HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-16, Page 4,ItOrdeoL u4 tbl*
0.4E0 ,,CrinSt _rued" .Cm-
knew' or on -act of disco
ot content.with.tbiCriiiiirepresent
tiY thought, that the -party'
ould not suffer It *rig
seSPIKtirliru)tte a4.
tb Country' r*ug with
rinr jusrs cnbIazoUe4 j
r� AK, UflL
the Wisher,
•••.. ;
14. ro.44tn'• . I
tit'zsalesc *Main
tirlina facia 'evidence , of i
ith1iti&uto.t ••• 000*;but, is
:tiugrOUOnY ltrI2e -in-- the
:cent -of tbGa1d1rUflPtl0IfiC-
to pay its wny after -the fit*
cveu /ears of oPera,tiont. rent -free.
4 as be 4°011004 to believe that
the Oland Trunk Pacific ' -Calmed
''PG • that .tthe $11494290 added iv.
' 4tleiV10/0411ittortiftvettitoatiftlflitV.r*
1921 -should be stinck out.
had included the cOSt. of the quebec
the cast of the transcontinental...Ig-
norng the fact that the r,12.ttehlie
bridge wa azi undert4kin Otte
If .41v,
riet 'has giVell aut1ni.-
ised restitution row.
extension of -lihe lottntl-
Afttnitob .
OrtSvavil 10-4q.-0,tily, sixtieth par.
allelo or the nettoetjf boundary of
'the Other two prairie provinces,
• Age to the .east-titall be added ter.
• 1,---lietween-the-Ints.r4,000o of
.thesiXtietb parallel .1=44:Judson, May,
)3e 111Tittsent northeastern cornet_ o
tlze 1* Yitlee to tile interSeetital of
the eighty-ninth meridian and the
00-re......lineL.at 4 point
jhtyi sou eserat-ex:r-mottt
ef Tern, Miter,
tic egialettire so 'desires, to -include
,a1)„,the territory„ to the north of the
revinee, .betveen the t extended
O44.arle4-.--01-34,anitoba -and' -
te,r` of lames jay anit findSon's
_ irattartr-1M-4110-47k4nest_d
the 44egialature of Quebec, that, pro.
ince will get the diStrict Of' Unp
e tie 1. d
added large sums to his •es-
timate for the terminals at SIOnoton
and "Winnipeg, and that the leader of
the Opposition had overestimated the
cost of-tiri 3100 trouribtouctorr to
Winnipe to ,the extent of 'nearly
sages the Minister :611 'Railways
brought to Ida bearers when he 'de-
cla.rett that Whet, .the country ,avari
that hod .wira:Al
.0 4.'liki
0 !'e... 0 iirsaift---t-tii.
'the o And, 4 captal t's silken at
'whit* at the bow, :nut whel.t. Capialu i.
Orldiey, telOved alike 'hy ollicers end I .
men, entered. the boat It was "Up t
iestro ,/,*lent$0143104314tnecttiwggivOrY,w,
ere.counnon fia,i10111 that wore to Mir
111',--"i0iiiNiTilii 7giffiro. - Whoa ie Ir
down. upon the handFanne boat cloth
fintt-ivasipiwtd---for-blat-ho loweil-lit-
heati,., itini" Iiia'hands hid Ids face tit
Plrit Lieutenant Reese; aeting enolc-,
I) li
i would have to bear and tbe"benew
fits it would \get in "-return. Whet
birril06! "KVOlftkt-atalitatt-fg-tb-liTii-eF
t hurtle, amount-tri--43-8;10-Mitt,..or-:an
annual sum of $1.144,919, and ,,_fer
that expenditure the country wouldo-initway 1,800 miles in length
and the -finest .on the Ainerican con-
tinent. The means of transportation
would • 'improved.-
the' products ,ot the wept° would
move quiekly and cheaply, find, a
t. 1.,t_
eve opinen and general. prosperity
of the Dominitin tvould be greatly
tional Exhibition, Yoronto, this .year
will be founded on the siege, Of Se-
bastopol. gm of the post lemons.
scenic _artists of 'America has 'been
-r-reng..rge-tr-ty-a. taint a -Mastilve picture
of the siege and to put up scenery In
an 'exact Counterpart of Sebastopol'
itself. :Russian, PrItish and French,
/soldiers in the uniform of tbc differ.
