours Assoclate Corencr nude.: UttO CfrII enlitteraeArcilit4e (14sieDeputetrit of Sitiilfotksweseida.) 1, * Jtkr. jillgtIti..1 'itlitssAlk.,Lf` 14r ItilAdfclerelteng* *XictiVittiti(041.- --r----- • . , . . (la)? 'thierg iS.17101---4-14111. 1.01413t 'Mit *Ott oral 1 ikilta,Otar • of haY is also out. -:14QK..*- WO WA% WO Matadi Ot (midi wart• S*41CRAti 0.1.4D14,411 14-41MAN13/7/0 1*.tlotoro-Bolieltions-ifi • map S.iittLIPS, EX ["R, LIO Jai* exited Auctioner. • 4let con ductN1 In all prts. Terms reasonable • prdergean be left at theTittus tiii 13088ESIIRRY'r ZURICH Licensed Auctioneer: 8ales cast mttt iiitritui -TOMS reitoottabt dijatitotution guarnted! •R111; CAIRNS* Vte-40ml Sur. • eon, Successor to A. PAM* Treats all doniestic ant.. t most approved pttnCIPZ bilattilitron to dentitstry -Offider rtistil4,tss ola stand on Maw streets • Wightialt Peterlilwen's reihietwor: Main tret. States* wharves, lisidgeir stitt atersreed Conchal. riteeetttO • ..ust • irm farming. 1 totes iv it b, county contit dott r ee tie nutriber yoYir...1011r lib, let • Letitlen Oa to itobt. Mitchell at ri good figur, 'aftire. "Aecordinw -01•Ith" revised ta- 0will rte tro • r ogland, cotiand. (non vo7a0). rine ton th. bak. 'es up-sode dwn, Mrs. (ft ev.) Saltet is viiting+ „At. 1,miihayeAttit A14 -10;;t701 411Jah eohvirrs.' . Set, 411- base to. fine yes. fer Afoitg, The Untli'es 414t. at the { tklthoillt. Itystolve Miles cm :Win. I havent brat*turf *4 the 13pwortli'..trtk on !i'budty l!u11 at tW 1Itz per maks twiuty stvi ,foyaiie.,tiine",wfts. smut. :the weather tin" up eth rash on' save expinsis 00, persons being- prsent, A west •nedllar, 14.1 ty ex -off nisy by put.' \iieing" Meat tr, uch an otaion. tOttritetion tj& tii t1 ma/eel:ma A Wile ,a,.7ofn at" te.4tboand re rai, s ye at ttthet settle Ittor4Ac.w... 44r.• 4.40. • 44 - • EY. LO tz,...,44„ lop fft ''.... ;e_.: )Oltii 7.. God. ''.`4._, ,,-.:..: ,,,... 41,,. .44, . ' ' , ,titt...Jillitt . --,,N.,4--4.- -.: .. 4044-, • Thu' Obeli under t c , et ii 4 ' ' ' t, an boor ac,Idotit 'kt ii son.::,,illifillitu 4,10.1sest lleks.rn e1 e4 4,000r, _ if ,,ttc/virt 1 ittot.*14., we- tar vtrAtgiNI) vorstii .tutikotoe, , '014Y that WM* Lai, had IIPZ r3offie .r. Vir; 11. Mitt. jr. at Teronto originafri t iliskrs on wnloyin" eel folge..is Apeut4ig, hfot biiti. ' til' ,t. atztlY 141 iv I* tie Lks''' Shtire4 at the ° Mthodistparsmiiig.t '11, called tit' ,foine off ra* painted.. w!p ith his rnts. , 4 ; ' ' • th! littinber 70 th", lanips in. s. t(O1141 "tviTIIIS' ir'nt lireller 1 tifii8073l;41.°1-4:41e'fitliltlti:Ittlit!: 41141' 1.11Cr's tl'Itt4(111 tl ate notilentitat. around ;,1h11,, neigh. I,Vthrs ever was * epeciflO for, Nail i,. - - - --;,-- .- - ...;-:. --. ,. - -- - - '-- ., -: ' - .olisif-coliill*Irit-- --Oen- - Ottr% cr.1* fief-lavr ,Plls.„ais fii. swifts for . she st*17,,,-eves,g', ,ey, twist. - - • 4.0 4441: * tli14t.e;,..021e. n.t:::i:iitino:dyl.ie.Steix,.0er.Se;) 416,-...:15,1-.1irt::t,. -.11,1:,--.ioO7,..- ,.......,,,.- wre, gnests at. :Mt. 4.144 Sirs. 1 ,r-ikilt,rts/17;f . • i , i . a in 4 t....-. and :.t.jrt. Aaron 'Thv'. klaintsburf wer Ait1; 4.tp !Aril Go. nison's on Eiii day. J, 1 . i •lzktin.. . tilt - • tie asieers -.714 ` • -....-..-.7 .!-- - y., 4 - , , , , • . rt41.04 * 41 it .ilittlierlii; .* *Isiting friends ' around .berfa tor o. trw Weeks. "'Miss alilda assininir '4 , ytoifing ivitli trion4tot4,eoluttlburjr, tor ivilew iwtoko. ' '', _, , • .., - i . .- ,.., •.. .• rs.,Sittlrhy is iiiticrig ivitIt bor hter, 4rir, john zoo*, of tiu, t*. 4.L, . Millman visiteit withher. hrstior. 14r.1,, -(411herto tA., cotn it Y''' TAMP.- ' 44 Sty. James Oilbert - of WoOhile.„ flask*. LIot m 0 Mork Ot ' !, , t 04.. lit ri.A.::itga 4111irt, . I wrkbill. 'At "'ited 11.61r rieirt. 1W:rm.. ;„!etill..,-; sotto, t1314,,waac; , - ., ,........................ - 1.,, 4.. -.At -‘.4 -47,- u . i„,. t,)re$-"Th tii-...-, • 0 . ' 0 ,tio_,,,loAlitteiptifist,(!.041ii:Ittlit,,thelvi.,„ iiai*4 , ii , " , ii '• 1.01, : r 11:411i* 44 .t.t• 1. •