HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-09, Page 24
• 1, .1111,
ly1-..or 'alas* AS- 014,13f**4$ I \
v* V4itntY *hind*, 1, IP Olit intg-the arrn-
anOther • aelnalli lint yoltodon'
* 4,44\ X •401.- willt4•10, if IOU .
to y$u something fee yOUr, ,,, ', .
tio,,,,t, ,,wflot." 1 . ,,,,,,„ ,11 ucto.4.;-,.... - ,`,---.,,
• i.l'Ve • - IIIII..A. . 00 • ',''
• • ,,,,. - 4.
IV ,nitat',$, nik",01.
•• .• 4, * , ti 01.1,,1
,, vIIIIVATIVitteg-xitlItTO„
.4inpo.. „. they', weilid, Si . ' ilf.'' ,' -• ' . • '
4 ,gratefully of theistrange' Wenuin - °Y°11'1•141tat4' 43'Ver '
luzd come Into their lives, and had : Itliv' ' PililiPo;" '.11A'•'-
... . . .. keenly.
,,fj, '''.--•t7f.,;',,i...i:...• ''.k.bistoicki,14:szt,"=',17'7,14,.,,,-,,=iH.-.,,, fl-:'.' .,
•. It ,O, a feii, 1.41/410':'''froffeV 00 - Chris-
, . ,- ...- . , vit,121...0 t A, -?. A !' .
1 il)10 ' little ‘;‘,.it4V. 660/0/1S; '.' l'iatip t.p: e, . iii sa , vei 04414,vir
, ..
it '1144 00.e41 Of, 14110.Yit WW.4 '. vele*, still. Without. 10-f2k.ng at...h1:,,04
.., ' " . ' - thif$ woman, ,
-er«.as It well), ,,ovon't 'pais me ' any •trtrier. ' Mr.
•:-.-,,,,•-'...;-,,,,•';',.---,, -'..,- been;--)hounitor toreWaft.-Ortight.hoS, voild004-.1:-•hed.-..rk•-,14,00se-•:.fh .4.0. saying.
•• ''.** ;'. ' wit$ ltoinili back into .114 6:41040W84 'SPA' kWital. 1 PI airing'. 'the boy's fortune; now'
ii. '• '' • • ' •,.. ' •. • lingeTed Jet a little ift3110•10 , 0,i•-•?' ' the- purpoisa• is en110, but I ona• afraid to
.„...•!-'';::.'_:•_.,....._., . _ " • luctout to . , Tiler. ,wasi, • ' . ' #141 ,, tell: ' •. .1. mi ht 'be: able to let 'ih.lin•
• •-, . , .1, • - ---, ,
1141.' kg '4 e., ' ' ,i 4 e.',.,.i,... ..,,,.....: ' ,
'T. 7,..t7trli'l.'4,0407.4iNktriS'i/••
titilietlf1t4fhavt:' .ight' ' not . ' 1.4:bo.' ,ti.,;,;;,' 110-4O1hTg..* '.' .. :-,1h,...0;‘,,..... .. :,.. , , ,-;.:„
•• . • ' ,4,hout the nistzLer; ,docarne4t that .they • , si f.tku4 /*Pe' t nO., wt Riii„ IiirLricu ,
,,...---, "kShe---had-
... .....„4 *nu, ni,...„.,L. )*ou VA.Wo, II Carli-01,104 'wtOilitm«" said !lir.' c'
'. .' ' - x901.0 wopdor 400111.4t, her, ,•,.....,.".v. .44", •4'.74,,,,,.:- ICA sq. 111.11,,,, ..,1,6,,meilty .. .4161,,,,, n 410,1,u,A.,,, 41,14ripen: •
A 00Alt 'Of '''"" .1"'"'"'"'" ""."' " 4'"-. i 'I,
ter long a4or rshe..ba4 C(PcIP•P'•-• , row you see at the lasi you (no n* 1
4*.:,* 1 . / , * •
'-•-.Their lives; Above all things, n9%v “*.* „dealing lowly with Zoo people. The' s, 4
: i.))10 .,b4tter IT)004 WO On hot tP.W new ''boy- -to -yo ,..- and -110411401.11"•clY•'
•that that old Matter ot an iti.1 b14 ".
. . • .,. it 1,
7'''''''''.+We'rell4*.*77S9rti 711151:W11.1W" ). I ' ',$*PZ -U -11401)-47,14,3t item -is- OlgolY -nor
rovIvod, she wanted despeAtelv. to la •
•. them see the:bastof ho? --to let ;them uir• ...P e4at n1,(":AV,,:°1A4 h:,',211+11Stv,,,,,,....,tett11,,AhlAITIL,« IN .,,,.. t
44,041-atid, hiNumitrair, 111,,,, in ti u I, what, re; erytymt 444 can't 4,04 144,444v," 4,44444,4 Nef4AV44 **„..e.,..
• 7,., , -27,7:=7.7 l'' ''''` 4 - -t, It---wonit---matter-rt•-she 'xi .e.
hunger,..i. -"tr"viA-,..4y,i• '..t...• ,,,... - limn
,44 witia-,iho- .4w „him to, ..... .4 yit.:- . 4 . , tr; _jam_ are ,se•, .
.. ault_Llict to anyme...„,_ . ••- '
, • " eatitt -,a that-iHvoretp--Inat-• T.
