HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-09, Page 5•
- ".•,4
' -44.300,A0-
. .
; • IA
, .. , • . stimix, , 'looms
We have. just opened tedeletty lett icif
Pe4e NU2II0 Oh 'Pr1n4ia VO11,0111,Orkan
e:, 'diea (in both bile and .-Whete); Per-
-elan Layette Printed Orga,ndies, Sw.les
ebeiore making yiaur.purehatie, 'half the regular price.
.,44,...444,..,.: .4,.. ....... . .. _ , ", ..,. , .„, ,, ,,,,, . ifihiiiiii4-11-iti'iatilitifthatne, regui. " - ------eee-iee.ei&IXlueT4 - -4--' -- ' - - - - -
eeeeeeeeeeee..e....e,. tarlfic,,linte to, clear ate.por.,yard We 634434'0 clel tip"'Otte stook 're4
.. .
t• 14,
•'Aft., jet Mee Vorrest,, of )ifOline, MA -04
is, vieltitta arent here.
eeeee the It
. .
0/41'60'. SVIttS 140411401i rr
01'441 •On •1).0.15-11000.,* ". ""',•1 ik'"• - t
Vtig.,,a08,.„-A nd 0i,eitee'
• 90deit; pentett,efeew deeire
10 6
i a art.
We ham aohby line. of Neri's and
Boy's Salle' .1140, Tiee, Shirts, Bracee,
Collate, Stiff Hats, Gloves etc.
WWIet, VAPellt
• ..
I. Z al"
A1e9 a line of mem prints, fejat rdless of cost, IN e do not believe
carrying look over -until
Y.-13,1AVE ING and Secure a bargain.
4 . ' A..
• "
• • Imetherieagonea his-departtarant
e some sp- • -• ices
- oh cloth ng for this sal. We° er 40 i' "la erePa ent we Pti °Pea°
,,--eeee----„ete._ ente„„Iteree, ..... le...eatereo„.....vderfattention.treantlearteottering-thernea
- e. * P * clese ,rices. ' ' •
..,, c,
pe zu t,
• , bi oblkireo suits we hale 004t2,5 Corn and Peae 3 tins for 25e• "•
Tomatoes 10c per tin . _
filnitte ill sizes 220 to 25 mat, regular Best Selected Raisins 8 lbsfer 2c
„, to $8.00 fer $1.25 per Suit. ;pewees 4 IN; fni.250
' Men ii Oda Patti, Vents. Coats, &c. Rice dllis for 2e.
• all eireduced prices. , Lemons 15e per - dee.
• 1"----SOltif-tifie-Orilintieryvaive,--tlirnit,. Etc, ,,.. .
• • We -handle Plyroctutli BinderTeVine. We have a 'stock of 'Geld Medal And
.1 - • • Plrrianth..,Special An ,d_adllinkkle_a_aeit taxeceive Scotworclaat, _ -: -
.4",r,”: .'".;.- •-...,,i, --",-':-.. - " _
" ****,/4.....a.....nr.i....,...............r..........7.7........".Z.W.....;...7.....a......".•;...............4*,****,,,Z....;;;;;......7."...............................a.....Tar......4.41.7,..7..a.................a..Z....;"."*.i.a.............."...........
Btatter-Eggs arid 1Arl7f51Ttild Eat Farm -Produce taken in ptdbange
, s'0
A Vali Solicited
• ,•••••••"`""I
' '•
kirmsof "
reniieliategetft tritietwirttsetra
someslick looking duds
It Will pay you to collie here and see how swell we Can flt you up and at a
ery low. cost. If youare thin ng ot a new suit and not the wedding, come
bore anyway, We will gertaittly ut forth imr every Wart to make you sat's.
Sled in every particular. • • • •
.. •
• ;
, • •V`.,
•• t • end ha be , at e 'oter ,:lp t _
tg , .