• ent armies of the perrod will be seen
in the 'siege! work and with tbe aid
. •
the brittle scene will be. one of Orli.
• ling andiintertse realism.
o or an. additional Federal
ubsidy lieu of the oWnership of
Olio hinds in the territory to be
•040 00 the< cases of Saskateltc-
• rtideti that this ques 10D
dealt with later, on terms o__ be
mutually agreed upon bY the Pro*
1110011 liaegislature and- the, Federal
--r"---tattitoment. The--toestioa-ot-iprot
• *ion for separate schools in the new
• .territory is ,also left over, and con.
• Ontiatis aletails in this respect wilt
one of the big PrObIeras of the
.neStecavion of Parliament.
" Mite actual eXtension of the bound -
Aries is thus postponed till next
ear, t e • reso u on paves e
reel, in so far as it determines the
_Actual territori to ,he added to eacb.
Orlanitoo thus gets (the ports .of
Vint Churchill and York- Factory
arullt toast line extending about 400
miles from a ,paint bout cigbty
miles southeast of. York Factory to
14147.-sbout uinety-tirl
of torC'ebureitilf---
e pawn
misrepresentation that is being
ited ibt Abe- OPPosition was Wee,
\ •
Its Wonder!" sta Revealed In Ti;'
.5lount Eton: has
terial far :travelers' toles thou any'
other mounta n on t tri;7411177is ono'
hted led glishinen n eeittury *pp
t'tho Pan -Hie fastlonable Intldt pf
did no. to I amazement
jaw. even to the tient) of. 'tvitttor4. ha (l•
rat el.i.711-117-1TifFitililitifirtit7ifilir
t 4'
'tfttnge. `cif
rilled the. 'sdui. • -The man who
treads Mount r:tr!a„," wrote one of
these. -ls maw abOve/the
Every ri rev on. the- tslatitteMT1* traced'
from its. mouth to itsr;ource.
,•The characters." the .s.a lite .1
tputlittlo, "ef all_the climates of the
44."sevasoWaitudAtiwkadaA41904301 _
n round one, the temperate 'with telt
of tries just n Oen 0,1 th.and. the/trop
teat nt e base of the Pignut:tin, with
its and Ittsurlarit ;veva.
'with the
I (3 ft:loath-0 (dii
t' NT
- • i$*4JE� At The ir10.1.' 1,0V1INQ RATES •
..$5 end under...,..,........*..,.........0 . 3 cepa*
5 cents
._Theseprders„atia.payahlo aj at eroi e'ofa hartered1ank
Atiti-oceprJ41dirtitt titt4 *rid Statttir
.tironegotiable at.$4•90 to the.X sterling in '(rat Britain and Ireland. •
' They form an excellent n'aethOd of ternittint atrial' tiunift of money with safety•
at email cost, and may be obtained witbout delay. ,
1311411,VOltrEteter antteredituir
LSOfffWO Plaflos.
•• Slightly used
At Great Reduction.
Stenographers and
trained by our manage.
;leuvercounts. OradUate
Dattaleecadul. Special COurse for Teach.
• era. Alan Courses. Semi peeteI for panic.
talkis ril r e„ • r`i -
lolIl nod okiiflo. with their
s.turmits, naipeatioder-four
look. down upon- the._ whole pot
us upon a innp.” ,
lu addition to all ititi-eilmater-4,--Jativi
ts reported to Imre trees that rival the
giants of California. lakes that never
hottouilk.*ss en 915 arid •sala.bfe
snow that kept twiny an ancient bishop
siip-pliett with tittles.
