HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-09, Page 1a 4 r, • A. • • r. 1)6417it „ • ,71".*.P451'1.V.,4?",• .tit991/;41*. i'014.454,014%0; • . • . * „„•,' .0” ti • .4 \\, .• 9 fa, , r 04.t *.N-11•• :Cr 4' • •. ' C," ' roc • .c1 ,rookomenoralsommkomato ars vft, 4.9 ' if.iWik0";004e 4' • 1 °.:" • ,.\\• ••• • , ,a 44- 1 • ' • • ' IS s the tittle to make a big'. s104Sil at ai ur Summer Geiods. We, are °log .to let tbetn: O 4.r In Pt*es.. 'DO not Tail tota e -a .,••• to .1,4 • .,• •`' , 77,1 . •:• , Ba it! # _ I -4 gliscourit on ali 1.11' Milln- ery and some very nice ones to •c1:toose **7. olored riuslins ottuAtter uslinsfor..,...-1 e o e 9t 0.e best left. Paraiols stIevi lft. but each one baxgain.„ • , • 111.2.1Prasols for 00c $160Taraso1s for ........ $1 •=0 Netts it . taaes , $999c4-4,14r.--.9cpc. every escr p tou. now yeur chance to buy hnt-at-c-greattyl-reduced- Whitc Auslini,. -In F'anoy, Swiss.Onte .1 We want noneieft over. • Bargains will,do it. • The. 2tig, Diseount Sale is • 't Still runtung. Do not miss it.• The cheapest waistsyou have bought this season. . • .1 • W hitaWear White, i GownsIOr 60, $12; Corset OOltePe • Whte Vests and rah ec Straw 'Hats - Fancy SOx sh-and-filtraw-Efats ust aifew of each left no it-lOntthetime • „IS.; $ •• ' • ! liit „ • .. , , „ ,o. v - „,-., r.„.. , .,,east,hiiit, veer:* err. t).*';..,.' es. • , 4-' - e Q . ' 1,1A :1" 1:1g• •-. . , Ito. tr:Wrecks,:•strectVelering V)" ...' *11W0114'.. 4".:100t .°1••• ''''''04't" ltillio • -labor.. • 0.801 '',.__0011, 'fAus: Ill. ' ' 4041)S. •' • , •!.. 1 :alai vo...iiii'W WailiAltirraert., . ft , , •- •Vu lraore• labor' OPP :;.A. tft alsy Or,' Victoria in the. Provincial iLegola-, jab4. 'A, 014.10 I ,.:0411.0 400_11110014t ‘Nattlary ' lure of Allyota,•:\and son of _Dili. Wm, librarian AMU° t,,,P= :Yir4AGross,'Pt. sal- Walker. fultO kept; hotel at Await '5 '0,)* '0-i.' lilltif4- 4'494 vs .• Wqt-it ,),, ,wr0 004 .044111: 4101 PoulAil. :.. • 1 0 •Milik, PO cents: D. H.. n 11, leoqott,tet:' ..„Dr. tZeflo°iirge%44eitn,,V7trgt:1; . , . . . . 1 Seldon. He has been successful ' in Passing )$s examinations in England, leo his final exam in troronto. His n -1A•to--,-lotate.-1-1/:---Vaar441-vqr. . o: ..• • ,. . .-.Mr. and Mrs.. Nicholas and sop, A. otittgclor:tiritrit",14144'itH':' firtettlAna-li tew days the. guests of Mrs. sold - and 7)/ties Spicer., nes' .niade . ,ileir ,.tr1p in an auto froM-et. Clair visit - WO Srienda in-I,00ridon, &MI' 'will leave here visiting. at 'Hamilton, Bruit- ford.Chlistiire:4,rt;itoltavuoutioonotwi. sir_s,=_Datrialt:011,1:01)fte:•roxlis _,._;t1.1. - the popular pastiii7-61-fre.-0. . street .cleareb. "Bev. - A. '11. Going the new:president, of the Condon eon- irf_fr:itane.-ferenee,---is,ikeziollet Of -the „-aeat.-.4,..W.4 -ence. *4,11e entered' the 'Wen: U1 100*, -ther-sumuter.:iit- .----Es.