.1,..,,,vikvitt .-3)trt.,4 „reOtantly, attended:K.
a Iligit'alitiet et VoireSteri riii '"-- f" , 0 ,:11pw,:$,,.
,A.. - 8,,,4,,,,,,
. resentattrookiir ga-00-.11)7 .4 „iteii ss 11 ilkx, r ' 9M1'f. firaPi *' iS Anil r'4.-'4'.'
Lodge, 1,10,14a14 tOid .1:4•0111 44.alueu.' ,Arilles, 004, .4 feNNI ,px-!... .pl 4i,it
f.11,4,04ting. And 4440Yr/414 t4ti("4. ' 'we!4 Vitii v01,tYtt'11•41.40A'"*°',Nt°4,P414"
., tune, Joh,ne ItPW,0iittf)';'-eIllil":14°Pt' 1 etle"4ere At glut'e ii041 'At k
,Iterete eetettsi ' filF4'0 lie-044ednlyte , :•1440r.
0 /64741' 4 14,
e •
1;:s '
• .•'
J1 lieL 1r 4d
" Ort..1
%r • "
•••411ri."'"';' fir
ft .";t1,`!..
naerce here\ Uri:1g the sihse ee st A Ilk
Ur- tg4.. `tiialien, Who is taking ,hia ' kvge la ,`Ondon• lei*.
ho,lidays - • - , • - \' lieu -foil Civic 'bolidep 4111 be
° A number trona here visited \itt the
3 I (
'Mae 'Lena Strasser, of Sebring- held this Thunirlars uniell SundaY
viper is epending a couple a weeks 'sell°°1' "ckirtion 'will in \Mold
• a 1 Itz an. f°°(1040*
44,1i4i*rif •
.4 •
0 -r
'Wei US appeatentie, • "
%Isis .0. Maw° is spanking _ft, tiAre
• locks' tolidaY with friends in De-
troit 'anal Winda0A.
Trick, the new pastor in P • •C •
MeA'llister appear among the 'list of
40 “i!st church, preciebed
_hient.40.40.valgtottlito4kfitr~ A 94"9
lie•POxi *,-
416Irve:ring • two very e c mit
•0ettrses. We welcome Mew Hicks fo 041 colleire.
Acres, tons, billions . of tiny onions
that-lis*-the-temarkabie---Croirt .
""'llifiC-OltiT'IrAtyer and litilfs
r wing the village of
bare Finkbeiner, of Cleveland and E °
%that is the quaint harvest that oce
Itessrs Fred and William Pizikbeiner
of VittSburg, are spend' g a wee
•„The Linip Ave
a grand sucee.ss. All the arran e
mnets are completed in detail. he
days sport wilt be -opened ivith an
exciting _tame of basebalL Crediten
- wood 61 r I ch. -A very
- • -reupiea the labors of -bland-reds; a pea.
thas...diatict. elrecy.....4, ear that
ngs into -axis villa 'of .ten bun..
d dollars every season, and that
supplis the whole of the dominion
from to , V11,11COUVer, to say
nothing of many SOtes of the ymion,
old fashioned seed knowh as
• ••
Dutch sets It might reasonably
Whi% flie iia4Ons sch_t2P4, Dasbwoolifylkwe_vittve is_grawing, onions, en
of ports, et. Don't miss it. All in. dark green tops of the innumerable
spicy program immediately after in .v b0 --44d •that at -this-raoroont-- t
Turk andWeditan • will take part. tiv back yards, in vacant lots and
This will be followed by tkne lot Th five acre fields the thick, buhi,
ttr"teLtilla. "rk striwiconi
,bti Monday.
