HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-09, Page 4b�eriptipfl 410O pr *$1.00 -Par be jia aid. TO I.Tatitett es 1.59 atrictlY paper discOntinu Rtoratl by, Huban man ziam4. . 11g4. EAlgbi, t 0 mo3t te i r . hittf' • •Is, , o tk neWspapers -o 1c4 4044 trOnr-t 0.v. -post -eUite -or in and leaving re • uncalled (or' 'whflriti.hOription Mains unpaid. Is prilflft facia\eviden e of intentional , • fraud* ' tcoffinwzs0 to 7:11140; . .* lie lent o ..eillest • •••' cli • 14a 'lips rested .waS reatArtilils t $200,000 dwinosur 2000 tielteto t •.1 wo 1 It t at :once (Tor cIocor Ilia hopes. ie Ioct oved at ci Note and Commenter to be rem -.,. ey 4 She is novrivell . -Dr. Tlellgave the world ...., TOM ' . •. , 1304 It 100 8 . li t the , '•IRIPM•••••"••••••••••••••••••••k•o " tbfyt° Iddlethtlall way' furnish. maniala--- A.,,tiO vieulneti *407 01 ber 40014" -te_asit,_21,e,4_,,, _ co,ilarriz' ig the-. trail" 4s extraPilin" "044...v.kii.ii.a'.....:TP:„...,..q!:n/Aiefligry..v.,en 31i44%.4 -,--_,-,..--,..-'-' . 4rkivaTirrIro." yemiyox-,- .14,--,-..e.whi, cli_irzfe. , __ittivivoatuattajoluut 4410trif: . . .,---,-- ,,-..,,,, ,-..------;e-i) undriffe;"' oho said; 't rcouW-timeadtent*-444y4F4PF.conttnet a , ...., •/President rileosevelt is ,f,l,fer:o _ .s .A...r, owl I 'could, not evert than 1,4000 Mho sleep:041i .the di dollar a word. for ari-riocoin t _ f _ni. , 41 r saw that Ltliiity thotazht Vas. dews shut Oil cold and damp 'id bunting exPleits -111-4“-r-lca"- It --ue b(141 ,..tt. 4 ,. been raid at the own° rate ter c'taeb ' 'dead, •*" ._ * . - . ' • ,, _ or *tient that those, .wbot• slew* ot bio "coogressioost messaiges oo., .14±artm WO= Xille-W419-Plit itt.ber-0013111 ': -dosed-min ovn. . • tr_miStandtyr.0-911,4mulalt.fseemedlalmost..ced641114t2,110 _depart,' u-tb ;;;;Ila' Cif tessomassisassa A ...d-bertnniecl-aliverell ,-.)1-3tedicarrinss. magnate. ------4*-- " - • , 1.0 utter a word to save hureoll. She: ' 4, It IS itnderStOod that John ilt. Dar.' 4otild Mt even speak to her husband , _.,,_.•=.7,3* -Tore. sext-htiikister-ot-Ag_ si,_cicu..-Ituv_. _c.,:.:0111,1!___Ihejouch of hie' _lips 4:an her: ,tiffe._Calicher7govi_!4,ivie.ally•olyzu:a..ce, ouu_t for ta aS he bent over het, tovel,..1M.P.1.4'. for 'Leeds, is likely ..,.....---ar lyitwriv,-.4,ilaw......w..,„,,,,mtpk, , v$,rg.aax..xxvtxeuerxsrq.s.mraasu.,ulrqiugnxgxaomonb'n...', .of -........ • . 'n." •, _ , . • 4 JOU BM t10'.1:0_ ...,.. volffifeThele I ' -------- onto...EilitudaLt and %ad an inter-; . , , , , . 137. e V' al . Pre ragir-Wiiitifol . ---':M:r:---.'°". ---Berween-Two-lectiergsr--,----roieterrtwanitruteur;lounirtinik-neone, rgavel is president of t he ,Eastern, -.4, captain of an A 't haler told Vence of this ixemondes paeolt per iDe ....oxtario_iDatrynagnIa_As,i...ticia.tiort. a_P": „.010_1414.t CrAPP., WtiOn he• was oro spires freelz.-4..endon Tlt-13jtat _ Oie dairymen or -Eastern Cinlarie taye pa baes of Neivicournana...ts s1owcd , .- , a solid phalanx in Pte_.§_sinr. i'l°1 '1 or fog and. presently sugeotea i •• . : •claims of mill Dargavel. 