II V "Ci ii"
'Th certain. seetious- of the country
there are much. favored words which
are. required to do. duty with a wide
-variety of tneanings. Sueli is the
word ustatirto-amoligt Yankees end up
Th-e----t&ThTibie-coriVersa on
Tsanz IVIAass
• Cory Micro&
tar""bltat=mt.t.t A t !! ee.
--Patents talon a
• veciat notftes, wit charge, in .
111111C finierucan
agAlostratedirealay., AAUlfititt
ffrefirticient=410rwm, sok or
6 I
urd-sy )3y, fileu. ileo. drithaiii.--who
in speech eminently, practical, and
etiuipTrig-fp- lig'. eptrote-m;---Tit
re +the farts co:teeming that great .•
:undertaking, the ,Transtoritinenti40
PM* aG3. rropowe tsmatzrtatit
I 6 press has by fiagi-aiitdeception
ndesvored to orerite a panic
:-.411roughout----the- countryi,---The--cir
annastanee giving. riSe • to the latest
Opposition outt?reak. Were tpeCullar.
!Jbc'Ztioistcr Of itailways ,Iirld
inated his intention-- of treiking-. -
mtftt'fflirlt upon the Transcontinental
on TuccflaY _evening, bUt at the re -
net of Mr. Foster be consented,. to
Arter it Until, a, Liter Occasion. To
'the (surprise of 'everybody •\and tbe
' inister of Bailways'Ini pairticuiar,
owever, Mr. Borden suddenly rose
in his ,place on Tutrxitale•--evoiln -
.1fitieTta6d-to-- inaWYrii'elaboratot: it
carefully prepared orittorem of
cost of • the Transcontinental!,
woman's o tittle
AtWILL 11 fl
with:O-theic' syrnptoms,
XterV01.13*Mt, 1iottItte1it4 pains in the
weiOht, in. the lower part of
the body, that a woman's feminine
o nisatneedshmtedlatoattention4
En such'easTa the one 4ure remedy
w leh sygedlitzowtoivo, filo cause,
auti TOW/VS the feminine organism
to a healthy; normal condition '1.4
conclusion, ,based 011 LIS 0W11 tigtfre$7
log that, the undertaking in
,entirety--wrmrd ent lithe eguittrY
41250,001},000`. 111 lag grVen his '
edire-ttiiBit% -Vaster that he ',would
not makk• Ms statement ;on Tues -day
,••o?efling Mr.'0'ra/1am refriined trail
Wheii beating
,canned Itteat
oVrii and ilotice
or tniri nut
L;iutt UP 1
rd to
• l'X'ar
for fern oaess, heart and
liver an( ,lc 2C trOttbie,, bat Its
can sete:y S;117 r bate 1 oiid n`,Curec
4istrea3ing •
d lsearng' tloWn pains, tiro
owing more and more nervous.
"Lydiar...PirikliamtS VegetAlo Oita.
ievZ,,d; meet all therla-ilistress
t d adviso sufferin
'old* to it rild4
1Witi C.17010
For bitty *ears 'Lyclii
Vegetable Com_pound
from tisand'herbs, hal he.! 1
or fetna
varinits depart-
ments of a great dtallway says out
would, if made public, often .surprise
tbc r viers' of Current news. It has
been gatheied that the 'Grand Trunk
Itailway System has spent, Avithin
the past few years, not less than tit.
teen million dollars in double trot*.
ing the main line, and that Abe
nc•vr Canadian !Railway now 6per...
cas tt e 1.11 test stretili
track .ittider cote ra4nagement, in
"We are golo. to have lots o
day:* said 'one, glancing it the .010'.