'4h8CS'in .11(ifive, WildtiAt'edii: 'iviltrau.."'S'ita gilliLtertillo.rwifine14:1 -tk'nr. t,40 theal? ellr44, *ill work; lte's bo. und •
, , . .. ,.....-g ....... ' *WWI. ' ....1, ..., a. PM, ....., ,IIN • 1,.., .W.4,10., itu
l AI telkstodittis 1110,ne, sviik,,,,...ate wp.....
. •.,.
h- 1777c-- - 4111-64471111"r"/Lin"rt---Gartlans;7•471"9- la' stmt." I can't 'tell hifit-1- tA. 'ealio'..-.
...• ...
. •
;it and. talk to Lucy Elving.' For Lucy thing to teilow.,,,
, . bad a wisd= .that Wile. had never "And yea are going away, leaving
,,. .. .. laoilim4xl-; knew ni43r° °I III° Ulm al'h'.° litm to belteve thatftbore isi-o her money• .
' Ilan evw dreamt. There its ei, wisdont or, ktr him -leaving *him' to ma this .g 1.1,
the inn4c12Int; that is: the r 104 a44•41° ,ond to discover afterwartiolh-ac ho •C411- .
tii other werd,
Widow at, her
I. that pion*?
-,,si . ....,, . :
.r,1 . 01 .. ., ., i . . . 7 "' '‘ 4.d,
, ,
, y41, * ',441.coiliagtr. -:,•,-, - „ .. k '' ' -. Ihrgely, O11,1 is ., ,.',/iii:4-11 , i.',/w4k4.et.
.N.to .r,..tohnan_waikelt 40.t. with4 . wtoo, 04 n*t. ixo son and, ,.;„
wiggeri, lind.. with iia-hat-sqtruittott 7immt—itylograyamber44101-44
0, ..0e -010,70; 'alter %dung \a, 14*, Ito fowls, ',much dli(womfort„
IQ longer v up berreoi. 1 - li .eot ,01,vid4r .4pyottriiail. ttowdergd,
lif -anY!' • 4enid avdct ",o4c4.',111e. 'Atilf,,attri and seine. Of the Various pre-
; ,•• Var040* t40 ,Parkart sitOb ask the
•n , - nee vire; 0:04'-in-N.P00418,101I,
oiltA •
. it.. ft. .
4: t 4 .*-, t • i ,
Ara:- '0411 :':0 61-tIvso hew ers--Ofter--they:
itipi)s- the next v.ening and would :hove gone to Nog., Ilav the powder in
lapei.,:•in, ter much moneY as a_ wi pP,,,nere -cover, grasp
Le NAP Spof‘07,;•10 ving•-ionlyTto lelAzfind--L;Shalio-The;
Iselt.c00 for 'a, PAT Powder Wie emong tho teatheto, EiuSt
0410. was young. and strong, • at toast Ahno ittnos at intervals of
as work te. be :iound,,in About. a week,. in.lordee oateh _the _Ito
znoneY that --could bo. spared; Chris bodio.; o1. the bird exoept when at roost
OhOuld, have semi part, of 'ILO fortu. at. or on The net. During the day they in-,
,froin the rod Aunt Phipps after 03 -crooks and eraotces of. the was,
7Sio, she Would end the st,011, 'ono Osta and nests. Sitting hens are often
iround-itroit-in-theronly-fashieli-thatrwss nnoyed-that-they-rore- compolled--bo-
. :meant Mittr0 iimas and aro not tisuitlieliiit.iire
Airiett ils,Od the
• that are now 4- ,i. to bo portly fan-
workVs• allottion with word pietures
• ,•
ado thout :soling the
IntereSt to Irish; 1 Sun. ,
" i . ,.• They live.41 at noonday in, sent -dark-
TKO% The undergrowth almost prevent.
A row; post ,offIcei •will• -.4401i gii7ereCte •- •,,, . tod-pen.
at coathy-mocy, ,•trate t 6 arei of gloom, and even the
Ally ,holds the renutatlon of being, on4nais were silent, like every oilier'
4,7i•ciio , _hoSe-...14- %Ore existing -there- _ . 1 ..
ahr Aref.irni• c ' '''..'rrm-r740*4404-sr -am.; - 4Skirortr.
in•=-11sIntrti,, dillenent vlew of, Rd* lxvical forest„
The latest of them, is 141auriee Debates -
have taken so, 011et et the leading colantai,,eilleia:s
tate, conn„, of France, ,r.wl•to in a book just written
ty Galway. eentrad7eis many stateitionts tit earlier'
--Tito ,new ,positolfloe_et Portrush ,t_qp, +travellers.
plaliaLteen. built at a oost of -be-''''' '110-sor-that---nowbero has-ho--totutd
• ° ' not...sulipart herr so.% Martin,- "W. .
.., ,
best• 'wisdom of all; oo U mos alittle
..•'. • ', - rthild is the wi$415t• 14'01 'Of. 14ak - 4142 you mean ,to tell ..hinir ' 'hat
' .•
. .
. tiC =001, re going,, a ag n life 011.114 „,„,,,,„„ r,„ik, ,,,,tziet„, , i milli Tiflostri t',
Id one. a tan '*v-071' • `3-- 4.' ' 7," ".--
., Ail til,,,......„0 wotir,.._..„ktuPs: a W.,i41114 atc.4ot4at '..:',•!,,i/tillia-Hei:;_can,....O•biectiln.i0 tiling.. MD.