Mfr. and 'Mr,- Clark and Mi
.nt-14undo,Y i • n 14. e' Dutch set" district' of Vanadtr. it
iMr. A; E. luhh and MisA ilifyrtre year- expects. to shiP away probably
Clark spent Sunday at tbe Bend: two •litindred toss of ibis product.
we understand one of our cement Fifteen years ago Mr. D. Ur uhart,,
nang left for Dash wood Sunday to at present the owner of flax ornd
et Married. Sueeess Denry. catnadal mills here, exerimented- in
I3erry picking started ;Monday. •
his garden' !wth a few"'Dutch Sets"
Mr. and Mrs. W. Coates, of Exeter. • •
TQlivribrule.liflir'iiir'"Imrt-iffintrwrin-gliN and sendinif whiffs of fragranae to
has even an "onion 'king" and this
the nostri of the neiv-eomer ..as 110
.;Alessrs. Ire. and Frazer Brown and
sister , 1,..isircd,f .taP ''
• ate r /44,''' 1 ,,•.,4,,' , .,,,,
--3i4,,----..-- •
;5•4•1:, ' ' /10" • 14 ',
* handle 13inder Twine and .1Vlachi
eeeektee,.. .
,0;• ,;1,1„.' A
'Mr. Wiliert, or Plattsville, •
iz pa,renta loz----0,-;low
•-Weeks. • #•
Mr. Peter Detrick,. or •St Chada•
visited r lends here last week.
There will'he no service in the lLuril
theran church next SUnday, wng
*TWO Of ereV. 'nun, 'who
cenventraft -colifieb.;
tion 'with that church Mitchell.
Mrs. Jack, who has been visiting
her husband, Dr. Jack, for tits past
few days, hes returned to her home
In St:Marys. •
tAliss Emma Davis, or London, Is
mar* ,r-aftivesand` f fiends in_ the
Village. .
• 'Miss Ettaltuby, or New Hamburg,
and Witmer. of Zuricla, visited
Yearn caeimui eaLttly-D., frainEyi,v,r1t._
TY in Centralia 10 -St veek. •
The Misses jeesie fable. jes'alo
M otheral and Myrtle Grafton, ot•
are spending a few days
the guests of 'Mr. and Mn. W. L.
Siebert. •
• Mr. L. Siramone, who had chage.
of the noillinery rooms. of, Siebert • Eit
Co., or t e past season left on Mon -
he Aset.......s.a very small aeed onion.
as egficulturaX494
ifftareTgeews e to a large 01,
ion. The latter when left in the soil'
a second year, brings forth sieed,
and these In turomprethas„e„,_nief.c____
a r experinaent
proved that these plantivould grow
Ivo!! -in the clay soil of a1uron4 and
R0 began this, -industry Hensall. 1 Mr. Fred •Ghurville, a foz-mer reSie
To -day .Mr. V. NV. emailatoinbe is dent of our; village, Aria' now of
known as the. "non' Xng" - Tie4anitouliti tug weea..brollubt•
-impo'rts the secl;lotne from Rolland
spent Sunday in town.
base ball club. They are certain -1
making a owing this ear. • They
trimmed 'Centralia last Week, score
Lucan next week. •
„Mr.' Ernest Guintgner and Miss
an order -in -council in March of -that
Ur. and Mrs. joseph Mis. Crail?
RIM -East. -
In regards the score on Dominion
Day at iCentralia it should have
„.„ Ary • , a , •
et. ri
- Limra
/0 11
ade ell
&1 for. -lei home in London.
....tikewasrlearvrieitic"tkrztre7Ingni6 .!
Crediton and Zu!ieh :Evangelical
churches will he held at the Bend on
Friday of this week.
visited -friends and relatives in the
village for the past few weeks. has
returned to that city,
Brownies a re open for a ganae with
, . sells it tc, the farmers- end townsfolk
pounds of •Ittsctceeed sine:Isi :xi sni. . isvEleft 194st week for
and other friends for a few days,
eateatated that 1 1-2 pounds of.
win produce 150
cti An - femme Echghaf ter for the past
Miss- herr. milliner for (Messrs.
t. JoileVIS hopithl, London.