-Af-Cana , nut 'was ordained in 1889. He lute 'Mrs. -,Ernpst,--Ixitrkinson,....ot Orlon - Spent 41114Th miniatterial 'life up ' to 'sten, is viseting with her ' mother. the present within the henna sof the -MO. JosePli ',IC:Corley. Vint arlifier'oVer-Ivittelt-he nowr-ipre., --Messrs.-IiectottZlillson„..,and-Victor,. aides. 'He has been 'chair -man of dis- trict, and was a delegate to the atZsusliaurtht0A.minon is. the a„st. of. 'General Conferences of 1902and 1.906, (Mr. Going is a' faithisti and • acceptable livorker, and his pastoral record shows s„bundantly that his. labors,haa not boon in vald• Ue bas a thorough grasp o COnterence work 444...14,1Abilkti-gq11 4C_ 441S, 41 ha long been known,- so- ihatratitoug 'arigirbirtnirtif a vuTrairare. 'Xr. leaking Jot probably *one of the younitor virestonts.--th(r.--Cooferenoo' ever had, no one dotibts that heltwill diseharge 'the duties of his , office most taithfnlly- and* efficiontly. lid 'Mr. :"Edward Aver,v, of /London, is ls a graduate in arts of ' Victoria. visiting with friends around- here 1 ege c a sea e or gives --=,-ratst--7.2-or-iftnb--ta sits;-uer. ,ht srieetnny. 0 t felicitations. ' trade" eutherbY have returned,: ,tio 1 7 ,11 • e9. 9 1. ' „:. • L'h ‘VednAday':•Avas °Pi* holt 1164,• e,..44i,11fr„•*01011144, Of•1,t0. • •• so • , . • .4Fc a 1, • 1 ,77.47,1 „LA te-ltgtt--for-Ttteetsli 43,600-carxied. , .1.0,101$44.4Cnight f -that * the accountst of •the ,Advocate ,Offite ati presented „ alth = • .01104 09.80 . unicipal World, sup, - ‚Piles $15.26;PUbliabing the, 400n-nOr = L L , • 4 ' • IX , 4 _ r. -Thos" flarvey- eaentinrt-1 citizens along Andrew St, asked that ,Council consider the matter of build - ug ,n side hvalke ruke-...lohns 1 -that this matter of aide walk be laid over for this year. Hman- •no seconder v. -that the ouncil grant the PraYer of thc, from James street to the. corner of V etoria ,stree-Garrled- rcetstrian .rePresentir4' tbe. Gibbs to_ • = Ail re grant, -no aatiaitT Per l'sike 11.10.' JOS. $!NIOZt_C1e4tk ad a 4 Huron - Aceeraing •to the' asseor's•roll of • I :41 Ooderich the Popniation of the- conn - •Z ty town is 4,632; an, 41orease of lust to year of 124. • / • ', • Y0)1*-11.1.-iet al ,.barl° e 026044. god,eholco. • ., , 1 • • • .: There 4Were 0 interments •tn Clin •, ton cemetey. during 107, 33 ' in •each half year. For the first alr'retir"4-tireeir have =been 08. deaths, an increase et, uvers----the-corresponding-perlod 'last year. . ' The 411urott old boys' excursion brought abou-t: eight --hundred queen •'City residents to the . old eiestnty Satttrilay„:,1_,tft„,etzoo,t11,:„.± ,_ 0 1 ' tWO- STAt*Miitis.* - otgotri •. hoz „and ' the Other at Goderich. 