- • • -. 6 Illtr 'Wvaiti- u air' . 4.11:00:AlWalOtis; tale .•the truthe. nsit,d, moot, after pacing .
' • tv411.4 groping her -way tto eometIgng she •up and'down'lhe floor of the ..studio for .
.,;'''''', .- • : ' tied ..never 11104ght about at all. in;.. the ...some, mosconts In silence. • . -, •
..';'. . ' ,:' . • , , poist. For thts love that had not 44ttotef - -
.._.-, ••-W4liclirtul-lithi - .11 •49„03--want-ititn.,14-41.n. he ';., : ':, •
,.. ..,,,, ..., 0... _,•-•••• ,
.• . .., inov ,OTifl.
- ' . • , en earth -ceitid;:moVe: , jigre,,,zier--.,-41-oiding- tri"61.4! 1#411 'With •'ttawn,°qst' ;T•°A ••
Z) a-tr3o road* Belfast.
A series of eattle drtvos
'tviiiee On the Clanricarde .
-t.wAc'e. 31125.eitittd_.S.,03770,0* t. -----"--4,to eno,t_a., c:n-Aselwoodland, The vegetation in irts
t .
monument. to the memory ot Rev. Father -ecerotaaviiinedly torageothere rtifithounetait:,it aanedtircvan.
-(•:11EA)3r at
Allb,elifl°a11* « o..o..• -moned-o-.4." rie---. torestr-butat*pn-exaggeration. a sm.,
.Inenage,f,..4,y_tarinecsi_pre7fatirrii fferltrolTererM ftlrimptnetrobte-rve-
.,. ,•.e., _. 1
, calAe-lhanlet tehtG.$•erioox1)°,4vvt'i.-1:fintirpos,eliisll 1/1.1einterv.14, Ilt.‘tV631ThefirreC"ne'r the natives live, well Ix' !ern
' ter Mitchell for trawling inside the pre. footpathsarshow' lead lonn 4101 odtirteitc:,.tmo ins, cuirraniavnely.-
611ted-lintit-off-- the • ettertentd-viaasto-
John McCaw, of allybutte, near -61- t rzniV1-76-1r 'at tialtiriligliwaY .
Donaghadee, in a ti of despondency, ,. Iiirealvaefir6eers tzliragononeesseerft t.blaetxpetriweirnO::4orf.
hanged himself • on a, bush hear the nionis,444,11,avisiwtautiprziett4ily• t 0.0071 ..sii ripped
for -
year -old boy got fire to two large 'stacks dcsetsrPcw'witt:1110.ut lgroate iiivertxttlaolnr ang1711,00'.61.1t efoio,r-
. Closon $4,,,000 has been subscribed
madstdo. 4 ___,-/ • •
of hay, Avhich. we---totaRy •desttoYed.
At Sistrokeel, County, Derry, a four- ;off tb,em by tlie•denSe and. thatny . =-
thing than in any othlr-parts -of A.frica,
Patrick Tierpey, tbe inintaroom, w..ito was lina idruunlytinlgo.preitthathisesleeeivboeswhaa.ve liecon;
f hose parasites. The fro use
She We.% so eager to get the alter of kerosene about the nests and viehea
ilnished, that she went . *caper tively is useful in fighting mites. The walls
orty-tbinextrieveninglo-MWUninate4 *f_theaeuwnAy...bo..,o“IvaYed lore.
She thougbl, *t, -vatsori-41ziWier Aliree'vr foUr-7day.s-ter,i.m.wweetesinseet
a• -/f ittent-i-4111-e -night when, sho bed •-po.wdeos aro- of little. avail.
thst conae there, with suoh different The following .method has 'proved ex-.
,W.Vra.tOttil 0_11.14 #1,-riftsling..,amito#.40_11,e0 when
done with, and that she oould so nth the birds being kept oths'.40 the
now to think that. all was ed It.° weather conditions ore stieli-74-
easily out of it. She went into the,littie house for liveor six hours. Close_all..
Shop, and confronted Old Tagg; but ho the doors and windows, and 'see • that:
was not , at. work.. . • • • tlicre are 110 cracks or any other open.,
• Ile sat in his acenatomed place, but his ings to adnitt air. Get eti Iron vessel
hands lay idly_ in. Jas.:lap; When -• he and set it Onfgravel or, sand near the
lookedup at. Olive, she saw that his ent!re el the house; plate vegsel
that his faroe. wore a perplexqd trn. with kerosene, and On these sprinkle
"May I go up, Mr. Teel?" Sih!lbekediii, ,sioui,,pothrriantixthtety_m&rte_imor orwtot4toline:lorpounde
Man, without answering r question feet of Iwo sp
orfii,44ad yousve•oome '1,1: _9 _ r Instead
•• you remember wha "I saki Once shavinW aiid keresoae, :the sulphur ,eari
about he' -about. her.•running< down •saturated with wood algottaL When
* I" • everything else lain_readiness,,lightethe.