morning for a,eifi,of, training In
elf5r.t1 oi Nvian:
'her bomb
pound, ' and this therefore produces guest or Mr. Leitle fideinstiver and
sets" The seed costs -_$L40-.,...- per 1 -
e$04mabte laranirlvLstottliiemre,*lare.;ellbru.Y!rin,aSirr: I Mr. Noll lived id our • village.e ome
J. W. Ortwein. shipped about' 150 i` twenty years 'ego and now n tieen
tons of "sete :".teet _falle_to Halifax.. iniancey:•witio.auregseisdetd_ba,brolloave.i-taltei:1 face
ifiiroiitii„--Ciilgary and J3rtisb Colum-
i)latpont:iV,",.....„1..........bi10,iwo..._,,carloa8s,went Laarat,,L„r„ avtit,r, Lti.n.:41.t_tircstr_rarts7nrt ,,4j311-
'0-4C1•04,egote'''-efeel - " ' ' ' •' ' ""_ -..it.- - 1 • ',_. LP f 4 . 4 rtit44.61ilatiarfell .. , r Ni
* .
Wodarr— - 1 „f - .
-it ishing trip, helm* hs -tackle -Lon
liire,, X Rh ai*Tra-fon a last (week hand before ethe other fellows get
was- sa41-Y- bereaved -Orr -Mon daa' 7-11117 stalle111-1--'14tle-1111r-ittst-weeir-- . -Wiry-
the death If hitittrs yeting;evvirrntr_iato.....4fitairife. liar. Siebert though the 1vind -was hlo
t • 1 e. ion or good
,hadoen marriedz hut twee months.: &hil, and. (tete-owAided by Mr. IL
Mrs-. 'Eaton had b.en in ,the IAA T. ilualore menager of the -Farmers'
of health up to Thursday when he ban, took a trip to the fiend to
was tinexpeetedly stricken with par- ' show the habitues of that resort ust'
. ........ eer ' 10) r1:1 , - , p",1"1t111t11148_ tkr1:st nti.1ii led 1 by 0 owkbeedo,
ed.. Mrs. Baton wav a • member of i aim Its
`Mr. and Airs. w. 11. 'Marshall, for- the Woodhain Methodist church and I we sa.Y' they. were sueceesrne. see
ft ait)ifill beiper
mer resiii4ts. di this plac, but now
ody. Ifer eadther, three elbrothere1
in the work pf that ; sciatlatuitloiatgonterkinEaeseesf eighteen
anA three asters "survv. The chesi id length and sufficient to make
iMee juiy 16th.. brothers are enguStus, of__ Kirkton. ' anteal 'fez .five perbris: 'Twasn't a
. tifichael of Woodliam ' Lev. W. J. ee fish story eithe, 43 they -brought
*Rewrote, ;Man. Iler ' sibtere are the ' excellent specimen Thome with
Mc-. lien' of Minolta, Man; MT'. 1 theta 11:10q1 to the envy of the local
One of the most lu• teeesting games place on (Wednesday morning to
One at home. The funeral te,k 1, SUBSO#IfiE !FOR °lila TIMM
miners of MinOta....MaaLvand...144.11-iLfilheculenP- ............41w7.,,,,,-• - - = - --'--7- . - --: -
o baseball phige4 here for some Kirleton cemetery. , •
114 tgititot---on .1.qy ist •be- •_.,, Shipkit -
,...._ 4, _
7 .E14,dd--rboyl---itatt, hrrii-of-- Credt.- Toto dtodk efteekets.
weene V red i ton find MI Ile rtriii. The , 111,rtes_tor Cattle Monday jar_ -thel 1441,• nt„;ei trmaio, .01„ tarot:tilts ,
ton's , reputation as a great ball eye4 of both drovers -and ' -4111-erct
opened the 1 gfting, her brother Dougall here.
team and went, on the yew with Peelers who purchase for the export errAeiterea'a. Dillon.. son and Miss Christie
some inisgivimrs but after the first. c, of "Merrill, Mich.. are • also
business had received cables at t.lte eieleieg Dogiii mciatic,
innings th-y had 111q game well iend of fhe week stating that Ow i • Albert and Athrthe Geier- spent
hand and won out without Very'el old country -market was cousialerabixe &malty. it oreenv4--az,
much troubl. , • _,,! ' I down In price and they were there- ) Miss •Jsie litePhee ani Miss Josie
1 2 4 4 6 0 7 ' il ' 'u 1 fele not prepared to per iturthing .,elebieasoie,__.ofe4et-efeit,--'aeee--*set ..