'There Mrere 412 passenger's' on e Croderich tan, ' of whom over half More t• han half the 'fa.oe• a the gozfolitoroffsaterStettofnortlartnadayliesli.ntort,, ,7he tarie:, tiiseephi;d1z,300oueas,thluaroternatie:, „,,,„. . . -.. , by mango. was theiae,tive r:.,:lcs and lie, at p, 4th of 18,000 ,cet or 'more forraer home for manY years of the Many' places have been, mind five Isle rahn 01more,. who has been milea and more in dpth. .The grat- • P01`11.1.64411',,f94 01,04.tell4 - Lit ered..:_: = est :depth- n -t =sounded „Is 31,200 feet. • It ,was there also_ that_ she. grost_tip. Amer the .ilad-W-47475.n4 if the• youngest girl of a. family of; Everest. %the worlds ligheit -Moun- • 4o.the,r was the late Robert Gilmore, and dropped into this spot the waves five sisters and three• brother. Her tairt, twere Plucked from its seat a fxornewhaLoccentric character. who would still roll 2.000 feet above its :4° d d ntanY years ago. Ile 'Was a Den- crst. Into tills : terrible --abys-trilbe so.' so so: • IL do - • roil havIliti. tiii" bwrir.in-Trincomoteez, Chicken, Weig hing atleast 15e per 1174 live weiht. Dueklings, weighing at least 3k DA,. 1.0c Per lb. live weight. per-pouttd-livoi • iU „No tanit paid. ott"--!1-titialterk,_ also pay in trade • • . , . • •• cents per qt. for gooseberries • • 3 eent,s per 1,1:1-. for red Or•White currants iccintepr qt. tor black currants. • . cents per lb. for raspberries . ' t 1 • r .tx,to'04:111tle),01 "t15‘0.1114c} '• :of Insii4.'1 ,terr4); 114; distance. Mr. INerria, waiker. 40.ilititii1,,,„Pt9„. 400(41 qtu tala others. ••,, c.,;,....4001,,,,44# • rcnir villa R. • Mrs, 'Weitsniti. of Niaar, Is at 1,17.ctiePt v,irine with hor Nirs. Sas, Park; of the village. Ntr. and Andrew spout a ow 4.1 t•-w-golt,,-TiAn#4, .41 cc, 0' t '01417' Mitt- -or4 moso °Coupled the Pit Ipi t in the Presbyterian elturch lore on Sunday last. Mr.. 'Cauld is an 101., and flu.; cut fperazet, and ileliverod t441" e•.• CE4ent ulTdr,emse=3„, giving Path - etc, :recount of his iutervst Ln thS Work, thr. Whaien nod Mrs. Thetnas Gunning . • roc 49 A", 194,0411,0 • 9 • * • • rt 1414 *KIK kit( • Martin Sersoml EiOor Paint at 4se qt. , ,:•01"4,‘‘ YRA.?4,3', Wit' if $ • ellets\frt:iin • S 41' Vi-ii.',.,1!;••,0 ••••, r•#. ,,,„:".",4°,--:"*.".-f•"":„.r.,'":":nr."-.4-.• • - • . - • ND PAINT. STO'R . . . • a ers an ers I Sanders •spent Sunday with friends v. MiSsliottieSviirres this wek. /Ars. John illaziebod. who has been on the sick list, IS „nicel. im- proving And vi,11 soon' be able to be around 4.4111# "The their month/ odgson's.. ,-.44.1=4,4-1.04kvey,,,,Sotherby.-drove-over- frm St. 'Marys on Nunday to visit With friend around here. C A TOR IA ttuP ner the 'Briih array and lstAv waters, press down with a force of 4hilind—Youliatellwa Bears the Signature of., Shclf afid---6016rallidWate Paints Glass; Nails; Seeks, etc, We make-a_pecalty Of Eavetrou hing, 'Roof.' facalcaa;c3taciacclinagtagagZEbniakilgarcalalik.acktLibralk 2taXacccarammaincw...eaccacccurcareaccrocc26-0.9caccac4cCaps -Cali and -be -convinced -that. it -is ,the cheapest Ispot • 4.494•19.4444444.441114141111101014119 1 Lueall • ' aried-service.in butir-thellEttat--and-more,„-„..thalt 10.0.01)._Ponnds -to the Vest Indies.stone of the -older child- sauare inch, 'rhe staunchest, ship Following Js the reliert of •the re - rent entrance. exarninat'ons held here -- ;110$1"10 -everd-httiltl-would----be- crumbled -under. .0•.li ggshett---„,.unite-Lnteant :„.