1 43:64t. he was nOt.far from lee. Mealishiret.h 2 : Mowing his whistle at regular a. ,sur. 1 b i o ' ' able ' _ _ ,. 4 - roan The fruit, crop for - the month oti Mals. The nearest laid was hundreds 1 43-0 inson-Menn2 non ca of • 0 otmiles away. He could not see es far. going Into n barheen'ohOP tor.a•ohav,0 ,, June just issued says that' weather 'conditions for fruit have been less ikez' the bow- of his own ship. Ile.stax.,• and then getting his heir cut Just to 'Orin ..ga.Y. ms *1 and iiatened as he • • .4 the ', keep ather people waiting. risuelf.:,-,,,,,---i- Ofroutastantes. Hearing, what he sup- • ,;ctothing. It 00-biudensome as A se. ....,.. to be the Whistle of another, etet,...preneft ftyverb.' , ; iose aboard on the • •rt ide he • , ' erigmes • an. i put e helm over to avoid her. Hardly 4 - Le dono this when still another vr . , --4:-.....__,--- ........ ., , . _ t. 7, itt, tie sounded over -The starboard Imo. ' 7141tus-creattires-inv„---be ver. gr , . _ ' Greed,' 'Little ealittaile,:, 1 Ito thought then that he Was between and Tot not be able' te eat -tau& . other steamers.. His own was at cause of their size, as was -Ill.,.... -s- ' 4 SaildiSP/ Vitt as often as he blew • for Instance, In the case -of a bate 3 -3,, - --- p • i --- ......,!:, ...,. , • etbst tio ore But aS a general propositio4i CO. $1.5,006 a day spea, TOople,..A lotteries. -...- gOrlo :pm* rindSootlijiig SyrtapS..It I 1itSU.1t. t ttOns--oreltherA)iirly , rphilfer---nor-otire;r- -71sinreutigr substance* its atgo'ls ItS•guarantee* ItAtestroys Wontts 1 -and alfar$ VeveriShrtess, -,,,It ortreS Diarrlicea•and Whitt I Calle* It elleves i ' t n - Tr bles ciarcs, 1110119A-,.. rllrs...s.: _ ,, 7.......,,,, - , ki0 . th ' p--' Stiouaels and Bowels,. 'gi ing healthy 'aucl iiatural slcei‘ ' l'Itci 111114xereii Panacea -..The Tilt.atitel vul, 1.411.11.,74 ger Reserve Fund, 51060;- C n d and In the Unitd1 States andEngland Every facility afforded to farmers mast teuitirRY BUSINE banking . 'others for -the trimsaction 01311tirti. iiikriii(iNG BY MAIL ; A 115 inOn.es -epos!ted or withdrawn a '41;914tradae redrIttrOelf1"42V"VO"U PA -f :t- good as was expected being AD- Itnd the. dry weather r increasing the a V'drop A fairestimate of pre- sent coiraditiol--TiTfOrilifTb-e an 11VOTt or Alightly. above the average crop of early and fall apples with winter offles sornewhat below -a medium • crop. The districts producing the larger luantitr of fruit in Ontario outth as tke counties of liastings L JM rt umberland -have 1 • er -u He eserrabit cosipssur, vr MURRAY * PI tio vela:Amyl% gozng aneaa or astern. CTO ' hatched out at the a also hove to? It was unaccountable 11*t* - During ,the discussion on Ontario Art, ...., %.,..... ' Mbese ionng Sack each tibial -kw. we sog lifted Whe21-41bittettd td „..s.„,, ...„, • • ' tatimotes for improvements to rivers 1 and harbors, liar. J. E. Armstrong rips-: i op, both sides of tdrn. hti° found , =1"",,,,ttgs ,,11°_uallrat ICC =, . grist larahtoolq brought up the mat. . towering keberthegshankstgue. aole vi,whi4te.dt. an"Ivjxd ye- 'rte.' ' fsee7ttut' sivtalr'bole2Y4. 