Cred-__ - Ai.0 0 1-00 0 0 0-,,,, 1 likv the prWa Orlf---I'Veek ago. The i their geandmothr, Mrs, R. McPhee.
any team their ize-end 4'gG 17. 11 or gives it to them on the condition
C. Clark,' manager. that they sell him their crop , the
in their auto. Bill is still, hale and
Saturday in town. They came over
rrt.Y. ;and •
Brenner nouse Grand Dendr Spent
1:s. Wm. Fritz, of the IL./ him the cost of ,he seed. 'It is
fall at folic tents per pound and re -
Quite a-ratral5er attended -the coun-
. •
Without Medicine
--Pretioner--bife aud
Health can be ettved
Alt Stekness faalike
ell meeting on Monday.
Th.. 3. Hannan, of Shipka spent
Monday in town en business.
Mr- .fle0-r-ge-oltzmit-nit -and ton-,
Clarence. while working on a large
brick house about five miles south
of tireilifori,et- _with iar
painful accidentnlo* _two oclook 4n
Chap' 14.0 . 4'0# 'TIK0-"ACA,
fohling upon Width they wr6
r both
we 1.-W eiltj tCt.-11')IT.S—COilitittal of
'gr. Boltzmann is still uncertain, but
" f
It aPleita-all.-clee0.ntt mattervhs.Lthiilormotdisteae- vbe.e.-It-ree t,teliknoucinda'n
— 11451.11i05-tblihituaki. "Wyly with OXYGEN from the air. OXY N is a vital r yUsheirriebnuTitsnitrirrya.11:1111Igt4T1
Necessity -the greatest necessity life knows*
• •
irkton' •
Y1"1"(64a • 1- # ',DMTOBrataumae-while-yowrei;
• • ;
• ;
o oats o me roam your work or business. It is easily applid, •
lsafe and alwas ready for use. Ito force never exhausts. It w I
serve the family, children etiewell adulte.
Write for FREE BOOK No: 2 to
Dr. 11. Sandie & Co.
804 St. Catherine St.Weste Montrel, Que.
Wants for Hite Summer Months
Paris Green, Binder Twine, of the following
• brands '
Plyinonth Special, Sahnon Tag, Silver Shoat
- -Gold .Medal, and Hobb' Be,
Sterling Machine oil and 011 of all Kind.:,
kinds of
supplies for threshrs.
- LL_
-%Ve hay Salrnon tag andGilt Edge. - (3t our priac.
. The kind that weirs. . iocents • Ile
le A
mint 2
ft t0 40 -etg
large toSortment ott tr'esit'
trout ttitott Cecttir 3: Pounds for
Our Bargain tounterfiS loaded with Slimmer PO
They inust be' sold as we do not want to carry a piece ov
• • •
a price wi 1 sell them.
-2O-plecesof-181-ulinsin all-the-new--
estedtadeS-and-patternte- regular -15r;
01,11N -A-3- OROOK.BR-YitiliASSW
ust-IFi hind the finest fine of Toilet/
20e, 2ee and 80e yard, your choice
foSetts, Danner Setts W eter Setts, IWO
r 10e the yard.
hown in Dasltwoodan at KIM,
A few_pleces of Dress Liotttlwregular 814 011*
'deo cfs-WoO"-ni a
laic our prints tit 7c the yard, guar.. arid we are gtving 'Ten the benefit Of
Shirtings-12ke -the erard-ford•Oe. HOESfee 8110-E81------151M8r.