„,reller. .,.,A.., itiOr--t. "lilytalit-----atter:-' .-pitte4earateen.„-feet4ng, ...,;',.xvlii wards removed-to---Wingharn, where held open tie rneath or a trawl used •the-oldensioner-T- att--12e. vas- called-. :in' Making ir east at' a depth-, of • kept a . little naarkot garden and.,,n. :cre..tban. 48.000 feet, was crtei • ronnle of Cows" the milk of which • flt, .ha it it had lacen, passed between •!Fanny, as fi,,_r shy_ _httle__Ganadian rollere..i, The body of the man who •-girl at that tittle, delivered to a fesv should:" itter:tut* ter Venture to sitch w...elki,nen..familics In_00_- tolItn,. .4.10ths would be cora :rested until the at long ,after,. her father's death, flesli was forcedInto , e 1 I etstices ber-toothek,„-Inarried--asainand.---thet li i • i• • • thev4031111/ ' #111'''''' ( #'*i rt . # _• . i. , # • I' I. Ill : .4 ; ..VA. . over the i Unitd, itate. and Other an neatored to._:_Alitteient.___pl. body 711d-rach theAIOltam, _ f• '' . ham, 44thk ip 4011a- piaCe$. ,the eldert..aort"'_,40J314A: . the snythin that will mink in A tub, of Ewen, Frederic -14c rgel,' „Alfred water 1" ill. oink, to the uttevnost Miller Vortile Mitchell; Harry Neil, ards- settling nri4 ',Port.. :'141:ntieeil.' Albrta; ,iiietne ‘o - tile others led a s--of-tli-etn'af-argi'llitellaitt--- ..: n&ttbrlyrin--u7r-titttliur'-011geilt Mae\ Wittily" SmnParkt,--NVinni • 'or =west :menu+ ell Pollee' anu ar'..,C44, sadlY • brief end: tragc, 'exitnce4 . Par4uhor . park, oetwee vhinn, Carie. newly • John 'Ready, .Clarit '' ItosSerA. 'Lillian, among them being the 'eldet 41'1, .. Dr. Atekne.Y, of Ottawa. visited-ShipleY. Aartba ' Shinie, 's :Lrne' who had Joined ai travelling: circus, his Inatberf.Alt& ;Thte44-14A0knelts-„,lst., and was said to haft afterwards met eek. . - ' •reitill:t*ii1141,,BtMgit*erjte‘alreeiir!iPvtiel..*:' .4, violent death In ' Texas.- and . has - Vitas Vera Cloward, 'of' Win'Ohelserh Wir, ti‘filda 1 estarrtn. never been heard of sinc although- Is 4101ting Pt Mr. Geo. Dell'; • ban, AdaAtkinSon diligent seareli •wris niade for details- 'Mr. StWart,, of Pttsburg'''. is vls- , ltev4 gr. liolnesi_!_witeor tite_paat ' . . 1it TUat ;IVa L -Anotht. tliter, „, ig'14)13.nlibw4 'W.-WM. Stwart tOtIr lOtit.4. hs, been,' 'the -pastor ":0 wa* irtiatriedr•in ennad, but vies : 4 .„.. „*.00,' ---„, - - .„ ., ..l.', ' rthe Ilfethadist °Chin et. left lastWele" I forwards divorced and subseluetit y.' '' no- everat 1,ratn ' nere. attemteu the "with his-fatity for his --new charge beefttne Al) aetress• in Wow . York. 