20' 000: ter of tieeessary icaprovemeats. at T.:0§ . . A Orend 13grid. lie -called attention to 4 usi,s Lib _but e.„..choed.„ the sound_ot his our.ly asstiri Oat Ono potnid.of liver-dted the feet that the tenders ealle-d for .,,,,, ,P.'""*"...Z.T_Liu-mcil” . H. wooing 'in' . ,..„,0t belting yak b:otis . . „it . • .. t --,,r). L / in 1904 included dredging, that by 04°t" e"".v°,,,,Y1115141°O. ' ., . .., , . ----.....-,-.0,-.....--,....., p oarder-in-coencil in March of t at 1 . Tha Great Unknow.,..., = 4 t All Eitoaption. '“ Year under which the contract w s it---14-cisolit_olli to MS II_ 0410 ,stitd-the_ =tab:Li:Ito_ Itt,'-the-Airedging-,;Willi "-St ill -ifie- ut that, an Qr(10:-.1reOunoil was ... .1st 0 IMPt011101-,thelr "adinfin; lase& iii March of. the same year +I I at Ids &cc:mem% "I do not knott bit:6 tGlire4dmirlF1(4111,- P°114 I nlYv saltrunz ono !pito to lasy:t lt 1.0.i ar6-FifaON -., ...0.:, - = ...,--- et-. •- - ,-, 4T+ ** avo---..boon-_- rerrpont.,,i,b.e... 6 i k 0 •.• litf3'.44104Ve • II •••••• :. 33,3 I y.,:zplaying_onAlie_selil$12 --"lics7-rnot-everythhignsir gonnosimiessaminswt....... ,r- AIKVAIC •Ti.hitii. « • . : tithe_full- traroont of the- contract mdvirrting_Anyeell In not and Vdelrofgag142_114.gbfrogit,-,-- - --:-.---- - . avithout'*--dbing any (Iredging: MT. :A t s i •ralinguanother-pebblo-or a' . . Artustreng drew attention to the tier shell than ordinary, ,while• - . 0 Easy inough. -2'necessit, -of kiredgircg the river groat Aneall Al 'truth lay midis- ' 01 • cannot live but a Weal( idal. _ aloud), which is 'iiuvr, eeked--4v-114 .. ,•i i . I L • ' 41 3 Lt -..-" "' -sandy-40de .11,-makm it-icall03.3114e- fnr t. The Ittante---thonght .-rmed_ in 1.4-, iinetaty,,,j,taket :,,,,Mat , 141= , , vessels to get to place of safety. • Ile place's Mind 'when, drop he said to a fist;iontineeificlettitli °Mad 'also urged that repair be tnadgto bin friends, "What we snow is but' - :31adlestillx..einritt.... ';',:ri'211''' - • e , a n4 US a 'prnaches. lion. • • what wo do not knew. is ha- ..., .0 ., all . e ...,• aolliitikil ... , till'a Pugsley assure r. rmsairoug. inuent 'e,.. ., nese unitrot-- 5 - t• ratialit atentffiri, and` that ti air 0.. ,,,,voy, a int= to re his ,desiiiie..,......,71_•••••• ...„ _____ that the ma tte r would receive 1 his opreyainomia; Tell onoxcnce ana probability provision would be made . .Pored into a friend's ear the cad for this ilecessarY • wdr,l{ • in the sup- oun1essic4, "I was, born ' without ,knowing__wity, I- have lived without -itOirrrilirtin-laxit, now r -die without' knowing either, why or how." • Loft ths King on ths Doorstop, I" When Xing Sawar4-desItet to ii call on .it personal friend a menage . t4 this effect is sent earlier in the • . -This--rule-ii--alinott_ip,vatiab but on .one occasion His Majesty neg. . The f flowing ..ia the stare_ ng „ 4etisd-thrpretatuti..,.. ! , ,• the pitpils of S. .S. No 6, Usborue at the .house of his friends found 04 • for the onth of ;tune. 