014_ you iet-
df With 113,0-
ttibir I
"Ok he got civil to buntlng deer
NV,Inin .on
ow nothing, but he got elVtlized.;
"DI4 you go detvn the Eeteheer"
"Naw. civil or -Win. 116
Wanted lati of ;aphis, • so we went
down the Boomer. Thenita 'about as
civilkapititaa 1 want to iiez",--Youthl
NT n nuinbered erection of Dominion tends in
stanitolni, nasketchewan and Alberta, eXOepting
ti gad 26, not reserved, ma, be homesteaded by
any person who the, sole beed.ota family, Or .2)Y
male over 18,yef of ago, to the extent Of one-quar
r station of 160 crei, mere oriese.
Z • • ,
agencytar tbe,diartet„ w.b1C11,,tbe lend lasIteste..,
Entry by proxy may, nowever, PO made 11,,t an arm-
ey on etitelnedaditions by the father„mother. son,
&Adder brother or filter of an intending Wine-
s eider;
The hozio:roteisler is requited to 1101101111 tho
honleitead dtitlesunder one of the following plans:
- (1) At least six months' residence upon a.nd culti-
vation of the land in each year for three years.
.2,„hoineetpidet:iney, it he so desires, perform
ttiegiggt.isorgsgeace .dutiet, by living on farming
noires than eigtity
'acres in extent, in the vicinity 'of his he
* orig5td-.*
. (11) If the hither (or mother, 11 the father is de.
c,ased) 04 the mesteadet has pe_rmanent resfolovit
--On fartnIng land owned noleli by film, not leas than -
elghty„(60) scree In extent, in the vicinity of the
polowW, or upon* inatiestesit entered fOr by hint
the vittnitypifach homesteader may A4erforns Ids
own residence duties by,. living with ,lbe father or
t lberterin 'Arleittity" • in, the two preeeetrag-
LJ r* is Mined StSf meaning not 4nore thaa
nzariArt,4,Vre,4 1010 ,M*00•44,,, P.10.3
The -best inade at prices that
will suit you,
s Baby
GEO. SPOTTON,-Patsowax..
eF In. stations, Shops and
Otber improvenientsi thus increasing
• g ernmeitl of the road
contributing " to the uribuilding o
-dence iluliegin aerordsnesAvila Ibe aboeWhile
iiiiitliWIAVP144610Yr'ticninvilwit -
howl mos notify the Agent of the dktrict ol auch
ini3tItipth- - not -Ice In it:.
iiting should be siren to
er. of 1)ominienv-tarals-7,at-eittawarot--
• tion totent.
riii Ji: .4* ///
111119707, l7/2 NitiAr //A
fording-added4e ority to thc-1iv
rid property, of its patrons Whic
Which the, installation of block si
s on a ofr e
-nevei--secitre. tiy t1u-4xpendlttlx-e-*
all tlapsf. tnillions in Canada. •Altey
ore distributing---theT-Ileverittei- o.r
good share of it Vining tir people,
w. colts, •
Deuyott3* ,
/3.-.1/neuthoriaeapnblicatitin of this advertise ,
latent willnot he palAtor
, This ,aeoner you- complete as 4'
11" .cottesetrahlascheol-the-ebOtter,i-
*cm ma. ex et ho d
1011 of tenii 1 -Our cOUrste are
it students always • succeed., We 4*
aeas' ad 41
4vmatimoortial, Shorthand ancL
Telegraphy. • We employ tii30/e4P0
IOW" 111-ittifetifpir L'eattAlog4411
free.- • . •
ELLIcTir. &140t.ii.,(41/AN,
Ong, the, Althea whielt produce ad-
_bezZve eggs ate tho little 'hlitielc hood
minnow (Phriephaiei prerilekti) mid. the ,
scildflia.--athe inale-blaelthead AepoSits.. Si
undeolds of ;saves or Witter plants
!Lila *Who tiletif unceasingly until
hatched. • !the eggs ottlita goldfish are
depooltstt. singly tpon the weedsand
venter by• the
ilggs of itfe How Porch
.*r� 1teld "tlier itt narrow strvo or
glistfouras character. Att-
f-4thett species, as: the
Ask; totthibes,etes, are
ri,.,Olisiltrit neat* Or
Preacher's Opinions
Be,. P. Z.. Matte', Vorkii TholdooX,
Cs B. 441 *bran crituit. It pleongo fe
pais a ----1- believe- there
1"Tmem te, sioant gt,e4iti
• it nothing hatter for throat ilia hog
-trouble % of ireorktieevises,ror run-down 14*
tete'. Tor speakerssore throat .11.04s.