'Llanertil, or the, late Vtrim. Dinnin bn at. Sarnia. ' 'Melt* departUre i-ettr.. Another went. to Volorado , where 4:41041143?-, • ' * • . allY regretted in lAnrip. , . she ran an opera' Ilona° -ale ' latOOsa.,, '' and .Mrs. •A; .eattipbell, Mr. 1 Mrs. W.illollinif.' Mr.' lehti Rollin, Sat tewart spent tra ilia • . itind irg ri-7.g. -Sits & i Mrad- . istes. 1.,,,,.Vllinton. Tiollin; i llayitig is progresing: slotyly en .1 and Ms: a, thr)tiiif w". ha. t'ur444,11 urday. to Monday at the lenti. . 11441r, .a,pd $trS.. 'Wllington Ifoilolos: • - ir‘ceonnt of the, wet Avrither. - .. te4n-- WAtletiviy. to - attend the--tasr. _OPP 0101414 atavbi 4,4,4144.4.4,4444“. 4444 4144444.4.440. 444,44•4444 4104,44.4114* I I , • • Usblirlii tratillbUert 1 -inlir11111 FT VIA... • anGt60mpa11u. —Farctuttarm, s4ent,--4. L. iltilSSELV. . 1' irxesidrtt,-.W. IL VASSIKOlt11 t • Dzaztrroit. • Rex. .• Bcontriott.P.. Bittai7g Wmunr.entA 114. O. T., RAN, Drrnatt -P, • MOUT NORRIS, Stan& ” •#filEINITKi, -•" Exeter.' icatit- rot Ana • Bioduipb. • gtos, stunroi. *font At? otilibeof. )3`011rtnn allop. azAverts, secvTrests. Fatciuhar 11. • $11.041)14ft A/IL /is 11T,ANBOXtri. 94 *WA 111 4 i ttLaiii • • 111.11 1 146 NC M1.19•1441, • Prices Paid -woo 5 TIIOS ELSiON entralia SawMills 1 ' , • e rietitit birthda ; And send' ,o our ititure Rostals., ys soreething 'new an- Ood you vitt fiod it here dtvirstotei s wettkif ntaraet." um. tots et ,Tattum sod, Toth' ,r0*. l'Unte-A mkt op#,Itsith 1touts • • iSite ilhOtiogtspiis. I Ple- 1441.4. Retools. • heat them: .11 PURITY +814. es, * • ,11 I • 1 Brown, Amelia Brownlee, Altna "Bur- ntt,. (Harold Butler, Itussell Geor:e 'car or. • $1 _ore aseY., Donald Chown, JOsopli COhotin;G`Mary V010:flan,: l‘fahleBillott. clement Alavin, Fred Grieve, Muriel Ilas- kete,Gerald Uo1gins, Graee nod- gins, itonle _ une • o Vern0304ginshchtri ad/ 11111 ler rWe-lavethe -latest In all fabrics and our workmanship. needs, --- 12-0 ent.WI:tr.-always:, 1 -have -t-he --bet - . - IV 1 111 ble value Merchant - .Botor. - .• Exeter Olitartp • • ivisiting Mr, Prarit-±-lliek, • Itlio' -lives nernorthL* ting at Mr. : E. Oat -41100e*, 1 1, . Witt. ' DeillitiSe Ali Vrantircelcil 11. ', 0- .., miss .14'islOct Turnbull. et -Toronto, 4 riage' ot Miss Uthel Ecegles to Mr. of Toronto, sPent-Dotninion Day withI'' '.The followin ' f 0 - , eittrm_inded__ Mi s* Xatilleett i'Fox ..,,liati returnel. his tirents Mr. and Mrs,' Richard the jubilee at the first Vreshyterlau I finin --tr-veles-• Visit ,..sy Ltieks.. ' ' . - 'ehugeh, St.• Marys on 'Sunday last :mooney. of Str*,tfor40 I irfiteid -school during -ttier.p4stiour •tind.'Mit,T. trIardiner. Messrs. :. erls intilinery estahltahtnentv 3:0011!; FaMiss nottriji, , who __ htwtanglit the Mrn .-, ad Mr11 -*. 1. Om:dinr. Or, - IL 1 1•":01 lriiitet Carter. Of Veittient • esrti,:rilgnett andat-the closing t.,-;iria-031ii#1.V.'