'hoets out of town and the charwoman . Vifth class. Ulla /IIeywooir, . Elia . in charge. The Xing desired Jo' go in Washburn. VI rda BerrYhill ; ' .Sr. "rind Write a message, but was asked by • Peatrth, Ilthea Coilholt ; , ;rimier I.1t. the .earitious caretaker for his card, gruna Hey wood.. Alex. Berrillitii. J. and as that was not forthcoming she '- i3rock :, t5rs iii. Vail' Coward. Jon- 441PC1111.0(1 to let him in. "tie Wfill ta 1 Tile '11137trilfhilL' Ki•iffiilit 'Maki -ad-fifth. Stky:--plealtattt, civil.spokert----gentle.- ..• ' --.-••-. T • - Iir Inez Cree'ry, Edward Itellett, it. tozri," shetold her employers on This woman • saysliyiiis E. poottun , Erie Cotrard;- 6r. BeeOrie 3 ir return, "but as he hadn't a card PlnkliariNt V'egetalile Cornpound •fild-r-dchvic -Cornish, Ma Cornish. Ma. /'left himioutaide."' It was only,some cured 'hers Itead iter letter. • ' -Clark, -In I ii-fley woof itnce. alters:ads that the master die. sfored to his horror the identity of the -visitor.. _ . tfillOtt$3- COtinfrliONTS etd. Arlybri000740 and eeeeription ru ilorgoorww.i.trop p%tropfiritether an -liven on ls probably ta c, enntund ttonsetriottyconfident ai., 'AHOBO*a ratint senkfrea vides; tisane," fur securparpatents. Patents tidiest through Mona tt vo.soccire l 44.halideOblelr Illustrittat1 weekir. LoArest cirs caution ot._any so5entiO0 Journal. trends_ Zr eattedaX74..tt 244Pbstaite_ Prt.114_44. 8.01.4 P 413efo C�u great 'associate n PPM 1. Ye an ealt0402-41 • tulterribronith agG _ hove 3r4 logicrls r ut 81 this way -with .equil 'facility. . Branches Exeter,arifj. Crediton Slightly s,e31 At Great Reduction. SIM'S 01 Me 0001101110 NEM Se.wing Machines ....,EtIA,IMMILIMIl'illa,011.2..........mtpx,r,u0,62.1Atz •-grvwstintPrzongtge. roxvo, ANY even numbered seetton otrioden Leeds in j,, Ile, sjeot, mume rtio Truxbr-ttrat sanitoba, Saskatchewan and Med*, excepting 44 , . ti And 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded by *Ill- suit you. any person who lit the sole head of a family, or any - rattle over 18 yet re of-av,--to-thoextent-of-one-quar ter sectitni of 160 sere, more Wes& • _ . Application for entry must be made in person by the applicant at a Dominion Lands 'Agency or flub• iipucy for the district in which,,the land le eltuatet4. Entry by proxy may, b0WeVtr, US 1:11•40 at an spiv, cy on -certainconditions by the fathekinother, Ibn,. daughter brother or sister of an Intruding home- stesder. I terder„.trid-4.4--sels.144110- „..,aadonAtolesathetissinxdrninonekeiths: yresesirdefnoter thurpocenyoranteultis (2) A homesteader may, if he so deslresrperform the required residence duties by living on '113M31331C buld owned solely by him. not Wm then eighty 00) watt in extent, Itkthe vicinity of ids homes, Joint ownerthiP in land wit! not Meet this *quire - mot. • (3) it the taPley (or mother, if the father is de - cowed) of the homesteader. has permanent residence on farmlinj land owned ;solely by Km, not less