014.,,,,,,,vam. ...._toefikro,A. matorAtat aso. tieit
-• Os Itt'77--mtag e.s•
" _ t • - ail -ands° h lance_th
ugh a wineloW wilt show
and wound , up, se roughly, that: Abe w ie.r---eirTerylhthg• TraTrithe
couldn stand as a bcL1e1 ono • might is very htlie danger of fire when proper
have dope. Bunning down fast. Pleat* 'precautions have.beon -taken to have
go up." . • DienW of soil beneath. the vessel.. Allow'
She went swiftly up the stairS, an' the house to remain elort for ihr•eo or
optiled the- familiar-40ov,- and went -I four -hours, At the end of • which •tinto
Fowl the litho hod In 4 corner ot• the one 'can safelyconclude that 1.1wro aro
roorn-a bed that 4ia4 +eon- soreened -110 living bngs InS410,-NoW,t1WONV tfiji
oroe-came a faint voice. Olive closedthe do-oralltud-wirklowsr-vide opir
es to drive out the sulphur fumts thor-
oughly, and then the fowls may be
law1.0 to enter. • Let them- in one by one,
• beat intolM again, rub, -bet. "Mr. Molt% I 441 4 Very 'lonely woman,, •
•. • ler than ever, and gcneraly &Mg won- dITKI1 141/0 bOen 0.• Wirt unhappy ono;
ckrJ 1108U11;spent: money peaty, freely., I would be glad, if .1 oouldo-to keep their
de -pito taint suogestions on th,pi „art, (4.1
lo, and to let them , thbak kindly of
ort,;:ie as to kooilinny,_ nut,..he-‘,1•Tars_it; me. If you understood all about it, you
wispy, at that, time to listen to sugges,, WtTlik} not bionic trio,-,...-indead-yOu would
• . tons; andthor_o was tixn4enough in the: ticl`"
futiirefcr 10W6141;'lleZ. and
' ,or this new ,bopirms3 Imo dimmed, a then stoPped- *1 -00tet Wailt :to) Warne
: itiout"'• be *I believe' you've done •
tmtre, 'was a iivoileeviv in thn raw .i?ur best.tmder wry difficult, dream-• •
et able Vorne_Y__=-,a foaling that she manges -and I 'do; .beiteNer that the boy
wanted to justify, what- alto bid &no; Ihm,!10 oat kight-mnielte ,
_ , tame, ow. to that 1".• POLLre going, AirS, phipp.9; I shall
teer,iig w rota tot hert) leave be- 11l_ver IlLtir•trcim 1°474 • '
•t• • 4,0e.iniakt4F-iiepsel
- _ • , • - •
• .whinLof mino t dSnail ir tts_Sitqls_get
1.1 AI -""mr.•-••
t -L -
the door, and Wont quickly ii mess the
roam« and !ell on her /mm4, beide the
bed. .• ••• ; • •
ntatiorly• vo Welt With insett pOwder,,, which will de,.
"Nothing the matter,' fe,itid tile :stroar_ 4h_e b. ,Irds,a, __.Tottacoo
1,vonittnAtintlyi-Mverl.'. trul.iiiit.g7.4.1.6440011 nisteeli-Ittlto, now
thing t. And it's not Atint co 4
friattc.71714111.1"4""it b
he had I:eon ppor,npted•to do, Something
to put the broken 'Tovestory: istraight
• If-one-e(ht , ,„
Most dipinst her will, drifting' in that • "L4"*".144oen * 'z'artrwatan
and 'She. was genes •• •
' again' and Pilkeati•Y knock-' fie."..ftit hack 14. 11W bOireT,T*Iih711ilt•
• door of 11:0 - pined where Mar,' intros ng sense et ionefinesa -upon her,:
tin worked. And thoro he was again, _vhr4itopheat-Dayne--/-not4heree-and
tla -hist Olewlsnitie And she gued, w4h, snille, where he
ith-his pa balimoed his „hand. •
4 IIMV/11
ailed to speak to you,” site lick
n, with- '-ehuseWrIstio ab two.
• • s • • ng was. no the portitilt ett.
ILlkey he had been Panting. on tho oer
oasioni of her la.* t111.5 Alt4.4 tuito
Wt oillitiory thing kir which his -WY
ftgurvas posing. • '
• Nothing -the /natter, I hope" **et
• ct-• he drew forward a Seat for
••••,o: tier and- thenomillOrk6d to hUo-eage "
; • , • thlig .wrOrig. with. tiny rdfatr, for IA*:
• "--tottritt.4.14-.,,wroorptj.lifo bUintare
•• • . • •••• :
* 1.‘Notifineat att. Blake;"
' plivo. "But it has to with tileito"ft,
' ' °El saw Lucy yosterdey;* Mortft,
• ,hending toward and frowningly ro.•
%Wk. !!She . seems very
•• she ought, to
• '"Iiery haPPY. Mr. Blake. Ancli
ing that...and Aultko4tAnding that there
4.% .o04 Or. fitistt -to • trilt-erny 'pepliew'o
• , that goiog,.'away.!
• ° al hro, :otoing awayr aStVd, a•
. • lotiorrp'el, ••'?'
, tocatkOot-Mstf.41.1ak4,10ro-lind•-••
,inatott io,*olt« And aunt, .1ito, apt to be In
the. wdy. 1`. came to otiy.,,-.Cibodbye
sad, rising art# holding out ltesr
"1 Oorry tot heir Stri. PhlpPd;,'
art ny Siewiy. • <nhOyiliL 40,*.ontry.„.
thoy dikt „bring
ihtatlem tight tor tliembolvos, as stig-
tt4 thoy o.ould„ t wet, wtsor thoro
1)41 y,ju wo,41,140,0tioitdded.with laugh..