„%f ',44 - . r • • ' f 4, . CPI 1 i 0 i 1 SNI ' . etaartitt ot ,,notiretiti- m114 , out 113o$•toe'• loses.: toi 4;%rociil07- ,;roio lia. Tilacili bl ,,,iVbi:'101100 t11! for, ' " • • ' , e s, • 4 end , thbert II1. - 400. •'firitertY --thit . et* Ottfilt" ,• 100 end regret .4t, her 'departtire. • .14t,,. Althaugh ' thoto. 1i4i# ..*611- . !%,, the ,lunior teacher:t11,d ioniOr.' 104Y-.#: .•011r r oblip, telloot .grounds are be,l,ilurnher ..itter U.% -gortris the .eonviii7.. itigz„,..omnalnitieP47.7,M44):::3)0$ctill' log put . irt thaPe by, the trutees, -: h** eseaftd::„Pretty)411tly.„....,,,t'..1 • ° . 171tiirstliy,na,orning . ..'.: f . ._ . _ : 4 It '''•.:414;:l-rtheltirtilittf Snddafighter.,•.- •YMr. 'Wm. Dangles; - tint -7,titiiiii. , . mt.. SOld Mrs.: V.',..il.:11411044 Otl'a; l'egintr.-or,Ittroiti-Tare-visitnt at 'fitltshilthic, los-Vutrliiiiv4-7for-.":--14s, ion*S..---'.1vert-T-tlier---*Itest.4--of-----gr$.,: the Atthodit• paronage. , ' : 1:001,. oto: it ono, tiro tubber„4076 Vig.,,, 'Ohmic. -titsufey bit week. ' * Mr.ds%s Delgt,' ‘vie:4 formerly .ity. " !Mr. ,Dintglas;11.0 acting .ns 'hoot. 14rto, -!inavtot '1411tl". tatollt,' lillto :,' titught Sobecl ni rsittiehl0 Preiithoil lot the "lierland-,Itoggy vo, 404 Any: ,;:moveti- from AllAtt (rag. to this Vl;; Itt thd:VthOdit •Oltt.trOlt in SUnt11..,:, 1:4trtort -04.1111111g." A lipit . oti4s rig poi Iiiff# 404Ar.6 .•0611.111.1g :Mr. 'tor* ,eifintnit. '.• .,.. ... ' ,, , •• ,.. ..,„ _ -pntontoge-,4ine trent hint at A rack : nott's house °OA 'SrAttt4 ittrtt. • • '.:•""fltAtOlterk,00' illa, ,difoninit1,--01- Do. t0Otiotit 'Mit. ' • • : • ' •'' ', ', :: ` i .,,' ' Mrs; 37.; „1".- 'Irtitigittis,i SiSitiritiltier tioilitait 1)4•1'.; was . a gtoiat succes. . ' ° : '44''';''':4'411;*'....'"" '' ' * . ' :•;: slater in "Ilidgtowt0 • ' : :.: Mits. Dart. the ;tvelV4 knot:t:flw*: ',• . , Ziott, ,,', iter.0. J. Kett, st,itio siteteeils •tr. f orno ionist Of fletnsihi: and:, voeslistir of ' •.:41e, ,t,iiittiszte..z. ,i,c,,,.Av4,ntilio,„„,.: Trove* le ,the ,fisstrirdte of ,;;L;the , 4 .10, Wirliter rind 1414* Itilti‘. te'n°t. ,"gi, 14,1: itt.Arliq,,',0/ Itlini-iiii, ."`*71,04.,- Dftrownivritolgvpotni007-13,b41,titOY**'''4111reorta, *:., o i • . . I don' :furnishd: the, ' :` ptograin. , (-,i„•1: ';.°4,4,,,,,tt, i ti.:1;,..,l 'il 4 . LQ ;e$,f.' itan.,.. 7..., ' Methodist...vhnttelt„, arrived 1.1er-6-',:trOin • ,'''''''.1'.''',.. tttil OuttAlt0`*01015tit •xit theOortillts , , ,, ... ,tot(4,,__„, 4,1,0,,1_4 , out.o.$, ., ,rioti ,,t,011,11:et::,#i:;000,ito.:7,.4101:tilipt,;_it.:01i,,I.:„.1,1t1:44itttttatitikei,. ,.,71:r.trittz:%:rey..,:tll'rittititt',.04tt:4011'.4:1112,tit-nt(4WiriA')TintrItt''''.' T. tetttived ' A ,sittotity •of tit; lwetitnattit 'otittreh • ChOir ZOftdOn '41Ri'ir iiiiiibs.. • ' •,,' , . . IAA At nth* V4130440 „in. 