argains in Ladies, Bloues, COrset All the latest etyles In footwear Iri
Co re, Night Gowns, Skirts, Vest, Patent Leather, Tans, Ohcico
Ladies Hose 10c a pair. - Blucher Cuts ard txforde ReMente
Mena Dress Shirt it . at half pricp ber that these awe not the cheap khtd,
13ogs White Shirts at 25e each. • Mens that willnot wear. but these shos ere'
an Boys Reddy to Wear Suits at the good kind at, cheap' prideta
bargain priege. Job lineof Mena and guaranteed to mese: Our price S "
Boys Fine Straw Hats at 10e each. lower than the lowest.-
A.......1oll au:of risHorkerfa,pre..........ake, scy. raftleirlffr'paTirneliriarVir
R New and Fresh Geeds. 5.11* go
Green Tea $1, 8 lbs Roosted Coffee $
thes, Snaths, Ray Fork Roe, Pulleys
Ear Li
Window Screens. Hammocks, ed 250, 8 Cans Peas Me. 1 lb Seed
Fe - Fancy Cakea 2c
Bnucylnygo. your Binder Twine
Wire Barb Wire, Ideal Wfr:menulls:fiyr: Raisins lfk' 1111'r -n Kinks 5c Pkg'' 3 114/
aa-ateleagetsinr Plyntouthellinder .• All Millinery- to he cleared out re
rwines, guaranteed the best. • gardless of cost.
e' e neit: two—wei.
fot.w.bich we will pay highest market' price, cash or tradoi-f
Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Virool and get some �f'
these bargains and dont-forget that by helping u-. you. are
Lelping your,self. • •
- Market Prices for Frm, ,Produ'ce:.
Corner Store,
of St. Siary14. nnadd wee the marriage
of their daughter Edna F. to Mr.
II. • White, he marriage •ta bike
rut/. 4..) 3 0 4 0 3 ,3 .1 . 014 . tinvatkettfeintliotrtilinigzeffit„. envibieceedert4vvaersso:,..toT.e- _lineiettlyittpea.kblekeei..lue_ rereetti„..Idteetril. teirceeelev_iteei
flatteries, Creilitoli. Faliner, -Ilan '
ItlfirneSrri.erh Foll:Irtort. ISICIattlfte aoilet fused eirly to. take the offers that won't do 41111Y. .
,nilde...„ tlieni„ but 'Mani who Mr. John McPhee left last week
' TI;--tienket the teventh sraight, eel:eiht that the first tots Wan for Detroit to speed the 4th.. •
win for the Vullarton team this, the bet, sold out their stOek Ott *Ir. , jailer beds:lac emit Puriday at.,
eason. as per list bedotv. ' anthillZ ,frene.,50rents.e.to„.s,I„,..beeeel.teie'elo:'eeft7Vbwe-ilirtctions -John?
--DefeatedeeMitteetteeeeteeti ift- -t6-31-7 'the 'Price 'of a . iittk;' go; iiren at. i 13210a Brenner, wife and • family
flto 3:Dublin tevieet 14 to 6, i i to : this heavy ':ilecline the demand vies , ispent Sunday at the Bend. •
Oe eStaffa ;rice. 25. to 11027 to 3; ' not 04ua1 to the amount of cattle , lre,, 1.1), leareeln, ',end family spen
Crediton 11 to 4. -
.............................., ' 1 on liana,. and several loeds were' car- # sende).. .at eerand iene,,, „
L, 1 tied -ever at the ro:ose of the enarket. s 'pe and ,De, ere, , heenp again ate
,Ci,eee. AN ertiZs . irtthr:uttexpeetie;1,vdhrooptiztvin.e_reiithe
• The xlitiyot gas A goot tattle will, be welcomed by the "tietteeoutezee_eeeteetui_moot,....._ , e, .