• '14 ..t1M .A2ser.;than,„wo
Ilnit Wei Way for ,Voitioolvioti, Mr.'
tor all. tliat; . Aunt 04pp:0oii
iii(1•0«1 , .
1 You **arid
"YOu'Ottil bki Vory rentailmble,
.0404 blurttlYi e.kr4 el
bi,.."%r with, ai tews int&est
.1•11,14..igiod you think Aor, efto rooted,
kartUly. 'tut in Whitt wttylr' '
• $vtt plut4,4, if* 110 'Into tho t14`41A
' ' by:telling ttivrlhot, yottVe n.
)1. hittit then, yOu ouddettly neh
ttnetity yo4 brIng. letrn 14 hlo tottS4'
r*" 111 (Mr WM. And
•itorzite." '-
• Theirlat
e s ed into her e es., •
• lie. was
y-dhuier and prk•onised
hersoltothat,--tointormtv• Ihmtlet-000----the
end' of tho busineas; ' she, Would '.go to
r444.1 ; ; .1 ; , 'd
ft-out--of-4Vatto lhereaftefit•waisi for
Aunt plum* att or not, to telt
what -Story Ale eared to toll, Or to be
slent; Olive Varney was (kale with for
, over,- She-wos thinking •thaer- thoughts*
:and looking,biick over all the strange
thing's that bed happened in so %bort a
limo ,wheri •
--the-fr;ond--t1 or4rientl--tbat-Watet
,ony is 1.-1houip 'have slipped
Sub .& inany weary 'hours' sucliontftk
ktl!etI last whiter in Tipperary.
--A-Se, tittle -paper- states': lila-4110-.4ot
riga of Mr. C4rooranted Dalin, to the
property in Seattle„ *dual at
$1,500;000, has been finally Confirmed,
" rameen -Uo
Mayo, In tif•iiselir-
• er, who- had -
and kilted her.
Lord. George Ifamlitort, Dr, E. C. Big-
ger, and other ' reentberS eof the. Poor
Law Commission, were attacked• by a
lunatic at Milford workhouse, COuritY•
Donegai., •. -
Edrqind Belie has Sold the lands of
and ,other sinall islands in the barony
of Coolavin ad Co. Sligo, to the estates.
oornin*lonets. 9', •
The North Infirmary, 4ork, received
-$5`301- )equest-1,
'Robert Honan, and $1,000 from Mr. Nob.
fiit year was '
•• lele-44eColirt -while Welkin --Wit
.tt te-egg.-; of-tbe-insec ""arire""Ifol
been destreYbit, •end ne We*" anente,
n. -a. 1 ng a a c, mng
'old hat of nilne;At 'was never -eine
-Streittgr Wit It doestronattoorktooy
Phipps -me& his fertune-
anly....thc...poorr_.-prior..ftioW____ •
-With .4 striae She turned, and plit ter
was Vielor Kelmari.---. %
wanted," she told him obruptly, as she
toothed his fingers Or a motnent. Sit
down,". the ,oaid, Indicating a choir at
the other sido of the IittiO, tablet on'W..hloh
the ,rettadins of her Alltmer i.vOre spread.
' ithfy sweetest Oliv0-4 00T40 to yell
when necessity. driveS nits ho rePikd
-11 om-,, riS-yeix. know, yeur deveted and
Ipithr '.Sepvant; and ,you do toot trust
Y(I YOW(1,And faithful OratIN Vel. YO •
441,* 1 iaitled" sumlituously; tk have( had to
regard With 'Oareful eyes- the-toinS... left
• y-lvekets.,--,.-Vitetrefore•+•tonr,r -to
1.1.•" -flet fettled; back -in' his eliiiir« and
1•14c'd tit her With --:snilLrig-eifhee —
,,,,...V.140 litaiwd forward', tor hr plat over
T he lib`"V « '.7'1'1-0.-irold-iti-Z- ,,e-rlitin to,•y.
"Von hove no tie! • tri It*, Victor, $ave
that Of an old trioutVp (0_41y rtit*,,"
04 . Saki* "1) 1)'t tittorralit Ile; ,beCtiuto
1 ani speaking to you, i /n04 itelleetely.
- -., ',,,-,,fer'lltt last-"thn .'" . • \ '
. "My• o Oh o ' • '
. . . .
417or 04. last.linkok ',Iowan(' 1« Vietorf
have been 44'114 in ;‘rattioi*, a •Shatly.
biAttlearid,4 anl ,t0trlitg frerit'.ibe
.: lerti-itAtivi,,,,, , In Other 'words,,,...AuitL
•11,41,-;40.parls iftilegy- Out' rot (ho-li,
comedy,' 14:bight ,t,rd. you wilt :20 :her
Ito thov.!,' * , ;.. \ • i • - '
".So you Item 10 les*Otte•old aty in
o,cooft3if1071:4skol ,N*141.4.i...N1 #1••
:40rhat won't, mattkr very 1114011, 'atrse
• r halm my ti.spiclott, thot the 0 ;
i.,t wit quito -.so mit as ihifi' torio ' .