'titt C1401110K6. i'rtfl . ellittid; with: John Itittcn or .4thek $0to." * . . , „ nufctuier• 'W ,..0i/S , • ,„:b ti41i-l!..404iel441:ttt'",t,it.'16.'westeVd40t$: , . i47.,atiti4e'rs,t'lleoltoiUT s.."i Md ,o'' -i;•':: 41414. • ... D.'.',itti' --''' --'":. ' ' •''' • ' 4.44c ; ,..--: 49.4;; 4 . 1 ^ , up,1 . I aksputar 11.itti:$4% 41, 1tt7 .CIAllealtillr* 114/1144. 't,::,t to ',i)*': Ii4t,tott ' :' , "641.7 8/41'8411., 4"11: % ri tl• 7,1eltio4-.IltrteN' ,...fill.i NFf4r4;7-Icte Itid '4# . •' cameras. Lim the ' • ,. , it forthe', ' i - . .,. . , rIt olitiot" 4rrtItr *!***-•'''' - * . '' ' ‘t,;feA.in:I.;Vt!Stilliils411-111‘.14 up''' oit;iireotiliA ''.941trieth'Tt.tt,'Eiliocstilh!initztt°.4ttr:71111,147, :14:,,,,. : ., . ltsT }ZQtr , I, . A- A A - : . ' AO C 'will. '-'1,.. .• :, Drug z,iore st, 41 t • ; 0 tt •,• „' oiloiy. , ,,,,,' • : 0 ti fne4t to. ; ,on , ,it i -KOraii..'"' „ - ,„ 'fa\ '' PIO b�iI .,, .• th1 W, fl(sr, at ixtti.- 441' • 11,64 : 14,r1sg,i�piiv an .;: , . . .14 -.: " It t ,,, .:, : .1: -. . *,., --'. 1110 ttat University. -'1ClitatSflrg own a brivo ,T0 -LOA. • • 9,9 r c $ Z 9 a Stein street.-Etirr •••mooftecom•marririmmosisor...014pimislimiimmocciliolic. 11 P•9 4t0tILSON, 14, D. S. Mit; .1,itinibet of $ic of . tatio and. .I.Xonor Gradiusto of Toronto ifrdersity Oickoon n on ern DROWNIT4. M. D.. 13,lOrAtiater Victoria uo ostat aa rostittomptee. Oomlidos "ICSaktar. • *eclat* Coroner 01 Introit, • Mit nese :it 744.4.47.4 4114.DUANAk.,b24NOTMT / Bodo* tiol1a4Witi: Mae st.11entisst . • *----ereedJkisetioneet eon dagted in ail parte. .rterost reasonable Orders cai be left at tlie Ttior4 OtTioe° -44t.ielioGnse884 MntticitttYhUkLIOII ne% 0,0,4 in airj* Terins ressonabl and eatiefution gorati*4., if;A:Nic omntls, Ititteiinai*. Sur • goon. thictiOssor to, A. R. tatit'* Tretits •talliatit:ghrttlitiVt7:44t4114008r* ;:crtotind:Stn::::re4,044:41treet"111:01* ; • malli. .on..mot, approied. •priticinideo t Peter Speetai attention to dentistry'. Offieti ,* • ir , 114l Pi too totesty , sts114-644m1"4C ' . . . titsS, 4,t' • ?IC , 4•""",.1,4,'"' ','09 • -; • atrtrEito....14 116$11WOO4,...Orl Ileth • tO *Vt,r;' end Mrs Tirol. Alter* A.s001. vitt•reitco,14,soiti4,•• r., ‘44 Ors. if. White,. - - ' • teitrootItisec.. • iota Ant At itatitfaetoty is 040 ' teoii, • I tot 040 trier Utile”' ea i'esOstsost4, ,it • to ottrYosie. rteta oft. • Von fl** sos-sty'situte .424 ,•taaou for 'teitimoslitio yfou: *04 liopiet it *Ili beneilt Wer* Int;It dope int :Children remain, , 1003. 4024.V.:8 COMX.E2t.** 14osaos Ont • Col Ole It (motto ,10 the, ittek*,t4. thromuute rtioriptios of, a 44- iipftisust.; that 'evry ',001.•Preir: Ott iiiiparaltelCtn4erit-:;wo will iota tottlis 0440- o4t• , 14' *etas • test sta stoititlott .„... "" loitirtiottr. , . 4117,011, iltigests, 19) 'it To 0-•A •041. *fMt 'Et1lotirt0 tr 00- , rk • tattltr..;pslia4 tits re***4 en fas to tk ntla ieltast. a , . •. ti .,, 9,9