tootta beriefiCIAL"
nierged ha* tofts eiaey every 0 it
fletIty M., Browse; Amlie
'or have - often . retool
41 4lakit t ttyie1,
aiir oit1es yekt
it vivito hiv
int,sto equal, reomrneu
„. axe tan tw
d; 'jou leaset1 to
th mv tbroat,e
tO normal, 0
alt, dirt et *dot to
laid" IcatbeEitifelr Wit ;
•-•'.tiess Eat iitteroAtte.0400, With sathat
11 Witte and atertilleSt.,testlfttl.t.
taivaries acgioIietradt,
es.d, teiapetiag tad iptelityoria
lbstese yaichatediy.ted..
in year tripe ta intittecactql,
Itik** tbs titioe4tlifa
of Iii4Eitit tk 1e441"441a To
break the attiVii,
•ttelap lieeeeter •
041-.0010' -of lahe
the ateittlive. i•Taitre II tot Otte
use* yeal4aks,it4414..trY. It
SoritOt 'Of thSta r
-*et Drolly' sale kills printed
Times Office, Free nQt1e wtlt tio
givenin tha paper -when 1411* ar*
printed here; .We oan 11**e:tou1t kill*
re*4 ltor Tn darotsiTtwo .f
•ours.at r
Not ZS ai answer to its erlticas,
with the h Pe of satisfying the cou.t
s an p rats e i t ema
rates, but just as a motto: of riOVZ*
the interesting fact ha's been &rept
out that the Grand Trunk has, with%
in the past few years expended M.."
0004100, in doable tracking the- M*11X,,.
line, from Montreal to VIdoogo ,Plat
s rid° I
of double line- he longest tontitaxe
ona double track undertone' managet
..ent in the world.
At the Sara° time thoY.-tove bee
laying down 80 pound steel where ta,
former days there was fir) and tlZ•
'Add. ltavilng_set,
.iW• Tut heavier standard, theZ: are •
orsTartrarpritorairosate,oraw-rr, omE•312;
ew r ls weibig j_
Ileyard. In other
ord. -which make it, in all
spedts a first.:class. railivaY• Evetj
new.bridge pat. in is_ made to
th heaVest 'I•ad..
All this money,or the most Of it*'
finds itrirey‘ -haek' to the 'Peeketa-.
'7the people, for the work is don* ,
' tbe work, are _tartar
thet products of Canadian- mills an*
Canadian bands.
. ADA all over the vat **stein.
from ' Niagara on the south, 1Vort!l
Day at the North -from Portland to
Chicago, they are ,building new thopso
round house*, stations and otter
buildiOgs, In the double track silopt_
the•company have providei1. additional
ty thot,no-ritere-blotic-systen*,-----
coiild seturp.. No doubt as Witness' -
justifies .other lines. will be
racked ,especially the lirtes lending_
down from tiptAreat'lakes,„ the .out!it
rittk • •
nowand then
poisonstillitt yo
to rttli. the risk of more se
'ingas this Olson trtultip
ruln effi. Iwenty ycart experien1
atheist iffloeMea oesibleo• tit toprecrib.
stpedliczernediestbatwill positively tore *II ,lood
di a ivorst.cliaratter, leaving no bad
fsten3. Our Ntrot Method Treat. '
y stittlettrich MO blood, heat tip
titet4lti, remove bone palms.: folios.
ditioni and the patient wfIt
Keil:tot person All caeet
tr�stment are t
is are foll�wed
tt an ertmindt
wF.o battittO rtpttt*tkrn
vot 20, onto.'