,bo, $11,-, .attesatls lawwa, rbee and I 'ohtili
, lat,4% at earl$1,OPpprittnity 41 1,illOylavrt•
-• ,.. ,.,„..---,..4.,--,,-..---,,....•,..-.,.--_,...r:!--,7,-,----..-:-..--r,---,
ir. ',.niii *D*6, .,)rtitiOt tha ifinntgei,
. VittA.I.** ealdi 10/14fe. ..'nfou'd% far botto,
Icii,vtitthe 'mot** *Ionic (ut' port to :It
la ended' ,..•. 'it•GU 000 OW. It b 111,044% ' •
iirtot I by deign;.ot.' '' ' f'' to 4,01)*,
...., .
• tAt . , /1101r4t.
yt,tt AsCtilat:' i'Ver •
• 41 a
re, matt RE1
' '46i,t,*-
.• v, • , ,•
.10,iading of children, &en `ti IOW*
elt1S,,5e4,Xis. re/tidy/table tot AlS nuity
.1'.-entine, WWII:2-.2.4p, 444es-4r
sonaded, and the'atrewels are'd t
more Corix.,et than they were,.
children may Ilse -different ikeelt
wheit thoy get outside school, and th.ey
:4As jord'rk')cs.; ithe foresis. he _of -
ter took his •eontruisi bearings .Without
artifitial iight when plehing camp at
nightfall. lie- forest travellor hes thli
t est "day hcan pursue
NA Mild beirnpossibe It Ilia op— mutt
Teilli°671Y4. tq-tooling-ortlisemn-
!M. and oppressron in therelepths.91• the
forest,, this is partly true. When there
is PO stir in the alinewhore it Is Pior!
difficult to breathe ir4 the forest than in.
the Aeen. and as there is less chance for
evaporation the Ocorarcill-ef ext. 4.
perspirathaw-is mon4oat. ,Jt, must be
wilranVareirt7c:"410-., that 11-7-taMer
such atmospheric conditions a man
. breathes more easily in the open land
be is at the mune time much liotttx aod
fir Imo ra uric P
taveze s art3sw lere Perm ra est
woodti54:Lwith refre.shing effect.
i .
IX a esse ireirOte4164M has had Wm"
Mph- delighlut-experknots-hr Afrt-a--er
Mate results oi the ,ineivements.I' "
• A number, of weathers of the Pima• •
collecting *Cockneyisms." . • ,
Canon Horsley; The clergy.man askOd
,ene parialiteriei% lit ti
name was, and received. the arester;,,_
"B?byla nyrne's- Iynes.plyne lyne„,10,,, fa.
vontly imagoted that the: Cockneyisms
Iwo confined to the une:hteated olasses.•
Whon4ointinicilcatrihe utIne
gords,his-o•wn-apRo. .
is as likely as not to say "sowe- for
44.-.aw .04
: A curious document is preserved ay.,
the Law -Courts. $oree of th.e briefiess
successfiL praetitioner. The gem Of the
Collection' is this: "Dijjer „say yo saw.r
'irn in the:liner The witness, being a
•-tidener-littneelly-correctly---ir*opreigit.;--o,... •
the question as, aDld you say • you saw .
him in the lane?"
geMe distinguished persons are se '
fond .of the Cockney dialect that they .
never use any other. An alderinan at,
a, City dinner said to the Lord Chancel:- -; • ,
lot"Oo, you thinte---2-101010--Prettyr-T ,
' Chancellor oonfessed h • h no
110 oe any .eien t , to a erinans , • •
app2aranee. arin not talking about •'; •;
Inysejto" said' the be.wildered aldermen. •,"••
'41 04.1tt-t1gitgatei7
Dr...',Siteat, professor of Anglo-Saxon -••••••'-'
at Cambridge unive ity, whose lite •'"•,,,
.weric has bee the stud of wor •s•-theit
soun , spelhng, Moen rt and .biatoryo • ,
and who is orio of the foremost
*She Cockneyisms of to -day," he' soySt
,wore quite 'different from thoio.
ed 'by• was born_in4Londe4,,i
and !Wed there for ten year. Net:mitt *J
' thirty or forty years ago did I ever hoar "
the,Subititizttori: 'V for le.. '44well
remeMber the shock of surprise willt„
w e 4-1 first heard a WrterSlitillrM
d -n Lyn -et' when we got to the station •
Maiden* Lane.
'"London has an enormoui• inflitene •
• 5 '1 4 *
!IAN; and that .intluenee will pre/Vail ••
mow and more: itAquite_psqoible that
lit 'eourse of -time-Ilia
teed Eitglish-OPeeeh-wur
bot„sods, and ,• Pie-0es Of dry .,intid•-
•thro‘„ri by boye, and irnmedia.telY drew
. or w•tee Pos
are externVnated. Mter care
• .ould, be- used- to- ow- that no strange
fowl 1/3.0Thitteil to Abe bOusel-or yard
'without Ittivin beim thoroughly rid of
ee,, cite • tisY heat •oontannna
fr,,ee_seLnear_ivr own ii_t14301 PnalTiCtION PACO& klyEs
On bcrknee tteid: 4rigiztitwienyy
ibp Jaw -body arise, and -Intirnolreci be looked fori'aialrehould -he „Provided:
through' beir tear, again ord agt)11"-"` tigainst4 so, Ow.- loss fivitt 014 catiSe In
*Aunt PhipPsAlint 041010 iwpreductot oews ,Ises-tiMated
bac,k1 want you, Aunt Phipps; t doret: be tom about, Iwo dollars per
know what to do? ' tow for tue, geesoni- whito •oorraVolid
•trulte a long time anew:wets, big . 1080 p Sustained in 'the
it. seemed,. SW Went down through &tee eattle-1 'tended for beet 'In view
'Yak Vet hot, and her in a whW* dtaeney--tn•-figlitingitio.k-Oestlf With a rickip•-ot *to „ro
dod for week on bail el $375. Brett.'