than .elighty OD sores in eitent, in the vitinity of the homeste , or upon a homestead entered tor by him In the vicinity, melt hotnesteader may perform his own residence duties by, living with the father or , 4 1310 tiiin Ivielnitylr the prove -Mug psragraphs is defined as,raeaning not mere than !nein _11-0 n adiret line exclusive of road. stow- ancessilt.F.1*-ths-ratianarenittilt 41 6 4ing:1:41.tnilesispla"teader intend • waumingin pe. rtundorm ouzels mitd ll; lamseifinitilAiotifygoitzttheLdistricto fill?mln' the *Aloe in writing shotild be given to • he Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply to; patent. • • 'Airs. J. A. Ltillikrte, :14- Artilletict • Quqbeci, wiites ilirs, Pinkhatn ; - For six ears have- been- doetering. tort-Titialti ...ikriewlreirt,indriervcar GrEstIngi ris OgiresslOn the form of sidntalloirnaed by. O. and Ili -1.1ftd tranalatiO ‘1: you.s* It Is consiltiered,,4 bark 0 isPeetuottrgl the delay' g Ale =vet lu yiPhIch the native holdalls zilad EXiaitrUitiOatirintiltillifinii - roe* Prferad-i-Some one ;Or a „baby, In the Wise wellspring -PA • •ritted-Voungratente.V411.101 tiux,bolleve4f.,-*Altstirt-element,of iolement is MO): lu th0 b seresmIng farce'. " Deptittof thalibilste't of the Interior N. 13.-1,Inauthorliedisiblication of Oda adiertlie mint will not te paid for Ds T. A. Slocuin, Limited, rres4.8 ;fa had sestrsetect tonsump 40entlenieni• - "Some titne ago T began to loe* and filled every day ' quit work., Nty. physicians arid all 143 _ • Nth tg -4011* elievist is (Smits troy saw At atit it does muter what sort .0 reser is fatMEl pat Of. :.01,01k441,tonttr,btabiitt-gift.,.tot. .intpeitelvii-earetyliolth ita t• ax Ot SOW blitititi **lag se it slows. The testa seas stiroes *aid thee doesn't' a rotor held its Apo eel, ' the reil,vitai pasties mai ,!4'Why tersely frees keti Aehowit Withoat -;Th-s----itricritw---rmr-c-ordprete • course in thirfachrol the sooner • you may expect to hold a posit - to p ru • ant. d_ruprra4c-ticati L. • students always succeed*. We t assist graduates positiont. • • We have threturdtepaurtnrents. • •-Ctanrotrcial, 8 ba d - Telegraphy. We employ exper- • free. instructors. Catalogue + • EI,LIOTT MOLACI1LAN: • I • - • . Principala +++++++44•14•14+++•:-.4-44++++++ elf_4111r4k 904411411-ottLitittr confect mat itileteottee et a .d siol, clue OATS vertiehleet ' weed. P 04.ewerttot I* the 11 awl estarilie et the etert, w * tenipor Britain to Perssion'the Aged. ardo-fria teas,' i)ieniesi and h t erel t The distinctive feature of the an. liver anti kidney trouble,. but in Lydia • Pinkbarn's Vegetable, eomtloimd to wis advised to 1 go to thilie, itnal budget presented to the Dritish Rockies or to thecoist. went to bot it ect use of C01111110118 by to, As- •cagrtel/ sa".114" 1°111'4 11 ent' places under heavy c,.t pease: / con - was contintutliv liothesed'witli the .1 tli-IrAtt/611r0ViiOri-far 14110-11411-C6 trtost ;12-0-1ATriel-le$ 4inUed 44"1" rtnilliralS'44• vist41.• b•Y °id illito .