uppriica:le°:" ,mrr., ter sei:telii:nttes ft.ewoital,airy: oaft ‘Sviainibrie8aori:
it „ i for a dog time 'of the very high jr ' spiereling tr few days at his home
, priees of beef. The decline was on- ; bore, iikeo, istiebe
erally entiCipate, but the period ,of it vee sklefor. of
1411'1;041rtitetetiohatsbc)byeterilleproarlotntgr,eidt, 1..,..betl,e, . fAcnt azt.rer:,,6111rwti. ilcttii,,,..,tilgiviiiinggi
tett' tOtlieeiiig AO- Weeishoit'age' of
- ,
reed iuscitii. Nvitii the incoMing of, •e•-eeeeeeeee--eee- eee -
t toadied -,9lici 41110Z. tell, te!gral itined g , et - i't: Ifettb- .";
ereee red ca,ttle the 0r:tee...of the stall
tog prodact ha111attiray ben. ine 0 0
fl eneeti but the precPilitte tiOrinal s
In ,pricea 'was tandoetbtetily . du6 to • ' , ,
mtireltreakttees tit , the, 014-• countryr 1,,r;t , • .
arkibp, • Drovers "kW. eltriatterit are '1,14* eon I : for *its
of the *Pnion fhlt priets7 taro I:1ot, onotth* 4
1ir6 Iiitliii of tupplies rtext ' /Week i . 'Th0tij of ll ,
, riceeVilt 'decline, ol.nally a.t4 „ltiOch.: ‘,,,sibte,
"-,'"etteetittf taro- --461116- &twig the ,,„,tre, • * 4 itot', •
or!ling :tv.tele.,, • '
1 t
. ,
, 41,tita nrownot getottoo„
On.- tas..m.rityt*i* yeti.* 2 keys,
tot :knvirtiourirw tirfro
trove Okla. No -elle tilt *ittatit---
moo from haling hdlog
thee did 0,0 I, tried eveiything•
zateereite re teat
*Albert t -armanatiateat.-• Vaal
-violate -liaiidiatrattleellaiditiit',..
was. canialtietreatail.'•
.,,,Oraelakaselnitaaelitetitai:ft, •
. .
#0•140 ; 44;4, 4` •r•
k tOaditiotic
410.00, 24.)r. To
• -
-•""'"•`"4' •
• - -
caorrat siocy0;060- -44-47e Is urrtienis, !X•1500,..000
SPerial Attention Given to Vatmerse Business
40 Bra.neherthronghoitt Otnada, _
0 I • • • •
-Deposits ofillind upwards received. Interest paid�radded fee' prinerpal
4 times a year.
or Bre may take Mame on, or to Relied In risky Speculations or With dOlibte
ful institutions that So o ten -in the paSt have robbed Men of theirltardiarn
wealth -
. • .
When sending money to any part of Canada or the world, 1.smereiher our'.
drafts and -money orders are ayailable ;here, end maid at the :lowest poseibla„
rates. Dim money order* are payable at par etany point in Caned* and print...
cipal points in the TJnited States and Gre tit Britain. -
. Otin IliOrro-courteiiitiTreattnent. Ts/0.11e0 Taped •
Office one block north of Siebert & CA; stores! „ •
We SeIl Maple Leaf Binder Twine. Come and see' us• before you
buy and we will save You 'honey. • ,
If you are in need of a new Rope.Slia,gs or Pnify, come and -se
We • •
__0()_,N1131:Caa • °
Atnetite Woofing, Mineral Surface $2.50 per square '
Preston Safe Lock Gatvinized Shinglesrandont.sled Iron in stock'
• • . last a life timeit",
latie aiotitnentoit'aie Gates or hand ''which we will sell cheap
, Fencing. Barb and Coil Spring Wire at right Oreet., •
, •
Try MartinSenour Paint tdo per cent piaci
etXne of out 011_,StoY,esorter.thingithis...baJwittithe
and see u, everything new ,and uto-date;•
Cement atik"tii" ott zand. 00 0 Butter and gasiakert,,'
or •
ee a AM*,
fin Ai see 9,*
1 Ii*yerow