..4an *ay .recover. •1
• Ernigration' front 'Irellind: year V -d.
America has touched the lowest record,
theLiAsatat,4,scaor Fkling 16 Let, e • O
attlibUiRd' the :had 144`.9Ves in
Americo. _
ft was roPokodixt.XlIthrsart Board -Of
0061114ns recently that a wonntn.p,141
:Lynch, of 'Shonahea, who died and had
beezi. tor a tong Per4 in recolPt of
Ideor relTer, totalled' ratr
about $38Q in bank«
• 14 the Icingirs`encn, Dublin, Jan10
--Mcittyti4liovi.ry-roOr-owneri was-awa
ed byre/140Y $14250 damages against
tht:•; ,o‘tinaglt County Council for personal
Aro Sietha-- • E‘" totioblo ticut-wooll - --
too groat.. Nuincrous..proaratlow are ./ OMENS
Pbe CoiUnued.) • , be found, *the ex of i'WhiCh is net •
mintiCionver;rition boreti %0 01' 1 9 1)U1Ix760, 501110 01 d the . Width, woo doubtless as etteet;o0 /led of Holland Leads a *Cry
laity 'of hisauditorbe is probably bo more Tepidly prepared arid ,app4ea • (Pk and SImPlItird
talkIng intellectually. • than any ot, tho homenukdo oofirpOunds.. flp Majesty rides 'early and tot,. a
The ToiliOnnitnin Will- 'Owe Come When A vroparetion used with 'tali, stitivfoOtion ciao of tea abblit. z4vim-.., WOO* each
triett-1146 goo4 ratmtlons. tor -other than :at tho° OrttitioAgticultutot-tollogo--icoir.- itotitotp,'Ithen, come -ter morolug*tol•
rAv;rtit rurpos4L . • of olio part‹kt,;:-Zakoletni4 tour pada ' lions ••altd •tallet. --After breakfast Sher
One Soniolstion to th41!, woman' VIA; ot- either Iltooed oll or 114h and op/MS ,htt letters and replies to theta,
Worries .a.Intin` 10 114 title ts that she ferty pari.5 Water, mixed. thoroughlyer drive;113,5 uptite retrintlider
..geta it* •."-• • • • s1irtiedr-onitt--'-eppliellybiAneanst.-0 • .•' --twitiorni/10111-binelt-at12.30.•,„
To rOter '10 ainalt alLdnal Ig 'drat 'War -PP)* dally..111to-grooto5t.-:ohico.' moor no-rafttunoon-4the.-QUeen 100'
11011t0 way t•t/ announoing that linii Von to this in tlx); Otiso of Inalcing.ixtwo ttudiotioir.to hsit tiittistcps 104 (An' •43P.
411541 , 14-4116-1)00Eibtlity41-4,1u34131 _
11 vt cries a AVilit1411 betAtie,ie Slie Nth tVtoti :by IN ,35/lor: 4ho stebte-, • tlitten, must he brief 6144 io tho Point,
ti iluvettHott ,,,1414.11
ly happy -or ,protending• to ba. ' tunatod, at -limn, pp to 4$04, per -1**r .ttitoty. 'end a,sks UtallY tittottico**
Cino,n1co tit/ , g about Wog 4 Mints. "'Monti*,, • • • . _ • . •A,•ukrenteri
14' is, that4,0 „Oet, ,p.akt for all . advImi The Speolflo found irk**, Vtitift400tir Vat,011t. tor ArCiaiting« tit VOL4Pla y1410'
,Pettt. . tho Central', exPekrillaertt ,04•44011, it a,' Wend. .1)1rttcr: whtth serv44 at
• .%onto... unible trot) fze OttayLt Is 4, latititit ortt 10 P41,4 Or UM' SOCA oVotill 44%a *tinitit6 meal
by • t
them • , togOthor„ sod *polled With a Wish. or or 14-a Peot" t4111-4: vo-Y a 1414.11** 604` "An'
veolgo. 06 Pint '14 IhatilY, disSP.• 0741 01014 to the paro•O Meat attuked aliont-tho'etethig -Patoot 0:A1Y in
IIIIPP104344‘ .1 4 r ' as P 4Ind ono . P yr: 'feu y ,er itlialtxriatx(1*-11,
travel as -unoortifOrtablo, as-marehing
ever the savannahs where the high grass
4 OVe ,Vit watt. IL is then the a
1 I
• '
41.$ theUgh, he would nielL•• •• •
--Titereoare,plerity-otosoutOstn. the for,
est to attract attention also, and they
help to keep ennui at a distance. 80mo-
to.og-kripint-mratl ther-iimeo•-••-••-troxi
soots. the -song of Igrdso- the chatter of
ihe-Monkeysflfoir azalea -Al feats from
branolr to-brarichrthet=eocaskinat falling
of ..d•Oftel brarates and tree trtinks, .and
At:night. torlootbs--worideirtul Itarnt)ntes
and discords of itnimeita and inanimate
Atte that awaken when' darkne.p eenn0
• = •
tutgAtistromi- wo.ot .-$
AtiroWittotti*-, •
bi4011,Deei, torrtincithalrrielfuyetit howallid4rAitleng4 yo;u1
Wotilst V.V. Am. 'Whit flecatut4 1 IMO
lo for it few dollars. and do tot
kr.ow Pow to oxfultori myself'. It In fro
PoogIne tor HA 40 tell you4 Prefer ;to
4110 t .rettd you 04 by Meils6nger, who
4011.. Witit-foiw .4Thswer;- --'04110e,
rny deitto,t „uncle, your 'ut9et phediefit
,411d -ifteetiOriate npphew,..• •
'0,;;41verneidie. reiiiertie: 'tor'
1, haie wilitott4,,,1 tk44,40.11)..