--...r.niz-own %loins I doctors to come homo a* notuing more • rom the natiolaal.treamr3r of $1.23 a V hada, 4 -A STItNlk tO persons civet seventy years - could be done for Uolio scenea -7-91t1-7,411(1--Pessearibit----intom 1-LvdrPinleitainIs-Ve t lite -C t° hive left me' ge ek liiiinri« ,-- _ - ---, • ----„,,..1-- , ----- iy- year, This would . not go to ilia relieved roe 011131 thesis diStrei& ."r tirerviregne.ana nine° Ntstt iN Atio8e dePendent elegies already under Ing syrnplonis and tnade me a, Ivo' 1,...._tX U.360 X yliaiVeLgaitLled from 110 to .14 the public care. Asquith estimates %-voinan. II vvould advise all , sittIeriligr Futinult 1: 111"('` ur`-'9 $11 -if° 11'614- ba''''` th6 niedie ne. I itiq. a. We iiittu!til__ . that on this .plan the pensioners will litv.sti, yonng or old, to use I.Jydi arinsil say to antis p .. at ---this 'total le WPANt lAbie, Compound, - o li 111 ritillt OZ ror • ot *x- ' hiriO.• - TEO' strongest' tecOlati. eiidaitioit trill., - a risittaaulfitabarlrealt olax-tri lkag: PV0,4141,...**14 ' ottris litist serleakel' Zgs IscoseSity,"lit sit 1444 must ls • Of ' aotas,sertosa:h.••••••••• is • 'Book-keepers trzbiesi iyy cur manage" --_-•,,___ !atilt last 'Ear, Raper' : icnco coutlis.-trraduatew-, most successful. Special CotIrtic for Teach. Conrail*, . r3tftk". - - • ubrs _ Russoldate- Mr. JOS. 11111. and 'twice. NStitOttl- stoic, have ret It rricti hotrie titter 12.t.t tending• the wedding „of Miss *lean Cole. - 'Miss Pearl and Mr. neva-a 'Maw.. retioe, of Scaferth, wete" visitors at Bower" week. 'Will nt. flee ftr visited his parents at MaPle 'Orrive last weelt. , tiert'e mad' Jena ar IN of "lroivitirs-filts, tereiredie„_ visittlxi‘XAtip brio- AitIa-21104.t.f *Times Office, 'Free notice wilt he given in the paper when - talla ark :minted helve • We can *rave 31101 thins r houre ..tha."or it i tagty, lane :nutritious than 'haul, beef on chi .00 ;Send ) , eronditions wouldiriiposed lot iturc .,and suspension, told the -Vet thirty yedt4"tyriip, Pink.° der uddeil, that if thfs scheme liamts Negetrthie (,014 tind.„ "Mode guelol.fsin it 'Wag socialist° of itont ttxdotind liertri, thOf kind that both kartlea , oreeptol, toildiod nmedy °Ira. ferrtalo will not elket tiatit Jan. next. litlek WOMEN-. Unit I believe it has saved or life; -without doubt the best rentedr or ran down eeiditiosivaild weak !Ong& sincerely ilopO and trost thlityou eontisue our good' work ot savtog awn 'people and consoMptiiiirficar. Whibing you and Pqcblns itintect *tattoos; ,Tfrerain, one ef i(11i5-411tive1yeuretithousart lett -who Law been, 4011140,1s, r.,14 trielittot thflAmnytt 10n, A*1!!, tthruul. tWnur irre'umirt are 'the ritte, the *Mita* ';el hAbillit enerv,'bOttld' tiler 'ital. tlied . no*, sok circled. forai1 letthrted 4tVe chelzc couatetuteto atio „thaw-0*A_ Ala ;air t lattiarti' our traitintiit weak met 'by irtertorof Ofteetnet'fOitiet ladlaeretloew it114,10041111 drat-1014*nd* kij (alto Whatoature t " ultItepe K. :ro*, w,ith eh. Stelteet 0 04400* Of $000 00.0 'NOM* ▪ If 161 41t gitOr e tttsflpJflNor