„ 4.11tt after- toodtgor 0(1;3qt*
oo.stor-this 1(0er, tut 1 otonot iott4olt.
,.* «-
May 'Stop him or (hat this elettft. iney
ItaL but
t as 0130114O•t11,10111,6tetry. , tto 1:0*
plied ot. . • .4,
''‘„My doe lotik-41onsole. your,Aelf and
•bush to, more , Providenco boo Word
"Thot IS n. niatter. of niijotliiIlce,!Or„„
the spoken wo.rd, and -that-rtoney is %lite -
word itself The written -form is enly
4 s picture or represenra ef4.4
ty, •,10/0 have -five vowels in-tite•;Ettglisit
vowel sounds used in • 'England,. :
should' reqii-re a hUndrod. Dr. Wight, .;
-his dieleet-elletylnary«-givesixteett- ;
rproti - • ittr--WO , •
•-•• i-oo •
p-rtilanet- The eensonants are the Ert IMO
ut every tho diltercuoo Jain, t4/ • •-
ve-wet $.4unds, and those•bave to,bli'ox;
presse, d by special signs with an arbi-
4etry value." .„ •
TISEN 1-1E. "
" 10, iiot, 1 4 th 111 Setql
I' as W VS, tit Y•0 • ,
locking agitator... ",When, 1 finSt 414'ned ' •
' ' ' ' ...,t- ,,... ,z. -r.,;_•.,,,„3
t'5:itit,iblIZ 'Int rw' ttOsiti:01r1IY:usttoabiluilleyetit,l'.•.wto'6'60V'p4iiii:oaail.thtill*I'
, very Oot in my oOart carEttge,' and toy
Ittoilier.-.;blese, 'tier '"` ' • .
oft, "Labdtt6 iblili ettiliubeisltrilt,OTE 1416w,.ledatutalwn, sy,ytithoit . .
4 . .
.7..---)Itivo - •
• \
HLysondor,OW-001.1y)« -40- you
What day th's
•4tSuicil •Our_•-•,:oznnfver,lary,:„. ,Margaret,_.
dcsr iTrItend*.ug TO have ivaninitoic.,i,lt,
,a the thrit).• r •
, "NO such' thing ft t`
' .iday yOU Tirol/Ilse& to. attilif
. «i«,- •
• A
3•40 teel,.whoi they learn they tittrAa, by obout *Ice Week, At the Vitt, , ituao-room, Oard-Playing hailue•av •
, itSi• ttpon Who', is to gSti intiai.'heJaven. • gliiiii.,i4t•ate • lifitint.0itten •••,•••- ' ' • ,WIttelt • Vi,tiVneltilla • ' og;i14!
LJ k33 anie3 rsrobcblv #o • • - tau -14
ftilig, tioh littutt dm* othols trout o retire. thO, Orly hour e -
by, 1 ta a nil gift a noteh Woe ihe41' YoUni 1/10/Ifirell, She wit Mt
01 thr 11 at toalco, tustitedl'out the 'robtS« 'Or040,4 iha galko o.tiotIc
`: igr Iling heir hy tad itt4040 Wh011 ligt.,14/641 6407
rnast pleosout way. even
LI, merely 10 t , 4 I ,
"« ,00ld • woUld4lio artist,
i31" Om.ivot101 my r." „
, 'on turi) ,•ncid
"ti tit .'
,•hot thrit 11000 Of ts ea •
and:thutn* tor '11yo min or ,w134n.slw.wait_ t men Alt On '0110100
duL nd letter to, afi'PlY *on* of ,fiyorPtitlt 64* tut matned otiff4t •tho pal `401, ot- ,Ikbanti : • •• ;/-
°flow " *A you teeth* No.
ate* ou bet Deis ••,' •
- ottreet.Se, dilate. With Ain* parts of voiter« eltalen..11.1,011bots''' • and vteMelt re. • 1104 • InAbilii,t -10
my rM
1.14 an 4401 aottitalt,. ,ortoi ',1:#4114-ile**-*••4i024,1X*1.htO...11 1,114
_1•.kGfle�-'A che Xi an tau14100•144s- r411. *
;no down -toid,triot two of
in hi* reoftsttrY. CtlEt4041 aholfid kePt an4 kring looks kr oast
ity f Ihir«,fUndaikencdzhcdocatahir* ITt tha of too, soverefita, ugly.
t tio wog lute "n*: 410,!4 •
Ott ms thst
" 4 tra*-,tid
, .
se axtv,
" 4 14n